GH Transcript Wednesday 6/3/15

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 6/3/15


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Luke: Tracy, take one more chance with me. This time, it will be real and honest and true.

Dillon: I'm gonna stop you both right there. Mother, do not accept that ring.

Tracy: Dillon. Oh, my God! Dillon!

Dillon: Hi, Mom.

Tracy: I'm so happy you're here.

Luke: Dillon, this is a surprise.

Dillon: In more ways than one. Looks like I got here just in time.

Nikolas: Lu, it doesn't -- it doesn't matter if I trust it. I've never been Luke's favorite person. What matters is if you trust his recovery.

[Cell phone buzzes]

Nikolas: [Sighs] Lu, I'm sorry. I have another call that I have to take. Can we talk later? All right, bye. Rosalie, where are you?

Rosalie: Um, I'm outside Nina's room.

Nikolas: She's not there?

Rosalie: I don't know. I haven't knocked yet. [Sighs] I've been up all night thinking about this.

Nikolas: All you have to do is sweet-talk your former boss. Make a generous cash offer for the ELQ shares that she and Franco got from Ned. And tell her you're doing it on Michael's behalf.

Morgan: So, we're cool?

Michael: Well, let's put it this way. We are better than we were.

Morgan: Well, it will be nice not to have to apply ice to, you know, my bruises every time I see you.

Michael: Yeah, same here.

Morgan: Yeah.

Kiki: Morgan, did I just see that? Did you and Michael just shake hands?

Denise: You're Kiki's father, aren't you? Yes, Silas something.

Silas: Clay. Dr. Silas Clay.

Denise: Oh, let me tell you, Dr. Silas Clay, you are one lucky son of a gun 'cause that daughter of yours, she is so beautiful and so smart --

Silas: Cut the crap, Ava. I know it's you.

Denise: Oh, no. Not this same old song. One more clueless George who thinks I'm Ava Jerome. Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're wrong.

Silas: Hey! You got to be kidding me. You may be able to fool all these other people, but I'm the one person that knows the truth.

Denise: No, no, no. You stay away from me. I am Ava's twin. Fraternal, by the way. And I happen to be the younger sibling by several minutes, from what I hear.

Silas: You are Ava with a phony accent and a bad dye job.

Denise: I have a DNA test that says I'm not Ava. You want to see it in black and white?

Silas: I know all about that.

Denise: Then get over it already. Did you not just introduce yourself to me as a doctor? Then you should know a little something about how DNA works.

Silas: I do, indeed.

Denise: Then how can I be Ava, then? The DNA don't match. Plus, she's dead.

Silas: Except we both know you aren't.

[New York City -- 2 Months Earlier]

Nurse: Doctor? You look like you could use this.

Silas: And about four more. Thanks.

Nurse: You all right?

Silas: Yeah. It's just been a rough couple days.

Nurse: It's all worth it, right? Your patient pulled through.

Tracy: I am so happy to see you, Dillon. I missed you.

Dillon: Me, too, Mom.

Tracy: Oh! Oh, and look at how handsome you are.

Dillon: Aww, shucks.

Tracy: I thought you were working on a movie. [Sighs] How'd you find the time to get away?

Dillon: I found the time. Ned said he had to leave Port Charles unexpectedly, and he asked me to look in on you. He's worried about you, Mom.

Tracy: And...what did your brother say?

Dillon: Everything. That you've been through hell this past year because of Luke.

Nikolas: You know what I expect! When you persuade Nina to sell the shares, you make her believe that Michael's a buyer, then bring the shares to me and tell Michael it didn't work out.

Rosalie: Well, I hope this works, Nikolas. Nikolas? [Sighs] Great. [Inhales deeply] [Exhales deeply]

[Knocks on door]

[Lock clicks]

Nina: Rosalie. Late as always.

Rosalie: Just by a little bit.

Nina: Well, late is late.

Rosalie: Sorry.

Nina: Oh, my God, I sound like my mother. Come in. Um, I-I would have ordered us some food, except -- so funny -- uh, there's been an accounting problem. My, uh, credit is frozen.

