GH Transcript Tuesday 2/16/16

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 2/16/16


Episode #13496 ~ Morgan's manic episode triggers the impulsive decision to have sex with Darby; while being photographed by Dillon for Crimson, Anna asks questions about his sister, Susan; Sonny and Griffin come to an understanding.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Kiki: Hey.

Franco: Hey.

Kiki: Do you mind if I join you?

Franco: Uh, absolutely not. [Chuckles] Okay, something tells me that you're here for a reason besides my sunny disposition.

Kiki: Yeah, I need some advice.

Franco: On?

Kiki: How unusual is it for a guy not to be able to have sex with a girl?

[Rock music blaring on headphones]

Morgan: [Exhales sharply]

[Music stops]

Morgan: What the hell, Kristina? Why are you sneaking up on me?

Kristina: Well, if you didn't have your headphones blasting at work.

Morgan: Oh, you can see I'm working? Great. I wasn't sure if you could see that I was working or not. What do you need?

Kristina: You can start by explaining why you smell like a distillery.

Morgan: My new cologne? I don't know. Is there anything else?

Kristina: I mean it, Morgan. This is seriously messed up.

Anna: I don't understand. You haven't dug up anything on Paul Hornsby's daughter? Susan. Susan, right? Well, just stay at it, Mac. It's there. It's all there. Yep. Uh, can I call you back? Yes. All right. Thanks. Bye. Um, Ava? Good morning.

Ava: Good morning.

Anna: I wonder if I could have a word with you about something. Do you have a minute?

Ava: Uh, well, I can't imagine what Anna Devane has to speak w--

Dillon: Uh, I am so sorry to interrupt, but I really need to speak with you, Miss Devane. It's important.

Alexis: Hello, darling.

Sam: Hi, Mom.

Alexis: Mm, how you feeling, honey?

Sam: Um, I'm a lot better now that Jason got me out of that hospital.

Alexis: Oh, that must've been very exciting -- another daring rescue. So, who's gonna take care of you now, though? I'm not as confident with his caretaking skills.

Sam: Are you kidding me? He cooked me dinner. He put Danny to bed. It was, like, a perfect evening.

Monica: Well, the assessment has confirmed that he has multiple fractures in his left leg and his left arm, which is concerning because he is so very young, and he's still growing.

Elizabeth: So how are we going to address it? We're still waiting to hear a treatment plan.

Monica: Ah, well, that's just it. Jake is going to need special individual care, and I think he would be better served, really, somewhere other than here.

Griffin: How have you been doing with your physical therapy?

Sonny: Uh, well, you know, working hard, keeping at it.

Griffin: It is an important component of your recovery.

Sonny: You want to see if you can find Jason? Maybe we can get an update on little Jake?

Carly: Um, sure. Of course. I'll be back.

Sonny: Do we have a problem, Doctor?

Griffin: We do indeed, Mr. Corinthos. Or should I call you "Godfather"?

Tracy: Get out!

Paul: Tracy.

Tracy: Don't "Tracy" me! Nobody in this house finds you charming. Not to mention the fact that it's not okay to gain admittance to this property under false pretenses.

Paul: I told the man at the gate that I was the district attorney, and I'm here to see you -- both happen to be true.

Tracy: I don't want to see you. And unless you're here on official district-attorney business, you're trespassing.

Paul: So call a cop.

Tracy: [Scoffs] Paul, there's nothing further to discuss.

Paul: On the contrary. We share a son, so there will be something to discuss always. I need your help with Dillon. Please, Tracy, I-I'm begging you.

Ava: If you'll excuse me, I'm here to see my daughter.

Dillon: Anyways, you, uh, know my father, DA Hornsby. You work together?

Anna: Uh, right. Yes. Indeed we do, yes.

Dillon: Great. Great. Uh, and by the way, I'm so sorry that I just blindsided you like that.

Anna: Oh, no. No problem. What can I help you with?

Dillon: So I'm doing a photo shoot for the magazine Crimson. You've heard of it?

Anna: Of course, yeah.

