GH Transcript Monday 6/13/16

General Hospital Transcript Monday 6/13/16


Episode #13577 ~ Ava takes a trip and finds Nikolas; Spinelli uncovers some vital information for Sam & Jason; Brad & Lucas get married, but the festivities are interrupted by police officers searching Alexis' house for evidence of Carlos' murder.

Provided By Jim
Proofread By Gisele

Spinelli: Uh, yes, I need to do a locus coordinate search for someone named Claudette.

[Keys clack]

Nathan: Oh, you're, uh, you're still here.

Spinelli: Yes, indeed, I am. [Chuckles nervously]

Nathan: You're not, uh, staying here, right?

Spinelli: Oh, no, no, no. No. God, no. [Chuckles] I, uh, I have a complimentary luxury accommodation at yon Metro Court. Um, it's just Maxie was kind enough to sanction me tarrying here while I wrapped up a few things.

Nathan: Okay. So, why do you look guilty?

Spinelli: I? Guilty? No, it is you, sir, who reek of culpability for what you did.

Nathan: What did Maxie tell you?

Spinelli: Everything.

Maxie: I'm just so lost, okay? I love Nathan, and I feel like I could be making a mistake by pushing away the best man I've ever known. Well [Sighs] I thought he was the best.

Griffin: Maxie, uh --

Maxie: Look, Nathan has done something terrible, and he made me swear that I would not tell anyone. But it's eating me alive, and I really need help, and who better to trust than a priest? So, please, will you help me?

Sam: Ooh! Hey.

Jason: Hey. How'd it go?

Sam: Um, the -- the prayer service or the trip back?

Jason: Both.

Sam: Well, the prayer service was sad. Laura's trying really hard to believe that Nikolas is still alive. Lulu was devastated. So was Hayden. And Elizabeth, for that matter. It was all I could do not to just stand up and say, "He's tricking you all."

Jason: Okay, well, I'm glad you didn't. Thank you. Made my job easier.

Sam: I do want to hear all about that, but first, I got to tell you that Dante is suspicious. I was followed getting off the launch.

Jason: Yeah, we figured that might happen.

Sam: For what it's worth, I-I think that he feels bad. He wanted me to tell you if I saw you that he was really grateful that you saved his life.

Jason: That's nice. Can't blame the guy for doing his job. So, was it hard to shake him?

Sam: [Chuckles] No, it wasn't, actually. I went home, and I slipped out the building, and I went to the pub on Fourth Street, and then I went out the back and then I doubled back, and I was not followed.

Jason: That's what I'm talking about.

Sam: Thank you.

Jason: Nice work.

Sam: What about you? How'd it go? Please tell me you found something to prove that Nikolas is still alive.

Hayden: I know my mother-in-law meant well with that vigil for Nikolas. I...hope it was a comfort to her. It had the opposite effect on me. I'm even more convinced that Nikolas is really, truly gone.

Naomi: Oh. Honey. I am so sorry.

Alexis: You expect me to play the adoring wife so your son can get married in this house?

Julian: I'm sorry. [Sighs] What's the alternative?

Alexis: Why don't I leave here and never come back and you explain why to your son, to his groom, to all the guests that you killed Carlos and destroyed the evidence.

Julian: Don't do it for me, okay? Do it for Lucas. My son almost died. He and Brad want to get married here tonight, say their vows. And don't make them postpone the wedding again.

Lucas: Hello!

Bobbie: [Laughs]

Lucas: I brought the party with me. It is time for Brad and me to get hitched.

Bobbie: Have wedding, will travel.

Julian: Hmm.

Brad: Julian, Alexis, we can't thank you enough for opening your home for our wedding. Thank you so much.

Maxie: You have no idea how much I'm feeling like I'm going to burst if I don't talk to somebody about this.

Griffin: I still think you'd be better served talking to a close friend or family member.

Maxie: No, no, I need somebody who's gonna be objective, who will listen without judging, and isn't that what priests are supposed to do? That's your, like, pastoral obligation.

Griffin: Yes, that's what practicing priests do. They hear confession. They offer absolution for sin, usually in a church.

Maxie: Okay, well, I'm not Catholic. And you're on a sabbatical. I really didn't expect you to be so difficult about this. Nathan did something that he deeply regrets, and I need to figure out what I'm gonna do about it.

