GH Transcript Tuesday 11/10/15

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 11/10/15


Episode #13432 ~ Elizabeth is relieved when Jason goes home with her, but then she sees a bittersweet moment between Jason & Sam; Sonny loses the custody case for Avery after he threatens Ava's life.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Ava: Michael and Morgan, they've already begun to feel that itchy ache of pity. The one that feels good and bad at the same time. They feel so sorry for you. But they're so happy that it isn't them in that chair. And poor Carly. Mm. Such a vital, sexy woman, right? Stuck with a feeble little man. How long will she want an invalid that she has to help into bed? A weakling that can't even stand up and put his arms around her. A patient instead of a husband, who can't even keep her satisfied.

Sonny: I can still load a gun and aim it, shoot to kill. I can blast you with so many bullets they will not be able to recognize the body.

Ava: Well, you wouldn't do that. You wouldn't kill the mother of your own child, would you?

Sonny: With pleasure.

Carly: Sonny!

Michael: Hey, Dad -- Dad! Let her go. Take it easy.

Carly: Let her go!

Michael: Dad! What the hell are you doing?

Sonny: What've you got to say now, you smart-ass?

Carly: What are you doing, Sonny? Knock it off.

Ava: Temper, temper.

Carly: What do you think you're doing?

Ava: Oh, he's doing what comes naturally. He's threatening to kill me.

Hayden: You and Elizabeth have known for months that Jake Doe is Jason Morgan.

Nikolas: I don't know what you're talking about.

Hayden: That's not gonna cut it anymore, Nikolas. A huge secret came to light at that church. I think the time is right for you to dig up everything else you thought you'd so skillfully buried and air it all out.

Patrick: Sam.

Sam: Do you think the DNA test is valid?

Patrick: I don't know. It appears to be.

Sam: I think so, too. Jason's alive. He came back. He's my husband.

Patrick: It certainly looks that way.

Sam: Do you not believe it?

Patrick: Just trying to process what it means. For Elizabeth, for you. For us.

Elizabeth: Jason... please look at me. I'm so sorry.

Jason: You don't have anything to be sorry about.

Elizabeth: Just -- just -- [Sighs] Let me explain. I know how badly you wanted to know who you were. And you deserved -- you deserved to know. I didn't want you to find out.

Jason: Were you afraid, uh, whatever I found out about my past would tear us apart?

Elizabeth: So afraid.

Jason: Yeah, well... I don't blame you. [Sighs] I mean... it's not like you were keeping anything from me, anyway. You just wanted to protect the life that we'd built, right?

Elizabeth: What about that life? Is it over? Have we lost it all? 

Carly: Back the hell off, Ava.

Ava: Sonny's the one you ought to be talking to.

Sonny: Right.

Ava: But good luck with that. He's unmanned and unmoored. Brought low by a bullet. And as that wheelchair starts to resemble a cage, he's gonna start taking out on his nearest and dearest. Maybe you, Carly. Or maybe Avery.

Sonny: How dare you say that I would lay a hand on my daughter?!

Scott: Hey! Hey!

Ric: Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?

Scott: You understand me?

Ava: Did you see that?!

Scott: What in the Sam Hill is going on here?

Ava: He's abusive! He's awful! Kiki, tell these gentlemen what he just did to me. Tell them what you saw.

Kiki: I didn't see a thing.

Carly: Looks like you got your answer. Get out of here.

Ava: If that's really what you want. A word.

Ric: Carly, so nice of you to finally join us.

Sonny: Lay off her, Ric. What happened?

Carly: I was in a car accident.

Sonny: And you're wearing the same clothes from all night?

Carly: That's when it happened. Late last night. Some manic driver ran me off of Route 31.

Michael: What?

Carly: Yeah. I mean, I was pinned in the car all night. I woke up this morning --

Sonny: Carly, you could've been killed!

Carly: I was able to cut the seat belt off and get out. I only hurt my wrist. That's it.

Sonny: And how about the cuts on your face?

Carly: Well, I was shaky afterwards, and I fell and hit my head, but I'm okay. I really am.

Sonny: So, you were on the side of the road the whole night?