Dillon: Nice. Okay. So we're doing a feature on real women, and, uh, long story short, the real woman that I was supposed to shoot today, who, by the way we had booked since day one --

Anna: Okay, "long story short," yeah?

Dillon: Right. She bailed, and now I need another subject to shoot. I was walking by, I overheard your name, and I noticed how beautiful you are.

Anna: Oh, wow. Thank you.

Dillon: And not to mention you are a national hero.

Anna: Oh, I wouldn't go as far as to say that.

Dillon: Local legend?

Anna: Yeah, that I'd grant you. Yeah.

Dillon: So what do you say?

Anna: What do I say about what exactly?

Dillon: Can I shoot you?

Franco: Well, he has a bipolar disorder, right? He must be on medication for that.

Kiki: Yeah.

Franco: Okay, well, I'm no shrink, but I'm -- I'm willing to bet that the medication is affecting his ability to... do the -- the -- the thing that you want to do with him.

Kiki: Yeah. Morgan's blaming it on the meds, too.

Franco: Kiki, look, there are only two kinds of men in this world -- guys who that happens to and then guys who swear that never happens to them.

Kiki: And Morgan says it's never happened before.

Franco: Well, look, he's young, he's dumb, and he's filled with...zeal, and I'm sure he'll get past it. You both will.

Kiki: You really think that?

Franco: [Clears throat] Look, I don't know. I-I'm not an expert here. I mean, this is not a conversation that I've ever had with anyone.

Kiki: Oh, gee, I couldn't tell.

Franco: But if you watch TV at all, you must know that this does seem to happen to an awful lot of people, right? Even comfortable couples in sun-dappled suburban surroundings. And, you know, if biology is refusing to cooperate, there is medication that can help.

Kiki: Yeah, well, I think the last thing Morgan wants to do is take any more pills for anything, not even to have sex with me.

Morgan: You here to lecture me, Kristina? Because I got Michael to do that, thank you.

Kristina: Actually, I came looking for dad. Is he around?

Morgan: Nope. Why are you looking for him?

Kristina: Well, I invited him to my mom's wedding, and I want to see if he's gonna go.

Morgan: Uh-huh. Hmm. How do I put this, uh, tactfully?

Kristina: He despises Julian and would rather have his flesh torn off into strips than watch my mother marry him?

Morgan: Yep, that's pretty much it.

Kristina: Well, I'm hoping he can rise above it for my sake.

Morgan: Why do you care?

Kristina: It's a wedding present. I was thinking about getting Julian and Mom a pasta maker, but I think that they'd rather have a truce with Dad.

Monica: We do feel that we should transfer Jake to Shriners Hospital for Children -- Philadelphia.

Elizabeth: Nikolas took Spencer to the Shriners Hospitals in Boston when he was burned last year in the Wyndemere fire. He got excellent care.

Monica: There are Shriners Hospitals for Children all over North America, but the orthopedic department in Philly is second to none. We've given them Jake's case. They've been briefed. We can send him there as soon as we can arrange it -- today, in fact.

Elizabeth: Well, I have to check with my grandmother to make sure she can take Cameron and Aiden, but I-I'm sure it'll be fine.

Jason: Okay, let's do it.

Monica: You're making the right decision, sending Jake to Shriners Hospitals for Children.

Griffin: You have quite the reputation, Mr. Corinthos.

Sonny: Not everything you read about me is true, Doctor.

Griffin: Well, while we're on the subject of truth, you're nearly fully recovered from your injury. You can stand, walk. For all I know, you're running marathons in the dead of night while nobody could see you, which is your prerogative. However, I'm not obligated to pretend to treat you for a condition you no longer have.

Paul: Dillon has basically severed ties with me.

Tracy: [Scoffs] Are you surprised after the way you treated his mother?

Paul: Well, he needs to get over it. My son needs a father.

Tracy: No, he needed a father when he was a child, when he was making his movies with his little camcorder and his -- and his "Star Wars" action figures. He needed a father to say, "Go for it. I support your vision." What he doesn't need is this "too little too late" attempt to assuage your guilt.

