General Hospital Transcript Monday 11/7/16
Episode #13680 ~ André orders Curtis to back off and leave Jordan alone; Ava is stunned when she learns that Lucy sent her the mysterious text; Elizabeth asks Franco to pose for her, which leads to a heated moment.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Jason: Why did you leave Julian's car unattended with the key fob inside? Tell me the truth. What's the real reason why you walked away, huh?
Pete: All right. I told Julian I was having a smoke --
[Gunshot with silencer]
[Sonny puts a note to Carly in an envelope.]
Sonny: I hope one day you understand, Carly.
Carly: Sonny?
Sonny: What are you doing here? Something wrong?
Carly: Um... I found something. It's important.
[Cell phone chimes]
Ava: [Receives an anonymous text: "I saw you - I know what you did to Morgan.] [Gasps]
Elizabeth: This is perfect. The boys are at my gram's for the night, so we have the whole place to ourselves.
Franco: I like the sound of that.
Elizabeth: I hope you still feel that way after I ask you for a favor.
Lulu: Ugh! Would you take a look at what your son just did?
Dante: Well, he's your son -- [Laughing] He's your son, too.
Lulu: Oh, no, no. Not tonight. You keep insisting on allowing Rocco to gorge himself on candy. Could you at least teach him how to wash his hands?
Dante: Sorry, I've been a little distracted here.
Lulu: [Sighing] I know I'm overreacting. It's just, this is a maha chang. Maxie had to call in favors for me to get it. Now it looks like a chocolate finger painting, literally.
Dante: You know, it's hard enough keeping track of one kid hopped up on Halloween candy. It's a good thing we don't have two.
Griffin: Look, I don't know if you're having us watched or followed, but I am warning you. Stay away from my daughter.
Valentin: Are you referring to Charlotte?
Griffin: Yes, Charlotte, my daughter. I'm telling you to leave her the hell alone.
Valentin: Well, there would appear to be a misunderstanding. You see, Charlotte's my daughter.
Griffin: W-what are you talking about?
Valentin: I thought I was pretty clear. Do you want me to take you to the top? You're Dr. Griffin Munro. I'm Valentin Cassadine. That beautiful girl you've been taking care of so graciously is my daughter, Charlotte.
Curtis: So, I got news for you. If I'm down here rolling in the gutter, I'm in good company, sister, 'cause you right there with me.
[Door opens]
André: Jordan?
Jordan: We're done here.
Curtis: Yeah, I got something to do anyway.
André: What was that about?
Jason: Hello, 911? A man's been shot in Metro Court. Parking garage, main level. Hurry up. He's on the northwest corner. "B." Hurry up, thanks.
Curtis: That's one way to get rid of evidence.
Jason: Oh, here we go.
Curtis: [Sighs] Let me guess. He's dead.
Jason: I didn't see the shooter. For all I know, it could be you.
Curtis: [Scoffs] Man, I got the best alibi in town. I was with the commissioner, getting my ass handed to me. I'm sure she'll be more than happy to corroborate. This is a damn shame.
Jason: Do you know him?
Curtis: Yeah, Pete Inglis. Used to be Julian Jerome's driver. I wanted to talk with him about that night at The Floating Rib. I guess he left Julian's car unattended. That was the same time someone must have planted the bomb. And then I find you here, talking with the only person who could implicate Sonny. And now, he dead. Maybe you're the one who should be worried about a good alibi.
Elizabeth: So, on our first date...
Franco: The one that ended in my arrest, yes?
Elizabeth: Ah, before that unfortunate interruption, we were talking about art. And seeing your work, how it made you feel free on a whole different level, really inspired me. I remember how that felt, and I missed it. So I signed up at an art class at PCU extension. Here. Look.
Franco: Are you serious?
Elizabeth: Yeah. Be nice, 'cause I'm out of practice.
Franco: These are great. These are really good.
Elizabeth: Really?
Franco: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Thank you. It's a great class, and it's really pushed me.
