General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 12/27/17
Episode #13939 ~ Ava worries she overstepped; Maxie corners Amy; Obrecht makes a confession.
Provided By Suzanne
(This still needs extensive editing)
thank you. Thank you very much. Oh, you have a great rest of your day, Dr. and Mrs. Collins. [Chuckles] Thanks. I just realized... hm? My last name. We've never really talked about that. I need a favor. And I'm on duty, at the moment. Amy, it's important. So are my patients. Would you stop arguing and listen to me? I need you to run a DNA test, and I need you to do it fast. I was thrilled to receive your invitation. A belated frohliche weihnachten to you. And you, too. The weather may have kept us apart on holiday proper, but now, a gift for my schatzi. Well, thank you. Do I open it right now? By all means. I've been waiting a lifetime to give this to you. I can't believe that Lomax has been indicted and that the investigation is in full-swing. Thanks to your article. Okay, so now for the follow-up, how long until Lomax is forced out of office? Uh, a couple months, at least. And she gets to continue to be mayor of a city that never elected her? Okay, whoa, easy, tiger. I mean, you blew this thing wide-open, and now we're going to connect the dots and finish the job, okay? Good. I'm glad you're all here. How did it go with city council? The good news is that they all agree that Lomax is an embarrassment to the city of Port Charles. The bad news -- as an elected official, she can't be fired.Griffin: Oh, very festive. Kiki's coming by, so we can finally exchange gifts. Although, if you wouldn't mind, you can open yours before she gets here. Well, it's your house. We'll follow your customs. Okay, then, open it [Laughs] Because I can't wait. Oh. Ava. Do you like it? It's spectacular. [Laughs] Well, put it on! I want to see it on you. [Sighs] Look, I'm sorry. I can't -- I can't accept this. Tell me again why you're here? It's backup. This is called backup. Backup? Okay. Mm-hmm. Right, so you have two objectives, all right? The first one is you're going to put this -- all right -- this is going to go inside Cassandra's phone, just the way we practiced. All right? I can do it blindfolded, all right? What's the second objective? Well, um, the second objective is I'm gonna call your phone, and then you're gonna leave the line open so I can hear what transpires between you and Cassandra. Anything else? Don't die. 'Cause if you do, it's on me. I'm gonna try not to die. I don't want to die. And for the record, I chose to do this, all right? I knew what I was getting myself into, so just... ...wish me luck. Luck.
What do you want to do? What do -- I don't know. I-I don't know. I haven't thought about it. I've always been Laura Spencer. My children are called Spencer, and me and this name have gone through a lot of life together, you know? We've survived a lot. It just -- that feels like who I am. Except it isn't. Not anymore. I'm yours. I'm your wife. I want to be Laura Collins. Laura Collins. It's got a ring to it. It does, doesn't it? Thank you. Thank you. All right, Mrs. Collins. Mm-hmm? I'll meet you back here presently? Oh, yes. All right. I can't run a DNA test for you, Maxie. Why not? Well, one, it's against the law! Yeah, so is fraud, and Nathan and I did that for you. It's true, but -- and besides, you already work here. Not in the lab. I can't request a test. You need a doctor to do that and consent forms. No, what I need is for you to run a comparison between a toothbrush and a hair. And what I need is to know what the DNA test is for.
