General Hospital Transcript Friday 4/13/18
Episode #14015 ~ Griffin comforts Ava; Carly is at her wit's end; Sonny receives a welcome phone call.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Maddie
Carly: I've had a few incidents where I will hear or see something and then what I saw or heard isn't there.
Griffin: Okay. So, if these incidents are happening to you, why is Sonny afraid something's wrong and you're not?
Carly: Oh, I definitely believe something's wrong. I just don't think it has anything to do with my health.
Mike: Damn it! I can't find my glasses. Again! I swear, the minute I put something down, poof, it disappears.
Sonny: Mike, it's glasses. Who ca-- I mean, who -- It's not a big deal.
Mike: Maybe not for you or most people, but -- but for me, I mean, let's be honest. Losing anything is a big deal. God, it's just not right to be like this.
Sonny: Okay, Mike, where did you put the glasses? We'll find them.
Mike: Never mind. You know what? Glasses or no glasses, I got to get some air. I'm going out for a walk.
Sonny: Oh, oh, hold on a second. Come here. Come here. Look what I found.
Mike: [Sighs] Oh. Thank you, Son. [Laughs]
Sonny: Uh, listen, um, can you do me a favor? Can you sit down with me for a couple minutes? I feel like I need company.
Mike: Yeah, sure. You're -- You're my son. Hey, I always got -- I always got time for you.
Sonny: All right.
Mike: What -- What's, uh, what's on your mind?
Sonny: Oh, well, I just wanted to let you know that I'm so happy that you're here, and I... and I want to make the most of it.
Mike: Yeah. Me too.
Sonny: Right.
Mike: But that's not all.
Sonny: No, not really. Yesterday, you brought up something. We got distracted, and I was just hoping that maybe we could finish the conversation.
Mike: Um... Well, I can only do my best, you know. What was it about? Horses, cards, or ladies?
[Both laugh]
Sonny: Nah, nah. It was -- It was about a field. Uh... A field in Croton.
Emma: Do you think this will make the right impression, Grandma?
Anna: Oh, yes. It's wonderful, lovely. Turn around. Yeah.
Emma: But do I look convincing?
Anna: You look very convincing.
Emma: I wouldn't want anyone to figure out we're on a secret mission.
Anna: Okay. Are there any more dresses that we have to look at?
Emma: Um, nope. That was it.
Anna: Okay, good. Why don't you go and call your mom? I told her that we were gonna keep her in the loop about this trip, yeah?
Emma: Okay.
Anna: All right.
[Knock on door]
Anna: Who is it?
Jason: Jason.
Anna: Just in time. Come on in. Sorry for the mess.
Jason: Just in time for what?
Anna: Emma and I need a bodyguard.
Carly: So, it started back in February. I started getting these calls. I would answer the phone, and there would be no one on the line. And then Valentine's night, I answered the phone, and there was a man's voice, a young man, and he said, "I'm here."
Griffin: Okay.
Carly: And then the last call I got, I heard what sounded like an explosion.
Griffin: Wow, that's pretty intense.
Carly: It was. And before you type anything else into your computer, I want you to know these calls were real. I mean, I didn't imagine them. They happened. Dante traced the calls.
Griffin: And who -- And who was it that was calling?
Carly: I don't know. The calls were traced to a phone booth on Angel's Bluff. Um, close to where Morgan died.
Griffin: Um... Can I -- Can I get you some water, Carly?
Carly: No, I'm fine. Actually, yeah, I could use some water.
Griffin: Okay. I know it must have been difficult to be so near where your son died.
Carly: Yeah, well, it's not like I don't miss Morgan everywhere I go.
Griffin: Of course.
Carly: So, I went into my office, and there was a scarf on my desk, one identical to one I bought for Morgan.
Griffin: How were you able to identify the scarf?
Carly: Because it's in tons of pictures, including one that's sitting on my desk. I'm not making this up. I held the scarf in my hand.
Griffin: Okay. Um... Where -- Where is the scarf now?
