GH Transcript Tuesday 9/8/15

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 9/8/15


Episode #13386 ~ Something triggers Jake's memory; Maxie tells Carly that Sonny's missing; Sloane reminds Anna of their secret.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Hayden: You're innocent... of those particular charges, at least. Other ones? Not so much.

Nikolas: What other ones. Well, according to Jake and Sam, you know Jake's real identity, and I'm not so sure they're wrong about that.

Hayden: Really? Where'd you get that idea?

Sam: Sloane is lying. We know that he and Nikolas worked together to fix Lomax's election.

Jason: Yeah. [Clears throat] Nikolas got to him. Sloane's still in his pocket.

Sam: Well, then, why would he tell Anna that he did it? She said that he would work with us on this.

Jason: Well, she was wrong. Clearly, she doesn't know Sloane as well as she thought she did.

[Anna's flashback]

Sloane: To be honest, I wasn't sure I'd ever hear from you again, the way we left things.

Anna: Well, I said I was gonna come back.

Sloane: 'Cause you weren't sure you wanted to see me. And yet here we are again, just hours after you return. Can I take this as a sign that there's a chance for us?

[Back to present]

Anna: Did you go to Wyndemere?

Sloane: I did.

Anna: Was it successful? Is Nikolas gonna give up ELQ to Michael?

Morgan: Damn it. Damn it.

Michael: I got it. I got it. Don't freak out. It's gonna be okay.

Morgan: I'm not -- I'm not freaking out. I'm not. I am kind of freaking out here. What's -- what's going on with me, Michael?

Michael: Look, you've had a rough couple of days. It's no wonder you're a little high-strung.

Morgan: I just -- I just really want to go back to this morning. I was starting to feel better after I talked to Dad, like -- like I had a handle on things, or at least, you know, I had a plan to get a handle on things, and then seeing Avery was kind of just the icing on the cake.

Michael: Yeah, that's exactly what I'm about to do.

Sabrina: Not without me you're not. Hi.

Michael: Wow. Huh.

Morgan: What he said.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Michael: You look, uh -- you look amazing.

Dante: Yeah, no disagreement here.

Sabrina: Thank you. So, where's the groom?

Dante: That's a good question.

Sabrina: Nobody knows?

Michael: Uh, we're just hoping my mom's taking her time getting ready.

Morgan: Yeah, and that Dad gets back before she shows.

Sonny: Don't move. Don't move.

Charlie: Okay. Okay. Don't shoot. Don't --

Sonny: Okay, this could have been avoided, Charlie, if you were just more reasonable.

Charlie: I'll -- I'll testify against Julian, okay? Whatever you want.

Sonny: I want you to shut your mouth and do exactly as I tell you to do! How you doing? You good? Okay, here's what's gonna happen, Charlie. You're gonna untie TJ. Are you hearing me?

Charlie: Yeah.

Sonny: You're gonna untie TJ! No sudden moves! Okay? If all goes well, I may decide to let you live. Get up!

Charlie: All right. I'm doing it.

Sonny: I don't know about you, TJ, but I'm ready to get out of here.

TJ: Can't wait.

Sonny: I made plans with, uh -- with Carly. Nothing gonna stop me from making it.

[Someone points a gun at Sonny]

Lulu: Oh, you look amazing.

Carly: [Laughs]

Bobbie: You look gorgeous, baby. Perfect.

Maxie: Can I put a bride together or can I put a bride together?

Carly: [Laughs]

Maxie: You know, when Sonny sees how gorgeous you look, he's gonna die.

Lulu: Ooh, Maxie.

Maxie: Oh. Poor choice of words, given the groom's line of work.

Carly: [Chuckles]

Sonny: Hurry up, Charlie!

Sam: Sloane is a lying bastard. What are we supposed to do now?


Sam: [Screams]

Jason: You okay?

Sam: Uh-huh.

Jason: Okay.

TJ: Mr. Corinthos! Sonny! Sonny! Sonny! Are you all right?! No! No, no, no! Mr. Corinthos! No! Do something! Charlie, do something!

Charlie: He's shot, kid!

TJ: No, no, no! Mr. Corinthos! No, no, no! You can't die. You can't die.

Sloane: So, there's something you need to know.

Anna: Jordan -- I'm sorry about the immunity, and she's totally on board, okay? And she's -- she's speaking right now with the Acting DA. It's Ric Lansing. He can be a little difficult, but I don't see a problem. You're not gonna go down for tampering with the mayoral election.

