GH Transcript Tuesday 12/15/15

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 12/15/15


Episode #13455 ~ Dante asks Sonny about the local gun runner; after another run-in with Carly, Elizabeth receives comforting & wise words from a surprising source; Johnny discovers Valerie's Achilles' heel.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Julian: I'm glad that you were able to meet me today.

Alexis: I had an opening in my schedule, and I'm more than happy to spend my lunch with you, my love. Ah. Maybe we could do something that has more than lunch.

Julian: Ooh, you know what? That does sound amazing. But I deeply regret that I do not have time for anything else today...

Alexis: Aw.

Julian: ...Because after we finish our ribs here, I have to head on back to the magazine and watch it go up in smoke.

Nina: Wow, Dillon. You are really gifted. These are great. They're great. I mean, you, um, captured my soul -- and not my old insecure soul, but my new competent editor-in-chief soul.

Dillon: I'm glad you like them.

Maxie: It's like I said -- Dillon's gifted.

Nina: Yeah, you were right. And you know what? There's something else you were right about. Crimson is on a roll. We're gonna make this magazine a huge success.

Hi, Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Hey. I thought you had the day off.

I was called in on the Winslow craniotomy.

Elizabeth: Isn't that Patrick's case?

He took a family leave.

Elizabeth: Oh, I didn't know. [Sighs]

Are you feeling okay?

Elizabeth: Yeah, yeah. It's been a really rough 24 hours, but medically I'm fine.

Nevertheless, maybe you should go home.

Elizabeth: [Scoffs] I couldn't find anyone to take my shift. Believe me, I tried. The last thing I want to do is face anyone right now.

Carly: Jason, it's me. Can you please call me the second you get this? No third degree, I promise. I just really want to know that you're okay.

Sonny: Any luck?

Carly: No.

Sonny: Ah.

Carly: I've been trying since this morning, since you told me that Elizabeth kept the truth from him. They're better off apart, okay? But that doesn't make it hurt any less. He thought he loved her.

Sonny: You -- you're gonna have to let him deal with this himself, Carly.

Carly: Okay, it's not fair, because he confided in you.

Sonny: We ju-- it was just a conversation.

Carly: Well, I want my turn. Jason is hurting, and whether he realizes it or not, he needs me.

Sonny: You want to help Jason? You need to back off.

Olivia: So [Sighs] I got to ask you. Did you speak with Dante about what happened with Valerie?

Lulu: Yeah, Dante stopped by The Haunted Star this morning.

Olivia: Well, I hope you gave him what for.

Johnny: Looks like you're having some car trouble, Officer.

Valerie: Mnh. Cadet.

Johnny: Ah, yes. Cadet. What seems to be the problem?

Valerie: I really don't know. I was just driving along and just lost power.

Johnny: Hmm. Well, if you want, I'd be happy to take a look. I have some experience with cars.

Valerie: Would you?

Johnny: Today's your lucky day.

Carly: Okay, Jason has been hurt by someone he thought he could trust. I cannot just stand here and do nothing.

Sonny: We got to respect Jason's boundaries. Whatever he's going through, it's his problem, just like we have our own problems with our own family.

Carly: Jason is family!

Sonny: I'm -- I'm not saying he's not. I'm talking about our kids... who probably won't accept any input from us any more than Jason would, but we're still obligated to try.

Carly: Well, for the record, I always accept your input.

Sonny: [Laughs] That's good. That's about the biggest lie I've ever heard, right?

[Door opens, closes]

Dante: Hey. Sorry to interrupt.

Sonny: Hey. No, that's...

Carly: No, I have to run a few errands, so I'm gonna take off for a little while. Okay?

Sonny: All right. I'll see you.

Carly: Bye.

Sonny: Dante will keep me company.

Carly: [Laughs] Okay.

Sonny: What's going on?

Dante: There's something I need to talk to you about.

Nina: These are so incredible. Do you think that we could use one of these for our official shot for the masthead?

Maxie: Absolutely! These pictures are exactly what you wanted. They say "confident and cutting edge."

Nina: Great. I just don't know what to choose. They're so incredible.

Maxie: [Chuckles]

Nina: We are a fashion magazine, after all. Maybe we can switch it up. You know -- one shot for each season.

Franco: Yeah. If it were up to me, I'd want a new picture of you every day of the year.

[Franco & Nina kiss]

Lulu: I obviously wasn't thrilled when you told me that Dante left Rocco alone with Valerie, but I took some time to calm down, and I decided to be reasonable.

