GH Transcript Wednesday 6/22/16

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 6/22/16


Episode #13584 ~ Nina fantasizes about Franco, eager to get back together with him; the Crimson staff receive a package with a sex toy to promote; Morgan wonders if Kiki will take him back. Nikolas & Ava try to escape Huxley's clutches. Sam & Jason follow Huxley to Lynch Manor.

Provided By Jim
Proofread By Gisele

[Door slams open]

Nina: Franco.

Franco: Nina. The answer is yes. I still love you. Beyond all reason. Beyond all imagination. Our problems are nothing in the face of our love. [Clears her desk with his arms]

Nina: Oh! [Gasps]

Franco: I must have you right here. Right now.


Elizabeth: [Scoffs] Hey, babe. Where are your brothers?

Jake: They're upstairs with the new babysitter looking at the stars through the skylight.

Elizabeth: Why aren't you with them?

Jake: I was waiting for you.

Elizabeth: That was sweet of you. Hey, you want to come open this with me?

Jake: Sure. What is it?

Elizabeth: I bought some things for the kitchen. Our brand-new kitchen! Wait till you see what this is! Look! It's a brand-new toaster! So we can have peanut butter toast for breakfast in the morning! [Laughs]

Jake: Uh-oh.

Elizabeth: Why uh-oh?

[Doorbell rings]

Jake: That's why.

Franco: Happy housewarming!

Kiki: Morgan. Um... Are you okay? Why aren't you at Freedman? Did they give you a pass out for the night, or something?

Morgan: Yeah, I got a pass. To go out and stay out. I've been released.

Kiki: That's great.

Morgan: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you know, I still got stuff I got to keep up on, like, you know, stay on my symptoms and my medication, but, uh, I'm not a threat to myself or anybody else anymore.

Kiki: I'm really happy for you. [Coughs]

Morgan: Ooh.

Kiki: I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't. I have a really bad cold.

Morgan: You know what? I'll take the risk. Come here. Come here.

[Both chuckle]

Morgan: It's good to see you. It's really good to be hugged by you, too. Um... There is something really important I got to tell you, though.

Sam: Hello? Ms. Jerome?

Jason: Seems like she's out. Can you handle that lock?

Sam: Are you kidding me? Can I handle the lock?

Jason: Okay.

Sam: This may be the last hotel in London that doesn't use computers, and it's a very good thing. Because it means that they don't use key cards, either, which is even a better thing because it means... Voilą.

Jason: Very nice.

Sam: Okay, there's got to be something in here that points us into Nikolas' direction.

Huxley: Where is the real Weeping Naiad?

Ava: You just smashed it to pieces. You want the real statue? Pick them up and glue them together!

Huxley: Ms. Jerome, I strongly, strongly recommend that you rethink your answer, or you will never leave this room alive. I want the real statue, Ava. It belongs to me, to my family. It was stolen, and you bought it on the black market!

Ava: The only statue I had is the one you just threw on the ground. It cost a fortune. I had an expert authenticate it. What makes you think it isn't genuine?

Huxley: Oh, my blade is genuine. Please don't make me get it. I assure you, it's quite sharp and I'm quite skilled, as Mr. Carradine can attest. How's your hand?

Nikolas: Still bleeding, thanks.

Huxley: Oh, I would so hate to see you in an even worse condition, Ms. Jerome, so, please. Where is the original statue?

Ava: I don't know.

Huxley: Don't insult me by lying!

Ava: I swear to you. I'm not lying.

Nikolas: Yes. Yes, she is.

Kiki: I know that you didn't want to visit you at the clinic. and that you didn't want to see me anymore, but I just thought we could still be friends.

Morgan: I-I know what I said. And I know that I pushed you away.

Kiki: [Coughs]

Morgan: Are you okay? Here. Here, here. Have -- Have some of this.

Kiki: Thanks.

Morgan: Yeah.

Kiki: I just -- I'm fine. It's just this stupid cold.

Morgan: You know what? Maybe -- You should -- You should probably be resting, laying down, you know? I'll take off.

Kiki: No. No. Just tell me what you came here to say.

