General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 3/20/18
Episode #13997 ~ Griffin offers his advice; Sam gets a break; Liz turns to Jordan for help; Curtis is surprised; Kiki is grateful.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Maddie
Mike: But you don't need to come to my appointment with me.
Sonny: [Sighs] I want to.
Mike: Why? Why? Why? To m-make sure I don't run out before Dr. Munro can see me, huh? Like some kid trying to avoid a booster shot?
Sonny: That's not why, Mike.
Mike: God, wh-- Did you notice I knew the doctor's name?
Sonny: Yeah, I did.
Mike: Yeah, see? Okay, so, I'm fine, okay? Here. Go run your empire.
Sonny: We both know why I'm here -- Because just in case.
Mike: Yeah, just in case what?
Sonny: Somebody has to remember what the doctor says.
Mike: [Sighs] I'm not an invalid -- At least not yet. I'm not!
Sonny: Well, why are you --
Dante: Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. What's going on here?
Mike: Nothing. Nothing. W-we're... We're fine.
Sonny: W-What are you doing here?
Dante: I'm here for Mike's appointment.
Sonny: I-I don't get it. What, did Dr. Munro call you?
Mike: No. I did.
Griffin: Brad, it's Griffin Munro. Um... Listen, thank you for putting a rush on that DNA test for me. You thought it might be back by this morning. Um... Listen, if that's the situation, you can messenger it to me at my residence. Uh, all right. Thank you.
Kiki: [Sighs]
Griffin: Is that a first edition "Grey's Anatomy"?
Kiki: First American edition.
Griffin: That's still a collector's item. How'd you get your hands on that?
Kiki: It was a gift from, uh... Dr. Bensch.
Griffin: Wow. That's a heck of a gift. He must really like you.
Jordan: I know better than to ask what you're doing, but I just hope that you find what you're looking for... For everyone's sake.
Curtis: Don't worry. This won't take long, okay? Quick in and out.
Jordan: Okay, so, hypothetically speaking, an investigator in your situation -- What would you be doing?
Curtis: Well, in a case like this, the most logical place to look for evidence in a subject's home is the home office.
Jordan: Okay. Well, then, hypothetically, be careful, okay? Don't get caught, 'cause I won't be able to get you out.
Curtis: No one will even know I was here.
Jordan: Babe, I don't like that you're doing this alone, but I just... I--
Curtis: I get it. Your hands are tied.
Jordan: Yeah, the whole jurisdiction thing and all.
Curtis: Well, it ain't like Harvey's dangerous or nothing.
Liz: What is that?
Sam: Drew's wedding ring. I just found it on the floor of Harvey's motel room. And Drew was wearing it the last time I saw him, which means he was in that room.
Liz: And Harvey just lied to us.
Sam: Yes.
Liz: What if Franco was with Drew? Do you think he could have done something to both of them?
Sam: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. But I'm not gonna stick around and try to get the truth out of him. Take this. Take it. Take it, please.
Liz: Why? Why? What do you want -- What am I supposed to do with this?
Sam: Go. Go down to the police station. Give it to the commissioner and tell them to put out an APB. Please.
Liz: Okay. What about you?
Sam: [Sighs] I'll be fine.
Liz: And if you're not, where am I supposed to tell Jordan how to find you?
Sam: You tell them to look for Harvey. I'm not gonna let that bastard out of my sight until I know exactly what he did to Franco and Drew.
Drew: Hey, uh... look... I don't know what happened that night. Maybe you pushed me, maybe you didn't. But we were just kids. Just little kids, right? What we know is, uh -- [Grunts] -- Harvey's lying. And whatever he's hiding has got to be pretty bad, man, because look where we are. This is gonna be really hard for me to say, but, uh... everything that happened in our past... doesn't matter right now. What matters right now is, we get out of here and we get some answers. And we're gonna get them together. Does that sound okay to you?
Franco: Yeah. That'd be great.
Drew: Okay.
[Metal clanking]
Franco: What was that?
[Truck beeping]
Drew: Sounds like a construction crew.