Sloane: Anna, listen.

Anna: Thank you. Thank you...for going to bat for me. I know you weren't 100% behind this, but I really appreciate it. And you did the right thing.

Sloane: No, actually, I didn't.

Nikolas: I'm sorry. Is it -- is it just me, or have we already had this conversation?

Hayden: Well, then, let's have it again.

Nikolas: [Chuckling] What?!

Hayden: Memory issues, you know, and all that.

Nikolas: I don't know who Jake is. I -- my grandmother does, but she's not talking, at least not to me.

Hayden: Right. Helena. The one who introduced us and supposedly confided in me and only me, which is why I know Jake's identity and you don't.

Nikolas: Correct.

Hayden: Here's the thing -- I don't buy it.

Nikolas: Sorry. It's the truth.

Hayden: Well, then how do you explain that little flash of memory I had? Our heated argument, then kiss, when you were so angry with me. And from what I gather, it was because you thought I was threatening you about Jake.

Nikolas: So?

Hayden: So...your story and my reality don't add up. Why is that, Nikolas?

Jason: Okay, stay here.

Sam: Okay.

Sabrina: Wherever Sonny went, isn't he cutting it close? I thought the wedding was supposed to be at sunset.

Michael: Yeah, well, hopefully, he's back soon, but in the meantime, this gives us a chance to spend some more time with Avery.

Sabrina: I can't wait to see her.

Michael: Yeah, I know. Me, neither. Come on.

Morgan: Hey. Still no word yet. You?

Dante: Not yet.

Morgan: Where the hell is he, man?

Dante: He'll be here. Hey, how about some champagne?

Morgan: Ha, that's really funny. No. I'm still sweating it out from last night. [Clears throat]

Dante: So, you must have really, uh, tied one on, huh?

Morgan: Yeah. Big time.

Dante: So long as you remember, little brother, getting drunk doesn't solve anything.

Morgan: Come on. Like you've never overindulged when stuff got rough?

Dante: I absolutely have and made the biggest mistake of my life because of it.

Maxie: Sonny will be blown away when he sees you.

Carly: Know when to stop, Maxie.


Maxie: Okay, well, how do I look?

Lulu: Fabulous, as always.

Valerie: I was gonna ask you where you got that dress.

Maxie: Oh, this great little boutique on Van Ness. Eat your heart out, Wyndham's. [Chuckles]

Bobbie: You really do. You look beautiful. Radiant, luminous.

Carly: Oh! [Laughs]

Maxie: That's because she's wearing the new Cartullo Illuminata face tint.

Lulu: You are being a wedding planner from hell, FYI.

Maxie: No, I'm not.

Lulu: Give them space!

Carly: [Laughs]

Lulu: Oh, my God.

Bobbie: I really do mean it.

Carly: Thanks, Mom. That means a lot to me.

Bobbie: You look so happy. You look as if it's your first time getting married.

[Both laugh]

Carly: I -- it sounds crazy, but I feel like it is. I do. I just -- I feel like my life is about to begin again with Sonny.

Bobbie: Ohh!

Carly: No, we can't cry. We can't cry.

Bobbie: [Voice breaking] I know. I know. It's just, when you see your children happy, nothing compares.

Carly: Nothing. [Chuckles] [Sighs]

Lulu: You okay?

Valerie: Yeah. Just...missing my mom.

Lulu: I know it's a weak substitute, but you've got me.

Valerie: Nothing weak about it.

Maxie: Oh, my God, enough with the waterworks, people. Uh, we can all blubber at Sonny's. Now, vamanos, or this wedding will never happen.

Carly: Hey, bite your tongue.

Lulu: What she meant to say was, let's not keep Sonny waiting.

Carly: Okay, I'm all for that.

Bobbie: [Chuckles]

TJ: Sonny!


TJ: Hey, no, no! You stay the hell away from him!

Charlie: Shut up. Shut up! Shut up now!

TJ: Somebody help us!

Charlie: Shut up now, or you're next!

[Door thuds]

Charlie: Hey!

Dickie: What the hell happened?

Charlie: Someone shot Sonny Corinthos. Was it one of you two?

Dickie: No, we were watching from outside.

Charlie: Well, it looks like we got a guardian angel who wants Sonny dead.

[Gun cocks]

Charlie: I guess one more shot... ought to do it.

