General Hospital Transcript Thursday 7/28/16
Episode #13609 ~ Jason finds a jet on Cassadine Island and takes everyone off but soon runs out of fuel; Nina congratulates Maxie on a job well done; Nathan gives Claudette a ride to the airport; after getting Parker's goodbye letter, Kristina comes clean with Aaron.
Provided By Jim
Proofread By Gisele
Dante: 13 Amiklon. You're sure that's the address you got on the envelope from Helena?
Lulu: I am positive. Did you know Helena Cassadine?
Daphne: I knew of her. Even spoke to her occasionally. But I never associated with the Cassadines. I don't why you'd have an envelope with my address.
Laura: Can we worry about all this later? Kevin is burning up. We have got to get antibiotics.
Daphne: If you let me go, I'll return right away with my first-aid kit.
Laura: Go. Go. Please.
Daphne: I'll be right back.
Ava: Yeah, sure you will. This is a mistake.
Laura: Kevin, you're gonna be all right. We're getting something to help you. You'll be fine once you get those antibiotics in you.
Kevin: I don't think a leftover prescription's gonna cut it. We both know my chances aren't very good.
Laura: Don't say that. Come on, now. I went to all that trouble to get that bullet out of you, you know? I'm not about to lose my first patient.
Kevin: And you did great. But if sepsis has set in --
Laura: No. Okay. Put Dr. Collins aside right now. Can you do that? Put it aside? I want to talk to the mystery writer, the wannabe sleuth.
Kevin: Wannabe? [Chuckles]
Laura: Yeah. You know, you have to stay around with me. You have to -- You have to help me, um, crack this case and solve the riddle that Helena left us. Come on, now. You don't want to quit, not until you've had the chance to use this experience to make your next book.
Kevin: It would be a good novel.
Sonny: Why did you lie to me?
Alexis: I have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't have anything to do with that stunt he just pulled in there.
Sonny: I'm not talking about your psycho husband. I'm talking about our daughter. When were you gonna tell me that the professor that she offered to sleep with was a woman?
Alexis: [Sighs]
Aaron: Hey. There you are. I was starting to get a little worried about you.
Kristina: I'm really sorry. Something came up with my parents.
Aaron: Yeah, no, your dad swung by earlier looking for you.
Kristina: Well, he found me. [Chuckles] Look, Aaron, there's something that --
Aaron: Hey, actually, uh, before I forget, um... some woman swung by earlier, wanted to drop a letter off for you. Seemed pretty important. Do you know who wrote it?
Kristina: Yes, I do. Yeah.
Nathan: Maxie. Hey, it's, uh -- It's me. After you left, Claudette came by, and, um, we were able to clear some things up. I don't think she wants me back. [Sighs] Actually, I think it's possible that we may be wrong about Claudette. Just -- Just call me before you do something that we both regret, okay?
Claudette: Rex, our awesome IT guy, was looking into my e-mail history, and he found this cryptic e-mail that was supposed to vanish when it was opened.
Maxie: Really?
Nina: How does that figure into your graphics?
Claudette: Well, look. It was sent and opened when I was out of the office. It says "sender unknown."
Nina: How can you trace it?
Claudette: Well, the software that Rex installed -- One of the cool features is that it can trace formerly untraceable items. All you have to do is hit "reply."
Nina: Okay, let's not wait. Let's hit "reply."
[Maxie's computer beeps]
Nina: Maxie, you tried to sabotage the magazine. I don't understand. Why would you do that? You, more than anyone, know how under the microscope we are. Why would you do something like this?
Maxie: Because of her.
Lulu: It can't be a coincidence. Meeting a woman who lives at that address? Helena wanted me to come here.
Ava: Do you realize how crazy you sound? Helena had no idea that Nikolas and I would end up here, or Sam and Jason, for that matter. This isn't all about you.
[Trees rustling]
Lulu: What was that?
Dante: Someone's coming.
Kristina: It's from a mentor of mine from Wesleyan. Do you mind if I...?
Aaron: Yeah, no. Go ahead.
Alexis: Yes. Parker is the professor that Kristina propositioned.
Sonny: How long?
Alexis: I don't know. I -- Maybe a few months.
