GH Transcript Tuesday 5/24/16

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 5/24/16


Episode #13565 ~ The Nurses' Ball kicks off, promising an evening of excitement. Elizabeth arrives on Franco's arm, much to Nina & Jason's dismay. Dr. Obrecht's plot to disrupt the ball again is thwarted.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Robin: Patrick, I know. I just wish your conference was next week instead. You're missing the Nurses' Ball. All right, well, I better let you get back to your lecture. I'm counting the minutes until you get home.

Emma: Mommy! It's time! It's time!

Robin: Okay, okay. Emma says it's time. So, yeah, I got to go. Okay. [Laughs] I love you, too. Bye. Bye. Okay.

Donny: Good evening, everyone. I am Donny Sheldon, coming to you live from the red carpet at the Metro Court hotel, where the 2016 General Hospital Nurses' Ball is about to begin.

Emma: Here we go!

Donny: Joining me on the red carpet tonight are my lovely co-hosts, "GMA" correspondent Abbie Boudreau...

Abbie: Hi, everyone.

Donny: ...And the editor in chief of Crimson Magazine, Nina Reeves. Welcome, ladies.

Abbie: Thanks, Donny. I understand covering the GH Nurses' Ball can be pretty eventful.

Donny: Well, it is everything from the brilliant to the blah to the, uh, completely unexpected. The luminaries have started to arrive, beginning with Nurse Bobbie Spencer and her son, Dr. Lucas Jones. Nurse Spencer, how does it feel to be back here at yet another Nurses' Ball?

Bobbie: It's a wonderful tradition, and it has extra-special meaning for me tonight. [Chuckles]

[Camera shutter clicking]

Nina: Here we have GH Nurse Epiphany Johnson. She was featured in our Crimson Real Women issue.

Donny: Nurse Johnson, are you here flying solo tonight, or will be seeing more of your charming boyfriend, Milo Giambetti?

Epiphany: Well, Milo wasn't available to, uh, walk the red carpet tonight, and that's all I can really say.

Abbie: Now, why does the name Milo Giambetti sound so familiar?

Donny: Oh, he's one of the lead dancers of "Milo and the Magic Wands." They're one of the most popular recent acts.

Nina: Uh, they're strippers.

Donny: It's very classy.

Abbie: [Chuckles]

Nina: And tasteful.

[Camera shutter clicking]

Nina: Now arriving on the red carpet -- ex-Police Commissioner Anna Devane.

Donny: Ahh, that's right, former Port Charles Police Commissioner. You look fabulous this evening, as always. Who are you wearing?

Nina: I'll tell you what she's not wearing -- a police commissioner's uniform. Ah-na Devane...

Anna: It's Anna.

Nina: An-na Devane was featured in Crimson's "Real Women" issue, so real she turned in her police commissioner's badge for prison stripes.

Donny: Nina.

Nina: Yes. No, tell us, "An-na," what is it like to once fighting criminals to becoming one?

Maxie: Griffin, hi!

Griffin: Hi, Maxie. Wow, you look great.

Maxie: Thanks. It's time to get this show on the road!

Griffin: What show is that?

Maxie: Oh, I have a date with Nathan. Oh, but seeing you reminds me you need to set that Amy girl straight.

Griffin: Uh, Amy Driscoll, the nurse?

Maxie: Yeah, um, I saw her earlier today and, man, can that girl talk! She just rambles on and on and on. Did you know that she thinks you're a priest? I don't know how she got that idea in her head, but you really need to shut that crazy down.

Griffin: Actually, there's nothing to shut down. I am a priest.

Maxie: [Scoffs]

Scott: Boy, oh, boy. You look good in red -- good color for you.

Ava: Why, thank you. You look dashing yourself.

Scott: Oh, thanks.

Ava: Mm. But, you know, Scotty, um, my daughter's coming home tomorrow. And I think that maybe it's probably time for you to go.

