GH Transcript Thursday 8/4/16

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 8/4/16


Episode #13614 ~ Valentin tries to abduct Spencer from his theater camp. Dillon learns from Darby that he may share her STI with Morgan & Kiki. They all meet up at the hospital. Maxie & Nathan decide to get married right away. Claudette and Griffin have a reunion when he checks out her "hurt" knee.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Reporter: Just a few moments and a question. Commissioner, the public has a right to know!

Sonny: [Sighs] Where's my son?

Jordan: Uh, Dante's with Lulu at the hospital. They're not injured, but it's just a routine checkup just to make sure.

Sonny: Thanks for the update.

Jason: Well, thank you for the escort. [Chuckles] Whee! Oh, we having fun, bud? You enjoying yourself?

Sonny: Jason. Hey, you okay?

Jason: I'm fine. Been in worse spots.

Sonny: Sam called, told me to come down here.

Jason: I sent her home to see Danny. There's really nothing anybody can do until Diane gets here.

Sonny: Wh-- why is he cuffed?

Jordan: Jason's wanted for murder for Nikolas Cassadine. And Sam insists that Nikolas faked his own death at Wyndemere on the night of the Nurses' Ball and then fled to his family island only to be murdered by someone else there. But the evidence, it doesn't -- it doesn't support the story.

Dante: Well, it's all true.

Lulu: Every word of it.

Valentin: [Clears throat]

Nina: [Gasps] Hello.

Valentin: Hello, yourself. Things got pretty naughty in here last night. I hope you're not having second thoughts.

Spencer: Around the rugged rocks the rascal ran. He floundered forlornly at his father's feet. Father?

Darby: Thanks for meeting me.

Dillon: Yeah. You said it was important. Is everything okay?

Darby: Yeah. Everything's fine. At least, it will be. It's about the night we spent together.

Dillon: Yeah. Look, Darby, I mean, I had a really great time with you, and I'm totally willing to see where this goes, but I don't know if I'm ready to, like, jump into a relationship.

Darby: Relationship?

Dillon: Yeah.

Darby: Easy there, DQ. I'm not talking about making this official.

Dillon: Oh. [Chuckles] Okay. Then what are we -- what are we talking about?

Morgan: Why can't this just be me? This guy who loves you, who wants to do something amazing.

Kiki: Morgan, listen to yourself. The way that you're talking, the way you're acting, I think you're having a manic episode.

Morgan: Huh. I can't believe this. I'm not manic, Kiki. I'm just -- I'm happy. I love you. I want to be with you. That's all this is.

Kiki: I just need a yes or no answer. Are you still taking your meds?

Claudette: Finally. Come in!

Griffin: Claudette.

Claudette: Oh, my God. Griffin. Is it really you?

Griffin: It's me. I can't believe you're here.

Nathan: You do love me?

Maxie: You know I do.

Nathan: Enough to spend the rest of your life with me? Forsaking all others till death do us part?

Maxie: Mm. Yes.

Nathan: Good. I love you the same way. So let's go make it official. Let's go. Let's get married -- today.

Maxie: Wait. Today? As in like "today" today?

Nathan: What's stopping us?

Spencer: Hey. My big performance is today. And I know you can't make it, but never fear. No matter how much I miss you by Grabthar's Hammer, I will make you proud.

Counselor: Spencer Cassadine! What are you doing here? We called places.

Spencer: I'm on my way.

Counselor: Wait. What's that? [Sighs] You can't be Richard III without your hump.

Spencer: Oh. Right. Now is the winter of our discontent, made glorious summer by this sun of York.

Nina: Uh, no. I don't have any second thoughts. Uh, just a first one, really. It was, um...

Valentin: Yeah, it was. Hey, we're two grown-ups. Both unattached, both a little sad, just having some fun.

Nina: Yeah. Uh... listen, uh... help me out here.

Valentin: Theo.

Nina: Theo. Theo...

Valentin: Hart.

Nina: Hart. Mm-hmm.

Valentin: Hey. Just --

Nina: those are your names.

Valentin: Tell me you're not thinking I'm taking advantage of you.

Nina: No, I don't think that. I just, um -- I've never done anything like this before.

Valentin: What? Never?

Nina: Never.

