General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 10/13/15
Episode #13411 ~ Michael & Morgan defend their actions to Sonny; Sabrina reveals her secret to Felix but refuses to inform Michael; Alexis questions Olivia's story to Julian about her adoption.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Franco: So, I'm considering going back to murder 'cause this whole, you know, "life your life as a law-abiding citizen" is dreadfully boring.
Nathan: Franco, give it a rest.
Franco: Murder?
Nathan: Look, you have been trying and failing all night to see Kiki. Kiki is sobering up in a holding cell, and she will be doing so until the boss says otherwise, so stop trying to bait me. It's not gonna work.
Franco: Right. There's no baiting you. So, um, does Maxie still do that thing in the sack that she really, really likes to do?
Nathan: All right, that's enough. That's enough.
Nina: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Stop. What's going on?
Nathan: Your boyfriend is an overgrown child. That's what's going on. I need to work.
Franco: You want me to stop, it's no problem. Just let me see Kiki.
Michael: Okay, call me when you get this, okay? Thanks.
Morgan: What's wrong?
Michael: Hey. I just need to follow up with Max about a couple of things.
Morgan: Okay. Can you save it for later? Because he's supposed to stay calm, and hearing that you went to a meeting with the five families is gonna make him anything but calm.
Michael: Look, he's gonna have to find out about it eventually.
Morgan: Yeah, eventually -- as in not while he's recovering from brain surgery and a gunshot wound.
Michael: [Sighs] Look, the business didn't stop just because Dad's in the hospital. Ava's now running the Jerome organization, and the police are looking for Carlos, who may or may not have shot Dad.
Morgan: Yeah, and in the meantime, they released the guy who's actually to blame -- Julian.
Michael: They didn't have proof.
Morgan: Okay. He's guilty, all right? And he should be locked up somewhere right now, not roaming around, free to live his life.
Alexis: There you are. I looked for you in the room.
Julian: Hey, sorry. I totally meant to text you on the way here.
Alexis: So, you all packed and ready to move in?
Julian: Yep, yep, all ready.
Alexis: So, why do I get the feeling you're leaving your head behind?
Julian: Oh, I just -- I have a few things on my mind.
Alexis: Such as?
Julian: My children. Well, one in particular.
Olivia: Hey, there's your big brother Dante!
Dante: Ma, what are you doing?
Olivia: Trying to get a little face time between my two beautiful sons. You gonna invite us in?
Sabrina: Carlos, I'm worried about you. Where are you? Why don't you get in touch? Please just call me back. I just -- I need to talk to you. I need to know that you're okay. [Sighs]
Felix: Put in a good word for me while you're at it, okay?
Sabrina: How did you know I was here?
Felix: [Chuckles] Please. This is GH, aka Gossip central. Did you think your presence would go unnoticed?
Sabrina: [Sighs] I'm, um -- I'm meeting Michael.
Felix: Mm. But not before some alone time with the almighty. Might this have to do with the pregnancy test you took, the results of which you have yet to inform me? So, uh, what's the verdict? Are Sonny and, uh, Carly about to become grandparents?
Carly: Thank you, Doctor. Okay. [Sighs] So -- hey.
Lucas: Hey.
Carly: Have you ever heard of the Stanton Institute?
Lucas: Yeah, sure. They're pioneers in rehab and occupational therapy, but I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you. Their wait list is years long.
Carly: Not if your last name's Corinthos.
Lucas: Ah.
Carly: I snagged Sonny a consultation. And they have a great program. You know, they're -- they're really making advancements all the time.
Lucas: Yeah. That's really great...
Carly: Yeah.
Lucas: ...For Sonny. What about you?
Carly: What about me?
Lucas: Well, how are you holding up?
Carly: I'm fine. I'm fine. I really am. You know who else is gonna be fine?
Lucas: Sonny?
Carly: That's right. He -- he just needs a boost, you know? He needs -- he just needs something to show him that he's still the vital, strong, insufferable man he's always been, you know? The worst thing for Sonny is to feel that he's out of control.
Sonny: Michael and Morgan are here, so I -- I'll get back to you, Max.
[Heart monitor beeping]
Sonny: Sorry about that.
Morgan: No worries.
Michael: Is everything okay?
Sonny: Nope. Not at all.
Morgan: Why? What's wrong?
Sonny: My sons have disrespected me... ...and, maybe worse, betrayed me.
Alexis: I know what you're thinking, and I'm right there with you.
Julian: You are?
Alexis: Sam -- our daughter -- is getting married.
Julian: Mm.
