GH Transcript Monday 9/28/15

General Hospital Transcript Monday 9/28/15


Episode #13400 ~ Sam makes a confession to Jason at the Noodle Buddha; Carly convinces Sonny to move forward with an important decision; Michael gives Ava a warning.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Carly: Sonny, we both want the same thing -- to make sure Avery stays as far away from Ava as possible.

Sonny: There's no way in hell that woman's raising my child.

Carly: Okay. Then we know what we have to do. Okay? We have to fight for our little girl.

Sonny: Ava's not gonna know what hit her.

Carly: Then let's do this. Let's get married right now.

Tucci: Welcome, Mr. Corinthos. Please express our good wishes to your father and our hopes for his swift recovery.

Michael: I will. Thank you.

Novak: One other among us is missing, hence the empty chair. I ask for a moment of silence for Serge. May he rest in peace.

[Door opens]

Ava: All right, settle down. Settle down. I'm not packing. Seems a shame to let this go to waste. I'm Ava Jerome. And as head of the Jerome organization, it falls upon me to give you some information that you seek. Namely, who shot Sonny Corinthos.

Michael: What are you trying to pull here, Ava?

Ava: Oh, I'm sorry. This is over your head, isn't it? Let me see how I can put this in terms that you can understand.

Michael: English will work fine.

Ava: All right. We all know that your father was brutally cut down. But I'm the only one who knows by whom.

Julian: Mmm, now that is what we should have been doing back at the cabin.

Alexis: Mm-hmm. You mean rather than being held up at gunpoint? Because that was really fun.

Julian: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. [Chuckles]

[Knock on door]

Julian: Because Morgan won't be coming after me again. As a matter of fact, nobody will.

Patrick: What time is it? I got to check on Sonny.

Elizabeth: Patrick, wait. I don't think you should go in there like this.

Patrick: Like what?

Elizabeth: Well, clearly this thing with Sam is eating at you.

Patrick: Come on.

Elizabeth: Don't let it.

Patrick: I'm trying.

Elizabeth: She's gonna come around. She's going to say yes. She's going to marry you. Sam will let go of Jason.

Sam: Why wouldn't I want to let Jason go? I mean, why wouldn't I want a life of happiness with Patrick? Why would I hold onto a dead person?

Jason: I don't know. You tell me.

Sam: It makes no sense.

Jason: It doesn't have to make sense. Look. [Clears throat] There's nobody else out here. You're in a safe place. So, go on. Say it. Why are you holding onto a ghost?

Sam: I can't believe I'm gonna say this out loud. Maybe because, deep down inside, I still think Jason's alive. There's this voice inside of my head, and no matter how hard I try and stop it, I can't. I just hear over and over again that Jason didn't die. And he keeps telling me to hold onto him, that he's coming back. I mean, it's obviously insane. Isn't it?

Julian: Anna.

Anna: Oh, you remembered my name. I thought you would have forgotten, I've been gone so long in mourning, you know?

Julian: It's late, and we're actually in the middle of something.

Anna: No, that's no way to treat a visitor. Alexis, hi. Sorry. I-I don't mean to interrupt, really.

Alexis: It's fine.

Julian: No, it's not fine. You're not welcome here, so...

Anna: Why is that?

Julian: Why do you think?

Anna: I don't know.

Alexis: Julian, don't.

Anna: Maybe I remind you of past wrongdoings. Is that it?

Julian: The only thing you remind me of is your ridiculous theory surrounding Duke's death.

Anna: Did I insult you?

Julian: As a matter of fact, yes, you did.

Anna: You know, it wasn't a theory. It wasn't a death.

Julian: Oh, Duke's alive?

Alexis: Julian.

Anna: Duke was murdered. And you are responsible. And I will make you pay for it, you bastard.

Michael: You have no business here.

Ava: And you do? Who put you in charge? Or is it "take your little boy to work" day?

Michael: I'm here on my father's behalf.

Ava: Ah, I wasn't aware Sonny is your father again.