Carly: The fire alarm went off, and like an idiot, I set the scarf down. The whole floor was evacuated. When I came back, the scarf was gone.
Griffin: Okay. Uh, w-when you were holding the scarf, what did it feel like?
Carly: What are you talking about? It felt like a scarf. I mean, it was torn and dirty with what looked like blood stains.
Griffin: Uh, were there any weird sensations, uh, tingling in the fingertips, light-headedness?
Carly: No, no, not at all.
Griffin: Any strange odors, nausea?
Carly: [Sighs] Every time I remember that my son's dead, I get sick to my stomach, Doctor. Other than that...
Carly: When you're alone in a dark house or when you're supposed to be alone, your imagination can play tricks on you. But that's not what happened. I know there was someone else there.
Griffin: Well, could you -- could you hear them or...?
Carly: Is it crazy to say that I could feel them?
Griffin: No. No, not at all. Sometimes your senses can pick up sensations that the conscious mind can't register. This creates a fear response. You should always trust that.
Carly: I do.
Griffin: People will get that, that nagging feeling or a chill down their spine, and most often they won't pay attention to it and that's fine 'cause usually it's nothing but the body telling you to be careful, but sometimes it could save your life.
Carly: Like when you suspect that there's an intruder in your house.
Griffin: Exactly. I'm sure you could guess what my next question's gonna be.
Carly: Was anybody there?
Griffin: And was there?
Carly: Sonny showed up and scared the hell out of me, and I almost took him out with a baseball bat, but...
Griffin: That's not who you were sensing.
Carly: No. Okay, look. I know someone was there. I heard someone in Morgan's room. And when the lights came on, there was a picture of Morgan on the ground, and the glass in the frame was shattered.
Mike: Croton. We're talking about the town?
Sonny: Yeah. You mentioned the field, the field in Croton, and you sounded upset.
Mike: I did?
Sonny: Yeah. And I was thinking, if there's something wrong, you're upset about it, I can handle it, take it off your mind.
Mike: Well, I... I appreciate the -- the offer, but, um... Why do I have the feeling that maybe I did something to piss you off?
Sonny: No, not at all. You were upset, and I wanted to help you.
Mike: [Sighs] Whatever it was, it's gone now.
Sonny: Okay, good, good. But if it does come back is what I'm saying --
Mike: Sonny, I --
Sonny: No, the thing is this. I know this is very difficult for you and you can't remember, but maybe it'd be good to remember. We're here in, you know, my home. Carly, Josslyn, Avery, uh...
Mike: I'll... I'll do my best.
Sonny: I mean, look, whatever happened in Croton was a long time ago, and if you think that I'm gonna still be upset at you or mad at you in any way, that's -- Don't.
Mike: So why would you be mad at me?
Sonny: Well, it just seems like you feel guilty about it, and it's hard for you that you can't remember, like it's eating away at you. If that's the case, we need to find out why and move on.
Griffin: Thank you for sharing all this information with me. I know this type of thing can be very difficult to talk about.
Carly: It's okay. I know you need to know everything so we can rule stuff out.
Griffin: Exactly. Um, you know, if the brain is compromised, it creates sensory triggers that lead to the type of incidents as you're describing.
Carly: You think my brain's compromised?
Anna: So I'm going to be posing as Mrs. Everett-Ashton, a wealthy widow on holiday with her charming granddaughter, so in order to ensure our safety, I obviously need a bodyguard -- You.
Jason: I don't know. That's --
Anna: I did think about having you pose as my son-in-law, Emma's father, but then I thought I wasn't sure whether you could pull it off, you know, because everything about you just screams security. You know, you look like you have an earpiece and a gun even when you don't.
Jason: I meant, I don't know why you need me. You would never take Emma anywhere dangerous.
Anna: Oh, no. Of course not. But I need someone to help establish the cover, you see, while I go off and make inquiries. And I need a bodyguard with her at every opportunity. But you wouldn't be dressed like that.
Jason: Why not?