Alexis: Of course, you'll probably be a bigger mess than me, so... you're the father of the bride, right?
Julian: [Chuckles] Probably.
Alexis: Except that's not what you're thinking about.
Julian: Well, I am now. Thanks.
Alexis: All right, so, if it's not Sam, then is it the situation with Lucas and Brad?
Julian: No. Two-timing lab rat will get what's his.
Alexis: All right, so, if it's not Sam and it's not Lucas...
Julian: [Sighs]
Alexis: ...To which child are you referring to?
Julian: [Clears throat] The one that was taken from me -- Leo.
[Door closes]
Dante: What are you doing here?
Olivia: I'm your mother. Since when do I need an excuse to come and visit you?
Dante: Since you're trying to hide Leo from his father. I mean, the whole point of faking his death was to keep him safe from Julian, right? Now -- now you're out and about?
Olivia: You worry too much.
Dante: I know this is hard for you and you want Leo to be around his family, but Julian could still be neck-deep in the mob, regardless of what he keeps saying to everybody.
Olivia: I know, and we talked about that, but you said that we'd has hash it out, and I -- you know, but -- not here.
Dante: Not here. Somewhere safe -- your hotel. I don't want you driving across town and risk getting seen.
Olivia: There's no risk, Dante.
Dante: Oh, since when?
Olivia: Since -- I would tell you if you would let me get a word in edgewise. Since we ran into Julian yesterday.
Dante: Who? You and Leo?
Olivia: Yes. Yesterday.
Dante: Ma.
Olivia: I handled it.
Dante: How?
Lucas: Sonny will face a diminished independence, at least until we have a clearer picture.
Carly: Come on. Don't do that.
Lucas: Don't do what?
Carly: Don't talk to me like a doctor.
Lucas: I am a doctor.
Carly: You know what I mean. Sonny can't walk. For anyone, that would be devastating, but for a man like him? Sonny has built himself up from nothing. He's driven to succeed. He can't stand the idea of feeling weak or vulnerable.
Lucas: Look, people surprise us. Human beings are amazingly adaptable, Carly, and Sonny is no exception. I'm sure no matter what he faces, he's gonna be able to cope.
Carly: I hope you're right.
Lucas: I'm always right. And the best part --
Carly: [Chuckles]
Lucas: The best part is that, no matter he faces, if he does run into trouble, he's got you and the rest of his family to lean on.
Carly: Yeah. Sonny's not really good at asking for help... or accepting it.
Morgan: Dad, we would never betray you.
Sonny: You disrespected me. That's bad enough.
Michael: Nobody disrespected you.
Sonny: No, Michael? Why are you lying to me? I just talked to Max. He said you had a meeting with the five families in my place.
Morgan: Well, Max is an idiot.
Sonny: No. He's loyal.
Morgan: No.
Sonny: That's more than I can say about you two.
Morgan: Max shouldn't have said anything while you're recuperating right now.
Sonny: Is that what you thought, Michael? That I would never find out that you ignored my wishes? The one rule I gave you, and you sit down with the five families behind my back?!
Michael: You don't understand. I had a very good reason to be there.
Sonny: No, I understand completely! You saw that I was out of commission. You wanted to take control. So you grabbed it with both hands.
Sabrina: The test was positive. I'm pregnant.
Felix: Um, control your excitement, please. Such unbridled enthusiasm is truly unbecoming.
Sabrina: Look, I'm sorry if I'm not jumping for joy, okay? The situation is -- look, it's complicated.
Felix: Why? You've wanted a family for a while, and you're a natural mother. And I'm sure that Michael will ace the parenting thing... unless... [Sighs] Don't tell me that Michael doesn't want the baby.
Sabrina: [Sighs heavily] Michael doesn't even know there is a baby.
Felix: You haven't told him?
Sabrina: I don't know if I can.
Nathan: Look, Kiki is not just some innocent victim here, okay? She chose to be drunk. She chose to make a public disturbance. The officers who responded were just following procedure, which is what I'm doing now.
Nina: Absolutely, and I agree with you. That's why I feel really horrible calling in this favor... but will you do this for me, J, please?
Nathan: [Sighs] Wait here.
[Telephone rings]
[Indistinct conversations]
Franco: Thank you.
Nina: Don't mention it.
Franco: I'm really worried about Kiki --
Nina: Uh, uh, yeah, yeah. I said don't mention it. I'm tired of hearing about Kiki.
Franco: What's wrong with you?
Nina: Aside from the fact that I waited for you all night while you camped out here at the police station?
Franco: I just -- I felt like I had to look after Kiki.
Nina: You don't have to do that.