Michael: [Clears throat] Okay, this woman needs to go. She's not one of us.

Ava: How wrong you are. In case it wasn't clear the first time I said it, I am now head of the Jerome organization. And as such, I believe I am owed a place at this table.

Man: [Sighs]

Ava: What? No snappy comeback?

Michael: Was it you the whole time? Did you have my father shot?

Ava: Michael, I'm a good shot, but from a jail cell?

Michael: Let's not pretend you couldn't have ordered the hit.

Ava: There are eyes and ears all over the PCPD. I'm not an idiot.

Michael: Well, that's debatable.

Ava: The truth is, my rise to power is a very recent development, and what happened prior to my taking over...

Michael: Attacks on my father's business and person?

Ava: ...I had nothing to do with.

Michael: Okay. [Clears throat] Then, by all means, fill us in. Who did?

Paul: I haven't heard from Ava. I still don't know whether she's going to play ball. And that's what makes her so interesting. She could point the finger at Julian or turn around and name me for Sonny's shooting. If she does that, then she'll quickly find out what makes me so interesting. Mm-hmm. I'll be in touch. All right if we clone you, Detective? From the looks of it, the PD could use more bodies with your work ethic here.

Dante: Mr. District Attorney.

Paul: At your service. Please call me "Paul." You're Dante Falconeri, Sonny Corinthos' son, right?

Dante: Uh, yeah. That's right.

Paul: I'm pleased to meet you. Though I'm sorry it's not under happier circumstances.

[Monitor beeping steadily]

Sonny: There's nothing I want more than to marry you.

Carly: Well, that is the plan.

Sonny: I take that back.

Carly: I'm sorry?

Sonny: There is something I want more. For you to be Avery's mother.

Carly: Also the plan.

Sonny: I've never seen a mother fight for her kids more than you. You're gonna be her role model, and she's gonna grow up to be strong and independent. You know what I'm saying? I just wish I could give you what you deserve, you know? The kind of wedding with people...

Carly: Stop, stop.

Sonny: ...That we --

Carly: I don't care about that. The only thing that matters at the end of all this is that I'm Mrs. Sonny Corinthos again. And then you can show that judge that even though you're in here...

Sonny: Not for long.

Carly: ...That there's someone that can step into your place and take care of Avery -- your loving wife, and her stepmother.

Sonny: Forget "step." You're gonna be her mother in every sense of the word.

Carly: So was that a yes?

Sonny: To marry you? To spend my life with you?

Carly: Yes.

Sonny: Sign me up.

Patrick: I want to believe that Sam will sort out her feelings about Jason and commit to a life with me and Emma.

Elizabeth: So why can't you?

Patrick: 'Cause I think I messed up by pushing the proposal on her.

Elizabeth: [Scoffs] Asking someone to spend the rest of their life with you isn't messing up.

Patrick: Really? Even if she's not ready? Even if I kind of knew that? Elizabeth, what if I lose Sam because I asked for too much too soon?

Elizabeth: You won't. You won't.

Patrick: You know, there's a -- [Sighs, chuckles] There's a part of me that wishes Jason was around for the sole purpose of showing Sam that I could make her happier than he could. You know, it's almost harder fighting the memory of someone, especially someone that changed her life the way that he did.

Elizabeth: Patrick, you changed her life, too.

Patrick: Look, I know. I know that Sam and I could have a great life together. I believe that. But I cannot believe for both of us.

Elizabeth: Well, I have faith in you two, just like I have faith in Jake and me. We'll all get our happy endings. You'll see.

Sam: I'm losing it, aren't I?

Jason: No, I don't think so.

Sam: No? Then what would you call it?

Jason: Love?

Sam: [Groans] It's just that Jason beat the odds so many times. He was practically invincible. I mean, the fact that he didn't die in the water that night alone is just... how do you do it?

Jason: How do I do what?

Sam: What do you mean, what? You don't know who you are. You don't know where you came from. You don't know who you loved, who loved you back, and you were just able to walk away. How?