[Metal groaning]
Franco: Well, that begs the question -- Do you think it's a good construction crew or a bad construction crew?
Ray: We're ready. Are you sure this is the only way?
Jim: Hey, we've got no other choice. People are asking questions. Drew and Franco have to disappear.
Ray: I know, but... this is an awful way to go.
Jim: We're scheduled to seal off that foundation tonight, okay? All your crew has to do is their job. And once this is over, Drew and Franco are buried forever.
Sonny: You called Dante to come to your appointment?
Mike: Well, I'm not completely senile yet, you know. I knew I needed somebody with me.
Dante: He called me yesterday, asked me to be here. I thought you knew. I'm sorry.
Mike: Hey, you don't need to apologize, okay? It's my appointment, and I-I-I-I wanted my grandson with me and not my son, who's never gonna forgive me for all the ways I've wronged him.
Sonny: We've already forgiven each other.
Mike: I don't see forgiveness in your eyes.
Sonny: Okay.
Griffin: Oh, Mr. Corbin, good to see you.
Mike: Yeah, Dr. Munro. [Chuckles]
Griffin: We're ready for you.
Mike: All right. Well, then, we're ready for you. Shall we?
Griffin: Well, uh, actually we're gonna -- we're just gonna start with the physical examination. You're not gonna need a family member with you until we discuss the results.
Mike: Oh. Did I know that?
Griffin: [Chuckles] Nobody remembers that.
Mike: Doc...
Griffin: Look, I'm not -- I'm not trying to -- I'm not trying to say that to make you feel better. No one does.
Mike: [Sighs] Okay, well... Um... My grandson came all this way.
Dante: No, no, no, no. No. Y-You go do the physical. We'll wait out here. We'll be here when you're done.
Mike: Okay.
Dante: All right?
Mike: As long as you're gonna be here.
Dante: Yep. Promise.
Griffin: Come on, Mike.
Sonny: Uh, I didn't know Mike had your number.
Dante: I put it in his phone...
Sonny: Oh.
Dante: … The night he spent at the PCPD.
Sonny: Well, I appreciate, you know, what you're doing for your grandfather. That -- That night, and today.
Dante: Is something bothering you?
Sonny: No. You know.
Dante: Just seems like maybe it's the fact that your father doesn't trust his son.
Sonny: [Chuckles]
David: I see you're putting that book to good use.
Kiki: Hi, Dr. Bensch.
David: Hey. Ah. Books, even antiques, are meant to be read and savored, not put on display and never touched.
Kiki: Yes, um, and I... I did some research when I got home last night.
David: Oh. Find anything fascinating?
Kiki: Yeah. I saw how much this book is worth.
David: You know, uh, some would consider it rude to discuss the price of a gift.
Kiki: The point is, this... I can't accept this. It's much too generous.
David: No. N-Nonsense. Look... I've inscribed it -- Too late to give it back.
Kiki: I did some research on that, too, and any good book restorer should be able to remove the inscription.
David: I don't want it removed. You worked hard, you got accepted into medical school. Mm? Now, not for nothing, I would like to think that, maybe, I had a little something to do in helping you get this far.
Kiki: Even so...
David: No. Okay. If you can't accept it as a gift, think of it as an investment – A down payment, if you will, on what I hope will be a long and fruitful relationship.
[Jordan sighs]
Liz: Commissioner?
Jordan: Elizabeth, I told you. I can't.
Liz: I need to speak with you.
Jordan: Not now. I am busy coordinating for disaster relief.
Liz: I have something to show you, though.
Jordan: I'm not gonna spend more time looking for two grown men who've missing for less than 24 hours.
Liz: Please, can you just look at this?
Jordan: What is that?
Liz: Drew Cain's wedding ring. Sam found it in Jim Harvey's motel room after he denied seeing him.
Jordan: I'm listening.
Liz: Okay. The last time Sam spoke with Drew, he said that he was "dealing with Franco", which means they were together. Jim Harvey denies seeing either one of them, but this ring proves that he was in his motel room at some point. Sam and I believe that Harvey's done something with them. You don't have to trust our instincts or our suspicions, but please, just trust the evidence.