Anna: Well, Mrs. Everett-Ashton isn't a Russian gangster. Her security personnel would be properly attired. Are you 42 reg?
Jason: What?
Anna: Your jacket size?
Jason: I don't know. You'd have to ask Carly.
Anna: Yeah, 42 regular, I'm pretty sure.
Emma: Jason, hi.
Jason: Hey, Emma. Uh, how's Switzerland treating you so far?
Emma: It's so pretty here. And grandma took me shopping.
Anna: I did.
Emma: And got me all kinds of new clothes for our secret mission. We also got a nice, new outfit for you.
Jason: Yeah, Anna was just telling me about that.
Emma: I helped pick it out. I hope you like it.
Jason: Thank you, Emma, for the gesture. I appreciate that.
Emma: Why don't you try it on?
Anna: Yes, Jason, why don't you try it on?
Jason: Yeah. Maybe -- Maybe later.
Anna: Okay, we need to discuss a few things. How about you go back in there and do a little bit more research, see if you can find some more places that we can visit on our free time, yeah?
Emma: Okay. I love research.
Jason: You are your mother's daughter.
Emma: Of course I am. Who else would I be?
Anna: So... See now why we need a bodyguard?
Jason: Why don't I just break in, get the information we need from the records room tonight?
Anna: What, a smash and grab? That's what you're proposing?
Jason: Yeah. And then you and Emma could have an extra day exploring.
Anna: No. Jason, if I wanted to break in, I wouldn't need you to do that. You don't think I can handle a simple robbery on my own?
Jason: No, I -- I -- I don't -- I think you could, but --
Anna: Okay, but what?
Jason: I -- I don't know. I just thought maybe it was beneath you.
Anna: Oh, you're funny. No. Why would we break in when we can just walk in without suspicion, with minimal criminal activity?
Jason: But either way, we're stealing information, so why not just save time?
Anna: Oh, God, you're so stubborn. You're like a brick wall. Um, I get it. You know, you're used to working alone. I'm used to working alone. We wouldn't be doing this operation together if there was an equally expedient option.
Jason: Okay. So what's the plan? How do we do this and only break one law?
Mike: Croton, Croton, Croton. And a field, you said?
Sonny: A field -- You said a field.
Mike: I -- [Sighs]
Sonny: Try it again. Just try to think.
Mike: [Sighs] A field in Croton. Uh... Um, I'm sorry, Sonny. I -- I really wish I could help, but, you know, I mean, like, now, I got to find my glasses. I got to find them. Have you seen them?
Sonny: Okay, now that we've found your glasses... [Sighs] … Have a seat right over there. Okay.
Mike: I didn't know you were a jigsaw puzzle sort of guy.
Sonny: I'm not, but Dr. Munro said that these would help you out.
Mike: Doctor --
Sonny: Yeah.
Mike: And what? When I -- When I get it put together, then it's a picture of all the things I've forgotten in my life?
Sonny: No, putting them together isn't about remembering the past. It's about focusing on the present. Give it a try, Dad.
Mike: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, okay. Why not? So, the deal with jigsaw puzzles is to find the frame first and then fill it from the outside in. Find a piece.
Sonny: Listen. You gonna be all right? 'Cause I got business I got to take care of.
Mike: [Chuckles] I got 300 pieces to put together. I think I'm gonna be all right.
Sonny: [Laughs]
Mike: Ah, found a corner.
Griffin: So, it says here that after Morgan was born, you were brought into the hospital to have a bullet removed from your brain?
Carly: I did. When I was in labor with Morgan, Sonny thought someone was trying to hurt me, so he shot them, and the bullet went through them and it hit me, too.
Griffin: So you gave birth with a bullet in your head?
Carly: Heck of a day.
Griffin: Yeah. Um... Well, there are CT scans for that. Several, in fact. It says there's a more recent fall?
Carly: Oh, right. That happened here. I was pregnant with Josslyn. But as you can see, we're both obviously fine. [Chuckles] What?
Griffin: I don't see a CT scan. Do you remember having one?