Carly: I was. Until, um... until my guardian angel found me.

Elizabeth: I thought today was gonna be the first official day of our life together. You'd be mine, I'd be yours.

Jason: Yeah. I'm sorry it turned out this way.

Elizabeth: You're gonna walk away, aren't you?

Jason: Where would I go? Huh? I still love you. That hasn't changed. It's not gonna change.

Elizabeth: Then let's -- let's do what we set out to do today. Marry me.

Sam: An hour ago I had my life mapped out. I-I don't even have a map at all anymore. To be honest with you, I-I really don't even know what planet I'm on.

Patrick: Well, what just happened is pretty unbelievable, Sam. I-I don't think it really makes sense to anybody yet.

Sam: When Jake said that he was Jason and Carly confirmed it, my mind, it -- it just went blank. But -- but then it was kind of racing a mile a minute at the same time. I... I am rethinking every interaction I have ever had with him. I-I can't believe every time Danny ran up to him, I didn't see it. I didn't put it together.

Patrick: Really? There's no way you could've put that together.

Sam: What do you mean there was no way? We were working together so much. I spent so much time with him.

Patrick: You were working with Jake Doe, Sam. That wasn't Jason.

Sam: But he's been having those -- those flashes, those -- those memories. Do you think now that maybe he can put together all those pieces he'll start to remember things?

Patrick: I don't know. In most cases like this, in most TBIs, if their memories are still there in the brain, they would've come out by now.

Sam: Okay, but you -- you always say that there's more that doctors don't know about the brain than what they do.

Patrick: Yeah, that's true. And in Jake's case, it... Jason's case, if he knows what he's looking for, in a way, it might help him recall what he lost.

Sam: Okay. So, until then, Danny has a father that doesn't remember him.

Patrick: Sam, this is gonna take some time to unravel. I'll be there for you, okay? I was there with you yesterday, I'll be there tomorrow if that's what you want.

Sam: Yes, of course. Thank you. Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me.

Patrick: We'll figure it out.

Sam: I know.

Patrick: We'll figure out this whole marriage thing.

Sam: Marriage thing? What is that supposed to mean?

Patrick: Well, you called Jason your husband.

Sam: Yeah, well, isn't he?

Patrick: I don't know. I... we'll just -- we'll figure out if you guys are still legally married or not.

Hayden: Everyone else's eyes were on Jason when he made his big announcement. Mine were on you. And while the rest of them were cursing fate or crying for joy, you looked unsurprised by the turn of events.

Nikolas: [Clears throat] [Chuckles] Well, I sincerely apologize for not meeting your expectations to a response to the risen dead. I-I didn't know that there were such rules about such things.

Hayden: [Chuckling] Cut the crap, Nikolas. You didn't react, because you and Elizabeth had your freak-out months ago, when you first realized that Jake Doe was Jason Morgan. I knew it, too.

Nikolas: You've been faking your memory loss the entire time. You've been playing me. You've known everything from the moment you woke up at the hospital.

Hayden: Mm, not quite. I was definitely confused when I first came to. Remember how I actually thought I was married to Jake instead of fake married to him? That is not the mark of a sound mind. But it got sounder.

Nikolas: Really? When?

Hayden: When you brought me here. I guess all the familiar surroundings helped bring everything into place. Thank you for the room and board, by the way. I know I thanked you before, but now that you're reevaluating every minute for the last couple of months, I don't want you to think it was all a lie.

Nikolas: Right. I mean, God forbid I misconstrue your actions. Why pretend at all? I mean, you could've held what you know about me over my head and used it to your advantage.

Hayden: Well, I tried that before, and you called my bluff, remember? I went to Jake to tell him what I knew, and all I got for my trouble was a bullet meant for him.

Nikolas: [Laughing] Yep.

Hayden: Waking up with a hole in my head, uh, made me think twice about helping out that guy.

Nikolas: So you thought you'd try your luck with me? Even though we were at each other's throats in our last encounter?

Hayden: It's true. Our last fight was an ugly one. But a lot transpired before that. We weren't just enemies. A couple of times, we actually verged on something quite different. Why build a relationship on blackmail when there are... sturdier foundations?