Valentin: A beautiful, passionate, sexy, flexible, open-minded beauty like you? How's that possible?

Nina: I was out of commission for a while.

Valentin: In a way, so was I. So I guess we're on the same page. We are just two strangers passing in the night... helping each other out. No strings. No commitment.

Darby: I'm not looking for a commitment, but that doesn't make this conversation any less awkward.

Dillon: No, that was -- that was totally my fault for jumping to...

Darby: You need to get tested.

Dillon: ...Conclusion-- what? Tested? Tested for what?

Darby: An STI.

Dillon: What? You mean an STD.

Darby: No, an STI. For God's sake, Dillon, it's 2016.

Dillon: I don't -- I don't have... do you -- do you have something?

Darby: I didn't tell you this to get slut-shamed.

Dillon: No. I -- look, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to do that. I just -- this is -- it's a lot for me to wrap my head around.

Darby: No need to have kittens. It's totally treatable. It's called MG -- Mycoplasma Genitalium.

Dillon: Myc-- um... never even heard of that.

Darby: It's fairly new. Look at me. Always on fleek.

Dillon: Darby.

Darby: Will you unclench? I was telling you this because sometimes there are no symptoms. But left untreated, it can cause cancer in both men and women.

Dillon: Oh. Is that all?

Darby: That's only if you don't take care of it. One quick round of the right antibiotics and poof -- gone.

Dillon: So it is treatable.

Darby: Good news, right? Anyway, you're probably fine, but just in case you're not, I mean, you don't want to go spreading it around, do you?

Dillon: No. Of course not. Thanks for the heads-up.

Darby: No problem. I got to go. I need to go...

Dillon: Wow. Wow. Wait a minute. What about Morgan?

Morgan: Yes, Kiki, I'm taking my meds. Okay? I took them this morning.

Kiki: That's good.

Morgan: You know what? I thought you -- you trusted me.

Kiki: I do trust you, Morgan, but I don't trust your disease, okay? I've seen what it does to you.

Morgan: Wow.

Kiki: Okay. I get that being impulsive is part of your personality, but almost signing the lease for an apartment?

Morgan: Yes. Yes. I leap before I look. I mean, it doesn't matter how many pills I take, that's my personality. It's not gonna change.

Kiki: Okay. And maybe you're right, but put yourself in my shoes. I've seen how your impulses turn out, and sometimes it's very, very bad. So, yeah, I'm scared, and it makes me wonder.

Morgan: Wonder what?

Kiki: If loving each other is enough. If we can really, truly get past all of the disasters in our past.

Claudette: [Sighs]

Griffin: What are you doing here?

Claudette: Oh. My -- my knee. I hurt it.

Griffin: No, no, no. What are you doing here in Port Charles?

Claudette: Oh, just some freelance work, and... you're on staff here. Look at you, being brilliant and saving lives. I'm so happy for you. Looks like you've left the cloth.

Griffin: I haven't. I haven't. I'm just -- I'm... I'm taking some time away from the church.

Claudette: But I thought after what happened between you and me --

Griffin: What happened between us was a mistake. And I regret it every day of my life, but I'm not gonna let it define me.

Claudette: God works in mysterious ways. He brought us back together.

Nathan: So come on, Max, let's go. We can go -- we'll go to City Hall right now. We'll get in line --

Maxie: This is kind of sudden.

Nathan: Yeah, but isn't that part of the fun?

Maxie: I guess so, but we would be disappointing a lot of people if we eloped. My mom, Mac...

Nathan: Okay. So -- so call them. They can come.

Maxie: What about Lulu? I promised her she can be my matron of honor, and I cannot get married without Lulu.

Sonny: I'm glad you're okay, both of you.

Lulu: Just barely.

Sonny: Your mom's going nuts.

Dante: Yeah, I know. I called her. She wants to kill me for almost being killed. [Chuckles]

Sonny: How you doing, really?

Lulu: Still in one piece.

Sonny: And your mother?

Lulu: Is physically okay, too.

Sonny: Is there something you're not telling me?

Dante: Uh, Laura's at the hospital. She's waiting for Kevin to come out of surgery.

Lulu: Yeah, he, um -- he took a bullet for my mom.

Sonny: Kevin Collins is a good guy. So I have to ask... how's Ava?