Carly: I have no idea.
Griffin: Here's the thing. All right, with traumatic brain injuries, TBI’s, the effects can show up years after the initial impact. I mean, it shows here you lost consciousness.
Carly: I did. Maybe they were just focused on the baby.
Griffin: Or maybe -- maybe they lost the scans. These things happen, but... Look, with all things considered and your history of falls and your bullet wound --
Carly: You think that I have a TBI?
Griffin: Today is all about ruling things out, right?
Carly: [Sighs] Okay, then we should just talk about the elephant in the room.
Griffin: And what -- what elephant is that?
Carly: I was hospitalized twice for nervous breakdowns. Well, the first one was mostly fake, but...
Griffin: Mostly?
Carly: When Michael was a baby, he was kidnapped, and the kidnapper got a slap on the wrist, so I lost it. I grabbed a cop's gun from its holster, and I shot the man in open court. I was hospitalized for evaluation. And it would've ended there, but I was afraid I was gonna be prosecuted, so I faked a break with reality, and I was put in Ferncliff for a few months.
Griffin: And the second instance?
Carly: That was a real breakdown.
Anna: So you stay with Emma, while I slip away and get the records that we need.
Jason: So, you don't want a bodyguard. You need a babysitter?
Anna: Oh, no, no. No, the way I see it, Emma will be safe, and we'll both be making a path towards Henrik. Trust me. This is the way to go.
Jason: Okay. Anna, I'm not doing this, and neither should you. Simple and clean is always the best way.
Anna: Really? So that's how you plan to track PK Sinclair's money? You're just gonna waltz into a Swiss bank account dressed like the boy with the dragon tattoo and you're just gonna demand to see his accounts? No cover story, no nothing?
Jason: Spinelli set me up with everything that I need.
Anna: To get caught! Meanwhile, a rich widow with disposable cash and a beautiful granddaughter, you know, we can finesse the truth out of a banking executive while providing distraction to security. And we're more than happy to do that, for you, if you will allow us to get access to those records.
Jason: Anna, I know how good you are, which is why I know you don't need me, and this is just a diversion.
Anna: No. This is a mutually beneficial arrange--
Jason: You're keeping me with you so I don't get to Henrik before you do.
Pilar: Ready to go, Avery?
Mike: Hi. Hi. There's my little sunshine girl. [Laughs] Why? Where are you guys going?
Pilar: We're headed to the park. Right, Avery?
Mike: What a great day to go to the park. [Chuckles] Hey, hold on a second. I'm gonna grab my coat and join you. Don't go away.
Pilar: [Chuckles]
Carly: I'm not embarrassed to talk about it. Michael's biological father, AJ, Staged Michael's death. We thought it was real. We had a funeral, everything. And one day I forgot to breathe. I just couldn't take it anymore, and I found myself holding my breath for longer periods of time, over and over again. It was like I was trying to keep myself in some kind of a suspended animation.
Griffin: Wow, that must have been terrifying.
Carly: It was. But, you know, I mean, obviously Michael came back, and he was fine, and I was just super happy to see him. I... I just didn't recognize myself. It was like I was paralyzed. I felt fragile and weak and powerless. And if you know anything about me, I don't do powerless. [Laughs]
[Cellphone rings]
Carly: Um, sorry. Oh, this is Pilar, my nanny. Do you mind?
Griffin: No, by all means.
Carly: Pilar, hello? Is everything okay?
Pilar: Sorry to bother you. Mr. Corbin wants to come with me and Avery to the park. I just want to make sure that's okay.
Carly: You were right to call. Um, hold on. How long is the CT scan gonna take?
Griffin: Oh, not that long.
Carly: Okay, um, go ahead and go to the park. I will meet you there, all right? And thank you for calling. [Sighs] That's why I went to the hospital. It was the absolute best thing for me. I made a complete recovery. Do you have any questions?
Griffin: The feelings you described during the breakdown, they're very specific. Um, have they resurfaced ever? Has there been a time either before or since that you were unable to recognize yourself?
