GH Transcript Monday 8/3/15

General Hospital Transcript Monday 8/3/15


Episode #13361 ~ Franco finds Nina in a compromising position; Morgan confides in Sonny; Laura makes a decision on what to do regarding Nik & Liz's secret.

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Nikolas: I need to speak with my mother about Jason. I didn't get a chance to tell you, and she overheard us.

Elizabeth: Yeah, I know -- I know all about it.

Laura: Actually, we were just discussing Jason.

Elizabeth: Your mother is trying to make a decision about whether or not to tell Jake who he really is.

Nikolas: What did you decide?

Jason: Has there been a change in Hayden's condition?

Patrick: I'm just coming back from her room now. Hayden's waking up.

Jason: She's coming out of her coma?

Sam: [Sighs] Are you sure? This isn't just a spike in her vitals?

Patrick: No. It's the real deal. Hayden's back in the land of the living.

Ava: Morgan, you have got to calm down.

Morgan: How can you be calm?

Ava: I'm gonna figure out a way to stop this from happening without confronting Silas.

Newscaster: Tonight's top story -- is another mob war brewing? Early reports say a truck carrying an unspecified cargo was hijacked from a warehouse owned by alleged crime lord Michael "Sonny" Corinthos.

Sonny: Tucci's gonna call you when the arrangements are made. Uh, so -- no, somewhere, you know, neutral location in the city. No, listen, uh, Max, I got to do this face-to-face. Somebody in the five families is -- is gonna, you know, make a play, and I'm gonna shut it down tonight.

Morgan: I will do whatever it takes to shut Clay the hell up.

Sonny: [Taps Morgan on the back of the head]

Morgan: Hey.

Sonny: What's wrong?

Franco: Nina? Nina... what happened?

Ric: Yeah, Max, what is it? Yes, today is the day that Sonny meets with the... heads of the five families. Y-yeah, it's -- it's on? Great. Well, I'm -- uh, no. I'm -- I'm not gonna be able to make it. Just tell Sonny that -- that something came up. Look, Max, I really don't need to be lectured by a bodyguard about what my job is, okay? It's -- it's already been a really, really lousy day.

Nathan: Where have you been?

Franco: Nina... Nina. Gonna say something?

Nina: Help me.

Jason: You spoke to Hayden. She's gonna make a full recovery?

Patrick: She's just regaining consciousness after a couple months, so we're taking out the feeding tube and disconnecting the ventilator that's been sustaining her.

Jason: So she's not actually talking?

Patrick: No, she's not talking yet. I'll know more once I assess her condition.

Jason: Well, I would like to be there when you do that.

Sam: Yeah. I-I would, too.

Patrick: Look, I am already crossing the line by giving you this information on the patient.

Jason: Look, I understand, okay? I-I get it. I am not her husband. But I'm the reason why she got shot. And the last thing she said to me before she lost consciousness is that she wanted to talk to me. She wanted to see me.

Sam: He -- he has a point. Hayden did say that.

Jason: Clearly, it was very important for her to tell me who I really am. Let me talk to her, please.

Laura: I've been struggling with this ever since I overheard you say that Jake is really Jason. And I came here because I was hoping for a little bit of insight about how to make that decision more clear to me.

Nikolas: Did you find it?

Laura: I did when I saw Monica here visiting little Jake. She didn't even realize that she was in the same room with her own son. You know, Monica believes that she's outlived both of her children. It's kind of a pain that no mother should ever have to bear. And I thought that I could ease her suffering by reuniting her with her son. So I did. I decided at first that I would tell the truth about Jason, and Elizabeth stopped me.

Sonny: What are you doing here?

Morgan: Nothing.

Sonny: You're just drinking by yourself? I think that's more than nothing.

Morgan: Shouldn't you be, you know, worried on the business you got in New York or --

Sonny: You're not gonna get rid of me that easy. I can see there's something going on with you. And if you don't want to talk to me, you don't have to.

Morgan: Good.

Sonny: But there's nothing more important to me than my children, so if you need to talk about something, you can talk to me. You know that, right?

Morgan: I don't even know where to start.

Sonny: Why don't you start at the beginning? You and Kiki get in a fight?

Morgan: No, nothing like that. She just -- she went off on a bachelorette party. I just miss her.

Sonny: I'm sure you do. But this is not about Kiki. This is about that woman, isn't it?