Nikolas: Such as?

Hayden: Mutual attraction.

Sonny: So, the -- the whole time we were waiting, trying to reach you, you -- you were out cold from a car accident?

Carly: [Sighs] Not the whole time. I-I went from the crash to All Saints Church.

Michael: Why didn't you call anyone to tell us what happened?

Carly: Because my phone was trashed.

Sonny: We were trying to leave messages. But -- what, you didn't get them?

Carly: No. I had no idea the hearing was today until Lucas told me. Why did you move the hearing at the last minute?

Ric: It was to the benefit of the case. [Stammers] Silly me for taking for granted that Sonny's wife, who was supposed to testify on his many fatherly attributes, would be available.

Michael: As my mother explained, she couldn't be here. She was too busy nearly dying in a car crash.

Ric: Yeah, and also she had to get to the church on time instead of check on her husband. I cannot believe that you actually chose to go to Jake and Elizabeth's wedding instead of being here to support --

Carly: It wasn't a choice, Ric!

Ric: My point is that you made no effort to find out.

Carly: [Sighs] There's so much going on here that you don't know.

Sonny: What was more important, Carly, than trying to reach me?

Kiki: Did you hear what your mom said about her accident?

Morgan: What -- what about it?

Kiki: It happened on Route 31. That's where you found me passed out in Franco's car, right?

Morgan: Okay, what are you -- what are you trying to say?

Kiki: What if I caused her accident? What if I'm the one that ran her off the road?

Morgan: Doesn't matter.

Kiki: How can you say that? Your mother spent the night in a ditch, and it could've been my fault.

Morgan: My mom is fine, okay? Worrying about it's not gonna make anything any better, so just leave it alone, all right?

Carly: The reason that I wasn't able to get here is because I found out something incredible. Something that I can't believe we didn't know.

Bailiff: All rise. Court is back in session.

Ric: It's gonna have to --

Carly: No, I have to tell you -- I've got to tell you --

Ric: It's gonna have to wait.

Sonny: You can't right now. The most important thing for me is to get my child back.

Sam: Finding out whether Jason is my legal husband or not is not gonna answer the question. It -- it won't change the fact that Jason and I had a life together. A life that was taken away from both of us. And now, out of the blue, that life is right in front of me again, and you're talking about my marriage like it just amounts to a piece of paper.

Patrick: Come on, Sam. You know that I didn't --

Sam: [Sighs]

Patrick: Sam. Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't -- I didn't... I didn't mean to diminish what you're going through.

Sam: No, I-I understand that, but it's just I know you've been through the same thing before. I mean, you went through this with Robin.

Patrick: Yeah. And it was equally the best and worst day of my life. Look, robin came back to me. Obviously that was -- that was a miracle. But it also blew my world apart.

Sam: Look, I-I know how hard that was for you. You were in love with Sabrina. You were getting ready to marry her. You were about to have a family together. Robin came back, and you went back to her.

Patrick: And now you're trying to figure out why you wouldn't do the same with Jason.

Elizabeth: Our feelings haven't changed. The only thing that's different is your name. So let's go to the courthouse tomorrow. We can have our marriage license amended. Ask the justice of the peace to marry us. We don't need a big wedding or the reception or guests. I mean, we don't need any of that. Just each other. It'll be simple, just like you wanted.

Jason: Just like who would've wanted? Jake or Jason? Look, I promise you, my feelings for you haven't changed. But absolutely everything around me has. Jason Morgan is married to Sam. They have a son. And that boy never got a chance to know his father, and now he does. So, tell me, what are my obligations to them?

Elizabeth: I would never, never expect you to turn your back on Sam and Danny. But their lives changed since Jason was shot on the pier that night, just like your life has changed.

Jason: Yeah, you think? You know, uh, my DNA might be Jason Morgan's, but I don't have his face, I don't have his memories, and ever since I woke up in Port Charles, I've heard story after story all about Jason. How much he meant to so many people. But you know what? I don't remember being that guy. I don't remember doing those things. And to be frank, some of the things I've heard about him -- a lot of it -- I don't particularly like. So no matter how much I want to marry you, I can't. Because I can't give you the name that I'm not sure I want for myself.