Carly: No, never.
Griffin: Not even in this past year?
Carly: Morgan's death rocked me to my core. But I never felt like I was losing myself.
Griffin: Okay. I think we've covered everything for today. Why don't I walk you down to radiology? I'll put a rush on those tests, get you out of here, all right?
Carly: Yes.
Griffin: After you.
Carly: Yes. I remember what it's like to feel lost. This is nothing like that. The phone calls, the scarf, the photo -- It all happened. It's all real.
Deanna: Dr. Munro's not picking up right now. Would you like me to page him?
Sonny: Uh, no, thanks. Um, not just yet. Thanks.
Stella: Mr. Corinthos, I was just about to give you a call to follow up on your father. How's he doing?
Sonny: Uh, he's... I got to be -- I got to be honest with you, Ms. Henry. He's not doing so well.
Stella: First of all, please call me Stella. Now, tell me about your father.
Sonny: Well, it just seems like every day he's slipping away a little more.
Mike: Okay, everything copacetic?
Pilar: Yep, we're good to go.
Mike: Uh-huh. What do you say, huh? Shall we hit the road, huh? Oh, you hit so hard. Come on, let's go. [Growling playfully] [Laughs]
Anna: Even if you found Henrik first, you wouldn't do anything. I know you wouldn't. You would wait for me to be there with you because we're on the same side. We want the same goals.
Jason: Do we? Because it seems like I want answers from Henrik and all you want to do is protect this guy.
[Knock on door]
Anna: Wait. Are you expecting...?
Jason: Are you?
Anna: No.
[Gun cocks]
Anna: Stand back.
Jason: Emma, stay there.
Anna: She'll stay there. What the hell are you doing here?!
Sonny: Sometimes hours and hours go by. My dad's talking and talking and talking. And it's making perfect sense. Um, I mean, he misses a few words here and there, 'cause who doesn't? And then you let your guard down, and -- Bam. You get hit by a left hook to the jaw 'cause now it's 50 years ago, and my dad's wondering if his mother and father are waiting for him. He's like a time traveler.
Stella: You know, there are no easy answers here. But there are a number of occupational therapies we can introduce into Mike's daily schedule.
Sonny: Yeah, Dr. Munro has us playing puzzles -- I mean, jigsaw puzzles.
Stella: Yes, yes, yes, among other things. And you know what? You should also discuss different medication options with Dr. Munro.
Sonny: Yeah, I'll let him know when I see him.
Stella: Okay. And if you need any help getting either of these things to happen, let me know. I'll make sure they do.
Sonny: I have no doubt about that.
Stella: [Laughs] Just bear in mind. No matter how well we manage it, as Mike's condition deteriorates, his symptoms will change. It's gonna be curveball after curveball.
Sonny: That's the best-case scenario?
Stella: I'm afraid so.
Sonny: You know, Ms. Henry -- I mean, Stella.
Stella: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: It's kind of funny. When I was a kid, I used to wait up for my dad, and I used to play this game in my head. Wow! Is he gonna show up tonight? Is he gonna be there in the morning? And after a while, the answers got really predictable. No, he's not gonna show up. No, he's not gonna be there in the morning. And I stopped playing. And I stopped expecting things from my father. I just learned how to take care of myself. So, years later, here I am, playing the same old losing game. Except it's worse because now I'm asking myself, "is my father gonna remember what day it is? Is he gonna remember what he had for lunch or that he doesn't work at Kelly's anymore?" But I picked another one up a couple days ago. Is that day gonna come that he doesn't recognize me?
Carly: [Sighs]
[Car alarm chirps]
Carly: What the hell?
Robert: [Sighs] Okay. What? Oh. What have we got here? European suite, a shopping spree. My God. And Jason Morgan. I smell a covert operation. Who's the target?
Anna: Okay, what are you doing here? Like, seriously, what are you doing here?
Robert: You know, I didn't think undercover was your style.
Jason: It's not.
Anna: We're working together. He's helping me. I'm helping him.
