GH Transcript Tuesday 5/17/16

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 5/17/16


Episode #13560 ~ Lucy & GH's staff prepare for the Nurses' Ball; Tracy gets a shocking delivery of a baby boy; Kevin offers to help Laura follow up on Helena's clue; Alexis refuses to burn Julian's shirt stained with Carlos' blood.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Michael: [Sighs]

Carly: Michael. Michael. I've been calling you all night. Why didn't you return my phone calls?

Michael: Sorry. I was a little occupied with the police.

Carly: You were with them all night?

Michael: Yeah, they had a lot of questions about Carlos.

Carly: Were they trying to imply that you're responsible?

Michael: They made it very clear that I was a person of interest, because my past association with Sabrina and the fact that I visited Carlos while he was in lockup.

Carly: The fact that your last name is Corinthos means that you're considered guilty until proven innocent. I'm not gonna let them railroad my kid.

Michael: Mom, Mom. It's not gonna happen. Mom, Mom, it's fine. I-I called Diane. She met me at the station. She basically handled the entire interrogation. The cops didn't get anything out of me. Not that there was even anything to get. I only saw Carlos afterward. I have no idea who stuck a knife in him.

Julian: We're past the point of no return, Alexis. This is just damage control.

[Knock on door]

Alexis: Oh. It's Sonny.

Julian: Well, don't worry about it because he can't hurt us.

Alexis: [Breathes sharply]

Sonny: I can see your husband's home. Did he tell you that he killed Carlos?

Alexis: [Sighs]

Sonny: I can see from the look on your face you already know. So, here's what we're gonna do, okay? We're gonna go to the cops, and you're gonna tell them what his movements were last night.

Julian: Take your hand off my wife, or I'll cut it off.

Elizabeth: No, please, Gram. Don't say anything to Cameron or Aiden. I'm -- I'm just praying that Jake's hiding someplace and that we're gonna find him any minute.

[Cell phone beeps]

Elizabeth: Hold on. Gram, that's Franco on the other line. He's been looking for Jake, so I got to take this. I'll call you as soon as I hear anything. Okay. Franco?

Franco: I have Jake. He's at my apartment. Feel free to reclaim your wayward child at your earliest possible convenience.

[Elevator bell dings]

Jason: This isn't necessary.

Sam: I disagree. You were in a motorcycle crash last night, and you blacked out twice. I would really like a doctor to look at you.

Jason: Yeah. They can run a bunch of scans and check me for a concussion, but they're not gonna be able to help me. Not with everything I'm remembering. My dad died in this hospital, and I wasn't even here. How did I forget that?

Kevin: Oh! Come on! [Sighs] Serenity now.

Laura: I can't promise you serenity, but I do think I can help you get your sugar.

Kevin: [Chuckles]

Laura: Bad day?

Kevin: Nothing a power drill or a small-caliber weapon wouldn't fix. Maybe if you'd just help me keep from crushing myself, we can tilt this thing.

Laura: Oh, no, no. No, please. Allow me.

[Vending machine buzzes, thud]

Kevin: Ha! My hero.

Laura: [Laughs]

Kevin: You're gonna have to teach me that hip trick.

Laura: Yeah, well, it's the least I could do to thank you for all the things you've done for me decoding that madness from Helena.

Kevin: Think nothing of it. I enjoy using my decryptive powers for good.

Laura: [Chuckling] Oh, really?

Kevin: Yeah. How are you coming along with that mystery, anyway? Making any progress, or did you abandon it?

Laura: Abandon it?

Kevin: Mm.

Laura: Did I do something to make you think that that was a possibility?

Kevin: Apologies. My sense of scale is all out of whack. It's difficult for me to conceive of anyone as tenacious as my ex. That's LAL for you.

Laura: LAL?

Kevin: Life after Lucy.

Laura: [Breathes deeply]

Amy: This year, I want a solo.

Felix: [Chuckles] Last year, you didn't even make the chorus for "Welcome to the Nurses' Ball."

Amy: I was submarined by Abby DelVecchio in Pediatrics. She made me late for the audition.

Felix: Besides, you do such a wonderful job on the stage crew.

Amy: Don't even. This year, I'm gonna blow everyone away.