Franco: So, I'm just supposed to abandon her?
Nina: Well, I was gonna say, "Leave her alone," but, yeah, that's the general idea.
Franco: Should I have abandoned you when you took up with Ric, and you said you wanted to be with him? What, I was just supposed to leave you alone? What would have happened to you then?
Kiki: But, uh, I'm not Nina, Franco. I don't need your help. In fact, I just want you to leave.
Nathan: You happy?
Kiki: [Sighs]
Franco: Are you okay? Did you get an aspirin? You should take an aspirin.
Kiki: No, I just -- I want to go to sleep.
Franco: Well, you can do that at home. Come on. I'll take you.
Nathan: No. Kiki's not going anywhere.
Franco: Why? Is there a fine? What does drunk and disorderly go for these days?
Nathan: She actually has to appear before a judge.
Franco: Are you kidding me? The PCPD is pressing charges against a lovely young woman whose -- whose father just died?
Nathan: No, but The Rib's bartender is.
Nina: How much damage could she have done -- a few broken bottles?
Kiki: Oh, it was one, okay? I broke one bottle.
Nathan: Which cut the bartender when you broke it, all right? The charges are not D&D anymore. They've been bumped up to assault.
[Heart monitor beeping]
Carly: What I can tell you is that Sonny's chances of recovery will go up with the right incentive.
Lucas: And what would that be?
Carly: Getting Avery from Ava. But Sonny has to outmaneuver her, you know? We need to take every advantage that we can, so...we're getting married today.
Lucas: [Stammers] Excuse me?
Carly: Yeah. I'm gonna check Sonny out of the hospital. We're gonna go to City Hall, in front of a judge, so he can marry us.
Lucas: Carly, I don't know about this.
Carly: No, w-w-we've tried this twice, and it hasn't succeeded. We've got to get this done, okay?
Lucas: You can't rush Sonny back to health. Have you spoken to Patrick about this?
Carly: He was fine with it before.
Lucas: Uh-huh. Before the seizure? Things have changed, Carly, significantly. I mean, if Patrick isn't fine with it anymore, I wouldn't blame him.
Carly: Okay, here's the deal. This is happening today. Sonny and I are getting married, and I'd really like for you to back me on this.
Lucas: [Breathes deeply] I'll see what I can do.
Carly: Thank you.
Lucas: Yeah. Just keep Sonny calm, okay? If his blood pressure's through the roof, he's not gonna get a discharge.
Carly: [Sighs]
Michael: My intention wasn't to overstep.
Sonny: Well, you did.
Michael: I had to go to that meeting, Dad.
Sonny: Why, Michael?
Michael: Dad, "why?" Because those people want what's yours. Someone had to show them that the Corinthos organization was still intact and as strong as ever.
Sonny: That someone should have been Max.
Morgan: Dad, that's not fair 'cause you know it has to be family.
Sonny: How'd you find out about this meeting in the first place?
Michael: Tucci, the neutral consigliere, he contacted Ric to make arrangements.
Morgan: Yeah. Ric was planning on representing you. We're not gonna let that happen, obviously.
Michael: No. Ric isn't trustworthy. And besides, he is your attorney of record in family court. We needed him focused on Avery, and that left your sons.
Morgan: Look, I-I wanted to go. I wanted to represent you. Michael said that was a bad idea.
Michael: All I did was state your position that this is your territory. You want peace with the five families, but if we are attacked, we'll retaliate.
Sonny: What was their response?
Michael: They were cautious. They were respectful. They know that you're still in charge and that the orders came from you.
Sonny: From now on... ...I don't want you anywhere near my business, no matter what.
Felix: Talk to me. Why so hesitant to tell Michael about the baby?
Sabrina: Look, things with Michael have been going great. They've been better than great. But, you know, they're still new, and -- and we certainly haven't talked about having children. I mean, what if Michael doesn't even want to be a father?
Felix: You'll never know if you don't ask him.
Sabrina: I-I'm just -- I'm -- I'm not ready.
Felix: [Sighs] Not to point out the obvious, but you're having a baby. How long do you think you can hide it?
Sabrina: [Sighs] Why don't you ask me how long I've been able to hide it from myself?
Dante: You told Julian that you adopted Leo?
Olivia: From a girl in a tough situation in Bensonhurst, yes.
Dante: And he bought it?
Olivia: You know what? That's not exactly the "Wow, Ma, great thinking" that I was hoping for. Yeah, the idea that this baby belongs to Julian is no longer even on his radar.
Dante: You're sure?