Sonny: And you don't think this was important enough information for her father to know?
Alexis: I think it was important information for Kristina to tell. Not me. We weren't even sure how you were gonna react to her. You have this religious background.
Sonny: Okay, we don't want to go down there. How long were you gonna keep this huge information from me, her father? We're her parents.
Alexis: We are her parents.
Sonny: Right.
Alexis: We both have very important roles. We both want what's best for her. But that does not make us teammates. We have an obligation to Kristina, not to each other. As you made clear to me when you said that I was dead to you.
Sonny: You were covering for a murder!
Alexis: Kristina is an adult. She told me something in confidence, and I felt that I needed to honor that. I mean, it's not like you're my husband.
Sonny: You told Julian about this. You didn't tell me, her father?
Alexis: I don't want to talk about him, all right? You know? And I don't even need this right now. I don't need your outburst.
Sonny: Outburst? What do you mean, outburst?
Alexis: Yes, your outburst. You are angry because Kristina didn't feel safe enough to tell you the truth about herself.
Nina: You tried to sabotage the magazine because of Claudette?
Maxie: It wasn't sabotage. I don't trust her, and you shouldn't, either. So I had to get rid of her.
Claudette: You wanted to get rid of me? Why?
Nina: I'd like to know the answer to that question, too.
Maxie: Oh, come on, Nina. You don't trust her, either. You hired Curtis Ashford to dig into her background.
Claudette: Uh, you did?
Nina: No.
Maxie: You're her brother's ex-wife and you applied for a job here at this magazine under an assumed name. What did you think was gonna happen?
Claudette: I explained that I --
Maxie: That you were trying to cover your ass? This whole thing is a set-up. You targeted Crimson, you're targeting me because I'm gonna marry the man that you drove away!
Nina: Um... I would like to apologize for ever doubting you, Claudette, and I want you to know that Ms. Jones will be reprimanded for her actions.
Maxie: "Ms. Jones"?
Claudette: Please don't. I should be thanking Maxie.
Nina: You should?
Maxie: You should?
Claudette: Yes. You know, you've opened my eyes to something that I've been too stubborn to see. There's no place for me here.
[Trees rustling]
Lulu: Is Daphne back?
Dante: No. No, this is coming from the other direction.
Kevin: What's going on?
Laura: Shh, shh, shh. [Whispering] We have to stay quiet. Quiet.
Dante: Get down. Get down.
Jason: Hey! Easy, easy. It's us.
Dante: [Sighs]
Jason: I think we found a way off the island.
Lulu: Thank God you guys are safe.
Ava: Where have you been?
Jason: Well, we had to check out the situation before we came to you. We wanted to make sure you all were safe.
Sam: We saw someone we did not recognize on the island.
Dante: That was a woman named Daphne.
Lulu: She's from the island. She's helping us.
Ava: So she says.
Sam: How is Kevin? Kevin? How's he doing?
Laura: He's got a really high fever. We weren't exactly working with sterile equipment when we took that bullet out of him.
Sam: What do you mean? You were operating on him?
Laura: Yeah. Yeah, he said it had to come out. He talked me through it.
Ava: Kevin's got to get out of here. We all do. Did you find a way off this rock or not?
Jason: I found an old jet about a quarter of a mile from here.
Ava: Well, [Chuckling] That's great. Does anyone know how to fly a jet?
Jason: Yeah, I think I do.
Ava: What do you mean, you think? You either know or you don't.
Jason: I don't have a memory of learning how to fly a jet, okay, but I know that I can fly it.
Ava: So we should all get on a plane with you, because you think that you know how to fly it.
Jason: Or you can wait here if you like.
Laura: No. Kevin can't wait. He's got to get to a hospital.
Dante: Okay, Jason.
Jason: Yeah.
Dante: You really think you can fly this thing?
Jason: I can fly it.
Dante: Okay. Good enough for me. How about you?
Lulu: Agreed. I think the jet is our best option. You, Ava, are not obligated to come with us. You could rent yourself a fishing boat.
Ava: Oh, the hell with it. Anything is better than waiting here for Valentin and his guards to get back. Let's go.
Laura: Not until Daphne gets back with the supplies.