Anna: I don't follow. What happened at Wyndemere? Did Nikolas push back?

Sloane: No.

Anna: But he's not gonna give up ELQ. Even though you made it clear that you're gonna turn him in for destroying those ballots. Unless you didn't.

Sloane: That's right.

Anna: "That's right," you didn't? Or, "that's right," even though you made it clear?

Sloane: I never implicated Nikolas. I never even pressured him, as a matter of fact.

Anna: [Sighs] Why not?

Sloane: Because of you.

Maxie: Okay, the coast is clear. So far, so good.


Maxie: All right, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep the bride out here while I scope the premises for the groom.

Lulu: Okay.

Valerie: Why?

Maxie: So the groom doesn't see the bride before the ceremony.

Valerie: Isn't that whole "bad luck" thing kind of old-school?

Bobbie: Well, maybe, but let's not test it, because, in today's day and age, couples need all the help they can get making it stick.

Carly: Was that aimed at me?

Bobbie: That was aimed at everyone.

Carly: [Laughs]

Dante: All right, you know what, man, forget I said anything.

Morgan: No, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. My -- my big brother, a hero cop, made the biggest mistake of his life drunk? You got to tell me what happened.

Maxie: Are you guys the only ones that are here?

Morgan: No, there's 2 1/2 more guests upstairs.

Sabrina: How long has it been since you've held her?

Michael: Oh, it feels like forever.

[Avery cooing]

Michael: I know I missed you, but did not realize how much I missed you until right now.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Michael: So, you okay, peanut? Your dad treating you good?

Sabrina: She's perfect. You did the right thing, Michael. See? Here's proof.

[Michael's flashback]

Sonny: Y-you just bringing her to visit, or what -- what's going on?

Michael: No, I'm, uh... I'm bringing her home.

Sonny: Hi.

Michael: Yeah, I know. It's just -- it's hard.

Sabrina: Oh, before I forget -- AJ -- I mean, Avery -- gosh -- I keep doing that.

Michael: No, you'll get used to it. Trust me.

Sabrina: Avery, I brought you a little something. A finishing touch for your outfit.

[Avery coos]

Sabrina: What do you think?

Michael: Aww. Yeah, what do you think, Avery? Is it possible for you to get even more beautiful?

Sabrina: Let's see. [Gasps] Oh, my goodness! So pretty! [Chuckles] Michael, she's so grown up.

Michael: Look at these teeth. She's gonna be walking. She's gonna be talking. Just don't forget how much I love you, okay?

Sabrina: She won't forget because you are gonna be right here to tell her.

Michael: We both will be. Isn't that right, Avery?

[Avery coos]

Michael: You're not getting rid of us. No way, no how, because we're family. The thing about family is you never give up on each other.

[Echoed footsteps as Sam runs along the docks]

Hayden: That memory was very clear. You were warning me to stop making threats about Jake, and not very nicely, I might add.

Nikolas: Okay. My apologies.

Hayden: I don't want apologies. I want answers. If it wasn't about Jake's identity, what was it about?

Nikolas: You really want to know?

Hayden: No, actually, I've lost interest.

Nikolas: Okay. I was, uh -- I was holding something over your head.

Hayden: About Jake?

Nikolas: Specifically, your fake marriage to him. I figured out that you and Ric Lansing were conning the guy, and I threatened to expose you.

Hayden: That's it?

Nikolas: Should there be more?

Hayden: I don't know. It seemed bigger than that -- more personal.

Nikolas: You were pretending to be the guy's wife. I mean, what can be more personal than that?

Hayden: No, no. More personal to you. Like, whatever we were discussing would have grave consequences for you.

Nikolas: I-I-I don't many times I have to tell you.

Hayden: As many times as I need to hear it, apparently.

Nikolas: I don't know who Jake really is.

Charlie: You really are one tough son of a bitch.

TJ: Don't -- don't -- don't do it. Don't kill him.

Charlie: He's still breathing. Not for long. He's dying, kid. I'm sorry to say you're next. Can't have any witnesses. [Grunts]


Charlie: Aah! Back off, or the kid dies!


Jason: Don't -- shh. Don't talk. Don't talk. Is that it? Are you okay? You good? Hey!

Hayden: So, you were just being noble, trying to protect Jake, while I -- well, I was just being a huge bitch, wasn't I? Messing with Jake's life in pretty much every way possible.