Lulu: Ava is giving her statement to the DA. We'll see if she confirms that Nikolas faked his death --

Dante: Actually, we don't need Ava to corroborate the story. You have four other witnesses -- myself, Lulu, Laura, Kevin Collins. Jason is innocent. Nikolas didn't die in Port Charles. He died in Greece, the victim of the latest Cassadine blood feud.

Nina: Well, no commitments, huh?

Valentin: Is that something you're gonna be comfortable with?

Nina: Well, I went from having a husband to a boyfriend to what happened last night, so I guess, um... friends with benefits -- that's the next logical step, isn't it? Sure. For how long are you in town?

Valentin: Not long. I don't know if I told you. I'm in town, tying up some loose ends with my family. But I do have a couple of hours to kill.


Morgan: So, do you regret getting back together with me?

Kiki: No. Absolutely not. But as much as I'm trying to respect you, I need you to try to respect me, and these life-altering surprises -- not for me.

Morgan: Wha-- what? I mean, you used to love doing things like that. What happened to the girl that was just ready to go on an impulse trip to New York after we met online?

Kiki: I grew up. Morgan, I'm not the same girl I was when we first met or even when we moved to Port Charles and got married. So much has happened. I think we just need to learn how to be with the people we are now.

Morgan: Is that why you got so close to Dillon? Because he gets the person you are now?

Darby: What does Morgan have to do with this?

Dillon: It's none of my business, but I do know that you two were...involved.

Darby: We had sex a couple times, but that was months ago.

Dillon: So how long ago was it that you got tested for MG?

Darby: You know what, Dillon? You're right. This isn't any of your business. But for the record, I've been calling Morgan, and he's not returning my calls. And I don't exactly feel right leaving this on a voicemail or in a text. But, hey, at least I tried, right?

Dillon: Right.

Darby: I have to go pick up my prescription. I know news like this can be jarring, but I hope it doesn't put an end to the fun we're having.

Kiki: Don't bring Dillon into this, okay? I don't love him. I was never even with him. I love you. Do you get that, or are you gonna contradict me about my own feelings?

Morgan: No. I -- I, uh -- I get it.

Kiki: Good. The problem that we're having is that you're just going too fast for me. I don't think there's really any point in us trying to go back to the way things were.

Morgan: Okay. Well, I -- I'm sorry. I don't -- I don't see it that way.

Kiki: That's the way it is. You're bipolar. I probably have PTSD. We're service-industry workers. We're not spoiled rich kids anymore who get to go on road trips with their parents' money. I hate to break it to you, but we're adults now, and we have to start acting like it.

Morgan: Ah...okay. We, uh... where does that -- where does that leave us?

[Avery crying]

Morgan: Oh, that's Avery. I got to...

Kiki: No.

Morgan: I got to take care of her.

Kiki: I'll -- I'll do it. You have to -- you have to get to work, so...

[Crying continues]

Morgan: Kiki, hey. We're gonna talk about this, right?

Kiki: Yeah. We'll talk.

Claudette: I can't believe the coincidence.

Griffin: Is that -- is that what you call it -- a coincidence?

Claudette: Of course. I had no idea you were gonna be here.

Griffin: Oh, history has proven with you, Claudette, that nothing is what it seems.

Claudette: Oh, come on. Aren't you at least the tiniest bit happy to see me?

Griffin: Bad things happen when we're together. I got shot. I could've been defrocked.

Claudette: You can't possibly blame me for that. I didn't seduce you.

Griffin: You came to me for guidance with your marital troubles, and you neglected to mention you only married your husband for a green card.

Claudette: It started out that way. But then I actually wanted to make it work. Look, I didn't want to be the woman that fell in love with a priest, but I did. You were the only one that got me.

Griffin: Yes, you made that clear.

Claudette: Because it was true.

Griffin: We had an illicit affair. All right? The risk kept me up all night. It made me sick, mentally, spiritually. And you -- you got off on it.

Claudette: No.

Griffin: You loved the idea that we could've got caught.

Claudette: No. I loved you. And at one point, you were willing to throw it all away and spend the rest of your life with me.

Nathan: Look, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, okay? And I'm sure Lulu wouldn't hold moving up the date against us.

