GH Transcript Friday 12/4/15

General Hospital Transcript Friday 12/4/15


Episode #13448 ~ Elizabeth is concerned about her secret getting out; Diane informs Jason he's a very rich man; Paul sets the record straight with an Carlos; Hayden learns more about the circumstances of her shooting.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Jordan: Oh, Mr. District Attorney. Good morning.

Paul: Afternoon.

Jordan: Oh, so it is. Are you looking for the restroom, or --

Paul: I'm actually looking for your friend Anna Devane. Any ideas about where she might be?

[Anna knocks on a door, then tries to jimmy the lock when someone catches her red-handed.]

Sabrina: No, Carlos, you're not safe if you stay here, a-and I'm not safe if I'm anywhere near you, so I-I just need you to... [Sighs] Just leave Port Charles and never look back. [Sighs] Just do the right thing for once.

Carlos: Hey, hey. I'm not going anywhere without you. You are the mother of my child. Come on. You're coming with me.

Sabrina: No, Carlos! No! I'm not going anywhere with you, and neither is my baby.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Jason: Mm!

Elizabeth: Ooh.

Jason: [Kisses her on the neck]

Elizabeth: Mister, I don't know who you are, but my fiancé is right upstairs.

Jason: Oh, I know. I met him.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

Jason: Good-looking fella. Mumbles a little bit.

Elizabeth: [Laughs]

Jason: Horrible memory. Mm. Aren't you glad I stayed?

Elizabeth: After last night, I can't remember why I thought you should go.

Jason: Fantastic! Now we both have amnesia.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

Jason: Oh, no.

Elizabeth: Babe, I'm kind of worried about Jake.

Jason: Yeah, me, too.

Elizabeth: I mean, I -- [Sighs] He's still not fitting in with the other boys, and I know it's a process, but...

Jason: You know, it's not like he had a lot of time to socialize when he lived with Helena. Well... know, even though, I think he's gonna be okay.

Elizabeth: You do?

Jason: Yeah, you know, I -- [Sighs] I think playing with Danny helps. He was in good spirits when I got him back from Sam and his grandmother.

Elizabeth: His grandmother?

Jason: Y-yeah.

Elizabeth: Laura was there?

Jason: Yeah, she was there when I picked up Jake...

[Cell phone rings]

Jason: And there's my phone. [Clears throat] You know, I-I don't really know what they were talking about, but it seemed heated.

[Ringing continues]

[Cell phone chimes, ringing continues]

Nikolas: It's Nikolas. Call me as soon as you get this. We need to talk.

Hayden: You want to meet now?

Curtis: Yeah. I got some good intel about the shooting.

Hayden: Don't leave me in suspense.

Curtis: Well, I ain't gonna do it over the phone. Look, meet me, uh, outside of Kelly's in the alleyway.

Hayden: All right, I'll be there as soon as I can.

Nikolas: Hey, what was that? Who are you meeting with?

Hayden: Our, uh, ELQ/HR team. One of our industrious members has some ideas for trimming the fat. She wants to run it by me first because she thinks I have some insight into how you think.

Nikolas: And... I wonder why she would think that. [Chuckles]

Hayden: I'll see you later.

Nikolas: Okay.

Hayden: [Smooches]

Nikolas: [Clears throat]

Laura: Have you heard from Elizabeth yet?

Nikolas: No. Uh, I left her a voicemail, but I haven't heard back from her, probably a good thing.

Laura: Oh, dear. How so?

Nikolas: Well, if Elizabeth hasn't heard from Sam, then potentially Sam has dropped her suspicions of Elizabeth and I knowing the truth about Jason.

Laura: No. I'm sorry. There's just no way on earth that that's possible.

Sam: I'm glad you could meet me. I really, really needed to talk to you about this in person.

Alexis: I'm always here for you. I also figured you'd reconsider once you had a good night's sleep.

Sam: Why would you say that?

Alexis: Well, when Patrick and I talked about moving forward with the divorce, you...disagreed.

Sam: Uh, Patrick had no right to put a timetable on my divorce, much less involve you.

Alexis: I hear you. You made that very clear. And then you called me an hour later and said that you wanted to go through with it, so...

Sam: Okay.

