General Hospital Transcript Thursday 2/11/16
Episode #13493 ~ Elizabeth finds a surprising source of comfort; Hayden notices Tracy's behavior; Nathan is uneasy around Dillon.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Dillon: The camera sees more than just your face. It somehow finds your soul. And that... is even more beautiful.
Nathan: [Clears throat] What the hell's going on here? I thought you were doing a photoshoot, that real women's thing, with Dante's mom.
Maxie: Uh, we are. We did. [Chuckles]
Dillon: Yeah, Olivia is not the only one in the feature now. We have, uh, another real woman. Check it out.
Nathan: Okay, so, I don't understand, Maxie. These are all of you.
Dillon: Well, yeah, they're pretty spectacular, though.
Nathan: Yeah, well, I thought you were the fashion editor at Crimson. When did you become one of the models?
Dillon: Well, the feature is all about real women. Who is realer than Maxie?
Nathan: Right.
Hayden: Make sure Nicholas what? Hello? Tracy?
Tracy: What?
Hayden: You know what. You're using me to steal your family's precious company from my very new husband, Nikolas.
[Keyboard clacking]
Nikolas: Okay, Corbin. Let's see who you are and what you can tell me about my wife. The guy I met in Vegas.
[Nurse walks in while Elizabeth sleeps with her head on Jake's bed.]
[Monitor beeping steadily]
Elizabeth: Hi.
Nurse: I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I didn't mean to wake you.
Elizabeth: I know. I was hardly sleeping. I, um, checked Jake's vitals a few minutes ago, but here, I know you have to write it all down. I'm just really glad he's stable.
Nurse: Can we go outside?
Elizabeth: Yeah.
Nurse: Okay.
Elizabeth: Yeah. [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Nurse: Felix sent an email to the staff about the explosion.
Elizabeth: Aww.
Nurse: He asked that we bring items to replace things that you lost -- clothes, games, electronics. Everything's in the break room ready to be delivered wherever you wind up.
Jason: Hey.
Sam: [Grunts]
Jason: [Chuckles]
Sam: Hi.
Jason: Does head hurt?
Sam: Were you here all night?
Jason: I bounced between you and Jake in the ICU.
Sam: Oh, how's he doing?
Jason: He's doing well. He had a quiet night, which is good, because the orthopedist is going to examine him today.
Sam: Good. How's Danny?
Jason: He is doing fine. He's staying with Monica, and she's happy to have him. The question is how are you doing?
Sam: Oh, a little banged up.
Jason: Yeah.
Sam: But considering everything, I think I'm gonna be okay. I just really want to go home and see Danny.
Jason: I know you do, but the doctors want to keep you here for observation.
Sam: But they've been observing me all night. How much longer do I have to stay here?
Jason: Well, let's see. You tripped and fell down a flight of stairs.
Sam: Mm-hmm.
Jason: You suffered a concussion; you almost froze to death.
Sam: Yeah.
Jason: You suffered smoke inhalation, and you narrowly escaped an exploding house. Therefore, I think you have quite a few symptoms for them to observe.
Sam: [Chuckles] Okay, when you put it that way, I guess I'm okay, thanks to you.
Alexis: Oh, good, you're awake. Hi, honey.
Sam: Hi.
Alexis: Did Jason tell you that I was here earlier this morning.
Sam: Oh, I think, uh -- I figured he was going to.
Jason: [Chuckles]
Alexis: Your father sends his love. I convinced him that you were all right, and that this is probably not the best time to talk to you about taking fewer chances in the future. And since you're awake and alert, I have a surprise for you. Yeah.
Molly & Kristina: [Carrying balloons and flowers]: Surprise!
Sam: [Chuckles]
Griffin: A supportive partner like your wife can make all the difference in your recovery, so why are you lying to her? I mean, you've made tremendous progress, and you're keeping it from her, just like you're keeping it from me. Why is that?
Sonny: You know what, Doctor? Don't take it personally. I just need to make sure I can trust you, because the last few doctors, they weren't a good fit.
Griffin: Well, it's good to know I passed your test, but why are you keeping your wife in the dark?
Sonny: Because I don't want my wife to have to keep secrets from my kids, and I don't want my kids to have to keep secrets from anybody else.