Olivia: Yeah. As far as he's concerned, we're both mourning the loss of our child. And so it would make perfect sense that I would take in another baby.
Dante: To who?
Olivia: To Julian.
Dante: And, uh, what about Ned?
Olivia: Look, this is not the perfect solution, okay? It never was. But Ned and I both agreed that it's about as good as we're gonna get.
Dante: All right, well, I-I got to get to the hospital to see Sonny.
Olivia: You know, I-I could really use your support on this, Dante.
Dante: Ma, you have my support. You always do.
Olivia: Hi.
Dante: Okay? But -- but I'm not gonna tell you that this is a good idea. I-I'm sorry. I just can't do that.
Olivia: Why not? I think I got all my bases covered here.
Dante: Okay, but you can't freeze time, okay? Leo isn't gonna look like a cherub forever. He's gonna start to resemble one of his parents, and for your sake and his, I hope he favors his mother.
[Door closes]
Julian: So, now Olivia has a little boy. It's kind of incredible how the whole thing worked out.
Alexis: I'll say. She goes away for a few months after losing an infant and magically returns with another one.
Julian: Hmm.
Alexis: What are the odds?
Julian: Well, Bensonhurst is a tight-knit community. You know, single girl gets pregnant. The father's out of the picture. Abortion's not an option -- at least, not for her. She can't raise the baby by herself, so somebody steps up, hooks her up with a person who can.
Alexis: Enter Olivia.
Julian: Right.
Alexis: I suppose it's possible.
Julian: Well, it's not only possible. It happens.
Alexis: It does. It's just very, very lucky.
Julian: Well, it is lucky for Olivia that the baby came into her life, even luckier for the baby. I mean, he could do worse for a parent. That's for sure.
Alexis: You ever think about having another baby?
Julian: Only every day. Of course, it's not really in the cards for us to have another child. It's more of a fantasy now, I suppose.
Alexis: We could adopt.
Julian: Are you serious?
Alexis: If you want that.
Julian: [Chuckles] Well, I had no idea that was something that you would even consider.
Alexis: With you in my life, there's a lot of things that I'm reevaluating.
Julian: [Chuckles] Do you mind if we just table the discussion for now? Um... I'm not really there quite yet. You know, after seeing Olivia's baby swaddled in Leo's blanket kind of ruined me for the day.
Alexis: Leo's blanket?
Julian: Yeah. Olivia ran into a friend, told her the baby's name, so the friend got the baby a monogrammed blanket.
Alexis: And she was using it.
Julian: Yeah.
Alexis: I-I would find that a little morbid.
Julian: Well, the baby doesn't seem to mind.
[Cell phone ringing]
Julian: See for yourself. Actually, um, I need to take this, so if you'll excuse me. Julian Jerome.
Franco: How can the DA sign off on this?
Nathan: Like I said three times, the bartender was injured.
Franco: Yeah, well, the bartender was a big crybaby. He got a scratch, okay? He'll heal. An assault charge against Kiki could -- could follow her around for her whole life. Come on, Detective, have a heart. The kid is obviously flailing.
Kiki: Stop calling me a kid, okay? I'm not a kid. I am an adult.
Nina: Then you should totally start acting like one.
Franco: Can't you help Kiki? You helped Nina. Nina got a second chance. Doesn't Kiki deserve a second chance?
Nathan: There's nothing I can do, all right? I'm sorry. Let's go. Your lawyer will be here soon.
Kiki: Yay.
Nathan: And if you'd like, you may wait with her.
Franco: I would like.
Kiki: Yeah, no, he wouldn't like. No.
[Door closes]
Nina: Thank you for letting Franco stay with Kiki.
Nathan: She's gonna need the support.
Nina: Is she really in that much trouble?
Nathan: Yeah. Sadly, there really isn't any way around it.
Nina: For you. [Chuckles]
Nathan: Nina, stay out of it.
Nina: Oh, listen -- there's nothing more than I would like to stay out of this. For some mind-boggling reason, Franco cares for Kiki. And, you know, I have to do the same since we'll all be living together.
Nathan: What?
Nina: Yeah. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I bought an apartment.
Nathan: Yeah. You forgot to tell me that.
Nina: I didn't want to stay at a hotel anymore, and since I control my money, I decided to invest in a home.
Nathan: So, you picked the one that comes with a deadbeat artist and his pseudo-kid?
Nina: Hey, Franco's not a deadbeat artist. And Kiki -- she came along with the deal. It wasn't my idea. Believe me. And I do think it's sweet that Franco cares for her and wants to sort of take her under his wing and adopt her in a way. We're trying to be good, kind people, okay?