Rosalie: Oh. Well, don't worry about it. I'm touched that you would even consider that I might be hungry.

Nina: Why? Because I never gave a single, solitary thought to your feelings when you worked for me? Because we were never friends.

Rosalie: [Clears throat]

Nina: Which makes me wonder why you called me out of the blue. What do you want?

Nikolas: Meeting someone?

Michael: Yeah, I'm supposed to be. But they're not here yet.

Nikolas: Mind if I wait with you?

Michael: Sure. [Clears throat] Um... [Clears throat] I heard you on the phone just now. What were you saying about me?

Kiki: Am I hallucinating? Because that just looked like you and Michael made peace with each other.

Morgan: Yeah, we did, sort of.

Kiki: Well, "sort of" is a pretty vague term.

Morgan: I mean, look, we're not gonna be catching a ball game together anytime soon, but we called a cease-fire.

Kiki: It's progress, I guess.

Morgan: I mean, I still think he's wrong for taking Avery.

Kiki: Well, yeah, but that doesn't really compare to what we did -- drugging him and then letting Avery get kidnapped, so...

Morgan: Yeah, but I guess that's the point. What's -- what's -- what is the point of hating on each other and throwing accusations back and forth? I mean, we can't change anything that happened. All we can do is move on. Michael's willing to try.

Kiki: That's pretty generous, considering what we did.

Morgan: I mean, you know, we're -- there's not gonna be a touching family reunion, but we're not gonna have to duck each other's punches anymore.

Kiki: Oh. Could've fooled me.

Morgan: Well, it didn't happen until some blood was shed.

Denise: Are you kidding me? Ava's alive? How's that? She was shot and fell off a bridge, for Pete's sake.

Silas: [Scoffs] You conveniently left out the part where I found you and put you back together. Broke the law for you. I aided and abetted a fugitive -- a murderer, at that. I put everything on the line to take you to a facility where no one would ask any questions. And just when you were starting to heal, I found out you had... you had cancer. You asked me to help you die, and I told you I would do that.


Silas: My patient should be coming around soon.

Nurse: Buzz me if you need anything.

Silas: Thank you.

Ava: Mm.

Silas: Ava.

Ava: Mm. Silas?

Silas: How you feeling?

Ava: Wait. I'm still in the hospital in New York.

Silas: That's right.

Ava: It doesn't make any sense. I'm supposed to be dead. Why am I not dead?

Nina: I blackmailed you, I bullied you. You resented me... understandably. I understand. [Chuckles] So, it just makes me wonder, why would you reach out now? Or b-better question -- why should I trust you?

Rosalie: I will admit working for you was a really terrible time in my life.

Nina: I know. You had just come out of a coma and found out you lost your entire life. Oh, no. That was me.

Rosalie: You know, you'd think I would have been really happy when Silas fired me. But I w--

Nina: I had nothing to do with that. My hands were tied. You know that. Is that why you're here? I mean, I'm sure there's not a lot of demand for fake nurses. Do you need money?

Rosalie: No. No, I have a very good job now, thank you very much. I'm working for Michael Quartermaine now.

Nina: Michael Quartermaine -- who used to be Corinthos? The one I wanted you to seduce?

Rosalie: Yeah. That's the one.

Nina: Wow.

Rosalie: Michael and I became friends, and when I needed employment, he hired me to work with him at ELQ.

Nina: You know, I think about you a lot. I do. I think about those smocks you used to wear.

Rosalie: Uh, that you used to make me wear.

Nina: You look really great now, though. Very professional.

Rosalie: Uh, yeah. That's because I'm here on business.

Nina: Oh, of course. You wouldn't be here as a friend. [Sighs]

Rosalie: No, I-I wanted to catch up, as well.

Nina: Yeah, yeah. What business?

Rosalie: Michael knows that you and Franco are in possession of 11.5% of ELQ. He wants to buy it back... with cash.

Michael: Were you talking to somebody about me?

Nikolas: Yes, I was. Lulu. She was telling me that Luke's back in town after checking himself out of the institution and that he might be moving back into the Quartermaine house, and I thought that might be difficult for you.