Alexis: ...I'm concerned that your flip-flopping means that you're not really sure about this.

Sam: Uh...

Alexis: So, what happened between when I left and that phone call?

Sam: I found out some information that could break Elizabeth and Jason up, and I want a divorce as quick as possible so I'm not tempted to use it.

Anna: Trying to give me a heart attack?

Mac: Are you trying to do the same to me?

Anna: What are you doing sneaking up on me like that?

Mac: [Sighs] I'm worried about you. And I kind of wanted to see if I could.

Anna: Are you crazy? I nearly stuck you in the throat with this.

Mac: Speaking of this pretty little antique, what are you doing here with a lock-picking kit?

Anna: Obviously, I am trying to discreetly break into this apartment.

Mac: And whose apartment is this?

Anna: Why are you here?

Mac: I'm tailing you obviously.

Anna: Why?

Mac: Felicia and I are worried sick about you. Look, we tried reaching out to talk, but you've been so unavailable that, well, tailing you was the best way to make sure you're okay.

Anna: So now you found me. And -- and I'm fine.

Mac: No, you're not fine. You almost stuck me with a lock-pick. You're not fine.

Anna: [Sighs]

Mac: What's going on here?

Anna: Well, the man whose apartment this is -- or used to be -- he set me up to believe that I had killed someone, but I'm thinking that maybe I didn't.

Mac: Okay, so, not killing someone is a plus, but how about giving me something more definite, like whose apartment is this?

Anna: Kyle Sloane.

[Footsteps approach]

Jason: That was Diane Miller. She's on her way over here to discuss the divorce.

Elizabeth: Oh. Great. That's probably a conversation you guys should have on your own.

Jason: Why? It -- it involves you, too.

Elizabeth: Well, I've got errands to run and -- and Diane knows a lot more about your marriage than I do. And that's not really a walk down memory lane I'd like to take right now, so I'll see you later, okay?

Jason: Mm. I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me.

Elizabeth: I do.

Jason: Oh, yeah?

Elizabeth: Thank you.

Jason: For kissing you? My pleasure.

Elizabeth: For everything. All of it. I love you so much.

Jason: I love you, too. Sure you have to go?

Elizabeth: I do.

Jason: You're positive?

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

Jason: I can tell her to wait.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

Nikolas: With all due respect, you don't know what Sam is thinking or what she intends to do. And quite frankly, neither do I.

Laura: She's on to something, Nikolas, and she knows it. She's not about to let anything go.

Nikolas: Think of it this way... she's asking questions, so therefore she doesn't have answers.

Laura: But she's the type who will get the answers. Nikolas, be prepared for this whole thing to blow up.

Alexis: What have you found that could blow up Elizabeth and Jason?

Sam: Elizabeth knew that Jake was really Jason basically this entire time.

Alexis: Wow.

Sam: Yeah.

Alexis: There's a lot of questions in there right now. Just trying to figure out which should be the first one.

Sam: Yeah, Patrick had questions, too.

Alexis: Such as?

Sam: What does Elizabeth lying to Jason and basically stealing his entire life have to do with Patrick and me?

Alexis: And what was your answer?

Sam: I couldn't come up with one, mom. That's why I called you about fast-tracking the divorce. I am convinced that Elizabeth has been lying to Jason, but why should I have to put my life on hold for that? What does it matter, you know? [Sighs] What are you thinking?

Alexis: I'm thinking that it matters to you -- a lot.

Jordan: I don't keep tabs on people who don't work for me.

Paul: Anna is my new investigator.

Jordan: Exactly -- your investigator, not mine.

Paul: [Scoffs] Commissioner, if it all leads to cleaning up the streets of Port Charles, does it really matter how we get there?

Jordan: Well, assuming that we don't want hordes of criminals just getting by on technicalities, um... yeah, it quite matters a lot.

Paul: Commissioner, a little faith, please.

Jordan: Look, just keep me in the loop, okay?

Paul: When I -- or Anna and I in concert -- find something worthy of your attention, you'll be the first to know. I'm not keeping anything from you.

Mac: Let me get this straight -- you thought you killed Carlos Rivera, but you didn't. Right. And you suspect Kyle Sloane, the former police commissioner, set you up to believe that you did.

Anna: It's more than a little suspect, isn't it, that he so willingly volunteered to get rid of the body?

