GH Transcript Tuesday 3/22/16

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 3/22/16


Episode #13520 ~ Dr. Finn wants to prescribe Tracy medication to treat her "infestation," but Dr. Obrecht won't let him work at GH without the proper authorization; Elizabeth convinces Jason to let Franco work with their son; Spinelli uncovers a lead about Hayden's true identity; Sam confronts her.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Nikolas: Good morning.

Hayden: Hey, you. [Chuckles] You know what, I don't know what it is. I mean, all she's doing is sipping tea, but there's just something about this portrait...

Nikolas: That something is... that it's creepy. If I were smart, I'd burn it and never give it another thought.

Alexis: Okay, so, you sign here and here. Right there.

Jason: [Sighs] Ah.

Alexis: Okay?

Sam: Done.

Alexis: And now...

Jason: Right there?

Alexis: Yeah. Actually, no. Right there.

Jason: Okay.

Alexis: And that, as they say, is that. All I have to do is file this, and congratulations. You're divorced.

Nina: Ow!

Dr. Obrecht: Watch where you're go-- it's you.

Nina: Hey...Aunt Liesl. How are you this fine morning?

Dr. Obrecht: Personally, I'm magnificent. The day itself, well... clearly, my morning is not quite as jaunty as yours. Tell me, why do you have blackbirds singing on your shoulder?

Nina: I think you mean bluebirds.

Dr. Obrecht: In Germany, they are black. The variant bluebirds have weak songs and harsh calls.

Nina: Okay. You learn something new every day.

Dr. Obrecht: Enough chitchat. What are you doing in my hospital? Are you ill?

Nina: No, I'm not ill. I have an appointment with Dr. Lee so I can get pregnant. [Chuckles]

Dillon: Mom, would you stop packing, please? You're sick. You're in no condition to leave the hospital.

Tracy: Dillon, the inmates are running this...asylum. I-- this place is just filled with crazy people.

Finn: Hello? Anyone home?

Elizabeth: Hi. How can I help you?

Finn: Excuse me. Um, hi.

Elizabeth: You -- oh, my God. You're....

Finn: Hamilton Finn. Dr. Finn. Monica Quartermaine called me in to consult on a case. And you are...?

Elizabeth: Uh, Elizabeth. Elizabeth Webber.

Finn: Is everything okay, Nurse Webber? You -- you seem a little peaked.

Elizabeth: You just look exactly like a-a doctor who used to work here.

Finn: Yes. Lovely. I-I'm sorry to interrupt. I really am. But I'm in a bit of a hurry. I was wondering if maybe you could help me.

Elizabeth: Um, of course. What can I do for you?

Finn: Great, grand. Could you put this in a room at no less than 85 degrees? Anything less than 85 degrees, and Roxy will be completely uncomfortable.

Elizabeth: Roxy?

Finn: She's a lizard.

Elizabeth: Right. Um...

Finn: This is a list of instructions for you. Um, Nurse Webber, I don't expect for you to do this, but perhaps there would be a candy-striper, a volunteer that might be able to feed Roxy a few crickets whenever they had a chance.

Elizabeth: Okay.

Finn: Good. Excellent. [Smooches] All right. Thanks very much. I appreciate all your help, Nurse Webber.

Griffin: Dr. Quartermaine.

Monica: Oh!

Griffin: How's your sister-in-law doing?

Monica: Well, about as well as you can expect from Tracy.

Griffin: Yeah, she wasn't too happy with my diagnosis, not that I blame her.

Monica: Well, that's why I called in a specialist, who I think should be here any minute. If not sooner. Oh, my gosh. Hi.

Finn: So, where's our patient?

Monica: Dr. Finn, it is so good to see you again.

Finn: Dr. Quartermaine, it's been a long time.

Monica: And I cannot believe the last time I saw you. I didn't -- I don't know, I didn't remember what a striking resemblance you bear to a doctor --

Finn: Oh, yeah, I know. I got a bit of the plot from the nurse. Yeah, I guess I just have one of those faces.