Olivia: You did?

Lulu: I'm taking a page from your book. Julian is far from your favorite person, but you're making an effort to get along with him for Leo's sake, and... I am trying to do the same for Rocco.

Olivia: Sweetheart, I am so happy to hear you say that. I think the best thing that you and Dante can do right now is just put your little boy first.

Lulu: I am definitely going to protect my son.

Olivia: [Sighs] You know what? Maybe if the two of you just keep your focus on Rocco, maybe your problems won't seem so insurmountable. And who knows? Maybe you'll even find your way back to one another.

Lulu: Mnh. Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Olivia: Hey. Laura, I'm -- I'm just keeping your seat warm.

Laura: Oh.

Olivia: [Breathes deeply] I love my son, but I'm able to admit it when he's wrong. And he's been wrong a lot lately.

Laura: What did Dante do now?

Johnny: Doesn't seem to be any immediate trouble.

Valerie: [Sighs] Crap. Looks like I'm calling a tow truck.

Johnny: [Sighs] Yeah, I'd offer to give you a ride, but I got to...

Valerie: Oh, no. Sorry. I don't take rides from strangers.

Johnny: Oh.

Valerie: No offense. You seem like a nice guy, but... Ted Bundy was pretty charming, too.

Johnny: Really? You -- you're gonna straight for Bundy? [Laughs] Ouch. It's okay. As a woman, you can't be too careful these days. Matter of fact, I would kick my little sister's butt if I found out she took a ride from a complete stranger. [Chuckles] But I [Sighs] I did see you stranded by the side of the road, stopped out of the goodness of my heart, but you have no idea what my intentions are, right?

Valerie: Thanks. And thank you, again, for stopping, even though it might be pointless.

Johnny: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not done yet. I, uh... tell me again what happened.

Valerie: [Sighs] I-I really don't know. I was just driving along, and then it just started to decelerate, and then it died, and I had to pull over.

Johnny: Huh. You know, sometimes some of these connections can come dislodged. It's an easy fix, but it does take a while to find which one.

Valerie: [Sighs] How long?

Johnny: Depends. I hope you don't have anywhere important to be.

Valerie: Just the gun range.

Johnny: Oh. Now that is a conversation stopper.

[Both chuckle]

Johnny: I promise to keep my hands where you can see them. [Chuckles]

Valerie: I'm not dangerous.

Johnny: Says the woman who's off to shoot things for fun.

Valerie: Paper targets! It's not like "Call of Duty" or anything.

Johnny: Right.

Valerie: Besides, if you have a gun, you should know how to use it.

Johnny: Now, that is a woman after my own heart.

Valerie: [Laughs]

Johnny: Let's see if we can get you back on the road, huh?

Valerie: Great.

Johnny: [Clears throat] Oh, I'm Greg, by the way.

Valerie: Oh. Valerie.

Johnny: Yeah.

Valerie: Nice to meet you.

Johnny: Likewise.

Franco: I think you're a beautiful and totally in charge editor-in-chief.

Nina: I have a lot of plans.

Franco: Do you?

Nina: Yes. I mean, you heard that we're changing the masthead, putting a new photo out there, and we're completely redoing the art department, and, also, we're doing more fashion editorials per issue.

Franco: All of that sounds great.

Nina: Yeah, it is. Julian thinks so, too. He's -- he's really happy with my work. N-not -- well, not yet, but he's gonna be happy with my work. He completely thinks that I can turn Crimson around.

Franco: Glad to hear it.

Nina: Yeah, you don't seem glad.

Franco: No, I am. Why wouldn't I be?

Nina: I don't know. You tell me.

Maxie: These really are fantastic, Dillon. I mean, any one of these photos could be the masthead shot.

Dillon: I'm glad I could help out. I know you guys were in a bind, needed a photo for your next issue.

Maxie: Yeah. Ugh, and now our regular photographer has left us high and dry. He's going to work for another magazine.

Dillon: You're kidding. That sucks.

Maxie: Yeah. It's pretty much to be expected. I mean, everybody who works for Crimson thinks it's a sinking ship. They're all fleeing before it goes down.

Dillon: That's got to be hard on you, watching the magazine you loved so much go under like that.

Oh, uh, I don't think Crimson is a sinking ship. I think it's a beautiful seaworthy vessel that just needs a few upgrades. [Sighs] Actually... you could help us keep it afloat.