Paul: Well, don't hold back, Tracy. Why don't you tell me what you really think?

Tracy: Oh, watch yourself, Paul. I haven't even started.

Paul: Can't you see in your heart that I am sincere about wanting to fix this?

Tracy: [Chuckles] Your sincerity is completely irrelevant. It is not my job to plead your case with my son. Dillon's on his own path, and the less he has to do with you, the better.

Anna: Uh, yeah, look, I'm flattered. That's really nice of you, but I am so not the modeling type -- at all.

Dillon: Oh, no, I totally agree with you. That was awkward. That's not what I meant. I mean that you will be great for this shoot.

Anna: Oh. Um, all right. So where are you doing this photographic shoot?

Dillon: Well, we're not really using a formal studio setup. We're trying to capture everyone in their natural habitat.

Anna: Well, my natural habitat is the PCPD. I don't know how kindly they would take to a photo shoot.

Dillon: Well, then they can kick us out. But I'm pretty sure if you are the subject that I'm shooting, they'll know better.

Anna: Well, when do you want --

Dillon: Now. Like, we can head over there right now.

Franco: Look, Morgan's little problem -- well, this is not coming out right. Um [Sighs] Poor guy. I mean, he's got to be embarrassed, right? I mean, this is literally emasculating.

Kiki: Yeah. I'm trying to be as sensitive as I can.

Franco: Well, you should be, and you should stand by him, and you should -- you should let him know how important he is to you and how you still want him and this little hiccup has no bearing on a long-term commitment to him, if, in fact, that's what this is.

Kiki: Yeah, I think that it could be.

Franco: Okay. Well, then, I'm sure he will calm down and get used to his meds and then everything will be... fine.

Kiki: What if it's not his meds? What if it's something else?

Franco: Such as?

Kiki: What if it's me? What if Morgan just... what if he doesn't want me anymore?

Morgan: You know what? If you understood the way the business works, you wouldn't even think to suggest that he compromise with Julian. You wouldn't.

Kristina: Like you have any idea how the business works.

Morgan: Uh, yes, I do. I'm around it all the time, and I'm actually learning a lot.

Kristina: About coffee, maybe, but Dad would never let you near his real business.

Morgan: Dad's in a wheelchair, okay? He can't walk, he's vulnerable, so I'm helping out, and I'm starting, all right? I already got my eye on a situation, and I know I'm the right guy with the right instincts, and I know how it all works. All right?

Kristina: What is wrong with you?

Morgan: There's nothing wrong with me. I'm letting you know that I got it under control. That's it.

Kristina: Okay, Morgan, you're talking a mile a minute, and you're not making any sense. Are you even taking your meds?

Morgan: Am I taking my meds? Do you want to run a test? Would you like to run a test? Do you want to just cut my arm off? You can run it down to the lab, see if I'm taking my meds.

Kristina: Okay, you need to calm down for a second.

Morgan: No, you're right! I do need to calm down, because I'm working right now. I'm doing something with my life. I'm a part of Dad's business now, okay? An important part of Dad's business.

Kristina: Yeah. Whatever flies your kite, baby brother. Just, the whiskey shots and the head meds, okay?

Morgan: Krissy, wait. Wait up.

Darby: And why are you going that way when I'm over here?

Sam: I haven't been this happy in since [Chuckles] Well, I-I don't remember.

Alexis: Aww. I'm so glad to hear that, and that's because of Jason, right?

Sam: I don't know, Mom. It's because I don't have to look backward anymore or wonder "what if?" I don't have to remind myself not to miss him or not to wish for things that can never happen. Jason is here, and so am I. And we've changed -- we have -- but in a lot of ways, we're still the same. Jason can still make a really great bowl of pasta...

Alexis: [Chuckles]

Sam: ...And we can talk about everything and nothing, and I like it, and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Alexis: I don't blame you.

Sam: Okay, well, with that said, I was wondering if, um, there's any way I could bring him to your wedding.