Monica: Well, anyway, I'm so glad that you are available to consult. Uh, the patient is my sister-- ah, I am so sorry. Excuse me. Dr. Hamilton Finn, this is Dr. Griffin Munro.

Griffin: Dr. Griffin Munro. It's an honor, sir.

Finn: No "sirs" here. Call me Finn.

Griffin: Absolutely. Finn.

Finn: Tell me about the patient. You diagnosed her, right?

Griffin: Yes, I did.

Finn: I saw the tests. I saw the film. You have a good eye. I'd like to start treatment as soon as possible. May I see her?

Monica: Yes, of course. Um, but I need to warn you. What is going on here?

Tracy: What does it look like? I'm leaving.

Monica: Oh, no. You're not going anywhere.

Dillon: Well, she's definitely trying. I'm hoping that you can talk some sense into her.

Dr. Obrecht: You are trying to conceive a child?

Nina: Well, not today, but that's the plan.

Dr. Obrecht: I was under the impression that you couldn't have children.

Nina: Um... well, that's what Britt said, but who knows if she was correct?

Dr. Obrecht: My daughter is an excellent physician. You have no reason to question her diagnosis.

Nina: Well, seeing as that she stole a patient's embryo and planted it in herself, carried it to full term, and passed it off as her own...

Dr. Obrecht: Only for a few months.

Nina: Okay, um, well, I don't know if she was that careful with my test results. So anyway, I'm late for my appointment. Wish me luck.

Franco: Nina, hey. I'm guessing you're at the office. You left so early this morning. I didn't see you. So I'm just kind of checking in. I'm picking up some take-out food for Kiki, trying to rescue her from all of the hospital food. And I was thinking that maybe I could stop by after and maybe have a little picnic lunch with you in your office. All right. Let me know. Call me back. I'd love to hear your voice.

Alexis: This is an unconventionally amicable divorce.

Sam: Well, we're not mad at each other. We just want to put the past behind us and have a fresh start.

Alexis: Okay. Whatever makes you happy.

Sam: Our divorce isn't the only thing worth celebrating. Thanks to you, breastfeeding mothers are safe from body shaming in Port Charles. Cheers to that.

Alexis: [Sighs]

Jason: Oh, yeah. Congratulations.

Alexis: Thank you. You know, I'm just glad that lawsuit is settled, and I-I'm glad you're all settled, and now I just want one moment of peace.

Sam: Okay.

Jason: There it is.

Sam: Cheers.

Franco: Hello.

Alexis: Oh.

Franco: I don't mean to interrupt whatever it is you're celebrating.

Alexis: Then don't.

Franco: Okay, I won't for longer than necessary. Jason.

Jason: Hi.

Franco: Hi. Just checking in. How's everything with Jake?

Jason: My son's fine. Thank you.

Franco: Great. Okay, then. So, what did you decide to do about the book?

Hayden: Have you given any serious thought to where you're gonna hang this?

Nikolas: No. The only reason I'm keeping that monstrosity is Spencer's inexplicable fondness for his great-grandmother.

Hayden: The artist really seems to have captured her essence. I mean, I didn't know the woman, but I feel like I'm getting some kind of glimpse into her soul.

Nikolas: No, no, no. That woman had no soul. Her will was nothing but a, uh, tiny sample of her cruelty from the petty insults to the random artifacts to the dagger that killed Alexis' mother. I should be grateful that all she left me was that meaningless painting.

Hayden: Maybe it's not so meaningless.

Nikolas: Do you see something in that painting I don't?

Hayden: Right here in the teapot. It almost looks like a reflection. I'd like to take a closer look.

Nikolas: Don't, Hayden. Don't. Please. This is -- this is how this always starts.

Hayden: How what start?

Nikolas: One of my grandmother's twisted games. She wants to provoke me with that portrait. Like I said, I should burn it and be done with it.

Hayden: But Spencer's already seen it.

Nikolas: Correct, which is why I'll settle with moving it somewhere else.

Hayden: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. Let me look at it with this first.

Jason: What book?