Alexis: So, how's everything going with Crimson?

Julian: You know, so far, so good, and by that, I mean bad. The latest numbers came in, and the magazine's circulation is dropping like a stone.

Alexis: Whoo! Congratulations.

Julian: Thank you. Crimson can't tank fast enough. I just want to take this tax write-off and be done with it. Right now, I've got more pressing concerns, like our daughter.

Alexis: She's having a hard time.

Julian: Mm. Well, you know, I just want to help her get past this without any heartache. I mean, how do we do that?

Alexis: We do what we've been doing -- we show her that we're there for her. That's all we can do.

Julian: Mm.

Alexis: She was trying to have the Christmas spirit with Danny this morning. She -- you know, she's gonna be all right. She's a tough cookie.

Julian: Like her mom.

Alexis: I think she's a little bit of both of us, God help her.

Julian: Well, that would mean she's a survivor.

Alexis: I just think it's great that we can be here for her as a family.

[Door opens]

Olivia: Oh! Ah, Julian! Alexis, hey! Your assistant told me where to find you.

Laura: I know it's got to feel like she's trying to take your place, but I really don't think that that's what Dante wants.

Lulu: I decided it wouldn't help anyone if I flew off the handle, so I'm taking the high road. I thought it'd be better for everyone if I were reasonable.

Laura: Lulu, what'd you do?

Lulu: What?

Laura: I know you, and when you're hurt, the last thing you are is reasonable.

Lulu: It's been known to happen.

Laura: Okay, I'm not saying that you're incapable of moderate behavior, but it is not your first reaction... especially when the wound is this deep. You are your father's daughter. And when he got hurt, he would get this steely-eyed gleam in his eye, because he already knew the best way to get back at them. And sometimes when I look at you, I see that same look.

Lulu: What you see in my eyes is pain and anger, because I have been betrayed by my husband. As mad as I am at Dante, revenge is not something that I'm thinking about. It's not the only thing I'm thinking about.

Laura: Okay.

Lulu: I never would have believed that he could betray me like this. I'm going through like a million emotions every day. First, I-I'm furious, and then I'm just sad. And then I want Dante back, and then I never want to see him again!

Laura: Yeah, I know. I understand. It's a very confusing time.

Lulu: It is. But the one thing that I am not confused about is that I hate Valerie.

Sonny: What do you need to talk to me about?

Dante: Well, first, how's your health?

Sonny: Uh, upper body -- stronger, you know? [Laughs] I get around better, and, you know, I can navigate the chair, but my legs... no change yet.

Dante: I'm sorry to hear that.

Sonny: But you know what? I-I just got to keep going. You know what I mean? I'll get it.

Dante: Yeah, it's got to be frustrating, the pace of the recovery.

Sonny: Well, Epiphany keeps me in line. I don't really, you know, cooperate very well 'cause I'm stubborn, but, in the end, I got to do what she says. I got no choice.

Dante: Got to be tough keeping track of everything that's going on from the sidelines, yeah?

Sonny: What are you getting at?

Dante: There's an arms dealer that's been seen around town. ATF's looking into him, but I wanted to know if you knew anything about why he's here.

Carly: [Gasps]

Elizabeth: Oh, God.

Carly: Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Carly.

Carly: So, do you have a minute?

Elizabeth: So you can lecture me about Jason? Don't bother. I've heard it all from him and Sam.

Carly: I wanted to thank you.

Elizabeth: Excuse me?

Carly: For showing Jason your true colors.

Elizabeth: [Scoffs]

Carly: See, you're not a shining star. You can lie just like the rest of us. Hell, even more than the rest of us.

Elizabeth: Wait, you are going to talk to me about lying?

Carly: I never lied to Jason. I never needed to. He accepted me with my faults, and I accepted him the same way. You, on the other hand, see, you always played the victim and the damsel in distress.

Elizabeth: Mm-hmm.

Carly: You tried over and over again to trap Jason, to turn him into the man...

Elizabeth: Okay, fine.

Carly: To live life by your rules.

Elizabeth: Okay.

Carly: But now he sees a different --

Elizabeth: Just shut up! Just shut up!

Carly: Now Jason sees how selfish you are... how you could stand by and watch his wife and his son grieve just so you could have what you wanted!

Elizabeth: Sam and Danny had a new life with Patrick!