Jason: I didn't really have an option, unless I wanted to be standing still forever.

Sam: Right there. That's exactly me. I'm standing still. With Patrick, I refuse to move forward. It's like I'm -- I'm paralyzed. Even though I know. I mean, I know that Jason's gone.

Jason: Well, maybe your head knows, but your heart's a different story.

Sam: Maybe. I just -- I wish I had some sort of closure, you know, like a body. Or just some information. There was so much mystery surrounding Jason's death. What was he thinking? How -- how was he feeling? Did he even -- did he even know? Oh, when Patrick told me that he actually passed away at the clinic, I was furious.

Jason: Because Patrick didn't tell you?

Sam: Yes, and because I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Jason. I mean, it was one thing that he disappeared into the harbor, but to know what he was actually alive, and I could have held his hand... I could have told him I loved him one last time.

Jason: Well, maybe that's why you've held on for so long. You know, maybe... maybe that's why that little voice won't go away.

Sam: Maybe. But sometimes I feel like he is... right beside me. Like I could just... reach out and touch him. I'm sorry.

Jason: Why are you sorry?

Sam: Because you came here to pick up food, and I just went on and on about my deceased husband.

Jason: Well, actually, I owe you. I don't know if you recall, but I almost blew up an entire boat full of party guests.

Sam: Nope. That doesn't ring a bell.

Jason: Well, because of you, I remembered and was able to stop it, and because of you, 53 people are still alive.

Sam: I-I wouldn't say that.

Jason: I would. So, look, if you need a sounding board, I can be your sounding board -- no problem.

Sam: Be careful what you offer.

Jason: I can handle it -- trust me.

Sam: Okay. I-I just don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how to clear this hurdle in my life so I can move forward with Patrick. I mean, I want a life with Patrick. I-I don't -- I don't want to hurt him.

Jason: You know, I didn't know Jason. But I do know that he loved you quite a bit. And I know that... it would really hurt him to see you struggling this much, especially over him.

Sam: You're actually right.

Jason: I-I know that he would just want the absolute best for you. He'd want you to be happy. God knows if I were him, that's exactly what I would want.

Julian: For the last time, I didn't kill Duke. Carlos did.

Anna: On your orders.

Julian: That is false.

Anna: I will prove it.

Julian: Oh, my God, there is nothing to prove. Look at you. You're hurt, lashing out, looking for somebody to blame.

Anna: Don't pity me.

Julian: I get it, Anna. I get it. But don't come over here and victimize me and my family because you're drowning in guilt.

Anna: What have I got to feel guilty about?

Julian: Somebody else may have pulled the trigger, but everyone -- everyone -- knows that Duke is dead because of you. You see, you had him. You had this happy, fairy-tale ending in your grasp, and you let it go. By the time you woke up and realized it, it was too late because Duke -- he chose Sonny. So, you see, Anna, in the end, you didn't cut it.

Alexis: That's enough.

Anna: Is it, Alexis, really? 'Cause you keep coming back for more. You look me -- look me in the eye, and you tell me you believe him.

[Alexis' flashback]

Alexis: Did you do it?

Julian: You know I can't answer that without implicating you, right?

Alexis: Not if I'm asking as your attorney. It's attorney-client privilege.

Julian: Why don't we wait until I've seen my son?

Alexis: Yes or no?

Julian: Yeah. I ordered the hit on Duke.

Anna: Tell me you think he had nothing to do with Duke's murder.

Carly: Okay, I'm gonna get the ball rolling.

Elizabeth: Hi.

Patrick: How are we doing in here?

[Door closes]

Sonny: Oh, I feel, you know, a lot better.

Patrick: No, no, no. No. Don't even think about it. You're nowhere near going home, all right? You have a lot of recovering to do.

Carly: Oh, he doesn't want to leave. I mean, he does, but that's -- that's not what's going on here.

Sonny: I'm gonna... I'm gonna marry Carly tonight, as soon as possible.

Patrick: Whoa. What?