Mac: So, if Rivera's still alive, whose body did they pull out of the harbor a couple of months ago?

Anna: Just one of the many reasons why I'm here. I need to get into that apartment and find out what is going on and why so I can just put an end to this nightmare. What are you doing?

Mac: Give me that little kit.

Anna: Huh?

Mac: Yeah, uh, you're using a long hook when that lock requires a short. You're a little rusty.

Anna: I-I don't want you to get your hands dirty. This is my mess.

Mac: Give me the kit, Anna. You're not doing this alone anymore.

Carlos: It doesn't matter that you thought I was gone. That's my kid, not Michael's.

Sabrina: That doesn't matter because I'm with Michael now. Okay? I have a life here. And I'm not gonna throw that away to run off with you.

Carlos: That's my kid, Sabrina! You really think that I'm just gonna walk away from you two?

Sabrina: Yes, yes, I do! I do, Carlos!

Carlos: Ohh, querida, please. [Sighs] You know me better than anybody. What makes you think I would abandon my child?

Sabrina: Because you have to.

Carlos: Not gonna happen.

Sam: Ever since I heard Jake say that Elizabeth and Laura were keeping a secret about his father, I put finding the answers ahead of everything else, including Patrick. And when he called me out on it, I-I could see what I was doing from his perspective.

Alexis: So what did that look like?

Sam: Like I was best-dealing it. That if Jason found out, he would leave Elizabeth, and that would leave us married. And -- and if that didn't work out, what, I had Patrick as a consolation prize? It's so bad, Mom. I hurt him so, so bad.

Alexis: And that's when you called?

Sam: Yes. I want a divorce. I want this to end. I want to be with Patrick -- end of story.

Alexis: Good. That answers all my questions except this one -- when Jason finds out what Elizabeth did, are you sure that's not gonna change things between you and Patrick?

Nikolas: If Sam were even getting close to the truth, I think we'd know. Right now, all she has are easily dismissible and improvable theories. That's all she has.

Laura: Nikolas, trust me -- Sam does know the truth. All she has to do now is prove it.

Elizabeth: Sam knows?

Jordan: Most DAs strive to be on the same page with their police commissioner. I hope that's true for you with me.

Paul: It goes to show that we have more in common than you think. We just have different styles.

Jordan: Mm. We're both working toward the same goal -- putting criminals behind bars.

Paul: Amen to that.

Jordan: Well, as you can see, I have a lot of work to do, right, building cases for you to prosecute, so... if there's nothing else, then...

Paul: No. I'm sorry to take up your time.

Jordan: No problem.

Paul: And, Jordan.

Jordan: Yes, Paul?

Paul: Uh, if you should see Anna Devane --

Jordan: I will -- I will let her know you're looking for her.

Mac: Don't go into the kitchen if you have an aversion to mold or mice.

Anna: Yeah, looks like no one's lived here for some time.

Mac: Well, it's clear Sloane left in a hurry. I mean, there's a refrigerator filled with spoiled food, and it doesn't look like he packed a bag.

Anna: Well, I've been trying to reach him for weeks, and I just assumed he was avoiding me because we didn't part on amicable terms.

Mac: He left in a hurry or something spooked him.

Anna: Given the fact that he set me up, he would've known that the body that was washed up on the docks wasn't Carlos.

Mac: Well, then, who's body was it?

Sabrina: Even if I wasn't with Michael, I wouldn't go anywhere with you.

Carlos: [Scoffs] Why not, hm? What do you have here really? [Mockingly] Oh, besides Michael.

Sabrina: I don't love you anymore. I'm not 16 anymore. I'm not dazzled by your charm. I'm not -- I'm not intrigued by your danger. I'm not thinking that I'm gonna magically save you from yourself. [Sighs] A long time ago, I gave you a Saint Christopher medal with our names engraved on the back. You remember?

Carlos: Yeah, I know. I-I kept it for years.

Sabrina: Okay, well, you can get rid of it now.

Carlos: I lost it.

