General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 8/11/15
Episode #13367 ~ Liz second guesses the choices she's made; Patrick enlightens Jake about Sam & Liz's history; Lulu is touched by Dillon's script and is moved to examine her own relationship; Paul offers to help Dillon.
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
[Music stops]
Paul: That was a long run.
Dillon: I didn't realize I was on the clock. You waiting for me for something?
Paul: Yes, actually. I have something for you.
Dillon: What's that?
Paul: Well, take it and find out. What does it look like?
Dillon: It looks like a check for... ...half a million dollars made out to me.
Paul: That it is.
Dante: Hey, baby. Oh, it is good to be home. That Clay case has taken over the entire department. Lomax is all over every one of us. Station's like a madhouse.
Lulu: Yeah, that sucks. [Sniffles]
Dante: Oh, my God. Baby, what -- what's -- what's wrong? Are you okay? Why are you crying?
Jordan: This is gonna be a circus.
Valerie: Almost all the calls are pushing to find out if the DA is actually going to prosecute his own son.
Jordan: Well, I don't know what Mr. Baldwin's gonna do, but I'll tell you this much. One way or the other, Silas Clay's killer is gonna be brought to justice.
[Elevator bell dings]
Sam: Hey.
Patrick: Hi.
Sam: Hi. Don't worry. I'm -- I'm not planning on badgering Hayden anymore tonight.
Patrick: Thought didn't ever cross my mind.
Sam: Well, I wouldn't blame you if it did. While we are on the subject, is there anything new to report?
Hayden: First you said we crashed and burned, and frankly, you seemed glad to be rid of me. Now you're all wistful about this disastrous relationship. What gives?
Nikolas: I want you to move in with me. I'm sure it seems sudden.
[Both laugh]
Hayden: Just a little, yeah.
Nikolas: Well, you were already living with me at Wyndemere before you got shot, so...
Hayden: That's what I keep hearing.
Nikolas: Now you're on... the road to recovery. You should come back to the place you were calling home.
Jason: You deserve better than that from me. You deserve the best. [Scoffs] And you'll get it -- a lifetime of it -- if you'll just give me the chance.
Elizabeth: What -- what are you saying?
Jason: Marry me.
Elizabeth: [Exhales sharply] Are you sure about this?
Jason: Okay, a-a-a question to answer a question -- not what I was expecting or going for, but I-I can work with that. I couldn't be more sure. I couldn't be more in love. Marry me.
Lulu: I must look like a mess.
Dante: [Chuckles] You look like the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
Lulu: [Sniffles]
Dante: But I don't like it when you cry. What's, uh... what's gotten you so upset?
Lulu: I'm fine. Just I finally got Rocco to bed, and the house was quiet, so I decided to read the latest draft of Dillon's screenplay, and... it just really got to me. He edited in some of my notes. It just -- [Sniffles] Wow.
Dante: You haven't cried like this since we watched "Toy Story 3" together with Rocco.
Lulu: Um, you definitely teared up. [Laughs]
Dante: I'm -- I'm assuming Dillon's script isn't about Woody getting out of the landfill.
Lulu: No, it's... it's about a couple that is completely destroyed when... one of them cheats on the other.
Jordan: How's the situation between Detective Falconeri and you? I know that you were kind of hoping that the two of you would end up together.
Valerie: I was just being silly, indulging in some wishful thinking. I'm over it.
Jordan: Look, Valerie... my intent isn't to interrogate you. I just -- I'm concerned about your well-being.
Valerie: You don't have to worry. Not only am I over what happened, I just started dating someone.
Dillon: Thanks, but no thanks.
Paul: Son, I want you to have the money.
Dillon: But I don't want it.
Paul: Y-you're a filmmaker. I know the production costs can be... well, costly, so please take it.
Dillon: Why is it so important that I have that check?
Paul: It's important to me to invest in you, in your movie.
Dillon: Nice try, but I am not gonna take your money any more than I was gonna take Nikolas Cassadine's.
Nikolas: Let's be honest. You'll need help when you get out of the hospital. I'm in a position to provide that. So how about it?