Morgan: All right. Um... I was a huge jerk to break up with you. I mean, that was a mistake. I shouldn't have done it.

Kiki: I just didn't understand why. We were doing so well, and then, out of nowhere, you told me that things were over. Why?

Morgan: I'm not here to make excuses. What I did, that's all on me. But what happened was... someone convinced me that you were just better off without me.

Kiki: Who?

Morgan: Your mom.

Kiki: [Sighs]

Franco: Oh, Nina. Nina.

Maxie: Nina? Nina! Snap out of it!

Nina: Oh. Oh. Maxie. Uh, what? Huh?

Maxie: I just got an e-mail from Maha Chang. Well, not really Maha Chang -- really her assistant Chelsea -- but they are giving me a sneak peek at their new season's bridal line -- truly fabulous dresses that no one has seen yet, and I get my first choice. Oh, my God. I am so happy that I withheld on going to New York. I was gonna combine the Maha showroom visit with tracking down Nathan's ex, but Nathan and I -- we have reached a new point. I think we are ready for our vows. We are secure in our love for each other. Our bond is unbreakable. Nothing can tear us apart. I can't believe this is happening. I'm finally getting my dream future with Nathan. I'll never be alone again!

Franco: Mind if I come in?

Elizabeth: Jake, what'd you do?

Jake: I -- I just told Franco --

Franco: Jake didn't do anything. Your house blew up. I figured you could use an appliance. Here's a toaster.

Elizabeth: In other words, Jake asked you to come over, and he suggested you could use the excuse of giving us a brand-new toaster.

Franco: No, no, absolutely not.

Elizabeth: Franco, it's not good to lie.

Franco: Ever? Here's the thing -- Jake called, and he asked me to come over, and I thought that you would not think that was a good idea, so he suggested the toaster.

Elizabeth: And you went along with it?

Franco: Well, yeah. I mean, I just wanted to see him. Here you go, buddy. Here's your toaster. I'm sorry. It's just his dad's been kind of unavailable lately. I thought the kid could use a little lift.

Jason: Whatever Ava's doing here, she's not planning on staying too long. Just found her itinerary, and it says that she leaves in a few days.

Sam: Well, most of her clothes seem to be here, so wherever she went, I think she's planning on coming back.

Jason: Hmm.

Sam: What's that?

Jason: Oh. I found a business card.

Sam: Let me see. Hubert B. Holmes III? He's an art broker. I guess she's here on business. Uh! Wait a minute. There's writing on the back. She met with this guy this morning. I wonder if Nikolas went with her. I wonder and I'm going to try and find out. [Sighs] Yes, hello. This is Ms. Jerome's assistant, Wendi Runyon. Yes, I was wondering -- when Ms. Jerome met with Mr. Holmes this morning, did her companion inadvertently leave behind an umbrella? It's got a sentimental value to him, and we're trying to track it down. I beg your pardon?

Ava: I'm not lying. If I knew where the original statue was, I would tell you.

Nikolas: Don't believe a word of it. Ava -- she likes to have people underestimate her. She likes to be scared and drudge up tears. She likes men to believe in her.

Huxley: Speaking from experience?

Nikolas: She told me that The Weeping Naiad was priceless, that she had a phony that she was gonna sell to some hapless collector until you came along and waylaid her.

Huxley: Now we're talking. So, Ava. Where is my property?

Nikolas: Tell him!

Ava: Damn you! I never should have trusted you with that information!

Huxley: Yes, yes, you were horribly, horribly betrayed. Now, where is my statue?

Ava: It's in my room at the The Melton Arms. If you'll just bring us back there, then your precious Weeping Naiad will be back in your hands.

Huxley: Oh, that's a nice try, Ava. But I have a better idea.

Maxie: Do you think it will photograph well? I mean, how many times have we seen a dress, like, on the runway or in a showroom and it looks fantastic, and then we bring it into the studio to take pictures of it, and it's, like, busy or awful or blah. [Chuckles] I mean, Nathan and I -- we're gonna be looking at these wedding pictures for the rest of our lives. I mean, not in a tacky way, like hung above the fireplace, but just over there on the mantel. It'll remind Nathan and I of this magical time in our life where we started our marriage.