Alexis: You're just upset that she's hiding from you.
Sonny: Of course, I'm upset! You can say what you want about me, what I do, my life, but I do the best I can to put my children first.
Alexis: Okay. Settle down. I'm sorry that I implied otherwise. I'm having a rough day, all right? And apparently, so are you, so we're taking it out on each other. So let's not do that. I respect your role in Kristina's life. And I thought that you deserved to know. I just thought that it should come from her.
Sonny: Instead of accidentally seeing Parker and Kristina saying goodbye to each other after a night at the Metro Court. [Sighs]
Alexis: If it makes you feel any better, she was glad that she told you and she knows that you love her.
Sonny: Well, it does make me feel good that Kristina knows that I love her. But it doesn't make me any happier knowing that she's sleeping with an older woman who happens to be her professor.
Alexis: Who happens to be newly divorced. Honestly, I can't imagine what she was thinking.
Sonny: I don't care what Parker's thinking. I care about our daughter. She's vulnerable, and this woman -- I thought -- She's taking advantage of her.
Alexis: I don't disagree with you. I don't. But I will tell you, your daughter does.
Sonny: I don't like it. I'm telling you right now, I don't like it, and the longer it keeps going, Kristina's gonna get hurt -- bad.
Alexis: She's at the kiosk. She's working. Why don't you and I go down there and we'll talk to her, calmly...
Sonny: Yeah.
Alexis: ...without confrontation?
Sonny: As a team.
Alexis: As her mom and dad.
Kristina: [Sobbing]
Aaron: Hey. Hey, Kristina. What's wrong?
Kristina: It's nothing. I'm sorry.
Aaron: What's the matter? Is it something in the letter?
Kristina: No. I mean... [Sighs] Yeah. It's embarrassing.
Aaron: Is it something about school? I know you said that woman was from Wesleyan.
Kristina: Yeah. I asked my mentor if she thought I should go back to school [Sniffles] in September after the suspension. And she said that there wasn't a place for me there.
Aaron: Hey. Hey. It's okay. Everything's gonna be okay. I promise, all right? I'm sorry that everything with school didn't work out. But selfishly, you know, I can't say that I'm disappointed that you're gonna be staying here in Port Charles with me.
Maxie: No place for you at the magazine, or in Port Charles?
Claudette: Do I think that we're at each other's throats? Of course. But I suspect that you and I have more in common than we have differences. You did like me before you found out that I was Nathan's ex.
Yeah, but you hid that from me.
Claudette: Yeah. Well, is there tension between us? Yes. And we're not doing each other any favors by pretending that there isn't. Fashion is your passion. Not mine. And there are plenty of places for a graphic designer to go.
Nina: Okay, what are you saying, Claudette?
Claudette: Well, I got a job offer yesterday, and at first, I wasn't gonna take it, but I think it's really for the best. And now that Rex has recovered, you know, the graphics, you shouldn't have any problem finding a replacement.
Nina: Oh, um, wow. Okay. Well, is there anything I can say for you to reconsider?
Claudette: No. But thank you. It's been really great getting to know you after visiting you in the clinic with Nathan.
Nina: Oh. You came to visit me while I was in my coma.
Claudette: Yes. Yeah. Well, you know, you were Nathan's family, and at the time, you were mine, too.
Nina: Well, hey. It's over. Thank you for working with us. And listen, if you reconsider, we're family here. You know? Always come by. Love to have you. That's right. Yeah. Our door is always open to you, Claudette. You... did the right thing.
Ava: Daphne has been gone too long. We need to get out of here!
Lulu: We can wait a little longer.
Ava: All right, good luck with that. I'm going to that plane.
Sam: Well, you can go to that plane by yourself. We're staying. We're waiting for Kevin.
Ava: Sam, you're being ridiculous. You can bring me and Lulu to the plane, and Jason and Dante can stay behind to carry Kevin after he gets the drugs. It's better if we split up, anyway. A group this big is more likely to be seen.
[Trees rustling]
Jason: Take cover. Hey.
Daphne: I'm back.
Lulu: Daphne!
Jason: Anybody with you? You alone? Huh?
