General Hospital Transcript Thursday 7/21/16
Episode #13604 ~ Finn reluctantly agrees to Sonny's terms in order to get his drug; Elizabeth declines Franco's gift of cash to pay for her sons' summer camp; Carly realizes Wendy is just scamming her, but pays her off anyway. Naomi asks Hayden to try to get along with Elizabeth because they have the same father: Jeff Webber.
Provided By Jim
Proofread By Gisele
Scott: Oh, Carly. Is she crazy with these prices? Spaghetti Bolognese? It's just pasta. Well, thanks for coming. You look scrumptious. Here.
Lucy: Oh. No, hey. Oh, that's fine. That's fine. I can seat myself. You know I am an independent woman. I don't need your assistance.
Scott: Well, you know me. I'm nothing but manners.
Lucy: [Sighs] Cut the crap. Just tell me what you want.
Scott: Well, I just wanted to have a beautiful dinner here with my...very sexy ex-wife.
Lucy: What you want is to butter me up because you want something, so tell me what it is you want and how much I might regret giving in.
Elizabeth: Oh! Stop doing that!
Franco: Doing what? Standing here?
Elizabeth: Sneaking up on people.
Franco: I wasn't sneaking up on anybody. I'm just moving quietly through an oddly quiet hospital.
Elizabeth: Yeah, a lot of people are calling in sick right now. They're all worried about the hospital killer. Piece of advice -- lurking around here late at night may not be the best idea for you.
Franco: Okay. I may be off-duty, but I do work here. And I'm not lurking. I come bearing gifts.
Finn: Isn't it past your bedtime?
Hayden: Mm. This couldn't wait.
Oh. By all means, you come on in, you put your feet up.
Hayden: This is serious.
This is gonna have to wait. As shocking as it may seem, I'm actually expecting company.
Hayden: Well, I'm sure you have time for one question. Are you a drug addict?
Carly: I'm really excited about this lead. Her name is Wendy Pickett, and she sold her kidney the same time Josslyn got hers.
Sonny: And you know that how? 'Cause Wendy said so? That doesn't really mean anything. I mean, look, she could be a con artist just trying to take advantage. You got to keep your guard up. There's no shortage of frauds out there.
[Door opens]
Sabrina: No.
Joe: Hello, Sabrina.
Sabrina: I don't believe this. José?
Joe: [Chuckles] Well, no one's called me that since I left Puerto Rico. I go by Joe now. Can I come in?
Elizabeth: Is this real?
Franco: That's my signature.
Elizabeth: What are you doing with $6,000?
Franco: Well, it's made out to you, if, indeed, you really are Elizabeth Webber but with two B's.
Elizabeth: [Laughing] No. I am not accepting this.
Franco: Why not? Because I'm not in the habit of accepting large sums of money from --
Elizabeth: From a good friend? From anyone! Why -- why would you do this?
Franco: Well, check the memo line.
Elizabeth: Kids' summer camp?
Franco: Yep. And the placement of the apostrophe connotes possessive plural. That means that Cam and Aiden don't have to sit around in your house while Jake's doing his thing at art camp. Okay. You know how you're always on me about how, "You should check with me before you give my kids a puppy," or, "You should --" you don't really sound like that. "You should check with me before you send my kids to summer camp." Well, this -- this is me...checking with you. This represents growth.
Lucy: When you called and asked me to go to dinner with you, this voice inside of me was just screaming, "Don't do it! He wants something!" But then, you know what I did? I shushed that little voice, because I just was hoping that maybe I could have dinner with you and sit across and look into those baby-blue eyes of yours and know, somehow, you changed your ways.
Scott: You've never complained about my ways before.
Lucy: You are not gonna twinkle your way into my...pocketbook this time.
Scott: Lucy, I-I'm just looking for work -- an honest job. That's it.
Lucy: As CoeCoe cosmetics counsel? Somehow, you working for me?
Scott: We work well together.
Lucy: Yes, we do, we do, except when it ends in disaster.
Scott: It doesn't have to end in disaster.
Lucy: Exactly. 'Cause I'm gonna say no. N-o, no.