Newscaster: We have breaking news from the WXPC newsroom. A source close to the Lomax administration reports that the mayor's e-mail server has been hacked. While the breach is under investigation, insiders report that e-mails regarding financial statements and fundraising events to support Mayor Lomax's bid for governor seem to have been the focus of the hackers. District Attorney Scott Baldwin has yet to release a state-- [Turns TV off] Who cares?

Julian: I do.

Ava: Oh! [Laughing] Good gravy! You scared me half to death.

Julian: Oh, I find that hard to believe.

Ava: Didn't your mother ever teach you not to sneak up on anybody?

Julian: Oh. My nanny raised me. And I didn't really sneak up on anyone, since this is my home. [Chuckles] So you want to tell me what's got you so jumpy?

Ric: Just handling something for my brother, not that I really need to explain myself to you.

Nathan: Yeah, the commissioner mentioned something about you being Sonny's attorney.

Ric: Mm-hmm.

Nathan: He must keep you busy.

Ric: Yes, he does. So if you don't mind, Detective --

Nathan: Oh, I'm not finished.

Ric: Yeah, well, I am. And this is my hotel room, and -- and -- and you're not invited, so -- which begs the question, how the hell did you get in here in the first place?

Nathan: I'm a cop. I flashed my badge to a housekeeper. I request entry.

Ric: Oh, I see. So you misused your authority, huh?

Nathan: Oh, no. Not at all. I'm here in an official capacity.

Nina: Help me.

Franco: Okay. Here to help.

Nina: Uh... he's pale. He's really pale.

Franco: Mm-hmm.

Nina: [Whimpers] Um, I can get him something, right? We could do something. I just don't know what to do. I'm good with horses and, uh, animals, and I'm not good with people.

Franco: Nina.

Nina: I'm not good with people.

Franco: Nina.

Nina: You can get towels -- towels. And you can -- you have an -- an app or something that knows you -- uh, you can -- you can give him first aid, right?

Franco: This -- this isn't something that I know how to help with.

Nina: We could call 911, and -- and someone could take him to the hospital.

Franco: No. No one can help Silas now, Nina. It's too late. Silas is dead.

Julian: What's got you wound so tight?

Ava: Um, you.

Julian: Me? What'd I do? I just got here.

Ava: Well, didn't you see the news? Somebody's putting pressure on Sonny Corinthos, hijacking his merchandise. And I don't mean the coffee. Well, I can't help but wonder if my handsome brother isn't behind that.

Morgan: What makes you think this is about Denise?

Sonny: Look, just call it fatherly intuition. Look, I know I'm far from perfect, but it would be nice if one of my kids sometime would follow my advice.

Morgan: I listened.

Sonny: Oh, you -- okay. So you stayed away from her? Is that this woman?

Morgan: It's not that easy, Dad. She's Kiki's aunt. I'm gonna run into her from time to time.

Sonny: How many times is that gonna happen?

Morgan: Enough. Enough to make a mess.

Sonny: How big a mess?

Morgan: Oh, a massive one.

Sonny: [Sighs] Okay, tell me what happened. We'll fix it.

Morgan: You're not fixing this, Dad. There's no going back from this.

Sonny: Going back from what, Morgan?

Morgan: I slept with Denise.

Sonny: That's unfortunate, isn't it?

Morgan: I didn't mean to, okay?

Sonny: Tell me exactly what happened.

Morgan: I went there -- I went there to talk to her, and that's it -- just to talk to her.

Sonny: Right.

Morgan: One thing led to another.

Sonny: Right. And now what, you're drowning in your guilt?

Morgan: Yeah.

Sonny: Is that what's happening?

Morgan: I guess you could say that, Dad.

Nina: Oh, my God. He can't be dead. He's not dead. [Whimpers] Stop the bleeding! Stop the bleeding. Please, please, just put something on it to stop the bleeding, and then you can give him CPR or something like that.

Franco: Nina, you can't touch him.

Nina: We have to touch him if we're gonna help him. Please.

Franco: He doesn't have a pulse, Nina. Do you understand what that means?

Nina: It's Silas.

Franco: He doesn't have a heart beat. He's not breathing. Silas is gone.

Nina: [Whimpers]

Franco: Nina...