Hayden: I have one question.
Nikolas: Ask away.
Hayden: Why do you want me living under your roof again?
Patrick: You don't have to worry about Hayden. Physically, she's doing fine. I did have a little talk with her about your... your visit, and she still doesn't remember anything about Jake.
Sam: I didn't really mean to be so tough on her earlier. I'm sorry.
Patrick: I think it had more to do about Silas than whether or not Hayden remembers something or not.
Sam: Nothing gets past you, does it?
Patrick: [Chuckles] How's my Sammy doing? All right?
Sam: [Sighs] I'm okay. I'm okay. My heart hurts for Kiki. She's lost both of her parents in a relatively short amount of time.
Patrick: You talk to her?
Sam: I did. I, um... I went to Carly's. She's in a lot of pain. I offered to set up a, um, a memorial here at GH for her.
Patrick: That's nice of you.
Sam: I-I want her to know that her father was loved, so I'm gonna, um... I'm gonna go see if the chaplain is around.
Patrick: Okay. Well, by the time you're done, then, I'll probably be done with my shift.
Sam: Okay. Will you wait for me here?
Patrick: Of course. Why wouldn't I?
Sam: I just don't want you to feel weird about me and Jake working on Michael's case.
Patrick: If "weird" you mean "jealous," no, that's not gonna happen. Okay. I just get a little bit worried about you sometimes, that's all. But truthfully, I know you have only eyes for me.
Sam: Oh, do you, now?
Patrick: Yeah, and plus Jake is stuck on Elizabeth anyway, so...
Sam: Yeah.
Patrick: See you later.
Jason: Obviously this isn't the most romantic spot for a marriage proposal, but, uh... it's special to us. I mean, you helped me climb up these stairs for the first time. We've had picnics here. So why not... change my life here? I'm sorry I don't have a ring. I don't have all the things that you're supposed to have for a moment like this, but I have my heart and I have my love for you, and I hope that's enough.
Elizabeth: I don't need the show. Th-that's not what matters.
Jason: Well, then, is that yes?
Elizabeth: I-I-I don't --
Jason: Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: [Gasps] I'm sorry.
Dillon: You came back to Port Charles to build some sort of relationship with me.
Paul: I did. And -- and I intend to.
Dillon: But you can't buy back all the years we missed together, all those moments that meant something. You weren't there for my first Little League game. You weren't there when I broke my arm in football. You -- you weren't there when I made my first backyard movie. You certainly weren't there when I graduated film school. isn't gonna change that.
Paul: I understand. But to be fair, y-your mother made sure to keep us apart for many years.
Dillon: Bringing Mom into this is not going to help your case. It's not like you made any effort to come after me when I was old enough to make my own choices. So keep your money. It's not gonna buy us some warm, fuzzy father/son bond. We hardly know each other.
Paul: Dillon, that's where I think you're wrong. I feel like I do know you, at least better than I did.
Dillon: We've barely talked! How is that even possible?
Paul: [Sighs] Because of this -- your movie.
Dante: I hate to ask this, but are you crying because the script is reminding you about what happened between me and Valerie?
Lulu: Yes. But not why you think. Their story, it's different. It's full-blown, all-out infidelity, complete with hot sex and vicious lies, and it's the woman who cheats on the man. The pain she inflicts, the emotional damage is nothing like what we went through.
Dante: [Sighs] So, Dillon must have been going for maximum dramatic impact, huh?
Lulu: What Dillon really shows is that as bad as the physical infidelity was, the lies are so much worse. It's the destruction of trust that the couple can't come back from.
Dante: And that's why you were crying.
Lulu: Our situation pales in comparison. What happened with Valerie was so small. One stupid kiss in the grand scheme of our marriage just doesn't mean a damn thing.
Valerie: We've only been on one date, but he's really easy to talk to and to be around.
Jordan: Okay, let's see. Uh...local boy comes back home from the west coast. I can only assume that he has nothing to do with the situation between you and Dante.
Valerie: Well, not exactly. What do you mean?
Jordan: Technically, Dillon's the reason Dante and I slept together.