Nathan: It's a cuckoo clock. Craftsmanship... craftsmanship is beautiful. Thank you. I purchased this in Bavaria when I was pregnant with you. Oh [Laughs] The fantasies I had of our life together. Traveling the world, showing you its wonders. But alas, all my hopes were dashed when I realized I had to hide my pregnancy from victor, give you to Madeline to raise. But no matter. Now our clock can hang in mein enkelkind's nursery. My heart overflows. Finally we have a chance to set things right. As much as I appreciate the beautiful gift, everything's not all right. At least not yet. I just wanted to get you something that I felt was as special as you are. If you -- if you don't like it -- "don't like it"? It's the most beautiful watch I've ever seen. And the most thoughtful gift. Ava, I can't tell you how much I appreciate the gesture. Well, it isn't a gesture. It's a present. Is it too beautiful? Is it too thoughtful? What? I -- help me out here. Ava, please try to understand, I have spent my entire adult life trying to detach myself from material things. And your point is what? I just -- I don't -- I don't feel comfortable with such an expensive present. Of course. I got you something from my world, right? [Clear throat] I'm an art dealer, and my life is about expensive objects. I forget that you have a completely different perspective. It's -- it must be very liberating. I'll take it back. Unless, of course... yes? Well, if I promise to never get you another present any more extravagant or expensive than say a hardcover best seller... [Laughs] ...Will you accept this? Come on, look at it. It's so pretty. I don't want to bring it back. [Chuckles] Just this once? Fine, just this once. [Laughs] Here you go. There. Ahh. It really is so beautiful. Of course it is. I have excellent taste. In all things. Mm. Dr. Finn is a brilliant researcher. I have a feeling he's going to be very good for business.
Erich: Even so, I wouldn't give him too much access. Well, I appreciate how protective you are, and if I'm wrong about Finn, if I've misjudged him or underestimated him, I know I have you nearby to correct my mistake. [Knock on door] Dr. Finn. I can't tell you how happy I am that you accepted my offer. Of course. We have something important in common. Careful. And what might that be? Highly meticulous standards. I think we can help a lot of people and make a lot of money at the same time. Indeed. Pain management is both merciful and lucrative. How often can you say that? Oh, don't rush her. Finesse. Finn.
You get right to the point,
don't you? I'm sorry. Am I rushing you? No, no. It's fine. I love that you have no tolerance for nonsense. Believe me, neither do I. Ah. [Heartbeat] But what can they actually do about it? If handled properly, Lomax may not want to stay on the job. Really? How so? I think the key to getting rid of her once and for all lies somewhere in the town charter. Can I talk to you for just a moment? Of course. Excuse us. Mm. What's going on? [Sighs] Consider that applause from your husband. Oh, I need to take down a corrupt local official more often. Mm. Mm-hmm. You're incredible. You know? I'm so proud of you. No one's been able to touch Lomax for years, and then you go and you stand up to her, and the walls start tumbling down. How's it feel? It feels like I never want to stop. If I tell you what the test is for, will you make it happen? No guarantees, but your odds definitely improve. Fine. The test is for Nathan. His mother is -- obnoxious? Demanding? A mad scientist? I was gonna go with "squirrely." That's really unfair to squirrels. Look, Nathan, is having some doubts about his family history, and I would like to put those to rest. If this test is for Nathan, then it should be down by the books. He would never agree to some back-door shenanigans. Do not tell me what my husband would or would not do. Finding out the truth about my family really threw me through a loop. And learning that you were my biological mother -- oh, saying "biological" is redundant at this point, ja? I am your mutter. Plain, simple, true, and I adore you. I know. I know you love me. Like the moon loves the stars. That is how I love you, my son. And I am overjoyed that you and Maxie would let me be an oma to your little one. Your first test as grandma... hm? ...What is it that you aren't telling me about my father? I love this, and I was planning a gift for you. Um, I'M...still planning a gift for you. I-I am so sorry. It's a work in progress. That's okay. I love the anticipation. I can't wait to see what a man who doesn't appreciate objects might give to a woman who appreciates the finer things. Mm. Be patient. I promise it'll be worth it. Okay.
[Knock on door]
Kiki. Hi! Come in. Hi. Sorry, I can't stay long. I got called into work.
Hey, Griffin.
