General Hospital Transcript Friday 5/4/18
Episode #14030 ~ Carly receives an invitation; Lulu is less-than-honest with Dante; Maxie looks on the bright side; Valentin plays peacemaker.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Maddie
Carly: Yeah, I did hear about the pop-up on Telegraph. Yeah, maybe we'll get something great for Michael's baby. Nelle and Michael's baby. Okay, I'm sorry. Yes, I know it's her baby shower. I'm excited. I am! All right, I'll pick you up at Kelly's in a half an hour. Is that okay? All right, great. [Sighs]
♪Nobody knows me♪]Carly: [Sighs]
♪Nobody knows what I'm going through♪]Sonny: [Sighs]
♪Nobody knows me♪]Sonny: Hey. How you feeling?
Carly: Hey. Um... Good. Better.
Sonny: Well, that's good. That means Dr. Collins knows what he's doing.
Carly: Yeah, the medication seems to be working.
Sonny: Fantastic.
Carly: Let's hope they get me through Nelle's baby shower.
Lulu: Michael! Nelle.
Michael: Hey.
Dante: Hey, guys.
Michael: What's up?
Nelle: Yeah, I mean, it's so nice to see you both.
Michael: How's the foot?
Lulu: Uh, the doctor says that it's healing well, and I've become a pro on the crutches, so...
Michael: Well, nice.
Dante: How are you feeling?
Nelle: Great, actually. Michael and I just came back from interviewing pediatricians.
Dante: Inter-- That's a -- That's a thing?
Nelle: Mm-hmm.
Michael: Apparently.
Lulu: Uh, no -- We -- We did it. You were busy with work, so --
Dante: Oh, so she did it.
Lulu: I did it.
Nelle: Who do Charlotte and Rocco see?
Lulu: Uh, Dr. Jacklin for Rocco...
Nelle: Ooh, we really liked Dr. Jacklin.
Lulu: … And Charlotte sees Dr. Arden.
Michael: Why do they see different doctors?
Lulu: Valentin prefers him for some reason.
Nelle: Ah, we thought Dr. Arden was a little cold.
Lulu: Then I would think you would get along perfectly.
Valentin: I'm gonna call in that favor you owe me. I need help with a WSB agent. Robert Scorpio. Yeah, listen, find a legitimate reason to get him on a private plane... and I'll take it from there.
Anna: [Sighs] I should really let this go for your sake, shouldn't I? But I can't.
[Doorbell rings]
Anna: Oh, hey.
Robert: Problems with Jason?
Anna: No, no. I mean, yeah. I negotiated with him. He's on board. Come in.
Robert: How much did you have to tell him?
Anna: Well, I just said that I-I was going to draw Henrik out into the open by pretending to be his mother.
Robert: Mm. He didn't like the plan?
Anna: He's concerned for the risks, I guess.
Robert: [Scoffs] Me, too. Dangling yourself as bait -- You're working far too hard to get yourself killed.
Nina: C-Certificates, awards, letters home. What reason could you possibly have for all of this? You didn't even know my brother.
Peter: I can explain.
Nina: I-I hope so. W-What -- What is going on? What are you up to?
Peter: It was supposed to be a surprise.
Nina: A surprise?
Peter: For you and -- and Maxie.
[Insects chirping]
Maxie: It should be a beautiful thing, right? A kind and generous, thoughtful gift -- I mean, it's a fund to help police officers' families. But it's not generous or kind. It's a stunt. And if Henrik wanted to do something good, he would just leave me alone. Or he would find a way to bring you back to me. [Voice breaking] You have no idea [Inhales sharply] how much I wish that were possible.
[Rustling in distance]
Maxie: Hello? Is someone there?
Maxie: Chet. [Sighs]
Chet: Hey. Sorry if I scared you.
Maxie: What are you...? [Scoffs]
Chet: Maxie, I'm so sorry about Nathan.
Maxie: Thank you.
Chet: He was a really good man.
Maxie: Yeah, the best.