Ray: I didn't sign on for this --
Jim: Hey, talk louder. I can't hear you over the machinery.
[Machines running loudly]
Ray: This could come back to bite us both.
Jim: The city gave us a legit green light to pour that foundation tonight, okay? We are in the clear as long as you get this done.
Ray: All right, boys. Let's get started.
[Machines rumble]
Drew: If this crew is working on Harvey's construction site, then rest assured they work for Harvey.
Franco: Yeah, building condominiums, not murder.
Drew: [Scoffs] We're stuck in a basement. I take it you've noticed that no one's come to check on us, so either this crew doesn't we're down here, or Harvey told them to get rid of us.
Franco: Oh, come -- Look, Harvey... Creep. Super creepy, and perpetuating a lie that affects the both of us, and has for decades. But I don't think he's -- I don't think he's gonna kill anybody. I don't think he's capable. And frankly, I don't think he has the --
[Machines grow louder]
Franco: Oh, God.
Drew: You heard that, didn't you?
Franco: Uh-huh.
Drew: Yeah?
Franco: Yeah. So, they're digging. They're drilling?
Drew: I don't know. I don't -- Could you just shut up and listen, please?
Dante: Don't take it personally.
Sonny: Well, that what everybody keeps telling me.
Dante: Well, it's true. You've got to look at it from Mike's point of view.
Sonny: I'm trying. I know what it's like to have a different view of reality, but Mike's reality... [Sighs] … He doesn't, you know... It's shifting. One minute he's present, the next minute it's thirty years ago.
Dante: That's the nature of the beast.
Sonny: Well, the beast now is what my father's going through, and after everything that we've been through, after all the times that I've forgiven him -- Hell, all the times that he's forgiven me -- All that is out the window. What's left? Distrust and resentment?
Dante: It's the affect the illness has. On top of that, Mike doesn't want to be a burden to you. No parent wants to become an obligation to their children.
Sonny: Bottom line, he don't trust me. Mike doesn't trust me. But he has to because h-h-he's got to rely on me 'cause he's beyond the point now where he can't do anything with his affairs. Not that he has any -- He doesn't own property or insurance. I know you don't... y-you don't care for what I do for a living, but thank God I'm rich.
[Both laugh]
Dante: That's an argument for another day.
Sonny: You know, when Mike's in the present, he trusts me, but... When it's the past, he -- All that pain and resentment comes back. He doesn't listen to a word I say, and I didn't -- No matter how hard I try. But I got to admit... Sometimes, I don't hear him.
Kiki: You don't have to give me an expensive gift to strengthen our working relationship. I -- I think we make a pretty great team already.
David: No... Actually, I have something else in mind.
Kiki: Oh?
David: Mm-hmm.
Kiki: Something other... What?
David: Well, I was gonna hold off discussing it, but... There's no time like the present. Let's head to my office so we can talk in private.
Kiki: About...?
David: Well, I'll tell you when we get there. [Laughs] Don't worry. I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Kiki: You know, I just -- I'm not sure I have enough time. I've got to get these books in my locker before my shift starts, and it starts soon, so...
David: Nonsense. You got a good hour before you're on the clock.
Kiki: You know what time my shift starts.
David: Of course. Well, let's go. I won't take "no" for an answer.
Curtis: Now, if I were proof of an illegal drilling operation... where would I be? Jackpot.
Liz: Is everything okay?
Jordan: You know, if Harvey is as dangerous as he seems, I need to let the people who are investigating him know that. You're positive that he lied to you and said that he didn't see Franco or Drew?
Liz: Yes! Yes, absolutely. He also "shared his suspicions" that he thought maybe Franco h-has done something to Drew.
Jordan: I mean... given Franco's history, don't you think that could be possible?
Liz: No. [Sighs] Oh, God. No. Harvey was just trying to get into my head, make me suspect Franco instead of him. I know this is all circumstantial --
Jordan: Yeah, but this ring isn't. Can I have an evidence bag, please? And a pen. Find Detective Chase. I want him to start interviewing Ms. Webber. This ring is now material evidence.