Nina: Stop. Stop. Please, please. You just need -- You need to just --

Maxie: What is wrong?

Nina: Stop talking. Please just stop talking. Please. I am never gonna be a bride again. I am never gonna find love ever again. I am going to die alone and old and horrid and haggard. That's my life! I should have never broken up with Franco.

Franco: Wow. Check it out. Oh, my God! Okay. That toaster makes, like, the hottest toast I've ever seen in my life. You were so clever to tell me to bring it over.

Jake: Yeah.

Elizabeth: I agree. We have missed having toast, huh?

Jake: So, it's okay that Franco bought us a toaster? Because I was going to ask Dad to get one, but he isn't answering my calls or texts.

Elizabeth: Baby, I told you that your dad had to go away for a little bit.

Jake: I know, but why can't he call me?

Franco: I'm sure he's busy doing really big, important dad stuff. But I bet he misses you like crazy.

Jake: I miss him, too.

Franco: Well, why don't you, uh, draw him a special picture? Like what we do in therapy? You know, that way, when he gets back, he can see how much you missed him. That might make you feel a little better.

Jake: Okay. I'll give it a try. [Sighs]

Elizabeth: Um, thank you. That was amazing. I'm sure it wasn't easy to elevate Jason like that.

Franco: I'm totally jealous of Jason.

Sam: Yes, I will certainly communicate to Ms. Jerome Mr. Holmes' disappointment. I am -- I am very sorry. My apologies.

Jason: Ava didn't make her appointment?

Sam: No. Apparently she bailed on a transaction today involving an ancient statue and a considerable amount of money.

Jason: So, Nikolas never makes his flight, and Ava doesn't show up to a business meeting.

Sam: So, wherever they went, they decided to take off together.

Jason: I don't -- I don't buy it. Like you said, her clothes are still here and she has no reason to disappear. It --

Sam: Then, what happened to them? Where did they go? How could she and Nikolas just vanish?

Huxley: Thank you for assistance, Margarethe. Feisty, aren't they? The Weeping Naiad had better be in your room, Ava, or you will be shedding tears of your own.

Ava: It's there. I promise.

Huxley: Well, at least you have each other for company.

[Door closes, locks]

Nikolas: What's he gonna find when he gets to your hotel room?

Kiki: Oh, my God. This makes so much sense.

Morgan: No, no.

Kiki: My mom tried to split us up again.

Morgan: No. Kiki, don't be mad at Ava.

Kiki: Are you kidding me?

Morgan: She was protecting you. I almost got you killed.

Kiki: You didn't, Morgan. You didn't shoot me.

Morgan: Yes, Kiki, you would have never been on the pier that night if it wasn't for me. Ava's doing this because she loves you.

Kiki: That's what she always says.

Morgan: And you know what? She's right. I was not good for you before. But I'm stable now. And I'm not gonna lie to you. I was a little bit worried about being released. I mean, I just felt like I was gonna fall apart again.

Kiki: I don't think Dr. Maddox would have let you out if he didn't think you had everything under control.

Morgan: [Chuckles] It's funny you said that, 'cause that's what my dad said. And I'm starting to believe that that's true. My mind isn't all over the place anymore. I don't act on every impulse. Because you know what? If I was in that bad place, Kiki, I wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't be here if I was in that dangerous, reckless place, but I'm steady, okay? I think before I act now. I want to try again with you. I do. Because you know what? That -- That thought of being able to make you happy, that thought of being able to make everything up to you, that's the thought that kept me going through everything. That's the thought that got me up every morning instead of just putting the covers over my head and going back to sleep. You don't know this. But you were -- you were the light at the end of my tunnel.

Kiki: Morgan --

Morgan: I -- I should have told you that. I should have told you how I felt, but I just -- I pushed you away. And if it's too late, I understand.

Maxie: Nina, you are smart and beautiful and talented. Of course, you will find love again. And Franco set the bar really low.

Nina: No, he didn't. We were amazing together, and I should have never turned him down when I found him in here naked waiting for me.