Carly: Patrick?! Let's talk about Patrick. You stood by, and you watched him get engaged to a woman you knew was already married! Patrick was your friend, and you screwed him over, just like you screwed the rest of us over!

Elizabeth: No, Patrick was happy. Like, we could have all been happy if Sam had just let this go.

Carly: Jason wasn't happy! He could never be happy with a liar like you. And I tried to tell him that over and over again, but he wouldn't hear it from me. You had to be the one to show him. Now you have.

Sonny: I don't run guns, and I don't do business with arms dealers.

Dante: I know that, but this is your territory, and you know everything that's going on around here.

Sonny: Do I?

Dante: We're talking a lot of guns, Sonny.

Sonny: Yeah.

Dante: It'd be good to know where they're going.

Sonny: Then I hope you shut down that arms dealer.

Dante: That's it? You're not gonna help me out any more?

Sonny: That's all I got.

Dante: Well, I sure hope you're not planning on dealing with this person directly.

Sonny: In my current state, I'm pretty much off the front lines.

Dante: [Breathes deeply] Have you ever thought about taking this opportunity? Using it to your advantage?

Sonny: Dante... what are you getting at?

Dante: This business almost killed you again. You've had a good run...

Sonny: Uh-huh.

Dante: 'Cause you're smart, but because you've been lucky, too, and maybe your luck's about to run out.

Sonny: If you're referring to my wheelchair, I've already told you -- it's temporary.

Dante: [Sighs] If you stay in, I'm worried you're gonna end up in one of two places -- the morgue or jail.

Sonny: There's also a third option -- I could wind up dying in bed many years from now.

Dante: Will you s-- just listen to me. You just got married to Carly again.

Sonny: Right.

Dante: You got a kid you got to take care of. Morgan's...sick. He needs help with his treatment. Michael's about to have a kid, not to mention I need you.

Sonny: I thought you understood. I got -- I can't get out of the business. N-- it's not an option. It never was.

Dante: Yeah, I figured.

Sonny: Can we just talk about something else? How you doing?

Alexis: I didn't realize that your assistant was so communicative with your whereabouts.

Olivia: Oh, yes. We've gotten to be very good friends, me and Cheryl. And -- and I told them that I was looking for you, and she sent me right over here.

Julian: Well, is Leo okay?

Olivia: Oh, Leo's perfect. And he's gonna be even more perfect when I put him in this. [Laughs] Isn't it cute? Scooch over, Alexis. Scooch, scooch. Isn't that cute?

Alexis: Uh, it's...cute.

Julian: It's definitely cute.

Olivia: Well, I'm glad you both think so, because... I've got a matching one for dad! [Laughs] You know what? When Dante was a little kid, my nonna used to make us matching sweaters every Christmastime, and then the two of us would just put them on and wear them all day, take about a million pictures, and, unfortunately, I'm not as skilled with my knitting needles, but I thought, with a little help from my credit cards, I could carry on the tradition with the three of us. [Laughs]

Alexis: Wow! So you -- you three are gonna wear Christmas sweaters together?

Olivia: Oh. I'm sorry. Did you want me to get you one, too?

Alexis: No. [Stammers] No, thank you. I-I've got lots of sweaters.

Julian: Yeah, lots of sweaters. Listen, I would love to stay and chat about sweaters, but I have to get back to the office.

Alexis: Huh?

Julian: So I'm gonna leave you two.

Alexis: Why?

Julian: Uh, Alexis...

Alexis: Huh?

Julian: ...You know, listen, thank you for meeting me. Always good to see you.

Alexis: Wha--

Julian: Okay. And, uh, see you later.

Olivia: [Sighs]

Dillon: I'm not sure where I come in. How can I help save Crimson?

Maxie: You could do more than just step in as our emergency replacement. You could be our permanent photographer.

Dillon: [Chuckles] I'm not a fashion photographer. I'm a filmmaker.

Maxie: So? A lot of directors work in fashion and vice versa. What about Tom Ford? Come on, Dillon. It's a win-win. You get a great job, and I get to keep you here in town.

Dillon: Okay, I got to ask -- why do you want to keep me here?

Nina: I can tell by the look on your face. You don't think that Julian thinks I'm capable of running the magazine?

Franco: I just... don't pay any attention. I-I had cafeteria food at the hospital. It's just -- it's always a bad idea.

Nina: No, don't. You're -- you're avoiding the question. I thought we were honest with each other.

