General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 4/17/18
Episode #14017 ~ Dante remains supportive; Lulu gets an idea for a story; Spinelli gets himself in a bit of a bind; Alexis has a surprise; Kim makes her intentions clear.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Maddie
Ava: Sonny! Sonny, what the hell have you done with my little girl?
Chase: Wait, you're the mother? Not Mrs. Corinthos?
Ava: Yes, I'm Avery's mother. Not that these two would ever acknowledge it. I
suppose that's obvious, though, considering I had to find out she was missing
from an alert on my phone!
Michael: Okay, m-my father has full custody.
Ava: Where is my daughter?
Carly: Okay, you're right, all right? We should've called you. We've been
focused on finding Avery.
Ava: And?
Chase: Excuse me, Ms. Jerome, where were you this afternoon?
Ava: I was at Charlie's Pub, where I was supposed to be, waiting for Carly to
drop Avery off. You were there. You saw me, Michael.
Michael: Yeah, she's telling the truth.
Ava: Of course I'm telling the truth!
Griffin: Ava! Hey. I came as soon as I could. Any news?
Ava: No.
Griffin: Oh.
Ava: No, they don't know anything at all.
Griffin: Okay.
Michael: Hey...
Ava: So, what is this? A little hushed conversation between the two of you?
Privileged information, no doubt. Sonny, if you have information about Avery,
you need to tell us right now.
Jason: Got it. I'm on my way.
Sam: What?
Jason: Swiss police just arrested Spinelli.
Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa, where do you think you're going?
Jason: To get him out of lock-up.
Sam: Okay, how exactly do you plan on doing that?
Julian: Thanks. Well, well, well, if it isn't my long-lost friend.
Kim: I am not lost. And it hasn't been that long.
Julian: Oh, well, I guess I just miss your company, then.
Kim: Well, I brought you something.
Julian: A present?
Kim: Mm-hmm.
Julian: Come on, now, you shouldn't have done that.
Kim: Oh, well, if you don't want it --
Julian: Okay, okay. Give me that, give me that. Wow. Fancy.
Kim: Mm. Yes, it's for your office/bedroom. I, uh, thought it might help a
Julian: Did you now?
Kim: I did, big-time.
Julian: Very comfy. Well, thank you so much. They're, uh... really nice.
Kim: You're welcome.
Julian: I feel bad, though. I didn't get you anything.
Kim: You got me some beautiful flowers the other day. And anyway, this is my way
of saying "thank you."
Julian: For what?
Kim: For being so understanding about my feelings for Drew. You called me on it,
and you were right.
Julian: Hmm, well, you'll come to realize that's a common theme with me.
Kim: So, uh, am I forgiven?
Julian: I, uh, think I can let this one slide.
Dante: Can you plug that in for me? Rocco killed my battery playing that
dinosaur race game.
Lulu: Oh, he is obsessed with it.
Dante: [Groans]
Lulu: What's wrong?
Dante: Oh, the Yankees lost again.
Lulu: The season just started.
Dante: They all count, baby. They all count.
Lulu: They will come back. They're the Yankees. It's what they do.
Dante: Spoken like a true fan. You look like a true fan, too. Really like this
jersey on you.
Lulu: Do you? Do you like the jersey better on or -- or off?
Dante: I don't know. I think I have to see it.
Lulu: Yeah, just for comparison.
Dante: Both ways. Yeah.
Lulu: Yeah, yeah.
Dante: Yeah, cool?
Lulu: Mm-hmm. Mm.
Sonny: Max reached out to my associates. They're positive what happened with
Avery has nothing to do with my business.
Ava: His business. You do know he's the Godfather of Port Charles, right? He and
his goons won't share half of what they know with you.
Sonny: I fully cooperated.
Carly: Because finding Avery is the most important thing, Ava.
Ava: Who wouldn't be missing if it weren't for you. Why weren't you with her?
What in God's name could've been more important?
Jason: Sam, it's fine. I can -- I can take care of this.
Sam: No, Jason, you can do a lot of things, but passing yourself off as someone
else is not one of them. I will go.
Jason: What?