Maxie: Franco was in here...naked?

Nina: We were so amazing in the intimacy department.

Maxie: Oh.

Nina: I'm talking sex.

Maxie: Mm-hmm. I got it.

Nina: I mean... [Sighs] Recently, I've been in such close proximity to all these naked guys, but all I can think about is Franco. It's just --

Maxie: Mm-hmm.

Nina: Me and Franco. And honestly, I -- I went to him and I asked him to have sex with me.

Maxie: Whoa, wait. Hold up. You, uh -- [Giggles] You went to Franco for a booty call?

Nina: Well, I mean, yeah, a booty call. I guess that's what you call it, but I -- I did. I went to him and when he said that he wasn't sure what that would mean to our relationship, then I thought about it. I thought -- I don't really want that. I want for us to get back together again, is what I really want. I don't want us to be bed buddies.

Maxie: And he said no? I mean, you're so terrific.

Nina: Thank you. He didn't really say no. I mean, he said he'd get back to me. But that's what people say when they want to let you down easy, right? Well, maybe that he was caught off guard by me. Maybe that's what it is, and he needs time to think about it. What do you -- What do you think? I mean, do you think there's a chance for me and Franco?

Franco: Even though Jason's probably gonna get in a lot of trouble because he probably killed Nikolas Cassadine, I'm jealous of the guy. At least Jason knows what he wants, right? He loves Sam. And I'm just stating the facts here. Don't get mad at me, okay? But he does, right? He's totally committed to her, 100%. I'm envious. I wish I could be that clear about my feelings for Nina.

Elizabeth: Wait. I thought the two of you broke up.

Franco: Yeah, we did. But then she asked me to get back together with her.

Elizabeth: When?

Franco: At the hospital today, before I saw you breaking into that locker.

Elizabeth: I wasn't breaking into the locker. I was just trying to figure out what Hayden was doing there.

Franco: Oh, okay.

Elizabeth: Not -- This is not about Hayden. Nina. So Nina wants you back? What do you want?

Franco: I'm conflicted. I am. I change my mind every second. I've thought about calling Nina like 20 times today. I thought about calling Nina when I was in line at the appliance store buying you a toaster! I have no idea what I want to have happen with Nina.

Kiki: Morgan --

Morgan: No, no, no. You -- You don't have to say anything. I, uh -- I saw you at the Nurses' Ball.

Kiki: What?

Morgan: Yeah, I -- I got a pass out from the clinic that night, and, um, I went backstage to find you. And I saw you kissing Dillon Quartermaine.

Kiki: I'm so sorry.

Morgan: No, no. No. You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. I -- I pushed you out of my life. That's on me. You know? I was just wondering if the thing with Dillon -- I didn't know if that was a one-time thing, or if you guys are, you know, whatever, together, but if you have feelings for the guy, just tell me, and I'm friend zone, okay?

[Knock on door]

Dillon: Kiki? I picked up your prescription. And to turn it from a night about a head cold to more of a dinner date, I picked up some candles, and I got us some tried-and-true chicken noodle... soup.

Ava: You were the one who made Huxley think that I had the real statue.

Nikolas: He was brandishing a sword, and he knows how to use it. I was just buying us some time.

Ava: Look where it got us.

Nikolas: Yeah, well, we're both still alive, right?

Ava: Mm. Just the other day, I went shopping with my daughter, Kiki. Our relationship is so good right now. And I was really looking forward to spending time with Avery. [Voice breaking] This was just supposed to be a simple trip to sell a statue. Now I'm afraid that I won't see my girls again.

Nikolas: So. You don't have the original statue stashed away somewhere?

Ava: No. I thought the statue that I gave Huxley was the real one. I mean, the price was a little low, so I did my best to have it authenticated. But I got screwed.

Nikolas: Yeah, well, now we both are.

Sam: Maybe Ava and Nikolas are hooking up. Maybe they took off together for an overnight.

Jason: [Laughs] Why would you say that?

Sam: I don't know. Because Ava's on a business trip and Nikolas is legally dead?