Chet: Wish I would've been able to go to the funeral.
Maxie: Yeah, Amy told me you were having some health problems? How are you?
Chet: Uh, better after the surgery, so I came to pay my respects. And leave Nathan this.
Maxie: What is that?
Chet: It's my NA chip -- Six months drug-free. Your husband had a lot to do with that.
Peter: I know how this looks --
Nina: Crazy? Weird? Borderline certifiable? Y-You have mementos in here detailing my brother's life.
Peter: For you.
Nina: And Maxie.
Peter: I was gonna give you that file, Nina. I thought you and Maxie would enjoy looking at it, remembering Nathan, maybe learning some new things.
Nina: Well, where did all this come from? That's the question. Where did you get this information?
Peter: I reached out to your aunt.
Nina: My aunt Liesl?
Peter: And your mother.
Nina: Wait, my mother in prison?
Peter: They were both extremely helpful. Your mother, she saved tons of memorabilia.
Nina: You got this from my mother?
Peter: Most of it.
Nina: Oh... Wait.
Peter: I was blown away.
Nina: Unh-Unh. No, no.
Peter: Who are you calling?
Nina: My mom in prison to confirm that this is a load of crap.
Robert: This plan, it screams trouble. Surely you can see that.
Anna: No, I don't. I-I don't. And before you say anything, I'm not gonna break our agreement. I won't tell Henrik that I'm his mother. I'm simply using the fact that he wants to meet me to draw him out.
Robert: And if he kills you first and then asks questions --
Anna: No, that's -- that's not gonna happen.
Robert: How do you know that?
Anna: Because I-I just have to pretend for an instant and then I can show him my badge.
Robert: The badge? You realize that the badge isn't bulletproof?
Anna: [Scoffs] Then I can explain to him what the whole thing is about -- That his father had Huntington's disease and he needs to get himself tested.
Robert: Uh, that's it? You just give him the message and then go on your own sweet ways?
Anna: No, that's not it, Robert. He's my son. I mean, I can't just leave it there.
Robert: You see, this is the "trouble" part that I mentioned earlier.
Nelle: Y-You know, I've been meaning to get together with you guys so I could apologize. I-I made a mistake. I made life difficult for people you care about, and I hope that you can accept my apology. And I hope that some day, I will be able to make amends.
Michael: Hey, could you -- could you get us a table, please?
Nelle: Sure, sure. Yeah, I'll, uh, see you both soon I hope.
Dante: See you soon. Everything okay there, buddy?
Michael: Yeah. Yeah, we're just, you know, gearing up for the baby.
Lulu: You know we're here for you, whatever you need -- Advice, support, a BS detector...
Michael: [Sighs] Guys, Nelle and I are gonna be parents together, and I-I'd really appreciate it if we can all just get along.
Lulu: For you, Michael, I promise to try.
Michael: Okay. Thank you.
Sonny: Carly, are -- are you sure you're -- you're up to do this?
Carly: It's a baby shower, Sonny.
Sonny: Nelle's baby shower.
Carly: And?
Sonny: Well, you can't stand the Quartermaines or Nelle.
Carly: I think I can handle decorating a onesie for a few hours. Come to think of it, I should make one that says, "hey, my mom's a [Whispers] bitch."
Sonny: See, that's exactly why I --
Carly: I'm just kidding!
Sonny: I'm not. Well, you're not in a good place right now.
Carly: Why?
Sonny: [Stammers]
Carly: Because I'm "seeing things"?
Sonny: You... You can't explain what happened, I can't explain what happened, but can we agree that you're under too much stress and you shouldn't have more?
Carly: What's the alternative? You know, what am I supposed to do?
Sonny: Well, you -- Have Josslyn go. Send a gift.
Carly: No! I am not gonna let that snake win. I'm not. If I don't show up, I'm painted as the bad guy, and that's exactly what Nelle wants. And it's already working with Josslyn. I don't give a damn what Monica thinks, but I care about what Josslyn thinks.