Jason: I'll wait to hear from you.
Anna: Yeah, okay. Wait. Take this.
Jason: Thank you.
Robert: So, what's going on, Annie?
Anna: Isn't it obvious? I'm in the middle of an operation, and I'm following a very important lead and you're gonna ruin it.
Robert: You haven't brought our granddaughter in on this, have you? And Jason Morgan's your backup?
Anna: Okay, it's all right. It's fine. It's a research mission, and there's no danger. I would never involve Emma if there was any danger.
Robert: And Morgan?
Anna: Well, he's following the same leads, so I thought to join forces would be expedient.
Robert: Oh, expedient. That's not the word I would use. [Chuckles]
Anna: I think you're blowing this all out of proportion, honestly.
Robert: Not where Faison is concerned, I'm not.
Anna: It's Henrik. It's not his father. His father's dead.
Robert: Yeah, I'm aware of that. But you see, Faison still has a very powerful hold on you, Anna.
Stella: I heard about what you and your boys did, re-creating Mike's old club for him.
Sonny: "Luke's."
Stella: [Laughs]
Sonny: Mike used to -- He'd be the manager there in the '90s.
Stella: How'd that work out?
Sonny: Oh, it was gre-- You know, he was like he was back in time. He was confident, he was sharp, he remembered. It was like watching him being his old self again.
Stella: What a beautiful gift for you to give him.
Sonny: Yeah, it was.
Stella: Wow.
Sonny: It was great while it lasted. Um... You know, if there was a way to get my dad to remember something, could I re-create the environment? Would that help?
Stella: There's no magic wand for Alzheimer's. I mean, I'm not saying don't try, but if you do, there's no guarantee that it'll work.
Sonny: But it's worth a shot.
Stella: Okay, this is the bottom line. There's no way for you to influence or manipulate what Mike remembers and what he doesn't.
Sonny: Okay. Well, thanks.
Stella: Mr. Corinthos, what your father needs now more than anything is kindness, compassion, and empathy. You need to keep him calm and give his life structure. And if you do that, maybe what you're looking to hear will come out on its own.
Sonny: Here's to hoping.
Stella: But just like you did as a child, you need to prepare yourself for your father to disappoint you. The things you want him to remember may never come back at all.
Sonny: That's what I was afraid of.
Stella: I wish I had better news. But in the meantime, you and your family need to treat yourselves with that same kindness and empathy that you show him. Mike's memory is gonna continue just to disappoint him and you. And you need to be prepared to live with unfinished business.
Sonny: Not all the memories were happy ones. But what's cruel is that it seems like the happy ones are the ones that go first.
Stella: Well, every once in a while, they do resurface. Usually when you least expect them but you need them the most.
Sonny: But you can't rely on that, I suppose.
Stella: No, sadly, there's only one thing you can rely on with Alzheimer's. It'll get worse until it just can't get any worse. I'm sorry to put it so plainly.
Sonny: That's what I like about you -- Because you get right to the heart of things.
Stella: Well, then, I hope you appreciate it when I tell you when your father no longer remembers your name, you need to be prepared to forgive yourself for wanting more than he can give.
Carly: [Sighs] Pilar, it's Carly. I want you to take Mike and Avery back to the house, and I'll meet you there. Okay, thank you.
Griffin: Sonny. Hey, Deanna said you were looking for me.
Sonny: Yeah, thanks for coming by.
Stella: I'll be in touch to get that information we talked about.
Sonny: About the OT, Right?
Stella: Yes. And I'll set up a time so we can go over it.
Sonny: Okay.
Stella: In the meantime, remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. And take care of yourself.
Sonny: I will.
Stella: Okay.
Griffin: How are things going with your dad?
Sonny: Uh, they're all right. I mean, as Stella said, this is the road I'm on, so... But anyway, listen. I was hoping I could meet Carly for the appointment. How'd it go?
Griffin: Oh, I'm -- I'm sorry. Carly -- Carly did tell me she was here to allay your concerns about her health, but I --
Sonny: You can't?