Griffin: I'm sorry, Maxie, I --

Maxie: No, Nathan found out his wife Claudette was having an affair. How she could ever cheat on him -- beyond me. But he walked in on them, you know... [Gasps] Oh, you're celibate. No, you don't know. So, he was drunk, and, um, you're not gonna believe this. I mean, I still barely can, but he shot someone in cold blood.

Griffin: It doesn't sound like he acted in cold blood. It sounds like he acted in the heat of the moment.

Maxie: Okay, um, why would you think that?

Nathan: Maxie told you everything?

Spinelli: Actually, she -- she clammed up like a mollusk in wet sand. Her loyalty is limitless. Yeah, but she did mention that you had been previously married, something that you did not disclose. Maxie deserves better.

Nathan: Yeah, she does. I know. And I made a mistake.

Spinelli: Bigger mistake than perhaps you realize. See, Maxie is slow -- nay, glacial -- to give her trust. You know, her -- she feigns shallowness and frivolity to keep people at arm's length. It would have been easy enough for her to content herself with your [Chuckles] striking looks and obvious physical prowess. I stipulate those as facts, not compliments, mind you. But she could have dated you clearly on your -- just your looks. But no, she -- she invested her heart in you. She made herself vulnerable to you. And you thank her by shattering her fragile trust.

Nathan: Spinelli, I know, all right? You don't have to remind me how bad I screwed up, okay? I see it every time I look at Maxie. But I got to wonder how it is that you just -- you just show up the moment we start having trouble.

Jason: After I searched the room, I went back downstairs to retrace my steps from that night, and I wound up overhearing Emma and Spencer talking. And I have to tell you, I don't think that kid's in mourning. I think that he knows his father's alive.

Sam: Okay. That makes sense, because everyone assumes that the kid is in denial, but he's not because his father isn't dead. And maybe I should talk to him.

Jason: No, don't do that. You don't want to make him think that he betrayed his father.

Sam: Yeah. Ugh! Nikolas -- I can't believe he would do this to Spencer and everybody who loves him.

Jason: You know, I think Nikolas has been spiraling for some time now. He made one bad move that led to a mess of others, and now he's so far down the rabbit hole, he can't see his way out. Maybe he needs us. What do you think?

Sam: You think so?

Jason: I just can't believe the guy who used to be married to my sister would...

Sam: What?

Jason: Do you remember the Port Charles Hotel fire?

Sam: Yes.

Jason: Nikolas saved my life. I just remembered that. I was handcuffed to a banister, and he came down from the roof.

Sam: He did. They were evacuating people via helicopter.

Jason: We were the only people left in that building, and... I told him to get out of there, and he wouldn't listen to me, and he used a fire axe, got me free. He saved my life.

Sam: Yes. And that is the Nikolas I remember.

Jason: Then I owe him.

Sam: We have to find him.

Jason: Okay. Maybe this will help. [Clears throat] This name mean anything to you?

Sam: [Sighs] Yeah, it sure does.

Alexis: How you doing?

Bobbie: I'm okay. I mean, actually, I'm a little shaken up, but I'm more concerned about Lucas. I mean, can you imagine? Somebody tried to kill me. Lucas nearly died instead.

Lucas: Okay, okay. This is no talk for a wedding --

[Glass clinks]

Lucas: Ooh! I will have none of it.

Bobbie: [Laughs] That's okay. You want to sit? Be careful. Don't overdo it.

Lucas: No, no, no. No, Mom, no. I'm great. And I'm going to stand up next to my groom. We are not wasting another minute apart.

Brad: Yep, because I promised Lucas that when he woke up, we'd get married immediately. And, again, thank you so much to my soon-to-be-in-laws for allowing us to tie the knot in your home.

Lucas: Yeah, thank you. You guys are the shining example of a solid, perfect marriage, the love of a lifetime. Who better to help us launch our vows into loving each other forever?

Alexis: [Sighs]

Lucas: Alexis, look. I know you were blindsided by this. I really hope you guys worked things out.

Alexis: It's all right. It was just a miscommunication. I'm really so happy for both of you.

[Cell phone chimes]

Julian: Uh, excuse me. I'll be right back.

Carly: Why are you so glum, Alexis? Hypocrisy weighing you down? Playing the gracious hostess when you know damn well that Julian had Carlos Rivera killed just to shut him up?

Julian: You should come on in. Lucas and Brad are having a small wedding ceremony. You can join us.