Jason: Jake needs specialized treatment, so Elizabeth and I are gonna take him to Philadelphia Shriners Hospitals for Children.

Carly: I made a donation after Spencer was there in Boston. It's a great organization. There are 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. They treat children from all over the world, regardless of the family's ability to pay.

Monica: And the orthopedic department in Philadelphia is excellent.

Carly: Then that's where Jake should be. And, look, you guys, if you need anything or any help, I'm here. Okay, Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: Thank you, Carly. Okay, I'm going to finalize the arrangements with the boys, and I'll meet you later. Monica... thank you so much for all your help with Jake.

Monica: Well, he's my grandson. And I will organize the transport arrangements as quickly as I can, and I'll keep you posted.

Jason: Thank you.

Carly: How are you really doing?

Jason: Hey, you know, I'm fine. I'm fine.

Carly: I meant what I said. You know I did. If you and Elizabeth need anything while you're out of town, don't hesitate to ask, please.

Jason: [Chuckles] You know I have to ask, can -- can you keep an eye on Sam for me?

Sonny: So that's it? You're dumping me?

Griffin: You don't need a neurosurgeon, Mr. Corinthos. You need a collaborator. You're using your wheelchair to feign weakness to your enemies. What you do with your life is none of my business, but using me to promote it is. I'll have no part of it.

Sonny: Fine. I'll find a new doctor.

Paul: I will own whatever problems I've created with my son. But I don't think it's fair for you to feed into Dillon's anger towards me.

Tracy: Dillon's decision to sever his relationship with you was his idea, not mine. If he chooses to excise you from his life --

Paul: I don't want to be excised from his life! I want to be his father, even if you think it's too little too late.

Anna: You still make movies?

Dillon: Yeah. I mean, that's the plan. I actually tried to make one here, but that didn't really work out. Fortunately, I got this gig with Crimson.

Anna: Oh, yeah. How's that working out?

Dillon: It's going great so far. So I'm just gonna go with it for now.

Anna: Your parents must be very proud.

Dillon: Yeah. [Chuckles] My mom is just happy I have a reason to get out of bed every day.

Anna: Yeah, sounds like Tracy. And your father?

Dillon: We're not close. So, why don't we try you over here?

Anna: Okay. Here.

Dillon: Okay.

Anna: That kind of surprises me, you know, 'cause he seems very fond of you.

Dillon: My parents split up when I was just a baby. Although sometimes it feels like it happened last week. Actually, it did happen last week.

Anna: I didn't realize they'd got back together. Did they?

Dillon: Not officially, no, they had not. But, um, even after all these years, uh, my dad can't seem to resist my mom, apparently. So he really led her on.

Anna: I-I-I was with your father the other night, actually. Right after you'd been to see him.

Dillon: That must've been pretty late.

Anna: Yes. Uh, well, law enforcement, you know? Odd hours. And we talked, and it seems to me that I think he feels quite badly about not being the father he wanted...

Dillon: [Chuckles] Does he?

Anna: ...To you, you know, and your sister. Do you know if -- if she feels like that?

Dillon: Susan? I hardly know her. I mean, she reached out to me about...I was 10 or so. We e-mailed for a while, and...just kind of stopped. Both got involved in our own things. Sometimes I kind of wish I could just do what she did -- forget about my dad and walk away. [Chuckles]

[Camera shutter clicking]

Ava: Pardon me for interrupting. May I borrow my daughter, please?

Franco: As long as you promise to return her undamaged.

Ava: I think I can manage.

Franco: Yeah, I'm sure you can. What remains to be seen is if you will. Mm. It was really nice talking to you. Let's talk again soon.

Kiki: Thank you.

Franco: Keep the faith.

Kiki: Oh, I'll try. So, how much of my conversation with Franco did you hear?

Ava: I wish you and Morgan the very best. Beyond that, whatever happens in your relationship is absolutely none of my business.

Kiki: That's right.

Ava: Although I am always here to talk whenever you want to.

Kiki: I'll bear that in mind. So, what's with the, uh, charm offensive?