Sam: Yes, I'll go. You stay here with the kids, and I'll get Spinelli out.
Jason: Sam, I-I --
Sam: Jason, I have a fake ID In my wallet. I always carry it. I'll just pass
myself off as his lawyer or girlfriend or psychiatrist or something, but I'll
Jason: Okay, but you don't -- you don't need to do that.
Sam: And really, what was Spinelli thinking? What were you thinking? What were
you gonna do when you got there?
Jason: Spinelli had a -- a plan for this whole thing.
[Knock on door]
Sam: Oka-- Mama.
Alexis: God, that was a long flight. Hello, Jason.
Sam: What are you doing here?
Alexis: You left for a week and you took my grandkids. Did you not expect to see
Sam: No, but actually, this is great. I-I need you to stay here and watch the
Alexis: Why?
Sam: Because Spinelli's in jail, and we need to get him out.
Julian: Thank you. Well, thank you for those, uh, comfy pillows.
Kim: Mm.
Julian: Who knows? Maybe one day, you'll get to try them out.
Kim: Maybe I was thinking about that when I bought them.
Julian: Oh, I see. So it was a, um, selfish gift, was it?
Kim: I like to think of it as a practical gift.
Julian: Ohh, I like that.
Kim: [Giggles] I like this.
Julian: What's that?
Kim: Just being able to talk to someone.
Julian: Mm.
Kim: A man without it being so fraught and loaded.
Julian: Oh, where every word out of your mouth doesn't have to be so thought
Kim: Yes, and re-thought out again and again.
Julian: Yeah, I get it. At this point, Alexis and I can't even say "hello"
without disaster striking.
Kim: Hmm. I just appreciate the ease of this.
Julian: Me, too.
Kim: Tell me. What's going on with you, huh? How's life?
Julian: Uh, well, business is really good.
Kim: Yay.
Julian: I have a friend. Yeah.
Kim: Double yay. [Chuckles]
Julian: Everything else, however, is, uh, hmm...
Kim: What? What's going on?
Julian: Well, I'm worried about Sam.
Kim: Why? Did something happen?
Julian: Well, you were the one who told me about her and Drew, so in response to
their breaking up, uh, Sam left town with the kids for a little while.
Kim: Well, it makes sense, you know. She probably just wanted to clear her head.
Julian: Yeah, I just don't know where they are, you know? Alexis and Molly won't
return my calls, and, well, Sam, she, uh... [Chuckles] … would rather die than
talk to me, so...
Kim: I'm sorry. But you know what? I'm sure Sam's okay wherever she is.
Julian: Yeah. Honestly, I'm... I'm more worried about, uh, you know, what she
does when she comes home. My money's on her getting back with Jason. You know,
which would be a real shame since, obviously, Drew would be a much better man
for her and the kids. Okay, that was about just the most insensitive thing I
could've said right there.
Kim: [Laughing] No, no.
Julian: No, I'm sorry. I just wasn't thinking.
Kim: No, hey, it's fine. It is fine, okay? Look, I mean, you let me slide,
right? Now it's my turn.
Lulu: Hold on.
Dante: Hmm?
Lulu: Just wait one second. Mm. Hold on. I just need to hit "save." Okay.
Dante: Wow.
Lulu: What?
Dante: What, did you want to text your boss, too, while you're at it?
Lulu: Are you serious? Okay, first of all, Peter has been really supportive of
Dante: I think there's a fine line between supportive and manipulative.
Lulu: Can we please not go down this road again?
Dante: [Sighs] Okay. I just want you to have your eyes open, okay, because I
don't think this guy is the perfect mentor that you think he is. In fact, I-I'm
quite certain he's not.
Lulu: Noted.
Dante: But ignored.
Lulu: No, I-I think that we need to agree to disagree on this.
Dante: [Laughs]
Lulu: Okay, listen, there are aspects -- Major aspects -- Of you being a cop
that I don't love.
Dante: [Sighs]
Lulu: But it comes with all the parts of you that I do love, so I accept it. I
think the same goes for you.
Dante: I want you to be successful.