Carly: I know it sounds crazy. I know. It just absolutely has to happen.

Elizabeth: That's so sweet.

Carly: Not because of the reason you're thinking about.

Patrick: Everybody's gonna slow down right now. Sonny, you are supposed to be avoiding stress.

Carly: Are you trying to say marrying me is stressful?

Sonny: I'm just gonna lie down, and I'm gonna say a few words, and that's --

Patrick: Wouldn't you rather be recovered and have the wedding that you want instead of just lying here and saying a few words?

Carly: In an ideal world, yes.

Sonny: And it's not ideal because of Ava.

Ms. Wu: You're making a serious claim, Ms. Jerome. An attack on Mr. Corinthos could be construed as an attack on us all.

Novak: So give it up. Was it your brother?

Ava: Is that it? You're gonna set my brother up to take the blame for Sonny's shooting?

Paul: Well, Julian's sacrifice would be for the good of the family.

Ava: How about I tell the five families it was really you, after all? With you dead, there'd be nobody to prosecute me.

Michael: We want a name. Who shot my father?

Ava: It was a man. A very well-connected man. A man we all know.

Michael: Okay, I didn't come here for riddles.

Ava: Michael, sit down.

Tucci: Ms. Jerome, you're being disrespectful both to Mr. Corinthos and to the group. You've come to this table without invitation. Now you're refusing to give any direct answers.

Ms. Wu: Is it your intention to make enemies? Because you're well on your way.

Ava: Well, I apologize. That most certainly is not my intention.

Tucci: Mr. Corinthos, please take a seat. Ms. Jerome fails to make a satisfactory reply... she'll answer for it.

Michael: Well, my request is very simple. I want the name of whoever tried to have my father killed.

Tucci: Ms. Jerome?

Ava: Carlos Rivera.

Paul: I'm very sorry for what your family is going through.

Dante: Thank you.

Paul: How is Sonny?

Dante: Uh, it was a little sketchy there for a bit. But he made it through surgery, so...

Paul: Glad to hear it. Is he still in ICU?

Dante: He is. He is. They're cautiously optimistic.

Paul: Well, hey, you can't ask for better than that, given the severity of the trauma, I mean...

Dante: Yeah, it's -- it's definitely good news.

Paul: Well, good. If you need to take a couple of days off, everyone will understand.

Dante: No, you know, sir, I appreciate that, but I just want to stay busy, 'cause too much time to think is not a good thing for me.

Paul: Yeah, a man after my own heart. If you change your mind, just say the word. And don't hesitate to drop everything, okay? I'll smooth the way with the commissioner.

Dante: Thank you.

Paul: I look forward to working with you, Detective.

Dante: Likewise, sir.

Paul: Yeah. We're gonna do good things. Important things. Starting with bringing whoever hurt your father to justice.

Michael: You're saying that Carlos shot my father? On Julian's orders?

Ava: My brother's out of the business, remember?

Michael: So you're saying that Carlos acted alone?

Ava: Is that so hard to believe?

Michael: In a word, yes. Carlos has been an enforcer for the Jeromes, what, the last 15 years? Out of the blue, he just decides to go rogue?

Ava: He's done it once before, when he took it upon himself to kill Sonny's man Duke Lavery.

Michael: But why?

Ava: Why what?

Michael: How does it profit Carlos to shoot my dad?

Ava: He started with Duke, ended with Sonny. Clearly, he was working his way to the top.

Michael: [Smacks lips] Carlos isn't a player. He has no network to back him up. He has no power. So why this random act against my father?

Ava: Maybe he wanted to make a name for himself. I don't know.

Michael: I don't buy it. Whoever attacked my father wanted control of his territory, control of his transport routes. That would be you -- the Jeromes. Not some mad-dog gunman.

Tucci: Mr. Corinthos makes a good point.

Ava: Oh, are you going by "Corinthos" again? I thought you were a Quartermaine.

Ms. Wu: So you mean to say Rivera killed Lavery and went after Sonny with no authorization whatsoever from Julian?