Ava: I'm not sure what you mean.

Kiki: Why are you being so nice to me?

Ava: [Chuckles] You mean since you took your little sister to see her father even though you knew that it was against my wishes?

Kiki: You mean after you lied to my face about being sick when you weren't?

Ava: Yeah, that. Yeah. Water under the bridge. Sincerely. I come in peace -- and bearing clothing.

Kiki: What is it?

Ava: It's a dress for you for your uncle's wedding. I hope you like it.

Darby: You look hot.

Morgan: I was working. I get sweaty.

Darby: Mm, I didn't mean that.

Morgan: I know what you meant.

Darby: Got your texts -- six before I even woke up.

Morgan: Wanted to hang out.

Darby: Yeah, I got that. So here I am, hanging out. What do you want to do?

Alexis: Yeah, know, I-I just think it might be better if we let them -- Jason and Julian -- acclimate to each other gradually.

Sam: No, I-I get it. You don't want Dad to spend your wedding day glaring at Jason. That's -- it's fair enough.

Alexis: You know what? Julian is just gonna have to get used to him anyway. I say bring him.

Sam: You know what? I-I don't -- I don't know, Mom. Maybe you're right. Maybe -- maybe it would be better off if Jason didn't go. I mean, he should be focusing on Jake anyway.

Carly: Okay, Sam's a pretty independent woman, but I'm happy to check on her for you.

Jason: Appreciate that. She had me take her out of the hospital against doctor's orders, so...

Carly: Oh. How'd that go?

Jason: Actually, pretty well. You know, we picked up Danny, cooked dinner, played with the kid, put him to bed. Uh, you know, then I got the call to come back here for Jake. Look, I know Sam's a tough chick and all, and she says she's fine, but I just want to make sure.

Carly: Well, that's really sweet. Yes, I will check on Sam.

Jason: Thank you.

Carly: But I do have a thought. Maybe you should go say goodbye. I'm sure she'd love that.

Sonny: I'm not gonna sit here and be judged by some holier than thou doctor who thinks they have me figured out because, you know, you've read something in a newspaper article online.

Griffin: I know nothing about you, Mr. Corinthos, so how could I judge you? Only God can do that.

Anna: So, you and Susan have completely lost touch with each other?

Dillon: She used to send me a Christmas card every year, but not anymore.

Anna: Oh. Does she live abroad like you did growing up, or is she stateside?

Dillon: Some tiny island off the coast of Maine. I don't know why. She went to some top-10 school in New England, and then she just took off and opened a gift store. Called it Suki's. But [Sighs] I hope she's happy. I wouldn't know.

Anna: Sounds like something happened to her. You know, like bad relationship or maybe she got into some kind of trouble she doesn't want to be reminded of.

Dillon: Are you interrogating me?

Paul: When Dillon looks at me right now, it feels like he resents me so much he just wants me to disappear. And you, of all people, should know that sometimes you can sense what people are thinking, even if they're not saying it. Like you are right now. Tracy, are you all right?

Tracy: Uh... where -- where were we?

Kiki: It's exactly what I would've picked.

Ava: I know you'll look beautiful in it.

Kiki: Um, okay, so...what's the catch?

Ava: Well, it is a peace offering, so... I want peace. I want us to move on.

Kiki: Well, that would be a very mature thing for us to do, now, wouldn't it?

Ava: [Chuckles] Yes, it would. So I suppose we'd have to wing it.

[Both chuckle]

Kiki: I still think that taking Avery to sonny's was the right thing to do. So if you can get past that --

Ava: I can. Because I love you. I love you so much. I'm, um, hoping that -- that maybe this dress could represent the first step in us... finding our way back to each other.

Kiki: I hope it will. In time.

Ava: Me too. But, Kiki, um...if we didn't have the luxury of time... I need you to promise me that if anything were to happen to me, you would take care of your little sister.

Sonny: You're pulling the God card on me?

Griffin: Like I said before, it's not up to me to judge you. However, I don't appreciate being used this way.