Scott: Oh. Hey. Whoa. You know what? I-I don't have my ticket. I got -- look. Be back. Oh. Well, you look nice.

Kiki: Thank you. Um, so...why is Scott still staying here?

Ava: [Chuckles] You know, I really don't know. But he won't be for very long. You look so pretty.

Kiki: Oh. So do you.

Ava: Thank you for agreeing to come to the Nurses' Ball with me.

Kiki: Yeah. I mean, I was sort of hoping since Morgan's getting better, that he would've taken me, but...

Ava: Oh. Something happen between the two of you?

Kiki: You could say that.

Lucy: One hour! The curtain goes up in one hour! Come on!

Amy: I know. I'm telling you, it's going to be great. I can't believe I finally made it onstage this year!

Lucy: Neither can I.

Amy: It's gonna be so amazing.

Lucy: [Clears throat] That means you, too. Let's go! Chop, chop, chop! Come on!

Amy: I got to go. I'm supposed to be getting into costume.

Lucy: Go! Go!

Elizabeth: Ooh!

Amy: Ahh!

Franco: Got you. I got you. I got you.

Carly: Hey, not that I expect you to be the swag-bag police, but Aveeno was very generous with their complimentary gifts. So if you see someone helping themselves to an extra bag, you need to let me know. Who let you in?

Dr. Obrecht: I purchased a ticket, just like everyone else. It is a worthy cause, even if the event was the pet project of Robin Scorpio-Drake.

Carly: Okay, see, I'm just remembering that you, for the past two years, hijacked the opening number. I'll call security right now if you're planning a repeat performance.

Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs] Oh, please. I would never be so predictable. I have no intention of disrupting the opening number.

Carly: Yeah. Glad to hear it.

Dr. Obrecht: I have something much better in mind.

Donny: Ms. Devane, thank you very much for joining us. We don't want to keep you any longer. Please enjoy your evening.

Anna: Thank you.

Abbie: Um... we've seen some spectacular entrances, and we're just getting started.

Donny: Yes, there is plenty more coverage coming to you from the 2016 Nurses' Ball, here on the red carpet where, clearly, anything can happen.

Nina: So stay tuned!

Donny: We are back, live on the red carpet at the 2016 Nurses' Ball.

Nina: Hey! Hey. Hi, look at this handsome couple. You guys look great.

Brad: Uh, thanks, but we're not a couple.

Felix: Yeah, we're both happily involved with other people.

Donny: Ahh, Felix DuBois, ladies and gentlemen, one of tonight's most talented and handsome performers. And, uh, Brad Cooper, who proposed to Lucas Jones at last year's Nurses' Ball.

Brad: Yes. And, uh, tonight's gonna be just as memorable.

Nina: Please tell us more.

Felix: Uh, we have to stick to a schedule. You'll just have to wait and see.

Donny: You guys enjoy your evening.

Felix: Thank you, Mr. Sheldon.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Donny: Ahh, now we are being graced with the presence of the current Port Charles Police Commissioner, Jordan Ashford and her date, the noted GH psychiatrist, Dr. André Maddox. Good evening, Commissioner. You look lovely.

Jordan: Aww, thank you, Donny.

Abbie: Your dress really is wonderful. Who are you wearing?

Nina: It's beautiful. Gorgeous. Stunning. Just, you know, a word of advice, sister. You got up your game if you want to hang on to a man this hot.

Lucy: Elizabeth, are you okay?

Elizabeth: Yeah. I'm -- I'm fine. I'm fine. Can you put me down?

Franco: You need to watch where you're going.

Amy: I am so sorry. I guess some people don't have natural grace... or talent.

Elizabeth: I appreciate the save, but you can put me down now. Put me down.

Franco: Okay. Be careful, all right?

Elizabeth: Yeah, I'm fine. I know. I've got -- [Groans] Ohh, ohh, ohh, ouch. Ouch, ouch, ouch. I think I twisted my ankle. Lucy, I don't think I can perform like this.

