General Hospital Transcript Friday 3/23/18
Episode #14000 ~ Sam wrestles with her feelings; Nelle makes a bold move; Jason meets with Spinelli; Andre gets an earful from Sonny; Julian bumps into Alexis.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Maddie
Julian: Is it serious? Is it?
Alexis: Okay, yes. Things are -- are getting quite serious with Finn and me.
Julian: So why do you seem so flustered?
Alexis: B-Because I don't like being interrogated.
Julian: Oh, maybe. Or maybe you -- you and Finn don't run as deep as you -- you claim.
Alexis: Well, what I will claim is that he's a very decent and a very dependable, sensitive man, and he makes me happy... And I haven't been happy for a long time. So, you need to hear that and -- and accept that.
Anna: I just never really thought I could love anyone after Duke, you know? So... Finn's a bit of a surprise in that respect.
[Footsteps approach]
Andre: The subject of this conversation is heading this way. You'll be fine. Dr. Finn.
Finn: Dr. Maddox.
Andre: Talk to you later, Anna.
Anna: Uh-huh.
Finn: You're back.
Anna: Yeah. Yeah, just now. Recently.
Finn: How was, uh... Is it Brussels?
Anna: Uh-huh. It was good. It was eye-opening.
Finn: Huh. Well, I'm -- I'm -- I'm glad you and Andre had a nice trip. I'm just on my way to the, uh... Harbor Master.
Anna: Okay, wait. Um... You know, there's no me and Andre. Like, the -- the -- Not the way you think. There's no -- It's not, like, A...
Finn: No?
Anna: No. You have a minute? You know, we could talk.
Finn: Yeah, I think I can spare some time.
Brad: Your father's lab results were sent to Dr. Munro. He'll decide which, uh, prescriptions are necessary and call them in.
Sonny: Okay.
Brad: And in the meantime, Deanna should be here shortly to take your father's vitals.
Sonny: Thank you so much.
Brad: No problem.
[Telephone ringing]
Mike: I got to meet a shipment over at Luke's place. You want to tag along?
Nelle: [Sighs] Okay. What do you think? Perfect? Yeah. Me, too. Okay.
Carly: One of the best suites we have.
Michael: Oh. Thanks, Mom. I mean, a regular room would've been fine.
Carly: What are you talking about? Where would you put the baby?
Michael: [Chuckles] I'm not staying here forever. This is just till I can find my own place.
Carly: Here, somewhere else -- I don't care, as long as you are far, far away from Nelle. Hey!
Jason: Hey.
Michael: Hey.
Jason: Are you heading out?
Michael: Uh, yeah. I have a meeting at the hospital, so, uh... Hi and bye.
Jason: All right. See you later.
Carly: I love you.
Michael: I love you, too.
Carly: Bye. [Sighs] Michael is moving out of the Quartermaine’s, away from Nelle. [Claps]
Jason: I'm so happy for you.
Carly: Oh, be happy for Michael. The further away from that witch, the better. Now, Sam just needs to admit that she belongs with you, and all will be right in my world.
Sam: [Voice breaking] Drew...
Drew: Yeah?
Sam: We really need to talk.
Drew: [Sighs] [Chuckles] Okay. What's up?
Sam: My first impulse was to wait. To keep... putting things off, but I've done that so much, and I -- and I think it just -- it keeps getting worse.
Drew: Okay. Okay, well, what's going on? You can talk to me. You can tell me anything.
Sam: Anything? I have feelings for Jason.
Drew: Okay, what does that mean? What does that mean?
Sam: I still love him.
Julian: And there's no way that guy does it for you. Okay, just like the one before him -- Dr. Belch.
Alexis: Bensch.
Julian: Oh, whatever.
Alexis: Wow. Your ego knows no bounds. You really don't think anyone else can make me happy?
Julian: [Sighs]
Alexis: Well, guess what? Finn does it for me, and he does it quite well. You know the walks in the woods you would never go with me on?
Julian: Oh, let me guess. He loves to take them.
Alexis: We take one every day.
Julian: Well, you better check for ticks. I hear they're brutal in these parts.
Alexis: He's no substitute for you. He's it for me. I'm moving on. So should you.
Julian: Yeah, I'll work on that.
Kim: Ouch.
Anna: It wasn't like a romantic getaway or anything like that, you know? And A-Andre and I, we went to Brussels on business. Hmm. It was kind of like how we started, in a -- in -- in a way.