Ava: I don't have time to celebrate, and neither do you. The cops came to see me, Julian. They're looking at you for Carlos' murder.

Julian: I thought I had all my bases covered, but there is one loose end I can't control.

Ava: The one named Alexis?

Alexis: For God's sake, show a little compassion. It's your brother's wedding.

Carly: Yeah, Lucas didn't get to choose his father, but you definitely got to choose your husband. See, Sonny's gonna make Julian pay for murdering Duke, and the more you protect him, the worse it's gonna be for you.

Ava: I told you Alexis would be a problem. What does she have on you?

Julian: The less you know about my situation, the better. I'm just sorry I brought you into this whole mess with Carlos.

Ava: Apology accepted.

Julian: [Sighs]

Ava: Now, what do you plan to do about this?

Julian: You already know too much. I don't want the cops to arrest you on some charge and ask you to turn yourself against me like they did Carlos, okay? We need to avoid that at all costs.

Spinelli: I can assure you my sojourn back to Port Charles coinciding with your crisis with Maxie is -- is pure coincidence.

Nathan: Hmm.

Spinelli: I thought we were -- thought we're beyond this enmity. I mean, after all, it was you who coordinated that happy reunion with Maxie and Georgie on Christmas Eve.

Nathan: Yeah, it was. It was. But I still can't forget that you managed to sneak your way into her heart last year and almost break us up.

Spinelli: Maybe Maxie would have been better for it. 'Cause you certainly aren't worthy of her. However, Ellie and I are more solid than ever. If Maxie leaves you, it'll have nothing to do with me. That will all be on you.

Nathan: I know.

Spinelli: Look, I suggest you do everything in your power to make this up to Maxie. I want the best for her, and I will do all I can to ensure that she gets it. So shape up. Or you'll have to answer to me.

[Cell phone rings]

Nathan: West. Yeah. Yeah, have a black and white meet me there.

Griffin: Nathan's actions don't sound premeditated. You said he was drunk. I mean, he certainly didn't expect to find his wife in bed with another man. He was a cop. He had a gun. He shot that other man without thinking. It's the very definition of crime of passion.

Maxie: Uh, I'm sorry. Are you making excuses for Nathan?

Naomi: You found yourself a good one, honey. At least for a little while.

Hayden: Yeah, no matter how much we fought, you know, what we had together was real. It was more than just sexual chemistry, although we certainly had that.

Naomi: Why is it that the bad boys are always the best in bed? [Chuckles] Oh, my God. You know, I haven't had this since -- Well, since your father was arrested. I do miss the little luxuries in life.

Hayden: If you're referring to the diamonds... This is the last I saw of them. Nikolas sent this to me. After the Nurses' Ball, he was trying to entice me to join him, and I let someone talk me out of it. If had I just decided to come home, Nikolas might still be alive.

Jason: You know this man?

Sam: Yeah, I-I sure do. He's a forger. Um, he set up shop like six months after you disappeared. That's why you probably don't recognize his name. But he specializes in fake IDs -- driver's license, social security cards, credit cards --

Jason: Passports.

Sam: Bingo! Yes!

Jason: Well, that is great as far as circumstantial evidence goes, but it's not gonna prove that Nikolas is alive.

Sam: Okay, well, we've got to figure out where he might have gone.

Jason: Well, I liberated something from Nikolas' house. [Clears throat] His laptop. Maybe this will help.

Sam: [Chuckles] Thank you.

Jason: Thank you.

Naomi: You know, we don't need to sell all them. We could keep a couple for ourselves.

Hayden: For the last time, Mother, there's nothing to keep. I don't have the diamonds. I don't know where they are. Nikolas must have put them in a safe-deposit box or something.

Naomi: Then we'll find the key.

Hayden: I looked everywhere, and the feds have searched the entire house. The only thing they found was an original inventory on the diamonds. They took that list away to see if they can link it to me. And if they can, they're going to have me arrested.

[Knock on door]

Hayden: And on that cheerful note...

[Door opens]

Hayden: Back so soon?

Holland: May we come in?

Hayden: Sure. Why not?

Holland: To reiterate, this is a detailed inventory of the missing diamonds. We had it tested, and we found your fingerprints all over it.

Sam: What? Are you kidding me? Nikolas has this locked up so tight, I can't hack my way in.

Jason: Well, we'll figure something out.