Lucy: What?! [Stammering] Oh, okay. Well, if you can't, y-you can't. Um, you'll be missed, though, and the show must go on. Hey, how about this? You walk that red carpet and you get out there and you promote how great the show's gonna be, yes?

Elizabeth: I don't know.

Franco: Absolutely. She can do that with the help of a human crutch!

Elizabeth: No. No.

Franco: Why?

Elizabeth: You don't have to do that.

Franco: Let me help you.

Elizabeth: No. Okay, I guess I'll be walking the red carpet.

Lucy: [Sighs]

Donny: Enjoy your evening. I hear this year's show is supposed to be the best ever.

Man: Thank you, Donny.

Donny: Ah, here's Nikolas Cassadine and his wife, Hayden.

Nina: Or should we say Rachel Berlin.

Nikolas: Uh, this is my new wife, yes, and she is none other than the daughter of millionaire Raymond Berlin.

Abbie: Wait, the same Raymond Berlin who was at the epicenter of the recent financial crisis?

Donny: Too bad your old dad isn't so rich anymore. I guess we all know why you married Prince Nikolas.

Nina: Unless you have a secret stash, hidden in some sock drawer.

Hayden: Um, I-I can promise you, I had nothing to do with my father's crimes, and I have nothing stashed in my sock drawer or anywhere else.

Nikolas: Well, I'm not so sure about that, Donny. Because hay-- uh, excuse me, Rachel -- was cunning enough to change her name, so who knows what else she's concealing. But you know what? It keeps life interesting.

Donny: I suppose so. Have a nice evening.

Nikolas: Thank you.

Nina: Bye, Rach!

Nikolas: [Sighs]

[Camera shutter clicks]

Hayden: What the hell was that?

Nikolas: What?

Bobbie: I really appreciate you spending time with me before my number because, you know, you're really helping me to calm my nerves.

Lucas: Yeah, well, I don't think you have anything to worry about, Mom. You're going to be great just like always.

Bobbie: [Groans]

Lucas: You're gonna be fine. Me, on the other hand...

Bobbie: Pre-wedding jitters?

Lucas: Yeah, maybe a few. Brad and I spent the night apart last night. We wanted to make our first night together as a married couple more romantic. We thought that would help, but so far... it's just making me nervous.

Brad: Lucas is such a romantic.

Felix: [Chuckles] Says the man who proposed in front of a room full of people.

Brad: Yeah, it took a herculean effort, but Lucas and I spent the night apart, and we're not going to talk to each other before the wedding. Lucas thinks it's bad luck.

Felix: You don't agree?

Brad: No. We already made it this far. Nothing can go wrong now.

Carly: Lucy, what are you doing? You need to get ready for the red carpet.

Lucy: What?! Is that that time already? I just -- I'm trying to make sure everything's absolutely perfect.

Carly: It is. It is. The Nurses' Ball is going to be fantastic, with my brother's wedding making it extra special.

Lucy: Okay. You're right. I mean, really, what's one, teeny, tiny little disaster after all?

Carly: What disaster?

Lucy: Oh! Nothing. Nothing.

[Cell phone chimes]

Lucy: It's nothing you should worry about. That's for sure. [Gasps] I got to go. I'm going. Okay, here I go.

Carly: Okay. Okay.

Lucy: Let's go. Break!

Carly: Ah, right. I got take care of something, too.

Kiki: And then Morgan told me that it would be best if we didn't see each other anymore.

Ava: Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie. But you know, maybe it doesn't feel that way right now, but this could be for the best.

Kiki: Maybe.

Ava: Well, you know something? We Jeromes do not sit at home. As a matter of fact, somehow we always wind up being the center of attention.

Kiki: [Laughs]

Ava: And I'm sure tonight we'll be the belles of the ball.

Scott: Well, I couldn't have said that better myself. And I am honored to squire such beautiful girls. Shall we?