Finn: So, you blackmailed him? That's -- I hear the casinos in Brussels are bumpin' this time of year.
Anna: "Bumpin'"?
Finn: Yeah, I heard the young people use it. I think it means "happening," "all the rage."
Anna: I know what it means. You just can't use it.
Finn: I can't pull it off?
Anna: Mm. No. I don't think anyone can, really. Anyway, so, there was no casinos or blackmail or anything like that because Andre's still with the WSB now.
Finn: Oh, of course. Right. The spy business. The usual. You could tell me, but then you'd have to...
Anna: Yeah.
Finn: … Kill me because of...
Anna: Right.
Finn: … Classified intel and all that.
Anna: It's not gonna be a problem in this case. Uh... What I was looking for was not classified. It was personal.
Mike: Do you remember when -- when you used to play "Kick the Can" with that Sullivan kid over at Cambridge Place? And you -- And you -- you guys took it so seriously, you know. I mean, [Chuckles] I had to laugh, you know.
Sonny: Well, that lot went empty long after you left. Y-You weren't around.
Mike: What do you mean I wasn't around? I-I-I remember you guys used to be there every Thursday like clockwork.
Sonny: Yeah, well Thursdays were half-days. You weren't -- You weren't there 'cause I would've remembered.
Mike: [Sighs] Well, how do I remember it if I wasn't there? [Scoffs] And what are we waiting here for? And why -- why are we always waiting?
Sonny: We're waiting for your favorite nurse, Deanna. And y-y-you got to calm down, that's all.
Mike: Calm down?
Sonny: Yes, calm down.
Mike: Calm down? Calm down?
Sonny: Yeah.
Mike: You're calling me a liar, now you want me to calm down? You know, I-I-I-I'm done, Son. I'm done. L-L-Let's just go! I want to go home!
Carly: Sam finally admitted her feelings for you. The next step is for you guys to be together.
Jason: Carly, she just needs a little time.
Carly: For what?
Jason: Carly, please.
Carly: I can't -- [Gasps]
Damian: Hey!
Jason: Spinelli.
Carly: Spinelli!
Damian: Greetings, friends.
Carly: I didn't know you were in town! And wow -- Looking so dapper.
Damian: Oh, I pale in comparison to your resplendence.
Carly: Ooh, I love this man. So? Are you in town on business?
Damian: Uh, well, that, and, um... Ellie and I thought, uh, it would be nice for Maxie to spend some time with Georgie.
Carly: Aww. I'm sure hugs from her daughter is exactly what Maxie needs.
Damian: Yes, um... I-I'm sorry I'm late. I-I underestimated the damage wrought by the earthquake.
Carly: It's terrible, isn't it? It's really bad.
Damian: Well, my gratitude that you are all okay knows no bounds.
Carly: Yeah. So, your business is with Jason, huh? What kind of business?
Jason: Uh, not yours.
Carly: All right. I have enough of my own waiting for me in my office on my desk. This conversation isn't over.
Jason: It never is.
Carly: I heard that!
Jason: Okay, bye, Carly.
Damian: [Clears throat]
Jason: You said you have a new plan?
Damian: I do, indeed.
Jason: Let's hear it.
Drew: Did you just figure this out now?
Sam: No.
Drew: No?
Sam: I don't know. I was just too afraid to admit it.
Drew: Yeah, okay. Just too afraid. You're in love with Jason.
Sam: And -- And I -- And I love you.
Drew: Do you?
Sam: Drew, I do. I love you so much. [Sniffles] Our love is real. Please, look -- look -- look into my eyes. Our love is real. You have no idea how painful this is for me. [Sniffles] I am so confused. I don't understand any of this myself. Please... I just -- I love you both.
Drew: You love us both.
Sam: No.
Drew: Why did we get married?
Anna: It probably felt like I cut and run, right?
Finn: Maybe a little.
Anna: Yeah -- So... I-I kind of did, but not for the reasons that you think.
Finn: Oh, what's that?
Anna: Well, you and Alexis.
Finn: Well --
Anna: Not for that. Because it wasn't that at all.
Finn: You should probably know that -- Not at all?
Anna: No. It did sting a little, I must say, 'cause I felt that you and I -- We had a connection, and when I was away, you know, I-I thought about us a fair amount.
Finn: I, uh, I suppose while you were away, I... thought about us, too.