Felix: Well, there's only one impresario you need to impress, and that is the one, the only Lucy Coe.

Amy: [Scoffs] She's all about hogging the spotlight with her wardrobe changes. She barely even notices the actual performances.

Lucy: [Breathes deeply] I... can assure you, you, young lady, are gravely mistaken.

Jason: He was here. He was in the ICU. He had a heart attack during the, uh... hostage crisis at the Metro Court. And I was fighting Jerry Jacks, Mr. Craig, and, uh... I didn't get to my dad in time.

Sam: But that wasn't your fault.

Jason: Yeah. You know, all he wanted was to have a relationship with his son, and I couldn't meet him halfway. Yeah, I remember that now. I-I wasn't there for him when he needed me. I didn't go to him.

Sam: I-I guess I didn't think about that when you... would start remembering your life, that you would also remember the pain.

Monica: Jason. Hi. Hi, Sam.

Sam: Hi.

Monica: I saw that you were scheduled for a neurological exam. Is everything okay?

Jason: I'm okay, Monica. Actually, everything's fine, Mom.

Franco: Hello, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Oh.

Franco: [Burps]

Elizabeth: Jake. Are you okay? Come here.

Jake: [Burps] I'm fine.

Elizabeth: Jake.

Franco: That's a good one. Kid's a natural.

Elizabeth: How much soda have you given him?

Franco: Enough for him to work on his enunciation. But, mind you, I did give him breakfast because breakfast is the most important meal of the day. [Burps]

Elizabeth: If you had time to do all of this, you had time to call me sooner. You know I've been worried out of my mind.

Franco: Yeah, but your kid's emotions were running a little high, and so he was my first priority.

Elizabeth: Baby, I'm so glad you're okay. Do you know how much you scared me? You can't just run off like that.

Jake: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

Elizabeth: Okay, I accept your apology, but you just can't disappear. You were supposed to go to Dr. Renault's office, not leave the hospital. Do you know how dangerous it is to be out there by yourself? We've talked about this.

Jake: Well, you didn't listen to me when I said I want to keep seeing Franco, so why should I listen to you?!

Franco: Kid has a point. [Burps]

Sonny: Come on, come on.

Alexis: Please.

Sonny: Come on.

Alexis: Let me go of me.

Sonny: How long are you gonna protect this dirtbag? How -- how long are you gonna let him hide behind you? How many people have to get hurt? How many people have to die?

Julian: Do you really want to compare body counts, Sonny?

Sonny: Alexis, I know you don't care that Duke died or that I spent months in a wheelchair, but does he have to kill somebody that's close to you?

Julian: Hey, you talk to me. Don't talk to her.

Sonny: Alexis. You got to swallow your pride, and you got to walk away... 'cause let me tell you something -- the more you trust him, the more a fool you look like.

Julian: You know what, Sonny? The only fool here is you, thinking that you can come in here, drive a wedge between me and my wife. It ain't gonna happen, Sonny.

Sonny: I was at the hospital when Carlos died. I saw the stab wounds. He wasn't fighting you. He wasn't even defending himself, and you killed him like a dog.

Julian: I wasn't anywhere near Carlos when he got stabbed. You can ask Nina Reeves that, because I was with her the entire evening at Crimson. Even Alexis can confirm that.

Sonny: Alexis' word doesn't mean anything. She's already compromised herself by covering for you, because she's so in love, and, you know, she's blinded. She can't see that... he's manipulating you!

Julian: Okay, you know what, Sonny? That's enough. Get the hell out of our house.

Sonny: Yeah. It's a little late in the season... to start a fire. What are you guys burning in there... aside from wood?

Carly: How did this happen? I thought you were going for a walk at the Quartermaines'. How the hell did you wind up on the pier?

Michael: I wasn't looking for Carlos, if that's what you're asking.

Carly: Are you sure about that?

Michael: Look, I knew Carlos was a fugitive. I didn't think he'd be dumb enough to go back to the same pier he used last time he left the country.

Carly: Then why were you there, Michael?

Michael: I don't know. Because I-I... [Sighs] Sometimes it helps me to just look at the water and think. I-I'm still worried about Sabrina and the baby. I'm more worried now, because now it's gonna be even harder to find them.

Carly: You know.