Scott: [Sighs] Come on, Lucy. Have a heart here. I go back to, like, you know, representing people slipping on banana peels, for crying out -- it's tough. It's -- it's tough out there now for a lawyer. It is.
Lucy: Aww, poor baby. You know, you do have clients. I'm sure Ava Jerome keeps you very busy, in and out of court.
Scott: It -- it's not like that.
Lucy: Okay. Well, then, I'm sure you can go and offer your services to her brother, the murderer.
Scott: Ah, he's a loser. I don't work for lo-- I work for winners -- winners like you.
Lucy: You mean suckers like me.
Scott: You're not a sucker, and I'm no flimflam man here.
Lucy: Sorry. I'm just not believing you.
Scott: It's me. Come on. Serena's father, your pal, your best guy! You're not gonna leave me flapping in the wind, are you, Lucy?
Lucy: Okay, look, I would really like to help you.
Scott: Well, then, what do you say you do?
Lucy: Because I can't. There's no help to be had here. I am completely broke.
Finn: Where do you get off coming in here and asking me if I'm a drug addict?
Hayden: Since you conned me into risking my freedom to get your so-called medication from the GH mailbox.
Finn: Your idea, not mine! I was willing to ride it out.
Hayden: You were three breaths from death, and you know it. Tracy and I were so determined to help you, we were gonna find you another supplier. Of course, we scrapped our plans once we found out the truth about your meds.
Finn: Oh, yeah? And what truth is that?
Hayden: Zekenestrol, also known as Zen-Zen? It's highly addictive, right up there with heroin.
Finn: I'm well aware of the side effects. And I understand that Zekenestrol can be abused. I know exactly what I'm doing. You, on the other hand, have no idea!
Hayden: I was trying --
Finn: Did I ask you to try? No. Have I asked you many times to stay out of my business? Yes. And now I have to ask you to back the hell off!
Hayden: All I was trying to do was help.
Finn: Listen, I appreciate the concern -- I do. I'm okay. I think I found a solution. I don't need your help.
Sonny: I know that you want answers yesterday, but we have to be smart. We have to check this out. I need to know that you and Josslyn are protected while my focus is elsewhere.
Carly: On Julian.
Sonny: Until he goes to prison, he's a threat, and I don't know what he's gonna pull to stay out of prison.
Sabrina: How did you find me?
Joe: Well, I stopped by the hospital. I explained to them that little Eduardo was my nephew. I asked where his mother was.
Sabrina: So you've seen Teddy?
Joe: Is that what you're calling him? Teddy?
Sabrina: Well, Eduardo just seems like such a big name for a little baby.
Michael: Step away from her. Now.
Sabrina: Oh, Michael --
Michael: I don't know how the hell you survived, but if you move, I will take you down.
Sabrina: Oh. No, you're making a mistake. T-this isn't Carlos. This is his brother.
Michael: His brother?
Sabrina: This is José. And sorry -- Joe.
Joe: It's okay. I-I changed it when I came to the mainland for med school. Here. See for yourself.
Sabrina: I was as surprised as you were, Michael. I haven't seen Joe in years. He left Puerto Rico when I was a teenager.
Michael: Dr. Joseph Rivera. So, what exactly are you a doctor of?
Joe: Pediatric surgeon.
Michael: Impressive. So what are you doing here, Dr. Rivera?
Sonny: Son of a bitch.
Carly: What happened?
Sonny: They had to postpone Julian's arraignment 'cause of heart palpitations. He's faking it.
Carly: Okay, Julian got a reprieve. It's temporary. You know he's gonna end up in Pentonville.
Sonny: You -- you know what? I may have a way to expedite Julian's departure. Are we all right with the -- with the Wendy woman?
Carly: Yes, I'm not gonna do anything stupid.
Sonny: Yeah, you never do.
Carly: [Laughs]
Sonny: Okay. See you later.
[Ringtone plays]
Elizabeth: Well, thank you for checking with me before signing all my kids up for summer camp.
Franco: Yes, see? I listen. Trying.
Elizabeth: I know. But this is too much.