Nikolas: Yeah, that's about how I remember it.

Hayden: If, by "about" you mean "not at all," then we agree.

Nikolas: [Scoffs]

Hayden: What? Don't give me that -- it's not my fault your version of events is total crap.

Nikolas: [Laughs] You -- do you think you can do any better?

Hayden: Yes, I do. I think we were co-conspirators, that we both knew the answer to the riddle of Jake, which means you still do. The question is, why are you so hell-bent on keeping it from him?

Nikolas: Hell-bent, huh?

Hayden: Yes, like I said, you were very angry.

Nikolas: That's not the part I remember.

Hayden: No?

Nikolas: No. The part I remember is when you decided to stop talking and -- how did you put it? -- Do something better with your mouth? Now, how about you do that right now?

Anna: I asked you to help Sam get Nikolas to give up ELQ, but you didn't.

Sloane: Mm-hmm.

Anna: And now you're saying that's because of me. Okay. I'll bite.

Sloane: You told me that we didn't have a future together, not to put the screws to Nikolas for your benefit, but because it was the right thing to do.

Anna: And you've never cared much about that, have you?

Sloane: That's not fair.

Anna: Isn't it?

Sloane: The situation is complicated.

Anna: Simplify it.

Sloane: I've been working for Nikolas Cassadine.

Anna: How long?

Sloane: Since Mayor Lomax fired me. I know I should have told you.

Anna: You think?

Sloane: You get it now? I was torn between doing my job and doing you a favor.

Anna: No, I don't get it. Why did you go to Wyndemere at all?

Sloane: Well, you do know what the word "torn" means, right?

Anna: And in the end, you sided with Nikolas.

Sloane: Look, crossing this guy would have gotten me nowhere. I'd have no income, and I'd have no you.

Anna: Oh, well, that's where you're wrong. You would have had me.

Michael: Well, something very important is happening today. You're getting a mom.

Avery: Hi.

Sabrina: Hi!

Michael: I know you already look at her like your mom. I mean, she holds you. She plays with you. And she sings to you. Well, at least she tries to sing to you. She's not much of a singer, is she? I know, because she's my mom, too.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Michael: But, yeah... hi. Your dad...and she are getting married. Now, I-I need to warn you, though, about growing up with them. It's not always -- it's not always gonna be easy.

[Avery cooing]

Michael: There's gonna be some bumps in the road. You know, they can be stubborn, reckless, and they're not always the easiest people, you know, but no one will love you more or fight harder for you. They love you, and they will always put you first.

Sabrina: I know someone else who puts you first, Avery -- someone who sacrifices what they want for your good.

Michael: I'm not sure what she -- who's she talking about?

Sabrina: [Chuckles] You know, right, Avery? You know how wonderful your big brother is?

Michael: Oh, and I am as lucky -- I am lucky to have you in my life.

[Avery coos as Michael & Sabrina kiss]

Sabrina: [Chuckles] Come on. Let's go watch two people who love each other get married.

Carly: What is taking her so long?

Lulu: You know Maxie. Everything has to be perfect.

Carly: I'm marrying the man I'm meant to be with. That's perfect. Everything else is just details.

Bobbie: Aww.

Lulu: Aww.

Carly: Okay, okay.


Carly: All right, guys, I just want to get in there.

Lulu: Me, too.

Carly: Like, now.

Lulu: Yeah. Dante texted me, wanted to know when we were gonna be here.

Valerie: Dante's already inside?

Lulu: Yeah, he wanted to spend time with his dad before the wedding.

[Door opens]

Carly: Yes, yes, yes.

Morgan: Hi.

Carly: Hey. Uh, Morgan, come in. Hi. How are you?

Morgan: I'm good. Aren't I supposed to be asking you that? You look beautiful, Mom.

Carly: Thank you.

Bobbie: And you! Hey, girls, check out my handsome grandson.

Morgan: Grandma, oh, no!


Morgan: Oh, no.

Lulu: Okay, seriously, where's Maxie? We're waiting for the all clear.

Morgan: Okay, Maxie's going crazy right now with the decorations. She doesn't even want you seeing the living room. So your orders are to take her, go straight upstairs, and wait for the wedding to start.

Bobbie: Ooh, I guess we've got our marching orders.

Carly: Oh, hold on, hold on. Come here. Come here.

Morgan: Yeah?

Carly: Could you take me upstairs? I'd love to spend some time with you before I marry your dad.

