General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 7/8/15
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Valerie: I didn't realize how late it is. We need to get ready for work.
Dante: Work! Right. I, uh, got to call Sonny and see if Rocco can stay at his house.
Valerie: Yeah. I'll meet you down at the station. Crap, I'm gonna be so late. By the time it takes the launch to get to Wyndemere and back -- it's one of the major drawbacks of living on an island.
Dante: You could skip the boat ride.
Valerie: I need to shower.
Dante: You can do that here.
[15 Minutes Later. Water running]
Lulu: Dante? Rocco? I'm back, you guys! Sweetie, are you here? Oh. Well, looks like Daddy has been falling behind on the housekeeping. We have more important things to talk about.
[Water shuts off]
Lulu: Dante? Are you in the shower? I'm gonna surprise you!
Dillon: Uh, hey, Sabrina. Have you seen my mother by any chance? I really need to talk to her.
Sabrina: Oh, I'm sorry, but you just missed her. She's gone.
Dillon: Gone? Gone where?
Sabrina: The airport.
Tracy: Thank you. Oh, for Pete's sake. I've got it! No. Paul Hornsby.
Paul: [Chuckles] Hello, Tracy.
Patrick: Oh!
Elizabeth: Sorry.
Patrick: Hey. You okay?
Elizabeth: You're in a hurry.
Patrick: Yeah, one of my patients had a change in her condition.
Elizabeth: Oh, which one?
Patrick: Hayden Barnes.
Elizabeth: Hayden?
Patrick: Yeah.
Elizabeth: What about her?
Patrick: Well, her vitals are picking up.
Jake: So how much time do we have here?
Sam: Not much, which is why we've got to get crackin'.
Jake: Get crackin', huh? Okay.
Sam: Oh.
Jake: I guess it's too much to hope for that your cousin gave you the combination.
Sam: Mm, sadly no, which is why I brought this.
Jake: But...
Lulu: Dante!
Dante: Hey. When did you get home?
Lulu: Um, just now. I was gonna surprise you in the shower, but you beat me to the punch. Where's Rocco?
Dante: He's at Sonny's.
Lulu: Okay. He didn't go to daycare?
Dante: Uh, nope. He's being watched by Carly and Sonny today.
Lulu: That's fine, I guess. Is everything okay?
Dante: No, Lulu, everything is not okay.
Valerie: [Sighs] Thanks for the offer, but I should get home. I can't show up to work in the same clothes I wore yesterday.
Dante: That's a good call.
Valerie: Yeah. The sooner I get back to Wyndemere, the sooner I can change.
Dante: Okay, well, I will see you at the station.
Valerie: Yeah.
Dante: Hey, Valerie. Everything's gonna work out.
Valerie: [Sighs]
Tracy: Paul. As if things weren't bad enough, I have to see your face for the first time in decades. What are you doing here?
Paul: I have to tell you, Tracy, you haven't changed a bit.
Tracy: Neither have you. You're still a lying cheat in a pretty package.
Paul: I would have thought after all these years you'd have forgotten about the past and look back fondly on our time together.
Tracy: Fondly? Fondly of you chasing after my daughter-in-law and trying to pilfer my father's company?
Paul: Ancient history. It's water under the bridge.
Tracy: Yeah, well, I don't know about the water, but as far as bridges are concerned, looks or no looks, you're a troll.
Paul: [Chuckling] Now, Tracy. Is that any way to talk to your favorite ex-husband and the father of your child?
Dillon: What is my mother doing at the airport?
Sabrina: She's catching a flight.
Dillon: She's flying commercial? Since when?
Sabrina: Since she no longer has access to the ELQ jet.
Dillon: Why is she leaving Port Charles?
Sabrina: Because of Nikolas.
Elizabeth: Hayden's numbers haven't changed since she was in a coma. Are you saying she woke up?
Patrick: I don't know. I'm gonna go take a look at her right now. Excuse me. Hold that, please. Thank you.
Nikolas: Hey, I forgot to ask you something. Come here. What the hell is going on with Hayden?
Jake: Where did you get that very illegal-looking gadget?
Sam: [Laughs] Where do you think? Spinelli.