Sabrina: Great! Good! I'm glad you lost it. You know why? Because I'm not the girl who gave it to you anymore. I grew up, Carlos, and clearly you never will. Yeah, you may have started off older than me. But you know what? You ended up a chil-- no, no, no. You -- you're not even a child. You're some -- you're some arrested adolescent who's still living in some teenage fantasy, and I'm not gonna --

Carlos: This is not a fantasy! This is -- this is our life -- you and me and this baby.

Sabrina: You are not a part of my life. Do you hear me? Do you? You're not gonna be a part of the baby's, okay? Let me go. This is never going to work.

Carlos: [Grunts]


[Door closes]

Elizabeth: I knew it -- I should've never trusted either of you.

Laura: Elizabeth...

Elizabeth: Oh, God.

Laura: I didn't tell Sam anything.

Elizabeth: Okay, but you just said that --

Laura: No, no, no. That she had a -- I promised to keep your secret, and I have. But I also warned you that one day this thing was gonna blow up in your face.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Laura: Now, as far as we know right now, no one knows the whole truth.

Elizabeth: Okay, but you just said Sam knows.

Nikolas: Here.

Laura: She suspects. Elizabeth -- she suspects that we knew the truth about Jason's identity before he did.

Nikolas: Sam has no way to prove her suspicions. All you have to do is stay calm and not overreact. And you can have your "happily ever after" with Jason, just like you wanted.

[Knock on door]

Jason: Hi.

Diane: [Sighs] I, um -- I never got the pleasure of meeting you when you were Jake doe. So now that you are Jason Morgan, um, may I just say that it is lovely to see you again. You were always my favorite client.

Jason: Right, uh, as I explained in my message --

Diane: Yes, yes, your memory is compromised. I understand. Carly went to great lengths to explain it to me, as did Spinelli. They're both very concerned about you.

Jason: You discussed my personal business with Spinelli and Carly?

Diane: Absolutely not. They talked. I listened. I'm on your retainer, so your private affairs are your own. May I?

Jason: Yeah, sorry. Come on.

Diane: [Laughs] Well, I have prepared a complete statement as to the disposition of your assets. Naturally, you left the bulk of everything -- thank you -- to, um -- that's okay. I've got it.

Jason: Got it?

Diane: To -- to Sam and Michael, but you provided substantial trusts for Carly's other children, Josslyn and Morgan. [Clears throat] Now, your estate remains intact, which means that nothing has been sold off, nothing has been broken up, so you regaining control is simply a matter of vacating the legal certificate of death.

Jason: So, once I'm officially alive, I-I just receive this money?

Diane: Yes, well, it's a great deal of money. And you also own a penthouse, 40% of Corinthos Coffee, including all of its holdings. And... [Clears throat] There is the matter of your offshore assets. [Chuckles]

Jason: Okay.

Diane: Naturally, your name does not appear on any of those accounts. Excuse me. But [Sighs] They're numbered, for obvious reasons. Now most of them are in the, uh -- are in the Grand Keys. Some are in Switzerland, but Spinelli has been handling this particular aspect. But suffice to say that, should you lose every dime you have in the United States, you are still a very, very wealthy man internationally.

Jason: So, uh, once I'm legally claimed alive, how long will it take to move forward with the divorce?

Diane: Right. You know how when someone wins the lottery, they are strongly advised not to make any big life changes for at least a year?

Jason: Yeah, I didn't win the lottery.

Diane: [Chuckling] Yes, you did. You are no longer some -- forgive me -- nameless indigent. You are Jason Morgan. You are wealthy and powerful, and you have a wife and child. And as your attorney, I'm going to strongly advise you not to make any big decisions until you fully grasp your situation.

Jason: Are you billing me for this?

Diane: Well, some things don't change. Would you be more receptive to this advice if it were coming from a friend?

Jason: I don't need a friend. I need a lawyer, and I need a divorce. Can you handle that?

Diane: Very well. Um... yes, it should be a very simple matter to obtain an uncontested pro forma divorce. It is uncontested, isn't it?

Jason: Oh, absolutely. Sam and I are on the same page as far as that's concerned.

Sam: Whatever happens between Jason and Elizabeth, good, bad, or otherwise, it -- none of it has anything to do with me and Patrick.

Alexis: I see.

Sam: Damn it!

Alexis: Ooh. [Sighs]

Sam: Mom, this is unfair.

Curtis: What took you so long? I'm out here freezing my black ass off.