Policeman: Is this about the BOLO’s for Franco Baldwin and Drew Cain?
Jordan: Yes. Upgrade them to missing persons. And when Chase is finishing with Ms. Webber, I want him to question Jim Harvey.
Franco: Your story keeps changing, and I'm gonna figure out why!
Jim: Look, you know, let me tell you something. I don't think anybody is gonna honestly question me when I say that you're a bad guy. I mean, the internet alone is full of proof.
Franco: I was sick.
Jim: Yes -- Then and now. Some people were just born rotten, Bobby. I'm afraid you're one of them.
Franco: I don't lie.
Jim: Yes, you do.
Franco: No. I'm not a liar. I don't lie!
Jim: Bobby, listen to me.
Franco: Don't you touch me! Hey! Don't touch me!
Jim: You are a liar!
Franco: Go away! Just go away!
Jim: You are a liar!
Franco: Go away! Go away! Go away! Go away!
Jim: Look, there's no need to get this upset.
Franco: [Singsongy] Go away! Go away!
Jim: So, that's it. That's the big secret, isn't it, huh? The big secret is that I saw you be a very bad boy. Betsy believed me, and so will everyone else because they know you're a liar.
Franco: [Sobbing]
Drew: Get away from him.
Jim: [Sighs]
Drew: Franco.
Franco: No more.
Drew: Franco, Franco, stop. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. What'd you do to him, man?
[Knock on door]
Jim: Who is it?
Manager: The manager. Open up.
Jim: [Sighs] Is there something I can do for you?
Manager: Is that your SUV in the handicapped spot?
Jim: Does it matter? I'm practically your only tenant since the earthquake.
Manager: Someone called to complain, and I don't want the cops on my ass. Move it, will you?
Jim: Fine.
Sam: Okay. Permits. Building inspection notice. Emission report. Permit to pour a new foundation on March 20th. That's today.
Franco: What the hell is that?
Drew: That's cement.
Franco: Yeah, I know it's cement, but what the hell is it doing here?
Drew: You hear that loud sound? That's a cement truck, and they're pouring a new foundation.
Franco: Well, you were right, then. Turns out Harvey is trying to kill us.
[Cellphone beeps]
[Cellphone chimes]
Curtis: Hmm. Saved password keychains. Be the death of all of us. [Muttering] "Tuesday meeting." "Charles St. Study. Confidential." Hm. I've got you, you crooked son of a bitch.
Kiki: Um, what'd you want to talk to me about?
David: [Sighs] I have recommended you as a candidate for the "shadow" program. If you are selected, you will have the opportunity to shadow senior physicians in all the various departments.
Kiki: Oh. Thank you.
David: And it will give you a considerable advantage over the rest of your class.
Kiki: Thanks. That's really generous.
David: Kiki, you seem stressed. Is this still about those midterms?
Kiki: Well, they're a comprehensive test of my medical knowledge and very important, so... Yeah.
David: I keep telling you, you're not gonna be able to retain any information until you relax. Here.
[Footsteps approaching]
Sonny: Hey. How did everything go?
Griffin: Um... Why don't we go to my office... Uh, discuss some options for you as a family?
Dante: Hey, uh, you know what? Mike, I'm gonna go. I got to leave you in good hands right here, okay? I totally forgot my son -- His ball team is having a pizza party tonight, a-and I'm one of the coaches, so I should be there.
Mike: Aww. He's playing ball?
Dante: It's just -- just T-ball.
Mike: Does he like it?
Dante: Oh, he loves it. You should see him every time he hits a home run. He rounds the bases like he's at Yankee Stadium.
Mike: [Chuckles] This one... This one was a hell of a stickball player. Yeah, he was like...
Dante: Really?
Sonny: No.
Mike: … He was like the second best in the neighborhood.
Dante: The second best only?