Michael: Yeah. I heard about Luke's miraculous recovery. I just haven't seen him yet.

Nikolas: Yes, Lulu says that, uh, his release is legit. All of his doctors believe that he's cured. Of course, Lulu is, uh, still worried. And who can blame her after how out of control Luke was?

Michael: Yeah, he was pretty fixated on ELQ. Kept making these overtures for me to bring him into the company, and when I refused [Inhales sharply] He made at least one attempt to, uh, move me out of the way.

Nikolas: Move you out how?

Michael: It doesn't matter. He was unsuccessful. Unfortunately, he did manage to transfer a whopping 32% of the company to the Cassadines.

Tracy: Dillon, Luke was sick. He needed help.

Dillon: No kidding. I couldn't believe some of the things Ned told me. They certainly didn't sound like the Luke I knew.

Tracy: Well, that's because it wasn't.

Luke: What Ned told you was the truth. I did threaten him more than once. And I was cruel to your mother. I misused her. I swindled her.

Dillon: Let's be honest -- you swindled my mother plenty when I was still in Port Charles. How many times did you clean out her bank accounts and hit the road?

Luke: That was different. That was petty larceny, understood by both parties. No, this was really ugly. I misused her loyalty. And I so regret it.

Tracy: Luke, okay, you've been forgiven. Can we just move on?

Luke: No, let me explain. Dillon... I worked very hard to confront that dark side of me. And I've been judged whatever that means. I can tell you that being psychologically fit doesn't mean I can't be an insufferable ass.

Dillon: I never thought you were insufferable. I could suffer you mostly. But according to Ned, you went total Norman Bates, complete with a body in a cellar.

Luke: Yeah, it's true. It's true. But...I've confronted all that. And it's over now. And I want nothing more than to make it up to your mother.

Dillon: Really? By rushing her into another quickie marriage?

Kiki: So, what? Michael just felt the need to hit you one more time before you guys worked things out? What happened?

Morgan: I told him we were together again.

Kiki: Oh, my he attacked you over that?

Morgan: No, no, no, no. He hardly blinked, actually.

Kiki: Oh.

Morgan: Are you disappointed?

Kiki: No, stop. I was... I was just curious as to what made you guys feel the need to punch it out.

Morgan: Well, I mean, there's a million reasons. We've kind of hated each other for months now, so we just decided to settle it in the ring.

Kiki: Uh, right. Because why talk when you could just punch?

Morgan: Okay. I understand. Yes, it's stupid. But it was stupid enough to make us realize that we needed to stop.

Kiki: It's good. But what got you guys in the ring together in the first place?

Morgan: Michael came looking for me... 'cause of this.

Denise: Well, what'd you do? Punk out on helping Ava die or something?

Silas: No.

Denise: Well, you were supposed to put her down like a sick dog, but she survived. What happened?


Ava: [Crying] No. No. This is wrong. You gave me those drugs to help me sleep forever, take away my pain. I wanted to die. You agreed with me. We said our good-byes. And it felt so good. I just slipped away.

Silas: That's not exactly what happened.

Ava: What did you do? Did you f-flush the drugs out of me, give me some kind of antidote? [Sobbing] I didn't want to wake up! I asked you! I begged you! Silas, a life hooked up to machines, drugged out of my mind, it's not a life. Why didn't you let me go? I don't want to fight a losing battle.

Silas: You don't have to fight anymore. I did that for you, and I won.

Nikolas: I'm sorry, Michael, but I have no idea where the certificates are.

Michael: I didn't think you did. Otherwise, I'd just ask to buy them back. I know targeting ELQ was Helena's plan, not yours.

Nikolas: [Clears throat] I'm just trying to get over the fact that Helena managed to convince Luke to team up with her.

Dillon: Ned told me all about your last wedding at the Nurses' Ball. Serenading my mother from the stage, making an impromptu proposal and getting Lucy Coe to perform the ceremony, whisking my mother away on a honeymoon, then disappearing while you sent her back to Port Charles to get control of ELQ. You wanted her to betray her family -- [Scoffs] Her father's legacy -- for you.