Franco: Well, that's what you want, right?
Elizabeth: Yeah, and I can't wait to go back. I fell behind because of the recovery, and I just want to make sure that I stay on pace with the class.
Franco: Okay. Uh, you said you needed a favor. You want me to critique these?
Elizabeth: No. I want you to pose for me.
Dante: [Sighs] Chianti? Perfect pairing with a bunch of candy.
Lulu: Thanks.
Dante: Sorry about before.
Lulu: I can get a new shirt. Probably find a way to preserve the hand prints -- keepsake, Halloween 2016.
Dante: I'm not talking about the shirt.
Lulu: You don't have to apologize.
Dante: I was talking about having an other child.
Lulu: Obviously, I was disappointed that we couldn't have another baby. But I'm over it. Really. All I have to do is think about that adorable little boy asleep upstairs, and it puts it all into perspective.
Dante: He's pretty terrific, chocolate stains and all.
Lulu: [Laughs] Just think about what Sonny and Carly are going through right now... unfathomable pain of losing a child.
Dante: I can't -- I can't even imagine what that would be like.
Lulu: I don't. We just have to focus on how blessed we are. We have our son. We have each other.
Dante: Is that all you want right now?
Lulu: I kind of want... another piece of Halloween candy, out of my way! Ah, oh!
Griffin: You're even crazier than I was led to believe. Charlotte is my daughter, end of story.
Valentin: We'll see.
Griffin: Hey, we need to get out of here.
Anna: What did he say to you?
Griffin: Now Valentin's claiming he's Charlotte's father. I mean, I knew he was a narcissist, I didn't know he was delusional.
Anna: You need to read the DNA test.
Griffin: I know what it says. Don't I?
Anna: Let me see that picture. That is so great, isn't it?
Charlotte: Do you like my picture, Daddy?
Sonny: What is this?
Carly: Morgan's journal.
Sonny: Well, he wasn't the diary-keeping kind of kid.
Carly: No. He talks about it in the beginning, how it was a part of his therapy at Freedman. He writes in it every day. Every day, he keeps a record of his thoughts and his feelings.
Sonny: That's good, right? He left something for us.
Carly: You have to look at this. Sonny, look at this. Next to every date, there's an "M" with a check mark. Look, every one. He's keeping a record of his meds. He was taking his medication.
Sonny: Well, there's something not right here, 'cause in September... his handwriting got kind of sloppy. Right, you see that?
Carly: Uh-huh.
Sonny: And his thoughts are all over the place.
Carly: That's because there was something wrong with his medication.
Ava: Lucy! [Laughs] What the hell are you doing? Y-you scared me half to death.
Lucy: I did?
Ava: Yeah, you did.
Lucy: Oh.
Ava: You can -- you can run along. I'm sure there's some other alleyway where you can be skulking.
[Both chuckle]
Lucy: Oh, no, I really, actually, really like skulking in this alley, thank you.
Ava: Okay, I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm meeting someone here, and I would hate for you to scare them off, okay?
Lucy: Oh. What a coincidence, because I am meeting someone here too... right now.
Ava: What the hell?
Lucy: I texted you. I saw you. I know what you did to Morgan.
Ava: You know, I've heard stories about you. And I just thought maybe you were eccentric, a little bit kooky. But it does seem like you are certifiably nuts, and maybe you could use some professional help.
Lucy: [Laughs] Give it a rest. You are so busted.
Ava: I don't know what you think you know.
Lucy: Well see, I was in the neighborhood, and was brokering this sale, and it just closed which is "yay" for me.
Ava: Get to the point, please.
Lucy: Anyhoo, I was heading to my car. Glanced over in this alley and -- oh! What did I see? You! You know your hair is quite the giveaway. Anyway, I thought, something just doesn't add up. One, what is she doing late at night in a dark alley, and two... what the hell did you throw away?
Ava: Trash. That's what most people throw away, right? Trash?