Franco: The book that Nikolas' creepy grandmother left to Elizabeth in the will. Super-creepy. And that's coming from me.

Jason: Do you know anything about this?

Sam: We knew that Helena made a bequest to Elizabeth. We left before we could see what it was. What -- what book was it?

Franco: Well, apparently, the book is all about Jake. I'm so sorry. I just assumed that Elizabeth told you all about it.

Jason: Is there anything else?

Franco: Only that Elizabeth has asked that I continue to look after Jake. So you don't need to worry. I'll see him through this.

Jason: [Sighs] What the hell just happened?

Nina: Hi, Dr. Lee.

Dr. Lee: Hi.

Nina: I'm sorry I'm late for the appointment.

Dr. Lee: Oh.

Nina: I'm Nina Reeves.

Dr. Lee: No problem, Ms. Reeves.

Nina: [Chuckles] Nina, please.

Dr. Lee: I have your records right in here.

Nina: Oh, good.

Dr. Lee: So, you were one of Dr. Westbourne's patients?

Nina: Yeah. Briefly.

Dr. Lee: Okay, so, what can I do to help you today?

Nina: Um, okay, well, a year and a half ago, I woke up from a coma, and, um, shortly thereafter, Dr. Westbourne told me that I was in pre-menopause and that it would be difficult, if not impossible, to conceive a child.

Dr. Lee: Yes, I see that right here -- Dr. Westbourne's notes and your blood work. I'm sorry to say, but I agree with Dr. Westbourne's findings. Based on your hormone levels, it appears you're not ovulating regularly.

Nina: Okay, well, I want a second opinion. I-I-I-I don't trust those results.

Dr. Lee: I understand.

Nina: Howev-- this is the thing is I have reason to believe that Dr. Westbourne brought me down the wrong path. And so if you could just do another exam or some more blood work...

Dr. Lee: You do realize, though, that the second opinion might simply just confirm the first one, right?

Nina: For sure. Yeah.

Dr. Lee: Okay.

Nina: No problem. Listen, whatever. Just give it to me straight, Dr. Lee. I can take it.

Tracy: All right, Monica, you win. I'll listen to your special guest doctor.

Finn: I'm Dr. Hamilton Finn. It's a pleasure to meet you.

Tracy: No, it isn't.

Finn: I know, but they make me say that kind of thing, or else I get all sorts of grief about my terrible bedside manner.

Tracy: Go on.

Finn: Dr. Quartermaine's briefed me on your condition. From what I've been able to observe so far, I would say --

Dr. Obrecht: What is going on in here?

Monica: Oh, Dr. Obrecht. Ah, Dr. -- This is Dr. Finn. He's been called in to consult on Tracy's case. Dr. Hamilton Finn, this is our chief of staff, Dr. Liesl Obrecht.

Finn: Hello.

Dr. Obrecht: I heard a strange man has been roaming our hospital. Half my staff seem to think they've seen the ghost of Silas Clay.

Finn: Does it bother you that half your staff believe in the supernatural?

Dr. Obrecht: As far as I know, Dr. Finn, you do not have privileges at this hospital, and thus no business being here.

Finn: Yes, right. Uh, no, uh -- do you want to take this, or should I?

Monica: Uh, Dr. Obrecht, Dr. Finn is one of the world's leading doctors in infectious diseases. I called him in to treat Tracy. That's exactly what he's gonna do.

Dr. Obrecht: You do not run this hospital, Dr. Quartermaine. I do. As such, it is I who determine who does and does not have privileges here.

Finn: Lovely. Right. We'll get right on that.

Dr. Obrecht: I will procure the necessary paperwork...

Finn: Thank you.

Dr. Obrecht: ...Maybe.

Jason: So, Franco was telling me that Elizabeth received a book that basically threatened our son, and she didn't bother to tell me about it?

Sam: Well...

Alexis: The reading of Helena's will was a little disturbing.

Sam: After everything Helena's put her through, I'm sure the book had to be disturbing, yes.

Jason: You know what, I'm sure you're right, but, uh, I think I'm gonna talk to her anyway. So I'm gonna take off, but, uh, it won't take long. We can start our newly divorced life together pretty soon. Come here. Give me a kiss.

