GH Transcript Tuesday 7/19/16

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 7/19/16


Episode #13602 ~ Nina asks Curtis to drop his investigation into Claudette to please Nathan. Diane & Alexis meet with Jordan about Julian's arraignment when they hear he's taken a turn for the worse. After Nikolas signs all of his family's assets over, Valentin shoots him in the head and watches him go over the balcony.

Provided By Jim
Proofread By Gisele

[Knocks on door]

Diane: [Clears throat] It's time.

Alexis: For what?

Diane: To head down to Julian's arraignment. Sooner we watch him get arraigned, the sooner we watch him be bound over for trial.

Alexis: [Exhales deeply]

Diane: Alexis?

Alexis: What? I'm sorry. Oh, right. Let me get my purse.

Diane: Whoa. No -- Don't you touch that.

Alexis: [Sighs]

Diane: Are you pregnant?

Griffin: Good news, Mr. Jerome. You're recovering from your stab wound quite well.

Julian: Well, I guess that is good news. Thanks.

Griffin: I don't see any reason why you can't be released into police custody and taken to the courthouse for your arraignment.

[Monitor beeping]

Julian: [Sighs]

Man: Hey, boss. I hear you're getting out of here pretty soon.

Julian: Yeah, well, you heard wrong. Not going anywhere.

Curtis: Hey.

Jordan: Curtis.

Curtis: Ms. Commissioner. I'm here for a meeting, what are you doing here?

Jordan: Well, I'm -- I'm here for a date.

Curtis: Oh. Okay. Well, then, um, you have a good evening.

Jordan: Hey, uh, Curtis...

Curtis: Yeah?

Jordan: I wanted to thank you for talking to TJ.

Curtis: Okay.

Jordan: He told me that you encouraged him to, you know, hear me out, and you actually texted him to tell him where I was at and... you know, because you did that, we were able to work things out. So... Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you.

Curtis: Well, it seemed best to bury the hatchet and for everyone to come together.

Jordan: I mean, I couldn't agree with you more. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that TJ found it in his heart to forgive me.

Curtis: I'm really happy for TJ. You know, forgiveness -- it feels better than carrying a grudge.

Jordan: Yeah.

Curtis: Maybe you should try it sometime.

Jordan: Oh, you're talking about forgiving you.

Nikolas: So you're my Uncle Valentin.

Valentin: Oh, I'm so relieved you know who I am. Can you imagine if I announced, "I am Valentin Cassadine" and I'm just met with confused silence? That would've been awkward.

Dante: Well, that's great. Maybe now you can tell us why you're holding us all at gunpoint.

Valentin: Oh, is this too much? You're probably right. I come in here with armed henchmen, take everybody hostage, take Mr. Morgan and his lady friend upstairs -- that was probably overkill. [Chuckles]

Lulu: Where did you take them? What have you done with them?

Valentin: Listen, they are fine, and they will remain so... as long as they don't do anything stupid. Now can we please get on to business?

Nikolas: Listen, what do you want? And why are you doing this?

Valentin: What do I want? Where do I start? I know -- with the Cassadine book, where I receive only a brief mention. Here I am -- the bastard son... [Slams book shut] ...delineated with a broken line under the family tree.

Nikolas: What, are you surprised?

Valentin: Am I surprised? No. I'm disappointed. I'm insulted. I'm wounded.

Nikolas: Get over it.

Kevin: I'm not sure Nikolas should be antagonizing this guy.

Nikolas: So what do you want to do? Hmm? You want to add to your entry? Knock yourself out.

Valentin: Oh, see, I knew you would never understand, Prince Nikolas Mikhail Stavrosovich Cassadine -- the right and legitimate prince -- and "legitimate" is really pushing it, considering Stavros was barking mad, kidnapped your mother, and forced her to marry him.

Nikolas: All right, thanks for the history lesson. Are you coming to a point?

Valentin: My point is you were raised in luxury while I was raised in squalor.

Nikolas: I'm sorry you had a tough life growing up. I wish the Cassadines had treated you better, but that's not the kind of people they are. But there is nothing I could have done about it, so I ask you again, what is it that you want from us?

Valentin: The answer to that question is very simple. I want it all.

Jordan: You know what? Uh, for the time being, let's just -- let's just keep it at "thanks".