Lucy: Yeah, you're not most people. Someone else I might believe, but it's you. And you were guilty as hell, looking for some place, some random can to throw something away. So, me, funny, I just had to get to the bottom of it.
Ava: [Laughs] You're digging through trash cans, Lucy? I think maybe you should find yourself another hobby.
Lucy: [Chuckles] Imagine my surprise when I found medication belonging to Morgan Corinthos.
Carly: At the beginning he's in the clinic, right? He's medicated and he -- he's doing well. And then right here, he goes home. He's still on his medication. He's doing okay. I mean, he's had some ups and downs, but nothing too extreme.
Sonny: It's -- it's normal. I mean, when you're on medication, it doesn't mean you don't have moods. You go up and you go down. You just -- you don't spiral.
Carly: No, he talks about it. Here look. Talks about it. How he's frustrated with certain things but he's able to handle everything, and he's really proud about how he's handling everything. Even here, he writes about being at our house for my mom's birthday and how much fun he had. And then he talks about Fourth of July, spending it with Kiki. He even talks about this, look -- "Some jerk harassed Kiki at Perks. I wanted to bust his skull open, but I held back and handled it like an adult." He was proud of himself.
Sonny: Yeah, very proud of himself for that one.
Carly: Yeah, but at the end of August, beginning of September, something changes. Look, his handwriting, it goes back and forth. It goes from tight and controlled to big and sloppy. And you can see the way he's writing, he's depressed. He's sleeping all the time. "I feel like I'm in a hole, and I don't know why." But then it goes, "I know what to do." Look, "I'm gonna go back to school." And like that, he takes on too much.
Sonny: Maybe he was manic.
Carly: But that doesn't make any sense, because look, every day he marks that he took his pills. I don't understand. Why the hell weren't his meds working?
Sonny: There's a very simple answer, and you just don't want to see it. His meds were working, Carly. Morgan just stopped taking them.
Officer: Which one of you called this in?
Jason: I did. I was talking to the guy when he got shot.
Officer: Did you see the shooter?
Jason: Uh, no, I was standing right about there, facing Inglis. Shot came from behind me. I turned to look, but there was no sign of anyone.
Officer: You referred to the victim as "Inglis."
Jason: Yeah, that's right, Pete Inglis.
Officer: And how did you know him?
Jason: I didn't know him personally, but, uh, I do know that he used to work for Julian Jerome.
Jordan: Curtis has chosen to interfere in yet another police investigation. And I was just making sure that he understood the consequences of his actions. There were some choice words exchanged.
André: It looked like more than that.
Jordan: Curtis and I share a lot of history, and it's scratchy at best, painful at worst. He just -- he knows how to get under my skin and push my buttons, and he never misses a chance.
André: To be perfectly honest, I find Curtis very irritating.
Jordan: And that is one of the many reason why I like you. What are you doing here? What brings you by?
André: I was hoping to steal you away for a quiet dinner, a little calm before the storm?
Jordan: Ah. Any storm in particular?
André: I thought it over, and I'm going to attend Morgan Corinthos' funeral. There's a chance that one or both of his parents will unload on me, accuse me of failing their son. But Morgan was my patient, and I owe it to him to show up.
Jordan: Yeah. I don't blame you for dreading it. I'm dreading it. I know. But it's a necessary evil of police work -- attend the victim's funeral... find out leads on the killer.
André: That's got to be hard -- offering condolences when you're really searching for evidence. You must feel like a bit of a hypocrite.
Jordan: Don't you dare call me a hypocrite.
Franco: You want me to pose for you?
Elizabeth: You said you would when you showed me the picture you painted of me.
Franco: Yeah, I did, I said that.
Elizabeth: So, here's your chance to keep your word.
Franco: Okay, and the drawing that you make, you're going to share it with your class?
Elizabeth: Well, yeah. We do a group critique of submitted materials. Are you telling me you're shy?