Michael: Yeah, that Carlos died from his injuries. Yeah, it was the high point at the police interrogation. [Sighs]

Carly: Well, it's all over the news, as well.

[Doorbell rings]

Tracy: Alice!

[Doorbell rings]

Tracy: Alice! I swear that woman is never around. [Opens door] Hello? Oh.

Elizabeth: Do not tell me how to parent my child.

Franco: Did I do that?

Elizabeth: You were gearing up to, and you have no right.

Franco: Elizabeth, I had no idea that I was gonna come home and find Jake camped out on my doorstep, okay? And I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner, but Jake was pretty amped up. He said he didn't want to go home, and I thought I should talk him down before he took off again.

Elizabeth: You knew how frantic I was.

Franco: You're right, and I'm sorry if I added to your stress. But I needed to reassure Jake that I'm his ally.

Elizabeth: Unlike his own parents? Because that's basically what you've been implying.

Franco: No, that is your interpretation of some of my actions, because you're being a little bit defensive. So, let me be clear with you, okay? I like Jake. I like him a lot. I like spending an hour with Jake maybe one time a week, but that's the end of it. I just broke up with my girlfriend, because I didn't want to have a kid with her. What makes you think I want yours?

Sam: I have to make a phone call. I have to make sure Kristina's still gonna pick Danny up from school. I'll -- I'll be back, okay?

Monica: Okay.

Jason: Okay.

Sam: Okay.

Monica: [Sighs] Um, you were going to explain why you're getting a neuro exam.

Jason: Yeah, I was in a... an accident last night.

Monica: Oh. How bad?

Jason: It laid my bike down, and I was knocked out for a minute, and had a headache. I had a bad headache.

Monica: Well, then I am very glad that you're getting an exam, and I'm, I got to say, a little surprised.

Jason: Sam insisted.

Monica: And I'm glad she did.

Jason: But I don't need an exam. I needed to see you. You see, I'm getting my memories back.

Monica: Oh.

Jason: I-I just remembered Alan. I wasn't there. You know, I wasn't there for a lot. Not for you, not for him, and I'm sorry.

Monica: No.

Jason: I was wrong. I'll do better.

Monica: No. Alan and I made more than our share of -- of mistakes.

Jason: Yeah, but you were my parents, and you were trying to do what you thought was right for me. And now that I'm a parent, I understand that a little better. So thank you.

Monica: That is... that's so generous. But then again, you know, you always were.

Sam: Hey. Everything okay?

Monica: Oh, I'd say it's okay. I'd say it is just pretty damn marvelous.

Sam: Yeah, I would have to agree with you.

Michael: According to Carlos, Sabrina married him.

Carly: That had to be hard to hear.

Michael: But you're not surprised, are you?

Carly: Michael. Sabrina knew for a year that Carlos killed Duke, and she still left town with him. I mean, I feel bad for Sabrina. I really do. I mean, she's probably wondering what the hell happened to Carlos, and he probably left her high and dry, but the simple fact is that she chose to run away with him, so now she's dealing with the consequences of her choices.

Michael: Yeah. I know. I'd still like to help her, though, and the baby.

[Avery crying]

Carly: Speaking of baby.

Michael: Oh, baby's awake?

Carly: Yeah. Do you want to come say hi to her?

Michael: Yes, yeah. I got to grab something out of my car.

Carly: Okay.

Michael: I got her a stuffed animal last week, and I've been driving around with it ever since.

Carly: Awesome. All right, baby, I'm coming.

Sonny: Simple question. What were you guys burning here?

Alexis: Sonny, please, please. You need to go.

Sonny: I will go as soon as you answer the question.

Julian: We don't owe you anything, Sonny. Get the hell out.

Sonny: Really?

Alexis: [Gasps]

Sonny: All right. Was it something that belonged to Carlos?

Julian: Put it down, Sonny!

Sonny: Huh? Something with his DNA?

Julian: Put it --

Alexis: No! Stop, please!

Sonny: I'm gonna break this table now if you don't give me an answer.

Julian: Okay, you know what, Sonny?

Sonny: Come on! You better --

Julian: I'm gonna call the cops.