Maxie: We've already booked the venue.

Nathan: Okay. So we'll keep the venue. We'll get married now, and we can have a big reception down the line -- at the venue. Okay? Maxie, come on. Come on. Let's go for it.

Maxie: Why?

Nathan: Why what?

Maxie: Why right now? Are you overcompensating?

Nathan: For what?

Maxie: For spending a night with Claudette. I mean, did something happen between you two that you haven't told me about?

Nina: I could get used to no strings.

Valentin: Sometimes liking someone is better than loving them.

Nina: Yeah, it's definitely one of those times.

[Knock on door]

Valentin: You expecting somebody?

Nina: Um, no. It's probably just housekeeping. I'll get rid of them. Who is it?

Curtis: It's Curtis.

Nina: Hi.

Curtis: Hey, hey, hey.

Nina: Oh, um...

Curtis: I got an update on --

Nina: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh. No.

Jordan: Valentin Cassadine? I never heard of him.

Dante: He's crazy. I mean, judging by the way he handled himself, he had experience probably in security, maybe as a mercenary.

Jordan: And you're saying this is the same man who ended up...

Lulu: Killing my brother? Yeah.

Jordan: I will reach out to my Interpol contacts.

Lulu: Thank you.

Jordan: Even if this story checks out, you still have to stick around to answer for leaving the jurisdiction.

Sonny: Jason, don't worry about it. Diane's gonna take care of everything.

Dante: And I'll make a statement on your behalf.

Lulu: We all will. You stepped up, took control, and you saved our lives. Most of them, anyway.

Sonny: Listen, I know we've all had problems with Nikolas lately, but he's your brother, and I'm sorry for your loss.

Lulu: Thanks. There's... someone else who might not have made it off the island.

Curtis: I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was interrupting anything.

Valentin: Oh, you weren't.

Nina: No. Uh... uh, will you excuse us, please? We have business.'s the paper. Have some coffee. Make yourself comfortable. Can we just go out here? [Clears throat] Um, seriously, seriously, you couldn't wait until we were in the office when I'd be, you know, clothed?

Curtis: I wanted to drop off some leads into the search for the missing donor.

Nina: Hard copies?

Curtis: Sometimes hard copies are easier to work with.

Nina: Yeah, but, I mean, I could've printed these out.

Curtis: All right. You got me, all right? I came to check on you.

Nina: Why?

Curtis: Last night, you were toe up when you left the bar. I just wanted to make sure you didn't make any decisions that you might regret.

Dillon: "MG was identified in over 1% of the population aged 16 to 44 and among men was most prevalent in 25- to 34-year-olds. In women, it may also be linked to pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility." Morgan.

Morgan: What do you want, man?

Dillon: I just want to give you a heads-up.

Morgan: About what?

Dillon: You may want to return Darby's phone calls.

Morgan: What could possibly be so important that I need to hear from Darby, of all people?

Dillon: We may have an STI.

Griffin: I admit responsibility for my part in the way things went down. I also... I also admit that my feelings for you, they were real. I should take a look at this knee.

Claudette: Should I get up on the table?

Griffin: Yes. [Sighing] All right. Does it hurt here?

Claudette: No.

Griffin: How about here?

Claudette: No.

Griffin: Here?

Claudette: Ow! Yes.

Griffin: Okay, okay. You just aggravated an old injury. The camping trip, right?

Claudette: You remembered.

Griffin: It's medical history. How did you manage to do this, anyways?

Claudette: [Sighs] I was on the side of the road at night with someone. And we got into a fight, and I tried to walk away, and then...yowza.

Griffin: There it is. [Scoffs]

Claudette: Where what is?

Griffin: The real reason you're here.

Claudette: I got a job at Crimson.

Griffin: Nathan West. You're here because of your ex-husband.

Nathan: I already told you, nothing happened with Claudette.

Maxie: You didn't tell me that you guys leaned up against each other while you were sleeping. You didn't tell me you still have your song with her on a playlist and that you listen to it all the time.

Nathan: I'll delete the song.

Maxie: It's not about the song, Nathan. The first time you proposed to me, I'm pretty sure that was because I had just found out about her. And now this rush to get married after I find out you've spent one night alone with Claudette? I mean... how do I know this mad dash to get married isn't motivated by a guilty conscience?