Ava: Correct.

Michael: So if what you're saying is true, then I want Carlos. Where is he?

Anna: Please, Alexis. I need the truth. After everything you've learned about Julian, do you honestly believe that he's innocent, that he had nothing to do with eliminating Duke?

Julian: You need to back off, Anna.

Anna: I'm not speaking to you.

Alexis: Anna, everyone makes compromises in love. You of all people should understand that.

Anna: [Scoffs] Well, that's conveniently vague. Really, compromises? I don't even know what that means. What, you're saying that you accept the fact that he executed Duke, because the guy comes in here and he brings you flowers? Is that it?

Alexis: Hmm.

Anna: Huh?

Alexis: With all due respect, I don't owe you an explanation.

Anna: Okay. Maybe you don't. But you sure as hell do.

Julian: It's time for you to go.

Anna: I'm not done.

Julian: Everybody knows that Carlos killed Duke. Find him. Make the actual offender pay, Anna. Unless you already did.

Robert: Sam?

Sam: Robert! Hi! How are you? I-I thought I might run into you here.

Robert: Great to see you.

Sam: Yeah, you too.

Robert: It's been too long.

Sam: I know. Gosh, way too long. I've got to stop being so lazy and order takeout instead of delivery. You've been well?

Robert: Can't complain. You know, I've been thinking about you.

Sam: You have?

Robert: Well, today's a special day for you and Jason.

Sam: Yes. Yeah, today was a very sp-- um, I'm sorry. Robert, this is -- this is my friend Jake. Jake, this is Robert. His grandparents actually own the place.

Jason: Oh, well, it's great. I love it here.

Robert: Yeah, they put their hearts and souls into it.

Sam: Robert actually was the man to marry Jason and me.

Jason: Oh, wow. Well, hey, it's great to meet you.

Robert: Likewise...Jake.

Carly: So do you see why we need to do this as soon as possible?

Sonny: Listen, Doctor, Ava's moving fast. We -- we got to move faster. All we need is a justice of the peace. And the green light from you.

Patrick: You know, that's cute. You guys were gonna try and pull this off without me even knowing.

Carly: Okay, normally, Sonny's health would trump anything, but Avery has got to come first.

Sonny: We -- we -- nothing -- I just got to protect my little girl.

Carly: Yes, and it will be short and sweet. No one will be here. We just really need your okay. Please, Patrick!

Patrick: I see that monitor go one blip, and I'm calling this off. You understand me?

Sonny: You ready to be Mrs. Corinthos again?

Carly: It's about time.

Sam: So, how are your grandparents doing?

Robert: All things considered, great. Still independent as always, despite my grandmother's failing eyesight.

Sam: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Robert: Don't be. Hasn't slowed her down a bit. [Speaks in foreign language]

Sam: Oh, hi, Mrs. Yi.

Mrs. Yi: [Speaks in foreign language] Samantha Morgan!

Robert: She says she recognizes your voice.

Sam: Oh. [Chuckles] Hi.

Mrs. Yi: [Speaks in foreign language]

Robert: She says that you don't visit enough.

Sam: Oh, I know. I know, I'm so sorry. I'm gonna change that. I am.

Robert: [Speaks in foreign language]

Sam: Can you -- how are you? Ask?

Robert: [Speaks in foreign language]

Mrs. Yi: [Speaks in foreign language]

Robert: She's telling you about her vision problems. But she says her other senses are sharper.

Jason: Oh. I actually heard about that -- when one sense diminishes, the others sometimes pick up the slack.

Robert: [Speaks in foreign language]

Jason: Hi. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Yi.

[Conversation in foreign language]

Robert: She thinks I'm playing a trick on her.

Mrs. Yi: [Speaks in foreign language]

Robert: She says she knows who you are.

Sam: What? Jake, have you and Mrs. Yi met?

Jason: No, not that I know of.

Robert: [Speaks in foreign language]

Mrs. Yi: [Speaks in foreign language] Jason Morgan.