Lulu: That's crazy because I want you to be successful.
Dante: Oh, do you really?
Lulu: I do.
Dante: You do?
Lulu: Oh, I don't know. You've been slacking on your training, though,
Dante: Well, I'm just -- You know, you got to give me some more things to work
Lulu: Oh, oh, I can -- I have some ideas...
Dante: Oh, yeah?
Lulu: … I could tell you.
Dante: Oh, why don't you just -- why don't you show me?
Lulu: Mm, even better.
Carly: I told you, I had a doctor's appointment and I was gonna drop Avery off
Chase: Avery was at the park.
Carly: Yes, with her nanny and her grandfather.
Ava: A man who is holding on to reality by a thread, mind you.
Carly: When I realized I was gonna be delayed, I called Pilar, the nanny, and I
told her to bring Mike and Avery home.
Chase: Delayed how?
Carly: What do you mean?
Chase: Well, could it have been on purpose? I mean, maybe one of your husband's
enemies was making it so you couldn't get to Avery.
Sonny: Okay, that angle is a dead end, 'cause there's no ransom note, nothing.
Carly: Okay, it had nothing to do with Sonny's business. Nothing.
Chase: I'm gonna go check in with the PD.
Michael: Dante, I don't know if you heard about Avery and Mike, but you need to
get to Dad's as soon as possible.
Ava: I just don't understand how this could've happened. Who leaves a child
alone with a man suffering from dementia?!
Carly: She wasn't alone, and your hysterics are helping!
Ava: Oh, no, no, no. This is not on me. Avery went missing on your watch, Carly.
Griffin: Can we just table the blame?
Ava: I'm her mother! I want an explanation. You put my daughter in danger! I
want to know why!
Sonny: Enough!
Sonny: Carly did not leave Avery alone. She was left with a nanny and her
grandfather who loves her very much. This was an accident, plain and simple.
Ava: Right. Oh, and I'm sure you'd be saying the same if our positions were
reversed, if I was the one who was negligent.
Sonny: My father would never hurt Avery.
Ava: Not under normal circumstances, no. But these are not normal circumstances,
and everybody knows it.
Max: Boss. The team searched the Waterfront. No sign of Mike or Avery.
Michael: You know, guys, I just remembered that Avery really liked the, uh, the
West End Carousel.
Max: Right. Right, I'll send someone over right away.
Sonny: Okay, the -- the Waterfront stays secure until we find Mike and Avery.
Max: Copy that.
Chase: Mr. Corinthos, I understand your desire to control the situation, but
there is a police search underway.
Michael: W-We understand that, Detective, and we will cooperate fully. Uh, isn't
that right, Dad?
Sonny: Absolutely.
Chase: I'm gonna head back to the precinct and oversee things from there.
Carly: If you hear anything --
Chase: I'll get in touch right away, and I'm counting on you guys to do the
Ava: I'm gonna go to the station, too.
Griffin: Yeah, I'll go with you. Come on.
Ava: All this time, you've been keeping us apart for Avery's safety. Who's the
threat now?
[Door closes]
Alexis: Sure, I'll watch the kids, as soon as you and me have a conversation
alone. Would you mind giving us a minute?
Sam: Mom, I don't think you really understand...
Alexis: Oh, sure I do. See ya.
Jason: Catch up with your mom. I can take of it.
Sam: Jason...
Jason: I'll call you -- I'll call you when it's done.
Sam: What just happened?
Alexis: That's exactly what I was gonna ask you.
Sam: No, no, no. I mean, really, did that just happen?
Alexis: I asked him nicely.
Sam: No, you didn't.
Alexis: I'm worried about you. So, stop me if I'm wrong. Spinelli did something
illegal, and now you are going to do something illegal. So all of you are doing
something illegal in a foreign country with my grandchildren. Do you see where
I'm going with this?
Sam: Okay, okay. Okay, you have a valid point.
Alexis: At least you haven't lost your mind completely.
Sam: However...
Alexis: I knew there was a "however."
Sam: You're assuming we're gonna get caught, but we won't.
Alexis: Why? Because you don't want to?