Kiki: [Chuckles]

Scott: [Clears throat]

Maxie: You're a priest? As in, you put on that collar, leave here, and go to your second job?

Griffin: I've taken a leave of absence. But even without a parish, yes, I am still a priest.

Maxie: Wow. [Chuckles] What a waste.

Griffin: Did you say something?

Maxie: I said I brought Nathan a tux.

Griffin: Right. And where is Nathan supposed to wear this tux?

Maxie: The Nurses' Ball, of course.

Griffin: But I can't discharge him tonight.

Maxie: I cannot show up at the Nurses' Ball by myself. And walk the red carpet alone? That is so embarrassing.

Griffin: I'm sorry. I-I-I don't see how I can help you.

Maxie: I do. You can take me.

Anna: Vodka martini, please. Thank you.

André: Shaken, not stirred?

Anna: Oh. [Laughs]

André: Isn't that how all you spies drink them?


Anna: Yeah. Oh, um, if this wasn't an open bar, I'd buy you a drink...

André: [Laughs]

Anna: ...To say thank you for saving my life. It's not much, but what we can.

André: No thanks needed. What are friends for?

Jordan: Anna, hello.

André: Hey.

Jordan: Hey.

André: Is everything all right at the office?

Jordan: [Sighs] It seems to be. For once.

André: Good.

Jordan: I've been meaning to call you, Anna. We'll talk tomorrow about getting the charges against you dropped.

Anna: Thank you. I'm looking forward to that.

Jordan: Yeah. Thanks for entertaining my date while I checked in on work. Have a great night.

Anna: Yeah. I'll see you in there.

Hayden: Why did you allude to Donny Sheldon and his entire viewing public that I might have money hidden away?

Donny: Ah, here she is. It's the woman of the evening, Lucy Coe! Lucy is not only the mastermind behind the Nurses' Ball, she is also this evening's beautiful host.

Lucy: Well, thank you, sir. It's so good to see you. You're too kind. But you know what? The Nurses' Ball wouldn't happen without General Hospital and our absolutely wonderful, talented, amazing staff who give their time tonight to raise a lot money to continue the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Abbie: Well, everyone associated with GH should be proud of the work that you do.

George: Carly! Carly Corinthos. Do you have a moment to come on over and speak with me?

Carly: Oh, yes. Hi. Hi, George. Welcome back to the Metro Court.

George: Well, it's always great to be here. But now, how about just a little tidbit -- a little preview -- of what we can expect out of tonight's big show?

Carly: Oh, I've been sworn to secrecy. Lucy wants to keep the audience in suspense. And I only have access because I own the Metro Court. I can tell you this much...

George: Okay.

Carly: ...This year, it's gonna be better than ever.

George: Well, I'm sure it will be, and we are all looking forward to it.

Carly: Thank you.

George: Thank you.

Dillon: Kiki, smile.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Nina: Ah, now arriving is Kiki Jerome, clearly recovered from her tragic shooting on the docks during an illegal arms deal. Allegedly. You look beautiful.

Kiki: Thank you.

Nina: You're welcome. And now arriving is noted homewrecker Ava Jerome, along with her sleazy lawyer, Scott Baldwin!

Ava: Oh, good God, who gave her a microphone?

Dillon: So, uh, do you wanna get a drink?

Kiki: Yeah, definitely. I mean, I know you're busy working. You don't have to come with me. I'll be okay.

Dillon: Are you sure?

Kiki: Yeah, um...thank you.

Abbie: You look lovely, Ms. Jerome. Is this your first Nurses' Ball?

Ava: Yes. Yes, it is. Thank you, Abbie.

Nina: Yes, because, uh, last year, we all thought that you were dead.

Lucy: Ava. I think, that you probably agree [Laughs] with Carly and myself how great this is and the night is. Truly, all these festivities are for a worthy cause. [Laughs]

Ava: Yes, that's absolutely true. It's very worthy.

Lucy: Yes.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Lucy: Wow, you know, I bet they need me backstage 'cause the show is gonna start. So, I'm gonna go, and it's been fun and peachy.