Hayden: [Sighs] It was your bright idea to meet in an alleyway in December. Why don't we go inside?

Curtis: Kelly's is kind of popular right now.

Hayden: So?

Curtis: With customers like Alexis Davis and Sam Morgan.

Hayden: And how do you know who I know in this town?

Curtis: Just a guess. Oh, and the dude you're living with -- he's Cassadine. And so are the two ladies. I do my homework.

Hayden: Yeah. Let's talk out here.

Sam: I'm so sorry. How could Elizabeth get away with this? She's taking advantage of what Jason doesn't know, keeping him away from everyone that he loves. He has no idea what she's stolen from him. I do.

Alexis: All right, so, you blow up Elizabeth and Jason. What outcome do you envision?

Sam: Well, Patrick asked me the same thing. I told him that --

Alexis: I'm not interested in what you told Patrick. Tell me the truth.

Elizabeth: Why did you leave that message for me?

Nikolas: I wanted you to know that Sam is still asking questions.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Laura: [Sighs] Little Jake must have overheard us talking, and then he mentioned it to Danny, and Sam overheard that.

Elizabeth: What did you tell her?

Laura: I -- [Sighs]

Elizabeth: [Groans]

Laura: I just said that I thought little Jake had an active imagination, that Jason loves you now and that she should let it go.

Elizabeth: A-and did she accept that?

Laura: No, not really. She didn't.

Elizabeth: Oh, God. Oh, God. What am I gonna do?

Nikolas: W-what are you -- Hey, Liz. What you're gonna do is your gonna get your head on straight in case Sam does come around asking questions.

Laura: And she will. She had no qualms about grilling me, so I don't think she's gonna be any easier on you.

Nikolas: I wanted you to know so you could be ready.

Elizabeth: Ready? Ready? [Scoffs] Ready to lose the man I love?

Nikolas: [Sighs]

Elizabeth: Jason was ready to move on. H-he knows who he is. He knows who he was. He wants to marry me. But Sam won't let us be happy. She won't just walk away. She won't -- why can't she just marry Patrick like she's supposed to?

Laura: Jason is her husband.

Sam: You think I'm hoping that Jason will come back to me. Aren't you? Mom, this -- this Jason is different. He's my friend. He's not my husband. He's not my Jason.

Alexis: Honey, you can't get back the time that you lost. And even if Jason remembers, you can't un-live what happened in between when he was with Elizabeth, and you fell in love with Patrick.

Sam: I know, but where does that leave me?

Alexis: Sweetie, if you're not careful, it may leave you with the very real possibility that you will end up with no one at all.

Hayden: Okay, so just give me the low-down before we freeze to death. What did you find out about the shooting at the garage?

Curtis: I got schematics.

Hayden: Schematics -- of the garage? Well, stop looking for a light and tell me what you found out. You said this would be the easiest money you've ever made, so...

Curtis: Come here. [Sighs] Tell me where you were standing the day you got hit.

Hayden: Uh, here -- I think.

Curtis: Okay, here. And, more importantly, where was Jason Morgan standing?

Hayden: Here. No, here.

Curtis: All good. Got what I need.

Hayden: What you need to do what?

Curtis: Hayden, that hit wasn't for you. Shawn was trying to kill Jason Morgan, which means the bullet that he shot is somewhere in the vicinity of where Jason was standing. If I could retrieve that bullet, then we can prove that someone else shot you.

Hayden: We couldn't do this via e-mail? You had to freeze my butt off?

Curtis: And a lovely butt it is. I'm just saying.

Hayden: Anything else?

Curtis: Why are you so unfriendly? Do you have any idea how close you were to actually dying? Your shooter, he didn't miss. He hit you right in your head. And the only reason you're alive here harassing me is 'cause you're lucky.

Mac: Well, his calendar hasn't been updated, see?

Anna: No, I see.

[Keyboard clacks]

Anna: [Sighs] I see this is going nowhere. And I have you breaking and entering with me, and for what?

Mac: Hold on. Hold on a second. [Scoffs] First of all, you don't have me doing anything. I offered to break and enter.

Anna: Yeah, that doesn't make me feel any better.

Mac: Well, it should. Come on, Sloane and Rivera, they put you through the wringer. I don't like that, so I'm gonna help you get to the bottom of this.