Anna: Okay, and why we didn't get off the ground. And that's on me because I've been very guarded about something and kind of put up a barrier between us.
Finn: Okay, barriers can be a problem.
Anna: Yeah, and I was telling myself that I was protecting you by withholding information, but what I was actually doing was protecting myself because if I told you, then that would change the way you see me, and I didn't want that to happen. Does that make sense?
Finn: No.
Mike: I want to go home.
Sonny: We will. We just got to get some tests done first.
Mike: [Scoffs] Would you stop saying "we"? I'm the one that's getting poked and prodded, not you.
Sonny: We're doing this together. That's all I meant, Dad.
[Elevator bell dings]
Mike: Michael! Hey! I knew you'd make it. [Laughs]
Michael: Yeah, uh... Sorry I'm late.
Mike: Yeah.
Michael: How you doing? Hey. Good to see you.
Mike: Yeah, yeah. Here. Sit, sit. Tell me. What's what?
Michael: Um... Well, nothing too -- too, uh, new, just getting ready for the baby.
Mike: Oh! Right, my -- my first great-grandchild.
Michael: Yeah.
Mike: [Chuckles]
Michael: Oh, yeah. It's, um, lots going on. I got -- I got to get swaddles and -- and wipe warmers, monitors, you know, uh, pacifiers, all that stuff. It's a little overwhelming.
Mike: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But you only need one thing, so forget about all that. All you need is a big heart. [Chuckles] Done. [Chuckles]
Michael: Thanks.
Mike: Yeah. Got a crib?
Michael: Yeah, I got that.
Mike: Okay, well, then, there's -- there's only one thing you're missing.
Michael: Yeah, what's that?
Mike: Ear plugs.
Michael: What? [Laughs]
Carly: [Sighs] [Humming] What the hell? Hello? [Sighs]
Damian: I've been ruminating on our plan, and -- and I-I fear we might have been a bit hasty. Multiple bank break-ins in Europe... Not to say that I don't think you could devise a means to entry. I-I-I have full faith that you could! But then comes the task of opening the vaults, opening the safety deposit box, and then last but not least, exiting the bank alive. Might I offer a simpler alternative?
Jason: I-I'm all for simple. Go ahead.
Damian: So, who better to gain access to Faison's belongings than his heir?
Jason: Nathan's dead, Britt's in prison, and we have no idea who Henrik is.
Damian: Precisely. The mystery son remains a mystery to all.
Jason: And how does that help us?
Damian: [German accent] Well, who's to say Henrik... doesn't look a lot like me?
Sam: We got married because we love each other, and that hasn't changed. [Sniffles]
Drew: Feels like something's changing.
Sam: I --
Drew: Don't.
Sam: Okay, babe, we got married because we built this amazing life together with you and me and Scout and Danny, and I wanted to hold on to that life. I wanted to hold on to the life that we built together, but somewhere -- [Sniffles] somewhere along the line, things just... [Sniffles] changed.
Drew: They changed, yeah. They changed 'cause of Jason.
Sam: No, and if I just acknowledged my feelings from the start, but... I didn't.
Drew: [Whispering] We said the vows.
Sam: The vows... Yes, I said those vows. Look at me, please.
Drew: [Groans]
Sam: When I said those vows, I was looking into the eyes of the man that I love, and I meant every single word that I said.
Drew: But I'm not the only man that you love, right?
Sam: It's just that when you -- [Sighs] when you marry someone, you commit yourself to them for the rest of you life and only them, right?
Drew: Yeah, I'm aware. I commit myself to you. And you can't do that for me... anymore.
Sam: No. Babe, no. I -- Not until I know who I am.
Kim: Mmm. Hey. You promised me you wouldn't let me eat this alone.
Julian: I'm not really an "eating your feelings" kind of a guy.
Kim: Okay, well, you should change that because it works. Get to it.
Julian: Well... Fine. [Sighs]
Kim: Am I right or am I right, huh?
Julian: Mm.
Kim: Oh, okay. You are officially a robot. So what's next?
Julian: I mean, I don't really have much of a choice. I mean, you heard her. I have to... get over her.
Kim: Yeah, so how's that gonna work, exactly?
Julian: I have no idea, since I've never tried it before, which is kind of pathetic, since, you know, we are divorced and she can't stand to be in the same room with me. I mean, how did I not figure it out until now that I have to get over her? [Stammers]
Kim: Part ego, part optimism?