Sam: Yeah, like what? I used Spinelli's shortcut. It's not working. Whatever Nikolas used, he's making it impossible.

[Knock on door]

Jason: Right on time.

Sam: Who?

Spinelli: Fair Samantha, it is I, your faithful friend and erstwhile partner, The Jackal! Hey, gracious greetings.

Jason: Thanks for coming.

Sam: Get over here!

Spinelli: It is my great pleasure to assist. Fair Samantha! Hi!

Sam: Ohh! Oh, I missed you so much!

Spinelli: My goodness! You are a vision as always.

Sam: Thank you.

Spinelli: All right, well, uh, point me to the device in question, perhaps, and I will commence hacking, hmm?

Jason: Before we get started, um, couldn't really say this over the phone, but my memories are starting to come back. It's not perfect, and it's slowly kind of getting there, but when I look at someone, I begin to remember. And when I look at you, I remember what a great friend you've been to me.

Spinelli: [Sighs]

Jason: Whatever I ask you, even the impossible, you came through.

Spinelli: You are mistaken. Perhaps your memory's still somewhat suspect, but no, it was -- it was you, not I, who regularly did the impossible. You are an amazing friend, and I-I missed you.

Jason: I missed you, too, man.

Spinelli: [Laughs] [Chuckling] Oh. Oh!

Griffin: I'm not making excuses for Nathan.

Maxie: Yeah, it kind of sounds like you are. He shot someone. I'm not sure I can just let that go.

Griffin: Okay, everyone in that particular situation was wrong. I-I detest guns and the violence that inevitably comes with them, but the weapon was there, Nathan was carrying. he wasn't thinking clearly. he was blinded by jealousy, so he used it.

Maxie: I understand. I've done plenty of things that are wrong. I've gotten into more trouble than we could talk about here today. But this is Nathan that we're talking about. And he's usually steady and slow to anger. He thinks things through. At least I thought he did. He's just not the man that I thought he was.

Griffin: Isn't Nathan basically still a good man? He's likely suffering the tortures of the damned. His guilt eating away at him.

Maxie: Yeah, I mean, he does seem pretty remorseful, like -- like he would do anything to make this not have ever happened.

Griffin: Look, one action, one mistake in your past doesn't define your whole life. It doesn't define who Nathan is now. If I didn't believe that, I would have gone to live in a cave a long time ago.

Maxie: Why? What mistake did you make?

Julian: It's best not to leave ourselves vulnerable. That Hornsby hypocrite could take it upon himself to cook some charges up against you.

Ava: Oh, yes, he definitely could.

Julian: Which is why I'm strongly urging you to remove yourself from the situation until this blows over.

Ava: By doing what?

Julian: Leave town. Better yet, leave the country. I mean, I'm sure there's something you could find to do on some distant shore.

Ava: Yeah, now that you mention it, I did recently acquire a very rare, very valuable antiquity. Not my usual purview, nothing I can show at the gallery, so I suppose it could be advantageous for me to show it overseas in person.

Julian: Leave it to you to find some way to turn a profit, huh?

Ava: [Laughs] You hand me lemons, I'm gonna make lemon drop martinis. Besides, I definitely don't want the cops at my door again, so I'll go.

Julian: Well, I certainly think it's best.

Ava: Okay. Enjoy your son's wedding.

Julian: I will, and thank you. Thank you for removing yourself from the situation.

Ava: Good luck convincing Alexis to do the same.

Julian: [Sighs]

Officiant: So, are you guys ready to get married?

Brad: Absolutely.

Lucas: Yeah. Let's do this. We're ready. Hey, uh, where's Dad?

[Door closes]

Julian: Hey! I'm sorry. Sorry. I, uh, I had to get these for the grooms' lapels.

Lucas: Aww.

Bobbie: Oh, that was a great idea, and very thoughtful of you.

Brad: Yeah, thank you.

Bobbie: Here, I'm gonna let you do this.

Julian: Sorry if I held things up. I know you two have been waiting a long time to get married, so, uh, let's get you married before, uh, something else stops you.

Lucas: Let's do it.

Officiant: We're gathered together tonight to witness the joining of two lives. I've been asked to make this short and sweet.

Brad: Yes, no use tempting fate.

Officiant: So, on to the main event. Lucas and Brad have written their own vows.

Carly: Aww.

Officiant: Brad?

Carly: [Chuckles]

Brad: Lucas, we're finally here.