Franco: Okay. You're clearly great at what you do, but I'm not convinced that that's why Julian hired you.

Nina: Why do you think he hired me? Come on. Don't -- don't treat me with kid gloves. Just tell me, honestly.

Franco: You know what? Forget I said anything. I just don't -- I don't like that guy. I don't like Julian. But -- do you -- and I'm happy that you're happy with what you're doing. I-I like that you have something that you love.

Nina: He doesn't think I'm capable? Is that what you're saying? That he hired me because of some kind of joke?

Franco: I didn't say that.

Nina: I mean, because I didn't know what I was doing when I started the magazine, but I learned so much from Maxie. And I am editor-in-chief of Crimson, and I'm gonna make it a success.

Franco: I-I know you... that's what I'm gonna do with this magazine. I know. You are, you are. That's what you're gonna do. Look, I think you're amazing. If it were up to me, you'd be in charge of every magazine in the world. Okay, but Julian is shallow and superficial and ultimately probably treacherous, and I just feel like he has some kind of agenda. A-and I would hate to see you ever get hurt.

Nina: Okay. Um, that's an interesting perspective. I'll, you know, give it some thought, definitely.

Franco: All right. So, then, um, I-I guess I'll see you at home later?

Nina: Uh-huh.

[Door closes]

Johnny: Sorry this is taking so long. You can wait in the car if you want.

Valerie: That hardly sounds fair. I'm fine.

Johnny: Is that code for "I'm missing gun class"?

Valerie: [Laughs] Not "gun class" per se, but gun practice.

Johnny: Oh. What do I know? I'm just a civilian. [Chuckles]

Valerie: Yep. I officially missed my time at the gun range. And I really needed to make a good impression.

Johnny: Why wouldn't you make a good impression?

Valerie: I have got some things stacked against me.

Johnny: Oh. You catch a raw deal 'cause you're a woman? You know, I hate that crap.

Valerie: No, actually, they treat me pretty well.

Johnny: All things considered?

Valerie: [Chuckles] All things considered. But that's not my only problem. There incident.

Johnny: An incident?

Valerie: Yeah, but if you don't mind, I really don't want to get into it.

Johnny: Oh, that's okay.

Valerie: I'm just afraid that it may influence how the cops feel about me. And I don't really know what to do about it. I really want to be taken seriously as a cop. It means everything to me.

Johnny: I can tell.

Alexis: Olivia?

Olivia: Yeah?

Alexis: Can we talk?

Olivia: Sure. About what?

Alexis: I know what it's like to co-parent when you're not part of the couple. And, you know, I had to do that with Ric and Sonny.

Olivia: Mm.

Alexis: And we had varying degrees of success. It's tricky. But I think we -- we managed to maintain our separate lives.

Olivia: So you're saying you don't want me spending time with Julian?

Alexis: No! No! I'm not saying that at all. I -- you have to spend time with Julian. You share a child together. I-I'm just asking or suggesting that maybe we could set some boundaries.

Olivia: Ah.

Alexis: For example, Julian and I were having a private lunch, and -- and we don't get to do that that often, and you decided you wanted to see him. And I-I'm just saying that, in the future, maybe you could call first before coming over.

Olivia: I get it.

Alexis: [Gasps] You do.

Olivia: You're putting me in my place.

Alexis: [Sighs]

Dante: Now that the separation's official, Lulu and I are moving on with our lives.

Sonny: You're okay with it?

Dante: I don't know if I am or not. But it's where we are these days, you know? She brought over separation papers, I signed off on them for her. Everyone keeps saying we're meant to be together, we're gonna get back together, but... that's easy for them to say.

Sonny: You know what? You shouldn't really put any pressure on yourself, because here's the thing -- there's not really a -- a magic fix here. Right? I mean, you and Lulu are gonna have to figure out what you guys want. It's gonna take a while. I mean, look at Carly and me. We -- we broke up how many times? All the time, it was painful. Sometimes it was ugly. But in time, the anger will fade, and you'll remember what's good. Now, I can't tell you whether you guys are gonna get back together or not, but at least with Carly, you know... ...we found our way back together, and I thank God for that. A few detours along the way. Is that what's going on? Are you going through a detour?

Dante: Honestly, I don't know what I'm doing.

Sonny: Well, that's honest.

Dante: [Sighs] I'm just, uh... [Clears throat] ...Just taking it day by day, you know?

Sonny: That's all you can do. I mean, hey, if you and Lulu are meant to be, you guys will find your way back together.