Nina: I'm so angry at you. I was so angry at you -- so angry at you, that you made me think that I kidnapped Avery when it was really you. I was so angry at you, and I wanted to hurt you, but not like this. Wake up. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry! I'm sorry.

Franco: Nina. Okay, here. Come here. Look at me, look at me. Hey, look at me. Listen to me. Listen. Hey. It's all gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay. You just need to trust me, all right? You need to trust me the way I should have trusted you, all right, the way I trust you right now. Tell me what happened, and I'll fix it.

Ric: So you're here on an official matter?

Nathan: Oh, I am. Now, the last time I was here, I found a blanket that may have been evidence in Avery Corinthos' kidnapping, and I wanted to take that blanket away for analysis, but you refused. You said I needed a warrant.

Ric: Yes, which you still do.

Nathan: Now I have one.

Nikolas: And how was Elizabeth able to stop you from talking to Jake?

Elizabeth: There's someone else who knows the truth about Jason. She was blackmailing Nikolas, but moments before she told Jason the truth, she got shot in the head.

Laura: Are you saying...

Elizabeth: I think Nikolas was responsible. I've had obviously a long time to think about this -- longer than you -- and I have realized that it is better for everyone, Laura, especially Nikolas, if Jason stays Jake.

Laura: She convinced me that it would be a mistake to tell the truth.

Nikolas: Well, that's what I've been saying all along. But how did she convince you when I couldn't?

Laura: I'm gonna go talk to Nikolas. I'm gonna ask him what really happened with Hayden Barnes.

Elizabeth: Are you really going to put him in this position? Where he either has to lie to his mother or admit to your face that he had a woman shot?

Laura: It was how she convinced me -- mother to mother.

Nikolas: I see.

Laura: She made me understand that it would be catastrophic to more people than I ever realized, that the bad far outweighs the good. So I have agreed to keep what I know about Jason to myself.

[Monitor beeping]

Patrick: You wait here.

Hayden: [Coughs]

Jason: Hey. Hayden.

Nikolas: I know what we've asked isn't easy, but I think in the long run, keeping Jake's identity a secret is -- is the best decision.

Laura: Well, I'm not so sure about that.

Elizabeth: Laura, Monica's gonna be able to spend time with her grandkids, and Sam has moved on to a great life with Patrick, and Jason can have the family he always wanted without the threat of violence hanging over him.

Laura: Yeah, I've heard all the justifications. I'm sure they all apply. But at the same time, you're denying Jason the truth about himself. It's just never gonna sit well with me.

Nikolas: Well, wait. Should we be concerned that you'll change your mind and tell Jason the truth?

Laura: No. I've agreed to stay silent about this. So let that be enough for now.

Patrick: Hayden, my name is, uh, Dr. Patrick Drake. Do you remember me?

Hayden: [Weakly] Uh, I don't know. Where am I?

Patrick: You're at General Hospital in Port Charles, New York.

Hayden: Why am I in a hospital?

Patrick: You were shot.

Hayden: Shot?

Patrick: Yeah. Do you remember?

Hayden: No. Why would anyone shoot me? What did I do?

Jason: It was an accident. You came to see me in the garage where I used to work. I was talking with Sam. Said you had something to tell me. Does -- does any of this sound familiar to you?

Hayden: Yes.

Patrick: Take your time.

Jason: Before you were shot, you said that you knew who I really am. You knew my real name. Is that true?

Hayden: Yes.

Nathan: Judge Chua signed off a couple hours ago.

Ric: [Scoffs] For all the good it'll do.

Nathan: Gonna go get that blanket for me now, or am I gonna need to execute a full search of this place?

Ric: That's all right. It won't be necessary, Detective. Here you go, per your warrant. You're wasting your time. That blanket is not gonna connect you to Avery's kidnapping.

Nathan: Well, I don't know, Ric. Forensics does some pretty impressive stuff these days.

Ric: No, I don't think you understand, Detective. That, uh -- that blanket is useless. It's not Avery's. It's mine.

Julian: I'm gonna say this in the simplest way I can. I'm no longer in the mob.

Ava: Hmm. You know, I don't think you're quite as retired as you want people to believe. Maybe you're just biding your time, regrouping so that when the moment's right, you can strike and take it all.

Julian: [Chuckles] Wouldn't you like to know?

Ava: Damn straight.