Julian: Or maybe I just assumed that, uh, you know, she would have to come around, but, um... That's not really gonna happen, is it?
Kim: I don't -- I don't think so. No.
Julian: Give me that pie.
Kim: Nice. [Laughs]
Deanna: I'm so sorry for the delay. Look who it is, Mike.
Mike: Yes, my favorite nurse.
Deanna: You ready for me?
Mike: Uh, it depends on my grandson. Hmm? You staying?
Michael: Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'll, um, be here.
Mike: All right, then I'm ready. But no funny business, all right? I'm spoken for.
Deanna: [Chuckles] I'll try to restrain myself.
[Both laugh]
Sonny: Thanks -- Thanks for that.
Michael: [Clears throat] Thanks for what? I didn't do anything.
Sonny: Just taking care of your grandfather. You're a good man.
Michael: Yeah, well, it's easier for me. Mike didn't walk out on me when I was a kid. I can't imagine what that must have been like for you. You know, I remember, when I was -- when I was little, whenever I wanted to ask you something, you always made me feel like the most important person in the room.
Sonny: You were. You kids -- For your mother and me -- You were always the most important person in the room. Don't forget that.
Michael: I won't. And I'll [Chuckles] I'll make sure to pay it forward with my, uh, my son or daughter.
Sonny: [Sighs] You know, b-before this happened with -- with Mike, I never realized what a blessing memory was. Remember that when you lost your f-first tooth, and you had that raggedy elephant stuffed animal you --
Michael: Mr. Ears. Mr. Ears.
Sonny: Mr. Ears, yeah.
Michael: Mr. Ears.
Sonny: Well, you know, thousands and thousands of memories -- You, Morgan, Kristina, Avery. Can you imagine... not remembering that?
Michael: Man, I'm really sorry you're going through this, Dad.
Sonny: It's not me -- It's Mike.
Michael: I know it's obviously hard for Mike, too, but... soon, he's not gonna recognize what's going on. You will.
Sonny: You know what's strange? He was -- He was telling a story about remembering me kicking the cans as a kid. Did he mention any of that to you?
Michael: I don't think so.
Sonny: But it was very clear. He remembered the neighborhood, who I was with, the day of the week.
Michael: Um, do you remember him being there at all?
Sonny: No. But who's right? Me, convinced that he wasn't around or Mike, convinced that he always was?
Michael: Maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Sonny: Maybe.
Jason: You want to pass yourself off as... Henrik and go to Europe?
Damian: Yes. Ingenious, if I do say so myself.
Jason: Where's the proof, Spinelli?
Damian: [German accent] My father's death certificate. Oh. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. [Normal voice] My birth certificate.
Jason: Mm.
Damian: Mm-hmm. And, thanks to Diane, a signed copy of Faison's will giving "me" access to all of Faison's belongings. Add to that all the other information that we've gathered --
Jason: Wait, wait, wait a minute. I don't remember reading that in Faison's will.
Damian: Well, it's in there now. So, everything is all set, as it were. And the best part? You don't even need to come with me.
Jason: To Europe? Uh, yeah, I-I kind of do.
Damian: No, no. You -- You need to stay here and provide a strong and supportive shoulder for fair Samantha, should she require one. [Sighs] And I suspect she will.
Drew: So, you can commit to him.
Sam: No. No! Drew, no. But I can't get Jason out of my heart...
Drew: [Laughs]
Sam: … And I can't get you out of my heart, either. I love you both.
Drew: [Sighs] I thought what we built was real. It is. To me, the only thing that's real in my entire life.
Sam: It is real. No, this is real. It's real to me. You are real. This didn't happen to me, it happened to us. [Sniffles] I-I know it's -- it's hard to understand.
Drew: No, I understand it. I know. I understand.
Sam: And I have handled this in the worst possible way. The -- The -- The first part is to acknowledge the reality of a situation, right? And -- And I don't think I did that because the reality is I love you both, and I can't make this okay for you, and I wish that I could. And I can't make it okay for him, and I certainly can't make it okay for myself until I figure out who I am. I have to learn how to... trust myself again, and I have no idea how I let it get this far.
Drew: [Sighs] How far did it get?
Anna: There's all different types of courage. There's, um, you scrubbing in to go to surgery and you've got someone's life in your hands.
Finn: It could also be something of a rush.
Anna: Okay, well, me, too, when I'm staring down a bad guy.
Finn: Take your word for it.
Anna: Okay, then there's other types of courage.