Morgan: Yeah. How could I say no to that?

Carly: Come on. All right. Bye, guys. [Chuckles]

Maxie: Could you please explain to me how the groom up and left the premises when his wedding is about to start?

Dante: Sure, Maxie, there's something called free will, all right?

Maxie: Okay, let me rephrase. Why did you let the groom leave? And unless somebody died, there is no excuse.

Dante: I don't know. I wasn't here, okay?

Maxie: Did you try to call him?

Dante: Yes, I have. Multiple times.

Maxie: [Sighs] Okay. [Chuckles] Fine. I will try to look on the bright side. With Sonny being MIA, that'll give us a few more minutes to wait for the cake. And TJ better be walking through the kitchen with that in three, TJ!

TJ: Hey, hey, come on, please, you got to help Mr. Corinthos.

Jason: Yeah, yeah.

Sam: Here. I need an ambulance.

Jason: Sonny, I'm gonna turn you over, man, okay? All right, 1, 2, 3.

Sam: Sonny Corinthos has been shot.

Jason: Okay. There we go. What do we got here? Sonny, can you hear me? Can you hear me, buddy? There you are. All right.

Sonny: I knew you'd come. You always do. Ow!

Hayden: We made a deal.

Nikolas: We did?

Hayden: I would move in as long as sex wasn't a requirement as payment.

Nikolas: You're the one who tried to kiss me the other day.

Hayden: Right, and you put a stop to it, proving just what a gentleman you are.

Nikolas: Well, can I tell you something?

Hayden: Sure.

Nikolas: I'm not feeling like much of a gentleman right now.

Hayden: No?

Nikolas: No.

Hayden: Between the uninvited guests and you dodging my questions, we've wasted the whole afternoon. But there's still time for a night swim.

Sloane: You gave me no reason to hope that we could be together.

Anna: I know. I didn't. But I was talking with Jordan, and...I don't know, she just made me realize maybe I was making a mistake and that I was creating all these obstacles where there were none. And...

Sloane: Anna, what are you saying?

Anna: That...just before you came in, I made a decision. And I was gonna try to explore what we have between us.

Sloane: Are you serious? Well, okay, then. Like, let's do that.

Anna: I can't.

Sloane: Because of this?

Anna: Oh, because of everything. You're not the man I thought you were.

Sloane: You mean I'm not the man you wanted me to be.

Anna: That's right.

Lulu: Sonny really didn't say where he was going?

Dante: He told Morgan that he had to go take care of something.

Bobbie: Mmm, and you obviously tried to reach your father.

Dante: Yeah, haven't had any luck.

Lulu: That's weird. Are you worried?

Dante: I don't know. I don't know what to be, to tell you the truth. He could be running an errand. He could be doing something work-related.

Bobbie: Well, let's just hope he gets home soon and puts all of our concerns to rest.

Lulu: [Gasps] Ohh! My goodness! Oh, look who's ready for the wedding!

Michael: Hey, everybody.

Lulu: Yeah, no, you're invisible when you're holding her.

Michael: Yeah, I'm kind of used to that.

Lulu: Oh, I mean, seriously, could your little sister be any cuter? I am in love.

Dante: Yeah, that's the general consensus.

Lulu: Can I hold her?

Michael: What do you say, Avery? Do you want to go to your sister-in-law?

Lulu: Come here. [Gasps] Oh, my goodness. Hi. I think she looks like you.

Dante: You do?

Lulu: Yeah. You are gonna be a heartbreaker, just like your big brother, aren't you? Her hands are so tiny. We barely got any time with Rocco when he was this small. I want another one.

Dante: That's good. I'm ready whenever you are.

Bobbie: Valerie? Honey? You okay?

Valerie: Yeah. I'm just...missing my mom more than usual today.

Bobbie: Are you sure that's all it is?

Valerie: I'm not feeling well. I tried to rally, but it doesn't seem to be working.

Bobbie: Oh, honey, well, then I'll take you home.

Valerie: No, don't be silly. I'm sure one of Sonny's employees can take me back.

Bobbie: No, I'm not sending you home with one of Sonny's no-necks.

Valerie: Aunt Bobbie.

Bobbie: No arguing. And besides, at the rate they're going, Sonny and Carly might not be getting married today after all. Come on.

Lulu: I think we need to dance tonight.

Dante: Hmm?