Jake: Of course, Spinelli. You told me he was a genius. [Clears throat] You weren't kidding.
Sam: Oh, this is nothing. You should see what he can do with a supposedly secure database. He can find anyone anywhere.
Jake: Hmm. Maybe we should have asked him to run a search on me.
Sam: Got it. Yes! Just like that... we're in.
Lulu: Please talk to me.
Dante: How's your grandma doing?
Lulu: I have to be honest with you, Dante. I wasn't with my grandmother.
Dante: No kidding. No kidding! You know, she called here on July the 4th. Wanted to talk to you. I said you couldn't come to the phone 'cause you were tending to Rocco. I didn't think it was appropriate to tell your grandmother that you were too busy screwing Dillon Quartermaine.
Lulu: Oh, my God. Dante, that is not what --
Dante: Don't lie to me! Do not lie to me. You threw away everything we had, and now you're pissing on it by insulting me.
Lulu: No, you have to listen to me.
Dante: I have listened to you. I have listened to you over and over and over again. I listened to you when you told me Dillon came here to meet Rocco. That was a lie. I listened to you when you told me you were going to Italy to take care of your sick grandmother. That was a lie. Don't stand there right now and tell me you're not banging Dillon when I know damn well that you are.
Dillon: My mother isn't one to let Nikolas Cassadine chase her out of town.
Sabrina: Oh, no. Tracy isn't running away. No, she's got a plan.
Dillon: [Scoffs] That's not always a good thing. Where is she going?
Sabrina: Los Angeles. Your niece, Brook Lynn, is on tour, and Tracy wants to find out what Nikolas is holding over her.
Dillon: I think I know where she's going with this. Nikolas blackmailed Brook Lynn, and blackmail is illegal. Ergo, if my mom can prove Nikolas is a blackmailer, she can force him out of ELQ. [Sighs]
Tracy: You've got the ex-husband part right, but as far as favorite is concerned -- not so much. In a lifetime of bad relationships, you were the worst.
Paul: Tracy, you wound me.
Tracy: If I were to use the word "favorite" to describe you, I would have to put "least" in front of it.
Paul: Am I as bad as, say, Lord Larry Ashton?
Tracy: A weasel and a con-man, but ultimately harmless.
Paul: Gino Soleito? Anthony Zacchara? You've married some real winners over the years.
Tracy: Well, I guess it takes one to know one.
Paul: I will never apologize for who I am. But I do wish I was your favorite ex.
Tracy: Keep wishing.
Paul: I'm guessing that that honor would fall to Luke Spencer.
Tracy: [Chuckles] Well, Luke Spencer would give you a run for your money in the jackass department. In fact, I would be hard-pressed to figure out which one of you I despise more.
Alexis: Nikolas, this is your aunt. Again. Your failure to return my phone calls leads me to believe that you have used questionable tactics in gaining control of ELQ. This concerns me for many reasons, not least of which you're acting like a Cassadine! Nikolas. The Quartermaines are our friends. I'm worried about you. Call me.
TJ: Ms. Davis?
Alexis: Hey. TJ. What are you doing at the hospital? Are you okay?
TJ: Oh, I'm fine. I'm just getting a physical, you know, PCU wants it updated every year.
Alexis: Oh, yeah. I should know all about that because I've gone over every page with Molly with these admission applications. I think I'm blocking it out.
TJ: Why? Aren't you excited about Molly going to college?
Alexis: No. I'm dreading it.
Nikolas: What exactly did Patrick say?
Elizabeth: Hayden's numbers are improving. He's checking on her as we speak.
Nikolas: You think it's possible she could wake up?
Elizabeth: I don't know. There's no way to predict. Some people can have brain damage and never recover, or they could be perfectly fine like nothing ever happened.
Nikolas: So what? It's a waiting game?
Elizabeth: Nikolas, it's gonna be disastrous if she wakes up. Aside from you and me and Helena, Hayden is the only other person who knows Jake is really Jason.
Jake: I imagine the ELQ stocks are not in there.
Sam: Probably not. That would be too easy. You can take a look at those, though.
Jake: Okay. Is that your cousin's idea of petty cash?
Sam: Yeah. Pretty much. Ooh.
Jake: Nice gun.