Franco: No. It's -- it's -- it's a gift. There's no strings attached.
Elizabeth: Franco, it's a lot of money.
Franco: It's not even mine.
Elizabeth: What do you mean?
Franco: Well, it was a present. Someone gave it to me to do with what I choose, and I'm choosing to give your children a great summer experience.
Elizabeth: Who gave you the money?
Franco: Does it matter? Someone who cares. Kind of. She's my mom.
Elizabeth: Heather?
Franco: Y-yeah. Ah, look, she's been saving up for a rainy day. She gave it to me, and I-I want to give it to you.
Elizabeth: No, thank you. Keep it.
Franco: You should think of your children, you know.
Elizabeth: The children are fine. I've signed them up for Lila's kids.
Franco: Okay. Well, then you should think more about me a-and my needs. What the hell am I gonna do with $6,000?
Elizabeth: I don't know. Give it to charity.
Franco: [Scoffs] What, are you kidding me? Just -- or maybe -- it's a -- or, you know, we -- we -- we could use it on our first date.
Elizabeth: Did you just say "date"?
Franco: Or whatever you want to call it.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I -- I need a little time to think about our...
Franco: "Our"?
Elizabeth: ...Situation.
Franco: So we have a situation?
Elizabeth: I-I need time to process everything without you in my face.
Franco: Your great face.
Elizabeth: It's just a face.
Franco: Okay, I gave you some time. Is that enough time?
Elizabeth: [Laughs]
Franco: Did you figure it out?
Elizabeth: No, I need time -- more time.
Franco: All right. You take as much time as you need. I can wait, really.
Scott: I thought that you got CoeCoe Cosmetics back up on its feet after that little lipstick debacle.
Lucy: I know. I thought so, too. I was working so hard. I was shoveling all my money into it. And I have this great new product, big unveiling plan, and then it all went poof!
Scott: Poof, like a magician's rabbit?
Lucy: Yeah, just poof! It's gone. I am now broke. My money was stolen by my supposed broker. I curse the day I ever heard that name Raymond Berlin.
Scott: [Sighs] Yeah. You can say that again.
Hayden: So, what is this solution you're talking about? What -- what -- where did you find this?
Finn: Why do you even care? Hmm? According to you, I'm not sick. I'm just a drug addict.
Hayden: I'm sorry for doubting you, okay? It would go a long way toward restoring my faith in humanity if I knew for sure that you were one of the good guys.
Finn: Counting on me to restore your faith in humanity, then God help us.
Hayden: Okay, then. Let's start with my faith in you, Dr. Hamilton Finn. Is it too much for me to ask you to be someone that I could believe in? Or have I been wrong about you the entire time?
Scott: Are you enjoying that high-end martini?
Naomi: Well, could be a double, but this will suffice. [Laughs] May I help you?
Lucy: Well, you could start by coughing up the millions of dollars your husband stole from unsuspecting clients like me.
Naomi: Let me try to put this in a way that you'll understand, okay? Um, I am no longer married to Raymond Berlin. I don't have your money. I don't know where your money is. I can't help you, all right? So...shoo.
Lucy: Who do you think you are? You cannot dismiss us like that.
Naomi: Fine. Who are you?
Lucy: I'm Lucy Coe, of CoeCoe Cosmetics. And this is... this is my attorney, Mr. Scott Baldwin.
Naomi: I have never heard of either of you. And if you'll excuse me, I have answered enough questions to last a lifetime.
Scott: Yeah, well, you -- you can drop dead, because there's a lot more questions coming for you.
Lucy: Yeah, for example, where did that little hubby of yours stash the cash? Was it the Bahamas, perhaps? Was it Switzerland -- maybe offshore?
Naomi: Do you think, if I knew, I'd be slumming here? Please, find someone else to annoy. I am guilty of nothing.
Hayden: So, thoughts? Comments? I'll leave you alone, the way you like it.
Finn: You know what your problem is?
Hayden: Which one? I have so many.
Finn: Somehow, in spite of all the people that have failed you, you still remain an optimist at heart.
Hayden: That's a problem?