Daphne: Yes. Yes. I brought the supplies.
Laura: Did you find antibiotics?
Daphne: Yes. They were prescribed when I had surgery.
Jason: You good?
Dante: Yeah.
Jason: All right.
Daphne: They should help with the infection.
Laura: Kevin, did you hear that? You've got to take these pills. Can you hear us?
Lulu: Here.
Laura: Great. Okay. Drink up.
Aaron: Better?
Kristina: A little.
Aaron: Hey. Earlier, you were gonna tell me something. What was that?
Kristina: Nothing. It seems so unimportant now. Can you just hold me?
Aaron: Come here. For as long as you need. Mr. Corinthos, Ms. Davis.
Sonny: Everything okay?
Aaron: Yeah. Yeah, I think Kristina just got some bad news.
Alexis: Aaron, would you mind if we had a moment alone with our daughter?
Aaron: Yeah, of course. I'll, uh, get back to work.
Alexis: What's wrong?
Kristina: It's from Parker. She left.
Sonny: Back to Wesleyan?
Kristina: She left me. I thought we decided to give things a shot, and then she just bailed? I mean, what did I do wrong? Why would she change her mind like that?
Maxie: I thought you were totally furious at me.
Nina: Oh, I was, and I am. Why would you do something to undermine this magazine right now? Our publisher is being charged with murders -- plural. One full-on murder, and one, you know, attempted. Now is not the time to screw anything up, Maxie. Let me tell you something. If you do anything to sabotage this magazine again, I will fire you in three seconds flat. Do you get it?
Maxie: Totally.
Nina: Good. Now, I may not agree with your methods, but I completely agree with your motives. You were trying to protect your relationship with my brother.
Maxie: Yeah.
Nina: Hey, hey, hey. Don't be ashamed. You can own that. You have to fight for the people you love. You can't take anything for granted. And I saw Claudette when you called her out. I saw it in her eyes. She's still in love with my brother. She's not ready to let him go.
Nathan: [Sighs] Claudette? What -- What are you doing here?
Claudette: I just came to say goodbye.
Daphne: I hope this will help hold the infection until you get him to a hospital.
Laura: Yes. Thank you. You thought of absolutely everything, even Ouzo.
Kevin: Well, might as well dull the pain while we can.
Ava: All right, then. So, what are we waiting for? Let's get out of here!
Jason: All right, Sam, you take lead. Dante and I, we're gonna help Kevin. Let's go, guys. [Clears throat] All right, are you ready?
Kevin: Yeah.
Jason: 1, 2, 3.
Kevin: [Groans]
Jason: You good?
Kevin: Yeah.
Dante: Watch that --
Kevin: Agh!
Dante: Watch out.
Laura: Okay. Okay. Daphne, thank you for everything. I will not forget your kindness. Thank you so much.
Dante: You all right?
Kevin: Yeah.
Dante: I got you.
Jason: 1, 2, 3.
Kevin: [Groans]
Jason: There you go.
Kevin: [Panting]
Dante: You all right?
Kevin: Yeah.
Jason: So, uh, look. I'm gonna need a co-pilot.
Dante: Really?
Jason: Yeah.
Dante: Well, I'll let you know in advance, I've never come anywhere close to flying a plane.
Sam: Jason and I talked about it, and I really don't have any experience --
Jason: You guys, look. We don't have a choice here. It's an old model. The controls can be a little tricky.
Dante: I'm in.
Jason: Good man.
Sam: Okay.
Dante: Baby, you okay back here?
Lulu: Yeah, we'll be fine. We'll be fine. I love you.
Dante: I love you, too. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?
Lulu: Okay.
Dante: Okay.
Sam: I'm gonna sit up here just in case you guys need me for backup.
Jason: All right. I'll tell you what. I'll let you know when we're ready to take off.
Laura: We're gonna have you in a real hospital soon.
Kevin: You're still my favorite doctor.
Alexis: I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know how much this hurts.
Kristina: You both told me this would happen.
Sonny: But you know what? I just want you to know that we got your back, okay? And we always will.