Griffin: I don't follow. Why keep your recovery a secret at all?
Sonny: Because sometimes it's better to appear weak when you're actually strong.
Griffin: Why is that?
Sonny: I need to keep my progress under wraps for business purposes.
Griffin: I thought you were a coffee importer.
Sonny: Yes, I am.
Griffin: I didn't realize the business was so cutthroat.
Sonny: Well, you know, I'm sure there is a lot about the medicine world that I don't understand.
Griffin: In other words, you want me to stick to my business, stop asking questions about yours.
Sonny: You got it.
Hayden: Tracy, is something wrong? Tracy?
Tracy: I -- I don't know what you're talking about.
Hayden: You. It's like you just went away for a minute.
Tracy: It's ridiculous.
Hayden: No, it's not. Are you sure nothing is wrong?
Tracy: Nothing is wrong. In fact, everything is perfect. You married Nicholas, and even though you had to sign a prenup. And you have a trump card, which will negate the prenup, and you will return control of ELQ to me. And in return, I will not expose who you really are, Rachel.
Hayden: You don't need to keep dangling that name over me.
Tracy: Don't I?
Hayden: I will get it back for you before my honeymoon is over.
Nikolas: Okay. [Exhales deeply] June 2013 Baxter Corbin spent many successful years as a wealth manager for a string of different financial students. Blah, blah, blah, the guy was as good as his job, or what about now? Baxter Corbin. And Rachel whatever your name. Oh my god, Liz.
Nurse: Do you know where you'll be staying?
Elizabeth: No. Dr. Quartermaine invited us to stay with her which is very generous. I just don't know where we're going to end up yet. I want my boys to be comfortable. And thanks to everyone here now they're going to have toys and clothes to take with them which should make things easier.
Sam: Thank you all very much. But this is extreme. I'm not planning on staying here very long.
Alexis: Molly insisted. And Kristina insisted. Even though she had to drop everything and return from school. And she had just gotten back there.
Sam: Oh, really? How about that?
Jason: You know what, guys, I'm going check on him.
Alexis: Please give Elizabeth our best.
Kristina: Okay, I want details. Obviously, Jason rescued you again, but how did it happen? How did you feel when you saw him?
Sam: Pretty terrific.
Molly: You know, when we ran into Jason at the floating road last night, we didn't even know anything was wrong.
Kristina: You mean TJ, right? Only because I was in Middletown last night.
Molly: Right, T.J. Because you were the only one who knew that Sam was heading to Elizabeth's, and you only just told me about it when we were at the gift shop.
Sam: Well, however Jason got the information, he showed up in time.
Elizabeth: Mama's here, Jake. [Kisses him] You're okay.
[Monitor beeping steadily]
Jason: Is he still out?
Elizabeth: Yeah. How's Sam?
Jason: Well, she's doing a lot better. She's with her sisters now, so.
Elizabeth: Good. That's fine.
Jason: How are you holding up?
Elizabeth: So-so. What are we going to tell him when he wakes up? His house exploded? I think it's a little much.
Jason: I don't really know what we're going to tell him. But whatever it is, we're going to tell him together.
Jake: Mom.
Elizabeth: Hey, baby! Hi.
Jason: How are you doing, buddy?
Jake: You're both here. Does that mean we're a family again?
Nathan: Yeah, I got to admit, Maxie looks incredible. You really come alive on camera.
Maxie: Thank you.
Dillon: See, Maxie? It's just like shooting a movie.
Maxie: [Chuckles]
Nathan: Right. Whose idea was it to shoot on the pool table?
Dillon: It was pretty clever, don't you think?
Maxie: You know, when we first started, I was pretty self-conscious. But Dillon really put me at ease, and then it felt natural.
Dillon: I have a feeling you would have liked them.
Nathan: Ah, really? So you were thinking of me when you put my girlfriend on a pool table and took pictures of her.
Dillon: Anyways, I think Nina's gonna go crazy over them.
Maxie: Fingers crossed.
Dillon: I have to head back to the Metro Court. I hope Julian Jerome don't get so freaked out about Olivia's pictures. I had no idea he was so old-fashioned. The guy is practically a dinosaur. [Clears throat]
Nathan: Did he just compare me to Julian Jerome?