Lucas: Yeah. I, uh...

[Knock on door]

Carly: Oh, look. The cops.

Alexis: Detective West, um, how can I help you? As you can see, we're in the middle of something.

Nathan: I see that, and I apologize for interrupting, but I have a warrant to search the premises for evidence in the murder of Carlos Rivera.

Griffin: I save my confessions for church. Suffice it to say, you shouldn't define Nathan by this one act, especially if he's never given you a reason before to fear or doubt him. And Nathan's punished himself enough.

Maxie: This just all feels so unresolved. I mean, what happened to the guy that Nathan shot? And why hasn't he reported him?

Griffin: Maybe he had something to hide, as well.

Maxie: You think he was a criminal? Oh, my God, do you think he was married, too?

Griffin: He may have broken a vow he made, yes. He may have been ashamed. Look, m-maybe it just took a bullet for him to realize how far he'd fallen from grace. Maybe -- Maybe he felt as bad after it happened as Nathan did.

Julian: This is just harassment. I gave my statement. I have an alibi.

Nathan: Funny thing about that alibi. We discovered a discrepancy about the time you said you arrived at Crimson. Seems you did have time to stab Carlos Rivera before Nina saw you that night.

Carly: What a shock.

Bobbie: Carly, not now.

Officiant: Perhaps I should go.

Julian: You know what? You just stay right there. My wife is representing me in this matter.

Alexis: May I see a warrant?

Julian: Honestly, Officer, uh, can't this wait? My son's about to get married here.

Nathan: No, I'm afraid not.

Alexis:  It's valid.

Nathan: I'm gonna go ahead and search upstairs while Officer Hollister here keeps an eye on you, if you'd like to continue.

Brad: We would. Welcome to our wedding. The more, the merrier.

Julian: [Sighs]

Brad: Please.

Julian: [Sighs]

Lucas: Dad?

Julian: Mm.

Lucas: They're not gonna find anything, right?

Julian: No, no, there's, uh, nothing to find. Just go ahead. Get married. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Lucas: Okay. Let's do this, then.

Officiant: Brad, you were about to give you vow.

Brad: Yes. Um... Lucas, I was a, uh, confused and shallow person when we first met. Misguided, sneaky, promiscuous, even cruel at times. But somehow, in one night that began on barstools, you reached deep inside and found my best self. And slowly over the next few months, you straightened me out, so to speak. A man who, uh -- I can't believe I'm saying this -- who wants to be good, honest, and generous like you. A partner that never wants to fail or disappoint you, because I'm only happy when you shine the light of your love on me. And nearly losing you, I couldn't breathe. I didn't think it was possible, but my love for you grew even more and continues to do so. I will treasure every minute of every day. My love knows no bounds. And by the time we're old men, strolling on a beach, leaning on each other...

Lucas: [Chuckles]

Brad: love for you will be as infinite as those grains of sand and that deep blue ocean.

Bobbie: [Chuckles]

Spinelli: What would you have me do with this here machine?

Sam: What else? I want you to break in. I need everything off the hard drive. That shortcut you gave me did not work. Uh-huh.

Spinelli: That's unusual. My custom codes usually can break through any firewall. Let's... Ah, well, alas, I see the problem.

Sam: What?

Spinelli: The hard drive has been wiped clean, thereby erasing all traces of correspondence and research.

Jason: Can you do something about that?

Spinelli: I'm so glad you asked.

Jason: I thought you might.

Spinelli: Nothing ever is truly deleted, and it just so happens I have been perfecting a forensic program that might be of use.

Jason: [Sighs]

Hayden: I told you before, I don't know anything about that list or the diamonds.

Agent: This evidence says otherwise. We're gonna have to take you in.

Naomi: Uh, excuse me. I don't believe I've met either of you gentlemen before, but I'm sure your superiors have mentioned me. Naomi Dreyfus, the ex-Mrs. Raymond Berlin.

Agent: We know who you are, ma'am.

Naomi: Well, then you must also know that I'm the one who blew the whistle on my husband. I-I testified for the prosecution, and I was cleared of any wrongdoing, so I trust that confirms that I'm reliable.

Agent: In what way?

Naomi: Well, I heard you mention the inventory a-about the diamonds from my necklace, and...

Agent: That's right. Your daughter denies any knowledge, but her fingerprints are all over it.