Curtis: Thanks? Oh. All right. You're welcome.

Jordan: Listen, Curtis, I am so grateful to you. I mean, TJ is finally moving past what I did, and now we have a fresh start. I mean, we are actually going to visit Shawn at Pentonville tomorrow.

Curtis: You are?

Jordan: André.

André: I'm not late, so you can't be too surprised to see me.

Jordan: [Laughs] No, um, you remember Curtis, right?

André: Of course.

Curtis: Hey, how you doing?

André: Good.

Curtis: Oh, right. How you doing?

André: Good to see you.

Curtis: Yeah. Uh, well, look. Um, you guys kick it. Enjoy your dinner. I have a meeting with my boss, so you'll have to excuse me. I'm out.

André: So is something going on with TJ?

Diane: All right, first things first. If you decide to keep the baby, then, of course, Julian must never be allowed any access, but if you decide not to keep the child, he cannot be allowed to intervene in any way. Either way, the choice is yours and yours alone.

Alexis: Diane. Thank you for the ferocious support. There's no decision to make. I'm not pregnant.

Diane: Oh, thank God.

Alexis: Yes, the almighty has spoken.

Diane: No -- I mean -- i-it's not that, it's that now we have about a million fewer things to worry about than we did two seconds ago.

Alexis: That's one way of looking at it.

Diane: How are you?

Alexis: In what sense?

Diane: I mean, are you okay?

Alexis: No. But on the plus side, I'm not pregnant with my murderous husband's child. Of course, on the minus side, my murderous husband framed me, tried to kill me. [Breathes deeply]

Griffin: Officer Spencer, still here?

Valerie: Yeah. Every officer is being assigned extra shifts here until we catch the hospital killer.

Griffin: Is there any movement on that front?

Valerie: I'm a rookie, so when the perp is finally apprehended, I'll probably have to find out on social media.

Griffin: Got somewhere to be?

Valerie: Yes, thank God. I'm almost off duty.

Griffin: So I'm guessing you're not taking Julian Jerome to his arraignment?

Valerie: Julian's being released? I heard he was in bad shape.

Griffin: He bounced back. For most people, that would probably be a good thing, but considering he's headed to prison, I can't imagine he's too happy about that.

Valerie: Well, he'd better get used to it. The case they've got against him is airtight. Julian's looking at a life sentence.

Man: You sure about this, boss?

Julian: [Sighs]

Man: I mean, what you're suggesting -- it could be dangerous.

Julian: All I care about is staying out of prison -- one way or another. You better get the hell out of here. I don't want you near here when this whole thing goes down.

Man: All right. Good luck.

Julian: Thanks. [Sighs] Back so soon?

Griffin: I've got your test results. I can now make the call whether or not to sign you out.

Diane: Honey, you... thought you might have been pregnant, and as unfortunate as that timing would have been, I can understand how it would've stirred up some feelings.

Alexis: Oh, I had feelings all right -- fear, loathing, disgust, and not just at him -- at me and every choice that I made that landed me on that dock with my husband, who was all too ready and willing to slit my throat.

Diane: Yes. Yes, Julian Jerome is deceitful, despicable, vile beyond compare.

Alexis: Yes. Yes, he is.

Diane: But that doesn't change the fact that [Sighs] he's your husband and you loved him.

Jordan: TJ's fine. Um, everything's fine.

André: Jordan?

Jordan: But, uh, TJ overheard Curtis and me talking the other night, and he found out that Shawn is really his father.

André: I see. I'm sure that came as quite a shock.

Jordan: Yeah. Um... You know, eventually, he did confront me, and, you know, I thought that I'd -- I thought that I'd lost him for good, and then, fortunately, Curtis, of all people, steps in and encourages TJ to make peace, and now... [Chuckles] now we're actually going to visit Shawn in Pentonville tomorrow. I mean, it's -- it's... it's gonna be a pretty big day.

André: Yeah, well, I can only imagine how difficult that secret has been, especially for you.

Jordan: Yeah. You have no idea.

André: No, I don't, because you didn't tell me.

Curtis: Thank you for calling this meeting.

Nina: Uh, yes, well, I was hungry, and I needed to discuss something with you, so it seemed like a logical step. [Chuckles] And how about you?

Curtis: Uh, you know, face-to-face meeting means I don't have to write a report. I hate paperwork.