Jason: Yeah. I mean, why would they need to take off a second time? That doesn't make any sense. Who are they hiding from? Ooh. Ava's boarding pass for her flight here.

Sam: And...?

Jason: Same one Nikolas took.

Sam: Yes! Also First Class. Maybe they are really having an affair!

Jason: Maybe.

Sam: Come on! Ava and Nikolas, who barely know each other, wind up on the same flight and now neither of them are where they're supposed to be? That cannot be a coincidence.

Jason: I mean, I don't know.

[Keys jingle]

Huxley: Honestly. Ambiance is one thing, but embrace the 21st century.

Kiki: Dillon. Hey. Um, Dillon just went to go get me some cold medicine from the pharmacy, and Morgan is here because he was just released from the clinic.

Dillon: Oh, congratulations, man.

Morgan: Thank you. Uh, yeah, uh, I'm sorry. I didn't even -- Wow. This is, uh -- You're all dressed up and you guys -- I'm sorry. I didn't even -- I was so focused on -- I'm gonna take off, actually.

Kiki: No. Morgan.

Dillon: Well, I mean, there's enough soup for all of us. Or I could go. I mean --

Morgan: No, no, no, no, no.

Kiki: No.

Morgan: Yeah, no. Really. It's fine. I left GH in such a rush, I -- I forgot my pills. [Chuckles] Out of all things, right? Um, but you guys have -- have a great night.

Kiki: Um, Morgan, I'm glad you're out.

Morgan: Thank you. Uh, feel better.

Dillon: So, what'd I miss?

Nina: Do you think that I should have hope that Franco will come back to me?

Maxie: Okay. [Laughs] I-I'm not sure because i-it seemed like you guys broke up for some really important reasons -- like the baby thing.

Nina: Yeah, the baby thing. I pressured him to have a baby with me, and when he was resistant to the idea, I just stopped talking about it and I just barreled ahead without even considering his feelings, and then when he said, "Hey, it's fine just us. We could be together and in love without children," I didn't really believe him.

Maxie: Do you feel differently now?

Nina: No, I don't! Especially after seeing him at the Nurses' Ball with little Jake, up there onstage. I mean, he was incredible.

Maxie: Okay.

Nina: I mean, it just confirmed that he's meant to be a father.

Maxie: That was very sweet. [Chuckles] Okay? But that is a long way from parenthood.

Nina: Oh, you sound like Franco. I mean, he just fluffed it off like it was nothing, too. But I know what I saw. I know what I saw. I saw a wonderful, beautiful man up there onstage helping a little boy, and he was up there for the entire world to see because of Jake. And then I just kept on -- [Voice breaking] I just kept on thinking -- that's the kind of father that he would be, to our child.

Maxie: So you're saying the situation is not resolved.

Nina: It's resolved. I can't have a baby. I mean, I've accepted that. I'm okay with it. I'm fine with it, really. And I've accepted that for whatever reasons Franco has, he doesn't want to be a father. Okay, he doesn't want to be a father. It breaks my heart. There's really nothing I can do about it. But I've accepted it.

Maxie: Does Franco know that?

Nina: I wanted to tell him in person. But he, um -- Anyway. I should just text him. I think my phone is in the mail. Wait. Here.

Maxie: You got it?

Nina: Yes. Let me see what he says.


Nina: Do you hear that?

Maxie: Yeah.

Nina: Is it -- Um... It's coming from here.

Maxie: Good thing it's not ticking. I would have thought it was a bomb. [Laughs] Bombs don't still tick, do they?

Franco: Nina asked me to have sex with her. And I said, "Well, what would that mean?" Right? Who does that? What kind of a guy does that?

Elizabeth: Sounds like the reaction of a sensitive man who cares.

Franco: No, no, no. That's the reaction of a man who knows that every relationship ends with him hurting someone.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Franco: Well, that's how it ended with Nina. When I met her, she was this insecure, awkward, poor little rich girl with mental issues. And then right before my eyes, she blossomed into this confident career woman. And she still wanted to have a future with me, right? All I had to do was meet her halfway, and I couldn't even do that. I called it off with her. I mean, yeah. I -- I gave her this speech about how I was letting her go, and I wished her well and all -- Just two weeks later, I realized I'd made a horrible mistake. I show up at her office, beg for her to take me back. She says no. And now here I am now. See, the -- This -- This is what I'm talking about. Look at me. I don't know what I want. It's not fair for anyone. I should just give up on relationships completely.