Lulu: There was no way to identify the body. It was a skeleton. That bracelet and earring, if it didn't belong to my dad, it sure looked like the ones he had.

Sonny: Don't jump to conclusions.

Lulu: I'm trying not to. It's...just been so long since anyone's heard from him. So I'm trying the contact that he gave Lucky and me for emergencies, but still nothing.

Dante: And, unfortunately, there's no way of verifying whether it was him or not unless we return to the island.

Sonny: One thing I know about Luke, you can never count him out. I mean, we have no reason to believe he's dead until we have 100% proof. And I'm gonna do everything I can to help you get that.

Lulu: Thank you.

Sonny: And don't worry too much, 'cause no way in hell Luke loses out to the Cassadines.

Nina: Don't judge me, please.

Curtis: Look, ain't nobody judging nothing. My name is Saul and that's between y'all, all right? You the boss.

Nina: Well, I'm not just your boss. I mean, we're more than that. You know, we're friends.

Valentin: Hey, I have to go.

Nina: Oh. Why?

Valentin: My timetable has unfortunately been accelerated, but I want to make sure you know that last night was beautiful. This morning, even more so. Goodbye.

Nina: B-- Wow. That wasn't just, you know, a walk of shame. That was like a sprint.

Curtis: Yeah, well, your boy left so fast, he, uh...forgot his phone.

Nina: Oh. I'll get that to him. Maybe we should just look through it to see if, you know, there's a friend or a woman... of some kind who can, you know, help us get ahold of him.

Spencer: Father, my big performance is today, and I know you can't make it, but never fear. No matter how much I miss you, by Grabthar's hammer, I will make you proud.

Claudette: I came to Port Charles to interview for a job at Crimson. How was I supposed to know that I'd be interviewing with my ex-husband's fiancée?

Griffin: Just like you had no idea that I was here in Port Charles.

Claudette: That's right.

Griffin: And you couldn't have known that Maxie and I were friends.

Claudette: Oh, how nice for the two of you.

Griffin: Nathan disappeared last night. All night, Maxie was worried that he was off with some other woman, and he was, wasn't he?

Claudette: I didn't seduce Nathan, if that's what you're insinuating. And I can't be held responsible for Maxie's insecurities, okay? She's a jealous, petty person. Did your best friend tell you how she tried to set me up at Crimson?

Griffin: Oh, I'm sure she had a good reason. You know, what I don't get is why you would go through the trouble to make a play for Nathan. You've told me a number of times that you never loved him. Which begs the question, what is your angle? What do you really want with Nathan West?

Nathan: I'm not easing a guilty conscience, 'cause I've got nothing to feel guilty about.

Maxie: Then why the rush to get married?

Nathan: I don't know. To make you feel more secure? To jump-start our life together? My intentions backfired.

Maxie: Now that I've heard them from you, I understand. I'm sorry about the accusations.

Nathan: It's okay. I get it. And if you want to have our wedding when we originally planned, I'll respect that, too.

Maxie: Okay. Unless we can find a compromise.

Nina: Okay. Wow. I didn't -- I didn't mean to play the message. I don't know how this phone works.

Curtis: Well, it's a burner, which begs the question, why does your booty call have one? Play it again.

Nina: Oh, no. You do it, please. I don't want to erase it. I don't...know that phone.

Spencer: Father, my big performance is today, and I know you...

Curtis: That's Spencer Cassadine.

Nina: I know. It's Nikolas' son.

Curtis: Yeah.

Nina: Which means that Theo has Nikolas Cassadine's phone.

Curtis: Nikolas was killed weeks ago. This message is from today.

Nina: Oh, no, no, no. I'm very confused. What does that mean?

Curtis: It means I'm sorry, Nina.

Nina: What are you sorry about?

Curtis: Hate to throw your boy toy to the wolves, but, um...

Nina: Mm-hmm. ...This phone is crucial to an ongoing investigation, which means we need to get it to the police.

Sonny: So, you think Valentin sabotaged the plane?

Jason: There was something really weird about how the plane just started dumping fuel. So, yeah, I think he tampered with it, and I think he planned on us crashing over the water so there'd be no trace.

Sonny: So where -- where do you think he is now?

