GH Transcript Monday 5/11/15

General Hospital Transcript Monday 5/11/15


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Anna: God, where is he? It's almost midnight.

[Clock chiming loudly]

Duke: Anna.

Anna: Oh, Duke, come on, we have to hurry. Sloane came to my hotel room. I think -- my God, Duke! What happened?! Duke!

Duke: Anna, darling...

Anna: What?! What?! What is it?! Oh! Honey! Look at me, look at me! Duke, come on!

Duke: [Breathing heavily]

Anna: Oh, God! Help!

Sloane: It's Sloane. I want to put out two APBs immediately. Duke Lavery and Anna Devane. I want them found. I want them found now.

Jordan: Do you really need to bring Anna in?

Sloane: Well, Anna may be shielding Duke, so he doesn't have to pay the price for what he's done.

Anna: I'm just gonna get help. Okay. Oh, come on. Hello, yes! T-this is Special Agent Anna Devane. I have a gunshot victim on Pier 54. Yeah. Uh, Duke Lavery. Yes, he's breathing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I will. I will. You need to get the ambulance here quick, do you underst-- no, no, no, wait! Wait, open your eyes. Open your eyes, Duke, come on. You stay with me! Please, Duke! Come on, listen -- look at me. Look at me! Answer me. Come on. All right, that's it, Duke.

Duke: I'm sorry... I'm sorry I kept you waiting. [Exhales heavily] How ungentlemanly of me.

Anna: It's okay, it's okay. The ambulance is coming, all right? Duke, look, I'll make a deal with you. Listen to me! You keep your eyes open and you stay with me, and we'll call it even. Okay? You promise? Duke, what happened? Who did this to you?

Carlos: Sabrina, I need your help.

Sabrina: Carlos, what is going on?

Carlos: Please, just let me inside before somebody sees me.

Sabrina: Why, what did you do?

Duke: He... caught me off-guard in... the parking garage.

Anna: Who?! Who caught you off-guard? Who was it, Duke? Hey, no, no, no! Hey, hey! Wake up! Duke, Duke! Duke, please!

Jake: I told you everything I know.

Nathan: I got it, I got it. You found the gun, you didn't fire it, you don't know who, if anyone was shot.

Jake: So you were listening.

Nathan: Yeah, I do that. And why should I believe that you are innocent? You shot me, if you remember, and then you almost killed a literal boatload of people, and then you turn around and you start working for Julian Jerome.

Julian: Where's my son?

Nurse: I'm sorry, can I help you?

Julian: Uh, my son -- my baby boy, do you know where he is?

Alexis: A baby boy was born prematurely at the Metro Court. The mother is Olivia Falconeri, and she was brought in by ambulance.

Nurse: It appears they haven't arrived yet.

Julian: What?! Well, why the hell not?! I mean, what kind of hospital are you running?

Nurse: Sir, the paramedics have to make a judgment call between getting here as fast as possible or the safest route for treating their patent. But I-I can follow up on this for you.

Alexis: Thank you. You need to let her do her job.

[Siren wails]

Julian: That is my son out there. I -- I have another -- another boy, and he should have been born in this hospital. And not on the floor of some hotel.

Alexis: You need to stay positive. You are lucky that Patrick was there.

Julian: What if he's not okay?

Alexis: All right, just -- just focus on what you know. The last time you saw the baby, the baby was fine.

Julian: You heard the nurse, Alexis. If the ambulance isn't here by now, that means they're treating him already. I m-- what if it's too late? What if he didn't make it?

Ned: Incoming!

Olivia: Somebody please! We need help!

Patrick: Get them to cubicle one now. I'll call the NICU team down. We need to stabilize the baby first.

Ned: Patrick, I want to stay with Liv.

Patrick: She's gonna be fine.

Ned: She just gave birth in a hotel lobby.

Patrick: And she did an amazing job. Right now, she's not in immediate danger.

Julian: Patrick, Patrick! Can you say the same about my son?

Patrick: Look, we're gonna do everything we can for the baby. Right now, you both need to stay out here.

Ned: No, did you not hear Patrick?