Sam: Wait. Did she just --

Robert: She thinks that you're Jason.

Jason: [Clears throat]

Carly: We don't want to take any chances, given Sonny's condition.

Justice of the Peace: And you've signed off, I assume?

Patrick: Make it quick.

Justice of the Peace: All right, then. Good enough for me.

Carly: Excellent, okay. We're ready whenever you are.

Justice of the Peace: I'll require two witnesses.

Carly: Oh, we have them. Right? You guys? You're our witnesses? [Chuckles]

Elizabeth: Us?

Carly: Yes, yeah. Right? Look, ideally, it would be our children, but they're not here, and time is of the essence.

Sonny: Elizabeth, will you be our witness? I'll owe you.

Elizabeth: And you know I'll collect... when I marry Jake and Patrick marries Sam.

Mrs. Yi: [Speaks in foreign language]

Robert: Don't worry, I'll explain the mistake. [Speaks in foreign language] Jason.

Sam: Are you sure you've never met her before?

Jason: I'm sure, unless it happened before the accident, which I'm...

Robert: I'm sorry. I told her about Jason's passing right after it happened. She's obviously a little confused.

Mrs. Yi: [Speaking in foreign language]

Sam: What did she just say?

Mrs. Yi: [Speaks in foreign language]

Robert: She's saying that she's positive that Jake is Jason. And she's blind, but she's not that blind. She thinks you're here to celebrate your anniversary.

Jason: Ah. [Chuckles]

Mrs. Yi: [Speaking in foreign language]

Sam: I'm...I'm pretty sure I heard my name in there.

Robert: She says it's an important day, and we should treat it that way. She wants you and "Jason" to renew your blessing.

Sam: Mm.

Dante: It seems like you have your priorities straight as far as this gig is concerned.

Paul: Put away the bad guys. Not too difficult, right?

Dante: No, but we were burned pretty bad by the last two das.

Paul: Didn't inspire much confidence, huh?

Dante: No, and because of that, you don't have very big shoes to fill.

Paul: Well, I plan to proceed as if I do. Catch me up on the current slate of cases. Where are we at with the investigation into Sonny's shooting?

Dante: Nowhere, really. The guys who used TJ Ashford to lure Sonny to the warehouse, they're dead.

Paul: So they're not talking.

Dante: Well, they were. One of them, at least, was. And he said he was working for Julian Jerome.

Paul: Any evidence to substantiate?

Dante: None. None. And the commissioner is being... encouraged to exonerate Julian.

Paul: From whom?

Dante: His lawyer, Alexis Davis.

Paul: Ah, and his girlfriend/mother of his daughter.

Dante: Slash, personal crusader to announce to the world that he's out of the business.

Paul: Well, forgive me for not taking Ms. Davis at her word. She has double the reason to lie for Jerome.

Anna: What are you talking about?

Julian: I'm talking about what happened to Carlos.

Anna: Why? You know where he is?

Julian: No. Do you?

Anna: No. If I did, he'd be in lockup, wouldn't he?

Julian: Oh, is that right? So why aren't you out searching for him? Or does the man who took your precious Duke, does he get a pass? Is that it?

Anna: No pass, no. I've just chosen to focus on the true culprit -- the one who gave the order, the man who is responsible for Duke's murder, and that is you, Julian.

Julian: This is more than your irrational vendetta against me. You're willfully ignoring Carlos. So why is that? Unless, of course, you know more than you're letting on.

Anna: Really?

Julian: Really. After all, you're the last person to see him alive. Aren't you? And, so, tell me, Anna -- how does a two-bit criminal elude a master spy like yourself?

Anna: I must say, thank you. Your faith in my abilities is heartwarming. And for the record, you won't elude me. You will answer for what you did to Duke. And that is a promise.

Michael: You say that Carlos is to blame. Okay. Let's hear it from him, then. Produce him.

Ava: I would if I could. But Carlos disappeared as soon as I asserted myself as head of the family.