Maxie: Well, that depends. Are you going to act like a dinosaur now too?
Griffin: If you choose not to tell anybody that you regained the use of your legs, that's your right. But as your physician, it would help in my efforts treating you to know how fully you have recovered.
Sonny: What did Epiphany tell you?
Griffin: She said she wasn't at liberty to tell me your progress, and that I should talk to you. However, judging by your muscle tone and your reflexes, I'm guessing you can stand at this point and walk.
Sonny: Okay, Doc, I don't have my full-strength back.
Griffin: The good news is there is every indication you're going to make a full recovery. As far as when you decide to tell everybody the happy prognosis that you can walk again, well, it's all on you.
Sonny: Well, I'm glad we understand each other, because the last couple of arrogant sons of bitches they tried to put me with after Drake left were a pain in my ass.
Griffin: If I thought your secretiveness was hindering your recovery I might not be so supportive. My first priority is giving you the best possible care.
Sonny: I like that. And I also like that saying St. Aloysius medal that you got. Because it tells me you know about saints. 'Cause when I met you at the chapel, I saw you were going through something, maybe you lost someone. Who knows? I mean, maybe here at General Hospital you'll find some comfort. And also can you hold the door for me?
Griffin: Mr. Corinthos.
Sonny: Thank you, Doc.
Alexis: Sam, how do you think Jason knew to look for you at Elizabeth's? I mean, it seems like that would be the last place somebody would be looking for you?
Sam: I don't know. Jason said he just -- he just had a feeling.
Molly: Like you two are on an astral plane together? That's so romantic.
Sam: I'm not so sure I would put it that way. But I do know that in my head I saw him. I saw him coming for me, I know that probably sounds really crazy right now.
Kristina: No. It sounds wonderful. Like you guys are that connected.
Sam: I think that the drugs are finally kicking in.
Alexis: Well, we don't want to wearer you out. So let's get going, girls.
Sam: I swear I'll be okay by the 19th. I promise.
Kristina: Also known as the wedding of the century.
Sam: Thank you for coming.
Molly: We'll be back with some real food.
Sam: Okay. Hey, come here. Give me a hug. You better come clean before Mom busts you. She knows you're lying.
Elizabeth: Of course, we're still a family. But your dad and I are not together anymore.
Jason: I'm always going to be your dad. And I'm always going to care about you and your mom.
Elizabeth: And we know how badly you wanted all of us to be together. And that's why you started acting out.
Jason: We know you lied about someone watching you from outside the house.
Elizabeth: And we know you broke the family picture and made it look like someone was trying to break into the house.
Jason: No, no, no, it's okay. We're not going to punish you.
Elizabeth: No. You're going to keep seeing Dr. Renault, and your dad and I are going to see her as well, because we need to figure some things out. And baby, we understand that you have been through so much. But you need to understand that lying is bad. And telling stories is lying.
Jason: And lying is always bad. It causes a lot of trouble. Sam got hurt.
Jake: I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for Sam to get hurt.
Elizabeth: We know. We know that, baby. And we want you to heal. Not just from being hit by the car. We want you the heal from all the hurt that happened after I lied to your dad. Remember, I told you lying is bad? Well, my lie is the reason your dad left. And it was really hard for me to accept. And I'm guessing it was hard for you to accept as well. And that's why you were trying to hard to get us back together. But the important thing that you need to remember is that your dad is always going to be in your life. He's just not going to be with me. And that's okay. Something we both need to accept. Maybe we can help each other do that. What do you say?
Jason: Sam told us what happened. How you ran down to the basement to hide, and she went to follow you and she tripped and fell down the stairs. We know it was an accident.
Jake: I thought she was dead.
Elizabeth: Well, she's not dead. She is going to be just fine.
Jake: But I saw her on the steps. I didn't help her. I ran away. I let her die.
Elizabeth: No.
Sam: No, you didn't.
Jason: Hey.
Sam: Hi, I'm right here. Very alive.
Jason: What are you doing out of bed.
Elizabeth: You shouldn't be out of bed.
Jake: No, you're not real.