Carly: Yeah.

Lucy: Love you guys. Ta.

Carly: Okay.

Ava: Oh, so, Carly, I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning. I'm coming to get my daughter. And do remember, I have Child Protective Services on speed dial.

Carly: Oh, I haven't forgotten.

Scott: Oh, hey, Ava, let's go hit that open bar and drink a bunch of stingers, huh?

Ava: That is a fabulous idea.

Scott: Fine, come.

Ava: So, I'll see you tomorrow. Please be ready.

Carly: Don't worry. I'll be ready.

Griffin: I'm sorry, Maxie. I don't think it would be appropriate for me to escort you to the ball, considering you're with Nathan.

Maxie: Uh, wait. Nathan would not have a problem with it, and you're a priest. I couldn't be safer.

Griffin: I don't have a tux.

Maxie: I can fix that with one call.

Griffin: Maxie --

[Cell phone rings]

Griffin: Oh, on second thought, I'll go.

Brad: Lucas! What are you doing backstage?

Felix: Don't panic, everything will be fine.

Bobbie: As mother of the groom, I would like to offer you special dispensation for this not-so-accidental meeting.

Lucas: Wait, what?

Brad: Wait, you planned this?

Lucas: [Scoffs]

André: Okay, I know it's for a worthy cause, and I am always willing to lend my support. But, God, as beautiful as you look tonight, I would be much happier being at home with you alone.

Jordan: Mm. Well, don't tempt me.

Anna: [Sighs] Oh, Duke. It's not much fun without you.

Emma: Ladies and gentlemen! Here to celebrate the 2016 GH Nurses' Ball, with the best grandma in the world, please welcome special visitors from Berkeley, California. Ta-da!

Anna: [Squeals]

Robin: Surprise! [Laughs]

Anna: Come here, you two! That's the best surprise ever! Come here.

Donny: Ah, if it isn't Crimson's other fashion maven, Maxie Jones!

Maxie: Hi, Donny.

Abbie: Oh, Maxie, did you style your own look this evening?

Nina: You have a spectacular eye. And not just for clothes. Maxie is my future sister-in-law. Yes, but this very nice-looking gentleman is not my brother. Maxie, what would provoke you to bring this lovely piece of arm candy.

Maxie: Uh, Nina, this -- this is Griffin Munro. He's your brother's doctor. He's trying to keep Nathan healthy, so he agreed to accompany me tonight instead of Nathan.

Nina: Okay. Well, that's embarrassing. Thank you. Dr. Munro, I'm sure you're a very good doctor. Thank you very much for saving my brother's life. Um...good doctor, I suppose? Arm candy.

Griffin: Thank you.

Maxie: I bet you didn't hear that a lot as a priest.

Griffin: Not really, no.

Maxie: [Chuckles] Well, I told you you would have fun.

Griffin: Yes.

Maxie: Oh! The step and repeat. Come on, let's do it -- together. Here. Oh, oh, the back of my dress. Dillon, the back of my dress, okay?

Donny: Ah, here's one of the PCPD's finest cadets, Valerie Spencer, and her date...?

Curtis: Curtis. Curtis Ashford.

Nina: Yes, I think somebody should put you two under arrest for looking so good.

Curtis: [Chuckles]

Valerie: [Laughs]

Curtis: We wouldn't want that, now would we?

Hayden: I thought we were supposed to play the happily married couple tonight.

Nikolas: We are. I mean, what happy couple doesn't tease each other about their hidden assets?

Hayden: Don't push me too far, Nikolas. I guarantee you won't like it when I push back.

Anna: So, does anyone else know that you're here?

Emma: Mommy let me text Griffin, but not until we got here.

Robin: Oh. I still can't believe Duke has a son.

Anna: Mm-hmm.

Robin: Emma would not stop talking about him.

Emma: [Giggles]

Robin: So, I can't wait to meet him.