Dillon: You read my script?! Where the hell did you get it from?
Paul: From your room.
Dillon: W-what were you doing in there? You spying on me?
Paul: No, Alice was cleaning, and I happened to be on that side of the house, and when she was done with your room, I peeked in and I saw the screenplay on your nightstand.
Dillon: What the hell are you thinking?!
Paul: I was thinking that I came here to spend time with you, but you haven't made yourself available.
Dillon: I've been working.
Paul: [Sighs] Son, I -- I -- I won't apologize for reading your script. You know why?
Dillon: I'm sure you're gonna tell me.
Paul: Because I discovered that you and I have more in common than you'd led me to believe.
Hayden: You implied that when I was shot, our relationship was already done -- that we were untenable.
Nikolas: That's true.
Hayden: Okay, so if the good times were over, why would I want to move back in with you now?
Nikolas: [Inhales deeply] Well, I just thought, you know, that y-you were an innocent victim --
Hayden: Just answer my question.
Nikolas: From what I can tell, you have nothing. No one. No -- no home, no husband, nothing.
Hayden: Thanks for reminding me.
Nikolas: I take it you haven't had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Obrecht, the chief of staff here.
Hayden: Doesn't sound familiar.
Nikolas: Well, I can tell you she's not very fond of patients who can't pay their medical bills. She will evict you as soon as you get out of this bed, if not sooner. It's only a matter of time before you're out there alone with no place to go.
Hayden: And that's where you come in. Offering to put me up on your own private island. But I've got to know -- what's in it for you?
Jason: Hey.
Patrick: Hey, looking for Elizabeth?
Jason: No. Uh, she was here. I don't know what happened exactly. She -- hmm.
Patrick: Wha-what do you mean? Is -- is everything all right?
Jason: I wish I knew. I only proposed to her.
Patrick: I beg your pardon?
Jason: Look, I -- man, I get that this is probably not the best place to do such a thing, but I just felt it in the moment. I let her know how I felt about her and that I wanted to marry her, and I-I asked her to marry me.
Patrick: What did she say?
Jason: She didn't say anything. She just ran away.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] Okay. [Exhales] All right. You brought me here. I know you gotta have a plan, but what? What is it?! Why is this happening? [Voice breaking] You took away my son, and you gave him back to me, and you took away Jason, and you gave him back. And to me. Not to Sam, but to me. I have prayed for this. This is everything I ever wanted. [Sighs] And it's all based... it's based on a lie. [Sighs] But this -- this isn't the Jason who loved Sam or was a-a father to Danny. This Jason isn't caught up in a world of crime. He can be a father to Jake and -- and -- and my boys, and -- and he... wants to spend the rest of his life with us. So why are you doing this? Is it -- is it just to see me happy? Or is it a test? Am I supposed to say "No"? Am I supposed to say "No" just to redeem myself? Or am I supposed to... give up my happiness and just give him back to Sam? I-I just need an answer. I just need an answer, please. Give me a sign. [Sighs deeply] [Sighs]
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Valerie: Dillon's the guy from Lulu's past that Dante thought she was sleeping with.
Jordan: [Sighs] Which is why you ended up in bed with Dante.
Valerie: Right.
Jordan: So, of all the guys in the whole world, this is the guy that you have your eyes on?
Valerie: I don't know that many other men outside of work. And I'm not exactly hitting the clubs. And I've always kind of been a homebody, even more so now that I'm in Port Charles.
Jordan: Do you think this is a good idea, dating someone so close to Dante's wife?
Dillon: What could we possibly have in common, aside from my mother, until you decided to become friends with benefits with her for one night? You haven't even seen her for years.
Paul: It's true -- Tracy and I were estranged for many years.
Dillon: And whose fault was that?
Paul: I was in love with another woman. Jenny Eckert. I devoted my life to her. I-I would have done anything for Jenny. And -- and I assumed that you felt the same way about the character Marjorie in your script. And I take it that Declan, uh, was an autobiographical character?
Dillon: I guess I didn't do a very good job disguising that.