Luke: Yes. I can't deny any of that. It's true. But now I know why I did that.

Tracy: It was like he was a different person.

Luke: Dillon, there was a secret at the center of my life, but now I'm free of it. And I may not be perfect. I'll make mistakes. But I'll do everything I can to make sure that I don't hurt your mother. She's so important to me. She's the most important thing in my life. And she's better than me. She deserves better than me. But I've never been one not to reach for the -- the brass ring. This woman is gold. The best woman I've ever known. And I want to marry her. But I want to do it with your blessing.

Michael: Emily used to tell me that you were nothing like your grandmother.

Nikolas: [Inhales sharply] Emily. I-I think about her

Michael: [Clears throat] A lot, actually.

Nikolas: [Chuckles]

Michael: ELQ belonged to her, too. Belonged to all the Quartermaines -- the ones that are here, the ones who are gone. [Inhales, exhales deeply] That's why I can't just sit back and watch the company slip away.

Nikolas: You have a plan?

Michael: I'm hoping to buy back some of the shares that were lost. My assistant is upstairs right now, trying to buy them back from Nina Clay.

Rosalie: My boss is prepared to make a very generous offer, despite the fact that the shares were illegally coerced from Ned Ashton.

Nina: Oh, yeah. Franco did that. He did that on a lark, just to see if he could.

Rosalie: Lovely. Blackmail on a lark.

Nina: Are you criticizing Franco? Because he did that to help us.

Rosalie: Uh, I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to criticize your boyfriend.

Nina: No, no, no. He's not my boyfriend. Not -- not my boyfriend any-- yeah, no, no. He proved himself to be no better than Silas.

Rosalie: He cheated on you?

Nina: No, he didn't cheat on me. Franco would never cheat on me. No, no, no. He, uh...betrayed me. He thought I took Ava Jerome's baby.

Rosalie: But you did. And Franco helped you, and you guys ran off to Canada.

Nina: Um, no. No. Keep up with events. Rosalie, you got to keep up with events. The baby recently was taken from General Hospital. No one knew who took her. Franco thought it was me.

Rosalie: Oh.

Nina: Well, he was way off to even think that. Way off. That's why I kicked him out and I married somebody else.

Rosalie: W-what?

Nina: Yep, I-I'm married to Ric Lansing. And, uh, Franco is out of my life.

Rosalie: Are you saying that you don't have the ELQ shares anymore?

Nina: Did you hear what I just said? I said Franco's out of my life.

Rosalie: Yeah, that's horrible. But the ELQ shares, are they here?

Nina: I don't -- I-I-I don't know. Franco put them in the safe, and... oh, he was so happy. We were happy.

Rosalie: Uh, did Franco take the shares when you guys broke up?

Nina: I don't know! I don't know, Rosalie! H-h-h-how can I be focused on ELQ when -- when Franco was breaking my heart?

Rosalie: No, yeah, yeah. Right. Right. Um, it's just, you know, the money that Michael is offering, it could really help to clear up that accounting error. So maybe you want to check if the shares are still here.

Nina: You think?

Morgan: Michael had the same freak-out about Denise as the rest of us. I mean, he was just sure it was Ava trying to pull one over on everybody.

Kiki: Sometimes I still wish she really was my mom.

Morgan: Yeah, me, too.

Kiki: Uh, well, Michael really knows that Denise is just my aunt, right? I mean, the article says that the DNA proved that.

Morgan: Well, I mean, it's Julian's paper. He thought it was a lie, and he thought somehow she'd come after Avery. But I set him straight, I think.

Kiki: Well, I guess it's just hard for everyone to believe that, you know, my mom had this secret sister that only Delia knew about. When I told Silas, he almost lost his mind.

Denise: So, Ava went to sleep thinking she was dying, and when she woke up, she was better. How'd you do it?


Ava: You fought my cancer for me, and you won? M-maybe I really did die, because this does not make any sense.