Sam: No, because it's me, Spinelli, and Jason, and we don't get caught. I mean,
we've been in way worse situations than this.
Alexis: Oh, boy. This is so much worse than I thought.
Sam: What are you talking about?
Alexis: You're getting back together with Jason, aren't you?
Julian: [Sighs] I can't even believe I just said that.
Kim: Would you stop? It is a confusing situation for everyone.
Julian: [Exhales] But I know how you feel.
Kim: Mm, okay. All right. Here it is. Did my heart race a little bit when I
heard that Sam and Drew weren't together anymore? I'd be lying if I said that it
didn't. But it was a reflex only. I mean, I haven't spent any alone time with
the man in over a decade. I mean, no us time, no without Oscar time. And
besides, I'm having fun with you. Our talks and our laughs and... My God, the
sex is great.
Julian: I know, isn't it, though?
Kim: Right?
Julian: [Laughs] Thought it was just me.
Lucy: Ah! Yoo-hoo there. Hi, um...
Kim: Hi.
Lucy: Dr. Kim Nero, I presume?
Kim: Yeah.
Lucy: A little birdie at the hospital told me where I might be able to find you.
Julian: Kim, meet Lucy Coe.
Sonny: Any word from Dante?
Michael: No, but I-I left a bunch of messages. Look, I'm -- I'm, uh, I'm gonna
go to the PD, Keep an eye on the search and, uh, keep an eye on Ava.
Sonny: If you need Max for any reason, you know...
Michael: I know the drill.
Sonny: Okay.
Michael: We'll find them, okay? We'll find them.
Carly: Yeah.
Michael: [Exhales]
Carly: Thank you. [Sighs] Okay. Michael's right. Everything is gonna be okay,
you know? Mike would never hurt Avery.
Sonny: Yeah, no, he wouldn't hurt her on purpose, but what if... what if he
doesn't remember who she is?
[Door opens]
Damian: [Chuckles] Deputy Marshal. We meet again.
Jason: This is him.
Officer: He was posing as a man by the name of Henrik Faison.
Damian: Enjoying the Alps? Spectacular vistas, don't you think? You know, since
you insist on dogging my heels around the planet, the least you could do is say
"thank you" for my chosen location. Surely beats the cubicle in Washington.
Officer: You said you had a warrant?
Damian: It must sting that they caught me before you could.
Jason: The sooner you get this guy in my custody, the better.
Officer: I will go check on the paperwork.
Jason: Thank you.
Damian: [Exhales slowly] Trust everything was in order?
Jason: Yeah, nobody questioned the badge or the documentation.
Damian: [Sighs] The suit's a nice touch. I... wish I'd thought of it.
Jason: You doing okay in here?
Damian: Yeah. It's actually quite pleasant. I mean, as pleasant as a stint in
lock-up can be. The staff's courteous, and the food's actually pretty... pretty
edible, especially if you like sausages and strudel.
Jason: Okay, good.
Damian: I apologize for the timing, though, um... Hope I didn't pull you out of
Jason: Actually, uh, I was with Sam.
Sam: I'm not back with Jason. We just both happen to be in Switzerland.
Alexis: And staying in the same hotel.
Sam: Yes.
Alexis: Oh, see, I didn't think that you were. I thought maybe that you -- you
met on the street.
Sam: No! We actually bumped into each other in the hallway.
Alexis: Really?
Sam: Yes.
Alexis: Sam, do you know how many hotels there are in Switzerland?
Sam: Yes, Mom, a lot.
Alexis: He set you up. He followed you.
Sam: No, he didn't. Jason would never do that.
Alexis: But Spinelli would on his behalf.
Sam: Okay, Spinelli, fine, it's not out of the realm of possibility, but if he
were to do something like that, we would have a very serious conversation. But
Jason did not do this.
Alexis: Yeah, he never does anything wrong.
Sam: What's that supposed to mean?
Alexis: It means that he's always innocent. He's always a little angel, while
everyone else is doing the dirty work, whether it's -- it's Carly or Spinelli.
It's never his fault.
Sam: That's because you just want him to be wrong.