Laura: You know, in some ways, it's -- it's easier to hate Valerie than it is to hate Dante.

Lulu: Valerie hurt me just as much as Dante did. Let's not even talk about the fact that she is my cousin.

Laura: Yeah, well, she may be your cousin, but she's not your husband, and she's not the one who broke any marriage vows.

Lulu: Oh, well, it's fine. I have plenty of hate to go around.

Laura: [Breathes deeply] Oh, Lulu, please. Stay focused on the real problem.

Lulu: I know that Dante is the one that is responsible for cheating on me.

Laura: Mm-hmm.

Lulu: And if we ever get back together, I will have to find a way to live with what he did.

Laura: And to be honest with you, I hope that you do find a way back together. But if you don't [Breathes deeply] You've got to remember that you will always be Rocco's parents, and that means putting him first. Uh, so, you know...

Lulu: I know.

Laura: ...You're going to have to learn how to treat each other kindly, sweetie, even when you don't want to.

Lulu: I might be able to find a way to come to terms with what Dante did, but I don't see any reason to tolerate Valerie. As long as Valerie is in Port Charles, I will always be reminded of how she targeted my marriage and seduced my husband.

Johnny: Oh! I am sorry. My fingers are frozen. I can't even grip the metal.

Valerie: You know what? Don't worry about it. You've gone above and beyond. I can just sit and wait for the tow truck. They said they'd be here in a few hours.

Johnny: No, I won't have it. I want to give it another shot. Besides, I hate not finishing something I've started.

Valerie: [Chuckles] I know what you mean.

Johnny: I bet you do, soon-to-be-Officer Spencer. The...

[Both chuckle]

Johnny: So, I bet police academy's pretty tough.

Valerie: Yeah, it is, but I love it.

Johnny: Mm.

Valerie: It makes me feel like I have a purpose, you know?

Johnny: Yeah. But I've also heard of people finding purpose where they don't get shot at every day.

Valerie: [Laughs] True.

Johnny: Yeah. So, you tackle any perps yet?

Valerie: Mm, no comment.

Johnny: Ah!

[Both laugh]

Johnny: You remind me of somebody that I know.

Valerie: Is that a good thing?

Johnny: Definitely. [Breathes deeply] I think the fingers have thawed. I'm gonna give it another shot. Yeah. Yes. This may be it!

Valerie: Did you find it?

Johnny: Looks like. I may have fixed your car.

Valerie: My hero.

[Both chuckle]

Elizabeth: If you insist on gloating, can you at least do it in private? I do have to work here. And unless you want me to lose my job on top of everything else...

Carly: Oh, wouldn't you love that? Because then you could make it my fault that you lost your job. Just like it's Sam's fault that you lost Jason, huh? Never mind the fact that you are the one who lied to him for seven months and you are the one who kept Jason from wife and their kid. And you are the one who tried to marry him under false pretenses. What were you gonna do when he remembered everything? When Jason realized that he was a bigamist, did you expect him to ignore his old life?

Elizabeth: He doesn't remember his old life. And there's a good chance he never will. But I do know he was happy with me, and I just wanted him to stay that way.

Carly: Oh, my God, you're crazy! He was starting to remember things little by little, and he will remember everything. And what the hell were you gonna do? Were you just hoping for the best?

Elizabeth: [Scoffs]

Carly: Or, what, did you have some kind of plan... that once he remembered, what the hell? He was already married to you, so he was obligated. You wanted to play on Jason's guilt!

Elizabeth: It doesn't matter what I was planning because it didn't happen! He left me, Carly. He left me, okay? And I know that's exactly what you wanted. Never mind the fact that we also have a child together, and now I have three little boys at home whose hearts are breaking.

Carly: Okay, don't. You stop right there. Who set those boys up to invest in Jason when you knew that he had another family? I'm sorry that your kids are hurting. I think it's horrible. But, Elizabeth, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Elizabeth: [Sighs] [Breathes deeply]

Franco: Hey! Watch out for the art!

Maxie: Yes, I'm still mad at you for what you did to Lulu, but that doesn't mean our friendship's over. And despite our ups and downs, you know, Georgie made us family. So I don't want to see you move across the country. If I can give you a reason to stay, I'm happy to do that.

Dillon: Well, touched as I am by your heartfelt appeal, I have another reason to stay.

Maxie: Oh, really? What?