Well, that's disappointing. But at least I can -- I can wish you a belated merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to you, too, Mom. [Sighs] So, have you spoken to Dillon? Uh, yeah. We got to Skype a little bit. He says the movie's still in production, which he swears is a good thing. You must miss him so much, huh? Yeah, of course. Well, we said we were gonna do presents when we see each other again, but in the mean time... I have yours. Oh! I have...oh, I must've left yours in the spare room. Be right back. Okay. So, did you guys end up spending Christmas together? Ah, did we ever. [Chuckles] Am I missing something? No. [Laughs] No, you're not. It's just that Griffin and I, we had sort of an adventure. We found ourselves stranded at Julian's bar, serving Christmas dinner to the homeless. Oh, talk about a Christmas miracle. Yeah, well, you underestimate your mother. Yeah, you most certainly do. I'll be right back. So, are we, uh, are we all set for tonight? My chemist assures me that this is better than anything currently on the market. Oh. Well, we'll see about that. To be clear, once you read that, our deal is officially sealed. I thought it already was. And one more thing, I'm not comfortable having meetings with phones on. Would you mind? No. Uh...not at all. Now it's just the two of us. [Dial tone] Wait. Oh, damn, no! Wait, hold on. Anna. Are you all right?
Or is it "Mrs. Collins" now? It's "Mrs. Collins" now, but, please, just call me Laura. Well, I want to offer you my congratulations and to thank you for speaking up at that town hall meeting last week. You made some excellent points. Well, thank you. I could not just sit on the sidelines and watch that mayor and her cronies dismantle the Charles Street neighborhood. Well, the fight's gonna get ugly. Several buildings, including my own, lost power and heat on Christmas. At first, we thought it was a city problem, but when we called to report it, turns out local utilities weren't experiencing any outages. Are you saying that your landlord did that on purpose? No question. That's disgusting. I mean, the community can't possibly stand for that. That's harassment. Well, I'm -- I'm with you, but with the mayor in his pocket, my neighbors are afraid of what the landlord might do next. Really? Well, let's just see about that. I have provided the medical information you've requested. Why are you still asking about your father? Those medical records can't even prove that victor Cassadine actually was my father. Listen, please, if you don't believe that victor is your father, a simple genetic screening, one you can purchase over the internet, can tell you everything you need to know about your medical predispositions. I will even give that to you as a gift. But your suspicions only serve to hurt me. Please, as your true mother, I ask you...let this go. I would never imply that I know your husband better than you do. Really? Because you kind of were. I was just affirming that Nathan is an honorable man. Your point? Well, an honorable man wouldn't go about finding out the truth about himself in a dishonorable way. Of course he wouldn't. That's why I'm here. By the way, how was your Christmas? It was wonderful! I spent it with Chet, and we really started to become reacquainted with ea-- wait. Why are you asking? Oh, because Nathan and I bent over backwards for you and Chet. It's fair to say that this merry, little Driscoll-family yuletide wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Nathan and me. That's true, but -- then get off your high horse, and do what's right. Help me put Nathan's mind to rest. Don't you think it'd be better if we just told her the truth? No! No, she can't know yet. Are you working? Working? Oh, no. No, no, I'm just -- I'm just, uh, listening... to a podcast, you know? No offense, but I know what surveillance looks like. Okay, I'm working. Well, I was, but then I got cut off. So, now I'm just sitting, frustrated. Really? Because if I didn't know better, I would think this was about Finn. What? Why would you think that? Robin might have mentioned that you and the handsome doctor have moved in together. I mean, I knew you were dating, but I didn't know that you had taken it to the next level. No, no, no! It's not, um, that big a deal. It's -- Robin told you that? Well, of course. Yeah. We're just -- we're, like, co-habitating, you know? Like, we're roommates really. There's benefits obviously. Why else would he have moved in? Here's the problem -- the Chinese just banned the use of U-47700, and the synthetic your guy chose to replace it with, well, it's crude, at best. And what might you suggest to solve our little problem? Well, I would suggest we remove this enzyme and replace it with an alternative that I've been developing for my autoimmune protocol. Really? You just happen to have that lying around? Something like that. It will enable us to increase the drug's potency. Of course, the real challenge will be changing the chemistry in the product line. I'm gonna need access to your factory. The sooner the better. Why, Dr. Finn, you're not the man I thought you were.
