General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 3/7/18
Episode #13988 ~ Jason is put in a precarious position; Dante proves an unlikely ally to Franco; Ned takes himself very seriously; Alexis wants the best for Molly; Finn does all he can.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Maddie
[Metal creaking]
Sam: Aah!
Jason: Sam?!
Sam: Okay, I'm
here! I'm here. I'm here. Oh, no. Okay.
Jason: Come on. Whoa, whoa! Okay,
whoa. Try not to move.
Sam: Okay.
Jason: Don't move.
All right.
Jason: Don't move.
Sam: Okay, okay, okay.
Ned: Mayor Quartermaine of Port Charles for the governor.
Man: My son had basketball practice at Florian Gym.
Randy: There's a
broken gas main in the 900 block of Van Ness.
Ned: We just had another
aftershock! How soon can we get FEMA involved? And I appreciate anything the
state can give us, but what we really need is federal assistance. I'm gonna wait
10 minutes and then I'm gonna call the White House.
Alexis: You're gonna
call the White House?
Ned: I went to school with a couple guys in the
administration. I don't know if they have any pull with FEMA, but I have to try
something. How are you doing?
Alexis: I'm worried. I haven't heard from
either of my daughters since the earthquake.
Julian: Look, we need some help here!
Josslyn: TJ, What happened?!
TJ: We were out in the open and she got hit by some falling debris.
Julian: Dr. Finn!
Finn: Yeah?
Julian: Molly's hurt. We need some
Finn: Okay. How long's she been unconscious?
TJ: Not long.
She passed out on the way over.
Finn: Okay, follow me. Amy, I'm gonna
need a portable x-ray and CBC in, uh -- in cubicle one.
Amy: On it.
Finn: Yeah, put her down right here, nice and easy.
Julian: All
Finn: Keep that airway open. Easy. Easy.
Julian: All right.
Finn: All right. Okay. All right, look, I'm gonna need you two to wait
TJ: But, can't I stay with her?
Finn: No. I'll let you in
as soon as possible. I promise.
Julian: Okay, come on. Let's go. The best
thing we can do for Molly is get out of the way.
Dante: [Groans] Everyone all right?
Kim: I'm okay.
Dante: How is
Kim: Oscar? Oscar, hey. Hey. Oh, God. [Panting] Oh, God. He's still
hypothermic. His breath is -- is -- is getting shallow again. Come on.
Dante: Okay.
Kim: Come on.
Dante: Drew? Drew, can you hear me? Oh,
my God.
Sam: Oh, no!
Jason, I can see, and there's nothing down there.
Jason: I think we're
hanging over the excavation site. If this thing shifts again, we could fall.
Sam: Okay, what are we supposed to do?
Jason: I don't know. I'm
working on it.
Liz: Thank you for getting me here.
Franco: Yeah, look, I know you're busy, but when we get a chance, I'd really
like for us to talk.
Liz: Franco, look around you. We're in the middle of
a disaster. If you want to help --
Franco: Of course I want to help. What
can I do?
Liz: Check on the boys.
Franco: They're with Bobbie, I'm
sure they're fine.
Liz: Just in case.
Franco: Okay.
Josslyn: So I think Oscar is still at the Floating Rib.
Um, his mom didn't want to move him without an ambulance, so I've just been
waiting and waiting.
TJ: Well, Oscar's mom is a doctor, right? I'm sure
she's taking great care of him.
Josslyn: Yeah. No, you're right. Um, he's
gonna be okay. So is Molly.
TJ: [Softly] Thanks.
Amy: TJ? Dr. Finn
says you can come in.
Josslyn: Good luck.
TJ: You, too.
TJ: How is she?
Finn: She has a broken rib, and
she's gonna be sore for a while. But there's no internal bleeding, and she
should make a full recovery. She's gonna wake up any time now. You're welcome to
sit with her, TJ.