Sam: Mm. What's this?
Jake: What you got? Oh.
Sam: Oh!
Jake: Family heirloom, huh?
Sam: Wow. Yeah, it has to be.
Jake: [Chuckles]
Sam: What?
Jake: Nothing. Nothing.
Sam: What do you mean "nothing"? Look, the first rule of breaking and entering is you have to trust the person you're working with, so whatever it is you were gonna say, you might as well just say it.
Jake: Okay, I didn't realize there were rules to this game, but I just didn't think that you were into jewelry. That's all. Okay? Can we continue to --
Sam: Why not? What, do you think this necklace is too girly for me?
Jake: I didn't say that.
Sam: You didn't have to. Just because I'm a PI doesn't mean I can't appreciate fine jewelry.
Jake: Okay, you're looking way too far into this.
Sam: You're making assumptions when you barely even know me.
Jake: You know what? I don't know you? I don't know you? Okay. I know that you like riding motorcycles, and I know that you like drinking Scotch on the rocks. I know that you're good under pressure, just like you are right now. I know that you loved all your friends and your family. I know you don't mind getting into a fight, and I know that your son is the most important thing in the world to you, and I know that you haven't had it easy. I also know that we're in a hurry. And for the record, I think you're very girly.
Sam: You do?
Jake: [Clears throat] Yes, I do. In the toughest, most badass definition of the term. And if you ever got a chance to wear this necklace, you'd be smokin' hot, so...
Sam: I wouldn't hold your breath, because I'm sure Nikolas would never let me borrow that necklace. And as far as he knows, I've never seen the inside of his safe, so I wouldn't even know it exists.
Jake: Yeah, you know, let's get back to work here.
Sam: Okay. What's this?
Jake: A driver's license?
Sam: Hayden Barnes.
Jake: What is my fake wife's license doing in your cousin's safe?
Sam: I have no idea.
Jake: As far as I know, Ric picked someone that no one from Port Charles would recognize to impersonate my wife, so how does your cousin fit into this, and how is he connected to Hayden?
Elizabeth: I was furious when you called Hayden's bluff and dared her to tell Jason the truth.
Nikolas: I know.
Elizabeth: I knew I was gonna lose him. But then she got shot -- an accidental victim in a mob hit gone wrong.
Nikolas: Things would be a whole lot different right now if Shawn Butler hit his target.
Elizabeth: I hate myself for feeling this way, but --
Nikolas: You're grateful for what happened.
Elizabeth: She was threatening to ruin everything for us. Once she went into a coma, all of our problems were solved. And now if she wakes up...
Nikolas: She'll blow our secret wide open.
Jake: You ever think about the day that Hayden was shot? Why didn't she just get the hell out of that garage?
Sam: Because she wanted to tell you who you are.
Jake: Yeah, maybe. Maybe she was lying. Or maybe she was telling the truth. I don't know. Maybe she was trying to help me out, and she caught a bullet for her trouble.
Sam: That still isn't your fault.
Jake: It was my fault. I was the target. She was collateral damage, and now she's lying in a hospital bed. You know, that was one of the risks of me having brain surgery -- that I might end up in a coma. And that scared the hell out of me, because I knew I didn't have anybody I could ask to kill me.
Sam: Is that what you would have wanted?
Jake: Yeah. I'm not afraid to die.
Sam: Just -- just...afraid to be helpless.
Jake: Terrified, actually.
Valerie: Chandler, can you do me a favor and call the launch captain? Tell him I'll be ready in 15?
Jake: This one.
Sam: Yeah, I like that one.
Valerie: Sam?
Sam: Valerie! Hi.
Valerie: What are you guys doing here?
Dante: You know, you and Dillon weren't even careful. You're standing there in each other's arms in our doorway talking about things that I shouldn't know about.
Lulu: How could you possibly know that?
Dante: Valerie saw you.
Lulu: Oh, and then she went running to tell you?
Dante: No, no, no, no, no. You don't put this on her, okay? I had to drag this information out of her, and even then, she insisted that she must have misunderstood something. I wanted to believe that, too. That is, until the last morning.
Lulu: What last morning? What does that mean?