Yep, it was a deliberate sabotage by the landlord, the mayor, and whoever else is trying to ruin Charles Street. Something has to be done. Well, like I said the other day, your fight is my fight. I'm behind you 100%. I'm beside you 100%... a week from now. [Chuckles] A week from now? Well, whenever we get back. Meanwhile, our honeymoon awaits. Oh, yeah. Yeah, about that... Kevin -- oh, Kevin, I'm so sorry, but I don't think I can leave town right now. Mother, look, whatever you're hiding, whatever the truth is, I can handle it. I just need you to be honest with me. Fine. I will share my most shameful secret. Were any of you aware that the Port Charles charter had an ethics clause? I hadn't given the possibility much thought. Uh-huh, well, apparently, the city's founders had a premonition that this city would be a hotbed for crime. So, they put in a clause that says that any elected official can have their salary withheld by the city council if they're under investigation for a felony. So, you're saying that the city council can refuse to pay Lomax? And how long do you think Lomax will want this job if she's not making any money? Mm. For my beautiful, wonderful daughter, soon to be admitted to med school. Just a little token of my faith in you. [Wrapping paper tearing] [Gasps] Oh, my god. Mom. [Laughs] It's amazing! I love it! Thank you. Thank you. Oh, you're most welcome. Isn't she something, this girl of mine? She's been by my side through this whole terrible ordeal. A constant source of, uh, comfort and support. Oh, well, speaking of those things, let me -- here. It's just a little something. Oh! [Laughs] Don't worry about that. Uh, Griffin was just reminding me that our, um, our true gifts are our relationships with one another. Isn't that right, Griffin? Yeah, and you taught me how to accept gifts with grace. Yeah, that's true. Well, it was nice to be the one teaching the lesson, rather than the one learning from it. Yes. Well, what are we waiting for? Come on, open Kiki's gift. Yeah, open it. Well, that's very thoughtful. Another scarf for me to hide in. Well, I don't -- I don't think that was Kiki's intent. No, of course not. Mom, I -- I never thought that you should hide. I was dragging you out of the apartment. Yes, that's true. You and Griffin, the two most important people in my life. I rely on you both for your faith, for you honesty. I don't want you to read too much into this, you know? I mean, uh, Finn and I, we're just, you know, getting to know each other. [Chuckles] And he has some very off-putting kind of qualities. Still, he's easy on the eyes. Looks can only get you so far. He's very smug. He's one of those people who thinks it's okay to tell you the truth, cold, unvarnished truth, even when you haven't asked for it. And he can't, like, can't put a spin on anything. I mean, I don't even know why I'm surprised because he has a terrible bedside manner. Speaking of the bedside... and then he has this irritating attention to detail, constantly. I guess that's what makes him a really good doctor. But he has this desire -- desire? This -- this need to care. Mm. So, beneath that brisk and socially-backward exterior lies a very kind man. Yeah. He's funny, too. But he doesn't realize it? No, he knows. He definitely knows. But what I think he doesn't know, or he refuses to believe, is that he's warm and caring. The worst part of it is that he's a morning person. Ohh! Like, seriously, every time I wake up, there he is. He's, like, smiling. Like he -- he doesn't remember he's a grouch. Uh-huh. But only on the outside. Right. I mean, I don't mind the smiling. Kind of goes with his eyes. I've grown accustomed to his smile. Well, and the fact that he's figured out how I like my tea in the morning. I mean, I would miss that. I hate to break this to you, but it sounds to me like you're in love. And what kind of man am I? Well, I thought you would need more time to work the problem. As it turns out, you're even more of a genius than I thought you were. Thank you. But, you know, it was -- it was really pure luck that I had the, you know, missing piece, so to speak. This definitely calls for celebration. [Chuckles] Do you always have chilled champagne at the ready? Any truly civilized person does. Probably what got the Aztecs into trouble. You know, no -- no champagne? Shall we have a toast? To, uh... civilization? May it be ours for the taking. [Chuckles] Mm! Oh! Oh, no! I'm -- you should see me after I've actually had a glass. Oh, no, no, no, it's okay. I'll get you a towel. I was -- I'm such a -- uh, klutz. What are you doing?