Anna: Well, here's your chance.

Emma: Griffin!

Griffin: [Laughs]

Emma: You got my text?

Griffin: I did. I did. I rushed right over.

Emma: I'm so glad to see you. I can't wait to tell you about the plane ride, but I have to ask you a question first.

Griffin: Anything you want.

Emma: Are you really a priest?

Hayden: This just gets better and better.

Donny: Ah, here's one of the heroes of the evening, Nurse Elizabeth Webber, escorted by art therapist, and infamous artist, Franco Baldwin. Don't you two make quite the attractive pair this evening.

Franco: Thank you.

Nina: I'll say, Donny! Definitely. It reminds me of a doublemint commercial. Two, two, two, two schmattes in one!

Maxie: Okay, Elizabeth -- ooh -- not to worry. We have a lot of dresses in the Crimson style closet. I'm sure Nina won't mind if we let you borrow one.

Hayden: All couture?

Maxie: Do you even have to ask?

Scott: Oh, hey, Lucy. Uh, hi. I didn't get a chance to say hello on the red carpet. You look beautiful.

Lucy: Thank you. You look... very handsome yourself. Uh, so, what? Are you two here together?

Scott: Yeah.

Ava: It's just matter of convenience.

Lucy: Oh, really? Well, do enjoy your evening... together. Oh, and I hope you remembered your checkbooks.

Carly: Oh, I never thought I'd be so grateful that Morgan had keys to this place. Okay, if I were a taped confession to the murder of Connie Falconeri, where would I be?

Sam: You sure you're ready for this?

Jason: Uh, yeah. I'm starting to remember why the Nurses' Ball is so important.

Abbie: And who is arriving now?

Donny: It is one of Port Charles' favorite sons, the recently returned Jason Morgan, along with his ex-wife -- or is it his next wife, Samantha?

Sam: I'm happy to be with Jason tonight. This is a very special event, and it's important to the both of us.

Ava: I was so distracted trying to pick my way through the obstacle course you've made of my living room, I forgot my checkbook. Scotty, I don't suppose you'd run along to the penthouse and get it for me?

Scott: I would love to.

Ava: Yeah?

Scott: But I see a big fish over there that I got to hook.

Ava: Uh, fine! I'll go get it myself.

Carly: [Exhales sharply] Damn it! [Sighs] Come on, Ava, you're not that clever. That thing's got to be here somewhere. [Rattle] [Rattles shaker] Oh, come on, really?

Maxie: Oh, this is the best surprise ever!

Robin: It's so good to see you. I've missed you so much.

Maxie: No, I've missed you. And now that you're here, I'm not gonna let you go back. Sorry, Patrick.

[Both laugh]

Robin: You look amazing!

Maxie: Thank you.

Robin: And -- and that engagement ring? I mean, you're getting married! You must be so excited. [Giggles]

Bobbie: Happiness is too small a word to describe everything that I am feeling tonight. I know that the path to this wedding has not been easy. But that just makes it all the more sweeter that you're finally here. Lucas, I love you so much. And, Brad, you're part of this family now, so I love you, too. May you share many, many years of happiness together!

[Glasses clink]

Emma: You never want to fall in love with someone?

Griffin: Uh...I wouldn't say that. I-I love a lot of people.

Emma: But you don't want to get married? Like, ever?

Maxie: I don't get it either, Emma. I asked him the same thing.

Emma: Maxie! Do you like my dress?

Maxie: I love it! Let me see the whole thing. Twirl.

Griffin: Actually, I think I'm falling in love with your daughter.

Robin: Join the club.

Carly: [Slides flash drive out of the shaker] [Laughs] Ava thinks she's smart, but I'm smarter. [Laughs]

[Keys jingling, door unlocks]

Ava: Ava... oh, for Pete's sake, you didn't forget your checkbook. You're just losing your mind.

[Relocks her door and replaces keys in her purse]

Carly: Gotcha.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Sam: You officially survived your first red carpet.