Sam: Can't wait.

Jason: Thank you. Buy, guys.

Sam: Mm-hmm.

[Cell phone ringing]

Sam: Oh. Sorry, I have to get this.

Alexis: Go ahead.

Sam: Spinelli? Hey. Any luck on that number I gave you?

Nikolas: Mmm.

Hayden: [Chuckles] Um, I can't really concentrate when you do that.

Nikolas: Yeah?

Hayden: Yeah.

Nikolas: I'm sorry about that.

Hayden: [Chuckles] Okay, not that I'm complaining, but should I be concerned?

Nikolas: About what?

Hayden: That you're so bothered by this painting you're trying to seduce me away from looking at it?

Nikolas: I should be insulted by that.

Hayden: Great, great. Be my guest. In the meantime, don't you think you'd feel better if you knew exactly what Helena was trying to tell you?

Nikolas: [Sighs] All right. This is Helena Cassadine we're talking about. There's no way we can anticipate what insanity she has planned.

Hayden: Oh, my God, that's it.

Tracy: Okay, so, now that, um, Obrecht is gone, can we get back to my -- my diagnosis? Dr. Munro thinks I have some kind of...infestation, and my other doctor, Mr. Personality, thought I had cancer.

Finn: Which, on the surface, is understandable, given your symptoms. But the biopsy rules that out. You give Dr. Munro credit. Most American doctors don't know how to look for this kind of infestation, which most often occurs in Mexico or South America.

Tracy: What kind of infestation?

Finn: You're obviously bright and capable of hearing the truth, so I don't want to soft-soap it.

Tracy: Oh, please don't.

Finn: It's a larval infestation.

Tracy: What kind of larvae?

Finn: Worms, I'm afraid.

Tracy: [Chuckles] You're not kidding?

Finn: Mnh-mnh.

Tracy: I have worms in my brain? How did they get there?

Finn: They come from unsanitary conditions. If someone's already infected, and they don't was their hands, they start prepping a little food for someone else. By any chance, did you eat anything from a suspicious source recently?

Tracy: [Sighs] I'm afraid I did. I should have known that running into my ex-husband, Ashton, was a bad omen. Oh, I digress. How do we treat it?

Dr. Obrecht: Franco. What is in the bag?

Franco: It's take-out food for Kiki.

Dr. Obrecht: You know that is against hospital policy.

Franco: Yeah, but the nutri-gruel just isn't cutting it.

Dr. Obrecht: So because of young Ms. Jerome's refined palate, we should simply change the rules? Let chaos reign?

Franco: What's got your lederhosen in a bundle?

Dr. Obrecht: I am sorry. Uh, your nutritionally suspect take-out is a minor transgression. And far be it for me to step on your fatherly instincts.

Franco: What fatherly instincts? I left a baby in a laundry cart.

Dr. Obrecht: But obviously, you have overcome your doubts about becoming a father.

Franco: Why would you say that?

Dr. Obrecht: I just ran into Nina. She told me she had an appointment with Dr. Lee to find out if she could get pregnant. I could only assume that, beside the laundry debacle with Leo, you had changed your mind about becoming a father.

Franco: Obviously. Um, could you hold this, please? Just for, like, one second? Thanks.

[Elevator bell dings]

[Doors close]

Nina: I know you're gonna tell me good news.

Dr. Lee: Ms. Reeves --

Nina: Dr. Lee, uh... listen. When I fell into a coma, I was pregnant. When I woke up, I found out that I lost my baby. Shortly after that, I was told I could never have kids. So not only did I grieve the baby I lost, but I grieve a life I could never have. And -- and now I think there might have been a mistake, and I have a second chance. Maybe you could give that to me.

Dr. Lee: Ms. Reeves...

Nina: Uh, Nina.

Dr. Lee: Nina... I can't promise to give you the news you want to hear.

Nina: I know.

Dr. Lee: But there's only one way to find out, so why don't you lie back and put your feet in the stirrups and -- and try to relax? Okay?