Julian: Hmm. You know, even if your theory were true, do you honestly think I'd tell you?

Ava: Um, yeah. I'm your sister. You can trust me.

Julian: [Chuckles] Just like you trust me, Denise?

Ava: Well, how about this, then, big brother? I'll tell you my secrets if you tell me yours.

Sonny: You cheated on Kiki with this woman who's -- who's supposedly her aunt? This has got to stop, because you can't keep treating Kiki like this, yeah? You understand?

Morgan: You're right. I know.

Sonny: Okay, I'm -- I'm -- I'm disappointed in you, no question, but this woman is guilty, and more so because she's old enough to know the difference.

Morgan: You don't understand! Whatever this is between Denise and me, it's not lust. It's something else. It's something deeper, a deeper connection, okay?

Sonny: More than what you have with Kiki?

Morgan: I don't know.

Sonny: Well, you'd better figure it out really quick, because the longer this lasts, the longer you're disrespecting Kiki --

Morgan: I understand that.

Sonny: Well, you'd better, because that secretary, Rosalie, walked in on you and this woman. It's just a matter of time before somebody else finds out.

Morgan: Well, someone already did. Dr. Clay walked in on me and Denise in bed.

Nina: Oh, my God. He's dead. Oh, my God. He's -- Silas is dead.

Franco: Sit down, sit down.

Nina: Silas is dead.

Franco: Nina, you need to tell me what happened.

Nina: Um, I'm okay. Okay. Um, when, um, you told me that -- that Silas is the one who took Avery, yeah, I lost my mind. I couldn't believe that a man that I loved for so many years, that he would lie to me like this, and he would do something like that to me. And so I was just -- I was so furious, I just saw red, right?

Franco: You came here, then? You came straight here?

Nina: Yeah, I came straight here because I wanted to look him in the eye. I wanted to ask him why he would do something like that to me. And so I just -- I pounded on the door. I just -- I-I just -- I kept on pounding on the door, and he wouldn't open, and then I just -- I-I turned the knob, and -- and -- and it opened.

Franco: And then?

Nina: And then I just saw him, just lying there, with a knife in his back.

Franco: Wait. Uh...where -- where was the knife?

Nina: In his back. I told you it was in his back.

Franco: Yeah, but, Nina, when I walked in here, you were holding it.

Nina: I know, because I pulled it out. I didn't know what to do.

Franco: That's everything?

Nina: Yeah, that's everything, that's everything. You don't believe me, do you?

Franco: No, I do.

Nina: God, I'm on my own. I'm on my own again.

Franco: No, you're not, you're not, you're not. I'm right here. I'm right here. I'm right here, and I'm -- and I'm with you.

Nina: Are you really with me?

Franco: Yes, I really am. And I believe you, Nina, every word.

Julian: What do you think this is, truth or dare?

Ava: Come on. It's just me, your sister.

[Knock at door]

Julian: [Sighs]

Ava: I'm not done yet.

Julian: I am. Well, hello there.

Alexis: Hello there.

Julian: Mm. Mm. I'm happy to see you.

Alexis: Hello, Denise.

Ava: Back at ya, hon.

Alexis: Always the conversationalist.

Julian: Mm-hmm. I didn't think I was gonna see you tonight.

Alexis: Yeah, well, I wasn't going to come by.

Julian: Mm-hmm.

Alexis: But then I saw the news, and I saw that Sonny lost another shipment.

Julian: Ah. So you think I did it, and you wanted to come by and see for sure. Is that it?

Sonny: So Silas caught you in bed with this woman. What did he say?

Morgan: [Laughs]

Sonny: You think this is funny? Morgan, what did he say?

Morgan: What do you think he said? He ripped me apart, and then he went after Denise.

Sonny: What do you expect? It's -- it's Kiki's father, right?

Morgan: I don't care. He's no one to judge anybody. He cheated on his wife.

Sonny: Okay, you know what? You don't get to do that. You don't get to deflect the blame. It doesn't matter what -- what Silas has done. What matters is he caught you in bed with this woman.

Morgan: And I don't think he has any right to judge anybody.

Sonny: But that's your problem, isn't it? You don't think. Now the secret is out there. The next question is, what is Silas gonna do about it?

Morgan: What is he gonna do?

Sonny: Yeah.