Michael: Well, that seems kind of odd. Why not stick around to be number two?

Ava: Maybe he's only interested in being number one.

Michael: All of a sudden?

Ava: People change.

Michael: People lie.

Ms. Wu: What are you implying, Mr. Corinthos?

Michael: It just seems very convenient for both Julian and Ava that Carlos isn't around to be questioned.

Mr. Columbo: He's got to be called to account.

Ava: Well, I agree. I'm doing everything in my power to locate him.

Michael: I'm sure you are.

Ava: Do you -- do you think I want strife among our organizations?

Michael: I think you're sloppy, and I think you draw unwanted attention, most recently by taking out Duke Lavery.

Ava: Like I said, that wasn't me or my brother.

Michael: And before that, it was dealing in drugs. Everything was going smooth before the Jeromes showed up, and then the DEA is sending agents, there's Feds all over -- I don't like that.

Ava: Spoken like a true mob boss. I came here seeking peace. None of us profits while this conflict persists.

Novak: She has a point.

Ms. Wu: The fight between Sonny and the Jeromes has had a damaging repercussion on us all.

Novak: I move for an immediate ceasefire.

Ms. Wu: I second it.

Tucci: Ms. Jerome, Mr. Corinthos, for the good of all, you'll need to coexist. Ms. Jerome, this means an immediate end to all aggressive moves and hostility. Mr. Corinthos, I must insist that you bring any grievances against the Jeromes to the table rather than retaliate on your own.

Michael: You're asking me to accept that Carlos and Carlos alone is responsible for attacking my father and to tell our people to back off?

Tucci: Unless evidence arises that proves it wasn't Rivera.

Mr. Columbo: Otherwise, you face war -- on all sides.

Ava: [Sighs] Let's smoke the peace pipe, Michael.

Paul: It sounds like Sonny's case has gone cold.

Dante: Something will come up.

Paul: If not, I hope you and your colleagues have the good sense to know that we have way too many crimes that need resolving to get bogged down with just one. It's my plan to put away every offender who dares cross my path.

Dante: Excuse me, sir. Hey.

Anna: Hi.

Dante: I heard you were back. Great to see you.

Anna: Nice to see you, too. I heard about your father. How's he doing?

Dante: Ah, yeah, better. Thanks.

Anna: Do they have any leads or anything?

Dante: Nothing. Nothing yet. Hopefully, that will change.

Anna: I hope so, too.

Dante: On that note, this is our new district attorney -- Paul Hornsby.

Paul: No introductions necessary.

Dante: Wait, you two know each other?

Anna: Yeah. It's been a lifetime, but yeah.

Paul: How are you, Anna?

Anna: I'm -- I'm all right. Yourself?

Paul: Just getting the lay of the land.

Anna: Okay. District attorney. Wow. You've come a long way. The last time I saw you, you were doing Faison's bidding.

Paul: Yes, yes. Well, he left me no choice.

Anna: No, I'm not judging. Really, I'm not. I...I know what it feels like to be cornered. No escape. A situation I find myself in, in fact. But I came here to change that.

Julian: I'm sorry.

Alexis: So am I.

Julian: I know how difficult that must have been for you.

Alexis: It was. Seeing Anna with that much grief and so much anger is very upsetting. Rightfully so.

Julian: I know how much this is costing you, and I am grateful.

Alexis: Please don't ever drag me into that life again.

Julian: I won't.

Alexis: Promise me.

Julian: I promise.

Ava: Will it be peace or war?

Michael: What I want, what's most important to me, is my father's safety. I will agree to peace if there is no more trouble. If there is, I'll be forced to assume it comes from you.

Ava: Fair enough.

Tucci: This meeting is adjourned.

Ava: You've really stepped up to the plate, haven't you?

Michael: I wonder what the court will think of your new line of work when it comes time to decide Avery's custody.

Ava: Well, I could wonder the same thing about Sonny. Call me crazy, but I don't think his lawyer is gonna broach the topic.