Kristina: I think I finally get that now, about both of you. [Sighs] I really blew it, didn't I? Here I had this great guy. Solid. And -- And what do I do? I reject him by going after someone who's already pushed me away. That's me, isn't it? You know? Always going after the person who can hurt me the most. Not only my professor, but my married, female professor. It doesn't matter that she's a female.
Alexis: There's nothing wrong with having feelings for a woman, or women, for that matter.
Sonny: And I tell you what right now -- if you think that we're gonna think anything less of you, let me just make one thing clear. You are our daughter. And we're so extremely proud of you. Okay?
Kristina: Okay. [Cries]
Nina: If I were in your shoes, I would have done the exact same things to Claudette.
Maxie: Well, that's troublesome.
Nina: Oh, well, he's a man, after all. Their attention wanders.
Maxie: Yeah, uh, I don't -- I don't think that Nathan's gonna actually cheat on --
Nina: Oh, first you think you're in a relationship, a really good relationship, and he says he loves you. And then a nurse is turning down his checks for art camp and she's giving him oogly eyes at work.
Maxie: Okay, uh... I don't really think we're talking about me anymore. But Nathan and I love each other. Okay? I trust him completely.
Nathan: Goodbye? What are you talking about, goodbye?
Claudette: Maxie set me up at Crimson.
Nathan: Oh...
Claudette: You don't seem very surprised about that.
Nathan: She -- Maxie may have mentioned something. I hope you don't get into too much trouble at work. Maxie, I'm sure, will explain to Nina --
Claudette: She already did. Nina was great about it, but it's obvious that Maxie and I can't work together. The magazine would suffer. And I know how much it means to your sister. [Sighs] So I made the most logical decision. I'm on the next flight out of Port Charles.
Nathan: [Sighs]
Dante: Okay, what do you, uh, need me to do here?
Jason: Not much right now, not until we're airborne. But once we are, I need you to keep your eye on these two gauges right there. Got it?
Dante: I got it. Where we headed? The nearest airport?
Jason: No, actually we are gonna go north and west. That should keep us in Greek airspace. And then we'll hit mainland air, and by that time, traffic control should, uh, make contact.
Dante: Let's hope they don't think we're a hostile aircraft. The Mediterranean isn't the most peaceful place in the world right now.
Jason: Yeah, well, how about one crisis at a time, huh, buddy?
Dante: Okay.
Jason: Let's see if we can get this bad boy started. [Clears throat] Ready?
Dante: Ready.
Jason: Away we go. All right.
Nathan: You're leaving Port Charles?
Claudette: I got a job offer in Manhattan. and I booked my flight on the cab ride over here. I'll send for my things later.
Nathan: After our lunch, I thought we'd come to some kind of an understanding. Let me talk to Maxie.
Claudette: No. [Scoffs] Considering what we've been through, you know, I was a fool to think that we could ever be civil. It's too much to ask of us. I did love you once.
Nathan: Yeah. I loved you, too, once.
Claudette: [Sighs] At least this time, we can get closure. You know? End things on better terms.
Nina: My brother would never betray you. But let's be honest, Claudette needed to go. We couldn't trust her.
Maxie: Yeah, but maybe that shouldn't matter if I trust Nathan.
Nina: Excuse me?
Maxie: Well, Nathan doesn't want anything to do with Claudette. So who cares if she's hung up on him? This is between Nathan and I and the fundamentals of our relationship. You know, we're supposed to trust each other, and we can't blame outside obstacles if one of us doesn't live up to our promises.
Nina: Wait. That's what you're taking away from all of this?
Maxie: Yeah! Come on. You wouldn't actually act, like, you know, paranoid, and jealous, and ridiculous, and try and actually the sabotage the magazine just to make Claudette look bad. You said that out loud so I would understand how crazy it sounds.
Nina: Yeah.
Maxie: Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're best almost-sister-in-law in the whole world. I'm gonna go and try and make everything right, okay?
Nina: Yep, that's what I get for giving an employee a pat on the back instead of a kick in the ass.
Kristina: Thank you, guys, for being so great about this.
Sonny: You know, Aaron's really concerned about you.
Kristina: I know. I haven't told him about Parker yet.
Sonny: Mm.