Nina: All right.

Dr. Lee: Ready?

Nina: I'm ready.

Dr. Lee: Okay.

Dr. Lee: What do you think you're doing? You -- you can't come in here.

Nina: Franco.

Franco: What the hell are you doing?

Jason: Hi.

Elizabeth: Hey. Is everything okay?

Jason: That depends. I just ran into Franco. He said that Helena gave you a book.

Elizabeth: [Chuckling] Oh. Yes, yeah, it was, um, quite a present she left me -- a book.

Jason: He said it had something to do with Jake.

Elizabeth: It does.

Jason: Okay. Can I see it?

Elizabeth: Yeah. Actually, I have it here, because I didn't want to take it to Wyndemere and risk Jake seeing it. I'll show you why. Come on.

Sam: So it's a number in rural New Jersey? What's the name? Naomi Dreyfus. I don't recognize it. Okay, thank you so much, Spinelli. I appreciate your time. Please tell Ellie and Georgie I said hello. Okay. Bye.

Alexis: Working on a case?

Sam: I was.

Alexis: Yeah?

Sam: Sort of. I mean, it's over.

Alexis: It doesn't sound like it's over.

Sam: Can I ask you a question as a lawyer, not as my mother?

Alexis: Yes, you can. Consider attorney-client privilege invoked.

Sam: Okay. Um, so, my client had asked me to drop an investigation, and I feel like a child could be in danger -- not physically, but emotionally. And I don't know if I'm obligated to stop it or to keep going.

Alexis: As far as I know, you stop being paid for this job, you can continue to privately follow the leads that you -- that you found while you were working on it.

Sam: Good. Thank you.

Alexis: Whatever this case is, it seems to have gotten to you.

Sam: It's just -- um, there's just a lot of stuff that is uncovered, and I'm really afraid that this child could get hurt. And I -- and I can't let it go. I have to figure it out.

Alexis: I get what it's like to have this mystery that you want to solve. And though your logic is telling you to let it go, it seems impossible to do that.

Sam: Wait a minute. Are we talking about me or you right now?

Alexis: A little of both.

Sam: Uh-oh.

Alexis: You know that lovely dagger that Helena left me? The one that I said I was gonna throw away?

Sam: You couldn't do it?

Alexis: I couldn't do it.

Sam: Oh, no. Mom.

Alexis: And I know that it's morbid, and I know that I'm playing right into her hand, because she's clearly trying to mess with my head. But sometimes things just stay with you, even though you should throw them far, far away. You just can't do it until you get all the answers.

Hayden: Right there. I knew it. It's a reflection of a man.

Nikolas: [Clears throat] Okay, fine. You're right. There does appear to be an image of a man in the teapot.

Hayden: And what do you think it means?

Nikolas: I have no idea.

Hayden: Well, Helena's obviously trying to send you a message, especially since she had this painted so close to her death. What do you think she wanted you to know?

Nikolas: I don't know. But it's certainly nothing good. See, my grandmother was a master of psychological manipulation. She would disappear from my life, and then, at the worst possible moment, reappear. In the back of my mind, I always dreaded her return. You know, I could never really relax or completely enjoy my life, because I knew that she would be back. Now she's dead. This portrait is a reminder of the hold she had over me. One last mind game, eh, Grandmother? But I refuse to play. And neither should you. Uh, I need to get to the office, okay? See you later. Bye.

Jason: Yeah, this is definitely disturbing. We should keep this away from Jake.

Elizabeth: Yeah, I don't -- I don't really know about that.

Jason: I'm sure about that.

Elizabeth: Well, I understand, and I agree that we should keep it away from Jake for right now. But we still have no idea what happened on that island. Right now, this book is our only decent clue.

Jason: Right. And maybe this book is a setup. By showing it to Jake to figure out what happened, we could be falling into Helena's trap, so don't do it.

Elizabeth: Well, he's still in therapy, and if it continues to go well, we should just consult with his therapist. And then we can all decide together when's the best time, the best way to show Jake this book, so we can ask him what it all means.