TJ: [Sighs] Hey, Mol. Listen, they say that you're
gonna be all right. But I need you to do me a favor. Could you please just wake
up and tell me yourself?
Jordan: Is there any word
from Albany?
Ned: I'm speaking with emergency services. They're
coordinating all the evacuation centers.
Jordan: But Charles Street was
hardest hit. You know, those are older apartment buildings, there's no
reinforcement. There's gonna be a lot of people that need a place to stay
Alexis: Jordan, I'm really sorry to interrupt, but have you
heard from TJ? I know he and Molly were together.
Jordan: No, I'm sorry.
I haven't heard anything.
Randy: Commissioner?
Jordan: Yes.
Ned: Communications are sketchy, nearly all the cell towers are down, so,
uh, you know, service is hit and miss.
Alexis: They were on Charles
Ned: But they could be fine, okay?
[Cell phone rings]
Alexis: Hello?
Finn: Hey, just put her in
cubicle 5, all right?
Alexis: Hello? Finn? Is that you?
Yeah, uh Alexis, sorry. I'm -- I'm here in the ER. They just brought Molly in.
Alexis: I-Is she all right? What -- What's happened?
Finn: She's, uh
-- She's stable. She's gonna be fine.
Alexis: [Exhales deeply] Uh, TJ?
I-Is he with her?
Finn: Yeah, he helped bring her in. All right, he's
fine. He's sitting in there with her now. Listen, I got another emergency. I got
to go.
Ned: How's Molly?
Alexis: He said she's stable. I'm gonna
go down to the hospital. Listen, will you tell Jordan that TJ's okay?
Ned: Yes, thanks.
Randy: The fire trucks are on the scene, and we've got
three units going door to door, taking care of the buildings.
Ned: Jordan. TJ's fine.
Jordan: Um, are you sure?
Ned: Yeah. Alexis just got off the phone with the hospital. TJ Brought in Molly.
She's stable, and apparently, he's doing fine.
Jordan: Thank you. Thank
Ned: You're welcome.
Jordan: God, it's always so good to
know. Thank you.
Policeman: Mayor Quartermaine. Emergency services on the
Ned: Okay, thanks. Excuse me.
Hey. Hey.
Molly: [Groans]
TJ: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, take it
easy. You've got a broken rib, babe, okay? Dr. Finn says you're gonna be all
Molly: Can you take off the mask?
TJ: I really shouldn't be
doing this.
Molly: It's okay. You can put it back. After you kiss me.
TJ: [Chuckles]
Kim: What?
What's happening? What's happening?
Dante: He's trapped under the door.
He's trapped under the door. He's got a pulse, he's still breathing, but I can't
tell how badly he's hurt. Drew. Drew! Hey, man, can you hear me? He's out cold.
We got to get this door. I need help lifting it.
Kim: Look... I can't
leave Oscar. I don't like the way he's breathing.
Dante: Okay, we'll be
back, man. All right, let's focus on -- on getting Oscar out of here, then Drew.
We can't do anything for him right now. Let me lift him. Let me lift him. Can I
take this jacket off?
Kim: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Go, go.
All right, buddy, come on. All right. [Grunts]
Kim: Okay.
Dante: I
got him. Okay. Let's go. Let's go.
Sam: Okay.
[Glass shatters]
Sam: Okay.
Jason: Okay. Doorway's clear.
Sam: All right.
Jason: If you can reach my hand, I'll pull you out.
Sam: Okay.
[Metal creaks]
Sam: Oh, no, no, no!
No! Stop!
Sam: Aah! How are we gonna do this?
Jason: Okay. You
just got to stay close to the ground, okay, and go slow.
Sam: Okay.
Jason: Just real slow. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Sam: If I move any more,
this trailer's gonna go.
Jason: Just go slow.
Sam: No. You're by
the door. Just jump.
Jason: If I jump, the trailer's gonna fall.
Sam: No, the trailer's gonna protect me!
Jason: Sam, no it won't!
Sam: I may get banged up, but I've got a shot.