Nina: Oh, no. I meant, are you hungry, is what I meant, but that's good to know.

Curtis: So, uh, my first report is that, um, I encountered a slight hiccup in Claudette's room.

Nina: Oh, yeah. I know. My brother told me that you ran into Maxie.

Curtis: Yeah, as it turns out, your assistant editor really knows how to turn over a room. I don't think it's her first time.

Nina: I don't think it's her first, either, and it's not gonna be her last, but it's gonna be your last, as far as Claudette's concerned.

Curtis: Why is that?

Nina: I need to call off the investigation.

Nikolas: You want it all?

Valentin: Yes. I want you to sign over the entire Cassadine estate, your complete inheritance, every business, every house, every asset -- lock, stock, and barrel -- to me.

Nikolas: Sure, why not?

Laura: Nikolas, don't do that.

Lulu: You can't just sign away your inheritance.

Valentin: Of course, he can. He just did.

Nikolas: No, I'm not gonna sign over everything I own to this man. Your requests are absurd.

Valentin: Oh, okay. You are a savvy businessman. How would you advise me?

Nikolas: Let's start by accepting some certain facts.

Valentin: Such as?

Nikolas: I owe you nothing. You grew up poor. That sucks. If I had known about you or your life, I would have done something about it, but I didn't.

Valentin: Well, now you know.

Nikolas: Right. So if you would like to share in the Cassadine fortune, I am happy to work something out with you, but you cannot hold me, my family, and friends and expect to get what you want.

Valentin: Um, here's what I can do -- until you agree to my terms, I can shoot every hostage, one by one. [Grabs Ava.]

Laura: No!

Valentin: Oh, you're hesitating. Maybe you don't care about this woman. Would it be better if I threaten someone you do care about? Would you be more cooperative if I threaten your mother?

Nikolas: Listen to me. I am offering you an absurd amount of money. You touch anyone in this room, and you will get nothing.

Valentin: See, you don't seem to realize I have no qualms about murdering everybody in this house. And since you don't care about this woman, maybe I will start with her.

Nikolas: Okay, stop, stop. Don't. I'll sign the papers.

Curtis: So you want me to end the investigation on Claudette?

Nina: Yeah -- no. I don't. I want to know everything about her, every single thing. I want to know who she talks to when she talks to them. I want to know the contents of her text messages, her e-mails, you know, her phone discussions, I mean, who it's with. I want to know everything about her.

Curtis: Okay, so...

Nina: My brother talked me out of it. Calling off the investigation is the right thing to do.

Curtis: You don't believe that.

Nina: I don't believe that. [Chuckling] I don't. I don't. But he believes it, and I'm abiding by his wishes, and so it's the right thing to do.

Curtis: Yeah, seems like there's a lot of that going around.

Jordan: Are you angry with me?

André: I was just surprised, that's all.

Jordan: By what?

André: You went through a major upheaval with your son and I had no idea.

Jordan: Why would you?

André: Why wouldn't you tell me?

Jordan: Because I don't make a habit of broadcasting my business.

André: I'd like to think that we include each other in our lives.

Jordan: We do. But, I mean, not about everything.

André: Well, clearly not. Instead of coming to me for support, simply as someone who cares about you, who wants to be involved in you and your life, you handled all of this on your own.

Jordan: I did, and, fortunately, it turned out fine.

André: Even so, Jordan, if you're not going to include me in the important things in your life, good and bad, that doesn't leave us much to build on.

Nina: On the upside, it frees you up to put more time into your other investigation.

Curtis: The plastic surgeons.

Nina: Right, right -- the unethical plastic surgeons. Yes, these horrible doctors that manipulate needy people into getting surgeries that they don't need, aren't safe, and don't work out for them. So, um, have you found anything out about these unethical quacks?

Curtis: A few things.

Nina: Already?

Curtis: I'm that good. So, I talked to some of your legit, high-end doctors, and one of them put me on the trail of some illegal fillers.

Nina: Oh, God. Is that a person? That's horrible. Oh, my gosh. Here -- wait, let me see that again. Oh, that's -- that's awful. Okay, um, what else?

Curtis: And some suspicious-ass activity, but nothing out of GH, fortunately.

Nina: Okay, so are we talking permanent disfigurement?