Sonny: You're wound up.
Carly: [Sighs]
Sonny: And this thing with Morgan -- I -- It's just --
Carly: Okay, I get it. Right. I get that you believe our son is dead and he's not coming back, okay? That's -- And I've accepted that, too.
Sonny: [Sighs]
Carly: But I'd be damned if I'm gonna let Nelle alienate me from the son and daughter I have left. I am going to that shower.
Sonny: All right.
Carly: Thank you.
Sonny: I -- Oh. I got this, uh... Forgot this was delivered to the house.
Carly: What is it? You didn't open it?
[Envelope tearing]
Carly: This looks serious. Oh, my God. She actually went through with it.
Sonny: Who?
Carly: Nelle.
Dante: So why don’t you tell me what's going on in the world of journalism?
Lulu: Are you reading my articles?
Dante: Of course I am.
Lulu: Oh. Well, then you know that they are mostly about Henrik Faison.
Dante: Mm-hmm.
Lulu: I thought we weren't talking about work.
Dante: What, a guy can't be proud of his wife?
Lulu: If that's what you're doing.
Dante: Yeah, what else would I be doing?
Lulu: Fishing for information.
Dante: Well, you keep hanging around a hornet's nest, you're gonna get stung.
Lulu: I'm fine.
Dante: For now. Has Henrik tried to contact you?
Josslyn: Lulu! Just the person I wanted to see.
Nelle: Interviewing those pediatricians today kind of made this all very real, didn't it?
Michael: Yeah. Well, it's -- it's definitely exciting.
Nelle: And terrifying.
Michael: Yeah. That, too.
Nelle: You know, the amount of love that I-I feel for this baby already is...
Michael: Well, I-I'd say that is a very good sign.
Nelle: Oh! Oh, I meant to tell you -- Um, I found a lawyer to draw up the legal-guardian papers. I-I think your parents should probably have them by now.
Carly: Last night, Nelle told me she wanted to name us as the baby's guardians in case something happened to her and Michael.
Sonny: Where, at the police station?
Carly: Mm-hmm, when you were having your talk with Ava.
Sonny: Well, I thought Michael already picked Jason?
Carly: He did, but Nelle said she's having second thoughts because Jason's life is so up in the air and she wants her baby to have two parents and -- Get this -- A mother who is as fierce about her children as I am. [Laughs]
Sonny: You know, she's not wrong about that.
Carly: Well, I thought she was blowing smoke, man, but she was serious. Wow, I can't belive that snake.
Sonny: Okay, first of all, I can't trust Nelle as far as I can throw her.
Carly: Obviously.
Sonny: But we need to take a step back, 'cause where I'm standing... I think it's a good thing.
Chet: Meeting Nathan, knowing how he went the distance to help out with my medical bills -- It made me really look at myself. Like, what was I doing, you know? So I got clean.
Maxie: And stayed that way, apparently.
Chet: So far, so good.
Maxie: Chet, Nathan would have been really proud of you. I mean, all that Ask Man Landers insanity -- It actually paid off, so congratulations.
Chet: Well, hey, shouldn't I be saying to you?
Maxie: Why?
Chet: 'Cause of the baby?
Maxie: Oh. [Laughs] Yeah, we're...
[Both sigh]
Maxie: I am really excited.
Chet: Maxie, I can't imagine how hard this is for you.
Maxie: Hey, it's a lot easier knowing there is a trust fund set up for the baby. I can't thank you and Amy enough.
Chet: Please, after the sacrifices you and Nathan made, it's the least we could do.
Maxie: See, that -- that is a thoughtful gift coming from a kind and generous place.
Chet: As opposed to...?
Maxie: Someone set up a fund in Nathan's name. Not just someone -- The son of Nathan's killer.
Chet: Oh.
Maxie: Yeah. It's a fund to help police officers' families -- Which sounds great. It is. But not if it comes from him. I'm gonna give it back.
Peter: Just hold off on the calls.