Sonny: That's not -- [Chuckles]
Mike: Well, there was this, uh -- this, uh -- One of the Falconeri girls. I don't remember her name, but, um, yeah, little skinny thing, could hit the ball a country mile. I remember one time, that I was coming by with a friend. The kids were out playing, and she was at bat. I bet him 20 bucks she'd get a hit, and he -- he bet me double she wouldn't. So, I got home that night with an extra 40 bucks in my pocket.
Dante: Olivia.
Mike: Olivia Falconeri. Yeah. Yeah. That's the one. I wonder what ever happened to her. [Chuckles]
Dante: She's doing great, Mike.
Sonny: Hm.
Mike: Well, uh, go on, you know? Be with your son. You know? It's -- It's important to -- to -- to show up for the children.
Dante: I'll tell him you both say "hi."
Mike: Hey. What do you say we walk down to Tony's? And if the kids are out there playing stickball, we can -- we can sit outside and watch.
Sonny: Yeah, this sounds great, but w-w-we got to do what the doctor says first.
Griffin: Yeah, hey, uh, hey, Mike. Why don't we, um -- Let's go to my office, run a few more tests. We will, uh, discuss what happens next for you -- The next steps, okay?
Mike: Oh... Yeah. Sure. Right.
Sonny: [Pats Mike on back]
[Door unlocking]
Liz: Mr. Harvey?
Jim: Elizabeth. [Chuckles] You're back.
Liz: Yes. I, um...
Jim: Would you -- Would you like to come in?
Liz: No, um... No, I'd rather not. I-I have to get home to my boys, and I'd rather just say what I have to say out here, if that's okay.
Jim: Sure. So, uh... What made you come back?
Liz: I wanted to thank you for your honestly with me about Franco and your suspicions that he might've done something to Drew.
Jim: Really? Because you were pretty adamant that I was wrong.
Liz: I know. [Chuckles] I know. The thing is, I-I get very defensive about Franco when it comes to Drew and Sam 'cause they blame him for everything from paper cuts to global warming. I'm sure they think this earthquake was his fault, too.
[Both laugh]
Liz: After what you said, it -- it got me thinking that maybe, just maybe, they are right this time and -- and that all my faith in him has just been -- You know, that I have been lying to myself. I mean, do you really think Drew -- do you think Franco could've killed Drew to keep whatever it is a secret?
Jim: You would be surprised what lengths men go to to bury the truth.
Chase: Hey, where's the witness I'm supposed to interview?
Policeman: Uh, she had to leave. She said it was important.
Chase: What's this?
Policeman: Material evidence. The BOLO’s -- Franco Baldwin and Drew Cain -- They were reported missing earlier today. Cain's wife Sam and Baldwin's fiancé Elizabeth Webber were searching for them. They confronted Jim Harvey.
Chase: Wait, the developer from Niagara Equities?
Policeman: Right. Apparently, he knew Baldwin and Cain when they were children. Harvey stated that he had not seen Baldwin or Cain. Mrs. Cain found that ring -- Which she identified as her husband's wedding ring -- in Harvey's motel room.
Chase: Is the commissioner aware of this?
Policeman: She wants you to handle it. She's got a personal emergency.
Curtis: Harvey, Harvey, Harvey. Guess what? You ain't the only one that hit the mother lode.
[Door opens]
Curtis: [Sighs] [Exhales]
David: Wow. You are tight. Feel that tension right there? No wonder you're not retaining anything. You're psyching yourself out. You know, the shadow program is a unique opportunity. The competition is fierce, but if you get in, you will be on the fast track to an amazing career. Luckily, my word goes a long way around this hospital, and Kiki, you are one of my favorites.
Kiki: Stop, okay? Please. Just stop.
Griffin: Oh-kay.
Mike: Okay. How'd I do, Doc?
Griffin: Well, I am afraid to tell you you scored a little lower than last time. Um... But looking at your scans, I-I-I think you would be an excellent candidate for a cholinesterase inhibitor.
Sonny: Are you saying there's a treatment?