Curtis: Yeah, we're talking, uh, major illness, we're talking horrible infections, in some cases, even death. So I still have a few people I need to talk to, but don't worry. I'm all over it.

Nina: Oh, my gosh. I mean, I don't want to sound morbid, but I think it's fascinating. I mean, people should know about this. It's important. Whatever resources you need, just ask me, and I'll come through.

Curtis: Uh, yeah, okay, well, um, I won't let you down. Yeah.

Nina: Is there a problem?

Curtis: No problem whatsoever.

Nina: For an undercover operative, you're a bad liar -- or maybe you just don't have a lot of practice.

Curtis: [Chuckles] It's nothing.

Nina: You're my investigator. Okay, I don't want you distracted, so spill.

Curtis: Look, Nina, don't get me wrong, okay? I want to look into this for you, but when I find out everything there is to know about these lowlifes, I'm not gonna want it to be just for an exposé. I'm gonna want to bust them.

Nina: Wow. Okay. You really care about making a difference.

Curtis: Can I help it if I'm unfailingly virtuous?

Nina: [Chuckles] It must be a burden.

Curtis: I even pitched the idea to, uh, Ms. Commissioner, about me being a cop again, but... judging by our last conversation, I think I know what her decision would have been.

Nina: Is that why you keep on staring at her?

Curtis: I'm not staring. I--

Nina: You're totally staring.

Curtis: A glance, maybe.

Nina: Is there something going on between the two of you?

Curtis: [Sighs]

Alexis: Well, one thing is abundantly clear. My husband never existed.

Diane: Explain.

Alexis: The man I fell in love with, the man I married, wasn't going to kill anyone anymore, let alone his own wife.

Diane: Yeah, but what you felt for him...

Alexis: Was real? I really, truly, and readily opened my heart to this sociopath. I opened my soul for a little attention and some hot sex with a raging sociopath.

Diane: I'm gonna stop you right there, because I'm gonna remind you of one thing. You are Alexis Davis! Like a bad pair of shoes, self-pity looks horrible on you. He fooled everybody!

Alexis: It's not self-pity, it's culpability. I let that monster into my house, into my bed, under the roof where my children sleep. I fell in love with a sociopath. That's a problem. The good news -- I don't love him anymore.

Diane: Right. Good. So, of course, you will have nothing further to do with him.

Alexis: Whatever you say.

Diane: However...

Alexis: Oh, Diane, please.

Diane: Just hear me out. Look, love isn't logical.

Alexis: [Sighs]

Diane: And, imaginary or not, this is a man with whom you wanted to share a life. You slept next to him, you woke up with him in the morning, you wanted to build a loving, long relationship. You can't just flip a switch and turn that off. Now, if you want to open up and admit that you're hurting, I'm right here, and honey, I'm not gonna judge you.

Alexis: No, you're not understanding me. I'm not grieving for him. I'm not nursing a broken heart for him. I am looking forward to sitting in that courtroom and watching Julian face the charges that are gonna be hurled against him, and I want him to look me in the eye and feel the absence of love that I have for him. The only thing that I'm feeling for Julian is a desire to take him down.

Griffin: Your tests came back with flying colors.

Julian: I can't see how that's possible. I was stabbed.

Griffin: You keep yourself in prime physical condition, Mr. Jerome, and, as such, your body has a recovery rate far faster than most.

Julian: Mm.

Griffin: Thanks to your own discipline and dedication to physical fitness, you are more than ready to be escorted to the courthouse. I imagine you'll enter a not-guilty plea.

Julian: [Chuckles] Look, Doc, I'm not, uh -- I'm not gonna discuss my case with you, if that's all right.

Griffin: Oh, it's just as well. I don't need to rehash how you order-- or allegedly ordered -- my father's murder.

Julian: Yeah, you don't even know Duke Lavery. You never met him.

Griffin: You're right. I guess that makes killing him okay. Before I ship you off, I have to go over your vitals one more time. Once I'm done with that, I will turn you over to the police officers, who will take you to the courthouse.

Julian: You know, I know you hate me.

Griffin: I don't hate anyone.

Julian: No, it's okay, after everything you've heard about me, you have every right to hate me. There is one thing you need to understand, though.

Griffin: Understand what?