Jason: I have no idea. He slipped away. He could be anywhere, man.

Sonny: All right. I'm gonna go ahead and take off.

Dante: Uh, where are you going?

Sonny: Well, look, this guy killed Nikolas. He could be targeting other Cassadines that are related to me, and I'm gonna make sure everybody's safe. Bye.

Dante: All right, bye.

Sonny: See you again.

Jason: Yeah.

Dante: I'm sorry about the cuffs, man. Hopefully, this will be cleared up soon.

Jordan: I got a hit from Interpol.

Lulu: That's him.

Jordan: Yeah?

Jason: That's definitely the guy.

Dante: Definitely. What's the read?

Jordan: Uh, well, technically, he's got a clean record, but EU has him as a person of interest in a laundry list of illegal activities, mostly smuggling.

Jason: Well, he went to a lot of trouble to get Nikolas to sign over his inheritance. I'm sure he's on his way to Port Charles.

Dante: The guy's a pro, and he's dangerous. There's no telling what he's doing next.

Spencer: It's true. There's nothing like the live theater! [Chuckles]

Counselor: You have a visitor. He says he's family.

Spencer: Send him in. Family? Father?

Jordan: Checked with the DA. We're not gonna be pursuing the murder charges. However, you will have to answer for fleeing the jurisdiction.

Jason: You and Hornsby have my attorney's number. Use it if you like.

Jordan: We both know that you're gonna walk on this. Will I lose sleep over a fugitive fleeing the country to rightfully clear his name? Probably not. But don't think for one second that I'm condoning you going all vigilante.

Jason: If I want to go chase down Valentin, then I will.

Jordan: This is an international incident, Mr. Morgan. You just stay the hell out of it, okay?

Curtis: There's definitely something you need to see.

Jordan: You know what? I'm in the middle of something here.

Spencer: Father, my big performance is today, and I know you can't make it, but never fear. No matter how much I miss you, by Grabthar's hammer, I will make you proud. Father, you made it!

Morgan: MG -- I mean, that doesn't even sound like a real thing to me.

Kiki: Morgan, I got your text. I came as fast as I could. What's the emergency? Did you guys get in a fight?

Morgan: No.

Dillon: Nope. Nothing like that.

Kiki: Then why are you here?

Darby: 'Cause, Kiki, Morgan and Dillon both slept with me, and then you slept with Morgan. Too bad you never slept with Dillon. Then we'd be like a perfect circle.

Maxie: I think I could get a good deal at the Metro Court, and maybe I could get Lucy to officiate.

Nathan: What are you saying?

Maxie: Today is not gonna work, but... how do you feel about getting married next month?

Nathan: You sure?

Maxie: Yeah. You made some excellent points. I mean, we already know that we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together, so... why put it off any longer?


Claudette: I don't want anything from Nathan.

Griffin: Do you ever get tired of lying?!

Claudette: And you've been so forthcoming. I'm sure that Maxie and Nathan are blissfully unaware that you're the man that broke up his marriage.

Griffin: Do you see this? This right here? This is why we never worked. Because as soon as you're backed into a corner, you -- you -- you attack somebody! You make sure somebody has to take the bullet for you, literally and figuratively.

Claudette: How many times do I have to apologize for that?

Griffin: How can you love someone with all your heart when all you care about is protecting yourself?

Claudette: I did love someone with all my heart. I loved you.

Griffin: Stay off this for a few days. We're done here.

[Door closes]

Dante: Where'd you get this phone, Nina?

Nina: What? Uh... it -- it was left behind by a gentleman -- a perfect gentleman, mostly with whom I spent the night.

Dante: A name, Nina. I need a name.

Nina: He said his name was Theo.

Valentin: Spencer Cassadine, I presume.

Spencer: Naturally. And who might you be?

Valentin: Well, I wouldn't expect you to recognize me, but I'm family. I'm your Uncle Theo.

Spencer: Hmm. Never heard of an Uncle Theo. From which side?

Valentin: Well, the Cassadines, of course.

Spencer: Hmm. Tell me, Uncle Theo, what brings you to Port Charles?

Valentin: Your father.

Spencer: Is that so?

Valentin: Well, obviously, he can't come to the United States just yet. But he can send me to come get you and bring you to him.