Dante: The last morning that I believed in you. The last morning that I thought that you gave a damn about me and our son.
Lulu: God, Dante, you are so wrong about all of this --
Dante: Really? Really? Yes! Am I? Am I? So when I walked in the room, and you were talking to Maxie, right? You were talking to Maxie? That's who you hung up on when I walked in the room?
Lulu: No. No. No, but if you could just let me explain.
Dante: No, listen. Listen. You listen to me! Okay? 'Cause I lied, too. All right? I told you I was going to work, but I didn't. I hung out in the hallway, and I watched you. I watched you. I followed you go to Quartermaine house to see Dillon. But you didn't go to the front door. No, you're not that stupid. You're a married woman. You know the servants don't want -- you don't want them seeing you, a married woman, going there having your little affair.
Lulu: That's not what it was like.
Dante: Really? Really? You knock on the side door. The guy answers in the door in a freakin' towel. Did you even make it into his room, or did he just do you right there in the den?
Dillon: I give my mother credit for trying, but her plan is a long shot.
Sabrina: Well, at least Tracy's out there doing something instead of hiding out in this house after that disaster of an engagement party.
Dillon: As it turns out, there's a lot more that happened.
Sabrina: Yeah, and I get it. I -- when I lost my ex, Patrick, I had to keep busy, you know? I had to stay away from the things that reminded me of him, and Tracy's just doing the same thing. She needed a change of scenery after Luke broke their engagement and broke her heart.
Paul: Has Luke been raiding your bank accounts? Pilfering your liquid assets?
Tracy: No, that would be your MO.
Paul: Oh, I can't be the only husband who's had his hand in your pocket -- so to speak.
Tracy: Luke has embezzled from me over the years. This time, all he did was break my heart.
Paul: Well, it must have been bad if you're willing to admit it.
Tracy: Look, I have a plane to catch. I'd like to say it's been great. It hasn't.
Paul: I know that you are obsessively early for any flight. You're just want to avoid talking to me and end this conversation.
Tracy: What are you doing here besides irritating me beyond belief?
Paul: What do you think? I'm here for Dillon. I came to see my son.
Dillon: Luke didn't dump my mother.
Sabrina: Since when?
Dillon: It's incredibly convoluted, but it all boils down to something pretty simple -- Luke never actually cheated.
Lulu: I didn't cheat on you with Dillon. I swear. I love you, Dante.
Dante: You love me? You love me?
Lulu: Yes!
Dante: You love our son, too? Were you thinking about us when you laying down with that guy in a hotel room?
Lulu: You have no idea what happened in that hotel room.
Dante: Like hell I don't! I went up there to Vancouver to confront you! I went into that room. I saw the food cart for two, the clothes all over the place, the unmade bed. Your shirt -- your shirt that you've taken off a million times -- the shirt that I've taken off you a million times -- was it nice to have someone else take it off you for a change?
Lulu: He didn't. He didn't.
Dante: Stop lying to me! Stop lying to me! I can't believe you would do this. I can't believe you would do this, of all people. I'm not gonna do this to our kid. You know, we have a family, we have a son. You of all people, you know? You take this away from him? The little girl who cries about being left behind? The forgotten child? And you turn around and you -- you do the exact same thing to our boy!
Lulu: You are so wrong about this right now!
Dante: No, I'm not gonna do this. I'm not gonna do this to my son, okay? I'm not gonna pretend I don't know you're screwin' around on me. I'm done. I'm done with this, Lulu. Our marriage is over.
Tracy: You're here to see Dillon?
Paul: Is that so hard to believe?
Tracy: You have never shown the slightest interest in my son.
Paul: Our son.
Tracy: Oh, yes, well, you did contribute genetic material, but that doesn't make you a father.
Paul: If my memory serves me correctly, I don't believe you gave me much of a chance.
Tracy: You had every opportunity to fight for custody, but you were too fixated on Jenny Eckert.
Paul: Dillon is still my son.
Tracy: I hope you don't expect him to call you "Daddy."
Paul: I'd settle for getting to know him. That's why I'm here. I heard Dillon was back in Port Charles.
Tracy: Ah, well, wasted trip. Not here.
Dillon: I need to find my mom and explain.