Alexis: Oh, God! No! Please, no more! [Crying]

Lucy: My only goal as mistress of ceremonies for GH's Nurses' Ball is to raise lots and lots of money. Lots of needed funds for HIV/AIDS research, treatment, and support services.

Amy: Yes, ma'am.

Lucy: A little tip -- if you even want to have a prayer of being seen on stage this year, don't ever, ever call me "Ma'am" again, because Nurses' Ball 2016 is going to be the best yet, or my name isn't Lucy Coe. [Chuckles, sighs]

Kevin: How'd we end up talking about Lucy?

Laura: [Sighs] I don't know. Exes?

Kevin: Yeah. Exes, right.

Laura: [Chuckles] Just when you think you've gotten away from them, they just pull you right back in.

Kevin: Mm. Is Luke back in the picture?

Laura: No, no. I mean, well, not in the way you're thinking. [Breathes deeply]

Kevin: [Chuckles] How, then?

Laura: Wow. Um... well, you know that, um... that clue that you decoded for me -- "Heartbreak Hotel"... I'm pretty sure that's probably got something to do with Luke.

Monica: Alice? Tracy? Where is everybody? I have good news. No, no, I have the best news. Tracy? [Gasps] Tracy? Didn't you hear me?

Tracy: Yes, of course, I heard you. How could I not hear you? They heard you in Outer Mongolia. I would appreciate it if you could keep your voice down. I'm trying to get someone to sleep.

Monica: Where did you get that?

Tracy: It... he was left on the front doorstep.

Monica: Well, whose is he?

Tracy: I have no idea. For the time being, he's mine, and I'm calling him Edward. [Smooches]

Elizabeth: I refuse to be lectured on my parenting abilities by you.

Franco: Because I have a habit of hurting people.

Elizabeth: Yes, you do.

Franco: I did. I did, and I will spend the rest of my life trying to atone for all of the horrible things that I've done. Somehow I got lucky, and I stumbled into a job where I can actually help people who are hurting, people like Jake. Jake is damaged. He's not unsalvageable. And we are making great progress togeth-- excuse me. Forgive me. We were making great progress together before you put the kibosh on it because you are too much of a wuss to stand up to your baby daddy and think for yourself.

Carly: Jason. Hey. I didn't know you were here.

Jason: Hey. Yeah, um... Sam's with me. I asked her to give us a minute.

Carly: Okay.

Jason: Everything's fine. Everything is, uh... when your adoptive mother, Virginia, died, you buried her in Florida. We took Michael with us even though he was a baby, and you wanted to go to the beach because she always liked the beach. But you didn't want to get in the water. So I took Michael into the water. I remember that. And he really liked it. He was laughing and smiling, waving his arms.

Carly: Jason, is that you?

Jason: Yeah, it's me.

Carly: [Breathes deeply]

Alexis: Sonny, please.

Julian: [Groaning]

Alexis: [Sobs] Please stop.

Sonny: You're not gonna call the cops. You know why, Julian? 'Cause I'll direct them straight to that fireplace.

Julian: [Chuckles] They're not gonna find any evidence, Sonny. On the other hand, you came in here, you attacked me, and by the way, your fingerprints are all over that now.

Sonny: Yeah, and your fingerprints are all over Alexis. Let me help you up.

Alexis: [Crying]

Sonny: Okay. You made your choice. You sided with my enemy against me. So this -- this is what has to happen.

Alexis: [Sobbing]

Sonny: Whatever -- whatever, uh, friendship we had is gone. You killed it. You're nothing to me anymore.

Lucy: Do you know, once again, Blackie and the Riff Raff canceled? They bailed out for some better gig in San Francisco.

Felix: Huh. I'm sure Mac could patch up Mr. Marbles for a command performance.

Lucy: Are you out of your mind? Do not say that. Do you want to kill the Nurses' Ball dead?

Felix: Or he and Kevin could dust off Norma and Eve.

Lucy: [Gasps]

Amy: Kevin? Do you mean Dr. Collins, the guy whose twin brother terrorized the whole town?

Felix: [Stomps his foot loudly]

Amy: Ow.

Lucy: Well, uh, tell you what. I'm going to excuse myself, and I have some other nurses to wrangle.

Felix: [Sighs]

Amy: What? Was it something I said?

Felix: It usually is.