Elizabeth: Honey, she is real. And she is fine. And she is okay. Sam's a good person. I was very wrong about her. And if how I felt made you hate her, that's not right either. Sam is your dad's wife, and they've been together a very long time. And they would be together right now if it hadn't been for my very bad decision. So I want you to talk to Sam, okay? You might even like her.
Sam: Jake, is it okay if I talk to you?
Jake: I guess.
Elizabeth: Okay. I'm going to go call your brothers, because they want to know how you're doing. I'll be right out here. But your dad is going to stay in here, okay?
Sam: Okay. I wanted to let you know that you didn't do anything wrong, okay? And luckily, your dad, he found me in time to save me.
Nikolas: Elizabeth, I just saw online about your home and Jake getting hit by a car. What happened?
Elizabeth: I almost lost him again, because of the stupid lie. Because I kept Jason away from my family. My son almost died, my house blew up. I just hope it's enough punishment for playing God with the truth.
Tracy: You know, Hayden, I'm beginning to think that your plan might actually work.
Hayden: Thank you.
Tracy: Not that I didn't have my doubts. I thought I was going to have to expose the real you. But there you sit, married to Nikolas. With leverage to negate the prenup. Excellent. The very definition of resourceful.
Hayden: Well, I've certainly been called worse.
Tracy: Me too. In fact, you remind me a lot of myself.
Hayden: [Laughs] Is that a compliment?
Tracy: The highest. I've done my share of maneuvers and nobody ever saw me coming, just like Nikolas has no idea about what I know about him. I'd say you learned well from your father.
Don't ever mention my father to me again.
Molly: You know, for someone in the hospital, Sam looks better than she has, well, since we thought Jason died. It's almost like all this time she's been waiting for him to come back to her, and he finally did. Which is why --
Alexis: Why what?
Molly: Well, it's pretty obvious that Julian doesn't like Jason, or the idea of Sam with Jason.
Alexis: So how all of the sudden did Julian get into this conversation? And by the way, Julian doesn't judge Jason's criminal past. He is just concerned about Sam and Danny's safety.
Molly: Right. Which brings me to my point. If Julian says anything negative about Jason, he is not only going to make Sam mad, he is also going to alienate Kristina and me. I mean, let's face it, Mom. We all known Jason a lot longer than we've known Julian. We love him. So for the sake of family harmony --
Alexis: You want me to encourage Julian to accept Jason?
Molly: Exactly.
Alexis: Hmm. So now if we can get Sonny to tolerate Julian, we'll be just one big happy family.
Molly: [Laughs]
Kristina: Dad?
Sonny: Kristina. What are you doing? I thought you were back in school.
Kristina: I'm visiting Sam. She is in the hospital. She is going to be okay. My mom and Molly and I just saw her.
Sonny: What happened?
Kristina: It's complicated. She fell down some stairs, had a concussion, and was almost caught in an explosion. But Jason rescued her. And that's all that really matters.
Sonny: Well, if Jason took care of it, then I believe it.
Kristina: How about you? How are you recovering?
Sonny: Well, you know, I met with the new doctor. He is a good guy.
Kristina: Did he say when you're going to be able to walk again?
Sonny: I'll let you know when there is a report.
Kristina: Sure. Sorry.
Sonny: Don't be sorry. I love seeing you. So how -- how's your mom going to feel that you cut school?
Kristina: I was planning on coming back next week for the wedding anyway.
Sonny: Oh, right, the wedding.
Kristina: You really hate that she is marrying Julian, don't you?
Sonny: I'm not going to comment.
Kristina: Actually, I have a favor to ask. Would you come to the wedding? For me?
Sam: I fell. It was an accident. You didn't do anything to make that happen.
Jake: I'm still sorry.
Sam: I'm -- I'm sorry that you got scared, and you ran away, and you hurt yourself.
Jake: Can I go home? I just want to go home.
Nikolas: I don't think any of our lies caused Jake's accident or your home to be destroyed.
Elizabeth: Well, we definitely put things in motion.
Nikolas: We've both done things that we regret. But they're over, okay? All we can do is focus on moving forward. Have you figured out where you're going to stay?
Elizabeth: Huh-uh.
Nikolas: You and the boys are more than welcome at Wyndemere. I know Spencer would love the company. We certainly have the room.