Elizabeth: You know, not that long ago, I would have totally agreed with you, but now, uh, I have to wonder -- where is this coming from?

Nikolas: Spencer's the only person that knows I'm still alive. And my son will never know if I really do die. He'll just think I abandoned him.

Ava: Well, you know, even if we get out of these ropes, there's no way to get out of this room.

Nikolas: No, there is always a way. We just need to work together and find it.

Ava: What should we do?

Nikolas: All right, first, we need to stand up. So, um, put your feet firmly on the ground.

Ava: Okay.

Nikolas: Now, press your back up against mine.

Ava: Uh-huh.

Nikolas: Okay, you ready?

Ava: Yeah, okay. Well -- Well, wait. On the count of 3, all right?

Nikolas: Okay.

Ava; 1...2...3.

Nikolas: 3. [Groans]

Ava: Hey!

Nikolas: Hey! We -- We got it!

Ava: Yeah!

Huxley: Yes. I'm in the room. All right. I'll keep you posted.

Nina: What are we supposed to do? Call the bomb squad? Evacuate. Come on!

Maxie: Wait. No! Nina, Nina, Nina. No! Nobody is trying to blow us up. They're trying to blow our minds. [Chuckles]

Nina: What?

Maxie: Yeah, um, Ecstasy Explosion is the name of a sex toy company. They've been hounding us for months to promote their new toy. They must have sent us a sample. When you moved the envelope, it turned it on, so to speak. [Giggles] Okay. What did they send us?

Nina: Oh.

Maxie: Oh, wow. Um... I've never seen one with so many attachments.

[Vibrating stops]

Nina: Oh. Wow.

Maxie: [Laughs] Have you ever seen anything quite like this?

Nina: I -- I've actually never been this close to a sex toy.

Maxie: Are you kidding me?

Nina: No. I missed 20 years of my life, including the part that would have, you know, indulged in something like that. Is this supposed to be, you know, a substitute for a person?

Maxie: Mm. Mm-hmm.

Franco: Ever since Jason started to remember things, I've been confronted with everything that I've done to so many people. His hatred of me has reminded me of all of the disgusting and horrible things I've ever done. And I was pretending, I guess, that I wasn't that guy anymore, that was a guy who's capable of loving, that I was worthy of being loved. I'm never gonna be that guy. I should just give up all together.

Elizabeth: Oh, for God's sake, Franco. For all your faults, I never thought of you as a self-pitying whiner.

Kiki: It doesn't matter what Morgan came here to say. I was on a date with you tonight, and we were having fun before. [Sneezes] And now that I took some of that cold medicine that you so gallantly got me, we're gonna have even more fun. So, sit. Eat.

Dillon: Okay, then.

Kiki: Well, this looks great. I am feeling better already.

Dillon: Kiki.

Kiki: Yeah? I -- I'm sorry.

Dillon: You have been clear with me from the start about us. You told me that you're rebounding from Morgan and that you don't want to jump right back into anything. I've been dreading the day that he got released. But you've got a lot of history together. I mean, you were married. I was sort of the interloper -- the guy that thought I could take a chance on you.

Kiki: I'm glad that you did. We've had so much fun together.

Dillon: No, I had fun! I mean, I've -- I've had a lot of fun. I just -- I think that maybe you should sort through your feelings now that Morgan is out. Take as much time as you need. If you want to hang out, I'm just a text away.

Nikolas: All right. Now, uh, we just need to find something opens with.

Ava: Okay. Oh, the desk. There's got to be something in there, all right?

Nikolas: All right, all right.

Ava: Can we get over there?

Nikolas: Yeah, let's go.

Ava: Take it easy.

Nikolas: Okay!

Ava: [Panting] Okay.

Nikolas: All right.

Ava: Okay.