Alexis: I want you to be safe.
Sam: I'm safe. Mom, I'm in a four-star hotel in Switzerland.
Alexis: About to commit whatever crime, I don't know. Honey, this is
reminiscent. You broke free of this life, and now Jason is dragging you right
back in.
Sam: No, nobody is dragging me anywhere, and I am not back together with Jason!
I'm not ready. I don't know how many times I have to say it. I am not ready.
Lucy: I am here on behalf of General Hospital's Nurses' Ball.
Kim: Oh! I have heard of it.
Lucy: Well, duh, of course you have. It is a historic tradition, and it is the
largest fundraiser in the entire year for the hospital, not to mention the fact
that every single dime goes to research for HIV and AIDs.
Kim: Oh, well, that is wonderful. Put me down for two tickets.
Lucy: Excellent. I will do that, and, um... you, Sir?
Julian: Hmm? Yeah, I'll be there.
Lucy: Oh, goody. You know, I was talking more in terms of donations, though.
They are needed to offset all the operating costs for the ball so we can give
all the proceeds to the charity. You know that Sonny Corinthos -- He is so very
generous. Every single year, he is the largest contributor. Oh, not to say that,
you know, I-I would expect you to live up to that example. That would be far,
far, far too much for me to expect that, really.
Julian: Just put me down for whatever donation Corinthos makes, okay?
Lucy: I will hold you to that.
Julian: Hope you do.
Lucy: Yay! Okay, whoo. Let's get to the point, really. I need, since that is out
of the way, to talk about something very important -- Performances. Dr. Nero,
how do you feel about the spotlight?
Dante: [Sighs] [Groans] [Sighs]
Lulu: What's your day like tomorrow?
[Both chuckle]
Dante: I don't know. It's a usual day. I think I start around 9:30 or so.
Lulu: Okay.
Dante: What about you?
Lulu: Yeah, me, too.
Dante: Mrs. Falconeri, how's your day looking tomorrow?
Lulu: Well, I'm gonna take, um, Rocco to school and try to squeeze in a workout
and then get down to work. Oh, um, speaking of -- Did the WSB ever share any of
their intel on Henrik Faison or the connection between Faison and his son?
Dante: Hey, baby...
Lulu: What?
Dante: You know, in the spirit of agreeing to disagree, why don't I just, you
know, not give you input on that stuff?
Lulu: Why not?
Dante: Well, because you ask me a question, I give you an answer.
Lulu: It's really simple.
Dante: Right, right, but, you know, then you don't take my advice, usually, and
then I get kind of pissed off about it...
Lulu: Mm-hmm, and suddenly we're in a fight.
Dante: Right, so why don't you just do your business, I'll do my business, and
we won't have that problem.
Lulu: Deal.
Dante: Unless it's something big. You know, like something -- something that
could be, like, dangerous, you know, and you're wondering if you should take the
risk. 'Cause if that's the case and it's something that could affect us, our
family, our kids, then you definitely got to talk to me about it.
Lulu: Got it.
Sonny: [Sighs] I keep thinking how much Avery loves Mike and how much she trusts
him and him taking her little hand and walking around somewhere. She has all the
faith in the world that he's gonna protect her. It's not the case anymore.
Carly: Hey, even if Mike is having one of his episodes and he doesn't recognize
her, he'll still make sure she's okay.
Sonny: But what if she doesn't -- I mean, what if he doesn't remember her and --
and she falls asleep on a bench somewhere and he wanders off.
Carly: Then someone will find her.
Sonny: It's -- It's cold. It's dark.
Carly: Okay, I know, I'm scared, too, baby. Okay? I am. I'm scared, too. But
we're gonna get our little girl home. [Sighs] I'm so sorry I wasn't there.
Sonny: What kept you? You never said. Where were you, Carly?
Sam: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice. I-I'm just trying to say that I
am in no condition to love anyone right now. I am tired, I'm confused, I'm mixed
up -- Take your pick. But just because my personal life is in shambles, it
doesn't mean I can't help Jason and Spinelli solve a mystery.
Alexis: Oh, so now it's a mystery?