Silas: I didn't give you anything to kill you. I gave you a general anesthetic. I put you under.

Ava: Why?

Silas: Well, I needed to keep you sedated. After all the chemotherapy and radiation, you were ready. I was able to perform the procedure.

Ava: What did you do?

Silas: I gave you a bone marrow transplant.

Luke: Dillon, we had a relationship. Rocky at times, especially when you got Lulu pregnant. But most of the time, I respected you. W-we saw eye-to-eye.

Dillon: Except when we didn't.

Luke: Well, after Stefan Cassadine died, you were on my side when I was on the lam.

Dillon: I dressed up like Skye to distract the cops at Stefan's memorial. Scott Baldwin followed me, thinking it was you in disguise. Not everybody can pull off a veil, but I think I managed.


Tracy: Sorry I missed that.

Luke: Yeah. Yeah, I was sad when you left town. But I admire anybody who chases his dreams.

Dillon: If only those dreams would actually materialize at some point.

Luke: They will. I know they will. So, what do you say? Will you support me in my... one last attempt to be your stepfather?

Dillon: It's not up to me, old man. It's up to my mother. Whatever you decide, I'll be in your corner.

Tracy: Thank you.

Dillon: Just... think it through, okay? Ned called me because he really is worried about you, and so am I. Luke seems good -- the way I remember. But you've spent a lot more time with him than I have. Are you sure you can trust him?

Tracy: That's what I have to decide.

Luke: Shall we try this one more time? Tracy Quartermaine... I love you. You're the woman for me. It was thinking about us being together that kept me going through the hell of this last year. So what do you say? Will you lower your standards and marry me?

Nikolas: So, Franco extorted 11.5% from Ned. What a lowlife.

Michael: No, he's scum, which is why it's pointless for me to deal with him directly.

Nikolas: It's probably not the best way to recover those shares.

Michael: No. That's why I sent my assistant to make an offer. Hopefully she comes down here with the shares. Of course, there's no guarantee that Nina even has access to them. [Sighs]

Nina: Wow, Franco forgot about these. I guess he wasn't thinking about ELQ either when I kicked him out.

Rosalie: I'm sure he was devastated when you two broke up.

Nina: Oh, he was. You should have seen his face.

Rosalie: Nina. I see that Franco really, really hurt you. Wouldn't you like to sell those shares so that you don't have them laying around here, reminding you of how he broke your heart?

Nina: Franco and I racked up quite a bill when we thought everything was being comped. We were so happy. We had such a great time after we were released from the mental institution. But that's over with, so, um, uh, now the co-owner of Metro Court is saying that me and my new husband are responsible for the bill, and I don't have any access to my inheritance.

Rosalie: Yeah, well, it sounds like you could really use the cash that Michael's offering.

Nina: Wow, I could.

Rosalie: So, uh, we have a deal?

Nina: Oh, my goodness. Money does make life easier, doesn't it?

Rosalie: [Chuckles] Yeah.

Nina: Uh-huh.

Rosalie: Great. All right, well, I will just take these.

Nina: No, no, no, no! I will not -- I cannot let these go.

Denise: If you really saved my sister's life with some medical miracle mumbo-jumbo and she did survive, how come nobody in her family knows it?

Silas: Because you were facing life in prison, I didn't tell anyone you're alive. You didn't even know what I had done.


Ava: I had a bone marrow transplant?

Silas: Yes. And you handled it beautifully. The first few days are critical, and -- and you made it through them. No infection, no signs that your body is rejecting the donor marrow. We got a ways to go, but your prognosis for remission is excellent.

Ava: I don't understand. There was no match. We kept checking the registry. We had no luck. It was hopeless.

Silas: I found a match.

Ava: When?

Silas: Just in time to save your life.

Nina: I can't. I can't do it. This is, you know, proof that Franco and I were a good team. This is the symbol of -- of our -- our time together.

Rosalie: You don't want to start your new marriage in debt. Wow. Wow, Nina, you need this. You need this a lot more than you need some memento of a time you spent with some man who's not currently your husband.