Lulu: Are you ready for this party?

Dante: I want the first dance.

Lulu: Aww.

Bobbie: I'm going to take her home.

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Bobbie: Okay? Come on.

Morgan: You know, Mom, you really do look gorgeous.

Carly: Oh.

Morgan: Dad's not gonna know what hit him.

Carly: [Chuckles] Yay! That's the plan. Hey.

Morgan: Hey.

Carly: I'm sorry about Kiki.

Morgan: Thanks.

Carly: Hey. Come here. You okay? Hmm? I know how much you care about her.

Morgan: Yeah, I mean, you know, she was just my lifeline, with everything being so crazy right now. Now she's just kind of gone.

Carly: We're not. Your father and I, we're here. So is Michael and so is Dante.

Morgan: I know. You guys have been really great. Yeah.

Carly: That's because we love you.

Morgan: Yeah, you do, no matter how bad I screw up.

Carly: [Sighs] Your father told me that, uh, you two had a good talk this morning.

Morgan: Yeah, we did. I was... I was in a bad place, and he just -- he made me feel better.

Carly: I'm glad.

Morgan: Um, I don't know what I'm gonna do, Mom, if I end up being bipolar like Dad. I guess -- well, I guess I'll just see what the shrink says tomorrow.

Carly: [Sighs] Mm. I am so proud of you. I am. Hey, I know it doesn't seem like it now, but it's gonna feel really good to get answers. You'll see. It will.

Morgan: I'm just really scared, you know?

Carly: I know.

Morgan: But, uh, Dad did promise he'd come with me.

Jason: Sonny, listen, man, you've been shot, okay? I just need you to relax. Stay with me, buddy. Hey, Sam, I need -- I need towels! My hands are slipping! Stay with me, buddy.

TJ: Is he breathing? Is he still breathing?

Jason: He's breathing. Stay with me. You're doing fine. You're doing fine. You're doing fine, man.

Sam: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Jason: Can you hear me? Sonny, can you hear me?

Sam: Wait a minute. Who -- who were these guys? Who do they work for?

TJ: No clue.

Jason: Sonny, can you hear me?

Sam: Are you okay?

Jason: You're doing fine, man.

TJ: I'm fine, but after they shot Sonny, I thought he was dead for real. I-I didn't know what to do.

Sam: Hey, hey. It's not your fault, okay?

Jason: Stay with me, man.

TJ: It's really bad, isn't it?

Jason: Okay, Sonny, you're doing good, man. The ambulance is on its way. It's on its way, okay? You got family, buddy.

Sonny: [Groans]

Jason: You got a family. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? They need you. Sonny! Sonny, stay with me, buddy! Don't go -- Sonny, stay with me!

Sloane: We -- we can still make this work. So what if I let Nikolas off the hook? That doesn't mean that we can't be together.

Anna: Except it does.

Sloane: Why? It's between the Cassadines and the Quartermaines. It's got nothing to do with us.

Anna: It's not -- it's not them. It's not them. It's -- it's --

Sloane: What?

Anna: It's us. It's this. It's -- it's too simplistic -- that -- that I would lose Duke, and then I would fall into a relationship with you. It's a fantasy.

Sloane: But it doesn't have to be.

Anna: It is. You and I -- never meant to be the endgame, Kyle.

Sloane: Would it make any difference if I told you that had I known that you were interested, I would have chosen you over Nikolas in a heartbeat?

Anna: Why do you need a reward to be a good person? We're in a bind here, Kyle. You tampered with a mayoral election, and it happened to have a candidate that was one of my good friends. So...

Sloane: Don't make this personal.

Anna: It is personal. And it's not only me now that knows that you broke the law. The commissioner does, too.

Sloane: So right back into cop mode, huh? That was fast.

Anna: But you didn't deliver Nikolas to the authorities or ELQ back to its rightful owners, so you are not immune from prosecution.

Sloane: Oh, no, so that's it. And you're fine just sending me off to prison.

Anna: I -- what could I do? The ball is already rolling.

Sloane: Just know that if I go to Pentonville, you're coming with me.

Hayden: [Gasps] Oh, my God! Ohh!

Nikolas: Is there a problem?

Hayden: Ohh! Hypothermia! Ohh! I wouldn't have gotten in that pool if I knew it was sub-arctic.

Nikolas: However, you spent a lot of time out there. You never so much as dipped your toe into the water?