Sam: Spinelli's not in jail for shoplifting. He's trying to find someone.
Alexis: And using unconventional methods to do it.
Sam: No! It's a -- It's a job, or a project, because I'm not getting paid for
it. But...
Alexis: Honey, do you really think you could leap tall buildings and avoid
gunfire with Jason and not get sucked back into a relationship with him?
Damian: Fair Samantha is in Switzerland?
Jason: Yeah, with Danny and Scout. I mean, it's kind of crazy. Sam said Danny
pointed to Bern on the globe and that's -- that's how they ended up here.
Damian: How fortuitous for Sam. I mean, he could've chosen a far less hospitable
climate. Um... Shall we get back to the alternate methods of accessing...
Jason: Spinelli. Spinelli.
Damian: Hmm?
Jason: Did you know Sam and the kids were here?
Damian: I might've been in possession of that information, yes.
Jason: [Sighs] How?
Damian: I've been keeping tabs on their whereabouts.
Jason: Does Sam know about this?
Damian: No.
Jason: Oh, Spinelli...
Damian: I-I just -- I needed to know where they were in case of an emergency, so
if such an emergency were to arise, I could alert you to their peril, and you
could come in and save the day. A finely-tuned skill of yours, I must say.
Jason: But why didn't you tell me? I could've stayed at a different hotel.
Damian: Okay, there are 432 rooms in the Swiss Plaza. The -- The probability of
you and Sam coming into contact was very low. And if you did encounter each
other, it would be fate.
Jason: Fate?
Damian: Indeed. I attempted no machinations whatsoever. I simply waited to see
if fate would bring you and fair Samantha together, and huzzah, it did.
Jason: Okay, I-I'm not mad at you for keeping tabs on Sam, although she might
be. And if you want to leave this to fate, don't interfere and stop pushing for
me and Sam to get back together.
Damian: Isn't that what your heart truly desires?
Jason: Of course it is. [Sighs] More than anything.
[Shower running]
Lulu: Oh, oops.
Lulu: Oh, my God.
[Cellphone chimes]
Lulu: Dante?
Sonny: What held you up? Tests at the hospital?
Carly: No, I'm fine. I-I mean... the results aren't back yet, but Griffin said
that, uh, he didn't see anything alarming.
Sonny: Well, that's good news. One less thing to worry about.
Carly: Yeah. I don't want you worrying about me, though, right now.
Sonny: No, no, no.
Carly: I'm the last thing you should be worrying about.
Max: [Clears throat]
Sonny: Hey. Good news, I hope?
Max: Uh, they went through the park twice and all the playgrounds in the area.
Sonny: Right.
Max: There's no sign of Mike or Avery.
Sonny: Okay, uh... Do me a favor. What about near Charles Street, where Mike
used to stash the goods?
Max: Yeah, Gus and Robbie are on their way right now.
Sonny: Okay, listen, one more thing. Um... There's emergency blankets, you know,
at the gate house. Give it to the guys, 'cause when they find Avery... it's
gonna be cold.
Max: Got it, boss.
Sonny: All right.
Carly: [Sighs]
Chase: All right, Avery Corinthos has been missing for over five hours. I mean,
we've already got the south side covered, but I really want to get units over to
this area right here.
Griffin: Can I get you anything?
Ava: Just Avery.
Griffin: You know I would if I could.
Ava: She's all right, right? She's got to be all right, because the alternative
is --
Griffin: No, no, no, we're not gonna go there, okay?
Ava: What -- What if she's hurt?
Griffin: Look, at this point, everything points to Mike wandered off, Avery was
with him. They're lost. We're gonna find them.
Chase: Hey, is there anything else that can help us?
Michael: [Sighs] I-I keep... I keep going over all the exits in the park, where
they lead, what's around, just trying to figure out where Mike might've taken
Ava: Detective, I keep hearing people say that Avery and Mike are -- are
missing. But that's not really the case, is it? Mike Corbin walked off with my
daughter, and where I come from, that's called kidnapping.