Kristina: He just thinks that I'm upset because I'm not going back to Wesleyan. I'm kind of dreading talking to him about it. It would have been nice to go out with someone who treated me right for a change.
Alexis: Oh, honey. You were pretty adamant about being with Parker. Do you even have any feelings for Aaron?
Kristina: Yeah. I think he's great. I think that we could really have something if I could have just let Parker go.
Alexis: Happiness doesn't come from another person or your peace of mind, right? I mean, you're not gonna find that in somebody else. Just yourself.
Kristina: I think I see that. [Sighs] I should probably have that talk with him. Wish me luck.
Sonny: Good luck, baby. I love you.
Alexis: I love you.
Kristina: Love you guys.
Sonny: You were really good with her just now.
Alexis: Yeah. So were you.
Sonny: Thank you. You know, I guess we should count our blessings. I mean, I hate that our little girl's heart's broken, but I'm not gonna shed any tears because Parker left town. I don't know why she decided to do the right thing, but I'll tell you what -- [Whispering] I'm glad she did.
Alexis: About that.
Sonny: What?
Alexis: Yeah, I'm pretty sure that I've done something that's gonna make Kristina hate me all over again.
Aaron: Looks like talking to your parents helped. Is everything okay?
Kristina: Not really. There's something that I need to tell you, after all.
Aaron: Okay.
Kristina: I haven't been honest with you. And we don't have a future together as friends or business partners or anything else until I... I tell you the truth. So, uh... [Sighs] Okay, here goes. Last night, I slept with someone else.
Aaron: [Sighs] Wow. Um... That, uh, that hurts. A lot. But I guess we never really had the conversation about being exclusive, so I don't even really know what to think, I guess. Have you been seeing someone else?
Kristina: No. It was my professor.
Aaron: The same professor who got you kicked out of school?
Kristina: Yes. We were talking, and one thing led to another. Anyway, it's over now. That's what the letter was really about -- Ending things.
Aaron: But the person who brought you the letter was a woman.
Kristina: Yeah. She was.
Kevin: My God, you have beautiful eyes.
Laura: I think the Ouzo's kicking in now.
Kevin: I'm serious. So bright. Full of emotion. You know what? I can always tell what you're feeling but you always surprise me with what you're thinking.
Laura: Well, right now, I'm thinking you should get some rest.
Kevin: You are a mystery, Laura Spencer. One I'd love to solve. [Coughs] Thank you.
Laura: There's no need to thank me. I'm sure you'd do the same for me if I were in your shoes.
Kevin: No. No, Not this. It's okay. The last few years of my life, I was sleepwalking. Trying to save a marriage that was long over. I was burying myself in my work, letting my passions slip away. But you... you brought me back, you woke me up. I just want to thank you for that. In case I don't make it.
Laura: Don't say that. You're gonna make it. I wouldn't have it any other way. Don't even think about that.
Kevin: Yes, ma'am.
Lulu: 13 Amiklon.
Ava: What's that?
Lulu: I just -- I still can't believe that Daphne lives at the address Helena gave me.
Ava: Ugh, this again. You know, it's not that big a coincidence that Helena would mention an address on an island that she owned. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, you know? I don't even know how you could be focused on that now that we're free of that island. I thought we were all gonna die there.
Dante: They say the toughest part of flying is take-off and landing. So, uh, we're doing okay.
Jason: Yeah, so far, so good.
Sam: Hey. Any idea how long this is gonna take? I'm kind of worried about Kevin back there.
Jason: I really have no idea. As long as it takes to get us home safe.
Dante: Uh, Jason.
Jason: Yeah, I see it.
Sam: See what?
Jason: We're running out of fuel.
Dante: Gauge is falling pretty fast, man. We're running out of gas.
Jason: Yes, I know. It must have been Valentin's plan all along.
Sam: What do you mean?
Dante: He means that if we escaped, our plane just "mysteriously" crashed?
Jason: Okay, we need to put this plane down.
Dante: How are we gonna do that? We're in the middle of the sea.
Jason: I understand that. We need to find an island. Otherwise, we're gonna have to ditch in the water.
Ava: Does it feel like we're losing altitude?
Lulu: We seem to be.
Ava: What the hell are they doing up there?