Nina: These aren't even technically mine. They're Franco's. They're Franco's shares.

Rosalie: Franco? He thought that you kidnapped Ava Jerome's baby -- again. He was disloyal to you. You know, he didn't trust you. He treated you like some pathetic crazy person. And you, Nina -- all you did was give him your heart and soul, you know? You loved him in that big, beautiful, boundless way that only you can love. And Franco... his heart wasn't big enough for you. He didn't love you the way that you needed to be loved. He didn't see you.

Nina: He didn't see me. That's right. But, um, these shares, they're my only connection to him. I mean, it's my only line to Franco. How can I let them go?

Rosalie: Uh...

Michael: ELQ was my great-grandfather's lifeblood. Now it's being siphoned away. You know, he -- he -- he considered me the next generation of the Quartermaines. And he wanted me to carry on his legacy, and I'm...I'm trying.

Nikolas: No, I -- I get it. It can be difficult, taking up a legacy. I struggled with that myself.

Michael: [Sighs] You know, in a way, it's a mercy that my great-grandfather's gone, because the idea of interlopers stealing ELQ from the family, it would kill him all over again.

Tracy: Luke, as much as I want to believe you, I can't.

Luke: Fair enough. Would you consider a compromise?

Dillon: Hold up -- this isn't a negotiation, this is a marriage proposal. My mother said no.

Luke: Well, which she has every right to do. But I have a right to offer a counterproposal. Would you agree in principle to be my wife without a wedding date? Just be engaged to me for 30 days. We'll call it a trial period.

Tracy: [Laughs] You sound like a used car salesman.

Luke: No, it -- and if, at the end of that time or during that time I show any signs of a meltdown or aberrant behavior or if I make any move to swindle you or take your money, the engagement is off.

Tracy: Uh-huh, and what if 30 days isn't enough and I still can't decide?

Luke: Then we'll go for another 30 days, as many as you want.

Tracy: And what? We keep going till I get so used to being engaged to you I just give up and marry you?

Luke: No. We go until you believe that I'm the man that I say I am. Tracy, I'm flawed. I'm not perfect. But I'll work like hell to be the man you want me to be. If you just give me 30 days, that could turn into the rest of our lives.

Tracy: [Sighs] Fine. For 30 days, consider us engaged. Give me the ring.

Luke: [Sighs]

Kiki: So, I spilled the news about us to my dad.

Morgan: Uh-oh. Should I watch my back now?

Kiki: No. Not at all. He was happy for us.

Morgan: Well, that's good to know.

Kiki: Yeah. But we're gonna have to be a lot quieter when he's home.

Morgan: Oh, I can be quiet.

Kiki: So can I. Has anyone ever told you that you look, like, really hot in boxing gear?

Morgan: Let me see. Well...

Kiki: The correct answer's "No."

Morgan: No. You're the first. You look pretty hot yourself.

Denise: If you found the match for Ava right before you were supposed to help her die, why not just tell the lady? Why go through the whole rigamarole of making her think you were sending her to the land of no return?

Silas: You know why.

Denise: Now, how would I know why? I only just met you. I was probably doing a double process when it all went down.


Ava: The cancer is gone? [Sighs] This isn't some trick to give me false hope, is it? To make me want to live despite the fact that I have a disease that's gonna kill me?

Silas: [Scoffs] No. God, no.

Ava: I'm really gonna be okay?

Silas: Looks that way.

Ava: You found a donor... and you gave me a transplant. Instead of killing me, you gave me back my life.

Silas: I certainly hope so.

Ava: Well, why didn't you just tell me? What the hell, Silas?! Why go through the whole maudlin charade of helping me die?

Silas: Because of who the donor was.

Michael: Hey, Rosalie. Um, oh, uh, Rosalie, this is Nikolas Cassadine. Nikolas Cassadine, this is my assistant, Rosalie Martinez.

Rosalie: Hello, sir. Nice to meet you.

Nikolas: You, too, Rosalie.

Michael: So, uh, what happened with Nina?

Rosalie: Um, I'm so sorry, Michael. She refused to sell. I-I tried everything, but nothing I could say would convince her otherwise.