Kim: Unless you want me to deliver a baby on stage, I have no talent to speak
Lucy: That's okay, because that's kind of the whole point of the Nurses' Ball,
silly. It's not about just talent. It's -- It's about heart. Although, I will
admit that we do have some performers that should be competing on "American
Kim: Okay, see, that is so not me. No.
Lucy: No, no, no, no, no, but that's okay. You just have to be like everybody
else that's up there having fun, and it's so magical. It -- It's magical, truly,
because it is the one night of the year that we come together and we put aside
our feuds and our fights and our heartbreaks and all our grudges and we just get
together for such a worthy cause. So please, pretty please, pretty please? Could
you just think about it? A-And I-I guess that goes for you, too. Will you think
about it?
Kim: Yeah.
Lucy: Okay. Good, good. I'm going. Got to go. Uh, let's keep in touch, and I
will definitely be in touch with you. Thank you. Thank you.
Kim: Yeah.
Lucy: Ta-ta.
[Door closes]
Kim: Wow. [Chuckles] She is...
Julian: Yep.
Kim: Wow. And you realize she just completely manipulated you into a huge
Julian: Oh, yeah, I definitely realize that, but she was right. It's for a
worthy cause, so...
Kim: Yeah. So, you want to be my date?
Julian: You do realize that the Nurses' Ball is weeks away, right? I mean, a lot
can happen between now and then.
Kim: Yeah. I'm counting on it.
Sam: I love you.
Alexis: I shall not wait for a "however."
Sam: However...
Alexis: Ugh.
Sam: I don't care how this looks to you or anyone else for that matter. I'm a
PI, Mom. It's what I'm good at. And it's been a really, really long time since
I've been able to do something that I'm good at, and it's been a long time since
I've been able to breathe and be me, and I'm actually looking forward to this.
Alexis: I'm happy you feel less suffocated.
Sam: Thank you.
Alexis: Now, what do you plan to do with the kids?
Sam: Well, that's where I was hoping you'd come in. Maybe you can take them back
to Port Charles for me?
Alexis: I want to go on record in saying this is a terrible, terrible idea, and
of course, I would be happy to take my grandchildren. Will you please just be
Sam: Yes. Of course I will.
Alexis: That's my baby.
Jason: You don't think it kills me every time that I see Sam and I want to say,
"let's get together right here, right now, we'll worry about everything else
later"? Of course I do. I have to stop myself every time.
Damian: Why?
Jason: Because she's not ready, Spinelli, and I don't know if she's ever gonna
be ready, but the last thing I want to do is put pressure on her and make things
Damian: It's a very generous position to take.
Jason: You know that I love Sam, but I don't want to be the choice she makes
because she doesn't know what else to do or if she's afraid that she's gonna
lose me or she feels bad and wants to give me what I want. So if you -- if your
goal is to be a friend...
Damian: Yeah, always.
Jason: … Then be a friend to Sam.
Damian: She was... shattered when she lost you, broken into a million pieces. I
couldn't figure how to pick them up, but of course, she didn't need me for that.
She did it herself. And -- And... Little by little, as time passed, she did. She
-- She rebuilt. But she wasn't the same person she used to be. She lost herself
until you -- The actual you -- Came back. But, yes, I can and will be a friend
to Sam. And I give you my word that as much as I might feel in my heart of
hearts that you belong together --
[Door opens]
Officer: I have the release papers. Herr Spinelli is your problem now.
[Handcuffs jingle]
Damian: Hmm. Lucky man.
Jason: Put them up.
Damian: Ow, ouch.
Jason: Shut up and walk.
Dante: Hey. Sorry I didn't get the messages. My phone was dead, but I got
briefed on my way over here.
Carly: Okay, so no word from the PD?
Dante: Nothing yet. How about on your end? Now, you're cooperating with the
police, right? You're telling them everything, not leaving anything out, right?
Sonny: This is Avery. I don't care who finds her. I just want her found.
Dante: All right, all right. What happened? H-How was Mike this morning?
Sonny: Look, I... We had a tough conversation. He -- He was doing the puzzle,
and I left.
Dante: Yeah, but is he homesick? Has he talked about people or places that he
wanted to see?