Sonny: You disappoint me.

Griffin: Well, the feeling's mutual.

Sonny: Well, see, you know, I pride myself on having a good judge of character, because that's the kind of business that I'm in, right? When we met at the chapel, I thought you were a good guy.

Griffin: I am a good guy, Mr. Corinthos. And I think somewhere inside, you are, too.

Sonny: Okay, so we're both good guys, but we can't work together? Is that what you're saying?

Griffin: Yes, that's what I'm saying.

Sonny: So where does that leave us? Where does that leave me?

Griffin: I will refer you another doctor.

Sonny: No! I don't want -- no. Listen. I've tried them all. I've tried all the doctors. They don't work.

Griffin: I don't know what you want me to do.

Sonny: Tell you what... what if -- what if I give you my word that you never have to lie for me and that this is gonna be over soon?

Griffin: I hope that's not your way of saying something dangerous is going to happen.

Sonny: That's the point. I'm not saying anything.

[Knock on door]

Carly: Is it safe to come in here or not?

Franco: Hey.

Elizabeth: Hi.

Franco: How's it going? How's Jake doing?

Elizabeth: Well, they're transferring him to another hospital to get more specialized care.

Franco: Okay. When's that happening?

Elizabeth: Today. Like, right now.

Franco: Great. Take care of Jake from the physical side -- tackle the rest later.

Elizabeth: Yeah. Never ends, does it?

Franco: You know, you worry too much.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

Franco: He's a great kid. He's gonna be okay.

Elizabeth: Thank you. And I mean that. You have been surprisingly supportive.

Cameron: Mom!

Elizabeth: Hi, guys. Hi, honey. Hi. I'm so glad to see you. Listen, there is something I need to tell you, okay?

Kristina: Mm! Yes! I knew this would happen.

Sam: Oh, how? Because I know what heartache, misery, and failure smell like, and I didn't catch a whiff of it here. Anyone could see this is destiny.

Sam: No, I think -- I think you're both jumping the gun. I'm not rushing into anything, and neither is Jason.

Kristina: Why not?

Sam: Wha-- beca-- because we are a lot alike, and we don't respond well to pressure.

[Doorbell rings]

Sam: I'll -- I'll get it.

Kristina: Uh, it's probably Molly. She texted me, saying that she'd meet us here before we got to the dress maker for our final fittings.

Jason: Hi.

Sam: Hi back.

Anna: It's occupational hazard, you know? Even idle curiosity's gonna sound like the third degree.

Dillon: It's no problem. I was just kidding.

Anna: Well, you know, on the upside, uh, made me forget about this whole camera situation, helped me look a little natural.

Dillon: Well, it worked 'cause these pictures are great. You want to see?

Anna: Do I?

Dillon: Yes. Come on.

Anna: Oh... oh. I'm not bad.

Dillon: "Not bad"? You look amazing.

Anna: Oh, gosh.

Dillon: And it was not just the photographer. Listen, I cannot thank you enough. Seriously.

Anna: Oh, really? All I did was sit there and yammer.

Dillon: No, you did so much more than that. Uh, I've got to grab some release forms for you to sign and run these pictures by my editor, but I know that she is gonna love them.

Anna: Well, thank you for asking me, and for the conversation. Thank you.

Dillon: It was my pleasure.

Anna: No, it was my pleasure. Dillon... I hope you find a way to reconnect with your sister. You know, it may not feel like it, but those kind of relationships -- you don't want to let go of them.

Dillon: I hear you, but it's been six years since my sister has even reached out to me -- longer. So I'm not very optimistic.

Anna: I-I'm curious. Um... your sister, do you know why she called her place Suki's?

Dillon: She said it was a nickname that my father used to call her. I guess deep down she's a little more confused about him than I thought. You should really consider interrogating people for a living. You're pretty good at it.

Anna: [Chuckles]

Paul: What do you mean, "where were we?" I-I was just sharing with you about what's going on with me and Dillon.