Nathan: You are good, and you are kind.
Nina: You're my brother, and you have to say that.
Nathan: That doesn't mean I don't mean it.
Nina: I'm -- I'm just trying to be normal now. And -- and kind, good, normal people -- they lend a helping hand to those in need, so I hear. So, if you're not gonna step up for Kiki, then I'm gonna have to do it.
Nathan: How?
Nina: Give me the name of the bartender, and I'll take care of it.
Nathan: Why do I get the feeling I'm not gonna like this?
Nina: It doesn't matter if you like it. Are you gonna help me or not?
Franco: All right, whatever crappy public defender is assigned to you is gonna encourage you to take a deal. Don't do it, okay? A mark on your record like this could haunt you for the rest of your life.
Kiki: Oh, my God, would you please just stop talking?
Franco: No, I won't stop talking because you clearly don't know what's best for you right now.
Kiki: Oh, and you do?
Franco: Yes, I do. You're out of control, Kiki.
Kiki: [Scoffs] Says the unemployed sad sack who's living off his girlfriend's inheritance.
Franco: I'm not sad.
Kiki: Just spare me the lecture, please.
Franco: Really? You're gonna do this? You're gonna wreck your whole future because you feel like having a hissy fit?
Kiki: You're not my parent.
Franco: Well, I'm as close to a parent as you have right now, though. Your mother is a mess. She's a narcissistic nutjob, and coming from me, that says a lot. Silas is gone.
Kiki: Thanks for the reminder.
Franco: So let me help you in a way that they can't help you right now. Please, Kiki, please... just until the hurt dies down... and hopefully much longer.
Michael: Dad, you...
Sonny: No, I don't want to hear it! I'm just --
Morgan: Dad, can --
Michael: [Sighs]
Carly: What's going on?
Michael: It's -- can you just give us a minute?
Morgan: He's very, very mad at us.
Sonny: No, this -- it doesn't involve you, so --
Michael: She already knows. It's about the meeting with the five families.
Sonny: You knew?
Carly: I found out after the fact. You don't need to bite Michael's head off, because I already talked to him for a long time.
Sonny: Did it ever occur to you maybe to just say something to me or...?
Carly: You have a lot on your plate at the moment, don't you think?
Sonny: Never again.
Michael: Yeah. Message received.
Sonny: You walk into that meeting with the five families. You see their faces. You know too much. They know you. Take another step down -- you know what? -- Down that road, you ain't getting out. I don't want that for you or any of my sons.
Carly: Calm down. Your father's right, okay? We didn't raise you only to have you risk your lives by getting involved in the business.
Sonny: I take care of my business from now on.
Morgan: You know what? Let me ask you something real quick. How's that gonna work?
Michael: Morgan --
Morgan: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You're always telling me to anticipate, to think things through. So, how's that gonna work? How are you gonna run the business, fight for Avery, and get better all at the same time?
Sonny: Watch me. First up, I'm gonna marry your mother, I'm gonna get Avery back, and then I'm going after Julian. Now, if you got anything else you need to tell me, to get off your chest, do that now.
Michael: [Sighs] Uh... Ava showed up to the meeting uninvited. She declared herself the head of the Jerome organization. She also claims that Carlos is the one who shot you.
Sonny: Rivera? He disappeared after he killed Duke.
Michael: Yeah. She said he's back. And according to her, he went after you on his own.
Sonny: Carlos is an enforcer. He's only gonna, you know, do what Ava and Julian tell him.
Morgan: It was Julian, Dad. The guy hates you, okay? He's been going after you since he came to Port Charles, not to mention Olivia saw the guy on -- on the pier right around the time you were shot. Guarantee you that he was there to tell Carlos to shoot you.
Michael: I agree with Morgan, actually. Why -- why would Carlos come after you on his own? If -- if it was him, he was working for Ava or Julian.
Sonny: And the court gave that bitch...
Carly: Okay...
Sonny: daughter.
Carly: All right. Hey. Only temporarily, okay? Look at me.
Sonny: [Exhales heavily] Well, it's got to be temporary 'cause somebody's got to stop Ava and Julian.
Carly: Not today, not today. You know why? Because today I'm going to get you out of this hospital, and you're gonna make me your wife.
Michael: [Chuckles] Again.
Morgan: Again.
Carly: Yeah, again.
Lucas: I'm afraid I'm gonna have to contradict you on that. Sonny isn't going anywhere.
Sabrina: I kept taking pregnancy tests, praying for a negative result, but they just kept coming up positive.
Felix: Okay, substitute "expecting" for "praying" and that is literally the definition of insanity.