Paul: Well, I can see by the writing that it hits close to home. You lost Marjorie to another man, just like I lost Jenny. Marjorie fell in love with her boss and left Declan. Jenny did the same thing with a guy at work. I-I know what you must have gone through, because I went through all the same emotions myself.
Dillon: Yeah. But it wasn't easy.
Paul: I wouldn't wish that hurt upon anyone, especially my own son. You're comparing yourself to another man, wondering what your inadequacies are, what you did wrong, why you weren't enough... ...and thinking you will never, ever stop loving her, but hating her for leaving you and hating yourself for -- for losing her... and for still caring for her.
Dillon: I guess... I was trying to exorcise the demons with this script.
Paul: Well, did it work? I mean... Declan is destroyed in the end of the story. H-how do you feel now?
Dillon: I'm working on getting over it. It takes some time.
Paul: So, do you think that you're ready to love someone again?
Lulu: I can truthfully say that I am finally over that kiss.
Dante: Are you sure?
Lulu: Yeah. After reading this script, how the couple was destroyed by lies and how painful it was for the person left behind, how the hero kept imagining what his fiancée was doing with the other man... it gave me some insight into what you must have been feeling when I lied and took off with Dillon. I realized that when you kissed Valerie, you were reacting out of pain. And you made a mistake. And I love you too much to hang on to this jealousy and anger for one more minute, so... I forgive you, Dante.
Dante: Thank you.
Lulu: [Sighs] I feel so much better. [Chuckles] It's like I've been carrying this weight around with me for the last few weeks, and now I can finally let it go.
Dante: So, we're, uh... [Inhales] We're good again?
Lulu: We're better than good. You know, um... it's been a long time since we, uh...
Dante: What? Made love?
Nikolas: What kind of person would I be if I allowed you to live on the streets?
Hayden: [Chuckles] I'm not there yet.
Nikolas: I paid Jake's medical bills. Why can't you just accept that I'd like to do the same thing for you?
Hayden: I still think you've got some sort of agenda.
Nikolas: Well, to be perfectly honest, uh, I made some recent... business moves that have been considered questionable. My image could use an upgrade.
Hayden: So...the crown is tarnished, and you figure rescuing a damsel in distress will endear you to the common folk?
Nikolas: Something like that.
Hayden: Hmm.
Nikolas: Yes, you would be doing me a favor by accepting my offer.
Jason: Before I proposed to her, I, uh, told Elizabeth about everything that Sam and I had been working on.
Patrick: Really? So she -- she knows about Nikolas, then?
Jason: Yeah, she knows about everything. I told her about Nikolas and Michael and the investigation, all of it. And I asked her to forgive me for not being open with her from the beginning.
Patrick: And did she?
Jason: She did, but as it turns out, um, she might have been more bothered by it than she let on.
Patrick: I-I'm not sure that that's it, but...
Jason: I-I just admitted to lying by omission, and on top of that, asking her to marry me might have been bad timing.
Patrick: I'm just saying that it might not be the clandestine work that you've been doing, but more the person that you're doing the work with.
Sam: Hey, uh, I'm so sorry to intrude.
Elizabeth: No, it's totally fine.
Sam: I was just seeing if I could find the hospital chaplain. I have to make arrangements for Silas' memorial.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] God, I am so sorry. I-I can only imagine how much you're hurting.
Sam: Yeah. Thank you. Are you okay?
Elizabeth: Jake just proposed to me.
Sam: He did? Okay. Well, that's a good thing, right?
Elizabeth: Yeah. Yeah.
Sam: Okay, then why are you sitting here alone in a hospital chapel crying? You -- you love him, right?
Elizabeth: So much.
Sam: Okay. It's good. So you said yes?
Elizabeth: I haven't given him an answer yet. [Sniffles]
Sam: Okay, now I'm really confused. Why not?
Elizabeth: Because of you.
Jordan: Are you sure you're not seeing Dillon as a way to, you know, stay close to Dante?
Valerie: No, it's not like that at all. Believe me.
Jordan: Okay.