Sabrina: Okay, so let just get this straight. Everything that happened at the engagement party --
Dillon: It was all a ruse. Luke and Laura had to play along to rescue their son.
Sabrina: And they got you to help out.
Dillon: Luke begged me -- and I mean begged me -- to keep the secret.
Sabrina: I -- I get it. You know, you were stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Dillon: I would've given anything to tell my mom the truth. But I had to lie to her, just like Lulu had to lie to her husband.
Lulu: You want to end our marriage?
Dante: You ended it. I'm just saying the words. [Sniffles] [Clears throat] Your bag's already packed. Get out. You can go stay at Carly's. Better yet, why don't you go stay at the Quartermaines' so you can screw Dillon some more.
Lulu: I am not screwing Dillon!
Dante: Stop lying to me and get out.
Lulu: My brother was kidnapped! Lucky was kidnapped!
Dante: I don't give a damn! I don't give a damn!
Lulu: You don't give a damn?! You would rather believe that I cheated on you when I didn't? I didn't. I didn't. Yes, I lied to you, and yes, I took off with Dillon, but we were trying to help my parents save Lucky.
Dante: Save Lucky from what?
Lulu: Lucky disappeared, and my mother, she got a call from the kidnappers. That's why she interrupted the engagement party. My parents were pretending to be back together. They were trying to rescue Lucky.
Dante: And, what, you and Dillon just went along with the rescue?
Lulu: No, not at first. But my dad did tell us what was going on.
Dante: Luke told you? And you didn't tell me? W-why am I just hearing about this now?
Lulu: 'Cause the kidnappers said no cops.
Dante: [Scoffs] Oh, my God. Lulu, that -- that's unbelievable. "No cops"? I'm your husband.
Lulu: My parents made me promise not to tell you, and my brother's life was on the line. I had no choice!
Dante: You had choices. You had choices. You chose to trust Dillon instead of me. You chose to not tell me where you were and what you were doing. You chose to destroy my trust in you completely. Oh, damn it. [Sighs]
Sam: Valerie, hi. Um, you haven't met Jake Doe yet, I don't think. Have you?
Jake: Not formally. Hi.
Sam: Jake, Valerie. Valerie, Jake.
Valerie: Nice to meet you.
Jake: Pleasure.
Sam: I was just telling Jake that I couldn't get the Nurses' Ball routine out of my head.
Valerie: [Laughs]
Sam: It was so great. I was actually going over some of the moves the other day while doing dishes, and Patrick caught me. I was so embarrassed.
Valerie: Really fun night.
Sam: It was fun. Um, anyway, I-I brought Jake by to talk to Nikolas. Have you heard about what's going on with ELQ?
Valerie: Yeah, hard to miss.
Sam: Yeah, I was hoping that we could talk some sense into Nikolas and to get him to back off from the takeover.
Valerie: Well, I wish you luck, but Nikolas isn't here.
Sam: I was starting to suspect that. Hey, um, I've got a question. You've been staying here for a while, right?
Valerie: Yeah, a couple months.
Sam: Did you know about what Nikolas was planning?
Valerie: No. We never discussed his business. I was just as surprised as everyone else in Port Charles when everything went down.
Sam: So...I don't know -- you probably have no idea how Hayden Barnes and Nikolas would be connected, then, do you?
Valerie: As a matter of fact, I do.
Nikolas: Try not to jump to the worst-case scenario.
Elizabeth: I can't help it. The longer this goes on, the more I have to lose. Jason and I are happy. My boys adore him. Every day, it feels more and more like a family.
Nikolas: Look. Hey --
Elizabeth: If Hayden wakes up and she tells the truth --
Nikolas: It could -- it could just be a glitch in her vital signs. It may not mean anything.
Elizabeth: Not only am I lying to Jason about who he is, I have taken him away from his wife and his child, and I helped you steal ELQ from Michael.
Nikolas: I didn't steal it.
Elizabeth: Oh, come on, Nikolas. Don't pretend with me. We're equally guilty, and we're in this together. You took advantage of the Quartermaines, and you stole that company. If Hayden wakes up and tells Jason who he is, he is going to rip that out from under you and give it right back to Michael.