Jason: There's a propane
tank bolted to the trailer. It could explode.
Sam: Okay. Okay. Okay.
Jason: Just keep low and keep going slow. Just focus. Focus on me. We can do
this. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Hold.
Alexis: Finn...
Finn: Hi. Cubicle one. You can go right in.
Alexis: You sure she's all right?
Finn: I'm gonna hold her overnight for
observation. And she should definitely take it easy. She's gonna be fine.
Alexis: Okay. Thank you. Molly... Hi, honey. Thank God you're all right,
Molly: TJ Saved me.
TJ: It wasn't just me.
Julian: Any word on Molly?
Josslyn: TJ's with her
Julian: What about you? Why are you here all alone?
I'm not. My mom is upstairs with Michael. And I'm down here waiting for Oscar.
Julian: Oscar? Is he okay?
Josslyn: I don't know.
Olivia: So, how are things going over here?
You can see for yourself. I'm trying to coordinate state and federal services.
Fires have broken out on Charles Street, a couple more on the waterfront. A lot
of people are still unaccounted for, the ERs are jammed.
Olivia: How did
this happen?
Ned: That's what I want to know.
Franco: Fancy seeing you here.
Julian: [Chuckles] Aren't you a
little, uh, overdressed?
Franco: Well, that's the thing about a natural
disaster is, it just doesn't care what your plans are.
Kim: Here. Just put him down here. Put him down here.
Dante: All
Kim: Okay.
Amy: Hey, what do you need?
Kim: Uh, uh,
is there a cubicle free?
Amy: Two.
Kim: Okay, um, he's
hypothermic, he's got -- Josslyn, I need --
Josslyn: Oh, my God! Is he
Kim: I need you to stand back. He is hypothermic, he has got
depressed respirations, he needs warming blankets and possible lavage. You need
to stand back. Call an attending. I cannot treat my own son.
What happened? Why did it take so long?
Dante: Hey, hey, look, the
freezer door, it fell down during the aftershock, and -- and Oscar, he was fine.
But his father is pinned.
Jason: Come on. Keep
moving. You're almost there. Come on.
Sam: No, no, no. It's taking too
long. Every time I move, it shifts.
Jason: If -- If -- If you keep
moving, your weight's gonna throw the angle off.
Sam: What am I supposed
to do?
Jason: Come on, Sam. You're strong. I know you can do this. You
don't quit and you never panic. Yeah, there we go. Come on.
Sam: Aah! Uh,
I've been known to panic. I'm panicking.
Jason: Okay, stop. I've never
seen you panic.
Sam: That's because I never panicked when I was with you.
Jason: You can do it.
Sam: Okay.
Jason: You can do it. There
you go. I got you.
Sam: Okay.
Jason: I got you.
Jason: Okay, I'm gonna pull you up. Okay.
Ned: Port Charles had an earthquake in 1991.
They said it was a once-in-a-10,000-year event.
Olivia: Obviously not.
Ned: This isn't California. Or Japan. This is upstate New York. Earthquakes
don't happen here. And they definitely don't happen every 25 years. So, why did
this one?
Jim: Hey, Ned. Hey, I'm glad I found you.
Ned: Hey, Jim.
Jim: Hey, look. Look, I know you got a lot going on here, but, uh, I just
want you to know that all my heavy equipment, you know, dozers, cranes,
backhoes, whatever you need...
Ned: Okay. Okay.
Jim: … All at your
Ned: Thanks. I'll notify emergency services. But I'm not sure
they want to use civilian equipment.
Jordan: Charles Street sustained the
most damage.
Jim: Oh, well, that's old landfill from the, oh, 19th
century. It's not as stable as bedrock.
Jordan: And you didn't waste any
time digging, did you, Mr. Harvey?
Jim: What are you implying?
Jordan: I'm simply stating a fact. The day after Measure A passed, you start
Jim: And I had all the proper permits.