Kevin: So, you think these clues have something to do with Luke?

Laura: Well, not Luke directly, but with the past that we shared together. Um... you know, I racked my brains about this, and the closest thing I could come to was... the Campus Disco.

Kevin: What campus? What disco?

Laura: [Chuckles] It's, uh -- it was a dance club. Very near PCU. And I worked there. Luke was a manager. That's -- that's how we met, actually.

Kevin: Mm.

Laura: And, uh, strangely, that song, "Heartbreak Hotel," got a lot of play in there.

Kevin: So you think Helena's clues point in the direction of this club?

Laura: I think it's a real long shot. It's just that this is the best lead I've got right now.

Kevin: Is this club still around?

Laura: No. But the building's there. I mean, it's been empty for years.

Kevin: Uh-huh. And therefore conceivably dangerous.

Laura: [Chuckles]

Kevin: Do you think Helena might have left a trap for you?

Laura: That's entirely possible. But I'll tell you -- I have never let Helena stop me before. And I'm just not gonna do that now, now that she's dead.

Kevin: Well, I'm not about to let you go there alone. I'm coming with you.

Lucy: [Sighs] Coming where? Hi, Doc.

Julian: You son of a bitch. Leave her alone.

Sonny: You don't have to worry about that anymore, Julian... 'cause I-I-I have nothing to do with her anymore unless she crosses me.

Alexis: Go ahead. You're only punishing our daughter.

Sonny: We had a bond. You broke that. You're a stranger to me. You are officially fair game.

Julian: You're not gonna threaten my wife, Sonny.

Sonny: You know what, Julian? I already did.

Alexis: [Breathes sharply]

Elizabeth: Okay, I'll admit -- you've done some good things for Jake.

Franco: Yeah. That kid and I, we have a connection. He knows that I'm his ally. And starting over with someone else -- that would be a real setback for Jake. I mean, assuming he's willing to start over at all. He's got something locked up inside him. I know it's got something to do with Helena Cassadine's creepy book that she left you. I just -- I know it.

Elizabeth: And you're gonna be the one to figure it all out?

Franco: Well, it takes a weirdo to know a weirdo, and he -- he and I, we have an understanding. And I know I can get through to him if you would just give me just a little bit more time.

Elizabeth: My son is not a weirdo.

Franco: Your kid's a little bit of a weirdo. He is. Come on, who can blame him? Given the life he's had -- ripped away from his family, ripped away from his home. And before that?

Elizabeth: What is that supposed to mean?

Franco: Well, it's not like he's ever had a "Leave it to Beaver" lifestyle what with this revolving door of father figures and... [Sighs] That might have come out wrong.

Carly: I knew it. I knew it.

Jason: [Chuckles]

Carly: I never gave up on you. I mean, I almost did a couple times, but I just knew you were always gonna come back to me.

Jason: You want to hear me say it?

Carly: Oh, hell, yeah, yeah.

Jason: You were right. You were right.

Carly: [Laughs] Oh, wow. I mean, how did this happen? When did this happen?

Jason: Last night. After the accident. Things are just coming back to me. I can look at you right now, and I remember playing pool at Jake's. I remember the night Michael was born. I remember the time that I got arrested and you came to visit me at the station. Well, there have been a lot of those times.

Carly: [Laughs]

Jason: But this particular time, you showed up with Michael in this little baby thing, and then the cops ended up letting me go, because they couldn't handle me and you and a baby.

Carly: I was pretty proud of that moment.

Jason: Yeah, that was a good one.

Carly: [Laughs]

Jason: Look, um... ...I know this has been hard on you, and I know every time you've tried to push me, I pushed back because I didn't think... I'd get these memories back, and I'm sorry. I love you. You have no idea --

Carly: I don't care about any of that. [Voice breaking] I love you so much, and you're back. [Sniffles]

Sam: Hey.

Michael: Oh, hey, Sam. Hi.

Sam: Hi. It's crazy -- we go weeks without seeing each other, and then twice in 24 hours.

Michael: Yeah. That's nice. I'm not complaining.

Sam: Yeah, me neither. Um, okay, so crazy. Remember we were talking last night about Jason and how we missed who he used to be?

Michael: Yeah.

Sam: We don't have to miss him anymore.