Nikolas: You've been playing me this whole time. For all I know, you still are.

Hayden: Doesn't that streak of uncertainty make you extra hot? If it makes you feel any better, I had the same qualms about you.

Nikolas: [Chuckling] Really now? Now, what could possibly give you a reason not to trust me?

Hayden: [Scoffs]

Nikolas: I've been playing into your hands this whole time.

Hayden: Oh, please! You didn't settle me into this house out of the goodness of your heart. You wanted to keep me close so you could figure out if I knew for sure the truth about Jason.

Nikolas: Then why'd you take me up on it?

Hayden: Living here gave me the opportunity to show myself in a more favorable light. I think you've finally seen that.

Nikolas: Have I now?

Hayden: Somehow, while we were stalking each other and testing each other and luring each other into a state of vulnerability, I actually started to have feelings for you.

Nikolas: [Scoffs]

Hayden: And it's obvious from your actions the feelings are mutual. So just admit it, Nikolas. You want me just as badly as I want you.

Sam: You know in "The Wizard of Oz," when Dorothy is up in the cyclone, and she looks out the window and everything is just spinning and spinning? That's where my head is right now. I feel like everything is spinning. The only thing I can see is -- is -- I see Jason on the day that I met him, and then I -- and then I see Jake taking me hostage, and then I -- and I-I see Spinelli. I see Spinelli seeing Jake for the first time in the hospital, and he knew it was Jason. And then -- and then I-I-I see Carly and Jason standing right here in the church, and then after that I just -- I don't -- I don't -- I don't see anything. Everything, it's just -- it's blank. [Sniffles]

Patrick: Well, if you're anything like me, you're probably caught in between joy and confusion. But I think, Sam -- I think -- I think the most important thing here is that somebody that you love is alive. That's -- that's an amazing thing. But your foundation's rocked. The life that you -- you've built without them is called into question. [Sniffles] It's just some of the things that I felt when Robin came back. We loved each other, but it wasn't the same. It wasn't enough.

Sam: What if Jason does remember?

Patrick: But what if he doesn't, Sam? It's just different. Look, you're -- you're different, right? I mean...

Sam: [Sighs]

Patrick: You're not the same person that's just gonna jump on the back of a motorcycle and ride off into the unknown.

Sam: No. Of course not. I have Danny.

Patrick: Right. And we talked about this, right? We weighed the good and the bad of that kind of life. You chose to make a different life for yourself. You chose a different path for you and your son.

Sam: Jason's son.

Patrick: Yeah, I know it's Jason's son, Sam. I've always respected that. I-I will always respect that Danny is Jason's son.

Sam: I know you do. I know. I am so sorry. I don't -- I don't mean to put any of this on you.

Patrick: No, it's fine.

Sam: That's the last thing I want to do, is hurt you. Please. [Sighs]

Patrick: I'm sorry. I don't want to make you feel like you have to make some sort of choice. I don't want to put that kind of pressure on you. I just -- I want -- I don't want you to make the same mistake that I did. Don't buy into the future of someone based off a memory.

Jason: I love you. I love your boys. But I can't marry you until I get this all sorted out, because it could cost you your happiness. More than that, it could cost you your lives.

Elizabeth: How?

Jason: Jason Morgan, he's got enemies.

Elizabeth: Oh...

Jason: Once the word's out that he's alive, well, then I become a target. You become a target. Your family becomes a target.

Elizabeth: Jake had enemies. I knew that, and I fell in love with you anyway.

Jason: I'm not Jake.

Elizabeth: I don't care! It doesn't matter to me what memories you do or don't have. We can make new ones.

Jason: Don't kid yourself. From now on, every time you look at me, you're gonna see Jason. How am I supposed to reconcile the man you want me to be with the man that I am?

Elizabeth: I always knew who you were.

Jason: What do you mean?