Finn: It is when you're expecting too much. People are flawed. They struggle, and they -- they fail. They make catastrophic mistakes. And they will disappoint you every time. But you know, if I ever disappoint you...or hurt you, it won't be because I lied to you. There. How's that for faith in humanity?
Hayden: It's getting better.
Finn: Yeah?
[Knock on door]
Sonny: Doctor -- Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company.
Finn: I don't. Um... Hayden was just leaving. Good night, Hayden.
Hayden: Good night.
Finn: Hey. See you around.
Ric: Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: Hello, Ric. Can I help you with something? Are you sick?
Ric: Uh, no, but thanks for asking. I'm -- I'm working on a project for Sonny.
Elizabeth: Great. Well, by all means, don't let me stop you.
Ric: [Clears throat] When's your next break? You like to get a cup of coffee?
Elizabeth: With you?
Ric: Well, would that be out of the question?
Elizabeth: It would be.
Ric: Oh, I see. That's how it is, huh? So you won't give me the time of day, but you'll pine away for Franco?
Franco: What's up, Pops? Lucy, how's it going?
Scott: You know, the -- the feds might be interested in you hanging around a five-star hotel here, drinking martinis.
Franco: Anyone hungry? I sure am hungry.
Naomi: Do I need to get the bartender to call security?
Lucy: Do it. I love the bartender. Bartender, call security. Call -- security!
Naomi: Yes. Go ahead.
Franco: 'Cause I was thinking of buying everybody dinner. And -- oh, hi. You can come, too, lady, if you want. You can bring your boxing gloves.
Naomi: Thank you.
Scott: Hang on. With what?
Franco: I've got $6,000 burning a hole in my pocket.
Scott: Where did you get that money?
Franco: From Mom.
Lucy: Mom?
Franco: Mm-hmm.
Lucy: Wait a minute. Where did Heather Webber get cash to burn like that?
Franco: I have no idea. She's had it for a long time. You guys want to sit down, get something to eat?
Scott: Yeah, we do, but does Heather really have that kind of money?
Franco: I'm not her banker.
Naomi: [Coughs]
Scott: Well, she's been crazy for years, so where did that money come from?
Scott: [Echoing] Heather. Heather. Heather.
Lucy: Heather. Heather.
Franco: Heather, Heather, Heather, Heather.
Scott: Heather.
Franco: I don't know, Dad. Heather does as Heather does. But if you're so fired up with curiosity, you can call her, you can write her -- hell, you can even go see her.
[Glass shatters, body thuds]
Joe: My brother and I were estranged. Last year, when I heard the news of him dying... I thought, "that's it. We'll never have a resolution." But then he resurfaced, in custody, and accused of murder. So I had a choice to make. Do I reach out and help, or do I continue to keep my distance? While I was busy making up my mind, Carlos was killed. Sorry. But he left behind a wife and a child. Now they're the only links I have to my brother. And I don't want to wait too long this time.
Carly: What did the three of you do to that woman?
Lucy: Mm! Mm. Nothing. We were -- we were simply having a private conversation.
Carly: So you know her.
Lucy: Um, I know that she was very rude to Scott.
Scott: Yeah, she just keeled over. We had nothing to do with it.
Carly: Franco?
Franco: Don't look at me. I didn't even know that woman.
Carly: The three of you are lucky I'm not tossing you guys out of here. Who knows what would've happened if the paramedics wouldn't have been in the area?
Lucy: But they were. They were here. So all's well that ends well. You know, I say that a lot. It's kind of my mantra. You know, Carly, you should try that sometime. And besides, I am sure the woman is gonna be A-okay.
Carly: You better hope so.
Lucy: Right. Oh, and I promise that there will be no more commotion out of us. Nothing. Promise. Swear.
Scott: That's right. We intend to have a nice, fat-cat dinner, mind our business.
Carly: Well, you better order the works.
Scott: Well, we intend to. Shall we?
Lucy: [Clears throat] Excuse me.
Wendy: Oh, Carly Corinthos?
Carly: Yes.
Wendy: I'm Wendy Pickett. We e-mailed. I think I'm your daughter's kidney donor.