Morgan: I'll tell you what he's gonna do. He's gonna tell Kiki right when she gets back from her trip, 'cause Denise and I already tried to talk to Silas about not doing that, but he won't listen.

Sonny: You've got to get ahead of Silas and tell Kiki yourself.

Morgan: Yeah. I thought of that.

Sonny: What are you waiting for, then? If you want to make things work with Kiki, you've got to tell her the truth before her father does.

Morgan: That may not be necessary.

Sonny: Why not?

Nina: You believe in me?

Franco: Of course, I do. Nina, I believe in you. I do. If you say you didn't stab Silas, then you didn't. That's the end of it, period.

Nina: Why do you believe in me?

Franco: Because I love you. If you say you're innocent, then you -- were innocent the last time, right? You're innocent now.

Nina: I'm innocent.

Franco: And if I had just listened to you when you said that you didn't take Avery, we probably wouldn't even be in this mess, right?

Nina: Thank you. Thank you for believing in me.

Franco: You don't need to thank me. I do believe you. [Sighs] I don't think anyone else in the world will believe you, though, so we need to get you the hell out of here.

Ric: I had it made for my -- my niece Avery when she was in Michael's custody. I had hoped to use it as an olive branch to help, uh, clear a path of visitation for Sonny, but, you know, Michael beat me to the punch, and he gave Avery back. So now I've got a blanket that has the wrong initials. I can't really give it to my brother, you know?

Nathan: And why didn't you tell me this the first time I asked you about this blanket?

Jason: Do you know who I am?

[Monitor beeping]

Hayden: My husband, Jake Barnes.

Jason: That's what you remember, huh?

Patrick: Um, Hayden, let me ask you a question. Do you know who the president is?

Hayden: [Chuckles] Are you kidding? Obama.

Sam: Hey, look, you -- you and Jake are not married. You never have been.

Hayden: Yes, we are. We live in Beecher's Corners.

Sam: You know, that's -- that's a lie. Ric Lansing paid you a lot of money to pretend to be Jake's wife. He wanted to break up Jake and Elizabeth.

Hayden: Sorry. I'm sorry. Ric Lansing, Elizabeth -- I don't -- I don't know who these people are. Jake, please tell me what's going on.

Jason: Okay. [Clears throat] Okay. I'm not your husband. I don't even know what my real name is. I was hoping that you did.

Patrick: Okay, Hayden. She's gonna have to get some rest. She can talk to you again once -- if -- if you're not my husband, then who are you?

Nikolas: I'm glad, uh, we were able to reach an understanding.

Elizabeth: I couldn't agree more.

Nikolas: Hopefully, things can get back to normal.

[Laura remembers]

Laura: No, Nikolas didn't have someone shot.

Elizabeth: Laura, I don't -- I don't want to believe this is true, but it all adds up. I think Nikolas was behind the shooting. And this is why the truth about Jason can never come out.

Laura: You know, I need some time to get used to all of this, and, um, I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that here.

Nikolas: W-what does that mean?

Laura: I can't look Monica and Sam in the eye, knowing that I'm keeping a son and a husband away from his own family.

Nikolas: Okay. But you -- you agreed that this is what we would do, so --

Laura: Yeah, which is why I'm gonna just go out of town for a little while.

Nikolas: Okay. So where would you go?

Laura: I think I'll probably go visit Lucky. I have a feeling that this is weighing pretty heavy on his soul, too.

Nikolas: I understand that, I-I guess. But you'll be back, right?

Laura: When I have figured out how to live with this the way you two have, yes.

Nikolas: Okay.

Laura: I love you, Nikolas.

Nikolas: I love you, too.

Hayden: This doesn't make sense. How can you not know your real name?

Jason: Look [Clears throat] It doesn't matter. You know what? You just woke up. You need some time to figure things out. You need some sleep.

Hayden: How do I know you if you're not my husband?

Sam: I-I have a few ideas, starting with the fact that you did nothing but lie.

Jason: Okay.

Patrick: Okay, that's enough. Sam, Jake, you're gonna have to leave. Hayden needs some rest. Sam, please.

Jason: Uh... all right, so you don't believe her.

Sam: Why do you?

Jason: I don't know. Because I know what it's like to wake up in the hospital without knowing why you got there.

Sam: Are you kidding me? There is a huge difference between you and Hayden.