Jason: Yeah, well, thanks to you.

[Crowd "Oohs"]

Sam: I don't believe it.

Donny: Ah, Elizabeth Webber, back and better than ever.

Abbie: Wow, I have to admire a woman who can pull a fabulous dress out of thin air.

Elizabeth: I had a little help.

Abbie: Well, you look wonderful.

Franco: A dress is only as beautiful as the woman who wears it.

Sam: You okay?

Jason: Not really. You?

Sam: I...

Franco: Isn't it nice that we've all agreed to play so nicely.

Jason: I didn't want to get into this tonight...

Franco: That's a good idea, maybe we shouldn't.

Jason: So, you should know my memories are coming back. The more I remember, the worse it looks -- this thing between you and Franco. And I don't want my son around it. And eventually, we're gonna talk about that. Okay? Okay.

Dillon: How about a couple shots, guys?

[Camera shutter clicks]

Jason: You know what, hey look --

Sam: What?

Jason: I'm sorry.

Sam: Sorry? For what? No! No, no, no, no. You do not have to apologize, I think you handled yourself perfectly.

Robin: Jason?

Jason: Hey! Oh, Robin. Hi.

Robin: Hi.

Sam: Hey.

Robin: Hi, Sam.

Sam: Hi.

Jason: I didn't think you'd be here tonight.

Jason: No one did. Emma and I decided to surprise my mom.

Sam: Oh! I'm gonna -- I'm gonna go say hi to Emma.

Jason: Yeah, yeah. Hey.

Jason: Hey. How are you?

Emma: Sam!

Jason: I'm great. I'm actually starting to remember.

Robin: You are?

Jason: Yeah.

Robin: Oh, my gosh, that's wonderful!

Jason: Yeah, it started a couple of days ago and everything's still jumbled, but, um... many of the memories that I have, they're of you. And I got say, I understand how important this night is to you, and I am so glad that you're here.

Robin: I'm glad we both are.

Jason: Yeah. [Laughs]

[Indistinct conversations]

Ava: Back.

Scott: Oh, hi.

Ava: Did I miss anything?

Carly: Yes! [Sighs] All right, Ava, let's see what you're hiding.

Hayden: Nikolas?

Nikolas: I won't let you get away with this.

Jason: Hey, Nik. What are you talking about?

Nikolas: I-I know about your little stunt with the IRS. You want a war, brother, you got it.

Jason: Okay, look, I don't want a war with you at all. Okay? Just the opposite. I want peace for Emily's sake.

Nikolas: Don't talk about Emily. Don't even bring up her name.

Sam: Despite what you hope for, Jason's actually starting to remember.

Nikolas: R-really? Like remember that you're -- you're a criminal? That's -- that's great for... for everyone. But I won't let you destroy my life.

Jason: I'm not your enemy, so back off.

Lucy: Ladies and gentlemen, the ballroom is open. Please find your table and take your seats. Okay. Calm, confident, big smile. Keep your clothes on, keep your clothes on, keep your clothes on. Every disaster is an opportunity. Every -- [Sighs heavily] For a very worthy cause, keep your clothes on. [Exhales sharply]

[Big band music plays]


Lucy: Thank you so very much, and welcome, everyone, to the 2016 General Hospital Nurses' Ball!


Lucy: Thank you. Thank you, thank you. And I want to thank our corporate sponsor, Aveeno. Because without their generous support, the Nurses' Ball would not be possible. But I know why you guys are all here. You are here to see an absolutely amazing, great show, and that we have. So, hey, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present the General Hospital staff! Whoo!