Hayden: Aah! Why don't you take that vase I didn't break and use that money to heat that baby? Ohh!

Nikolas: Hayden, if I would want it heated, I would have heated the pool.

Hayden: Yeah. But you don't. Why?

Nikolas: Because I like it cold. It keeps me sharp and focused, I guess.

Hayden: [Chuckles]

Nikolas: I swim a few miles in there almost, uh, every day, even in the winter. How do you think I would have... gotten to where I am today, I guess?

Hayden: You've gotten to where you are today because you were born into a dynasty.

Nikolas: I would have said "disciplined," but, uh, that, too.

Hayden: Ohh! Can Alfred build a fire?

Nikolas: Are you really that cold?

Hayden: My goose bumps have goose bumps.

Nikolas: Drop your towel.

Hayden: What?!

Nikolas: it.

Hayden: [Breathing heavily] [Chuckles as Nikolas wraps her in a warm blanket]

Nikolas: Is that better?

Hayden: Much.

Nikolas: Good.

Carly: Hmm? Hey. So, is it "go" time?

Maxie: Not quite.

Carly: Oh, okay. What's not up to your standards? Champagne, flowers, food, what?

Maxie: No, no, all those things are up to my standards. Just it seems we're missing a few important details.

Carly: Like what?

Maxie: For starters, Valerie wasn't feeling very well, so your mother took her home.

Carly: Okay. Well, I am sorry that Valerie is sick, and as for my mom, she went above and beyond supporting this wedding, so if she found an excuse not to be at the actual ceremony, I'm okay with that.

Maxie: How very Zen of you. Most brides are more excitable.

Carly: It's not my first wedding. [Chuckles]

Maxie: Okay, well, aside from your mother and Valerie, there are a few other things missing.

Carly: Okay.

Maxie: We don't have a cake.

Carly: I don't need a cake. See? Problem solved.

Maxie: And then there is the issue of [Coughing] The groom.

Carly: Uh, what did you say?

Maxie: The groom.

Morgan: Wait, wait, wait. Dad's not back yet?

Carly: Dad's not here, and -- and he didn't tell you where he was going?

Morgan: He said he was gonna take care of something. I didn't tell you 'cause I didn't want you to worry.

Maxie: And we were gonna wait until he got back. And it's time, and he's not back yet. She's smiling. Why -- why is she smiling.

Carly: [Laughs] Ohh! Because! Of course, I'm smiling!

Maxie: The man you're supposed to marry is nowhere to be found.

Carly: That's because he's probably off prepping some big surprise. This is so Sonny. I wonder what the heck he's doing. Oh, I know what it is! [Laughs] I know what it is!

Morgan: What might that be, Mom?

Carly: I think he's at the airport picking up a surprise guest. I bet you he's picking up Spinelli.

Maxie: No, I-I think I would know if Spinelli was coming.

Carly: Not if Sonny didn't want you to know. Your father is the sweetest man. He wants this day to be perfect. And you know what? It will be.

Maxie: Not if he sees you before the ceremony.

Carly: Forget tradition. We have love.

Dante: I know I've been saying Sonny's gonna show, but I'm -- I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this.

Michael: Yeah, I don't like this either.

Dante: I'm gonna call the station, see if there's anything weird going on.

Carly: Hey! Is your dad here?

Michael: Wow, Mom, you look stunning.

Dante: Hear, hear.

Carly: Well, thank you! Now, answer the question.

Michael: Uh, no, um, no, he's not here just yet.

Carly: He's in traffic. [Laughs]

Morgan: Okay, uh, Mom's convinced that Dad's picking up a surprise guest from the airport?

Carly: Yes! Yes! If not that, he has something else up his sleeve. Sonny usually does. I just can't wait to find out what it is.

TJ: Mr. Corinthos!

Sam: Hey, hey! C-come here. Come here. Jake's got him. The best thing we can do is stay here.

[Sirens wailing]

Jason: All right, Sonny, ambulance is on its way, man, okay?

Sonny: [Groans]

Jason: Okay, you need to hold tight just a little bit longer. Can you do that? There we go. That's my man right there. Hold tight. Hold tight. All right.

Officer: Police! Hands where we can see them!

Jason: I can't put my hands in the air. I got to keep pressure on this wound. This man's been shot in the chest.

Officer: Anybody armed?

Jason: I've got a gun in my waistband. Please hurry up.

Officer: Toss it. Nice and slow.