Griffin: Look, if I was allowed to tell you that information, Sonny, you know I would.
Sonny: Legally, can you tell me, legally? Come on.
Griffin: Look, I sent Carly for some tests, just to rule things out. I don't have the results back yet. As soon as I get them, I'll be in touch with you.
Sonny: What -- What kind of tests?
Griffin: The kind neurologists request for their patients, Sonny.
Sonny: You talking about brain scans?
Griffin: Look, I'm sure when you see Carly, she will explain everything to you.
Mike: You're gonna go to the next one? Wow.
Pilar: Hey, sweetie. Your mommy, Carly, just called. She said we should take Grandpa Mike and head back home.
Mike: Oh, so soon? I promised my little sunshine here a treat.
Pilar: Carly really wanted us to head back.
Mike: Yeah, but she probably doesn't know that there's a pretzel cart right around the corner there.
Pilar: [Laughs] Come on. Let me help you down.
Avery: Ahh.
Pilar: Yeah?
Mike: Did you want to get a pretzel? Uh-huh, okay. I'll treat, okay? [Chuckles] It'll be all right. It'll be okay. Um... [Sighs]
Pilar: That's okay. I'll go get them. The cart's right there. It'll take two seconds.
Mike: Thank you.
Pilar: Yeah, of course.
Mike: Yeah.
Pilar: Just stay right here.
Mike: Uh-huh, sure, yeah. We have to have a treat to have a good outing. Right, right, Courtney, huh? [Chuckles]
Robert: Look. You got to rest. You got to get away from things Faison.
Anna: [Chuckles] Yeah.
Robert: You got to heal.
Anna: I know. Sounds lovely. But I have to find his son first.
Robert: No, you don't. Let Morgan do that. He needs the answers.
Anna: No, I need answers. I might have answers for Henrik, too, you know. We shared the same tormenter.
Robert: You make it sound like he's a victim.
Anna: I won't know until I find him.
[Footsteps approach]
Emma: Grandpa! Oh, have you come to help us in Grandma's secret mission?
Robert: If it isn't my incredible granddaughter, and what brings you across the pond, hmm, hmm, hmm?
Emma: I'm doing a project on Switzerland for school.
Robert: Uh-huh.
Emma: So Mommy let me come.
Robert: Mm-hmm.
Emma: That way I could do research and help and Grandma on her secret mission.
Robert: Mm. Is that so?
Emma: Yes. And after, we're going to a yodeling concert in the Alps. So what are you doing here, Grandpa?
Robert: Well, you don't think you could go on a secret mission without me, do you?
Emma: You're coming, too?
Anna: N-No, he's not. No. You're not. You're not. I'm sure you have significantly more important things to do than this.
Robert: Well, why don't I check with HQ?
Anna: What?
Robert: HQ, um, permission to come on the secret mission with you and Granny?
Emma: Permission granted.
Anna: No, it's really not necessary. Really it's not.
Robert: HQ and I disagree. Don't we, HQ?
Emma: Mm-hmm.
Robert: Besides, who's gonna keep a eye on Granny to stop her from getting into one of her god-awful messes? [Laughs]
Sonny: Mike? I'm home. Mike?
Pilar: Okay, I got the pretzels. Mr. Corbin? Avery? Mike? Avery? Mike!
Deanna: Doctor? Mrs. Corinthos' test results are back.
Griffin: Oh, thank you, Deanna. Preliminary tests show no markers that would indicate Carly Corinthos' episodes originate from physical cause.
[Engine starts]
[Door closes]
Jason: Sam? What are you doing here?
On the next "General Hospital" --
Ava: What are you hiding from me, Griffin?
Griffin (to Finn): Is everything okay with Anna?
Anna (to Robert): I am every bit as responsible for creating Henrik as Faison was.
Jason (to Sam): Henrik’s target. His mother.
Nelle: What have we here?
Sonny (to Pilar): You left Avery with Mike?
Carly: Morgan?
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