Julian: Duke and I weren't just business rivals. He was my enemy. At the time of his...death, Duke was running the Corinthos family organization. He was gunning for me, not the other way around.

Griffin: So he got what was coming to him, is that what you're trying to tell me?

Julian: No. What I'm telling you is that it's a ruthless business.

Griffin: Save -- save your breath, Mr. Jerome. The police have a recording of your confession. I know you're guilty, and I trust a jury will come to the same verdict very soon.

Julian: Look [Sighs] [Coughs] Duke w... Duke wasn't innocent in all this, okay? All I wanted was to start a new life and to...

[Monitor beeping rapidly]

Griffin: Mr. Jerome? Mr. Jerome?! Yeah, code blue. I need a team in here stat.

Nikolas: There's no need to kill anyone. I'll sign the papers.

Valentin: See, I'd always heard you were a reasonable man. I'm glad you live up to your reputation. So why don't we go upstairs, sign the papers, come down here, have some Ouzo, and then I'll throw you off my property.

Ava: [Sighs]

Laura: Don't go with him, Nikolas.

Valentin: Hey, I got a new rule -- anyone who successfully convinces the prince to change his mind, dies!

Laura: How do you know you can trust him?

Nikolas: Look, everything's gonna be fine, okay? Trust me, Mom.

Valentin: Oh, that's heartwarming, that trust.

Nikolas: Good, now let's go.

Valentin: You will, but first, a little insurance policy in case you change your mind. You are coming with me. [Grabs Ava.] He just gave away his entire fortune to save you. You're my good-luck charm. The rest of you -- make yourselves at home. Anything you need, ask one of my guys. Can't promise you they'll deliver. They're vicious and they don't speak English.

Laura: [Sighs]

Curtis: Nina, there's nothing going on with me and the commissioner.

Nina: I wasn't implying that.

Curtis: Yes, you were.

Nina: I was totally implying that, I mean, if there's no sexual tension or chemistry, then why won't she hire you?

Curtis: [Inhales deeply] It's, uh -- it's personal.

Nina: Personal.

Curtis: Yeah. Family stuff, you know? It's a long, long story.

Nina: Okay.

Curtis: But, suffice it to say, the commissioner and I have a long, complicated history. Trust me when I say she don't want to be with me. And, uh, vice versa.

Nina: So you're unattached?

Curtis: Well, I mean [Chuckles]

Nina: I mean, how is it that a sexy, incredible man like yourself is all alone in this world?

Curtis: I wouldn't say all that.

Nina: I-I was thinking, on the way over here, about the first night we met, at the Haunted Star.

Curtis: Oh, yeah.

Nina: New Year's Eve party? You hit on me.

Curtis: [Laughs] Yeah. I remember that.

Nina: Yeah. Me, too. And my boyfriend, Franco, had to tell me that you were hitting in me, because I didn't know what that was, and, um... Franco's not my boyfriend anymore, by the way.

Curtis: Oh. His loss.

Nina: It could be someone else's gain.

Curtis: Hmm.

Valerie: I hope I'm not interrupting.

Jordan: Look, uh, I'm sorry that you're disappointed that I didn't include you, but I think that you're taking things too personally.

André: Am I? We're trying to start a relationship here, Jordan.

Jordan: I know, and I am 100% on board, but you have to understand -- I raised TJ alone for most of his life, and I'm used to making all of the decisions on my own without consulting or informing anyone.

André: So you're telling me that in all the years since your husband's death, you've never had a relationship serious enough to warrant a discussion about your son's life?

Jordan: That's exactly what I'm telling you.

André: Oh. Wow.

Jordan: I mean, I've -- I've certainly dated here and there, but... you know, including the men in my life in my son's life -- that's a huge step. If you had children, um, you'd understand.

[Cell phone chimes]

André: [Clears throat]

Jordan: I'm sorry, I thought that we were gonna be able to have an early dinner before Julian's arraignment, but...

André: Duty calls.

Jordan: You understand that.

Diane: You know, everything I just said about your residual love for Julian Jerome?

Alexis: Yes.

Diane: Well, strike it. Reverse it. I was wrong, and I'm happy to be so. I'm thrilled you no longer have feelings for Julian, not just because I abhor sentiment, but because with everything that's coming down on his head, there's no way that Julian's not going under, and the less nostalgic you feel about him, the better.