Michael: What, did she want more money? Is that --

Rosalie: No, no. It had nothing to do with money. She has some sort of weird sentimental attachment to the shares because of Franco. Here's your money.

Michael: Yeah, uh, thank you. I appreciate it. I really thought she'd take the money.

Nikolas: Sorry, Michael.

Michael: Thanks.

Nikolas: Wish I could help.

Michael: I'll figure something out. I have to. I can't let interlopers steal ELQ. Wouldn't be true to my great-grandfather's vision. Okay, um, I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna check on AJ again, I really appreciate your help on this.

Rosalie: For all the good it did.

Michael: Look, stay and have lunch. It's on my tab. Um... [Sighs] And take the rest of the afternoon off. You've earned it. Nikolas. It's good to see you.

Nikolas: You, too.

Michael: All right.

Rosalie: [Clears throat]

Nikolas: Quite the song and dance you just gave Michael. Better not be true.

Rosalie: [Scoffs] It isn't.

[Safe beeps]

Nina: Hey, you can't just barge in here.

Olivia: Yo. Shut up and pay up, or you and Lansing are gonna be sleeping on newspapers down by the docks tonight.

Nina: Oh, I have every intention of paying my bill in full.

Olivia: Uh-huh.

[Safe beeps]

Olivia: Oh, my God. Look at all those Benjamins.

Nikolas: You're good.

Rosalie: Here you are. You are now the owner of another 11.5% of the Quartermaine family business.

Tracy: You may have the fraudulent ones.

Luke: And we're officially engaged.

Tracy: Do not screw this up, Luke Spencer. You are officially out of do-overs.

Luke: Yeah, I'm not gonna screw it up. In fact, it's not going to take 30 days for you to know how serious I am about this. You're gonna know tonight.

Dillon: I'll just be leaving now.

Luke: Uh, no, no. [Chuckles] Dillon, that's not what I mean. Tonight I want to throw an engagement party. I want all of our friends and family to know how much I love you and that I'm committed to you.

Dillon: Tonight? What's the rush?

Luke: Dillon, we've already lost so much time. I don't want to lose another moment.

Tracy: Luke, I don't know how I feel about going public.

Luke: Well, I understand that, but I want to pay tribute to you, Tracy. I want everybody to know how much I love you and how much I want to be with you.

Dillon: Mom, maybe you should take a couple days to adjust to the engagement before you agree to a party.

Luke: We'll have it on the Haunted Star. I'll get Lulu to make all the arrangements.

Tracy: Well, I -- that sounds... not terrible.

Luke: Can I take that as an official "yes," fiancée?

Tracy: Yes, fiancé.

Luke: Thank you. You're both gonna know that I mean it. You're not gonna regret this.

Kiki: Wow. Seems like a weight's been lifted off your shoulders since you and Michael made peace.

Morgan: Yeah, it does feel that way.

Kiki: What do you say we get out of here?

Morgan: Yes, uh, I just need to -- I need to take a shower. So, I'll meet you for dinner?

Kiki: Actually, I made plans with Denise.

Morgan: Wow.

Kiki: It's gonna be quite the adventure.

Morgan: Yeah, no doubt.

Kiki: Why don't you come with us? I mean, we could both get to know my new aunt.

Morgan: Yeah, count me in. I, you know, I'd love to see what Ava's look-alike is all about, so... get out of here.

Denise: Come on, Doc. I'm on pins and needles over here. What's with all the drama? Who was Ava Jerome's mystery bone marrow donor?


Ava: I don't understand. Why couldn't you just tell me you were saving my life? What makes you think that I-I would have a problem with my bone marrow donor? Why would it make a difference to me who it was if it means I'll live?

Silas: Because it was your daughter.

Ava: I thought Kiki wasn't a match.

Silas: It wasn't Kiki. It was your other daughter.

[Back to the present]

Denise: Ava's other daughter? I don't get it.

Silas: It was Avery! Avery was your donor, Ava, and you damn well know it!

On the next "General Hospital" --


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