Carly: [Sighs] No.
Dante: How did Pilar describe him?
Sonny: She said he was -- that he was with Avery, they were talking, he was
happy, everything was fine.
Carly: And when Pilar said it was time to go, Mike wanted to get Avery a
pretzel, so Pilar went to get it.
Sonny: And the cart was right there.
Carly: She turned her back for one minute and they were gone.
Ava: I'd like you to call the FBI and tell them that my daughter's been
Michael: You're not serious?
Griffin: Ava --
Ava: That's what happened, isn't it?
Michael: Are you -- Are you doing this because you're scared or because you want
a bigger club to beat my father with? Look, Ava, either way, you're not helping
Ava: I disagree.
Chase: Look, I can notify the FBI.
Ava: And you will.
Chase: But I am here to tell you the second they take that statement, they're
gonna know this wasn't a kidnapping.
Ava: Why don't we just leave that up to them?
[Police radio chatter]
[Cellphone rings]
Dante: Michael, what's going on?
Michael: They're changing the case from missing to kidnapping. They're notifying
the FBI right now.
Dante: Damn it. Yeah, I had a feeling that might happen. Okay. I'll let Sonny
Carly: What's wrong?
Dante: They just bumped Avery's case to kidnapping.
Carly: [Sighs]
Kim: Why are you so gun-shy?
Julian: I'm not! I'm not.
Kim: You're not? Okay, well, then, just say the words. "Yes, Kim, I would love
to go to the Nurses' Ball with you."
Julian: I... I just don't want you to have buyer's remorse, that's all.
Kim: Oh, my God. Charlie, it is one night.
Julian: It's a magical night.
Kim: Yes, a magical night that I would like to spend with you. And we're having
a good time, right?
Julian: No, we're having a great time.
Kim: [Laughing] Okay. Well, let's continue that great time, all right? Let's
just do that. I mean... Look, if either of us, if our feelings change, then
let's make a pact, okay, that we let the other person know first and it's muss
and no fuss.
Julian: Sounds good to me.
Kim: Excellent.
Julian: Oh, and, uh, Kim?
Kim: Yes?
Julian: I would, um, love to go to the Nurses' Ball with you.
Kim: Oh. It's gonna be a magical night. [Giggles]
Lulu: No, I don't think you understand. This needs to run on our digital site
right now. A little girl and her grandfather are missing.
Ava: It's getting late, and Avery must be so tired and so scared. Where the hell
is the FBI? [Sniffs] What?
Griffin: I-I just don't see how labeling Mike a kidnapper is helping the
Ava: The man walked off with my daughter.
Griffin: Not on purpose, and not with malicious intent.
Ava: Does that make it okay?
Griffin: Ava, he's not a criminal.
Ava: No, I know, I know. No, he's sick. Right, and you know that better than
anybody, since you're his doctor. In fact, you could've prevented this.
Griffin: What? How?
Ava: By telling his family that he needs to be watched at all times. The fact
that this was allowed to happen at all...
Griffin: It was an accident.
[Clock ticking]
Sonny: You got to figure somewhere else that Mike took Avery, because I'll tell
you what -- If the FBI find 'em, treat him like a criminal, Mike's not gonna
handle that very --
Dante: It'd go south real quick.
Sonny: We're running out of time!
[Clock ticking]
Alexis: Yes, hi, I'd like to book a flight for one adult and two children. Port
Charles, New York.
[Bell tolls]
Jason: All right. Let's get going. What are you doing?
Damian: Well, wouldn't it be suspicious if a deputy marshal and his charge were
taking public transportation?
Jason: The train is the only option. Let's go.
Sam: Hey, boys. Need a ride? I'm driving.
On the next "General Hospital" --
TJ (To Kiki): Isn’t today your first day of the shadow program?
Liz (to Franco): I know you want it to be over, but it’s not.
Curtis (to Jordan): I’m investigating Peter August. He is not what he seems.
Peter (to Nina): If you have any doubts about me I’d be more than happy to
dispel them.
Robert (to Anna): This sounds like your last hope.
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