Lulu: Wait, where are you going? Stay in your seat!
Ava: Who appointed you Air Marshal?
Lulu: I mean it, Ava! Stay in your seat or --
Ava: Or what?
Sam: Bad news, everybody. We're leaking fuel. We only have minutes left to fly. Strap yourselves in and brace for an emergency landing.
Sonny: What'd you do, Alexis?
Alexis: I just kind of nudged Parker out of Kristina's life.
Sonny: Nudged how?
Alexis: I was mean, and I told her to leave. And I got her worried that the college and her ex-wife would think poorly of her for living with her former student, and I didn't tell her anything that she didn't know.
Sonny: So, what's the big deal? I would have done the same thing. But if Kristina finds out you strong-armed Parker...
Alexis: Well, I wouldn't put it exactly --
Sonny: The point is, she's gonna think she has a chance with her. Right now, she's crying and she's heartbroken, but you know what? She accepted that the relationship's over. Can we keep it that way?
Alexis: [Sighs]
Aaron: So, this professor you've been hung up on is a woman? So, this whole time... Are you gay?
Kristina: No. I mean, I don't know.
Aaron: You're not completely straight, right? So, what am I, huh? Just a guy to show to your parents?
Kristina: No, it wasn't like that.
Aaron: Did you even want to sleep with me? Was that just, like, a test to see if you could even do it?
Kristina: No, of course not! I would never... Aaron, I'm truly attracted to you. I like you. And I think we were building to something real before I messed it up. Can we at least be friends and see where that goes?
Aaron: [Inhales sharply] I just -- I, uh -- I need time to process all of this.
Kristina: What does that mean?
Aaron: I just need some time, okay? Please. You know what? Can you please take over here for me for today?
Kristina: Sure. I'll see you tomorrow.
Aaron: Kristina, I don't think that we should --
Kristina: For work.
Aaron: Right.
Kristina: [Sighs]
Nathan: Maxie. Hey, it's, uh -- It's me. After you left, Claudette came by, and we were able to clear some things up. I don't think she wants me back. [Sighs] Actually, I think it's possible that we may be wrong about Claudette. Just -- Just call me before you do something that we both regret, okay?
Claudette: [Sighs] I don't believe this.
Nathan: What is it?
Claudette: The car that I called to take me to the airport just canceled. I'm never gonna make my flight now.
Nathan: I could drive you.
Claudette: You don't have to. No, I mean, I -- I don't think Maxie would like that very much.
Nathan: No, Maxie will understand. Besides, if this really is goodbye for good, then it's the right thing to do. And like you said, leaving things on better terms.
Claudette: Thank you, Nathan. Always a hero.
[Cell phone rings]
Maxie: Hi, Nathan. It's me. Uh, I just heard your message. A little late, obviously, but it's okay. It all worked out for the best. Um, I realized it doesn't matter what Claudette thinks or how she feels. We love each other, you know? Nothing's gonna change that.
Jason: Dante, your 1:00, there's a land mass. I'm gonna get us there as close as possible. When I do, you get everybody off the plane. I'm gonna stay here and try to turn off these engines.
Sam: Jason, no.
Jason: Dante.
Dante: Yeah?
Jason: You see that lever?
Dante: Yeah.
Jason: I need you to pull it. We need to lower the flaps. Ready?
Dante: Okay, yeah.
Jason: Go.
Kevin: Laura, what's going on?
Laura: I...think your book just got another chapter.
Lulu: When we're down, we're gonna unbuckle Kevin, and we're gonna carry him off the plane. If it's a water landing, there should be a raft stowed behind the galley.
Ava: Oh, it doesn't matter. We're gonna die.
Laura: No, we're not! We're gonna make it. It's gonna be okay. We're gonna make it.
Jason: We're coming in too fast. Brace for impact. 3, 2, 1!
On the next "General Hospital" --
Maxie: Was Claudette here? Was she with Nathan?
Claudette (to Nathan): I don't blame you for being mad. It's all my fault. I confess!
Curtis (to Jordan): I don't need anything from you again.
Griffin (to Elizabeth): Something's troubling you. Is it Franco?
Valerie (to Franco): Drop the flowers and put your arms up!
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