Spencer: I'm gonna need some identification.

Valentin: All right.

Spencer: Checks out.

Valentin: I got a jet that's gassed up and ready to go.

Spencer: What? I can't leave. The play is called "Richard III," and I am Richard III.

Valentin: Well, Spencer, I'm sure you understand the urgency.

Spencer: I haven't revealed that I was born with teeth yet! I haven't even offered my kingdom for a horse! I haven't died yet! Sorry. Spoiler alert.

Valentin: Spencer, we don't have time for this.

Spencer: But the show must go on.

Valentin: We have a very small window to make our escape. Hey. Don't you want to see your father?

Kiki: I'm sorry. Are you saying that I might have an STD?

Darby: STI. God.

Kiki: Oh, my God. This cannot be happening.

Darby: Uh... please, you don't need to console her. It's a little infection, not the black plague. Everybody needs to just chill. We all made a mistake. And we live, we learn, and we get some drugs.

Morgan: Kiki, hey.

Dillon: What the hell is your problem?

Darby: My problem? All of you acting like this is all my fault, like you and Morgan are just poor innocents I led astray.

Dillon: I don't think that.

Darby: I'm the responsible one here. I got tested, I called the right people. None of you are better than me.

Morgan: Kiki, wait. I'm sorry.

Kiki: Why? We don't even know if anything's wrong yet. And even if we do have an STI, it's not like it's your fault. It's not even Darby's fault. It's not like she's doing this on purpose. But...sometimes things just happen. We all have a past.

Morgan: Look, it just feels like all the mistakes I made are right in front of us again. But there is, you know -- there's one good thing, I suppose.

Kiki: I can't even imagine what that could be.

Morgan: I'm starting to realize that you're right. Okay, we can't just pretend that -- that we didn't spend all that time apart and that it didn't change us. Okay, we -- we -- we needed to start fresh. We need to be the people we are now. So we will, if you'll stick with me.

Kiki: [Sighs] I'm not going anywhere.

Claudette: [Clears throat] What's all the smiling about?

Maxie: Oh, uh, we have great news. We just decided to push up the date of our wedding.

Claudette: How nice for you.

Nathan: Yeah, we decided we didn't want to wait any longer.

Claudette: And why would you?

Maxie: Exactly.

Claudette: Mm.

Maxie: It's just a shame that you can't attend.

Claudette: Actually, I have some news of my own. I've decided to stay in Port Charles.

Maxie: [Sighs]

Nina: Told you his name was Theo? Theo Hart.

Jordan: Uh, is that supposed to mean something?

Jason: Theo is the alias that Valentin used on the island.

Lulu: Oh, my God. That means that he's here in Port Charles.

Nina: Okay. What does this mean, please?

Jordan: Nina... is this the man you spent the night with last night?

Spencer: I can't walk out halfway through the performance. My public would never forgive me.

Valentin: Well, you have to choose. Which means more to you -- your public or your father?

Spencer: [Scoffs] How am I to face one if I betrayed the other? How will I return their gaze?

Valentin: We're out of time. Do you want to go see your father or not?

Nina: Um, oh, yeah. That's -- that's who I was with last night. Um, he said his name was Theo Hart.

Jordan: Well, that changes everything. It moves it out of Interpol's jurisdiction into ours.

Dante: Yeah. Did he say where he was headed, Nina?

Nina: Um, no, he just left very quickly.

Dante: Okay, think. Think. What'd he say to you when he said goodbye? What -- what...?

Nina: He said he was tying up loose ends with family.

Spencer: If all the world is truly a stage, and all the men and women are truly the players, then I haven't really left the play. I'm just another part of the story. So, yes, Uncle Theo, I'll go. Take me to Father.

Valentin: Attaboy, Spencer. Now come along. We haven't a moment to lose.

[Sonny stands at the door.]

On the next "General Hospital" --

Carly: You and I are on the same side, Jax.

Julian (to Ava): I've got to escape, and you need to help me.

Curtis (to Nina): Yeah. I may have just the answers you're looking for.

Jordan (to Jason): If you're here when I get back, you'll spend the night in lockup.

Alexis (to Sam): Cassadines don't die. They rise from the ashes.

Spencer: Uncle Sonny, this is Theo.

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