Jason: By "therapist," I take it you mean Franco?

Dr. Lee: You can't be in here. Get out before I call Security.

Franco: Could I please just have one minute with your patient?

Nina: It's okay, Dr. Lee.

Dr. Lee: If you're sure.

Franco: Why didn't you tell me that you had a doctor's appointment?

Nina: I didn't want to get your hopes up until I knew for sure.

Franco: My hopes? Nina, I don't want to have a child.

Nina: [Sighs] What? You -- you said --

Franco: I know what I said. I said that I would think about it, and I've thought about it. And I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

Nina: What happened? What changed?

Finn: The infestation is treatable with medication. The success rate isn't 100%, but if that doesn't work, we have other options. The most important thing is to get you started on the protocol as soon as possible.

Tracy: Well, I guess the good news is I'm not dying.

Finn: Well, I mean, everybody's dying.

Tracy: Aren't you fun?

Finn: I know. Listen, at least the infestation won't kill you.

Dillon: You see that, Mom? The hospital is not run by crazy people.

Tracy: He's not from this hospital.

Dillon: No, but he is.

Finn: And if it wasn't for him, your condition might have gone undiagnosed.

Griffin: You're welcome.

Tracy: I haven't thanked you yet.

Griffin: I know, but why wait?

Dillon: All right, so it looks like you're gonna be okay. Does she need to stay in the hospital for treatment, or...?

Finn: I would advise it, yes.

Dillon: Okay. You heard the man. Can I please unpack your bags now?

Tracy: Uh, yes, but first, I want you to please go and get me some food. I am famished, and I can't take another bowl of that slop that -- what's her name -- Obrecht force-feeds her prisoners.

Monica: Well, I can see you're back to your old self.

Tracy: Why wouldn't I be? I've just received the first good news since I've been here.

Finn: Let's get you started on that medication as soon as possible.

Dr. Obrecht: I'm afraid that won't be possible. As you still have no privileges at this hospital, Dr. Finn, you will be unable to treat any patients. Not even Tracy Quartermaine.

Jason: I don't think Franco is the best person to help our son.

Elizabeth: Well, I was talking about Jake's psychologist, Dr. Renault. Why would you assume I meant --

Jason: Franco? I don't know. Because, uh, he told me all about this book, and he assured me he was gonna help our son. And you know [Chuckles] I don't know what bothers me most. I don't like Franco. I don't like him working with Jake. But I got to tell you what really bothers me -- that he knew all about this book before you told me anything about it.

Elizabeth: I-I know. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't intentionally mean to confide in Franco. He found the book in the locker room, he read it, and now here we are. And, yes, I -- I'm sorry. You're right. I should have told you first.

Jason: Why didn't you?

Elizabeth: Just wasn't ready to deal with it. After everything Helena has done to my family and to you, I just wanted to pretend like the book didn't exist for a little while.

Jason: This book could be dangerous for Jake.

Elizabeth: I know, and that's why we need to figure out what it means.

Jason: [Sighs] With Dr. Renault.

Elizabeth: Yes.

Jason: Okay.

Elizabeth: And Franco.

Jason: Oh, really?!

Elizabeth: I know. I understand how you feel about him, and you have every right, but Franco is good with Jake, and most importantly, Jake opens up to him. And after everything our kid has been through, I think we could use all the help we can get.

Franco: All right, look. Something happened that proves that I should never be a father.

Nina: What?

Franco: I lost a child.

Nina: I lost a child, too. I know you were robbed of Kiki. It doesn't mean we can't be good parents.

Franco: I-I-I don't mean I lost a child in the sense of suffering a loss. I mean, like, I literally lost the child. Like, I put it down, and then I couldn't find it.

Nina: What are you talking about?

Franco: Okay, in order to prove a point -- your point, I believe -- that I would be a good father, Auntie Liesl asked me to look after Olivia's little boy, Leo.

Nina: Oh. Okay. So, what -- what makes you think you can't be a good father? What did you do -- throw him down a well, or...? [Chuckles] I mean...