Franco: No, actually, when I'm around you, I feel very comfortable in my own skin. Which is nice. It's just that, you know, in the art world I'm kind of a controversial figure. And if the people in your art class see that I posed for you, it's not a huge leap for them to think that you and I are in a relationship. So I just want to make sure that you're okay with that.
Griffin: It's beautiful, sweetheart.
Anna: Come here.
Griffin: The DNA test shows no match. I'm not Charlotte's father.
Anna: I'm sorry.
Griffin: Claudette lied again, but why? Why is she trying so hard to make me believe something so easy to disprove?
Anna: It fits.
Griffin: Because Claudette's a pathological?
Anna: No, because despite her flaws, she was trying to protect Charlotte from her biological father, you see?
Valentin: Everything all right over here?
Charlotte: When did you get here?
Valentin: Hey!
Charlotte: I'm so happy to see you.
Valentin: Not half as happy as I am to see you. I missed you, Charlotte.
Charlotte: I missed you, too.
Valentin: You been having a good time with your new friends?
Anna: Charlotte, that picture that you were gonna do for your mommy, why don't you finish it? 'Cause we're gonna have some really boring adult conversations right now, aren't we?
Valentin: Why don't you do that? I can't wait to see your picture.
Charlotte: You won't go away?
Valentin: No, no, no. I'll be right here where you can see me the whole time. I can see where this is going, so let me save you the trouble. This is an official copy of Charlotte's birth certificate.
Anna: You just happen to walk around with it all the time, do you? Charlotte Cassadine.
Valentin: Yeah, I wasn't married to her mother, but I was determined that she would have my last name.
Griffin: Charlotte Cassadine, born New York Methodist Hospital New York, New York. Mother, Claudette Beaulieu. Father, Valentin Cassadine.
Dante: Try this one right here.
Lulu: Ah, no, no no no. That is Rocco's favorite.
Dante: I'm sure he's gonna be cool with it.
Lulu: Want to deal with the tantrum when he realizes that they're gone?
Dante: Could you -- could you just put those down and open up that one?
Lulu: [Laughs] This doesn't even feel like candy.
Dante: Well, why don't you open it and see what it is?
Lulu: It's my engagement ring.
Dante: Mm-hmm.
Lulu: Why is my engagement ring wrapped up? [Laughs]
Dante: I, uh... I know how committed you are to recycling. Otherwise, I would have got you a new one.
Lulu: [Laughs] I wouldn't want a new one. This one means too much to me.
Dante: Figured there are still a lot of good memories associated with that ring.
Lulu: There are.
Dante: [Inhales] Well, in that case...
Lulu: [Laughs]
Dante: I hurt my knee, really.
Lulu: [Laughs]
Dante: [Exhales] Lesley-Lu Spencer. Woman of my dreams. Mother of my child. Holder of my heart. Will you marry me?
Elizabeth: If my class sees my drawing of you and assumes we're in a relationship, then that's more than okay with me.
Franco: Well, then, me too. All right, you don't have like an at-home spray tan kit laying around, do you?
Elizabeth: What -- what are you doing?
Franco: Well, I would just rip the shirt off, but I really like this shirt.
Elizabeth: No -- no! No, I wanna do a portrait -- your face. Your -- you can keep your clothes on.
Franco: Okay.
Elizabeth: [Laughs]
Franco: [Chuckles] Um, can I ask you something?
Elizabeth: Yeah.
Franco: Why would you be so worried to ask me to pose for you?
Elizabeth: In some ways, a portrait is more intimate 'cause the artist is trying to convey the subject's innermost thoughts. I just didn't want you to be uncomfortable.
Franco: No, I trust you with every part of myself, including my innermost thoughts.
Curtis: Man, it's boring on this side of the tape.
Jason: Well, why don't you entertain yourself and tell these gentlemen that you found me searching the body?
Curtis: Well, I figured that if I kept my mouth shut you would reciprocate with some information.
Jason: [Laughs] Why would I share anything with anyone who works for Jerome, huh?