Michael: I'm not a lawyer, so I can't say.

Ava: I can run an organization and parent at the same time. Sonny does it.

Michael: Well, Sonny's not a mother.

Ava: [Laughs] What... well, there's a double standard if I've ever heard one. Tell your father I'll see him in court. If he can drag himself out of that hospital bed, of course.

Sonny: So, was that a yes?

Carly: I'll be so grateful.

Patrick: You have anywhere to be?

Elizabeth: I think I can make the time.

Carly: Thank you. Thank you.

Patrick: Let's do it.

Robert: Please feel free to leave. I'll explain everything to her when she's thinking more clearly.

Sam: Okay.

Jason: Yeah.

Mrs. Yi: [Speaking in foreign language]

Sam: What is she saying now?

Robert: She's just saying it will only take a few moments. A few words to cement your future. She's asking to do it for her, if not for yourselves. Make an old woman happy.

Sam: [Sighs] How do we say no to that?

Jason: You could...

Sam: No, um, I would be honored if you and your grandmother would bless this special day for me. Thank you.

Robert: [Speaks in foreign language]

Mrs. Yi: [Laughs]

Sam: Come here. Thank you.

Jason: [Chuckles nervously]

Dante: What's the matter? Everything okay?

Paul: I'll give you two some space.

Anna: No, actually, I should tell both of you.

Paul: Michael, what brings you to the PCPD?

Michael: Can I talk to you for a second?

Dante: I was in the middle of something.

Michael: It won't take long.

Anna: It's fine. It's fine. Go ahead. It's okay.

Dante: What? What's going on?

Michael: I need to find Carlos Rivera.

Ava: Hi.

Julian: Where have you been?

Ava: Making myself useful.

Julian: Hmm.

Ava: Are you alone?

Julian: Yeah, Alexis just left. Why?

Ava: I have good news. Thanks to my heroic efforts, you're off the hook for shooting Sonny.

Justice of the Peace: Sonny, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Sonny: I do.

Sam: Do you want to kill me?

Jason: Why would I want to kill you?

Sam: For dragging you into a vow-renewal ceremony, and they're not even your vows.

Jason: Yeah, it's a little weird.

Sam: Yes, I know. It's just -- yes, it's a little strange.

Jason: She seems like a nice lady.

Sam: She is.

Jason: And maybe it will help you get over your... you know, the Jason...

Sam: Yeah, okay. Well, here's to hoping.

Jason: Yep. Here's to hoping.

Sam: Wait, you don't think Elizabeth would be uncomfortable with this, do you?

Jason: Because we're helping out a sweet, little old lady? No, I think she'll be fine with it.

Justice of the Peace: Carly, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Carly: I do.

Robert: Jason and Sam, on this, the fourth anniversary of your wedding, you stand beneath the symbols of the dragon and the phoenix, for the union of a bride and groom is the union between a dragon and a phoenix. Together, the dragon and the phoenix are the ultimate sign of yin and yang -- male, female. Strength and beauty. Alone, they bring happiness, but together, they bring double happiness.

Justice of the Peace: Will you be exchanging rings?

Carly: Yes! Yes, it's crazy, but I had them with me.

Sonny: [Sighs heavily]

Carly: One second. Let me switch this. Okay. All right, you ready?

Sonny: [Grunts]

Carly: Give me your hand. Sonny... with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you. Here. [Chuckles] That's mine.

Sonny: Carly.

Carly: Yeah.

Sonny: With all... [Grunts as he drops Carly's wedding ring and convulses violently]

[Alarms beeping]

On the next "General Hospital" --

Michael (to Dante): It's possible that Carlos is the one who shot our father.

Ava (to Julian): Now our family can rest in peace.

Kyle Sloane (to Nikolas): I could have hung you out to dry, but instead I chose to be loyal to you.

Sam (to Jason): I am ready to leave Jason behind.

[As monitors beep, Elizabeth & Patrick rush to care for Sonny.]

Carly: Sonny! Patrick, help him!

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