Elizabeth: I haven't even had the heart to tell Jake that he doesn't have a home anymore.
Nikolas: It's all the more reason to move in, okay? And my mother is there. It could give Jake some stability that he needs.
Elizabeth: Well, thank you. That's -- that's a very generous offer.
Nikolas: It's the least I could do to help you get back on your feet.
Elizabeth: Are you sure Hayden wants roommates? I'm hardly her favorite person.
Nikolas: Well, you're my best friend. You leave Hayden to me.
Tracy: That was a pretty extreme reaction, don't you think? I actually idolized my father despite all his faults.
Hayden: I mean it, Tracy. Not another word on this topic, okay?
Dillon: Mother, hi. Have you seen Nina? She wasn't at Crimson.
Tracy: No, have I not seen your boss. I've been focused on other things.
Dillon: Hi.
Hayden: Hi.
Dillon: We've met once before.
Hayden: Right. Right. Nice to see you. Mm-hmm.
Dillon: Do you mind me asking what you two were talking about? It seemed a little intense when I got here.
Tracy: You are looking at the new Mrs. Nikolas Cassadine. She was already working at ELQ, but now she has a much bigger stake in our company.
Dillon: Ah. That explains why it looks like you were ready to rip each other apart when I got here.
Hayden: Yes, yes, and I think I've had enough. But do your mother a favor. Make her go see a doctor.
Dillon: Mom, you want to tell me what that was about? Are you sick?
Nathan: All right, I'll admit it. I hated it when you were shooting the movie with Dillon, especially the love scene.
Maxie: Duh, you weren't exactly silent on the issue.
Nathan: Well, Maxie, now there's these pictures with that look, and those eyes and those lips, the same look that you give me in the bedroom. And now you're looking at Dillon that way, and it makes me want to hit him in the face.
Maxie: Nathan, I love you and only you. I want you and only you. You know that, right?
Nathan: Yeah, I do. And I feel the same way. Maxie, I'm not the only caveman out there, all right? What about all these other guys that are going to see these pictures? How many copies of "Crimson" do you print?
Maxie: Not a lot. Only about a million for the green issue.
Nathan: I could beat up a million guys. What am I supposed to do about them?
Kristina: I understand that you hate Julian, and I completely understand why. But Mom loves him. So the best I can hope for is that you two can tolerate each other enough to co-exist. By you attending the wedding, it's like a gesture of truce.
Sonny: Who says I want a truce?
Kristina: It's a smart move.
Sonny: Well, what makes you say that?
Kristina: It makes you seem gracious, magnanimous. And Julian will hate the fact that you're there, but he has no choice but to thank you for coming. You look like a hero.
Sonny: Where did you learn so much about strategy?
Kristina: Shakespeare.
Sonny: Hmm.
Kristina: I took a class last semester about how his characters pursue power. You should read Henry IV Parts 1 and 2. You could read about yourself.
Sonny: I'll think about it.
Kristina: Coming to the wedding or reading Shakespeare?
Sonny: Both. But I'm not going to make any promises.
Kristina: I understand completely. Thanks for at least agreeing to consider.
Alexis: Hey.
Sonny: Hey. Kristina was just telling me about Sam. Is everything okay?
Alexis: Yes, everything is going to be okay. They're just keeping her in the hospital for observation. Listen, I'm glad I ran into you, because I was going to call you about Kristina.
Kristina: Me?
Alexis: You just left for school, and yet you were back. Now I know that you're worried about your sister, but it seems to me that you might be using other people's troubles to cover up your own.
Kristina: What troubles?
Alexis: Kristina, don't do this. All right? There is obviously something going on. So just tell me what it is. And don't look at your sister who I'm sure knows all about this. What it is?
Sonny: Okay, you know what? Kristina, there is something going on, you got to tell us, right now.
Kristina: Okay. I should have said something sooner, but I didn't want you to worry.
Alexis: Okay, well, now I'm really worried. So what is it?
Kristina: I'm not going back to Middletown this semester.
Sonny: Why not?
Kristina: Because I can't.
Sonny: What does that mean?
Kristina: I -- I had an experience with one of my professors.
Alexis: The woman that you brought to the house, that Parker person?
Dillon: What are you hiding?