Valerie: Lulu's BFF and protector, Maxie Jones, basically called me a homewrecker at the Metro Court restaurant.
Jordan: [Sighs] Wow. I'm sorry to hear that.
Valerie: I was angry and embarrassed and pretty down on myself when I ran into Dillon. So we talked, and one thing led to another, and he asked me out. And I said "yes" immediately.
Jordan: To prove to Maxie and Lulu and everyone else that you're not interested in Dante, right?
Valerie: That was part of it. Seeing Dillon would also widen my social circle, so that my only friends aren't Dante and Lulu.
Dillon: You read something that I wasn't ready to share yet. Certainly not with you. And now you're asking if I'm ready to find love again. You're not big on boundaries, are you?
Paul: I wanted to find out what's going on with you.
Dillon: Fine. I just started seeing someone.
Paul: Hmm. Who's the lucky lady?
Dillon: Valerie Spencer. She's Lulu's cousin.
Paul: And?
Dillon: And it's in the early pool-playing, shoot-the-breeze stage.
Paul: Well, do you think there's something there worth exploring?
Dillon: Valerie is smart, hot, fun. She seems like a good person.
Paul: [Chuckles] Please, c-control your enthusiasm. That's not exactly a cry from the heart. No stars fell on Alabama with Valerie?
Dillon: It's still too early to tell.
Paul: Are you still stuck on the one that did you wrong, Marjorie?
Dillon: No, no. I went through all of the stages of getting over her... and then some. I don't even flinch when friends repost her stuff on social media.
Paul: [Chuckles] Well, I guess that's a sure sign of closure in your generation.
Dillon: Definitely.
Paul: So, if Marjorie is not holding you back... who is?
Dante: Well, Rocco's fast asleep. He's holding onto that Yankee bear you got him.
Lulu: Oh, he's such a sweetie. [Clears throat] What were we saying? It's been awhile since...
Dante: Yeah.
Lulu: Before the Fourth of July. I think that's the longest we've ever gone without having sex.
Dante: Well, it was pretty crazy since you got back from Canada.
Lulu: That wasn't my finest hour.
Dante: Me neither. I was feeling really, really guilty about what I did with Valerie.
Lulu: Yeah, I was -- I was so mad, I couldn't even think about it. But, you know, that night at the Haunted Star, we started to reconnect.
Dante: Yeah, that was nice.
Lulu: Till we got interrupted, and then I had to say goodbye to my dad.
Dante: And I've been pretty busy with work.
Lulu: Yeah. Yeah, you've been so busy.
Dante: Pretty much around the clock.
Lulu: That's true.
Dante: So, what you're saying is we should stop analyzing why we haven't had sex and just... have sex.
Lulu: I think that that is a great idea.
Hayden: From what I understand, I'm not a very nice person.
Nikolas: Y-y-you're a very independent and opinionated woman. Most people don't get you.
Hayden: But I get you. And my gut is telling me that you don't give a damn about a popularity contest. I mean, why would you? You have an island with a castle. So tell me the real reason you want me under your roof. Or should I say under your thumb?
Patrick: Elizabeth has always been sensitive... about Sam.
Jason: [Sighs] Jason. Yeah. Because of Jason.
Patrick: Yeah, I mean, before Sam, you know, Jason and Elizabeth were together. It just didn't work out for them for whatever reason, and Jason and Sam, they -- you know, they were married when Jason died, so there's residual tension there with Elizabeth.
Jason: Yeah, maybe so. But I don't think Sam is the reason why Elizabeth ran away.
Patrick: No. On the other hand, the last proposal that Elizabeth got was from Ric Lansing, who got exposed as a liar in front of the whole town, so maybe she just needs a little bit of time.
Jason: Maybe she does. And I really hope somebody else's lies aren't going to ruin my chances with Elizabeth.
Sam: What do I have to do with you agreeing to marry Jake?
Elizabeth: [Sighs] It's about... a lie.
Sam: Oh, oh, no. Elizabeth, let me explain about our investigation into Nikolas. Jake didn't want to keep a secret from you. I-I was in the same boat with Patrick. I'm so sorry.