Nina: Why? Why hold off? Are they gonna confirm what I already know?
Peter: No, because I'd like a chance to explain this to you myself.
Nina: No, I'm done stalling.
Valentin: Here you are. I-I just wanted to see if you were done with work.
Nina: No, not quite.
Valentin: Should I ask what's going on?
Nina: Yes. My boss is lying through his teeth.
Maxie: Thing is, I already know what Nathan would do if he were in my place. He'd accept the fund. He'd say the good it can do outweighs any negative.
Chet: But you don't feel that way.
Maxie: If it had come from anyone other than Faison's son --
Chet: Well, have you met him?
Maxie: God, no. I hope I never do.
Chet: Well, how do you know he's like his father? Could feel terrible about what happened to Nathan -- Just looking for a way to honor him... The same way Amy and I were.
Maxie: No, you and Amy are different.
Chet: Why?
Maxie: Because we're friends. I mean, in the beginning, I really wanted to strangle your sister.
Chet: [Scoffs] Been there.
Maxie: [Sighs] But Nathan and Amy were so close. And your gift came out of kindness and love while Henrik's --
Chet: Listen, you don't know his motives unless you ask him. But in the end, does it really matter? You're being given a chance to give back to people.
Maxie: Mm, Nathan would take that in a second. [Exhales sharply] Can I tell you something?
Chet: Anything.
Maxie: I'm scared... To not be angry... To not have a-a place to put my pain and my grief because then what? I mean, where do I focus everything? It's kind of what's getting me through at the moment.
Chet: No, it's not. You think that anger is giving you strength -- It's actually poison. It's not until you can let it go that you can really feel the loss and the pain, that you can begin to find your way back to the good things again.
Nina: I haven't even seen any of this stuff. I didn't even know it existed.
Peter: That was the point.
Nina: I mean, look at this, a-all of it. It's -- He won the spelling bee, this is first place for a forensic investigation. And right here is a letter from camp, and he's -- Look at that, asking if I'd woken up yet.
Valentin: Is there a reason you've compiled all of this information, Peter? I mean, I-I got to admit, it does seem peculiar.
Nina: I would say "outrageously intrusive."
Peter: As I was trying to explain to your wife, there were no ill intentions here. In fact, quite the opposite.
Nina: This is about Maxie, isn't it? You're obsessed with Maxie, and you're trying to figure out a way to get close to her, right?
Peter: No. That is not at all why I did it.
Valentin: Well, what is it, Peter? What's going on here?
Anna: I have to have a conversation with Henrik.
Robert: As his mother?
Anna: No, as a WSB agent. I-I've got to explain to him the fact that there's a lot of speculation out there to see how complicit he was in all of Faison's crimes. And he needs to maybe set the record straight and distance himself and perhaps get an opportunity to expunge his record, something like that.
Robert: A fresh start.
Anna: Yeah. And -- Okay, before you say anything, I know. I'm not authorized to make any of those deals.
Robert: [Chuckles] Not even close. But what about Jason Morgan? This guy kept him captive for five years?
Anna: Yeah, and he could've been dead. Henrik saved his life.
Robert: If this is your logic --
Anna: Oh, I don't want to do this! I don't want to keep arguing about it and just -- It's speculation. That's all it is. Going back and forth -- Henrik hasn't been charged with anything. All we have are these allegations from when Jason was in Russia. And quite honestly, I think the whole thing is paper-thin. I just... I just wanted to give him a chance to explain himself.
Robert: No. You want him to say, "hey, I'm innocent."
Josslyn: Well?
Lulu: It's extremely well-written.
Josslyn: Right?
Lulu: It's sensitive and moving, and the earthquake was traumatic and Oscar's take -- It's wonderfully personal.
Dante: Did he submit this to the school paper?
Josslyn: They published it. But I was thinking that it might be good enough for the Port Charles Press. Look, I know it's a big ask, but do you think you could give it to someone there?
Lulu: Of course. I-I... Why wouldn't you go through Drew? That's Oscar's father.