Franco: No, I -- you called me, and so I-I wanted to answer the phone. I put the kid down, and then... as soon as I turned around, he was nowhere to be found.

Nina: All right, well, he's so young. He couldn't have gone far. I mean, he couldn't have wandered off on his own.

Franco: Nina, I put him in a laundry cart.

Nina: In a laundry cart?

Franco: Clean, soft towels. Thought the kid would be comfortable, right? And then as soon as I wasn't looking...

Nina: Okay. [Sighs] Well, did they find him? Is he okay?

Franco: Yeah, he's safe and sound. Olivia didn't even know that he was gone.

Nina: All right, good. No problem. No problem.

Franco: No, there's definitely a problem.

Nina: No harm, no foul. It's not a big deal.

Franco: The problem is that it was awful, Nina! It was awful! Parenting's awful! It's constantly worrying that... there's this thing, right, that you have no control of. I just -- I don't think I could handle that.

Nina: You can't handle it until -- until it's -- until you handle it, every parent...

Franco: I know how much you want a child. And I want to give you everything that you want. But if you and I had a child together, I'd be a nervous wreck all the time.

Nina: Yeah, but every new parent is a nervous wreck. It's normal.

Franco: Okay, can we please stop talking about having a child?! Why can't the two of us just be enough for one another?

Alexis: Hello. Nikolas.

Nikolas: Hello.

Alexis: You look surprisingly well. Have you recovered from Helena's hell reading?

Nikolas: No, not quite. That's actually why I'm here. I was hoping to get some comfort food on my way into the office. How are you doing?

Alexis: About as well as can be expected when one inherits the weapon that killed one's mother.

Nikolas: Yeah. I'm sorry about that.

Alexis: [Sighs]

Nikolas: At least you got out while the getting was good.

Alexis: It went downhill from there? How is that even possible? What did I miss?

Nikolas: Well, there were a few special moments.

Alexis: Start with you. What did that witch leave her beloved grandson?

Hayden: Sipping tea, a man's reflection in the teapot. What are you trying to say, Helena?

[Doorbell rings]

Hayden: Sam, what are you doing here? Did you leave something here yesterday?

Sam: No. I came to talk to Nikolas.

Hayden: Oh, he's -- he's out. He's out on business for ELQ. Not sure where. Not sure when he'll be back.

Sam: That's -- that's okay, because I think this might be of interest to you, too.

Hayden: I doubt anything you have to say would be inter--

Sam: I had a very interesting discussion with a woman named Naomi Dreyfus.

Jason: I really don't like Franco working with Jake.

Elizabeth: Okay, but this isn't about you or me. It's about Jake. And he likes Franco. He trusts him. He confides in him, and that's what he needs. And right now, all I care about is doing what's best for Jake.

Jason: Yeah, no, I get that. Obviously, Jake is the most important thing here. We're gonna find out what happened to him. We're gonna help him get through it, okay?

Elizabeth: So, we'll -- we'll keep an eye out, and if either one of us see any red flags, we'll let each other know, and we will work on this together and do what's best for our son.

Jason: He opens up to Franco?

Elizabeth: Yes.

Jason: Fine. Sounds like a plan. [Grunts]

Elizabeth: Okay. I got to get to work. Dr. Obrecht is on the warpath today. I'll talk to you later.

Jason: Franco.

Franco: Nina, I love you more than I ever thought possible. And I'm living this life that I never imagined for myself. I'm working in a hospital. I'm helping people instead of hurting people, which is something that I used to think about doing a lot. And... I think because of you, because of us, I can honestly say that I'm a better person. I like that. And then there's you.

Nina: What about me?

Franco: This magazine is a runaway success, Nina. You're flourishing. We are flourishing. I-I -- for the first time in my life, I can honestly say that I think that I'm truly happy.

Nina: [Voice breaking] So am I.

Franco: So why would we trade all of that in for -- for a life of constant worry and potential heartache? Can we please focus on just how unbelievably perfect our lives are?

Nina: Yeah, we can.

Franco: Thank you.