Jordan: Well, I
don't really think the fault line cares about the proper permits.
Wait, wait. Hold on. Hold on. You can't cause an earthquake by digging a
foundation. That has to be deep drilling, like -- like fracking or drilling for
natural gas. I saw a thing on PBS.
Ned: Look, Jim, I appreciate the
offer. And I'll let you know what emergency services wants to do. But, in the
meantime, let's, uh, -- let's get this cut looked after. Um, do you need a ride
to the hospital or something?
Jim: No. Nope. Nope. I'll make it. I'll
make it. Listen, just let me know about the equipment. I want to help in any way
I can, all right?
Ned: Okay, all right.
Jim: All right.
Ned: Go take care of that. Look, I get that you don't like the guy...
Jordan: That's an understatement.
Ned: … But now is not the time. The
city is in chaos. People are hurting. We need to pull together as a community.
We'll figure out who to blame later.
Dante: He's
still breathing. His pulse is steady.
Franco: Well, that's good, right?
That means we have some time to wait for...
Dante: No, no. No, we don't.
Franco: Okay... [Scoffs] Look. I get it. I just spent a couple of hours
pinned under a filing cabinet, so I understand. But he's unconscious, right? I
mean, what if it's a spinal thing? He's gonna be really mad if we screw it all
up and he's paralyzed.
[Electricity crackles]
Dante: If we, uh...
If we wait much longer, this whole building's gonna go down, and he's gonna be
dead. Okay?
Franco: Yeah.
Finn: His
temperature's back up, within two degrees of normal. Pulse is steady,
respirations are good. He's gonna be okay.
Kim: Great. I'd still like him
admitted for observation.
Finn: I agree. Amy, you want to make the
Amy: I'll put him on the list. We'll move him as soon as a
bed frees up.
Finn: Thank you. I'll be back to check on him.
Great. Thank you. You did good. You did real good. You were strong and you were
brave, and you hung in there. Your dad saved you.
[Metal creaks]
Franco: [Strained] It's not gonna work. There's not --
There's not enough leverage.
[Pry bar clatters]
Franco: Yeah,
okay, see? Now, don't you believe me? Can't we just call the fire department and
wait for them to come?
[Debris crumbles]
Dante: No. Hey, uh, yeah.
Now do you believe me? I don't think we have the time to do that. There's not
enough leverage here.
Franco: Okay. Then we'll have to make some.
Kim: All your life, I've been telling myself that we're
fine on our own, that I'm the only parent that you need. Tonight you needed your
father, and he was there. God, if I'd made different choices, maybe he could
have been there all along.
Josslyn: Uh... Hey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to interrupt.
Kim: Oh, no, no, no. It's okay.
Josslyn: Amy told me
that he was gonna be all right. So, I just... I wanted to s-see it for myself.
Kim: Oh.
Josslyn: I'll go.
Kim: No. No, no, no, no. No,
sweetie, come on. Come on. That's the last thing that Oscar would want. Okay,
sit down. Go on. How are you doing?
Josslyn: Uh, better.
Good. Okay, you know what? I'm gonna go for a little walk. Stretch my legs. I'll
be back in a few minutes, okay?
Josslyn: Is it okay to talk to him?
Kim: Absolutely.
Josslyn: Okay, this is crazy. Um... I've spent hours
wanting to be with you. Now that I am... I don't know what to say. The only
reason that you're laying there and I'm sitting here is because you gave me your
jacket. It must have kept me warm enough for long enough so I didn't have as bad
hypothermia. So, thank you for saving me. And I hope that there's never a next
time, but if there is, I promise I'll save you right back.
Dante: [Grunts]
Franco: He's
out, he's out, he's out, right?!
Dante: Yep. He's out.
Dante: He's out.
Franco: Dante! [Straining]
Hold on.
Franco: Yeah, trying. It's heavy. Okay. Uh... I'm kind of stuck.
Jim: I guess you and Bobby never made it down the
aisle, huh?