Naomi: Well... Of course, they are. And I can tell you why.

Hayden: Don't do this.

Naomi: I'm afraid I have no choice. We did promise our full cooperation. So, a year or two before I discovered my husband's Ponzi scheme, I was updating our insurance policy. In order to do so, I had to provide the company with an entire inventory of the contents of all of our properties. At the time, we had quite a few -- Palm Beach, Taos, Aspen. [Sighs] Of course, the house in Connecticut and that apartment in Manhattan. Oh, my God. Well, as -- as you can imagine, that was quite a daunting task for me to do by myself, so I enlisted the help of my daughter, who entered all of the inventory into a computer, along with the list of the diamonds, and she printed it out. So naturally, her fingerprints are all over it.

Agent: Those diamonds were never found at any of your homes. Why would you have the list here in Port Charles if you didn't also have the jewels?

Naomi: I have no idea what happened to that necklace. Perhaps Raymond sensed that you were closing in on him, and he stashed it away in some safe-deposit box. Or perhaps one of the federal agents who raided our home absconded with it. I mean, corruption is always a possibility. You all are so terribly underpaid.

Agent: I don't think insulting us is the best way to go. Do you?

Naomi: Suggesting that an agent took it has just as much validity as suggesting my daughter has it. There's no evidence to support either scenario. And my daughter is just as much a victim of her father's crime as any of his clients are. She has also just lost a husband whom she loves very, very much. So just back off. Now!

Spinelli: In a few moments, my algorithm should retrieve all the missing data. If I may be so bold, it is truly glorious to see you two back together.

Sam: Oh. And it feels pretty glorious, too.

Spinelli: Yeah.

["Charge" plays]

Spinelli: Ah. And... Here it is.

Jason: What did you find?

Spinelli: Right, right. Uh, yes. Well, it appears, uh, Prince Nikolas has been researching some pretty far-flung destinations from the New Hebrides Islands to Madagascar to Isla Hoste near Tierra del Fuego, home of the false Cape Horn, where many a sailing ship was lost thinking it was the Drake Passage.

Jason: Spinelli.

Spinelli: Oh. Uh, all those 19th-century shipping mishaps are hardly pertinent to your present predicament.

Jason: No, not really.

Sam: Can you tell us where Nikolas was headed?

Ava: Hi, Sonny. It's Ava. Listen, I'm sure you'll be very happy to hear that I'm leaving town for a little while on business. Is Avery still awake? Well, could you put her ear to the phone, please? Hi, sweetheart. [Chuckles] Yes, it's Mama! Yes! [Chuckles] I love you so much. And I want you to know something, Avery. Everything I do, I do for you.

Lucas: Brad, before we met on those barstools, I was aimless and adrift, afraid to practice medicine, afraid to take risks, afraid to love for fear that I would fail. But your swagger gave me confidence. Your coolness gave me warmth. And your cockiness astonished me. [Chuckles] But you did this. You are why we are here today. You took big chances. You made big gestures. You handed your heart to me when I couldn't do the same for you. I know I've let you down sometimes, but because of you, I learned to be vulnerable. I learned to have faith that you'll love me even when I fail, because I will. Because of you, I've learned my potential as a doctor, as a man, and as a husband. You gave me faith in myself and in the world. When I was so sick, you filled me up with your love and pulled me back from the edge. You gave your heart to me. Your love saved my life. You say that I make you want to be a better man. You do the same for me. And that doesn't mean that we're perfect. We're not. We're gonna mess up, 'cause nobody's perfect. But what I know to be true is that you and I are perfect for each other. And we always will be.

Julian: You find anything, Detective?

Nathan: Not yet, but I haven't searched down here.

Julian: Do your worst.

Carly: I have the honeymoon suite at the Metro Court set up for you guys.

Brad: Sweet.

Lucas: Hmm. Thank you, sis. You're the best.

Carly: I am. [Laughs]

Lucas: You are.

Brad: Hey, thanks again for letting us get married here.

Julian: Yeah, it was our pleasure.

Alexis: I'm really happy for both of you.

Carly: Okay. Well, I think it was a beautiful ceremony.

Bobbie: You have been so good. Don't blow it now.

Carly: Yeah. There's more champagne. You want another glass?

Bobbie: You know, honey, I think, uh, I'm tired. I'm gonna head on home.

Carly: Oh, okay.

Lucas: Mom, you feeling okay?