Finn: I wasn't sure if I'd hear from you tonight.
Sonny: Well, my people work fast. I, uh, I ran a background check on you, and brilliant doctor. That's what your patients say. But what's funny is, your colleagues... got nothing to say about you, which implies they know something.
Finn: Well, feel free to keep digging. By the time you're done, I'll be dead.
Sonny: No, no, I'm gonna do what I said I was gonna do. I'm gonna help you 'cause you helped Carly. Provided... that you help me.
Michael: So, um, why were you and Carlos estranged?
Joe: My brother and I were... very different people. We wanted different things. Not always.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] Joe was actually the first one to ask me out. We dated for a bit, and -- and then I got involved with Carlos.
Joe: Sabrina was part of it, but... the real break came when I...left Puerto Rico to go to medical school. Carlos was furious. He felt that I was abandoning him. But maybe with a push, at the right time, he... maybe he could've gone in a better direction. That was my job. And I failed him. I wasn't here.
Lucy: This free champagne is awfully yummy.
Scott: Yeah, nothing but the finest, huh, son?
Franco: Mm-hmm. Mnh-mnh.
Lucy: Hey, I want to thank you for this, um, incredible dinner, but I have a quick question. What are you gonna do with the rest of the money? I mean, we could try to eat $6,000 of this fine caviar. I'm not sure we could do it, though.
Scott: Well, we could certainly try. But you might want to put some money away for your day in court.
Franco: Who says I'm gonna have a day in court?
Scott: Well, rumors are flying around that you might have something to do with those murders at General Hospital.
Franco: No, I didn't have anything to do with any of that.
Scott: Well, I hope not. I'm just saying, it might be a smart move for you to retain a lawyer.
Lucy: Yes. And I think that Scott would be the perfect attorney to defend you.
Scott: What do you say, son?
Franco: Thank you, but no, thank you. I'm gonna hold on to that cash. The person I thought I might give it to might change her mind.
Elizabeth: Got a lot of nerve sticking your nose in my affairs.
Ric: Oh, is that what this thing with Franco is, an affair? Come on, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: What it is, is none of your business.
Ric: Hey, I'm worried about you. Ever since the truth came out about Jason, you've been spiraling out of control. You're easy pickings for a psycho like that.
Elizabeth: [Scoffs] Gee, thanks for your vote of confidence.
Ric: Franco is a killer.
Elizabeth: I'm not blind, okay? I know what he's done, but I also know that he's worked really hard to get his life back on track.
Ric: Oh, come on. He's conning you, Elizabeth. He's showing you what he wants you to see.
Elizabeth: No, that's you. Franco, on the other hand, has been refreshingly honest with me. He shares his feelings and not just the good ones, because that would be easy, but the hard, ugly truths, and he's devoted himself to the well-being of my son.
Ric: Really? Have you asked Michael how he feels about Franco these days?
Elizabeth: Everybody in this town has had their own experience with Franco. I don't judge them for their opinions. All I ask is that they afford me the same courtesy.
Ric: Okay. Well, I'm not gonna do that. Nor should anybody who pretends to be your friend.
Elizabeth: You and I are not friends, Ric, not after you lied to get me to agree to marry you.
Ric: Oh, really? If what I did was so terrible, why'd you turn around and do the same thing to Jason? Look, I'm just trying to say that I am concerned about you and the kids. An association with Franco -- it puts all of you at risk.
Elizabeth: Franco was sick, but he got treatment, and now he's better. He's changed. What's your excuse?
Hayden: Mother, what happened? Are you okay?
Naomi: Yes, it's nothing.
Hayden: I got a call from some triage nurse asking if I was the next of kin for Naomi Dreyfus.
Naomi: Next of ki-- [Chuckles] I had a panic attack. You really didn't need to rush to see me.
Hayden: Panic attack?
Naomi: Yeah, I get them sometimes.
Hayden: You've never mentioned them before.
Naomi: But you've never asked about my health before.
Hayden: Okay, well, I'm asking now, Mother. What precipitated this attack?