Griffin: Look, not all patients respond to Alzheimer's medication the same way. Um, you know, some patients show improvement in their memory and cognitive ability, while o-other patients show no improvement, but it stops the symptoms from getting worse. And other patients have no response at all. It's just -- I-I-It's impossible to predict until we try it.
Sonny: So, this inhibitor, um, stops the progression of the illness?
Griffin: For some people... the effects can last years.
Mike: So, what you're telling me, Doctor, is that this will not cure me, but it'll maybe delay the inevitable.
Sonny: So, what if it puts off the inevitable? If the medication gives you a few more years, it's a few more years that you didn't have before.
Mike: So what? I'm still gonna become a vegetable and I'm still gonna die.
Sonny: We're all gonna die, Mike.
Mike: Well, gee, you're fun. And as far as becoming a...
Sonny: You know what? A lot can happen in a few years, right?
Griffin: Absolutely, Sonny. Discoveries are made every day, Mike.
Mike: Son, I don't have insurance, okay? I'm not gonna bankrupt myself for a medication that might not do a damn thing!
Sonny: I told you I'd cover it!
Mike: And I told you I don't want your charity!
Sonny: It's not charity, it's family!
Mike: [Groans] [Sighs] I'm not gonna be a burden to you.
Sonny: Then, maybe you should try the medication because you're becoming a pain in the ass, and you will be a burden! I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.
Mike: Yes, you did. I guess we know now why that power of attorney was so important to you.
[Door opens, shuts]
David: Kiki, what's wrong?
Kiki: Um, nothing. I just...
David: You are so jittery. See, this is what I was talking about, this tension that you've --
Kiki: Thanks, but I just... [Laughs] I don't like being touched.
David: [Chuckles] Well, you're gonna have to get over that if you want to be a doctor.
Kiki: I don't mind touching patients. It's, um... It's people touching me that I'm not crazy about.
David: Kiki, I'm a doctor, and trust me when I say that this tension you're carrying around? It's not good for you. Now, I'm only trying to promote a greater sense of well-being -- Healthy mind, healthy body, all that stuff. It's something I try to enshrine in all the fresh blood that I think are special. I didn't realize we weren't on the same page.
Curtis: What are you doing here? What happened to all that jurisdiction stuff?
Jordan: I'm trying to get you out of here right now. I couldn't reach you on your phone.
Curtis: So, you teleported?
Jordan: No. I took a police helicopter.
Curtis: That's impressive.
Jordan: Look, we have to go right now. We got to go. Harvey -- Bad news, all right? He's a lot worse than we thought.
Curtis: And by that you mean --
Jordan: I mean dangerous. And not the shady-business-deal type dangerous. I'm talking... I think he might have killed Franco and Drew.
Jim: Would you like to come in and maybe talk about this some more? I mean, I'd be... Well, I don't know if "happy" would be the right word, but, uh, I'll share any insight I have on Bobby.
Liz: Um... No, thank you. I -- I-I-I just -- I think I just needed to hear you say it again so that I can stop lying to myself.
Jim: If you're sure.
Liz: Yeah. I'm -- I'm definitely -- I'm sure. I just would like to be alone.
Jim: All right. Well... Listen, I really wish that I was wrong, Elizabeth.
Liz: Thanks.
Jim: All right. Goodnight.
Liz: Goodnight.
Sam: Okay. I overheard -- I overheard Harvey say that he was holding Drew and Franco at a construction site. It sounded like some sort of demolition, and I got a picture of it, and it's tonight, Elizabeth -- March 20th.
Liz: Okay, what are we -- what are we waiting for? Let's go.
Sam: Okay. Okay.
Drew: On three. Ready? 1, 2, 3.
Franco: [Grunts] Ahh, this is not happening! I am not dying in sub-basement level six with you!
Drew: Just calm down.
Franco: How does this work, anyway? What happens?
Drew: Ohh...
Franco: Like, we're gonna suffocate?
Drew: Stop! Stop. Stop moving. Just stop. Stop moving. We're not dying. I want to get back to my wife. You want to get back to Elizabeth?
Franco: I do.