Josslyn: Exactly. Um, I'm not sure Oscar would love having his dad be responsible -- You know, nepotism or whatever. But if you were the one to get it in the right hands –
Dante: Hey, Joss?
Josslyn: Yeah?
Dante: Does Oscar know you're doing this?
Josslyn: Not exactly.
Dante: Not exactly? No?
Josslyn: I just think it would be really cool for him.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Josslyn: What?
Dante: Oh, you are so your mother's daughter.
Michael: Well, uh, you... you act pretty fast.
Nelle: Well, Michael, I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure our baby's protected.
Michael: Uh-huh. Y-You sure my parents are the way to go?
Nelle: You -- You don't think so?
Michael: No, I-I-I think so. [Scoffs] I do -- Just your history with my mom -- I got to say, I'm pretty surprised.
Nelle: [Sighs] Look, have we gotten off to a rocky start?
Michael: Yeah, that's an understatement.
Nelle: [Sighs] Okay, well, we're gonna be a family now. Like, our -- our baby connects us whether we like it or not, so your mom and I are just gonna have to find a way to make peace. Sending her the papers right away was me showing her that I'm serious about that.
[♪It happens every time...♪]
Michael: I, uh, appreciate you making the effort to make things work.
Nelle: Well, let's just hope your mom can do the same.
Carly: This is a scam.
Sonny: So what?
Carly: What do you mean, "so what"? She's trying to slither her way back into our good graces so she can win Michael's trust back. She's trying to use us to trap our son.
Sonny: Michael knows that, so he won't fall for it.
Carly: Oh, n-- You're not giving Nelle enough credit. You're not.
Sonny: Okay, l-l-let's say, God forbid, something happened to Michael or Nelle. Who would you want raising the baby?
Carly: Us. Of course us.
Sonny: So, we -- we win.
Carly: No!
Sonny: Why fight it?
Carly: This is just one more thing, Sonny. Okay, it started with what she did to us, then all the games she played with Josslyn, and now this. Come on. It's -- It's like you're getting something from Nelle, but you're not. You're just opening the door.
Sonny: We know that. That's why she can't hurt us.
Carly: No, that's where you're wrong. Nelle has an agenda. She's working an angle that we haven't figured out yet. And trust me, she's just getting started.
Josslyn: Whoa, whoa, whoa! I am not my mom.
Dante: Really?
Josslyn: Really.
Dante: Does Oscar even want his article in the paper?
Josslyn: He should.
Dante: Have you asked him?
Josslyn: Well, no, but come on -- What an awesome surprise. And he's worked so hard. Shouldn't he be rewarded for it?
Dante: Yeah, okay. So, great. So, does it matter what Oscar wants? You're just gonna take matters in your own hands?
Lulu: Ohh, he has a point.
Josslyn: Okay, fine. If this makes me like my mom, then so be it.
Dante: I think it's great that you want to support your boyfriend.
Lulu: He's lucky to have you in his corner.
Dante: Just something for you to consider... [Inhales sharply]
Josslyn: Oh, God, is this gonna be a big-brother speech?
Dante: Yep. Settle in. [Sighs] Okay. So, say the article makes into the Port Charles Press --
Josslyn: And everyone sees how amazing he is.
Dante: Yes, of course, and Drew knows that he had nothing to do with it, we know he had nothing to do with it, and Oscar knows he had nothing to do with it, but to everyone on the outside...
Lulu: It looks like his father ran the piece.
Dante: Which might not make Oscar too psyched about the whole thing. So I'm for being goal-oriented and, you know, not letting anything get in your way. Don't lose that.
Josslyn: I won't.
Dante: Okay, but just keep in mind that for everything you do, there's consequences, either intended or unintended. Okay, that's it. I'm done.
Josslyn: Okay, so I totally hear everything you say, and I respected it --
Dante: But you're not gonna listen to anything?
Josslyn: Oscar deserves this. Will you help?
Lulu: I will do my best.