Jason: You're right. You're absolutely right. I didn't get shot in the head.

Sam: I know you feel guilty, but that doesn't make you obligated to accept what she's saying at face value. You blame yourself, so you are probably too close to this situation to think clearly, but I'm not, and I am telling you, based on her prior behavior, there is an excellent chance that she's faking.

Nathan: So why make me go through the formality of getting a warrant when you knew that this blanket wasn't evidence in the kidnapping?

Ric: Well, you really didn't give me a chance to explain, you know? Your badgering was upsetting Nina so much, I wanted to get you out of here before you did any kind of serious harm. But, unfortunately, uh, it was -- it was too late.

Nathan: What are you talking about? Too late for what?

Ric: Nina voluntarily committed herself to ShadyBrook. She had a serious break.

Nathan: Nina's in ShadyBrook?

Ric: Before you --

Nathan: When?!

Ric: Listen, don't overreact, okay? This was Nina's idea.

Nathan: Oh, the hell it was! You talked her into this. Nathan, look, your sister needs help. Your mother agreed that ShadyBrook was the best option.

Nathan: Of course, she did. Of course, she did. You know, Franco was right from the start. You and Madeline are working together.

Ric: Okay. Take it easy, Detective. You know what? You're about to cross a line here.

Nathan: Oh, I pulled your file, Lansing. You chained a pregnant woman to a wall. You want to talk to me about crossing a line?

Ric: All right, now you're conjecturing, slandering. Now you're leaving.

Nathan: You know, just 'cause they didn't throw you in prison like you deserve, that doesn't change what you are.

Ric: What? Your sister's husband?

Nathan: Dangerous.

Franco: Right. Let's get you back to ShadyBrook. Y-you checked into the minimum-security wing, right?

Nina: Um, yeah, yeah.

Franco: Okay.

Nina: Yeah, all -- all the voluntary commitments start there.

Franco: Perfect. Well, well, let's just hope that nobody saw that you were gone, and we'll -- we'll sneak you back in. Piece of cake. We'll just pretend like you were there the whole time, and -- and it's the perfect alibi. It's the best way to protect you. Nina, you can't tell anyone that you know that Ava's alive, because that would be motive to murder Silas, and you can't tell anyone that you know that Silas took the baby, because that would be motive to murder Silas. Is that clear?

Nina: Yeah. I got it.

Franco: Great.

Nina: I can't tell anybody about Silas and Ava. It's a motive. I got it.

Franco: Okay.

Nina: I got it.

Franco: Good. Come on. Let's get you back to ShadyBrook.

Nina: I can't go. I can't leave.

Sonny: You got to stop making excuses. Like I said, you got to -- you got to own up to it, face her, tell her. If she hates you, so be it.

Morgan: I don't need to hurt Kiki like that. Silas isn't gonna say anything.

Newscaster: Thank you, Alisha, for that riveting report of restaurants gone bad.

Alexis: Is she always like this?

Julian: Who knows? She's been like this since I came in.

Newscaster: Our next story will make you smile.

Alexis: You know, I never said that I thought you went after Sonny.

Newscaster: WXPC cameras were on hand...

Julian: Well, it's implied. And I don't blame you for wondering if I've gone back on my promise, since I've given you plenty of reasons not to trust me.

Alexis: But I do, which is why I'm here. I know that you're out of the business, and when I saw the news, I had a gut feeling that you might worry that I thought otherwise.

Julian: Well, thought did occur to me.

Alexis: Which is why I wanted to nip such thoughts in the bud. You're a new man. You are my man. We have a fresh start, and my trust goes along with that deal.

Julian: [Sighs] I cannot tell you how much that means to me. Mm.

Ava: Yeah, me too. Can you guys keep it down to a dull roar? I'm trying to watch something.

Julian: Do you have anywhere to be?

Alexis: Well, I do, but Mrs. Robertson doesn't. Does Tristan do turn-down service?

Julian: Tristan does a lot of things.

Newscaster: We've got your midweek weather report coming up next.

Franco: Nina, now is not a good time for us to have this conversation. We need to get you back to ShadyBrook. Let's go.

Nina: I have to say goodbye to him.

Franco: Right. Of course, you do. Quickly.