Nikolas: Okay, look, getting worried and upset at this point is a waste of your time and energy. We just -- we just need to sit tight right now.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Nikolas: I need to get my board meeting. If there's any change in Hayden's condition...
Elizabeth: I have a few minutes before my shift begins. I'm gonna go to her room, see what I can find out.
Nikolas: Okay.
[Elevator bell dings]
Elizabeth: Patrick.
Patrick: Hmm?
Elizabeth: How's Hayden?
TJ: So, why are you dreading Molly going to college?
Alexis: Because she's my last one.
TJ: [Chuckles]
Alexis: My baby. And she's growing up. And I-I'm excited about her pursuing her dreams, but I'm -- I'm gonna miss her. She's my friend, my buddy. We hang out, you know? The best conversations we have are in the kitchen in the middle of the night eating popcorn. I know you're too young to understand, but, trust me, your mother, she knows what I'm feeling.
TJ: Well, uh, I couldn't tell you. These days, all my mom and I do is fight.
Alexis: Molly tells me that you're living with Sonny for the summer.
TJ: Yeah. There was a problem with my tuition. By the time it was handled, I was, uh -- I lost my place in the dorms already.
Alexis: Mm. I-I'm sure Sonny is -- is very happy to help you. But I imagine it would be a little awkward for your mom.
TJ: Because she's police commissioner and her son is living with an alleged crime lord?
Alexis: Or that you'll be pulled into a life that will eventually destroy you.
Sabrina: I wish there'd been a way to rescue Luke's sons without Tracy being hurt.
Dillon: Me too.
Sabrina: But I couldn't be happier that there's a reasonable explanation.
I didn't realize you were so invested.
Sabrina: Oh, yeah. Tracy and I became friends when I was... nannying for AJ, and your mother adores that little girl, so we'd always end up talking.
Dillon: So you got an earful after the whole engagement-party debacle. [Chuckles]
Sabrina: Your mother was really badly hurt. And honestly, I don't know how she's gonna react to the news that Luke's reunion with Laura was just an act.
Dillon: If I know my mother, she won't be pleased, but once the dust settles, hopefully she'll see that Luke really and truly does love her and never wanted to hurt her.
Sabrina: I hope so, too.
Dillon: I need to catch her before she takes off. [Breathes deeply] Damn it. Voicemail. Hey, Mom. It's me. I'm home. I'm at the house. I need to talk to you ASAP. Whatever you do, do not get on that plane.
Sabrina: You know, that plane doesn't take off for a little while.
Dillon: Maybe I can still catch her.
Patrick: There's been a spike in Hayden's vitals and an increase in brain activity.
Elizabeth: And they've continued to improve?
Patrick: Her neuroelectrical output, her blood pressure, and her pulse have all gone back to normal levels, and we ordered another brain scan.
Elizabeth: So she's not awake?
Patrick: No.
Elizabeth: Ah. [Sighs]
Patrick: Look, Elizabeth, I know that Hayden's not your favorite person... which is understandable, given what she did to you and Jake.
Elizabeth: She was a victim of a senseless crime. I would never wish that upon anyone. But what matters right now is her possible recovery. Do you think she's gonna wake up?
Patrick: I don't know. We're gonna keep a close eye on her. But with the good news that we got today, hopefully soon she will be.
Tracy: And had you bothered to contact Dillon before you made this trip, you would have discovered he is out scouting locations.
Paul: Ah, I'm happy to hear that my boy is pursuing his dreams.
Tracy: Wow. Do you even hear yourself? You're ridiculous.
Paul: [Laughs] Tracy, come on. Give me a break. I'm here. I've come to see Dillon. I want to spend time with my son, be part of his life. But...
Tracy: But what?
Paul: I don't have Dillon's current phone number.
Tracy: Of course, you don't, devoted father that you are.
Paul: Would you mind calling him and finding out what time he might be returning?
Tracy: Seriously?
Paul: Mm-hmm.
Tracy: Fine. But it's gonna be another waste of time, because I haven't heard from him at all.
[Cell phone beeps]
Paul: Ah, well, sounds like somebody left you a message.
Tracy: Gee, thank you for that. Pleasure. Oh, look. It's from Dillon.