Michael: What do you --

Sam: Okay. When we were talking about him last night, he started to remember. He...remembers everything.

Lucy: Taking a trip?

Kevin: Having a private conversation, actually.

Lucy: Oh. I certainly didn't mean to interrupt. I just -- I saw the two of you, and I thought I would come say hello.

Kevin: Hello.

[Cell phone beeping]

Kevin: Excuse me. I, uh -- I need to take care of this.

Laura: Okay. I should get going anyway, really.

Kevin: No, please, don't go anywhere without me. This will just take a minute.

Laura: Okay. [Sighs] Um, Lucy, there's -- there's no trip.

Lucy: Oh, no, it's okay. Really, it's okay. I mean, I'm certainly not involved anymore, and that -- that's okay, too. Look, I-I just want to say that I would like to give you and Doc... Kevin my blessing.

Laura: Your blessing?

Lucy: Yeah, I know I don't have to. I mean, I know that because our divorce has been final for quite a while. I just want you to know that I am not a -- a threat because I have done my best to let go of the past, and I'm glad that Kevin has done the same -- let -- let go of the past, and, um, hey, I am thrilled that he is moving on with someone as... colorful as you.

Laura: Look, he is --

Lucy: He is really a great guy.

Laura: Lucy, I really think you have the wrong idea about my relationship --

Lucy: It's okay.

Kevin: [Clears throat] Uh, where were we?

Lucy: Oh, I-I was just leaving, so... oh, um, by the way, there are still tickets for the Nurses' Ball here, and, um, oh, there's slots in the show left. I still have performance room, so I have this great feeling that maybe you guys could fill the slots. You could do a duet because, wow, I think you would be really good together. [Sighs]

Kevin: [Sighs]

Monica: Have you called the authorities?

Tracy: And put him through his second trauma of the day? Besides, the police have a murder to deal with. They don't need an abandoned baby.

Monica: Yes, but for all we know, he could be kidnapped.

Tracy: Monica, are you gonna share your incredible news or not?

Monica: Oh. Um... well, Jason got his memory back. I mean, he's the same Jason as he was before.

Tracy: Oh, oh. Are we supposed to be happy about that?

Monica: [Sighs]

Franco: I deserved that.

Elizabeth: Jake! Come out here! It's time to go.

Franco: If you could just give me one second, Elizabeth, please.

Elizabeth: Just... you know, it is amazing how you can obliterate every single moment of connection and understanding you happen to fall into.

Franco: You're right. Everyone has a gift. That seems to be mine. I'm sorry. That was so stupid. It was a stupid thing to say. I'm an idiot for saying it, and -- and I'm sorry. I'm sorry. And you are a fantastic mother to all of your children. I did not mean to imply otherwise. But, Elizabeth, you're in way over your head on this one. You should accept any and all help you are offered. Don't limit any of your options. And you should do everything you can to help your child.

Alexis: [Sighs]

Julian: [Groans]

Alexis: How bad is it?

Julian: [Sighs] Mm! It's not broken, so I'm gonna be fine. More importantly, how are you?

Alexis: Let me get some ice for that.

Julian: Alexis, it can wait.

Alexis: No. It shouldn't wait because the longer you wait, the more it'll swell.

Julian: Alexis, we need to talk. [Sighs] That animal is never gonna hurt you again. I swear it. I'd sooner die than to let that happen.

Alexis: Don't say that.

Julian: I mean it.

Alexis: So do I. I can't take any more bloodshed.

Julian: Well, there's not gonna be any more bloodshed. Carlos is gone. We've destroyed any evidence that could be linked to his death. I'm sorry about the handkerchief, but it had to be done. It was for the best. We're both covered now. And I'm gonna protect you from Sonny just like you shielded me. You know, Alexis, you could have told him everything, but you didn't, because we love each other. There's no going back now. We're in this together.

Carly: Michael. Oh, my God, I got to find Michael. He was here. He just ran out to his car.

Jason: Calm down. You need to relax.

Carly: No, no, listen. Okay. You just stay right here. Stay here and don't move, please. You just keep remembering everything, preferably all the times that I was awesome and I came through for you, and not the times that I didn't listen to you and things turned out really crazy. Michael? Michael, get in here. You're never gonna believe what happened.