Josslyn: Thank you.
Lulu: Mm. Kind of felt like you were talking to me at the end there.
Dante: Hmm?
Lulu: The unintended consequences.
Dante: Oh. Well, you know, I just want you to be careful where Henrik is concerned. You didn't get hurt last time, but, uh, that doesn't mean you won't get hurt next time.
Josslyn: Well, you and Michael looked awfully cozy.
Nelle: You don't quit, do you?
Josslyn: [Scoffs]
Nelle: Yeah, we have gotten a little closer lately. [Sighs] And I've been trying to prove to your mom that I'm not the giant horror show she thinks that I am.
Josslyn: You know, I think my mom's warming up.
Nelle: What makes you say that?
Josslyn: Well, I mean, I probably shouldn't tell you, but there's this amazing kid's pop-up shop in town.
Nelle: Uh, I-I think I've heard of it. Wait, is tonight the last night?
Josslyn: Mm-hmm, and she's picking me up, and we're gonna go baby shopping for your shower together.
Nelle: Really?
Josslyn: Really. Wait, actually, she should be here by now.
Carly: You think I'm being irrational.
Sonny: No, I just think you're turning this into something that it's not. We w-- We already won.
Carly: Well, that's what she wants us to think, and you're playing right into her hands.
Michael: Let me guess. You got the documents that Nelle sent over?
Carly: Boy, did we ever. She's playing us, Michael. I'm telling you, that woman has an endgame.
Michael: Mom, I-I-I get it. Nelle hurt you, and you can't stand her. But, Mom, I'm having a child with her, your grandchild, so, please, I need you to back off.
Maxie: You know, it's a good thing when you're a junior in high school that you can't look ahead and see where you'd end up. I mean, who would have thought on a Friday night back when you were throwing touchdowns and I was doing cartwheels that we would end up here -- The widow of a cop and a wounded vet.
Chet: Well, life takes you to some strange places.
Maxie: And you have absolutely no say.
Chet: If you could go back, would you change it?
Maxie: No. Because the way it played out is the only way I got time with Nathan. And I got this baby. No matter how hurt and lost I feel right now, I wouldn't trade that for anything. What about you?
Chet: After I got injured, I was angry -- That it had happened, that my friends had died, that I was still alive. And that old life with Friday-night football -- I couldn't stand to think about it.
Maxie: Is that when the drugs came in?
Chet: But now I'm really glad I had those moments under the lights. I draw strength from them.
Maxie: Really?
Chet: Beats being sad about how it all turned out.
Maxie: You're right. I need to forget about where the money's coming from and focus on where it's going. Nathan loved to help people. It's who he was. I know he would want me to do the same thing, too.
Peter: I keep re-living the moments after your brother was shot. Maxie kneeling on the ground next to Nathan, pleading for him to hang on -- I barely knew her or you. But I witnessed your grief, and I wanted to do something to help. Maybe this was for me in some way to make me feel better for not being able to save Nathan. Nina, I know that this file is nothing in the face of your grief, but it's the only thing I could think to do. I'm sorry, truly, if it upset you. It's the last thing I want.
[Papers rustle]
Nina: I'm taking this. Let's go, Valentin. And by the way, [Voice breaking] stop using my brother to look good in front of Maxie.
Valentin: I'll catch up. Give me one second.
Peter: May we forgo the lecture, please?
Valentin: No, no lecture. Just an update -- My plans for dealing with Robert Scorpio are in motion.
Anna: Yes, I want Henrik to tell me he's innocent. Because what parent doesn't want to see good in their child? But I tell you, what I want more is for him to be able to just move forward in his life, free of Faison's legacy. And since there aren't any charges brought against him...
Robert: Yet.
Anna: … I won't be getting any trouble from the WSB, will I?
Robert: What about Jason? I mean, Henrik stole five years of his life. Somehow, I don't see old Jay not bearing a grudge.