Bobbie: Yeah, yeah, no, I'm fine. It's just, you know, it's been a very long day. You're the one who just got out of the hospital.

Lucas: Oh, come on. I'm fine.

Bobbie: You okay?

Lucas: Yeah, I'm great.

Carly: I want you to take it easy tonight, okay?

Lucas: Ha!


Lucas: Yeah, right.

Brad: Ready to go?

Lucas: Yeah, let's go.

Carly: Can you drop Mom off at home on your way to the Metro Court?

Bobbie: [Sighs] Caroline Leigh Corinthos, you are taking me home. Let these newlyweds be on their way.

Lucas: Let's go. It's fine.

Bobbie: Okay, and keep your nose out of our hosts' business. Come on, come on. Let's go. Time to go.

Lucas: I'm okay.

Julian: Bye, guys.

Brad: Thank you. Bye.

Julian: Congrats again.

Lucas: Thank you.

[Door closes]

Hollister: Hey, West.

Nathan: Yeah. Got something?

Hollister: Take a look at this.

Nathan: Hmm. Huh. [Clears throat]

Maxie: You are right. Nathan is not the man that he was when he shot that guy. God knows that -- Uh, ooh, I'm allowed to say that in confession?

Griffin: [Chuckles] Yes.

Maxie: Okay, good. I mean, if I was defined by all the mistakes that I had made, no one would ever love me. I wouldn't be able to love myself. And if no one had ever forgiven me, if I hadn't been able to forgive myself, then I would be in that cave with you, hiding from the world. And I guess that would totally defeat the purpose of running off alone to suffer and atone and all that.

Griffin: [Chuckles] I understand what you're getting at.

Maxie: I just cannot look at Nathan and see a raging drunk with a gun in his hand. He is not that person. He is bigger than this terrible impulse, and so is my love for him.

Griffin: You are a very wise woman, Maxie.

Maxie: [Scoffs] Said no one ever.

Griffin: No, I'm saying it.

Maxie: Well, I have a piece of advice for you. Whatever is making you so sad, you're not that guy, either.

Hayden: Are we done here?

Agent: You may have your mother snowed, but not us. This isn't over.

[Door closes]

Hayden: Mother... I can't believe you just did that. What's the catch?

Naomi: No catch, baby. Merely a gesture of solidarity. So, when you locate those diamonds -- and I know that you will -- you just remember what your mother did for you tonight, hmm? Well, it's time for me to get back to Connecticut. I have to be there for my Prison Wives therapy group.

Hayden: Therapy? You?

Naomi: [Chuckles] It's been remarkably helpful. You know, a TV producer is thinking of making a reality show about our group.

Hayden: Wonderful.

Naomi: Honey... Are you gonna be all right in this big, old house?

Hayden: Don't worry about me. I have my mother-in-law and Spencer.

Naomi: Yeah. Your stepson really seems very fond of you. That's something, isn't it? I can see that you really loved that little boy's father. I am truly sorry for your loss. So... For what it's worth, give yourself some time to grieve, all right, before you dive into whatever comes next.

Spinelli: Nikolas has appeared to trim his destinations to three possible choices. I bookmarked them for you. I-I have to go, but I'll check in with you.

Sam: No, no, of course. Thank you. You're a lifesaver.

Jason: You really helped us out.

Spinelli: Well, it was -- it was my honor to work with my former cohorts again.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Spinelli: Relive my vivid memories of yore. [Sighs]

Sam: Oh. I love you.

Spinelli: Love you. You.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Spinelli: Oh!

Jason: [Chuckles]

Sam: I, um... [Sighs] I-I actually still can't believe this. The proof is right in front of me, and I... I can't believe that Nikolas planned this whole thing. He left his family to grieve and for you to take the blame.

Jason: Hmm. Not for long. We'll find him.

Sam: Not if the police find us first.

[Knock on door]

Flight Attendant: You need to put your phone away, please.

Ava: Okay, sure.

Flight Attendant: Is your seatbelt fastened? Sir?

Nikolas: Hmm?

Flight Attendant: I have to check your seatbelt.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Nathan: Looks like we may have the murder weapon.

Jordan: Anna, you're not getting anywhere near my case.

Huxley: Don't I know you?

Felicia: What are you working on?

Emma: Oh, nothing.

André: I'm afraid I can't side with you on this.

Ava (to Nikolas): Say cheese!

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