Nikolas: Can you reach?

Ava: Yeah. It's --

Nikolas: What?

Ava: A letter opener! And it's a Buccellati.

Nikolas: A what?

Ava: Do you have any idea how valuable these are or how rare these are?

Nikolas: Or how dull that is? It'll take forever to cut through these ropes with that thing.

Ava: Well, let's try.

Nikolas: All right. Hey. Try this.

Ava: Okay. [Panting]

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Morgan: Thank you for rescuing my meds for me. I cannot do without these. I can't do without a lot of things, but I guess I have to.

[Kiki gets off the elevator]

Huxley: Margarethe. [Sighs] I must abandon my search. I don't think the statue is here anyway. No, no. The Weeping Naiad will not be coming home to Lynch Manor tonight. [Sighs] Be a lamb and make sure that our guests aren't getting into trouble.

Jason: You all right?

Sam: Help. Yes.

Jason: You okay?

Sam: Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes. [Sighs] Okay.

Jason: He did a number, didn't he?

Sam: Yeah. Wow.

Jason: I was a little worried that those heels weren't the best choice of shoes for balancing on a ledge.

Sam: Oh, trust me. I've survived worse. Okay, that guy was pretty anxious to find The Weeping Naiad, whatever that means. He thinks Ava has it.

Jason: He did say to make sure his guests weren't getting into any trouble.

Sam: And you think he meant Ava and Nikolas.

Jason: We don't have any other leads, so... Shall we find our way to Lynch Manor?

Ava: Oh!

Nikolas: [Laughs] Oh!

Ava: [Sighs] [Panting] Yeah! We did it! [Laughs] Okay. Well now we have to find a way out of here before that wacko gets back.

Nikolas: Yeah, well, the door's locked and it's too high to jump, so, uh -- Hey, wait. You were a criminal. You must know a little something about picking locks.

Ava: I was a mobster, not a cat burglar. But I do happen to know something about getting out of jams like this.

Maxie: A sex toy isn't necessarily a substitute for a person. Uh, it could be an enhancement that you use with a partner.

Nina: Do you use something like this with my little brother? I'm sorry. Why did I ask that? Erase, erase.

Maxie: Uh, o--

Nina: I don't want to know the answer to that.

Maxie: Okay.

Nina: Get that out of my head.

Maxie: That is also something you could use alone. Whenever.

Nina: This could never replace Franco for me. Nothing will. No one will. Ever. You know what? He's had enough time to think about my proposal. It's time I text him and find out what his decision is.

Franco: What are you doing?

Elizabeth: Sit.

Franco: What did I do? Why are you so mad at me?

Elizabeth: That little speech of yours was pathetic. How can you think that you're not good for anyone? Look at how great you've been with Jake and for Kiki and even for me. You're not all bad -- not like you used to be.

Franco: You really think that?

Elizabeth: Yes. I do. I know you've been trying really hard. And you only... occasionally give me the creeps these days.

Franco: Oh, well, that's a step in the right direction, I guess. You know I never mean to scare you or annoy you or make you feel anything other than just better.

Elizabeth: Well, I never dreamed I'd say this, but you've been a really good friend to me, even when everyone else has hated me.

Franco: Everyone makes mistakes. Every one of us hurts other people. And you deserve a break. And everyone should have a friend.

Elizabeth: You've definitely moved on from being the horror show you were when you terrorized me.

Franco: Do you really believe I've changed?

Elizabeth: I do. I know you have.

Franco: It was the toaster, I bet, that sealed the deal, right?

Elizabeth: Well, that and a few other things.

Franco: Promise me something. Promise me that whenever you make toast, that you'll think kindly of me.

Elizabeth: Even if it burns, yes.


On the next "General Hospital" --

Sam (to Jason): If this goes on, it could cost you your freedom.

Paul (to Anna): Deep down inside you kind of like me.

Kiki (to Morgan): We need to clear the air about where we stand.

Dillon (to Nina): Are you getting back together with Franco?

Franco (to Elizabeth): You make me feel like you believe in me.

[Just as Ava & Nikolas are about to escape, Margarethe shows up.]

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