Dillon: Well, I already said goodbye to Lulu, and, uh, to be honest, uh, I'm just a little uneasy leaving her in this state.

Maxie: What state is that?

Dillon: Oh, she just seems a little vulnerable right now. I don't want her to get mixed up with the wrong people.

Maxie: What wrong people? What do you know?

[Door closes]

Nina: All right, guys, let's get back to work.

Dillon: Oh, sounds like a good idea.

Nina: Oh, look. Wow. Our fearless leader. To what do we owe this visit? We -- we have been really hard at work. Why don't we show him the pictures for the masthead?

Julian: You know what? That's okay. I, uh, hate to be the bearer of bad news, but figures for the most recent issue show that circulation is down again, Nina.

Nina: Okay, well, as we discussed before, that was the work of your previous editor and has nothing to do with me.

Julian: I know. I just wanted to keep you apprised. But it might be a little tougher to turn Crimson around than I originally thought.

Nina: Okay, can I have a private moment with you in my office, please?

Julian: Yeah, of course.

Maxie: [Sighs] Oh, no.

Dillon: "Oh, no" what, Maxie?

Maxie: Well, Nina is editor-in-chief now, and she's gonna have to do some fancy dancing if she wants to keep Crimson afloat. I know she has learned a lot in a short amount of time, but... I don't know if she's up for this.

Julian: So, what did you want to talk to me about?

Nina: Why did you hire me?

Alexis: I think we can happily co-exist.

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Alexis: I'm just asking that we just, you know, set a few boundaries.

Olivia: And that I don't overstep those boundaries.

Alexis: [Sighs] It's tricky. We're navigating new water, and it's my fault. I think I-I muddled things by inviting you to Thanksgiving. It -- it was probably too soon.

Olivia: Wait a second. Is this about the Christmas sweater? You got a problem with your boyfriend wearing a little Christmas cheer?

Alexis: No, I don't. No. He can wear whatever he wants. It's just you assumed that you were having Christmas with us, and honestly, I don't even know what we're doing for Christmas.

Olivia: Oh. [Chuckling] Well, then I guess the joke is on you, because Julian already invited me.

Julian: Now, listen, I applaud your efforts, Nina, but they weren't necessary. I just needed to fill the position, you know, keep the magazine afloat while I wrap up some obligations to advertisers. You just happened to be at the right place at the right time. But, uh [Chuckles] I don't have any expectations for the ultimate success of the magazine, so unless, you know, Crimson turns into some sort of moneymaking venture, you know, in the next few issues, I'm just gonna have to, uh... you know, wrap it up permanently.

Nina: So you're giving up on the magazine?

Julian: The magazine doesn't offer any profit margin, Nina, so, uh, I'll just have to cut my losses.

[Door opens]

Franco: Okay, I'm just guessing, but you seem kind of upset about something.

Elizabeth: Okay, I am not talking to you about this.

Franco: Okay, wait a minute. Where do you think you're going? Hold on a second! You have made a mess of my art room! You're not gonna clean this up?!

Elizabeth: No.

Franco: Why not? Oh, I see. You're anxious to get back into the fray. Trust me, Carly can yell at a person for days, and she's probably ready for round two, so if you are gonna head out there, you should probably -- you should take these.

Elizabeth: God. So you heard all that.

Franco: About how you knew Jason was Jason and you didn't tell anybody, especially not even Jason?

Elizabeth: You want to yell at me, too?

Franco: No. No. Why? I don't think what you did is that bad.

Elizabeth: Oh, God. I'm getting sympathy from you? I've hit a new low.

Franco: I'm just saying that even if you had told Jason everything, it would not have made him remember everything.

Elizabeth: Okay, the fact that you're on my side is terribly disturbing.

Franco: Don't look an unexpected ally in the mouth... or something like that.

Elizabeth: What?

Franco: I'm just saying you could use all of the help that you can get. And you did me a solid, anyway. The longer Jason stays in the dark about who he is, the better for me... 'cause if he ever remembered who he was... I might be in serious trouble.

Dante: Thanks for the advice.

Sonny: Any time.

Dante: You let me know if you hear anything about that arms dealer, okay? [Scoffs] Watch your back, old man.

Sonny: I always do.

[Door closes]

Carly: Hey, Dante. You still here?

Dante: Yeah. I'm just on my way out. [Sighs] You, uh, take care... both of you.

[Door opens]

Carly: What was that all about?