[Piano music plays]

[Techno music starts]

Nurses: [Singing] Nurses nurses nurses welcome, nurses Nurses' Ball nurses welcome welcome to the Nurses' Ball nurses welcome, nurses Nurses' Ball nurses welcome welcome to the Nurses' Ball

Felix & Brad: [Rapping] A walk down memory lane is where we're goin' about the hospital, the doctors and, of course, all the nurses so many things have happened some cause for celebration and other things, more tragic cause reflection and contemplation

Amy: [Singing] Can't forget Dr. Hardy, how GH really started way back in '63 he brought goodness and compassion supported by Audrey March who later became his wife a one-of-a-kind guy, chief surgeon respected for life

Epiphany: [Singing] True! Head nurses that I followed also set the bar so high Jesse, Audrey, Amy, Bobbie, y'all there before my time. Epiphany rules, you know is what you gonna find. I'm always tough, but always kind

Nurses: [Singing] Nurses welcome, nurses Nurses' Ball nurses welcome welcome to the Nurses' Ball nurses welcome, nurses Nurses' Ball nurses welcome welcome to the Nurses' Ball

André: [Singing] Things ain't always pretty sometimes they get kinda funky hostage crisis lassa and paw fever from a monkey

Amy: [Singing] The drama and the trauma and all of those emotions patients being saved and sometimes running from explosions

Epiphany: [Singing] But all the good that's come from bad is written in these hallways: the AIDS center, Stone's wing, and Mike's head trauma center

Felix: [Singing] When Tania Jones died way back in '87, Felicia and Bobbie made magic and built that daycare center

Bobbie: [Singing] I remember Tania Jones and so many other patients our nurses' station's full of hope keeps the hospital's heart beating

Nurses: [Singing] The Nurses' Ball that Lucy hosts is filled with spice and honey, but one thing that remains the same we're here to raise some money, so sit back and enjoy the show we'll exceed your expectations the Nurses' Ball is back again a cause for celebration. Nurses welcome, nurses Nurses' Ball nurses welcome welcome to the Nurses' Ball nurses welcome, nurses Nurses' Ball nurses welcome welcome to the Nurses' Ball

[Cheers and applause]

Lucy: Let's hear it one more time for the General Hospital nurses and staff! Okay, okay, everybody. Now, you do know why they've brought us all here, and that is to raise lots and lots of money. So why don't you show your appreciation by making a donation. And I need to make a very big thank you to one Mr. Nikolas Cassadine, because got the ball rolling earlier this afternoon. He dropped off a check with lots and lots of zeroes. Thank you, Nikolas.

Nikolas: You're very welcome. It's always a satisfaction to make a donation to a worthy cause. Right, babe?

Dr. Obrecht: Now that the crowd is warmed up, they can truly savor my medley from "The Sound of Music." Are you ready, lieblingen? It's time to make Nurses' Ball history. Again! [Singing vocal warm-ups] [Yodels]

Men: Not this year, lady! You're coming with us!

Dr. Obrecht: Aah! Aah! Unhand me! This is an outrage! I could have melted hearts with my rendition of "Edelweiss!"

Lucy: Now, I promise you, if you think you know what to expect for this evening, let me tell you right now, you're dead wrong.

Carly: This has been a long time coming, Ava. I cannot wait to hear you bragging about murdering Connie. Then we can keep Avery away from you. Oh, my God!

Lucy: We've started on a high, and it only gets better from there!

Amy: Great job out there.

Lucy: We've got singers and dancers

Bobbie: You, too.

Lucy: ...And more than a few surprises.

Bobbie: [Exhales sharply] I'm not as young as I used to be. [Faints and falls to the floor backstage]

Lucy: Okay, okay, enough of me talking, right? Because that's not why you came. You came to see the next act, but do not try and check your programs, you won't find it. Didn't I say, this is going to be a night full of surprises.

[Stage curtain slides open]

Nurses' Ball 2016 To Be continued...

On the next "General Hospital" --

Jason (to Sam): You look worried. What's up?

Carly (to Ava): Your ass is mine.

Felix (to Brad): Did you misplace your fiancé?

Elizabeth: Jake, you can do this.

Epiphany: What happened?

Paul (to Ava): You make this go away.

[Lucas rushes to Bobbie's aid]

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