Curtis: Suit yourself. Then I'll just go tell the cops that I saw you take the cell phone.
Jason: Hey, yo, go do your civic duty. Go ahead, that gives me enough time to stash the phone.
Curtis: What good is that gonna do when you're in jail?
Jason: Won't be in jail long. I've got a great lawyer.
Curtis: Okay, you know what, that just seems like a waste of everybody's time. So why don't we do it this way. I'll keep my mouth shut about the cell phone. You let me take a look at what's in it.
Lucy: The label was perfectly legible. Lithium, prescribed to one Morgan Corinthos. And there you were, scurrying around this alley like a little rodent looking for that perfect random trash can to throw it away in.
Ava: That's absurd. Why would I throw away Morgan's medication? Why would I have Morgan's medication in the first place?
Lucy: Duh, kind of simple. You were covering your tracks. C'mon, you took up with Morgan again. I just can't figure out how you had the nerve to slut-shame me. It only makes me think that maybe you're the reason poor Morgan was in the car.
Ava: Whoa. Lucy, I don't know what you think that you saw here.
Lucy: I saw you toss the evidence. Good luck trying to deny it to Sonny and Carly.
Ava: No. No. You can't.
Lucy: I can, because they lost their son and they deserve to know what really happened. What do you think they're gonna say when I tell them what you did?
Carly: We know that Morgan was still on his meds, because there's proof of it on every page, Sonny. Next to every date, there's an "M" with a check, an "M" with a check, every time.
Sonny: He might have wrote that, but it's not proof that he was taking the pills.
Carly: Yes, Sonny, we do. He was on his medication. He is frustrated and upset. He's taking the pills every day, and he doesn't understand what's wrong. He doesn't understand why his medication isn't working.
Sonny: Maybe he wanted to cover his ass, just write down what the shrink would want to read.
Carly: No, look. He says here at the very beginning he's not going to show this journal to Dr. Maddox or anyone else.
Sonny: [Groans]
Carly: This was his. It was private. Morgan has no reason not to be truthful. It's here.
Sonny: Carly, Carly, I'm gonna go check the medication, okay?
Carly: Yeah.
Sonny: So, this is what I found on his bedside drawer.
Carly: What is this?
Anna: C'mon, you have significant resources. You could easily acquire a forged birth certificate.
Valentin: Some things cannot be faked. Ahh. There you are. There should be enough for a DNA test in that sample. In the meantime, I'm gonna leave Charlotte in your capable hands. You have a sterling reputation, Anna. I'm sure my daughter will be very safe.
Griffin: If you're lying about any of this...
Valentin: Claudette was the liar, Father Munro. I'm very sorry she got you involved in all this, because Charlotte was caused unnecessary confusion, and you unnecessary pain.
Griffin: To hell with your sympathy.
Valentin: Those are strong words for a father.
Anna: Oh, stop it. I'm not going to discuss this any further until the DNA test is back.
Valentin: Of course. In the meantime, I'm keeping eyes on both of you. Because I'm not going anywhere.
Dante: You wanna take some time? Go somewhere and think about it?
Lulu: [Laughs] Go somewhere? Where will I go?
Dante: Yeah.
Lulu: Take a moment in our bedroom or in our backyard or -- I should go up to our son's room and watch him sleep. And think about how incredibly lucky we are to have found our way back to each other. I love you. Even when I was so mad at you I couldn't see straight, I never stopped loving you. So, it's very nice that you're asking me, but you already know my answer.
Dante: Well, I don't. And I would like to just hear it anyway to make sure.
Lulu: Yes. I will marry you. I would be honored to be your wife. [Laughs]
Franco: How's it going over there?
Elizabeth: It's great. Don't talk.
Franco: I feel like I'm getting a crick in my neck.
Elizabeth: Shh, shh, shh. Just hang in there. I've got to -- almost.
Franco: Almost what?
Elizabeth: Just shh!
Franco: Okay, can I see it now?
Elizabeth: No. No, I'm not done.