Sabrina: I know. I know it sounds crazy. It is crazy. I guess I was just in denial.
Felix: Does that mean you're not taking care of yourself?
Sabrina: No, no, no, no, no. I started taking prenatals right away, you know.
Felix: [Sighs]
Sabrina: After everything that happened with Gabriel, you know, I-I thought I should be cautious. [Chuckles] You're horrified, aren't you?
Felix: No. No. I -- [Sighs] I wish I'd known. I hate that you went through this alone.
Sabrina: It's my own fault. I could have asked for help at any time.
Felix: Look, you don't have to involve Michael if you don't want to, but can you explain to me why you're scared to tell him? I mean, because you just said that things were good between the two of you.
Sabrina: They are.
Felix: Then why? Damn. Is this baby not Michael's?
Alexis: I hear there's a new Falconeri in town.
Olivia: Oh! Yeah. Julian told you he ran into us, huh?
Alexis: Well, it's pretty big news not to share.
Olivia: Alexis, meet Matteo.
Alexis: Hi, sweet thing.
Olivia: [Chuckles]
Alexis: Wow. He's a beautiful boy.
Olivia: He is, isn't he? Thank you.
Alexis: Yeah. How is he with strangers? I miss holding babies. Can I hold him?
Olivia: I guess there's only one way to find out, huh?
Alexis: [Chuckles] There we go.
Olivia: There you go, little guy.
Alexis: Oh, whoops! I'm so sorry. I got you.
Olivia: There you go.
Alexis: Oh!
Olivia: [Gasps]
Alexis: Oh, wow. He is good-looking.
Olivia: Yeah, he is, isn't he? Thank you. Thank you.
Alexis: Hey, kiddo, you picked a good mom.
Olivia: Wow, that's sweet of you, Alexis, really.
Alexis: Having gone through this, I bet this was, uh -- was pretty hard for the birth mother to give him up.
Olivia: Yeah, I can imagine. It's always a very difficult situation, huh?
Alexis: Is she gonna know them -- her, when he --
Olivia: It was a closed adoption.
Alexis: Oh, so, you didn't know the parents?
Olivia: That's what "closed" means.
Alexis: I-I'm sorry. I just thought you had a relationship with them because it happened so fast. I mean, I've done a lot of adoptions, and, uh, it doesn't happen this fast. You must have had a really good firm working for you.
Olivia: Uh, no firm, actually. I was volunteering at a church, and my lay minister approached me about a situation with a -- with a young girl, so...
Alexis: Oh. Just in the right place at the right time.
Olivia: Yeah. God works in mysterious ways.
Felix: Bri, is Michael not the father?
Sabrina: [Exhales sharply] Don't be ridiculous. You know me. [Stammers] How could you even ask that?
Felix: [Sighs] Sorry. You're right. I-I'm just trying to figure out why you haven't told him you're pregnant yet.
Sabrina: [Scoffs] Because of Gabriel. I've been here before, Felix. I've been ready to bring a life into this world. I had so many plans and dreams, and so did Patrick. [Voice breaking] And, yeah, we weren't together, but we were gonna be loving, supportive parents. And Emma -- she was gonna be the best big sister. We were gonna be a family. And then we weren't. I promised Gabriel forever, and all he got was a few days. What if that happens again? What if I start building a family with Michael... ...and it all gets taken away?
Sonny: I don't know where you're getting your information, but I'm getting discharged today.
Lucas: Only if you never want to stand again.
Michael: Look, we know he has a lot of, uh, rehab ahead of him, but can't he do that from home?
Lucas: We're nowhere near discussing rehab, Michael. Sonny, you underwent two major surgeries in less than two weeks. You need more time to heal.
Carly: Okay. So, what, more tests?
Lucas: If we want to form a comprehensive battle plan, yeah. Only then can we even consider sending him home.
Carly: [Sighs]
Sonny: Lucas, I got a lot of things going on, and my priority is to marry your sister.
Lucas: Hey. I know, but I don't know what to tell you. If you insist on leaving GH's care, it'll be against medical advice.
Sonny: I'll sign whatever paper you need me to sign, but I'm getting the hell out of this place.
Carly: Like hell. No. No. No. You won't.
Sonny: But we already talked about this.
Carly: That was because I didn't have all the facts, honey.
Sonny: I'm not gonna let a -- a hospital bed or a bullet hole stop me from marrying you.
Carly: And I'm not gonna risk any setbacks.
Sonny: Well, you don't -- you don't have a problem with risks, right?