Anna: You think I'm lying to myself. Jason's not gonna listen. He's just gonna go and find Henrik and kill him, and then I'm gonna have to live with the fact that my child died because I led his assassin right to him.
Robert: In a nutshell.
Anna: No. It's not gonna happen. I get Jason. I respect him, oddly... And he respects me. And I can handle this.
[Cellphone beeping]
Robert: [Sighs] Work.
Anna: What is it?
Robert: A case that's been dogging me for months now. I'd like to delegate it, but...
Anna: You should go. I got this. I mean it. I'm fine. Really.
Robert: Take care of yourself.
Anna: You know I will.
Robert: And, uh... Keep me updated.
[Door opens, closes]
Anna: [Sighs]
[Keyboard clacking]
Peter: Okay. Yeah, great. Just let me know when those numbers come in. Okay. Thanks. Hey.
Maxie: Hi.
Peter: I was worried about you. Where'd you go?
Maxie: I went to Nathan's grave. I needed to talk to him, get a sense of what he would want me to do.
Peter: And? He give you any answers?
Maxie: A friend did -- Someone who I swear was sent by Nathan. I'm gonna accept the fund -- For Nathan and the other grieving families.
Peter: Maxie, that's wonderful. So, does this mean you're starting to come around about Faison's son?
Maxie: Why do you keep trying to convince me that he's good?
Peter: That rage you're carrying is a heavy load. I've been there. Buried under the darkness -- It overshadows any sliver of light trying to break through.
Maxie: A sliver of light -- Like a friendship?
Peter: Yeah, like that.
Maxie: Oh! My God. [Scoffs]
Nina: Another letter -- He was living abroad in France. He asked about me. [Sighs] Christmas pageant -- He was a reindeer. [Laughs] You don't have any of that, do you -- Living abroad and Christmas pageants?
Valentin: I did the abroad thing. Not too many letters home, though.
Nina: I'm sorry.
Valentin: No, my childhood was cold and harsh, but I didn't have a brother taken by a senseless act of violence, so there are different levels of pain. You've had more than your fair share.
Nina: So have you.
Valentin: Listen, I have some business I have to take care of. You gonna be okay here alone?
Nina: Uh, I'm not alone.
Valentin: Hey. I love you.
Nina: I love you, too.
[♪When you will break and there's no way to know...♪]
Nina: Hey. Um, Aunt Liesl, this is Nina. Listen, I have a question. Did Peter August ask you for some... some keepsakes on my brother's life?
Michael: It's good news that -- that Nelle wants you and Dad to be the baby's guardian... If it ever comes to that.
Carly: Well, it won't ever come to that.
Michael: [Sighs] Okay, look, no -- no offense to Jason. I-I -- I think he would have been great, but I-I chose Jason to be the guardian because I was hoping that Nelle wouldn't give me pushback like I thought she would with you.
Carly: She's not pushing back because she has an ulterior motive. She's working you, Michael.
Michael: M-M-Mom, I don't -- I don't care why she did it. I just care that she did it. This is good news, Mom.
Carly: It's a gesture, that's all. 10 will get you 50 if you tear up those papers -- You'll never hear about me and Sonny being the baby's guardians ever again.
Michael: Okay, okay, okay. Then let's, uh, let's -- let's see.
Sonny: What are you doing?
Carly: Oh, my -- [Laughs]
Michael: I'm calling -- I'm calling -- I'm calling Nelle's bluff. Look, if -- if -- if Mom's right, then Nelle will let it go, but if I'm right, she'll have new papers delivered within the week, and if -- if she does, I-I would really like it if you both accept.
Sonny: What's wrong?
Carly: Just a headache. Dr. Collins said that it's side effect of the medication. I have Ibuprofen in my office. I'll be back. Excuse me.
Michael: [Sighs] I don't -- I don't -- I don't -- I don't know why M-- I don't know why Mom doesn't understand this. Like, the -- the harder you push Nelle, the worse she gets. I think it's best if we just try and move past what happened.
Sonny: You want me to make her think she's winning me over after everything she's pulled?