Nina: I have to get ready -- change. I have to change. Right.

Franco: Um, and later, we can celebrate Crimson's latest triumph, right? Together, we can do that?

Nina: Yeah, that sounds fun.

Franco: [Sighs]

[Door closes]

[Door opens]

Dr. Lee: Uh, Franco told me that you decided not to go through with the appointment. I only came back in here to pick up my chart, but if you needed a little bit more time --

Nina: No, I don't.

Dr. Lee: Oh?

Nina: Mnh-mnh. I mean, I'm here. You might as well continue on with the exam... see what happens.

Tracy: What part of, "I don't care what your opinion is," is unclear to you?

Dr. Obrecht: I am the chief of staff. Mine is the only opinion that matters!

Tracy: This hospital wouldn't exist without the Quartermaines. What we say goes. And what I say is I want Dr. Finn to start treating me immediately!

Dr. Obrecht: Clearly, the infestation has compromised your mental faculties.

Tracy: Watch it!

Dr. Obrecht: You seem unable to comprehend that Dr. Finn cannot prescribe any medication without privileges at this hospital!

Monica: Well, then, you use your power as chief of staff and get the privileges!

Dr. Obrecht: Do you have a brain infestation, as well? How many times must I explain that in order for Dr. Finn to be granted temporary privileges, General Hospital requires confirmation of his privileges at another accredited hospital, which will take a week.

Tracy: I don't have a week!

Griffin: Dr. Finn is a highly respected infectious disease specialist. Shouldn't your priority be getting Ms. Quartermaine the best possible care?

Tracy: Hell, yes, it should be her priority.

Monica: You of all people should know that rules around here are meant to be, if not broken, at least bypassed. So you expedite this process so Tracy can start treatment!

Dr. Obrecht: Once again, this process protects the hospital from any kind of malpractice claims. It cannot be expedited.

Tracy: Well, you're gonna have to find a way to expedite it, because I want Dr. Finn to be Where is Dr. Finn?

James: All right, here it is. Do you need anything else, sir?

Finn: I think I'm fine for now.

James: Okay. Well, if you do, don't hesitate to ask. How long will you be staying with us?

Finn: I think I'll be... indefinitely, James.

James: Oh! [Chuckles] Thank you. [Grunts] What do you think, Roxy? You know, I think you're right. We're gonna be happy here.

Nikolas: [Clears throat] Helena definitely gave me something to remember her by -- a portrait of herself.

Alexis: Ew! In the nude?

Nikolas: No. No, she was fully clothed, sipping tea.

Alexis: Burn it.

Nikolas: I wouldn't give her the satisfaction.

Alexis: I would.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] I know you would. It's nothing more than evidence of her malignant narcissism.

Alexis: Oh, I wouldn't be too sure of that. If there's anything we know about Helena, there's an agenda to everything she did.

Hayden: Is that name supposed to mean something to me?

Sam: It obviously does.

Hayden: I'm sorry. I have no idea what you're talking about.

Sam: You know, guilty people normally always say the same thing. The -- the number one is, "I have no idea what you're talking about." The number two is, "Do you have any proof?" It's a close second.

Hayden: Compelling.

Sam: Mm-hmm.

Hayden: But I'm sorry. I don't know -- I'm sorry, what is the name -- "What did you say her name was?"

Sam: Yeah, that's -- that's a good one. That's -- that's another sort of close second. I guess I would call it third. Naomi Dreyfus. You know the name pretty well. Care to tell me why?

Hayden: Sure. I-I'll tell you.

Sam: Mm-hmm.

Hayden: And I'll use short, simple words your tiny brain can wrap itself around. I do not know this woman. So now that I've answered your question... get the hell out of my house.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Kristina (to Sonny): You have to tell me everything. What did you do?

Elizabeth (to Hayden): What are you trying so hard to hide?

Laura (to Nikolas): I'm looking for answers, and you know what? I think you should, too.

Dr. Finn (to Carly): I take it from the screaming, she's not coming back.

Tracy (to Dr. Obrecht): Go find Dr. Finn. Stat.

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