Liz: What makes you say that?
Jim: Well, there was an
earthquake, and, uh, you're here, working. I just assumed that, uh, things
didn't go as planned.
Liz: Yeah, unfortunately, they did not. All right,
you're done. I want you to keep your bandage dry and clean for a few days, and
you'll be fine.
Jim: Yeah, well, much appreciated. Uh, I hope I didn't
overstep. I-I didn't -- I mean, bringing up the wedding. Because you and Bobby
really seem to make each other happy.
Liz: We do make each other happy.
And Franco and I are still getting married. We just have to pick a different
TJ: We were on Charles Street, right in
front of our old building. When the ground started shaking, we ran for cover.
And the, um, the awning from the Star Grocery fell and hit Molly. She was
pinned, and I-I wasn't sure I could move the awning without hurting her worse.
And then Julian showed up.
Alexis: Julian?
TJ: Yeah, he helped me
move the awning, and then he helped me carry Molly to the hospital. I really
don't think we would've made it without him.
Julian: Kim?
Kim: Charlie. Hi.
Julian: Hi.
Everything okay?
Kim: Uh, you know. But I'm getting there. Um, Oscar, um,
he was treated for hypothermia, but he's gonna be okay.
Julian: So, those
are, uh, tears of relief, are they?
Kim: Mostly. Um, Drew was trapped in
the aftershock. And we ended up having to leave him because a door fell on him,
and we couldn't lift it.
Julian: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where is he?
I'll go help.
Kim: No, no, no. It's okay. There's rescuers trying to get
him out. But the building, it was just so unstable and... I don't know -- I
don't know if they're gonna be able to make it in time.
[Both grunting]
Dante: Can you reach that crowbar?
Franco: Oh,
yeah, sure. I'll be the one to reach the crowbar.
Dante: Okay, then I'll
walk away and leave it on top of you.
Franco: Here.
Dante: All
right. Okay, you ready? One, two, three.
Franco: [Grunts] Aah.
Dante: Go, go, go! Get out of the way.
Franco: Okay.
Dante: You're
Jason: Get down!
Jason: Hey.
Sam: Hey.
Jason: You okay?
Sam: Yeah. I-I think so. I'm good.
Man: He was evacuated from a collapsing building.
Unconscious, but pupils are equal and responsive. Pulse rate is elevated, lung
sounds are good. He's got multiple contusions and possible internal injuries.
Finn: Okay. We don't have a cubicle free. Uh, let's put him over here for
now. Come on. Let's go. Here we go. One, two, three. Go. Thanks, fellas. What
Dante: A freezer door fell on him -- A-A very heavy freezer
Liz: How did you get him out?
Franco: Physics.
What the hell...?
Finn: Easy. Take it easy. You're in General Hospital.
Drew: No. Where's my wife and kids? Huh? Where's my wife? Where are my kids?
Finn: Relax, buddy. Relax. Th-They only brought you in.
Drew: What
about my son? His name's Oscar.
Josslyn: It's
weird, how the things that I thought were so important, they don't matter at
all. I mean, I thought that I would literally die if I didn't wear that dress to
the dance. And then it got ruined by that bigoted asshat Troy Pulver, and...
[Scoffs] … I thought that was a tragedy. No. A tragedy is an earthquake. A
tragedy is being stuck in a freezer. [Voice breaking] A tragedy is... after all
this... if you're not okay. Oscar? Oh, my God! You're awake! I have to go get a
Oscar: No, don't leave. Don't leave.
Josslyn: But I have
to tell your mom.
Oscar: She's here?
Josslyn: She just went for a
walk, but she'll be right back.
Oscar: Okay, then. Don't leave. Stay with
Kim: You know, I-I-I-I've got to pull it
together. You know, Oscar's gonna wake up, he's gonna wonder where I am and --
Ugh. And I'm like this, and I -- and I can't stop shaking.
Julian: Hey,
hey, hey. Come here. Come here. Everything's gonna be okay, all right?