[Cell phone ringing]

Alexis: [Sighs] Hello? Yes, I can do that. I'll be right there. The commissioner wants to see me before the arraignment.

Diane: Fine, I'll go with you.

Alexis: I'm not being arraigned. I don't need a lawyer.

Diane: No, but you might need your best friend.

Alexis: I do.


Diane: Aww.

Alexis: [Sniffles] Okay. [Sniffs]

Diane: Good. Good, and on the way, [Clears throat] we can talk about how to burnish your image for the ABA. There might still be some that question your loyalty to Julian.

Alexis: Even though he tried to kill me?

Diane: Stranger things have happened.

Alexis: [Sighs] Sad, but true.

Diane: Your appearance tonight will make it clear that you have cut ties with Julian forever.

Alexis: [Sighs] Let's go.

Nurse: BP -- 90/50, pulse back down to 130, sat is 93%.

Griffin: Thank you.

Julian: [Sighs] What happened?

Griffin: You need to rest, Mr. Jerome. You suffered an acute episode of ventricular tachycardia.

Julian: [Chuckles] Are you telling me I had a heart attack?

Griffin: No, more like an episode. We were able to get you through it, and, at the moment, you are stable, however, a cardiac event like this can be symptomatic of something far more serious. So we need to keep a close eye on you.

Julian: Hmm. So, uh, I mean, how'd this happen? I mean, what, you know, caused it?

Griffin: We don't know, yet. Your earlier test didn't show any anomalies. I'm gonna order another battery of tests and find out exactly why this happened, 'cause, as of right now, you are not out of danger.

Julian: [Sighs]

Valentin: Thank you very much for your cooperation there, Prince. Now if you'll just give me a minute, I'll get the papers.

Ava: Are you really planning on signing over all of your property to that maniac?

Nikolas: Look, at the moment, I don't see any other way out.

Ava: Nikolas, think about it. As soon as you sign those papers, he doesn't need you anymore, and we're all as good as dead.

Valentin: [Knocks on table] [Clears throat] Start signing. Hey, if it's any consolation, you'll still be the Cassadine prince. You just won't have any fortune to go with it.

Lulu: It's okay, Mom. Nikolas knows what he's doing.

Laura: Thank you. And I'm sure you're right. Aren't you glad you came after me?

Kevin: I'm very glad.

Laura: You can't mean that.

Kevin: Oh, but I do. Now, I can't say I relish being held hostage, and I have to say, Valentin seems eminently sane, which makes him even more dangerous.

Laura: So what's the good news?

Kevin: Well, we're in it together, and, so far, we make a great team. And I think there might be a way out of this that doesn't include somebody dying.

Dante: One of us has to find a way to escape.

Lulu: Last time I was here, I didn't really get a look around.

Laura: I think I know a way.

Jordan: Thank you for stopping by before Julian's arraignment.

Alexis: What can I do for you?

Jordan: I just wanted to thank you for -- once again, for helping out with bringing Julian down.

Alexis: Sending him to prison will be thanks enough.

Diane: Of course, we will be requesting an affidavit from the PCPD and the DA's office, respectively, detailing Alexis' pivotal assistance in this investigation. To wit -- she wore a wire, she risked her life to get a confession that will directly lead to Julian's conviction.

Jordan: The affidavit is already being worked on. Tonight is about the arraignment. Now, this is the first time that you're going to be seeing Julian since the arrest. Is that correct?

Alexis: Yes.

Jordan: Seeing him -- it's, uh, it's gonna be difficult. There's really no way to predict your reaction.

Alexis: I'm an attorney. I'm familiar with courtroom decorum.

Jordan: I'm glad you're feeling confident, and I think it's good that you showed up to the arraignment, which begins very soon. I've got two uniforms showing up to the hospital to pick Julian up.

[Telephone rings]

Jordan: That must be the desk sergeant, letting me know that they've -- they've got him. This is Commissioner Ashford. [Sternly] What kind of problem?

Curtis: Is there a problem, Officer?

Valerie: Not yet, but keep this up, and you'll give me probable cause to search you.

Curtis: Mmm. You go ahead. I ain't got nothing to hide.

Nina: Oh, wow. Okay. Ah. You two are together. Oh. Did this happen when you were trying to get the prize money for Crimson?