Sam: I got it. I got it. I got it.

[Gun clatters]

Jake: All right. All right, this guy's bleeding out. This guy's bleeding out!

Officer: How'd that happen?

Sam: We don't have time. Where's the ambulance?

Jason: You guys hurry.

Officer: Medics! Please bring me the medics!

Jason: Sonny, you hear that, man? The ambulance is here. They're here, man. Just hold tight. Hold tight. Here they come.

Medic: What do we got?

Jason: Gunshot wound to the chest. He's bleeding out really bad, man.

Medic: All right, we're gonna have to ask you to move away, sir.

Jason: Okay.

Sonny: Hey. Hey. Tell Carly...I love her.

Jason: Yeah. Of course. Yeah, yeah, all right, man. Let these -- let these guys do their job, all right? Okay? Okay. You ready to switch?

Medic: Yeah.

Jason: One, two, three, go. [Exhales]

TJ: I got jumped at Kelly's, and they brought me here -- one of the dead guys -- this freak named Charlie -- made me call Mr. Corinthos. I mean, it's my fault that he got shot.

Sam: No, it's not your fault.

TJ: No, because he never goes anywhere without backup. The only reason he came here alone is because they said they'd kill me if he didn't. Now he's supposed to get married today.

Medic: Sir. Stay with me, sir.

TJ: Carly's waiting on him, and she doesn't even know.

Medic: Sir, are you able to speak? Stay with me. Stay with me, sir.

Sloane: I told you about tampering with the election in confidence.

Anna: I know. And you also told me that you were going to make it right.

Sloane: Well, I changed my mind.

Anna: That's too bad. You knew I was coming to see Jordan. Do you honestly think that she was gonna give you a free pass and not get anything in return?

Sloane: Fix it.

Anna: I can't. I don't want to.

Sloane: Well, then, I guess it's Pentonville for both of us.

Anna: [Sighs]

Sloane: Don't tell me you forgot already. We share another secret, Anna -- a bigger one. You killed a man in cold blood.

Nikolas: You still cold?

Hayden: If you promise to heat me up like this, I'll stop hounding you for a heated pool. [Chuckles]

Nikolas: Okay. Um... [Stammers] Well, now that you're, um, somewhat goose-bump-free, should I tell Alfred that you're -- you're ready to eat?

Hayden: I'm starving. [Chuckles]

Nikolas: How does, uh, lobster salad and a nice, uh, Sauvignon Blanc sound to you?

Hayden: Um, like you read my mind.

Nikolas: Okay. I'll see you on the terrace, okay?

Hayden: Okay.

TJ: What's taking so long? Why haven't they put him in the ambulance?

Sam: They know what they're doing.

TJ: What if it's too late? What if he dies?

Sam: He's not gonna die. He's got too much to live for.

Medic: Blood pressure's still dropping. He's not stable enough to transport yet.

Carly: Normally, I would be livid if someone was upstaging me at my own wedding, but because it's you, I think I'll let it go.


Carly: Oh, God, I can't believe that this day is here. I'm marrying Sonny! [Chuckles]

Maxie: Again.

Lulu: Again.

Carly: Yes, again, okay? Again. And all of you here to witness.

Avery: Yay!

All: Yay!

Carly: [Laughs] Yeah. I mean, you guys...

Avery: Yay!

Carly: ...You know that Sonny and I have had our share of fireworks and...

Avery: Yay!

Carly: ...Well, the one thing that has never been in doubt, and that is how much we love our children and how much we love each other's children. Hi! Yeah! We're family. All of us here, we're family, and that's a bond that cannot be broken.

[Avery chattering]

Carly: Hmm? And you know what? I know I speak for Sonny when I say it means so much to us that you're here wishing us well, and it just makes us so happy. It really does. And, yeah, it feels so different than the last four times. It just does. And I know that sounds crazy.

Avery: Yay!

Carly: Yeah! Yay, right? [Laughter] But I think that means something. I really do. I think this one's gonna last forever.

[Door slams]

Carly: I

[Jason enters with his shirt covered in Sonny's blood]

On the next "General Hospital" --

Sloane (to Anna): I will go public unless Jordan gets me that immunity deal.

Jordan: No one close to him is safe.

Ava (to Julian): There's got to be some way to get Carly's hands off my Avery.

Carly (to Jason): What's going on?

Medic: He's barely stable. We've got to move him now.

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