[Door closes]

Johnny: All right, give it a shot.

Valerie: Okay.

[Engine turns over]

Valerie: Oh, my God! [Laughs] It worked! Can I give you something for...

Johnny: No, no, no, no, no, no. Please, it's no problem, really.

Valerie: You sure?

Johnny: I'm just sorry you had to miss your gun class.

Valerie: No, don't worry about it. I'm sure I can make up the time. We just have to log in a certain number of training hours.

Johnny: Oh. You know, from everything you said, I can tell you're really passionate about what you do. You're gonna make a great cop.

Valerie: Thanks, Greg. And thank you, again, for stopping.

Johnny: Oh, it was my pleasure.

Olivia: Since I will not be spending any more time with Julian, you can give him his Christmas sweater.

Alexis: Olivia, I don't want to give him his Christmas sweater. You can give him the Christmas sweater at Christmas. I-I just... you know, want us to be aware of each other's space. That's all.

Olivia: Alexis, you got a kid with Julian. I got a kid with Julian. We all got kids with Julian, which makes us kind of like a little family. And if you know anything about me, you know there are very few boundaries in my family.

Alexis: Right. Well, FYI -- you don't know Julian very well if you think he's gonna wear this sweater. [Chuckles]

Olivia: We'll see.

Maxie: Oh, great. Gonna get -- ooh! Uh, so, Julian just left, and, uh, I was wondering -- did he say anything about the budget? 'Cause I was kind of hoping we could keep Dillon here permanently.

Nina: You're hired.

Dillon: Wow. Uh [Chuckles] Thanks. I got to say I'm a little surprised. Julian didn't really seem to be in a giving mood.

Nina: Oh, no, Julian has every faith in us. We're making this magazine a success.

Sonny: Dante just wanted to ask me a few questions about the case.

Carly: Mm.

Sonny: Um, how'd it go with you? Did you run your errands?

Carly: Yeah. See? I picked up your prescription.

Sonny: Was that before or after you went looking for Jason?

Carly: Okay, I resisted the urge to track him down. I did.

Sonny: Oh, good for you.

Carly: Mm-hmm. I did run into Elizabeth, though.

Sonny: Oh, what -- what -- what -- how'd that go? Or do I want to hear?

Carly: I just told her she had no one to blame for what happened but herself.

Sonny: Oh, I bet she loved that.

Carly: Well, I don't give a damn. After what that woman did, she's lucky if anyone will speak to her.

Elizabeth: I will call maintenance and have them clean up this mess. I don't know why I'm still here talking to you.

Franco: Because I'm willing to listen to you. That's why. And because I know what it feels like to be the town pariah.

Dante: Hey.

Valerie: Hey.

Dante: I got your text. You had a problem?

Valerie: Yeah. My car broke down, and I missed my session at the gun range. And then, by the time I got there, there was only enough time for the instructor to chew me out.

Dante: Simmons. Yeah, he can be tough.

Valerie: [Sighs] I had a perfect record, and I blew it!

Dante: Hey, hey, hey. You know, it's not your fault that your car broke down. You know? It'll be fine. You -- you just, uh -- you just make up the time.

Valerie: Yeah, I'm sure you're right. It's just frustrating.

Dante: I'm sorry I missed your call. Did you have to wait long for a tow truck?

Valerie: Actually, there was a really nice guy who stopped and helped me. If he hadn't fixed my car, I would have been in a lot more trouble.

Laura: I'm here for you. You know that, right?

Lulu: Yeah.

Laura: No matter what.

Lulu: Thanks, Mom.

Laura: Okay, dear. And before you do anything, I want you to stop and think and think again. Okay? Because I don't want you to do something in a moment of anger that you can't take back. Okay. Love you.

[Cell phone rings]

Lulu: Hello?

Johnny: Hey. Lulu, it's me.

Lulu: What happened with Valerie?

Johnny: [Sighs] Relax. All we did was talk. But I know now where she's vulnerable. All I got to do is exploit it.

Lulu: Well, how do you plan to do that?

Johnny: You just leave that to me.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Morgan (to Carly): Here. You want to count them? Let's count them.

Ava (to Kiki): There is someone that needs you now.

Michael: I would like to hear what Dr. Lee has to say.

Anna (to Mac): I have to find out what happened.

Tracy (to Paul): I enjoy spending time with you.

Emma (to Patrick): I really want to see Mommy.

Jerry (to Robin): Your time has expired.

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