Elizabeth: Okay, Miss Dreyfus --
Wendy: Thank you so much for this.
Carly: You're welcome. I'm so glad you enjoyed your food.
Wendy: I would've eaten earlier, but I was running late because of work.
Carly: What do you do, Wendy?
Wendy: I work at a rest stop on the thruway. But what I really wanted to be was a nurse.
Carly: Me too! I did. I wanted -- I went to school, and then I dropped out, but... you know, life takes things in different directions, I guess. [Laughs]
Wendy: But it looks like you did okay for yourself in the end.
Carly: Yeah.
Wendy: How is your daughter? Is she doing okay, too?
Carly: She's great. Yeah, she's great. Thanks for asking. So, um...could you just explain to me the circumstances around your donation?
Wendy: It was more of a sale than a donation. I know that sounds really bad. I was a student trying to stay afloat, but I was struggling. And you know how that is.
Carly: I do.
Wendy: I knew I could live just fine with one kidney. [Chuckles]
Carly: So, how does it work, the selling part?
Wendy: Um, I had a friend who had a friend who was connected, and once I was checked out, it was just a matter of waiting till I was a match with someone in need, and...then it happened, and...that's about it. When I saw the story on Crimson's website about your daughter, the dates matched up, and I realized I could be the person you're looking for.
Carly: Did you bring your medical records?
Wendy: [Chuckles] Sorry. I'm not all that great with filing.
Carly: That's okay. Lots of people aren't. [Laughs] Is something wrong?
Wendy: Yeah, what we're talking about, it's a lot of personal information. When I found these papers, the surgery and everything else kind of came rushing back to me. Even though it was supposed to be a simple procedure, I developed some serious complications, post-op. I could really use some help paying down the bills.
Carly: You're looking for a payday.
Finn: You want me to do something?
Sonny: Yeah, just a small gesture to compensate for the risk I'd be taking to get you your treatment.
Finn: What kind of gesture?
Sonny: There's a man getting treatment at the hospital. His name is Julian Jerome. Have you heard of him?
Finn: He's not my patient.
Sonny: He will be. 'Cause you're gonna be taking over his case.
Finn: A-and what then?
Sonny: Um... then you're -- you're gonna... take care of him.
Finn: This conversation's over.
Sonny: Are you sure? 'Cause you seem to be running out of options, Dr. Finn.
Finn: I am, yes, but I am not a hit man. I'm not a killer.
Sonny: I'm not asking you to kill anybody. Just do your job. Heal a patient.
Finn: Heal a patient? I don't -- I don't get it.
Sonny: Julian's faking his setback because he fakes everything. All you have to do is make sure that he can go to his arraignment.
Finn: Oh, is that all?
Sonny: In return, I will fly you on my private jet to a country where Zekenestrol is sold openly. I will provide you with a sympathetic customs agent. All you got to do for me... is make sure that Julian has a speedy recovery. Do we have a deal?
Carly: I guess I shouldn't be surprised. No one does anything for free anymore, not even to help a little girl.
Wendy: I-I didn't mean it to come out like that, but it's like you said. If it wasn't for me, Josslyn wouldn't be here today.
Carly: Wendy, at this point, I don't even know if you're Josslyn's donor. That's a nasty scar.
Wendy: Like I said, there were complications in the procedure.
Carly: It's a little high.
Wendy: The cutter wasn't too concerned about how I'd look in my bikini.
Carly: Okay, I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend you. Don't mean to minimize your sacrifice. Okay, Wendy. Hope that helps.
Wendy: Yeah. Yeah, sure. Um, it's just, I thought it might --
Carly: You will receive more when I collect the medical information. So let's start from the beginning. And start with the basics, okay? Does cancer run in your family?
Wendy: None.
Carly: High blood pressure, diabetes?
Wendy: No.
Carly: Are you allergic to anything?
Wendy: Dog hair.
Carly: I don't have a dog, so I guess that's good.
[Both laugh]
Carly: All right, well, um... what is your blood type?
Wendy: AB.
Carly: That's interesting. Josslyn's B.
Wendy: So?