Anna: Thank you. I've been carrying this guilt around for months -- [Sighs] The fear of being caught.

Mac: Look on the bright side -- they can't pin Rivera's murder on you.

Anna: He's alive somewhere.

Mac: So, if Sloane's a dead-end, maybe we should be looking for Rivera.

Sabrina: Does this make you feel tough, Carlos? Does this make you feel like a man, huh? What are you planning to do? Are you gonna drag me off to your car, throw me in it, and just drive away from Port Charles? Is that what you're gonna do?

Carlos: Sabrina, please, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or scare you.

Sabrina: Well, you did! That's exactly what you did! Nice job.

Carlos: Sabrina, please.

Sabrina: No, no! God, no! Stay away from me. Ugh!

Carlos: You can't just walk away from me and ignore me.

Sabrina: Yes, I can, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do. I love Michael. And frankly the way that you live your life scares the hell out of me. So, clearly, to me, there's no decision to be made. You're leaving. And I pray that I'll never see you again.

Carlos: I'll come for what's mine. You know I will. [Breathing heavily]

Paul: Hello, Carlos.

[Police radio chatter]

Sabrina: Um, excuse me. Hello. Hi. I'm so sorry to interrupt. Is, uh -- is the commissioner here?

Jordan: Sabrina?

Sabrina: Hi.

Jordan: Is everything okay?

Sabrina: Yes. Yes, I'm fine. [Breathes deeply]

Jordan: Uh, do you want to sit down?

Sabrina: No, uh, no. Uh, no, it's okay.

Jordan: Or I can get you some water.

Sabrina: Um... [Sighs] I need to talk to you about Carlos Rivera.

Jordan: Okay. What about -- Sabrina?

Sabrina: [Sighs] The baby just kicked.

Jordan: Oh, congratulations. That's, uh... what about Carlos?

Sabrina: Um... uh, I, um -- I brought his ashes here to -- to be sent to his family in Puerto Rico. That happened, right?

Jordan: Yes, yes, of course. Why?

Sabrina: Oh, no, that's -- that's all I need to know. Thanks.

Jordan: That's all?

Sabrina: Yes. Yes, there's nothing more to say about Carlos.

Paul: Why the hell are you still in Port Charles?

Carlos: I had some personal business to take care of, so I stuck around.

Paul: Was that our deal?

Carlos: This was important.

Paul: Our agreement was that you leave the country until I had another job for you.

Carlos: But like I said, this was personal, so... it's not your problem.

Paul: When you don't do what I expect, what we agreed... it is my problem.

Mac: Look, I think the first thing I'll do is call in a favor with a buddy of mine at the bureau... okay. ...See if he can get a read on the last time Sloane's cell phone pinged a local satellite tower.

Anna: Perfect.

Mac: Then, we'll go from there.

Anna: Okay.

Mac: All right, and you know what? We should use my contacts. 'Cause you don't know who you can trust.

Anna: No, I don't.

Mac: I don't got any bars in here. I'm gonna make this call outside.

Anna: All right. Hey, Mac?

Mac: Hm?

Anna: Thanks a million.

[Door closes]

Anna: A handwritten number, no name...

Curtis: Look at that. Am I good or am I good? [Chuckles] Look, what I said over there, about you being a lucky lady, I mean, you survived something that would've ended most people. You need to give yourself some credit. I'm just saying.

Hayden: Find Shawn's bullet. Maybe take your car to the garage and tell them you have a knock or something.

Curtis: See, that'd be all right, except for I don't have a car. I like to maintain a low carbon footprint.

Hayden: Lost your license?

Curtis: Something like that.

Sam: It's not right for Elizabeth to be able to get away with this.

Alexis: No, it is not. But Elizabeth is not my daughter. You are. So I need to ask you -- do you want Elizabeth punished because Jason is in love with her and not you?

Sam: [Sighs] I really want to be able to say no.

Alexis: I think you need to sit with that for awhile.

Sam: I don't know what to do, Mom.

Alexis: Whatever you decide, it's 100% your call, but you need to just make the choice that's best for you.

Sam: What would you do?

Alexis: I think you already know the answer to that.

Jason: Sam and I were married.