Finn: Such as?
Anna: Such as confronting someone about the feelings that you might have for them and the -- What they might feel for you.
Finn: That is courageous.
Anna: [Chuckling] Okay, and you really make me laugh a lot.
Finn: Oh, yeah?
Anna: [Chuckling] Yes, you do, and I know that sometimes it's unintentional.
Finn: Is that a good thing?
Anna: It's a great thing! And it's fantastic and it makes me really want to dive into it, but I can't because there's this thing. There's something holding me back.
Finn: Th-The barrier.
Anna: Right. [Sighs] I don't know what I'm doing, saying.
Finn: Wait, wait. That -- Well, that's -- that's what I'm trying to figure out.
Anna: Okay. I -- This is very selfish of me because I shouldn't be doing this. I know I can't inflict myself on you because you're with Alexis.
Finn: Listen, y-you know, if you're such a good spy, you are a terrible listener. What I've been trying to tell you from --
Alexis: Oh, good, good, good. I was looking for you. You're just the person that I need to see.
Jason: You know, Sam's been so busy taking care of everybody else, she -- she forgot to take care of herself.
Damian: That's not an uncommon mistake. Especially among mothers.
Jason: I just really hope she uses the time and space to rebuild her life... Whether I'm in it or not.
[Alarm blaring]
Carly: Oh, come on. Got to be kidding me.
Security Guard: Mandatory evacuation, Mrs. Corinthos.
Carly: What set it off? Is it only on this floor?
Security Guard: We don't know yet.
Carly: Okay, great.
[Alarm continues]
Andre: Sonny. Is everything okay?
Sonny: Yeah, yeah. Everything's good. Can I ask you something? After everything you did to Jason and Drew, why are you still walking free? 'Cause if it was up -- up to me, I-It wouldn't be an option.
Andre: "Free" is a matter of perspective. I was released on the grounds that I continue my research on the memory mapping.
Sonny: Well, maybe you'll get it right next time.
Andre: Look, if I could restore what I took from your friends, make amends for all the pain I caused, I would do it in a heartbeat. Then, maybe, I actually would be free. And so would Drew.
Drew: I know something happened. Tell me.
Sam: Okay. We kissed.
Drew: When?
Sam: New Year's.
Drew: On the boat?
Sam: On the boat.
Drew: Yeah. I felt it.
Sam: The second it happened, I knew it was a mistake. And I didn't want tell you because it was -- because it was so -- I-I-I didn't want to lose you over that.
Drew: I know. I don't want to lose you, either.
Sam: [Sighs]
Drew: But here we are. [Sniffles, clears throat]
Jason: Carly, what's going on?
Carly: We're not sure. We think it was a false alarm. We're just waiting for the fire marshal to give us the all clear.
[Alarm stops]
Damian: Uh, that would appear to be a good sign.
Jason: Yeah.
Carly: You don't think someone's trying to sabotage the hotel, do you?
Damian: More likely just a child who thought it would be a fun prank.
Security Guard: Uh, Mrs. Corinthos? All clear.
Carly: Thank you. Okay. This has been the weirdest day.
Jason: Did something else happen?
Carly: I walked into my office a-and there was a scarf on my desk, and it looked exactly like the one I gave Morgan.
Jason: Somebody left it for you?
Carly: I guess. It was dirty and torn, and it looked like there was dried blood on it.
Julian: Try this, uh, getting-over-someone thing. It's actually, uh, pretty good.
Kim: I think that's the pie talking.
Julian: [Chuckles] Probably. But I have to say, there is a sense of liberation. You know, no measuring my words, worrying if what I'm saying is too much or too little.
Kim: No more working on trying to be a good friend to the one person you want to be more than friends with?
Julian: Exactly.
Kim: I am glad to see that you are taking this so well.
Julian: Mm. Well, talk to me in a few hours.
Kim: Okay, well, there are gonna be ups and downs, of course, but you know what they say.
Julian: Hmm?
Kim: Fake it till you make it.
Julian: So you think I'm gonna make it, do you?
Kim: Yeah, I do. [Chuckles]
Julian: Yeah. So do I.
Kim: Wait. Okay, I like this attitude, Charlie.
[Both chuckle]
Kim: Alexis-free life is looking good on you.
Julian: Yeah?
Kim: Mm-hmm.
Julian: It's probably the pie talking.