Carly: So you and Josslyn are not compatible.
Joe: It's too late for me to help my brother, but I would really like to help his wife and child in any way I can, if you'll let me.
Sabrina: Oh, I, um... I can't give you an answer tonight. I mean, there's -- there's too much to consider.
Joe: Fair enough. This is my contact information. I hope to hear from you, if only about Teddy. Thanks for the drink.
Michael: Yeah, no problem.
Sabrina: Joe. I...appreciate you coming here to see me instead of just walking in to Teddy's hospital room.
Joe: Of course.
Sabrina: And I want you to know that Teddy and I are in a good place. This life suits us just fine.
Scott: So let me understand this. You're gonna spend this windfall of money on Elizabeth Webber's kids? I mean, summer camp where they finger paint and -- and make little friendship bracelets? That's what you're gonna do?
Franco: Mm-hmm. 'Cause Jake and Cam and Aiden, they're good kids. They deserve to have a great summer at camp.
Lucy: Well, I think that's a wonderful idea. It's actually very generous of him to want to help Elizabeth that way.
Franco: Thank you. Thank you, Lucy.
Scott: Well, I think he's looking for trouble.
Franco: Why?
Scott: What do you think Jason is gonna do when he finds out that you are harassing his son's mother?
Franco: Well, it's not harassment if the feeling is mutual.
Lucy: Ooh. Are you saying that you and Elizabeth are [Clears throat] An actual item?
Hayden: We'd like another nurse.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry. I'm afraid that's not possible. We're understaffed at the moment, so it's either me or no one.
Hayden: We'll go with no one.
Naomi: Hayden, honey, I have an idea. Why don't you go get my, uh, discharge papers started, because, really, I am -- I'm feeling so much better. And I would hate to deprive someone of a bed who is in real need.
Hayden: Are you kidding me? I'm not leaving you alone when there's a killer roaming the halls. I don't trust anyone here.
Elizabeth: Ms. Dreyfus, I can assure you nothing will happen to you on my watch.
Hayden: Except death by snark.
Naomi: Elizabeth, just ignore my daughter. She was raised by wolves.
Hayden: I'm standing right here.
Naomi: I see that. So, Elizabeth, um...tell me a little bit about yourself. What's -- what about you?
Elizabeth: About me?
Naomi: Yes. Um, I believe you said that you came to port Charles as a teenager? To stay with your grandparents while your parents were overseas?
Elizabeth: Actually, it was just my grandmother. My grandfather passed away years ago.
Naomi: Oh.
Elizabeth: But my grandmother still lives in town. She's retired. She used to be a nurse.
Naomi: Oh, like you.
Elizabeth: Yes. Medicine runs in the family. My grandfather was chief of staff here, and both of my parents are doctors.
Naomi: Mother and father?
Elizabeth: They worked overseas for a long time, but my dad worked here for a while, Dr. Jeff Webber.
Naomi: [Breathing heavily]
Hayden: Mother? Mother, what's wrong?
Naomi: [Shuddered breathing]
Elizabeth: Mrs. Dreyfus, are you having another panic attack?
Naomi: No. It's nothing.
Finn: What if Jerome really is sick?
Sonny: Your people say you're a miracle worker. You got to do what you do. All I want is Jerome healthy on the day he goes to court.
Finn: I can manage that.
Sonny: Then we're in business.
Carly: You realize you just committed fraud.
Wendy: I-I'm sorry. Please don't call the cops.
Carly: Where'd you get that scar?
Wendy: What does it matter?
Carly: You targeted me. You used my daughter's trauma to make a quick buck. It matters.
Wendy: I had a disagreement with my ex. He was quick with a knife. Hurt like hell. So what are you gonna do?
Carly: Don't come back here. And don't forget your check.
Wendy: Are you messing with me?
Carly: You need it more than I do. Get out of here.
Joe: Michael, thank you again for your hospitality.
Michael: Yeah. Hey, look, it took a lot of guts to come here tonight. I know how hard it is to seek redemption from family. I mean, you could've gone on with your life, never looked back.
Joe: Well, I did that for a very long time. I can't live that way anymore.