Valerie: No, we started dating before that.

Nina: Oh, wow. Too bad, it would've made a great story.

Curtis: Mmm.

Nina: Okay. Hey, listen. Go ahead. Go ahead and, uh... [Whispers] get a room.

Curtis: You sure?

Nina: Yeah, I'm positive. Um... you have your assignment. You know what to do. Okay.

Curtis: I sure do.

Nina: Okay, well, you two crazy kids... go -- go have fun.

Curtis: Yeah.

Valerie: [Giggles]

Curtis: Yeah, yeah.

Nina: Um, oh, excuse me. Um, can you just take this place setting away? I'm -- I'm gonna be eating alone.

Laura: Okay. There are tunnels underneath this house. One of them takes you to the harbor.

Dante: How do you reach them?

Laura: Through the wine cellar, but you got to be really careful. It's like a maze down there. If make -- if you make a wrong turn, you're gonna end up in the laboratory compound.

Dante: You -- you think you can find your way?

Laura: [Sighs] I might not get the chance, but I think one of us will.

Kevin: There are more hostages than guards. With the right distraction, one of us might be able to slip away.

Laura: Okay, so, um, you can get to the wine cellar through the pantry off the dining room. So you go down the main corridor, past the main steps, dining room's on the right. Cross through the dining room, pantry's on the far side of the dining room. Open the door, go in there. Go down the stairs -- and this is where it starts to get tricky.

Nikolas: Look, I am signing over everything I own. Just give me a moment to get used to the idea.

Valentin: You've had your moment. Your time is up.

Nikolas: Okay. But first...

Valentin: What?

Nikolas: You let everyone else go.

Valentin: Now that's not how this works, but I promise you, the faster you sign, the better it'll be for everybody downstairs and up.

Ava: If you shoot me, what incentive does Nikolas have to sign?

Valentin: Well, that buys him a couple of seconds while you bleed out. As you lie dying, he will charge me, I will have my men downstairs kill every last one of you.

Nikolas: No, this isn't worth the lives of the people that I love. Just -- I'll sign.

Valentin: Good. Thank you for your cooperation.

Nikolas: I hope you choke on it. Let's go, Ava.

Valentin: Actually, I can't let you do that. I have to tie up the loose ends, starting with your lovely lady friend.

Nikolas: Ava, duck! [Goes for Valentin's gun.]

André: Hey, it's me. I just wanted to check on you and make sure you're okay.

Nina: Oh, thank you. Um, listen, um, can you just, uh, I'm gonna take my food to go. I'm gonna eat at my desk in my office.

Hostess: I'm sorry. Was there a problem with the service?

Nina: No, no. It was first rate. You were perfect. Keep the change. I just don't want to eat alone.

Hostess: Oh.

Jordan: Okay, thank you, Doctor.

Alexis: What's going on?

Diane: They're not bringing Julian to the courthouse?

Jordan: The arraignment will have to be postponed. Apparently, Julian has taken a turn for the worse.

Dante: Okay, so, uh, you want to repeat those directions for me one more time?

Lulu: No, it's your turn. You repeat them to me.

Dante: I'm... probably not gonna be the one running around in those tunnels. I'm gonna be up here, creating a diversion.

Lulu: You don't know that. If you get the chance to slip away, you have to know where you're going.

Dante: And you're gonna have the best chance of slipping away should the situation arise. Please, run through the directions one more time.

Lulu: Okay, uh, you go down the main hall, past the stairs, the dining room will be on the right. Cross through, the pantry's on the far side. Go through that door, down the stairs, make a left, and another left, and cross through the wine cellar and then turn right.

Kevin: Pensive or planning?

Laura: I'm worried about my son. What the hell is going on up there?

[Valentin and Nikolas grunt as they struggle for the gun.]

Ava: Nikolas! Stop it! Stop it!


Ava: Nikolas! Nikolas!

On the next "General Hospital" --

Carly (to Dillon): What's going on between you and Kiki?

Morgan (to Kiki): I've got a room at the Metro Court.

Michael (to Sabrina): When were you going to tell me you're moving out?

[Parker is stunned when she opens her door and sees Kristina standing there.]

Sonny (to Alexis): Are you here to visit Julian?

Carlos (to Julian): You should have killed your wife when you had the chance.

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