Elizabeth: You don't understand. That's not --
Sam: Jake didn't want to put you in the position to have to lie to Nikolas since the two of you are so close.
Elizabeth: I know.
Sam: He said all of that, but -- it's about me, too. I am so, so sorry. It was never our intention to keep a secret from you. We were solely focused on Michael. Please don't refuse to marry Jake because of me.
Elizabeth: The reason that I-I --
Sam: Is this because of Ric?
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Sam: Because there are some very choice words I could use to describe that man and the way that he violated your -- your trust, and he lied to you. But you don't have to worry because Jake is one of the good guys, you know?
Elizabeth: I know. I know.
Sam: [Sighs] Can I -- can I be really honest with you about something? Listen, please, I came to this chapel tonight because of Silas. He made me believe that I could open my heart again after Jason died. And now I-I have -- I have lost him, too. And when Patrick and I started getting close -- I'm not gonna lie to you -- I was really scared, but I told myself, I'm not gonna let it slip away, because I had to restore my trust and faith, and I'm glad that I did, because Patrick -- he is one of the good guys, too.
Elizabeth: He is.
Sam: He is. And I... and I love him.
Elizabeth: And I'm really happy for you guys.
Sam: Look, we -- we both have lost people we love, and now we both have a -- have a second chance. It's pretty crazy, isn't it? But I -- but nothing.
Elizabeth: You don't under--
Sam: But nothing. You're happy. Jake makes you happy. He's accepted that he may never know --
Elizabeth: Sam, Sam, you don't understand what I'm trying to tell you!
Sam: Please, Elizabeth, all of the signs are here. You can have a future with Jake. Don't say "No" to him because of a-a lie or a secret. Please, not because of me.
Dante: I love you so much, Lulu. I miss being with you.
Lulu: I missed you.
Dante: It's felt like -- like years. Decades. Thank you for forgiving me.
Lulu: I do forgive you. And I know in my heart that it will never happen again.
Dante: Never. I'm yours and yours alone.
Lulu: Good.
Paul: Maybe I'm being oversensitive, because I went through the same thing myself a-and I-I came out the other side. And I made my peace with it. I just want you to make your peace and, uh, be happy, as well.
Dillon: Thank you.
Paul: And I-I wasn't trying to buy a bond with you by investing in your movie. I-I was just trying to tell you that I-I-I think your movie is great and that there's an audience for it. So -- so let's just try this one more time, shall we? Here. I don't expect a hug or any forgiveness because I-I've been AWOL for your entire life. I-I just want you to achieve your dreams.
Dillon: That's a lot of money. Are you sure that check's not gonna bounce?
Paul: [Chuckles] Yes. I've had some success in business.
Dillon: I guess.
Paul: Look, you got to take this check 'cause I'll probably lose it [Chuckles] In the divorce settlement if you don't. So just take it. And just thank me by making a hell of a good movie.
Nikolas: Is it really that hard to believe that I just want to help you?
Hayden: Nothing comes free in this world. You're going to want something from me in return for your generosity.
Nikolas: Such as?
Hayden: Sex.
Nikolas: Let me be clear. I don't need to trap a woman to be with me. You can have your own room. Hell, you can have your own wing if that's what you want -- far away from me. But you should know something.
Hayden: What?
Nikolas: We had damn good chemistry. That being said, you have my word I will not force you into sexual servitude.
Hayden: Good. Because I'm not that kind of lady.
Nikolas: I'm sorry? [Laughs]
Hayden: What?
Nikolas: No, it's just you... oh, you were exactly that kind of lady.
Hayden: Really?
Nikolas: Yes. I'm sorry. Uh, it's possible that you've changed. With your condition, um, it can affect your personality as well as some other brain functions. I'm sure you're very vulnerable right now, so I apologize.
Hayden: Pretty scared over here.
Nikolas: [Sighs] I promise I won't take advantage of you. My offer comes with no strings attached. So now, if you're through looking the gift horse in the mouth, you can accept my offer.
Sam: Elizabeth, I-it's your time to be happy. Don't let that get away.