Elizabeth: [Sighs] Looking back... looking -- looking back, I-I realized I was -- I was drawn to you, because part of me always knew who you were. Jake and Jason aren't that different. You're both strong and -- and in-incredibly kind men, and I fell in love with one, and then I fell in love with the other, and I'm not about to give up on either of them.

Judge Long: Mr. Baldwin, do you have any witnesses to call who can actually support Ms. Jerome's request for custody?

Scott: Your honor, there are a lot of people that I could call that would attest to what a great mother Ava Jerome is, but I think it would be put best into the words of the baby's father, Sonny Corinthos.

Ric: [Scoffs] Well, Mr. Baldwin is welcome to question my client, but I doubt Ms. Jerome is gonna like any of his answers.

Scott: Well, thank you, Ric, for being so accommodating. But I don't think we're gonna have to have Sonny wheel himself up to the witness stand. We can hear it in his own words. And he doesn't even have to open his mouth.

Ric: O-objection. Your honor, I've not been apprised nor had a chance to review this so-called evidence. This is highly irregular.

Scott: Well, we just got this evidence. Didn't even exist until a few minutes ago.

Judge Long: What exactly are you presenting, Mr. Baldwin?

Scott: A recorded conversation that took place between Ms. Jerome and Mr. Corinthos during the recess.

Ric: Yes, a conversation that obviously my client was unaware was being recorded.

Scott: In public, in this courtroom. Let me remind you, Ric, that this is a one-party consent state, and Ms. Jerome consents.

Judge Long: I will allow the recording counselor. But the nature of the conversation had better directly relate to the matter at hand.

Scott: I understand, your honor.

[Cell phone beeps]

Ava: Poor Carly. Such a vital, sexy woman, right? Stuck with a feeble little man. How long will she want an invalid that she has to help into bed? A weakling that can't even stand up and put his arms around her? A patient instead of a husband, who can't even keep her satisfied.

Sonny: I can still load a gun and aim it, shoot to kill. I can blast you with so many bullets they will not be able to recognize the body.

Ava: Well, you wouldn't do that. You wouldn't kill the mother of your own child, would you?

Sonny: With pleasure.

Scott: Well, I think that says it all.

Hayden: So, what's it gonna be, Nikolas? You gonna leave me hanging? Or kiss me into submission?

Nikolas: I think the only thing I can do to keep you in line is just tell you what you want to hear, regardless of whether I mean it or not.

Hayden: Stop overthinking this. Isn't life more interesting with me around?

Nikolas: See, I don't know if that's a good thing.

Hayden: Ha. Liar. I have no desire to use what I know against you. So I won't. Provided you don't give me any reason to.

Sam: Jason is more than just a memory to me.

Patrick: Jason is in love with Elizabeth. They were just about to get married, Sam.

Sam: Jake Doe was about to marry Elizabeth. This is just a dream that Jason's gonna wake up from.

Patrick: What if he doesn't wake up? What if he doesn't remember? He's gonna have these stories and relationships projected on him by other people. It's not gonna be able to resonate with who he is now.

Sam: This is all a guessing game. We don't know what's gonna happen to Jason, to any of us.

Patrick: Look, Sam, I cannot be objective in this, obviously, because I love you. But I'm just trying to protect you from the pain that I went through when Robin and I tried to turn back the clock before she was taken.

Sam: It's not the same.

Patrick: You're right. It's not the same. Sam, nothing is the same anymore. That's my point. I mean, Jason is not the same as he was now. He -- he -- he built another life. So did you. He loves somebody else. So do you. Just -- if -- if he gets his memory back tomorrow, do you think he's just gonna be able to stop loving Elizabeth? I mean, when you found out that... Sam, when you found out that Jake was Jason, did you just stop loving me?

Sam: Gosh, no! Not one bit. No.

Patrick: I love you.

Sam: I don't know what to do.

Patrick: I don't know, either. Let's just... [Sighs] Let's just go home. [Sniffles] We don't have to try and figure this out now, okay? We can just start tomorrow knowing that we have time to... figure out what's next.

Jason: I can't marry you until I figure out why and how this happened to me in the first place.

Elizabeth: Then let me be a part of it. However you want. Just don't shut me out. Don't shut me out of your life.