Drew: Then, calm down. If they're able to pour cement down here, then we're able to escape up there. Let's go.
Sonny: They say that this disease is just as hard on loved ones and family as it is on the patient.
Griffin: That's, unfortunately, true.
Sonny: I just was not prepared for it. This is him on a good day.
Griffin: Sonny, if -- if you need to talk to somebody, there are -- there are resources in the community and in the hospital.
Sonny: No. I'm fine. Listen, uh... I heard you've been talking to Ms. Henry.
Griffin: Brain doctor, social worker. Look, this isn't the first rodeo for either of us.
Sonny: You know, my illness and my son Morgan's illness, it doesn't even... compare to this. So, what -- what -- what -- what's gonna happen to my father next, you know? What does he do next?
Griffin: W-W-We need to schedule a follow up before we can start Mike on any medication.
Sonny: Yeah. We can do that when we leave, but... Just give it to me straight. With medication or without medication, how long does he have?
Griffin: Sonny, come on. This is -- It's impossible to predict that.
Sonny: Just a -- Just a ballpark.
Griffin: Look, you know this already, but the average Alzheimer's patient lives about 4 to 8 years from time of diagnosis. What you don't know is, I've seen patients go 10 years -- Some, even 20. Now, there are three stages to Alzheimer's -- Mild, moderate, and severe. Mike... Your dad is in the moderate stage right now.
Sonny: So, it's happening fast?
Griffin: I mean, actually, the moderate stage usually takes the longest.
Sonny: So, you're gonna tell me that he's gonna be a confused, paranoid, moody son of a bitch from here on. And then, one day, it's all gonna end... and I'm gonna look back on today and thank God that I had it.
Griffin: Sonny... Like I said before, this could take years.
Sonny: Yeah?
Griffin: But if I were you... I would just make the most out of the moments that I have left with my dad.
[Sad music plays]
Kiki: We are on the same page, Dr. Bensch. It's just... I'm really sensitive about boundaries, that's all.
David: As long as you're sure. I thought we both wanted the same thing... For you to succeed, right?
Kiki: Absolutely. And I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate everything you've done for me.
David: Okay.
Kiki: Well, I really do have to get going or I'm gonna be late for my shift, but I'll see you on the floor?
David: Definitely.
Kiki: Okay.
David: Ms. Jerome, about the shadow program...
Kiki: Yeah. Thank you so much for recommending me.
David: It was my pleasure. I'm sure you have tons of questions about what that entails. So, we should, uh, set up a time to meet where you can ask me anything.
Kiki: Yeah.
Jordan: If Harvey got the drop on Drew and Franco, he's had 24 hours to cover his tracks, okay?
Curtis: All right, but, um, we still need something concrete. So, what do we know?
Jordan: Harvey said that he didn't see Franco or Drew. Then, Sam said that she finds Drew's wedding band in Harvey's motel room. We've got an APB out on Franco and Drew. But the sooner we find them, the better. All right.
Curtis: That's it. That's it. Jim Harvey... You're going down, man. See, I have all the evidence I need to link him to the illegal drilling operation right here.
Jordan: Okay, first of all, I wasn't here. Second, I don't know anything about that.
Curtis: Oh, sorry. Look, I just really want to get this guy, okay?
Jordan: No, I know, babe. We will. As soon as we get this information anonymously to the PCPD, we'll do that. Right now, we have to go.
Curtis: I'm right behind you.
Jordan: We have to go.
Curtis: I'm right behind you. Whew.
[Dramatic music plays]
Curtis: What the hell was that?
On the next "General Hospital" --
Francesca (to Michael): I’m really glad you texted.
Michael (to Francesca): Well I’m glad you gave me your number.
Ava (to Nelle): No matter what happens I will not risk losing Griffin
Griffin (to Ava): How would you?
Sam (to Firefighter): Screw this. There's another way in and I’m gonna find it.
Chase (to Jim): I'd like to ask you some questions about AnDrew Cain and Franco Baldwin.
Curtis (to Jordan): What the hell was that?
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