Paul: Gee, what a shock.
Tracy: Would you like me to play it for you so you can see for yourself that he's in Bora-Bora or someplace else?
Paul: [Laughs]
Dillon: Hey, Mom. It's me. I'm home. I'm at the house. I need to talk to you ASAP. Whatever you do, do not get on that plane.
Paul: You were saying?
Sam: So, there is a connection between Nikolas and Hayden Barnes?
Valerie: Well, I don't really know if she fits into what's going on with ELQ, but Hayden was staying at Wyndemere.
Jake: She was staying at -- When was she staying here?
Valerie: Uh, around the time of the Nurses' Ball. Initially, there was a mix-up, and they actually thought that Hayden was Rosalie. Obviously, I figured out who she was at the ball when she --
Jake: Was outed as a fraud. Yeah.
Valerie: Right. Um, then she showed up for breakfast here the very next morning.
Sam: So Hayden was here the morning after she was exposed as a fraud. Why?
Valerie: Nikolas told me and Lulu that he knew her from back in the day. They had some sort of a fling in Europe, and she came here looking for help.
Sam: Okay, um, well, that's, uh, very helpful. Thank you.
Valerie: Mm-hmm.
Sam: We probably should get going.
Jake: Absolutely. Thank you again, Valerie.
Sam: Yeah. Thank you.
Jake: Nice to meet you.
Valerie: Sure. And should I let Nikolas know that you stopped by?
Sam: No, no, no. That's not necessary. I'm sure I'll see him another time. Thank you.
Dante: I assume Lucky's okay. Otherwise, you -- you wouldn't have come back.
Lulu: We rescued him and Ethan. They had been taken hostage by an old enemy of my dad's -- Frank Smith.
Dante: I -- I don't care. Lulu, I don't care. I don't care what crazy-ass enemy of your father showed up and did what. I care that you left your family... [Sniffles] that you left me and your son to go off with the guy who got you pregnant in high school. I care that -- that our child and our marriage means so much less to you than being Luke Spencer's daughter!
Lulu: That is not -- that's not true.
Dante: It is true, Lulu. It was true when I met you. It was true when we got married. I thought that was all gonna change when we had Rocco. I thought you would actually put him first.
Lulu: I do put him first.
Dante: No. No, you don't. But you know what? We're just -- we're just going in circles right now, and I'm amazed that you can't see that you did anything wrong here.
Lulu: I do! I do! I know that I screwed up, Dante. I-I can see how much it hurt you. But my brother's life was at risk.
Dante: Then why didn't you tell me about it? Why didn't you tell me about it? Don't give me that crap about the kidnappers not wanting cops involved. I'm your husband. You should have chosen to trust me. Our choices have consequences.
Lulu: Oh, stop. Please stop. I-I know that you're angry. Okay. But I don't want one of us to say something that we can't take back.
Dante: We are way, way past words, Lulu. I'm talking about actions that we can't take back.
Lulu: Okay, well, we need to calm down, and we need to focus on what matters. Okay, I am gonna go take a shower... ...and go pick up our son.
Dante: No. No way. You're not gonna get Rocco and bring him in the middle of this. We have to deal with this right now and figure out what happens next.
Lulu: Okay, well, I -- maybe you're right. Maybe I reflexively went to the place of being Luke Spencer's daughter. And maybe I could let Dillon help me, because that is what we always used to do! We would chase after my dad, and we would tag along on the adventures, and sometimes my dad would thank me. And I'd be so thrilled, because for that five minutes, I mattered.
Dante: You know, Lulu, I know my heart should be breaking right now. But your father's always got a reason and always got a crisis to come to you when he needs you the most, but right now, we're in a crisis of our own.
Lulu: I know that it was wrong to lie to you, but I never thought that you would believe that I could be unfaithful.
Dante: What other conclusion was I supposed to come to?
Lulu: You know me, and you know how I feel about you. I love you. I love you, and it killed me to lie to you. I-I deluded myself into thinking I could fix this on the back end, and I still believe that. You have every right to be angry with me, but come on, Dante. One bad decision doesn't cancel out everything that we have together and how much we love each other.
Dante: Are you sure about that?