Carly: Stop. You almost died. I lost count of how many nights I sat out there in that waiting room, praying for you to live. And my prayers were answered, Sonny, so we need to be grateful and do what the doctor says.
Sonny: I got to get out of this hospital bed [Voice breaking] And live my life.
Carly: If -- if you insist on leaving, I will not follow you.
Kiki: You make it sound like, one magic day, enough time will have passed that I'll just wake up feeling better?
Franco: Yeah. Pretty much. Look, I-I know that you can't see that right now, but that is exactly what's gonna happen. And I don't expect you to radiate, you know, joy and optimism and shine rainbows at the world as a whole,'re facing a long road, and it'll seem a lot longer if you're facing jail time.
Kiki: I am. You heard Detective West. The bartender is pressing charges. And he should. I was out of control. And now I'm gonna have to face the consequences.
Nathan: Good news -- you are free to go.
Kiki: What?
Nathan: The victim's decided not to cooperate in any case against you.
Franco: But the victim was the one that was pressing charges. What happened? Nina, what happened?
Nina: Well, you know, money talks. [Chuckles] [Kisses Franco]
[Once back "home," Kiki drops her bag with a thud]
Franco: Home, sweet home.
Kiki: [Scoffs] Yeah, not really my home anymore.
[Keys clatter]
Kiki: It's yours.
Nina: Well, it's ours. Our home.
[Door closes]
Nina: And maybe you want to take a rest. You've had a pretty tough 24 hours.
Kiki: Is that all it's been?
Franco: Yeah, a little water, you know, a little rest, you'll be back to your old self.
Kiki: Honestly, I think I'd rather be someone brand-new.
Nina: [Clears throat] Uh, are you sure she's not still a teenager? 'Cause she acts like one.
Franco: The kid's been through hell. I don't think she's out of the woods yet, either.
Nina: Oh, really? Well, you know what? I went through hell, and I didn't wallow in my grief. I actually did something about it.
Franco: I don't think we really want Kiki going the kidnapping route, do we?
Nina: No, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm saying a simple thank-you would suffice.
Franco: Okay, well, does it count if it comes from me?
Nina: Better than nothing.
Franco: All right. Thank you. Really, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. What you did means a lot.
Nina: You're welcome. You know I did it for you. I didn't do it for her.
Franco: You know, um... we were kind of in the middle of a little romantic moment before all this went down.
Nina: Yeah. I know.
Franco: Well, consider picking up where we left off.
Nina: Um... you -- you probably, um, are really tired, because you spent the entire evening at the police station. So we'll just take a rain check, right? And we'll get something to eat instead.
Franco: Just so you know, when it does rain, it's gonna pour.
Felix: What happened to Gabriel was a horrible, senseless accident, not because of anything you did. Understand? You would have brought that baby into the world, and you would be raising him today.
Sabrina: [Sighs] Do you really think so?
Felix: I know so. Sabrina Santiago, you're gonna be a wonderful mother.
Sabrina: [Crying] I just wish I wasn't so scared. [Sniffles] And until I can get a handle on that, I need this to stay between us, okay?
Felix: Michael won't hear anything from me. I promise.
Sabrina: Thank you. [Sniffles]
Felix: But you should tell him soon, because the longer you wait, the more it seems like you have something to hide.
Alexis: So, how are things with you and Ned? How is he with the adoption?
Olivia: Well, uh, his name's not on the papers or anything, but he approves.
Alexis: Good. Good. Yeah. Listen, if you need any legal advice or if I can look over any documentation, you know that I'll do it free of charge.
Olivia: Aww, that's very sweet. I appreciate that, Alexis, but I don't think it'll be necessary. Besides, you probably got your hands full keeping Julian out of trouble, huh?
Alexis: Well, mercifully, the DA -- well, that arrest that you witnessed -- he dropped the charges.
Olivia: No kidding.
Alexis: And, uh, Julian has severed all ties...
Olivia: [Sighs]
Alexis: ...With everything. He even moved out of Ava's apartment.
Olivia: What about Sonny's shooting? Uh, Dante told me they're looking at Carlos Rivera for that. Carlos worked for Julian.
Alexis: "Worked." Past tense.
Olivia: That depends on how you define "past tense," Alexis. I-I mean, it's pretty clear that Carlos murdered Duke on Julian's orders. That was, what, five months ago? I mean, even if Julian hadn't committed a single crime since then, can you really say he's no longer a criminal?
Alexis: If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't have asked him to move in with me.
Olivia: Wow. Okay. I guess congratulations are in order.
Alexis: Thank you. We are happy.