Elizabeth: I've got a lot to think about. But thank you for your advice.
Sam: Thank you, actually. You've been so great with allowing Danny to be a part of Jake's life.
Elizabeth: Well, they're brothers. Of course, they should be in each other's lives.
Sam: Yes. Of course. And Jason would have wanted that. I mean, I think he would have wanted his sons to be close.
Elizabeth: I'm gonna go find Jake. It's not really fair to leave him hanging.
Sam: Okay.
Elizabeth: Yeah.
Sam: Elizabeth? Whatever your answer is, I mean, do -- do what's right for you.
Elizabeth: If only I knew what that was.
Sam: We are very different... obviously. But I-I think I-I've learned this much, that it -- it doesn't do you any good to hide from your own happiness, and it surely does not honor the people that we have lost to waste the time we have. So go give Jake the answer that's gonna bring you the most joy... and the most peace.
Elizabeth: Thank you.
Patrick: Jake, I don't know everything that Elizabeth has told you, but she's had some trauma in her life. I've watched pain and hurt chip away at her confidence, her trust. But she keeps moving forward. If she says "yes," well, then you're gonna spend the rest of your life with a prize of a woman.
Jason: I know that. I love her. I'm gonna treat her right. Thank you for this.
[Elevator bell dings]
Dillon: All right. All right, I'll -- I'll take it. Thank you.
Paul: No, thank you, son. It brings me a great deal of joy to be able to give you something after all these years.
Dillon: Well, although I'm not thrilled with how you got ahold of my script, I am -- I'm happy that you liked it. Thank you for having faith in me and what I do.
Paul: Would a handshake be out of the question? Listen. Don't give up on finding a woman who will make the stars fall for you.
Dillon: I won't. [Chuckles]
Lulu: It has been so long since we've done that.
Dante: [Sighs] That was better than I remember.
Lulu: Thank goodness we're back on track and as happy as we used to be.
Dante: Happier.
Lulu: And stronger. Because we got through this together. It's over now. Except for making up for lost time in marital relations, it's all over.
Valerie: Hey, you. Are your ears burning? I was just talking about you to my boss.
Dillon: Good things, I hope.
Valerie: Of course.
Dillon: Funny thing is, I was actually just talking to my dad about you. Must be a sign.
Valerie: Of what?
Dillon: That you and I are supposed to see each other tonight and talk to each other. How about it?
Valerie: Sure. Let's do that.
Hayden: I need to know that you're sincere about not wanting anything from me in return.
Nikolas: One more time for good measure. You have my word.
Hayden: Then I accept your offer.
Nikolas: You made the right decision.
Hayden: Who knows? Maybe roaming the halls of Wyndemere will jog my memory and everything will come flooding back.
Jason: You okay?
Elizabeth: I'm sorry. I'm -- I'm so sorry for running off like that. It's an understatement to say that you caught me off guard.
Jason: Yeah, well, not exactly a brilliant move to spring it on you here, especially at a hospital.
Elizabeth: It was a beautiful proposal. And you deserve an answer. [Exhales] So here it goes. Yes. Yes. I'll marry you.
Sam: Jason. [Sighs] I try to live every day... the way I just told Elizabeth to live. [Sniffles] To choose to be happy and to honor you by living the best life that I can. And I'm good. [Exhales] I am good. I promise. But I think about you... when I see fireworks in the sky... when I hear motorcycles... and you should see Danny when he... ...jumps off the porch railing, and he laughs so loud, because he loves to take chances, like you. [Sighs] You will always be a part of my heart... ...even though I've let you go.
Jason: You have just made me the happiest man on earth. I love you.
Elizabeth: And I love you. And I'm never, ever gonna let you go.
On the next "General Hospital" --
Sonny (to TJ): You're a part of the family now.
Jordan (to Sonny): Is that so?
Ava (to Silas): No, this isn't happening.
Kiki (to Morgan): What did my father want to tell me?
Dr. Obrecht: We need to have words about Franco.
Nina (to Franco): What power does Ava Jerome have over you now?
Julian (to Alexis): Who's that from?
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