Nina: Hey. Can you hear me? [Sniffles] I-I loved you so much -- so much. Hey, um, do you remember when we met in the quad, and you carried my books for me, and it was raining? We got drenched? And -- and the fireworks at the Hamptons? You did so much for me. But you got me away from my parents, and for that, I'm forever grateful. [Voice breaking] This isn't right. This isn't fair. It isn't fair. I'll never forget you. I'll never forget you. What do we do?

Franco: Well --

Nina: What happens now?

Franco: Clean everything up, but cover your tracks. Then you go back to ShadyBrook, and then all is well.

Nina: Thank you for believing in me. I love you.

Franco: I love you.

Jason: Why would Hayden make this up? Why claim to be my wife now? It doesn't make any sense.

Sam: To get out of having to tell you the truth.

Jason: You saw her at the garage. She wanted to tell me who I was. It was important to her. It was important to me. You saw her. Why -- why the reluctance now? What -- what -- what's changed? What's -- what's different now?

Elizabeth: Why didn't you warn me your mother knew the truth?

Nikolas: Honestly, I thought I had the situation under control. Never even considered that she would broach the topic with you.

Elizabeth: What if she decides to change her mind and broach the topic with Jason?

Nikolas: She won't. She won't. My mother understands that, uh, having the truth come out isn't worth the consequences. No one will talk. Trust me. The secret is ours and ours alone.

Patrick: Sorry about all those questions, Hayden.

Hayden: Jake was okay, although maybe I'm predisposed to like him, because I thought he was my husband. That woman, though --

Patrick: Sam.

Hayden: I think she could be a little nicer.

Patrick: Yeah. She's -- she's helping Jake out. He has a lot riding on your survival.

Hayden: Not as much as me.

Sam: I can't come up with a logical reason for that woman's 180, but it doesn't mean that there isn't one. Lying is her natural state, and she's probably lying now.

Patrick: For someone who just woke up from a coma, you seem to be in pretty good shape.

Hayden: [Chuckles] Thank you.

Patrick: I got to run a couple more tests, if you don't mind, to make sure that you're out of the woods.

Hayden: I'm sure I'm just fine. I am one of those people.

Patrick: One of those people what?

Hayden: Things just turn out okay for me in the end.

[Knock at door]

Madeline: I'm here for a progress report. How are we doing on getting our hands on Nina's money?

Ric: Um, there was a little snag in the documentation.

Madeline: Well, that's disappointing.

Ric: No, it's all right. I took care of it. We got a bigger problem.

Madeline: Since when?

Ric: Since your son found out that Nina is at ShadyBrook. The way he tore out of here, I'm sure he's on his way there right now to see Nina.

Nathan: Nurse, I'm Detective Nathan West with the PCPD. I'm trying to find my sister, Nina Clay.

Nurse: She's in Room 143.

Nathan: That was my first stop. She's not there.

Franco: Not even a little surprised you ended up like this, Silas. I wanted to kill you myself for years. Couldn't do it, though. It would hurt Kiki's feelings. That poor kid. I think she's got enough to deal with, right, with her lying mother, cheating bastard boyfriend.

Sonny: What makes you think Silas won't tell Kiki the truth about what you did?

Morgan: Just trust me, Dad, okay?

[Cell phone ringing]

Sonny: It's Max. I got to take it.

Morgan: Go on.

Sonny: We're gonna have this discussion later. We're gonna finish it. Max. Yeah, I'm on it.

Newscaster: In financial news, ELQ stock continues to slide as mid-quarter numbers were released earlier today. While there's been no statement from the Quartermaine family, Nikolas Cassadine, current CEO released the following statement -- "I ask that people give our new regime a chance. I know we can deliver on a very high level." In this reporter's opinion, that's a bold statement from a bold man. We'll just have to see.

Nathan: Look, what kind of operation are you running here? How does my sister just disappear?

Nurse: I just came on duty, sir. Please allow me the chance to -- to track down your sister.

Nina: J?

Franco: Sorry about the stabbing, Silas. It sucks. Terrible way to go, even for you. So, so long.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Lulu (to Valerie & Dillon): There is no reason why this needs to be awkward.

Nathan (to Nina): Have you considered the possibility that someone is framing you?

Lucas (to Morgan): Did you hit your head on the --

Felix (to Brad): Do I dare ask how things are going between you and Lucas?

Kiki (to Franco): What are you doing here?

Carly (to Ava): I know exactly what you've been up to.

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