Kim: You don't know that.
Julian: Hmm. Well, you're right. I don't. But,
listen to me, okay? There's nothing wrong with hoping for the best, okay?
[Footsteps approach]
Alexis: Uh, sorry.
Kim: No, no, no, no.
I'm -- I'm sorry. Um, I actually -- I got to get back to my son.
Kim: Thank you.
Julian: Good luck. [Exhales sharply]
Alexis: Not that it's any of my business, but is, uh, she all right?
Julian: She will be. I mean, her son, Oscar, was injured. And she's, you know,
worried about him. But he's gonna be okay, so...
Alexis: Yeah, I can
imagine. I mean, I don't have to imagine. That's how I feel about Molly.
Julian: Yeah, how's she doing?
Alexis: Very well, thanks to you.
Julian: It was no big deal, Alexis.
Alexis: Yeah, actually, it was a big
deal to me. TJ said that he wouldn't be able to get her out without your help,
so... thank you.
Julian: Well, you're welcome. So, was there something
Alexis: Actually, yes. Molly asked to see you.
Ned: In accordance with state and federal guidelines, we
are declaring a state of emergency for the city of Port Charles.
We are conducting mandatory evacuations in the areas hit hardest by the quake,
specifically Charles Street and the adjacent neighborhoods.
Ned: We have
set up evacuation centers at Civic Auditorium, the Port Charles University
Intramural Gym, and the gym at Robert Kennedy High School. All evacuation
centers are set up for triage and to treat minor injuries. If you need to report
a missing person, you can do so at the evacuation centers -- coordinators are
on-site. This is a very difficult time for all of us, but we are already coming
together, helping each other. And we will continue to do so in the days ahead.
Josslyn: How do you feel?
Oscar: Kind of
floaty and relaxed. Did they give me something?
Josslyn: I don't know.
They just said that you had hypothermia.
Oscar: That must explain this
electric blanket.
Kim: Oscar. Hey.
Oscar: Mom. Hi.
Kim: Hi.
Oscar: I'm sorry to scare you.
Kim: Ohh, well, uh, you know
what? I can't really yell at you for being a hero, but... don't do it again,
Oscar: I'll try not to. Is Drew here? I want to thank him.
Amy: Hey. The patient is awake. You dad was asking about you.
Kim: H-He
was? Drew's here?
Amy: He's right out by the nurse's station. There
weren't any cubicles available, so he's just waiting for a room.
Why? Is he hurt?
Amy: He has some serious bruising, so we're admitting
him for observation. But he should be fine.
Oscar: Are you sure? I mean,
he can have mine. I feel a lot better.
Kim: Hey, hey, hey. No, no, no,
no, no.
Amy: That's up to the doctor. And he says you need to stay here.
Oscar: Mom, can we go check on him? I really want to make sure he's okay.
Kim: I can do that. You... keep an eye on him.
Josslyn: I'm not going
Liz: Physics, huh?
Franco: Yeah.
You had to be there.
Liz: Give me the short version.
Franco: There
was a door that fell on Drew, and so, Dante and I lifted the door off of Drew.
Dante: Uh, not quite. Franco got under the door and lifted it up. That's how
we got Drew out.
Dante: Yeah, this is Falconeri.
I'm en route. Thanks.
Franco: Yeah. Huh. That happened. He just -- He
just thanked me.
Liz: Well, you saved Drew's life. Sadly, that tux isn't
gonna recover.
Franco: I know, right? Turns out I'm not James Bond.
Liz: If you want to get changed, there's clean scrubs in the locker room.
Franco: I'm not wearing scrubs. I just feel like I-I really need a shower.
Feel free to join me.
Liz: Don't tempt me.
Drew: Hi.
Kim: Hey, Drew.
Drew: How's Oscar?
Kim: Our son
is fine. He asked me to come check on you.
Drew: [Chuckles lightly]
[Sirens wail in distance]
Sam: That was crazy.