Kim: Probably. [Chuckles]
Alexis: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Anna: No, no, no. It's fine. It's fine.
Alexis: No! No, no, no. Clearly, you were -- Uh, I was interrupting something.
Anna: It's okay.
Alexis: So, you call me and I'll -- I'll --
Anna: No. This looks urgent, so I have to go to the hospital. So, I'll -- I'll see you around.
Finn: I will -- I'll -- I'll... see you.
Alexis: You want to kill me, don't you?
Finn: Your timing could be better.
Alexis: You were finally making some headway with Anna, and then I barged in and I just messed that up.
Finn: Well, to be fair, it was a mess before you got here.
Alexis: Well, what if I told you that I could tell you something right now that would make things even worse?
Finn: That's not possible.
Alexis: Oh, sure it is. What if I told you that I told Julian that you and I were really, really serious?
Finn: Suddenly possible.
Sonny: How'd it go?
Mike: Oh, great. Where -- Where --Where's Michael?
Sonny: Oh, he had some things to take care of, but he'll be back.
Mike: Soon?
Sonny: Yeah, he'll be back soon.
Mike: Oh, I see. He said we'd -- we'd go to lunch.
Sonny: Well, he's -- he's gonna come back. Don't worry about it. Everything's good.
Mike: All right. All right.
Sonny: Thank you, Deanna.
Deanna: Any time.
Sonny: Yeah.
Deanna: Uh, bye, Mr. Corbin. See you later.
Mike: Not if I see you first.
[Both laugh]
Sonny: Uh, you know, we were talking... You were there on Thursdays, um, when I used to play Kick the Can as a kid.
Mike: Yeah. I mean, where else would I have been? [Chuckles]
Michael: Hey!
Mike: Hi, hi. Here he is.
Michael: You ready to go?
Mike: Yeah.
Michael: I'm feeling a Kelly's BLT.
Mike: Ah-ha. Yeah. Now you're talking. [Chuckles]
Michael: Dad?
Sonny: Hmm?
Michael: Want to come?
Sonny: No, I got -- I -- You guys go ahead. I got some business to take care of.
Michael: Are you sure? It's my treat.
Sonny: No, that's fine. Listen... J-Just bring him home as soon as you're done.
Michael: Yeah, of course. All right, let's go.
Mike: All right. They still got those, uh, black and white milkshakes?
Michael: Oh, yeah. Only the best.
Mike: Oh, we should order a couple.
Michael: You've got yourself a deal.
Carly: Wait till you see this. It's the strangest thing. No!
Jason: What is it?
Carly: It's gone! It's gone. I left it here on the desk when the alarm went off.
Jason: And the door locks automatically?
Carly: Always.
Damian: And you're certain it's reminiscent of the scarf you purchased for Morgan?
Carly: No, it's not reminiscent -- It's the exact same scarf. It is! Okay, this is beyond bizarre. Why would someone put the scarf on my desk and then take it away?
Damian: It appears we have another mystery on our hands.
Drew: I thought what we had was enough, but I guess it's not. [Laughs] Oh, it's not even mine.
Sam: What are you talking about? Where are you going? Don't go anywhere. Please, stay. S-Stay here and talk to me.
Drew: You know, I never thought I'd leave you in a million years.
Sam: Then don't!
Drew: I can't stay here. He's between us. There's no place for me. I can't stay here.
Finn: Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi!
Alexis: Okay, okay, okay, okay. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna just go right back to Julian and I'm gonna tell him the truth.
Finn: Don't.
Alexis: Don't tell him that we're not a couple?
Finn: What's the point?
Alexis: Because we're not a couple?
Finn: I know, but... For your own sanity and good will, you don't want to be with him, right, and if this makes it easier for you not to see him, if the lie works in your favor, then... Just go for it.
Alexis: You do realize that Julian isn't going to be the only one that believes that we're a couple.
Finn: At this point, I don't care what Julian or anyone else thinks. Just let the lie stand.
[Telephone rings]
[Elevator bell dings]
Andre: Hey.
Anna: Yes. Right.
Andre: How'd it go with Finn?
Anna: Oh, you told me to open up to him, and I did in a blundering, utterly confusing kind of way. Stepping over myself trying to reach out to him, and I didn't say anything really important or even coherent. And just when I thought that it couldn't get any worse, Alexis walks up...
Andre: Uh...
Anna: Pressing issue or something. I don't know.
Andre: I'm sorry.