Tracy: I am not hiding anything. I am not sick. That trip worked wonders. I've never felt this good.
Dillon: Then why did Hayden say you needed to go see a doctor?
Tracy: I have no idea why she said that. She just married Nikolas. Maybe she is trying to claim I'm unwell to steer us away from trying to get ELQ back.
Dillon: Maybe she meant a shrink. She seemed pretty upset when you mentioned her father.
Tracy: Well, maybe she should see a shrink. I don't have any daddy issues.
Dillon: Who are you kidding? We all have father issues, okay? Who is her father? And why she was so upset when you mentioned him?
Nikolas: Hey, I didn't realize you were home.
Hayden: I just finished reading about Elizabeth's house. Have you talked to her?
Nikolas: I just saw her at the hospital.
Hayden: How is she? I mean, I'm not her biggest fan, but I wouldn't wish her house to explode.
Nikolas: She is pretty shaken up. I'm just glad her boys weren't there when it happened.
Hayden: Yeah, I'm sure. When I got home and the house was empty, I for a second thought your mother had talked you into getting an annulment.
Nikolas: Why would she do that?
Hayden: Because she thinks I'm a liar and a con. And I suppose coming to town pretending to be someone's long lost wife leaves a lasting negative impression.
Nikolas: My mother tends to be a bit overprotective. She thinks we don't know each other very well. My last relationship got shot to hell for the same reason.
Hayden: We have the rest of our lives to get to know each other better.
Nikolas: You know something? I realize that I don't even know anyone in your family.
Hayden: Well, besides Spencer and your mother, I don't know anything else in yours.
Nikolas: No, that's not true. You know my little sister Lulu, my cousin Sam. And they're the normal relatives. The rest of the Cassadines are a matter of public record for the most part.
Hayden: Okay. [Chuckles] Full disclosure. My family has its ugly side too.
Nikolas: Such as?
Hayden: It's all in the past. But like you, the really heavy hitters aren't around anymore. Both my parents are dead.
Jason: I know you want to go home, but we have to do what the doctors tell us. And they're telling us they need more time to fix you up. So here we are.
Sam: Yeah, and look at me. I'm already back on my feet, and they're not going to let me go either.
Jason: I got an idea. I could bring Cameron and Aiden. They would play with you. Would that work?
Sam: Ooh, Danny too. I know he misses you a lot.
Jake: I'm getting kind of tired now.
Jason: Okay. Well, why don't you get some rest. I'll check on you in a bit, all right? And you, I'm going get you back to bed now.
Sam: No, no, no, that's not necessary. You stay with Jake. I can find my way. I'll be okay.
Jason: Okay.
Elizabeth: Some of Mommy's friends at work donated clothes and toys for all of you guys. So it's going to be okay, all right? And we're going to get a new house. I know. Can you put Cameron on the phone, please? Hi, honey. Jake is doing much better. I'll let him know you asked about him. We -- no, Cameron, listen. I know it's going to be hard, okay. This is really difficult. But Aiden follows your example. So you can't act like you're scared. You have to be so strong. I know you'll try. And I'm going try to fix everything, I promise. Okay. Mommy has to go. But I'm going call you guys later. All right, baby, I love you. Bye.
Griffin: Sorry for overhearing, but is there anything I can do to help?
Sonny: One of your professors visited you here in Port Charles? Is that normal?
Alexis: Parker and Kristina's relationship developed from teacher and student into something else.
Sonny: Into what?
Alexis: It's a friendship. That part is normal. I mean, I became friends with some of my professors. Kristina was working on an independent study with Parker.
Sonny: Okay. What about your professor/friend is making it impossible for you to go back to school?
Kristina: Trust me, you really don't want to hear this.
Sonny: Trust me, I do.
Alexis: And so do I.
Maxie: So you're worried about what other guys are going to think when they look ate my photos?
Nathan: Well, yeah.
Maxie: And you don't think have I this problem? When I catch some other woman gazing at you, I have to remind myself that anyone with eyes can see you're hot. But I also know you're a good person, and you're mine. Just like I'm yours.
Nathan: Maxie, there is so much more to you than a pretty face.
Maxie: Thank you.
Nathan: I mean that. You are the smartest, most caring woman I know. And that would trump beauty any day.