Jason: We barely got out of there.
Sam: I need to tell you something.
I knew it was you.
Jason: Look, Sam...
Sam: Jason, I knew it was
you that night on the pier. And when you came into my hospital room the next
day. I-I knew it was you. You didn't even have to say anything. My eyes were
closed and I knew it -- it was you, and I couldn't -- I couldn't say anything
because I couldn't hurt him like that.
Jason: It's o-- It's okay.
Sam: Every day, I had to tell myself that this nightmare was over because you're
alive. And I know I told you to keep your distance, but I didn't really mean
that. I just -- Every day, I was hoping that I would run into you for a couple
of minutes, or just a second, so I could hear your voice, or... see your eyes.
And I know I'm not supposed to be saying this. I don't care. I don't know what
to do. I l-- I love you. Jason, I never stopped loving you.
Alexis: What happened to your oxygen mask?
I got them to switch it for this stupid thing because I need to talk.
Alexis: Aren't you supposed to be resting?
Molly: Yes, I am, but I need
to say this first. Thank you, Julian, for saving TJ and me.
Julian: Uh,
you know, I'm just glad I was there.
Molly: So am I.
Josslyn: When this is all over, I really need to
apologize to that cop.
Oscar: What cop?
Josslyn: The one that
evacuated me from the Floating Rib. I wanted to stay with you, but he dragged me
away, and I was so mad, that the entire ride to the hospital, I threatened to
sue him --
Oscar: Yeah?
Josslyn: Yeah. I said that the PCPD has a
history of bias against my family -- which is actually true -- and that I have
the best lawyer in the state -- which is also true -- and that he would lose his
badge for this.
Oscar: Wow. You sound so fierce.
[Snickers] Yeah. Uh, I was a total bitch.
Oscar: Yeah... but you were
fighting to stay with me, so I'm flattered.
Josslyn: I will always fight
to stay with you.
Kim: So they're keeping Oscar
for observation, as a precaution, but he's gonna be okay.
Drew: Can't
believe he got hypothermia.
Both: [Chuckling]
Kim: Can you believe
it? Trapping himself in a freezer.
Drew: Well, you know what? You got to
cut him some slack sometimes. Women make you do stupid things.
Kim: Well,
you know, I think it's a lot easier in San Diego. You want to kiss a girl, you
take her for a walk on the beach.
Drew: You don't take her into a walk-in
Kim: No.
Drew: No. [Chuckles]
Kim: I'm sorry. I
was unfair to you, to Oscar. I didn't give you a chance to be his father until
Drew: You're a great mom. It's easy to see that. I might not agree
with some of your choices, but, uh, I can see you made them out of love for
Kim: I did.
Drew: You should be proud. He's a great kid.
And I have a chance to get to know him, now. And for that, I am grateful.
Kim: Me, too. You know, if it hadn't been for you tonight... You saved his
Drew: That's not true. We were both there. We both saved his life.
And he's gonna be okay.
Kim: Yeah.
Jason: I
love you. And I didn't -- I didn't say it until now, because I just -- I just
didn't want to pressure you, you know?
Sam: I wouldn't let you say it.
Because I couldn't hear it. I made such a mess of this whole situation.
Jason: No, listen. None of us did this. Not me, not you, not Drew. It was done
to all of us. And, look, there's no easy or clean way out. But no matter what...
I know that you love me. Sam, I love you. If that's all it is... [Sighs] …
That's enough.
On the next "General Hospital" --
Mireille (to Anna): Are you Anna Devane?
Anna (to Mireille): And you
Maxie (to Peter): After all the pain he's inflicted, wouldn't that
be justice?
Nelle (on phone): No that's not possible, it can't be.
Sam (to Drew): I wasn't alone. I was with Jason.
Jason: (to Michael):
Your mom has good instincts and if I were you, I'd trust them.
Carly (to
Jason): You have to deal with your father's Alzheimer's.
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