Michael: I know. Sam told me.

Jason: Hey, Michael.

Michael: Hey. Uh... look, um, no -- no -- no pressure or anything. I know you're dealing with so much right now.

Jason: No, it's all coming back in pieces, but it's coming back. Like that time when you were a baby, your mom and I took you to Florida. Took you to the beach for your first time. You weren't 3 months old yet. You fit in my arms. Look at you now, man. Full-grown man.

Michael: Yeah.

Jason: Come here.

Michael: You taught me how to be one.

Amy: You heard Lucy. Ms. Coe. She's looking for acts.

Felix: Which doesn't necessarily mean she's looking for you. I still say you can be more help on the stage crew.

Amy: Not on your life. This is my year. This GH nurse is finally gonna be on the stage, where she belongs. [Chuckles]

Felix: [Sighs] Whatever, man.

Laura: Listen, Kevin, you have -- you helped me so much already, and I'm really grateful to you for that, but I don't feel right about letting you get any more drawn into Helena's games.

Kevin: But I'm already drawn in. You said yourself -- I'm helping you. Besides, I owe you one for leaving you alone with Lucy.

Laura: She's fine.

Kevin: If you say so. Shall we?

Laura: Well... to tell you the truth, I-I really would like the company, so, yeah, let's go.

Kevin: Good.

Franco: Come on, Elizabeth. Just give me, like, one little chance, please, with Jake. Please. Let me -- let me look at a little bit of Helena's book with him. I know the answer's in there.

Elizabeth: Jake, let's go.

Jake: Thanks for the burping lessons.

Franco: Hey, man, no problem. That was fun.

Jake: Yeah, when will I get to see you again?

Franco: I don't know. It's up to your mother.

Alexis: Why don't you go upstairs and lie down? And I'll bring you some ice to put on your leg before it swells.

Julian: You're right. [Sighs]

Alexis: Do you need some help?

Julian: I can handle it. But I do need to deal with this, so...

Alexis: What?

Julian: [Groans] The, uh [Sighs] It's the shirt I wore last night. It has Carlos' blood on it.

Alexis: I'll do it. I'll burn it.

Julian: Thank you. It really is gonna be okay.

Jason: I'm gonna tell the people who matter, and everybody else will figure it out eventually.

Carly: You're gonna want to talk to Sonny.

Jason: Yeah.

Michael: I'm gonna go check in with my grandmother. I'm gonna see how she's handling all this.

Sam: Actually, I'm gonna walk you out. I want to check on Danny, as well.

Michael: Okay.

Carly: I'm so happy for you.

Sam: I'm happy for you, too. We've got our Jason back.

Carly: Sonny's gonna be home soon, you know. So I'm sure you'll want to wait.

Jason: Yeah, you want to wait with me?

Carly: And ask you a whole bunch of questions and drive you crazy? I can do that another day. I can, you know. I mean, we get to be friends forever now.

Jason: [Chuckles]

Carly: [Breathes deeply]

Alexis: [Breathing heavily as she hides the shirt]

Sonny: Jason. What are you doing here?

Monica: It is a miracle.

Michael: Yeah, I know. I'd given up hope for Jason to remember. Then suddenly, it happened.

Monica: [Clears throat] What can you say?

Michael: Oh. Who's this?

Monica: Well, go meet our new houseguest.

Tracy: [Laughs]

Michael: Why are you holding a baby?

Tracy: Well, 'cause I couldn't leave him on the doorstep.

Michael: Door-- you -- you -- you found a baby on the doorstep? Why -- was there a note or anything?

Tracy: No, nothing. Well, a rattle.

Michael: Oh, my God, that... that's Sabrina's son.

Sonny: Before you say anything, I just want to thank you for... saving my son's life, 'cause if it wasn't for you, Dante... would be dead.

Jason: [Breathes deeply] You know what? It's the least I can do after everything you've given me.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Michael: I'm sure this baby is Sabrina's.

Felix (to Finn): Just the man I want to see.

Diane (to Nikolas): It seems you owe some back taxes.

Laura (to Kevin): I deeply regret what happened here that night.

Tracy (to Hayden): What do you want?

Jason (to Sonny): I still need to ask you to do something for me?

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