Anna: Yeah, you should be. What kind of advice was that? I thought you're supposed to be a professional. Aren't you? Professional? Supposed to be?
Andre: Really?
Kim: Well, I should get out of here and get home. Though you may need to roll me out of here after all the pie.
Julian: Oh, you know what? I think there's a crane over at the Niagara construction. I could have it pick you up and drop you on your roof.
Kim: Ha-ha-ha.
Julian: You know what? You could eat a hundred pies and still look gorgeous.
Kim: Oh, well. You heading out, too?
Julian: I am. I'll walk you out to your car.
Kim: All right. Ohh.
Julian: After you.
Kim: Thank you. Did you like -- Oh!
Julian: Whoa!
Kim: [Laughs]
Julian: Well, that was, um, that was graceful.
Kim: What, you didn't know I was a dancer?
Julian: [Sighs] Really?
Kim: No.
Sonny: That thing you said about wanting to make amends?
Andre: Yes?
Sonny: I think I might have an idea.
Nelle: Hey, Brad, how's it going?
Brad: Hey, Nelle. [Chuckles] Good.
Nelle: Any headway on the adoption?
Brad: We're, uh, currently in the review process, but it's, uh, looking promising.
Nelle: Nice. Congratulations.
Brad: [Chuckles] Thanks.
Nelle: That's so exciting.
Brad: Uh, Lucas and I are cautiously excited.
Nelle: Ah. It'll be really cute with the baby cousins all playing together.
Brad: Wow. That pregnancy glow is a real thing, huh?
Nelle: Mm-hmm.
Brad: [Chuckles] You must be taking good care of yourself and the baby.
Nelle: Oh, yes. I am doing everything I need to take care of my child.
Carly: First the phone calls, now this.
Damian: Phone calls?
Jason: Yeah. It came from a phone booth out by Angel's Bluff. First, it was just the sound of the wind, some hang-ups, and then an explosion.
Damian: Well, that's not disconcerting at all.
Carly: Someone's definitely trying to freak me out here.
Jason: Okay, let's not -- let's just not jump to conclusions first. Let's just run through everything that happened and how. The phone calls, how the scarf got here, and where it went.
Carly: Okay. That sounds like a plan.
Sam: [Sighs]
Drew: Look, I love you, Sam.
Sam: [Sniffles]
Drew: I love you so much. I gave you everything that I am because that's really all that I've got. All right? And I wish to God that I was enough.
Sam: [Sighs, sniffles]
Drew: And I believe you when you tell me that you love me. But I also know that you love my brother, too, and I got to tell you, it's just too damn painful to stick around here while you try to figure it out.
Sam: Drew...
Drew: Yeah. You say that you can love two people at the same time. I'm only capable of loving you.
Sam: Hey.
Drew: Listen...
Sam: Hey, hey, hey. Wait a minute. You told me... If I ever needed you, all I would have to do was grab your hand and you would always be there. You promised me that. You promised me. [Sniffles]
Drew: You know what else is on this hand?
Sam: Mm?
Drew: This ring. I can't tell you how many times a day I touch this ring. When I found myself lost or unsure because I don't know my past, I'd touch this ring. And it reminds me of my family, of you, and it centers me because all that matters anymore is this is my life now. But suddenly, like everything else... It's just not real.
Sam: No, it is real. This is real. We are real! Please. Go upstairs and look at our baby. Look into her eyes and tell me she isn't real. Go ahead. We made her, Drew. We made her out of love. Go ahead, go upstairs and look at her and tell me what you see. That's love. If we don't have anything left, we'll always have her.
Drew: You're right. No, you're right.
Sam: No...
Drew: That is love. That is my daughter, and nothing's gonna change that. And she'll always have my heart. And I truly wish that I could say the same about you...
Sam: No, please.
Drew: … That you will always be my wife.
Sam: No, don't do that.
Drew: But right now, I just can't.
Sam: [Sobbing] No. Don't go. Drew... [Sniffles] No... [Crying] [Sighs]
On the next "General Hospital" --
Ned (to Olivia): We’ve got a tough job ahead of us, Julian would just get in the way.
Kim (to Julian): This is the next step to get over Alexis.
Alexis (to Sam): So what’re you gonna say when Jason shows up at your door?
Curtis (to Drew): You wanna hear some big news?
Carly (to Jason): I don’t want anyone else knowing! Please?!
Sonny (to Andre): I’m offering you a chance to do something good.
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