Michael: Dad, I'm just asking you to try -- For the baby's sake.
Dante: If Henrik contacts you, I want to know about it before your boss.
Lulu: I wish you wouldn't give Peter such a hard time.
Dante: [Scoffs]
Lulu: He feels awful about what happened.
Dante: Yeah, I'm sure he does.
Lulu: He does! And he's hoping that if enough time passes, maybe Maxie will come around.
Dante: I'm hoping for that, too.
Lulu: Well, see? For once, we're all on the same page.
Dante: I need to go get some pastries to take back to the station.
Lulu: Doughnuts?
Dante: [Laughs] Wha-wha.
[Cellphone chimes]
Lulu: [Gasps]
Dante: You know, I realized I didn't ask you if you wanted anything. What's up? You, uh, chasing some big story?
Josslyn: Forget something, Mom? Shopping. Shopping.
Carly: Oh, God, Josslyn. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. How did you get here?
Josslyn: Nelle drove me -- After she took me to the pop-up store so I could buy a present for the baby shower. Her baby shower.
Carly: [Sighs]
Josslyn: We didn't even talk about it that long ago, Mom.
Carly: I know, I know.
Josslyn: Are you okay?
Carly: [Exhales sharply] Um, yeah -- Just time got away from me, that's all.
Josslyn: That's so not like you, though. It's like that thing with Avery in the park.
Carly: Okay, you know what? That was totally different than this. It was.
Josslyn: It just seems like there's something going on and you're not telling me.
Carly: [Sighs] Sweetheart... Okay, things have been crazy lately, I'll give you that. And I've been a little off my game, but everything's getting better.
Josslyn: Promise?
Carly: Everything is going to be okay. [Sighs]
Michael: It's, uh, it's kind of lame to have to take someone to buy a present for your own shower.
Nelle: Oh, no, it was fine. Joss was really excited about the store, so I didn't want her to miss out.
Michael: Thank you. I appreciate it.
Sonny: We all do.
Lulu: It's just a source I have to vet.
Dante: The life of a journalist.
Lulu: Glamorous.
Dante: You know, my reservations aside, I really am proud of you.
Lulu: Thank you. Me, too. You.
Dante: You sure you don't want anything?
Lulu: No, I'm good.
Nina: I'm grateful you preserved so much of J's childhood. I miss him, too. I-I have to go. Take care, Mother. [Sighs]
[Indistinct conversations]
Nina: Hey, Curtis. It's Nina. Listen... I'm calling off the investigation into Peter August.
Peter: Are you sure you're all right?
Maxie: Yeah, yeah. That was just a big one.
Peter: Like a -- Like a kick?
Maxie: Like a full body roll. [Chuckles]
Peter: [Chuckles] Wow. I cannot imagine what that must be like.
Maxie: Well, it's not the same, but you can feel it from the outside.
Peter: [Laughs]
Maxie: Did you feel that?
Peter: It's hard to miss! Can you believe there's an actual person in there?
Maxie: I keep wondering who he or she will be like. Me? Nathan?
Peter: I'm guessing a little of both.
Maxie: [Chuckles] I can't wait to meet you, little one.
Peter: That makes two of us.
Maxie: [Chuckles]
Valentin: The midwife told me that, uh, you couldn't bring yourself to look at the baby. Um... I'm going to assume that's because you were afraid you'd never let go if you did.
Robert: Hmm. [Sniffles]
Valentin: I hope you're enjoying that drink. It's probably a little stronger than you're used to, though.
Robert: You son of a...
Valentin: Nighty-night.
On the next "General Hospital" --
Olivia (to Ned): I might have something that could just boost your outlook.
Ava (to Griffin): Timing? For what?
Stella (to Alexis): We need to sue their britches off.
Liz (to Jake): Look who stopped by to wish you a happy birthday.
Steve (to Franco): Franco Baldwin, you’re full of crap.
Carly (to Nelle): I feel strongly about giving you a fitting tribute.
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