Olivia: Well, I hope you stay that way. And as much as I'd like to believe that Julian's changed, I'm not willing to bet on it just yet.
Dante: Hey. How's Sonny doing?
Morgan: Oh, he's not in the best mood. [Clears throat]
Michael: Yeah. Everything's fine, but both Patrick and Lucas agree that it's way too soon for him to go home.
Dante: That must be why your mother went past me in the hallway without saying hello.
Morgan: Yep.
Michael: Yeah. So we could use some good news right now. Do you have any word on Carlos?
Dante: We're working on it.
Morgan: Any new leads?
Michael: We're working on it.
Morgan: Okay.
Michael: Hey, look, if Carlos is the one who shot Dad, he did it for Ava or Julian. They can't afford him getting picked up by the police. They probably sent him off to Puerto Rico.
Dante: Okay. Well, we're in contact with Puerto Rican authorities, and if Carlos surfaces, we'll be waiting.
Morgan: That's the big plan, huh? You're waiting?
Dante: Morgan, we're gonna do this one by the book, okay? Yeah. Official procedure here. So, no more you guys getting any ideas about starting your unofficial manhunts, okay?
Lucas: Your dad wants to see you guys.
Michael: Thanks.
[Heart monitor beeping]
Sonny: Dante, when did you get here?
Dante: Hey. Uh, just now. I heard what the doctors said. Don't let that get you down.
Sonny: Ah, I already have plans to turn it around, but I need the three of you to do it.
Morgan: Well, uh, I'm sorry, but I-I didn't think you wanted us working for you.
Sonny: It's a different kind of job.
Kiki: [Sighs] [Slurps] [Sighs, sniffles]
[Cell phone beeps]
Morgan: Hey, Kiki. It's, uh -- it's Morgan. Um, I-I-I don't know when you're -- when you're gonna get this. I-I just wanted to tell you I'm worried about you, and it -- it might not mean much, but I still care a lot. And I'm -- I'm not gonna stop caring.
Alexis: He really is a cutie.
Olivia: Yeah, don't I know it. It's good to see you, Alexis.
Alexis: Same. And, again, congratulations on your sweet baby.
Olivia: Thank you. Thank you very much.
[Soft rock music playing]
[Alexis puts the baby's pacifier into her purse]
Julian: Miss me?
Alexis: Uh, yeah, of course, I missed you. I was gonna send out a search party for you. I can't imagine what all you were discussing.
Julian: Yes. It was a serious negotiation. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take so long. [Smooches]
Alexis: Well, I managed to keep busy.
Carly: What's going on?
Felix: Told you she'd freak out.
Carly: Sonny's not supposed to go anywhere.
Sonny: I'm not supposed to leave the hospital, but I'm allowed to get wheeled to the chapel. Ain't that right, Felix?
Felix: It's true.
Carly: You can pray here.
Sonny: I'd rather pray to the big guy. I-I need a change of scenery, anyway.
Carly: You know what I need? You alive.
Sonny: Then you better start wheeling 'cause I don't know how much strength I got left.
Carly: What about Felix?
Sonny: Well, Felix has got a lot of things to do, things to clean. Right, Felix?
Felix: This is also true.
Sonny: So, will you do that? Will you take me?
Carly: Fine. But don't try to talk me into getting you out of here, okay?
Sonny: Deal.
Carly: All right. All right, we made it. Here we are.
Sonny: Nice work.
Carly: Oh, no! Well, the chapel's in use. Bummer. You know, I could take you to the atrium.
Sonny: Uh, no, I said, you know, I wanted to pray. I said I wanted to pray, so that's what I'm gonna do.
Carly: Uh, we're -- we're not gonna interrupt a wedding, Sonny.
Sonny: Oh, like they're gonna deny a guy in a wheelchair, you know?
Carly: Hey. But still, we can't interrupt the wedding.
Sonny: Yeah, but I don't think the bride and groom's gonna mind.
Carly: [Chuckles] Okay, well, you're going in first.
Sonny: Like I have a choice.
Carly: [Laughs]
Sonny: Open the door, Aldo.
Aldo: Got you.
[Morgan, Michael, & Dante stand at the altar wearing tuxes.]
On the next "General Hospital" --
Sonny (to Carly): Will you marry me right now?
Lulu (to Sabrina): If you were to ever take the plunge with Michael, you should know what you're getting yourself into.
Valerie (to Nathan): Get a life and stop trying to ruin mine.
Paul (to Ava): You, my dear, are going back to prison.
Anna (to Jordan): If I knew where Carlos Rivera was, don't you think I'd tell you?
[At the dock with Nathan, Maxie screams.]
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