Whoa! Wow. I mean, the outfit helps, but pretty great. Look at us. When we get back? I don't know. A lot can happen in a week. Well, I'm sure someone will fight the good fight until then. Excuse me. I'm on my way down to the police station to file a complaint. Ah. See? Yes. [Laughs] Any chance you might join me? I could really use some back up. Yeah. [Sighs] You know, Kevin, I can't just run off on a honeymoon right now. You know, people are being intimidated, and I don't see how I can ask other people to stand up and fight for their community if I'm not doing the same thing. I have an idea. How about we all go by the PCPD on our way to the airport? Sounds like a fine compromise. Really? Are you sure you wouldn't feel like I'm bailing on you? I'll feel like you're making good sense. Standing up for the community is important, but so is taking your honeymoon. Oh. [Laughs]
I like her.
I do, too. Okay, fine. Even though I'm sure Nathan would not approve of the means -- Amy. [Sighs] If running this DNA test can even begin to pay him back for his generosity, I'll find a way to make it happen. Good. You worry about the test. I'll worry about the means. Besides, if we get the answers that we need, Nathan's not gonna care how we got them. I'm ashamed to admit this, but... I hope your child will be a boy. That's your secret? In my own defense, I was able to raise your sister. I did not have that privilege with you. I hope you have a little boy with your eyes and your smile so that I will be able to imagine those years I missed. What aren't you telling me? I have told you all you need to know. Turn you gaze to the future. All the answers to all the questions you have about who you are and who you can become lie ahead, not behind you. Don't look there anymore. Clearly I made a mistake. I'll return it. And as far as that last crack, I don't know what you meant, but I've always been honest with you. Can you say the same? Well, I got to get back to the hospital, so... merry Christmas. Kiki, wait. Hey, come on. Look, don't leave things like this. Ava, neither Kiki nor I think you should hide. It's just -- it's a present. Thank you, Griffin. Oh, yes. Thank you, Griffin. It's nice to know that you have such insight into my daughter. Mom! And as for scarves, I hate them. Since when? Since they've been become a constant reminder of everything that I've lost! Which, might I remind you, you've gotten back. Okay? Your gallery's doing great. You face is fine. You're not in any pain anymore, so... [Sighs] Whatever this is that you've got going on today, you got to get over it.
[Door slams]
What just happened? Why don't you ask Kiki? Maybe she's missing Dillon or maybe she's stressed out about work. You know, speaking of work, I have an awful lot of work to do myself, so I think it's best if, uh, if you go. If that's what you want. Yep. Thank you for understanding. Bye.
[Door slams]
Anna, it's been a long time since I've seen you in love. Not since you lost duke. All right. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, Felicia, but this is about you. Huh? You're happy and in love, and the problem with people like you is that you think everybody else is in love, too, and we're just not. What? Listen to you! You are happy! You were speed-talking. You were practically gushing! What? No, I'm not! If Finn brings all this out in you, then of course you're gonna fight it, tooth and nail. Down to your last breath! What are you implying? What, that you think that I'm afraid of love? Is that it? No, I'm not implying anything. I am just saying it simply, Anna. You are not afraid of bad guys and bullets, but you are terrified of love. That's stupid. That's -- no. Stop it. Don't fight it. You've been given another chance. Dive in! There's nothing to dive in to. All right. I'm going to leave you with your "surveillance," but just remember this -- oh, god, what? We don't get to choose who we fall in love with, but we get to choose what we do with that love. If Finn feels the same way as you do -- and how can he not -- don't waste it. Well, you'll want to clear your work schedule for our visit to the factory. Okay, I'll talk to my assistant, and, uh -- oh, hello! Uh... since you're here and, well, we've already finished up our work day -- Cassandra, it isn't even lunch time. Well, I can think of a few inventive ways for us to celebrate our new partnership. Me too. Me too. I know this, uh, great little waffle stand out by the interstate. It's got -- well, I was thinking of something more along the lines of a little side trip after we see the factory. I'm -- I'm both... flattered and, um, tempted, but I can't. No one has to know. I would know. And I'm sorry. It wouldn't feel right. Because of Anna? Yeah. Because of Anna.