Lulu: Absolutely. We can come back from this. Baby, you can trust me... just like I trust you.
Dante: Except you can't.
Alexis: I understand that Sonny wants to help you. And I believe that his generosity is sincere. I'm sure that he has said to you that under no circumstances does he want you to go into the business.
TJ: He has said that.
Alexis: You see, the problem -- Sonny makes crime look glamorous while he's warning you away from it. He won't ask you to compromise, and yet you find yourself compromising anyway. And the next thing you know, you're in over your head. You're doing all kinds of things that you never thought you could do... because Sonny, with all of his wonderful qualities -- his charm, his intelligence, his generosity -- he's a criminal. He lies, he cheats, he steals to get what he wants. And this business -- this business that has all his power and gives him all of his power, it's evil.
TJ: No offense, but, uh, Julian's a mobster, too.
Alexis: He quit. Sonny won't quit. I can't tell you to move out.
TJ: Kind of sounds like you are.
Alexis: I just want you to be careful. TJ, you're such a great guy. You have such a bright future. And with the best of intentions, Sonny will ruin it.
TJ: Wow. I guess I never realized how much you disliked him.
Alexis: Mm. It's just the opposite. I like him so much... too much. And when you're a Cassadine, that's very dangerous, because it's easy for a Cassadine to jettison principles and embrace the dark side.
Nikolas: Hey. Any news?
Elizabeth: Let's walk. I never made it to Hayden's room because Patrick came back.
Nikolas: What'd he say?
Elizabeth: Well, apparently, she's still unconscious. But there are signs she could be waking up.
Nikolas: Look, don't worry. If she does wake up, I'll deal with it.
Jake: So, Nikolas is connected to Hayden.
Sam: Not exactly the dirt we were looking for.
Jake: Can't be a coincidence. Has to mean something.
Sam: I hate when we go looking for answers and we only find more questions.
Valerie: [Sighs] [Sighs]
Dante: [Sighs] You ever seen, uh, a glass shatter, Lulu? Not when it breaks -- when it shatters. [Sniffles] It explodes and little shards go all over the place, and you clean it up, but sometimes you don't get... ...all the little pieces. Once something shatters, it's gone.
Lulu: We're not made of glass. We can fix this.
Dante: Can we?
Lulu: I made the wrong choice, but I didn't make it lightly. It killed me to keep that secret from you. You can ask Dillon.
Dante: [Scoffs, chuckles]
Dillon: Uh, can you help me with something?
Woman: Of course. What flight are you on?
Dillon: I'm not. This is a gate pass. I'm, uh -- I'm looking for someone who's on Flight 223 to Los Angeles.
Woman: I'm sorry. That flight just left.
Tracy: How many times do I have to say this? I am not hiding Dillon's whereabouts. He's a grown man. He can see you if he wants to. The fact that you have completely ignored him his entire life until this random attack of parental interest is beside the point.
Paul: And yet you feel compelled to make it... the point.
Tracy: [Sighing] Oh. You can have your reunion -- not that he's gonna recognize you -- after I speak with him.
Paul: Oh, well, naturally, because you come first.
Tracy: No, Paul. Because he said it was important, and I need to know what he has to tell me.
Lulu: My dad had to lie to Tracy. He had to pretend to be back with my mom. But Tracy wasn't pretending the pain that she felt or the humiliation. It was all very real for her, just like it was real for you. You thought that I broke our vows? That I cheated on you? I can't even imagine the pain. If this were the other way around and I thought that you did this to me --
Dante: Lulu, it's --
Lulu: Just listen to me, baby. I'm... I'm so sorry. I am so, so sorry. I-I love you. I love you, and I love Rocco. And I was selfish and stupid to make you doubt that. Please forgive me.
Dante: I'm the one who needs forgiveness.
On the next "General Hospital" --
Carly (to Elizabeth): I'm here because of Jake.
Luke (to Laura): It's better if I handle Helena alone.
Tracy (to Paul): You're a welcome distraction.
Jordan: (to Valerie): I'm gonna find a reason to arrest Sonny Corinthos.
Sonny (to Dillon): That means you're not respectful, and that is a problem for me.
Lulu (to Dante): What do you want me to forgive you for?
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