Franco: Seriously, Elizabeth, you know how much I hate to wait.
Elizabeth: Please don't! You hate it, don't you?
Franco: Why would you jump to that conclusion?
Elizabeth: It's okay, I know it's not good.
Franco: You're hot when you're wrong. This shows vision and intent. You're conveying a lot here. You're very bold, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Thank you. Maybe in my art. At one point, I'd like to think that I was bold in my life, but not so much anymore.
Franco: I don't think that's true at all.
Jordan: I-I'm sick and tired of people making assumptions. I have a job to do, okay? And sometimes, I have to make compromises.
André: Jordan, I was joking. Of course, I don't think you're a hypocrite.
Jordan: You don't?
André: Of course not, far from it. You're the police commissioner. It makes sense that you would attend Morgan's funeral. I'm just hoping that you find something, anything, to bring this case to a close.
Jordan: I'm sorry. I completely overreacted. I'm sorry.
André: Uh, serves me right for making a lame joke.
Jordan: No, no that's not it. Curtis is just -- he was just going off, and it got to me. I should know better.
André: I think that Curtis has an agenda every time he crosses your path. And frankly, I don't like the way he makes you feel, questioning yourself, your ability to do your job.
Jordan: Aren't you supposed to be a psychiatrist? Shouldn't you be telling me that only I can make myself feel a certain way?
André: Maybe. But, I'm not your doctor. I'm your man. And I'm the guy who's telling you I think you're pretty great just as you are.
Jordan: Thank you. I needed to hear that.
Ava: Lucy, don't do it.
Lucy: Why? Why on earth shouldn't I do it? Give me one good reason why, right this minute, I shouldn't run to Carly and Sonny and tell them that you took up with Morgan yet again. Only this time... it led to his death.
Carly: It has my name on it. Should I open it up?
Sonny: No, we got a bigger problem to deal with right now. I checked his drawer where he kept some medication, and, uh, there was only one bottle. Lithium's missing.
Carly: That's the most important drug he was on.
Franco: You done yet?
Elizabeth: [Laughs] What do you think?
Franco: I think I'm gonna get that crick in my neck again.
Elizabeth: I think every time you talk you move, and then I have to start over.
Franco: I haven't moved. I'm in exactly the same position.
Elizabeth: No, this is --
Franco: I can tell because my muscles...
Elizabeth: It's all wrong.
Franco: ...Are literally screaming out in agony.
Elizabeth: Okay, no. I... I need you to move.
Curtis: Pete was a busy, busy boy. This phone was working overtime the night of the explosion. I don't suppose any of those numbers belong to Sonny? Nah, probably wouldn't tell me anyway. But just so you know, I'm pretty good P.I. I'll figure it out.
Officer: Mr. Morgan?
Jason: Yeah.
Officer: Ready to take your statement.
Jason: Okay.
Curtis: We gotta stop meeting like this.
André: Okay, what are we waiting for? I came to take you to dinner, and that's what I'm going to do.
Jordan: Okay, but I have to work.
André: Have to work, yes, I know you have to work. Hey, even a superwoman needs sustenance. Might not be as good as mine, but we can try the new Thai place on the waterfront.
Jordan: You had me at Thai.
André: Hmm.
Jordan: I'm gonna get my coat.
[Phone rings]
Ava: You can't go to Sonny and Carly.
Lucy: Watch me.
Ava: You'll only hurt them more. Fine, you're right about me. But Carly and Sonny, they should be able to focus on remembering the good times with Morgan, not questioning his behavior right before he died.
Lucy: You don't get to do that. You do not use a parent's grief as an excuse.
Ava: What about Kiki, then? How do you think she'll feel? My daughter, she's barely getting through. And if she finds out about me and Morgan, it could destroy her.
Lucy: Aww. Shouldn't you have thought about that before you took up with that boy?
Ava: Oh, Lucy, c'mon. You're a mother, aren't you? You have a daughter, haven't you? How would you like it if someone hurt her this way, huh?