Maxie: That sounds so spiritual and deep. And I am truly flattered. But don't you ever say something like that to a fashion-magazine editor again.
Nathan: All right. [Laughs]
Dillon: Hayden's father seems to be quite the hot button topic. Who is he?
Tracy: Nobody you know.
Dillon: Well, obviously you do.
He was an acquaintance. Drop it. I will tell you that I am going to get ELQ back in Quartermaine hands where it belongs, if it is the last thing I do.
Nikolas: Your mother and father and daddy never thought of mentioning that to me?
Hayden: Well, I never said they're alive, and you never asked. It's not like I woke up one day and said hey, these eggs are great. Did I tell you that my parents are dead?
Nikolas: Okay. Let's talk about them now?
Hayden: How about not. I don't like thinking about them. They're lost to me. Besides, you and Spencer are my family now.
Griffin: Again, apologies for overhearing. But you've been pointed out as the nurse from the e-mail. I read about your house blowing up and your son being hit by a car. I feel terrible. I don't really have any kids' clothing or toys, so I got you a gift card.
Elizabeth: But you don't even know me.
Griffin: I'm new to the hospital. Dr. Griffin Munro.
Elizabeth: Dr. Munro.
Griffin: Uh, Griffin, please.
Elizabeth: Elizabeth.
Griffin: When I read Felix's e-mail, my heart went out to you. So if there is anything else I can do.
Elizabeth: Thank you. And the important thing is the doctors are saying Jake will make a full recovery, so...
Griffin: That's good. I know it must be hard being here as a mom, not a nurse. And knowing what we know, how fragile life is.
Elizabeth: It sounds like you've been in the same position?
Griffin: Even then, even the best doctors in the world can't heal if there is no love in the room, somebody rooting for you to get better.
Elizabeth: You don't really sound like a lot of the doctors I know.
Griffin: Hopefully that's a good thing.
Elizabeth: I'm going to go check on my son. Welcome to GH.
Griffin: Thank you.
Sonny: So what did this professor do to keep you from going back to school?
Kristina: Parker thought that I would be able to concentrate better if I didn't my independent study at home. That I'd be too distracted in Middletown. And since it counts as so many credits, I need to do well.
Sonny: Well, that seems odd.
Alexis: Unorthodox, at least.
Kristina: But can I say Parker's not exactly conventional. But with everything going on, it seemed like a good idea. Sam almost died. So did you. Your wedding is around the corner. I -- I just want to be here for everyone.
Sonny: Kristina, when did you decide this?
Kristina: When I got back to school. Everyone was partying and not taking school seriously. And that's when Parker made the suggestion. I just hope that you guys don't get sick of having me around. Come on, Molly, we need to get Sam some food. We promised her some food outside of the hospital.
Sonny: Think that's the whole story?
Alexis: Not a chance. She is trying to protect us from something.
Sonny: Well, maybe Kristina is more like us than we realize. I just don't understand why she would want to hide the truth from us.
Molly: Kristina, hang on. We can get Sam's food in a minute. But first, the P in your diary, Parker is a woman?
Elizabeth: Hey there, how you feeling?
Jake: Better. I'm glad Sam's not dead.
Sam: Thank you. Checking up on me, huh?
Jason: Yeah, maybe. But that was wonderful what you said to Jake. It was important for him to see that you're okay and that you didn't blame him for what happened. He seemed much calmer after you left.
Sam: That's great. No, I was happy to do it. He's been through a lot.
Jason: Yeah, he has. So what can I do to return the favor? Would you like some decent food? A magazine, a book?
Sam: No, no, no, huh-uh, none of those things. But there is one thing you can help me with.
Jason: Okay. What?
Sam: Can you please help me get the hell out of here.
Jason: [Chuckles] Ah.
On the next "General Hospital" --
Molly: Kristina, you're gay.
Maxie (to Nathan): I'm going to make something of Valentine's Day for us.
Lulu (to Laura): Oh, don't go looking for trouble.
Jason: Sam, you are recovering from major trauma.
Jordan (to Curtis who is staring at Valerie): What the hell do you think you're doing?
[Nikolas & Hayden celebrate Valentine's Day in bed.]
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