Diane: Technically, you still are.

Jason: I want to give her a generous settlement.

Diane: Well, Sam is being represented by her mother in this divorce, and I have no doubt Alexis will be diligent in safeguarding her daughter's interests.

Jason: Good, give her whatever she wants -- actually, give her more.

Diane: Yes, but, see, your situation is unique in that you lived with Sam for many years before you were married.

Jason: Did you just tell me I'm rich? You did, so I want to make sure that Sam and Danny are taken care of.

Diane: Very well. I shall run the numbers and give you a full report.

Jason: Thank you. Also, uh, I want to make sure that I take care of Elizabeth and the boys, maybe get a new house -- something that we pick out together, not just something that I stumbled into.

Diane: I have no doubt Elizabeth will be happy to hear that.

Jason: Hope so. I just want to be a good husband.

Diane: Mm-hmm.

Elizabeth: How's that for irony? Helena cursed Sam on her deathbed, and now I'm the one who's gonna lose everything.

Laura: You're not cursed, Elizabeth. You, Nikolas, and I are all in this situation, because of the choices we made, and... now we're gonna have to pay for them.

Nikolas: But look, the said situation is not completely hopeless, because, either than Hayden, the only people that know the truth are sitting right here together in this room. And we're not talking, right?

Laura: Right.

Elizabeth: Right.

Nikolas: Sam can ask all the questions she wants. But the only way that this thing goes wrong is if you panic and betray yourself.

Elizabeth: Okay, I won't. I'm -- I'm gonna pull it together.

Nikolas: Good. Now go home and be with the man that you love. It's what you wanted. It's what you asked for, so enjoy it.

Elizabeth: Okay.

Nikolas: [Sighs] Okay. Now that I think we're all on the same page, can we finally put this thing to bed?

Laura: If you think it can be put to bed.

Nikolas: Hey, you. Back so soon?

Hayden: Hey.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] [Chuckles] What's -- what's going on? Something happen at the meeting?

Hayden: Oh, you know, it was just another one of those meetings that should've been an e-mail. That's all.

Nikolas: Oh, okay. Something else wrong?

Hayden: No. Mnh-mnh. It's nothing. Actually, everything's right -- verging on perfect.

Nikolas: Then why do you seem so lost in your thoughts right now?

Hayden: I'm just thinking about what an incredibly lucky woman I am.

Curtis: So, it's called a red-eye, right?

Woman: Right.

Curtis: That sounds whack. That sounds like I'm gonna be up all night by myself, so I thought about something a little sexier.

Woman: Such as?

Curtis: Are you ready for this?

Woman: Yeah. [Chuckles]

Curtis: "A shot in the dark."

Woman: [Laughs] Wow. One shot in the dark to go, then.

Curtis: All right.

Woman: [Giggles]

Jordan: Curtis?

Paul: Then get out of town and stay away from Anna.

Carlos: Well, believe me -- I have no desire to lay eyes on that steely bitch again.

Anna: Why does this number look so familiar?

[Cell phone rings]

Paul: This is Paul Hornsby.

Alexis: Jason.

Jason: Ms. Davis.

Alexis: Oh, call me Alexis.

Jason: Okay. This is ironic. I just met with my lawyer.

Alexis: Diane. She mentioned that you were going to see her. How did it go?

Jason: It went well -- for how these things go, I guess. She's moving forward with the divorce, and, uh, she tells me you're handling Sam's side.

Alexis: I am. Uh, we were just, uh, going over the paperwork.

Jason: Good, and Diane tells me, since it's uncontested, that nothing should slow down the process.

Alexis: True. Nothing should.

Elizabeth: Jason? Jason, are you home? [Sighs] Oh, God. [Sighs] "Elizabeth, I can't wait for our future together. I love you -- Jason." [Sighs] It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay.

[Knock on door]

[Sam's at Elizabeth's door]

On the next "General Hospital" --

Sonny: Maybe I should just find another doctor.

Patrick: Maybe you should.

Anna (to Mac): All right, let's go.

Julian (to Ava): The call you got. Who is it from?

Paul: What the hell is going on here?

Jason (to Carly): Elizabeth and I are gonna get married, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do about that.

Sam (to Elizabeth): I know what you did to Jason. I know everything.

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