Michael: [Sighing] Yeah. Look, Sabrina will let you see Teddy. Just -- just give her a little bit of time.
Joe: I can do that.
Michael: Okay.
Joe: So I assume you and Sabrina are...close?
Michael: Yeah. Yeah.
Joe: Well, she's very lucky.
Michael: Yeah, so am I.
Carly: How are things? How'd it go?
Sonny: Uh, yeah. Uh, Julian's on his -- on his way to prison soon. So, frees me up to help you search for Josslyn's donor.
Carly: That's okay. Don't worry about it. And -- and you don't need Ric to do any work, either. I decided to handle Wendy on my own, and she's not the person we're looking for. You were right.
Sonny: Oh, I'm sorry.
Carly: Don't be. Don't be. You know, I mean, I knew it wasn't gonna be easy. I'm in this for the long haul. I have to be. I have to do this for Josslyn.
Sonny: We're gonna do it together.
Naomi: [Panting]
Elizabeth: Mrs. Dreyfus, I want you to close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and exhale slowly.
Naomi: [Breathes deeply]
Elizabeth: Great. Do it one more time for me.
Naomi: [Breathes deeply]
Hayden: Mom, how do you feel?
Naomi: Uh...I'm okay. Thank you, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Okay.
Hayden: What happened?
Naomi: I...don't know. I just suddenly felt, um...flushed, but it seems to have passed.
Elizabeth: I see that Dr. Wagner has put in an order for alprazolam. I'm gonna go to the pharmacy, see if they have it ready, and then I'll come right back.
Naomi: Okay.
[Door opens, closes]
Hayden: You have a full-on attack, and that twit does breathing exercises?
Elizabeth: Oh, Hayden, please. Will you give it a rest? And stop fighting with that girl. It'd do you both good to learn how to get along with each other.
Ric: Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Whatever you have to say, I don't want to hear it.
Ric: Look. I'm sorry, okay? I'm just trying to help. That doesn't make me a bad guy.
Elizabeth: Yeah, well, I have experienced your brand of help before, and I didn't like it. Not one bit.
Scott: All right, Franco, this has to stop. You're gonna leave Elizabeth alone.
Franco: You're not the boss of me.
Scott: I'm your father. I don't want to see Jason kill you.
Lucy: Okay. Let's not overreact, okay? Perhaps this whatever friendship...
[Cell phone ringing]
Lucy: ...Otherworldly kind of Twilight Zone-type thing is all that Elizabeth and Franco have together.
Franco: Okay. Hey.
Elizabeth: Franco, hey. It's -- it's me. I've been thinking about our conversation.
Franco: Really? The one about camp?
Elizabeth: No, the other one. How about you and me tomorrow night, on a date?
Franco: Uh, yeah, that'd be great. That works for me. Pick you up at 7:00? Okay. This is the moment -- right now, this is the moment when Elizabeth and I are no longer just friends. We are definitely more than that.
Ric: What the hell was that?
Elizabeth: Me living my life. I've already got one dad. I don't need another.
Hayden: Nurse Webber and I don't like each other, we have never liked each other, and, frankly, we are both okay with that arrangement.
Naomi: Could you at least try, please? For my sake? And your father's?
Hayden: We are done having this conversation. I really should call Albert.
Naomi: Why are you calling your father's attorney?
Hayden: He can get word to Daddy about your condition. Even though you're divorced, he still worries about you.
Naomi: Hayden, don't --
Hayden: I'll be right back.
Naomi: It's a waste of time, darling. Your father won't care about me. Not the father you know... or the father you don't know.
On the next "General Hospital" --
Sonny: What? What's wrong?
Morgan: Oh, no, no. I left my meds at the hotel.
Kiki (to Dillon): Can't things just go back to the way they were before? Can't we be friends?
Ava (to Valentin): Why did you let me live?
Lulu (to Dante): If you get the chance to slip away, you should go.
Griffin (to Finn): You're not okay, are you?
Kristina (to Parker): Last night was the best night of my life.
Julian (to Holt): I need you to get me some more of that stuff tonight.
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