Jason: I keep telling you, I love you. I made promises to you. I'm not gonna break them. I'm not walking away. I'm not going anywhere. Okay?

Elizabeth: So you'll come home with me tonight?

Jason: Yeah. I'm coming home with you tonight. And then tomorrow, uh, I can begin figuring out what it means to be Jason Morgan. Come here.

Scott: Your honor, I could play the rest of this, but I think we get the gist.

Sonny: Ava, you're a conniving little bi--

Ric: Sonny, shut up! You're gonna make this worse.

Carly: Your honor, that recording is taken completely out of context. And completely misleading.

Morgan: Come on. Sh-she's clearly provoking my dad in the recording.

Judge Long: Be seated.

Scott: Ava Jerome might have said a few inflammatory things, as is her First Amendment right. But an out-and-out murder threat? That's what Mr. Corinthos did. That's what he does. Violence -- well, that's his way of life. Putting the child in his custody is like signing her death warrant. She must stay with her mother.

Judge Long: Mr. Corinthos, your statements on that recording are a cause for grave concern. The fact that you made them in a court of law is grounds for contempt, to say nothing of the potential criminal charges you'll face should Ms. Jerome opt to file a complaint.

Sonny: Your honor, listen. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blow up.

Judge Long: Such fits do not fill the court with confidence in your ability to provide a safe and loving home for the baby. Just the opposite. Your words prove that it would be a grave and perhaps fatal injustice to your daughter were you awarded custody. It is with this in mind that I decide this petition in favor of Ms. Jerome.

Carly: No!

Ric: Your honor, please -- could I please have the opportunity to refute this recording?

Judge Long: I don't see that that's possible, Mr. Lansing. I've heard everything I need to hear. Ms. Jerome is awarded sole custody. Supervised visitations for Mr. Corinthos will be allowed subject to the approval of the caseworker and his own ability to prove that he is capable of peaceful coexistence with Ms. Jerome. Though given the fact that both parties are completely reprehensible, I doubt that that's possible.

Sonny: Your honor, can I just say one thing?

Judge Long: This matter is closed. [Bangs gavel]

Bailiff: All rise.

Ava: Sonny... [Sniffles] I have no desire to keep Avery away from you. I'll be in touch about arranging a visit... eventually. When I can be certain that you have taken all the steps necessary to be sure that our baby is safe from your enemies and from your own worst instincts. Safety first.

Patrick: Do you mind if I get washed up first? Sam?

Sam: Hmm?

Patrick: What are you thinking about?

Sam: [Sighs deeply] We're gonna wake up tomorrow, and Emma is gonna ask about the wedding, and I don't know what to say to her.

Patrick: I'll talk to her.

Sam: And Danny. He thinks of you as his father. And that's because of me, because I invited you to this role.

Patrick: And I'm honored.

Sam: Now Jason's here. And Danny is our son. And I -- I don't...know how to explain that to him. I -- I don't understand it.

Jason: [Sighs] Hey. What did Epiphany say about the kids? How were they when she brought them back from the church?

Elizabeth: She said they're confused. They have a lot of questions. And they don't understand why we didn't get married.

Jason: Yeah, well, I think we're all a little confused. It's okay. We'll, uh -- we'll sit them down in the morning, we'll talk them through it. [Sighs]

Elizabeth: What are we gonna say?

Jason: The truth. We'll find the words.

Elizabeth: [Sighs deeply]

Jason: Hey.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Jason: You okay?

Elizabeth: I just expected to come back into this house as Mrs. Jake Doe. Yeah. It's weird how everything looks the same when so much has changed. I need to go to bed. Are you coming?

Jason: Yeah. Yeah, I -- I'll be up there. I, um -- I need a minute.

Elizabeth: Don't be too long.

Nikolas: You're certainly right about one thing.

Hayden: What's that?

Nikolas: I don't want to give you a reason to hurt me.

Hayden: [Chuckles] Well, now that we've established what you don't want, why don't we talk about what you do want.

Nikolas: What's there to talk about? I want

Hayden: Ooh. [Chuckles] Well [Clears throat] That's gratifying. I didn't think it would be quite so difficult to get you to come around.