Hey! How was the wedding? Hey! Oh, you know, it was blissful. Aw. Did you and Mac have a good trip? Oh, yeah. We had a great time. Good. But now I'm back to the mundane. I'm here to pay a traffic fine. [Laughs] Why are you here? Oh, well, we were on our way to our honeymoon, but Laura has some community activism to take care of first. This landlord shut off the power in all of his properties on Christmas morning. I didn't realize that it was your landlord, Stella, that was behind all of this. It's not just my landlord. It's TJ's landlord, and he owns several other buildings in the neighborhood. Mom.
Hi, honey.
How are you?
Hi. Did you read my article in the paper this morning? No, I thought it was yesterday morning. Well, it was, but I wrote a follow-up about how the board of elections confirmed that the ballots recovered at Wyndemere were legit. So, that means the mayor -- committed massive voter fraud and stole the election.
Laura: What's gonna happen to Lomax now? Well, the dishonorable mayor Lomax was indicted this morning all thanks to your daughter's reporting. Does that mean that the results of the election will be overturned? Well, first there has to be an investigation. Lomax has stepped down.
Oh, wow! She has? Already? I know. I can't believe it. I can. You know, that woman was all about power and connections and influence. So, she was getting kickbacks? Yes, well, that's something that I'm also going to look into. So, if Lomax stole the election, does that mean Felicia becomes the mayor? Well, according to the town charter, there has to be a special election in four weeks, but you're entitled to run again if you want to.
No. Thanks.
You wanted to become the mayor so badly. Back then, but now I've moved on. So who's gonna run? Well, we need a viable candidate, otherwise the developers will put another lackey into office, and we'll lose our homes. Well, I know who would have my vote. Someone with character, history, and heart. Someone who would protect the people and the legacy of Port Charles. I can tell you my candidate would be my wife -- Laura Collins. Sorry I missed breakfast with your mom. [Chuckles] Right, sure, you did. No, I mean it. She's never boring, and I love the way she pronounces the names of the pastries. Is that a gift? I don't know. Close your eyes and brace yourself. Okay. Open them. A cuckoo clock? Mm-hmm. One to wake up the baby every hour on the hour? What a thoughtful gift. Yeah, well... do you think your mom had one of these when she was a child? That's why she's like this? [Laughs] Anything's possible with my mother. Except, of course, you know, getting a straight answer. headway on the father front, huh? Yeah, no. None at all. Okay, well, who knows? Maybe we'll solve this mystery ourselves.
Griffin: Look this is -- if this is becoming a problem for you -- -no, no. It's not a problem at all. I want this, Griffin. More all the time. No second thoughts? No. Exactly the opposite, actually. I can't wait to see where this leads. Me too. Come on. Mission accomplished. Cassandra's phone has officially been bugged. Oh, good! That's great! Yeah. The wet look suits you. I know, right? I can dump a glass on myself with the best of 'em! Oh! Is that what you did to distract her? Yeah, it was a little James bond meets the three stooges, but it did the trick. That's great, thinking on your feet. I love it. Yeah, so, I mean, the last I heard was Cassandra told you to hang up, and so I didn't hear anything after that. She asked me to clear my schedule. Mm-hmm. First, we're gonna visit the factory. Okay, and then what? And then she proposed, uh, a private getaway. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. That's not gonna happen. No, as soon as she places that call to the factory, then we'll trace it, and then we'll find the location and destroy her business. Just like that? Yeah, here's hoping. I mean... and then what? Well, then, uh... well, you know, then this whole charade thing, you know, it'll just be over, and we'll go back to our lives.
But you take me back
On the next "General Hospital" --
Lulu (to Peter): I want to follow up the election story with something just as big.
Finn (to Anna): Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with me.
Cassandra (to Valentin): I think it's time to eliminate Sonny Corinthos.
Nelle: That a threat?
Drew (to Michael): Are you sure the baby's yours?
Carly (to Sam): Congratulations.
Sonny (to Jason): I think this is more about wanting to get away from Sam.
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