Tracy: Like I said, it's not my -- I-it's not -- it's not my problem. I-it's not -- I-I-I-I'm not gonna -- I'm not gonna vouch for you... with Dillon on any terms. On -- on -- on obligatory terms or -- or nostalgic terms. Just go!

Paul: Tracy, Tracy, w-wha--

Tracy: Go!

Paul: I-I'm -- I'm not a bad man. Maybe you need to convince yourself that I am to justify your attitude towards me, but I-I still love the child that we created.

Tracy: Mm. Oh, my God. What's happening to me? [Sighs]

Kiki: What do you mean if something happens to you? Is -- is the cancer back?

Ava: No! No. No, nothing like that.

Kiki: Is it business? Is somebody targeting you?

Ava: [Chuckles] Kiki, we both know that if something were to happen to me that Sonny would get custody of Avery, and there's nothing I can do about that. But he likes you, and I know that he would let you play a major role in her upbringing. And if I could have one wish, that'd be it.

Kiki: Why are you talking like this, like you're dying or like you're going away?

Ava: I'm not. I'm perfectly healthy, and I'm not planning to go anywhere.

Kiki: Good, because I know that we go at it more than we make nice, but you're still my mom, and... Avery needs you.

Ava: Thank you. But, you know, every once in a while, risky things cross my path.

Kiki: How risky?

Ava: You let me worry about that. You just worry about not upstaging the bride tomorrow.

[Both chuckle]

Ava: Are you, um... are you bringing a date?

Kiki: Yeah, I was planning on it -- Morgan. Let's all be civil with each other, okay?

Ava: Oh, yes, of course. Tomorrow is about wishing your uncle the best. And if you happen to have fun along the way, even better.

Kiki: Thank you again for the dress. It's beautiful. I love it. Oh, um, stop doing risky things. Okay?

Ava: I'm working on it.

Darby: Wait. What about Kiki?

Morgan: Come on.

Darby: Where are we going?

Morgan: Somewhere private.

Carly: So, what's the news in here?

Sonny: [Exhales sharply] Well, we're working out some details as far as, you know, my treatment.

Griffin: I'll be making some recommendations soon.

Sonny: I'll be open to hearing them. So, we're done here, right?

Griffin: Right.

Sonny: Okay, let's go. We don't want to -- doctor's got to do his work, right?

Carly: Uh, yeah. Okay.

[Door closes]

Elizabeth: So, your brother is doing a lot better.

Aiden: Is Jake coming home?

Elizabeth: No, honey. Not yet, 'cause the doctors found out he has some broken bones.

Aiden: Are they going to fix him?

Elizabeth: Of course, they are. But in order to do that, they have to send him to another city and to see some special doctors.

Cameron: We're going to Grandma's house?

Elizabeth: Yes, and she's very excited. And Melissa's gonna help with the babysitting, right?

Melissa: Yep. I'll be around for as long as you guys need me.

Elizabeth: Okay, great. And when I get back, I'm gonna need your help finding the best new house ever. Can I count on you?

Cameron: You can count on us, Mom.

Elizabeth: I knew I could. Come here. Give me hugs. I love you guys. [Smooches]

Kristina: Bye, Sam. Um, and, Jason...

Jason: Mm-hmm?

Kristina: Be good to my sister. I mean, like, really, really good.

Sam: Stop.

Alexis: All right, that's it. Let's go.

Kristina: Bye.

Alexis: Bye, honey. Go!

Jason: [Chuckles]

Sam: Uh, I apologize for that.

Jason: They're fine.

Sam: No, you're -- you're being kind. So, how's Jake?

Jason: It's not an emergency, but it is serious. Elizabeth and I need to take him to Philly for treatment.

Dillon: Hey, Mom.

Tracy: Hi, sweetheart.

Dillon: How are you?

Tracy: Ooh, you're in a good mood.

Dillon: Yes, I have already had a full day's worth of work, and if I do say so myself, I think I took some pretty good pictures. How about you? How's everything going here?

Tracy: Fine. All quiet. Nothing to report.