Carly: We're going to get Avery back. Our little girl's gonna come home. It's just gonna take a little --

Sonny: She's not our little girl. You know why, Carly? 'Cause you weren't here to make sure that happened.

Carly: Sonny, what?

Sonny: Look, I needed you here. Avery needed you here. But I guess you couldn't be bothered. You had more important --

Carly: If you could just listen to why I wasn't here.

Sonny: Go to your boyfriend's wedding.

Carly: There was a really big reason. I couldn't be here, Sonny.

Sonny: Morgan, come on. Get me out.

Carly: No! No, I got to go.

Carly: You have to listen to this.

Morgan: I'm sorry, Mom. I'm sorry.

Carly: Sonny! You have to --

Michael: Look, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom.

Carly: [Sighs]

Michael: He's too hurt to think clearly. Once he has time to cool down, he'll realize you're not to blame, okay? Just...let him go. [Sighs]

Carly: It's so you to give me the benefit of the doubt. You got that from Jason.

Michael: Yeah. Yeah, I know. Maybe I -- maybe I did.

Carly: I have to tell you something. And it's gonna sound crazy, but it's true.

Michael: Okay, Mom. Why don't you just sit down. You seem like --

Carly: No, no, no. I'm fine. [Voice breaking] I mean, my God, I'm better than I have been in three years. [Sighs deeply]

Michael: Okay, what do you -- what's going on?

Carly: Um... [Chuckles, sniffles] Jake. He was looking into his past, trying to figure out who he is. And he had Sam and Spinelli helping him. And they uncovered the truth. Jake is Jason.

Michael: Mom, what are you talking...?

Carly: There's a DNA test, okay? Jake is Jason. I mean, just think about it. Think of all the ways they're alike. They're alike, because they're the same person. It's Jason.

Michael: Uh... I can't believe...

Carly: Okay, just take a minute. Just take a minute and let it settle, all right? Jason -- he's come back to us. Michael, Jason's alive. Jason's alive. [Laughing] [Exhales] [Exhales sharply]

[Motorcycle approaching Elizabeth's house]

[Both breathing heavily]

Nikolas: I think it's time that we took this upstairs.

Hayden: [Chuckles] I think it's not.

Nikolas: You're right.

Hayden: [Chuckles] Mm. I want to try...

Nikolas: What?

Hayden: ...Going about this a little more thoughtfully.

Nikolas: [Scoffs]

Hayden: Slow and steady can be sexy, right?

Nikolas: [Sighs] I've heard.

Hayden: [Chuckles] Good. Until tomorrow, then.

Nikolas: [Stammers, groans] Hey. See you at breakfast.

Hayden: [On her phone] Hey. It's me. Uh, there's been a development. Um, I need to talk. And it needs to be in person.

[Engine revving]

[Cell phone ringing]

[Jason ignores a call from Michael's phone]

Carly: Jason. [Sighs] I'm at the courthouse. Uh, um...Avery's custody hearing was today, and, um, well, I got here too late. Ava won, and Sonny's really in a bad place. And I wanted to tell him about you, but, um, he was just in too much pain to listen. [Sighs] And I think that we should do this together. So can you call me when you get this? I need you. Jason, I really need you.

[Motorcycle engine idling]

[Engine shuts off]

Patrick: Sam?

Jason: Hey, Sam.

Sam: Hey. Um, I [Chuckles] Couldn't bring myself to sell your bike.

Jason: That's my bike?

Sam: Yeah. A lot of things are yours, Jason.

[Keys jingle]

Sam: Enjoy.

Jason: Thanks.

Sam: You know, you can, um, ride it on over anytime to see Danny, if you want.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Carly (to Jason): Would you please come see Sonny?

Maxie (to Dillon): You had motive, means, and opportunity.

Dr. Obrecht (to Franco): Why did you summon me?

Nina (to Julian): I'm here for the fashion editor position.

Dante: What are you going to do about it?

Sonny: I'm gonna get my daughter back.

Lulu (to Laura): [Crying] Why would Dante do this to us?

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