Carly: Do you think Morgan had the lithium with him?
Sonny: It's possible.
Carly: Doesn't make sense. Morgan had that pill keeper with the meds he needed each day. Why carry around a whole bottle of lithium?
Sonny: He was spiraling out of control. He felt the medication wasn't working. Those would have been the ones he threw away.
Carly: But that doesn't make sense. If you're going to give up, why throw away one bottle but keep the other?
Griffin: Look, I don't understand. If the birth certificate is valid and the DNA test checks out, what are we gonna do?
Anna: I have a plan. No matter what, the priority is that we protect Charlotte, agreed?
Griffin: Of course. It's the most important thing.
Lulu: Mmm. It's nice to have this back where it belongs.
Dante: Oh, yeah. My sentiments exactly. I was getting a little worried there for a second.
Lulu: Oh, were you? Did you really think I was going to turn you down?
Dante: Well, I don't know. You took your sweet time, so...
Lulu: Mm. Some things in life you shouldn't rush.
Dante: So, what does that mean? Do you want to have a long engagement?
Lulu: No, no. The sooner we say our vows, the sooner we're officially married...
Dante: Mm-hmm.
Lulu: The sooner we can get started on forever.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: I need you... to move a little to the left.
Franco: Okay. I'm gonna move... a little to the left.
Curtis: Hey, Jordan, listen. What went down earlier, I just want to...
André: There's nothing Jordan needs to hear from you.
Curtis: Maddox? Man, put Jordan on the phone.
André: I'm going to say this once. The best thing you could do for Jordan and yourself is to leave her alone.
Curtis: Oh, it's like that, huh?
André: That's exactly how it is.
Curtis: So be it.
Officer: So, you saw Mr. Inglis actually get shot?
Jason: Yeah, and whoever did it knew what they were doing. Inglis was standing in front of me. Neither one of us saw it coming.
Officer: Obviously it wasn't a robbery. His wallet was still in his person. Nothing else appeared to be missing. Still haven't located his cell phone.
Jason: Hmm. Well, if he had one, I'm sure it will turn up.
Ava: I'll beg you if you want. Is that what you want?
Lucy: Nah, that won't be necessary.
Ava: So, does that mean...
Lucy: What it means is [Inhales] I'm not gonna tell Sonny and Carly that I saw you tossing Morgan's medication. But I am going to hold onto those pills just for safekeeping. You understand?
Ava: Yeah, so you can blackmail me later.
Lucy: I didn't even think of that. What a great idea, thank you.
Ava: Swell.
Lucy: You know what, you should really be grateful. Another little tip -- maybe you should seriously consider coming clean. Because if I saw you tossing those pills, who knows. Someone else might have seen you, too.
Carly: Something feels really off here, Sonny.
Sonny: Like I said before, Morgan knew that lithium was the most important medication he was taking. If he felt it wasn't working, then that's the one he would have thrown away.
Carly: I feel like we're missing something. Something!
Sonny: You want an explanation. You want a reason. Someone to blame. But we both know that... it wasn't the medication. That's not why he died.
Carly: I can leave the journal here if you want to read it.
Sonny: No, you go ahead -- you go ahead and take it.
Carly: He loved us, you know? It's right here. It's on every page. He wanted so badly to make us proud. We should have done better.
Sonny: Yeah.
Carly: We should have made sure that he knew how much we loved him.
Sonny: Hey. You were a great mom. You never failed him. Right?
Carly: Yeah, I did. We both did. Now it's too late 'cause he's gone.
On the next "General Hospital" --
Elizabeth (to Franco): Do you wanna go upstairs?
Sam (to Jason): What did he know that someone would kill to keep him quiet?
Curtis (to Julian): Who wanted you dead?
Diane (to Alexis): Your long-lost brother Valentin inherits the whole Cassadine estate.
Tracy (to Hayden): If you fail, I'm going to run you out of town.
Finn (to Brad): Put that down now!
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