Anna: Listen, Mac, I got a little intel from Dillon. It's a long story. But this is something you can really work with. It turns out that Paul's daughter Susan, she ran a business called Suki's on an island off the coast of Maine.

[Paul walks by]

Ava: Raj, it's me. I know you were concerned about Morgan Corinthos hanging around our business tomorrow night. Well, don't be. Morgan will be at a wedding.

[Kiki walks in on Morgan and Darby making out at the coffee warehouse.]

Carly: Are you gonna tell me what's going on with you and Dr. Munro?

Sonny: Well, we reached an agreement.

Carly: Really?

Sonny: Yeah.

Carly: Because it looked like, to me, that you wanted to have your way about something and you weren't quite sure if you were going to get it.

Sonny: Um, I'm just -- I'm happy with his treatment, and, you know, let's just leave -- let's leave it at that.

Carly: Mm, okay, if I have to.

Sonny: Good, 'cause I want to ask you a question.

Carly: Okay.

Sonny: Would you want to be my date to Alexis' wedding?

Carly: We weren't invited to Alexis' wedding.

Sonny: Kristina asked me the other day, and she wants to broker a truce between me and Julian.

Carly: You told her you were gonna go?

Sonny: I said I'd think about it, and I have, and Kristina's going through a lot right now, and it'd be nice if I showed up.

Carly: Then you should go.

Sonny: What about you?

Carly: I'll go if you want me to.

Sonny: But you're gonna hate every minute of it.

Carly: Oh, come on. I can't count how many lectures Alexis has given me over the years... how you're a dangerous mobster, and I may be able to look the other way, but she never could. Who's looking the other way now?

Sonny: Right.

Carly: Julian is scum. He had Duke Lavery killed. Now she's gonna marry the man.

Sonny: Right.

Carly: She thinks he's not a mobster anymore so his past doesn't apply? She's a hypocrite.

Sonny: Okay, I-I -- forget the invitation. I'll just go solo.

Carly: No, no, no, no. I'll go. I'll go!

Sonny: No, I don't have to bring a date to the wedding. It'd be nice anyway so I don't have to be nervous that you're gonna stand up and call her a hypocrite or s--

Carly: I would not do that, okay? Love to, but I would not.

Sonny: I don't want to take the chance, 'cause I just want to make sure that, you know, nothing unpleasant happens at the wedding.

Elizabeth: I'll be there in a minute to say goodbye, okay? [Sighs]

Franco: That couldn't have been easy.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Franco: You're really good with those boys.

Elizabeth: Honestly, I don't know how I'm gonna keep it all together.

Franco: Just keep doing what you're doing. Good luck in Philadelphia.

Elizabeth: Thanks.

Franco: Hey. Would it be all right with you if I text you every once in a while? You know, find out how Jake's doing?

Elizabeth: Y-yeah. Yeah, that's fine. I'd appreciate it.

Jason: I don't know how long this is gonna take.

Sam: No. It's fine. I mean, you need to be with Jake for as long as it takes for him to get well.

Jason: Well, I appreciate your understanding.

Sam: Of course.

Jason: feeling okay?

Sam: Yeah.

Jason: Yeah? You sure?

Sam: Yeah, look, I'm -- don't look that great, but I feel pretty good.

Jason: Are you telling me the truth? You weren't even supposed to get out of the hospital till today.

Sam: I, um -- yeah, I know. I'm good. I'm just gearing up for my parents' wedding.

Jason: Maybe we can do something when I get back.

Sam: Yeah, I'd like that.

Jason: Yeah?

Sam: Yeah.

Jason: Yeah?

Sam: Yeah.


On the next "General Hospital" --

Morgan (to Kiki): No, no, no. This is not what it looks like. I can explain.

Anna (to Paul): Do you want to have lunch with me?

Raj (to Ava): If you want this deal, you make it happen.

Dante: Did she go to her brother's?

Nathan: She said something about the Haunted Star.

Maxie (to Lulu): Maybe you should go home to Dante.

Michael (to Sonny): You're gonna get Avery back.

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