Julian: I'm gonna be with my son.

Ned: Like hell you are. You're gonna let these people do what they have to do for Liv and her son.

Julian: That is my baby in there fighting for his life, not yours. Now, I'm gonna be with him. If you're gonna run interference, you better plan on killing me.

Man: For those of you looking forward to "Access Port Charles: Fashion Cops -- Nurses' Ball Edition," we regret to inform you that due to comments made by one of our commentators, the show has been canceled.

Tracy: Oh! [Chuckles] Don't look at me like that, Luke. I know I should have gone to the Nurses' Ball, but it... wouldn't be the same without you by my side. Hopefully, the family was well represented.

[Door opens]

Tracy: Speak of the devil. Oh. It's you.

Michael: Oh, good evening to you, too, Tracy.

Tracy: I suppose your arrival means that Ned and his latest outer-borough conquest are still at the after-party.

Michael: I couldn't tell you. I didn't go. I just got back from driving Sabrina home.

Carlos: I swear, mi querida, I will explain everything. Just let me inside.

Sabrina: What is going on?

Carlos: Inside, please. [Sighs] I waited in the stairwell till Michael left. I'm -- I'm begging you, just let me inside. Please.

Sabrina: Fine! Get in here!

Carlos: Gracias, querida.

Sabrina: No, no, no, don't thank me yet. Not until you tell me what's going on.

Nathan: Why don't we start from the beginning? So Maxie and I are crossing through the parking garage when you tell us not to move. You're behind a car, which is a defensive position, by the way, and you've got a gun aimed at us.

Jake: [Sighs] Look, I complied with all your instructions. I put the gun on the ground, I slid it towards you, I put my hands on the car, I let you cuff me.

Nathan: What, do you want extra points for good behavior?

Jake: No. I'm trying to explain that I didn't resist, I didn't run, I've got nothing to hide.

Nathan: There was a gun in your hand and a pool of blood on the ground. I'm a cop. Come on, what's that look like to you?

Jake: Look, man, I keep telling you, the gun wasn't mine. It's not mine. I didn't fire it.

[Knock on door]

Man: Detective West? Yeah. Here's the preliminary on that 9 mil from the Metro garage.

Nathan: Thanks. Already?

Man: Well, you said it was a rush.

Nathan: Well, it is, but you're the only CSI who ever seems to listen. We get anything definitive?

Man: See for yourself.

Nathan: Take a look, shall we? You know, it appears that someone did fire that gun. So if it wasn't you, who was it?

Carlos: You're the best person that I know.

Sabrina: Carlos, don't start with me. All the compliments in the world are not gonna change the fact that you are at my door in the middle of the night. What the hell is going on with you?!

Carlos: [Grunting]


Carlos: I'm in real trouble, Sabrina. I need you to hide me.

Anna: Duke! Duke, don't do this! Come on, open your eyes! Open your eyes. Stay with me. Stay with me. Hey, come on!

Duke: [Mutters]

Anna: Come on, yes.

Duke: Anna?

Anna: I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. All right, and neither are you, okay? I'm not gonna lose you.

Duke: I have something to tell you.

Anna: It doesn't matter. It's all fine. It's all fine. The ambulance is on its way, okay?

Duke: Jordan... Jordan... she's in danger.

Anna: I know. I know what you were planning.

Duke: I... I tried to call... the hit off. I swear.

Anna: Good, good. Everything's all right, I promise you. Everything is taken care of. Jordan is alive, okay? The man you sent after her, he's dead.

Duke: [Sighs]

Jordan: What the hell is going on with Anna? And why is she meeting Duke tonight?

Sloane: It's on a need-to-know basis.

Jordan: No, I'm Anna's asset, and I'm also her friend, damn it, so, yeah, I do need to know.

Sloane: You need to leave this alone.

Jordan: Anna was genuinely surprised when Duke ordered the hit on me.

Sloane: [Sighs] Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?

Jordan: And she is actually still in love with him, and she's meeting him late at night tonight, that means the she's -- she's running away with him. I mean, that's it, right?

Sloane: You gotta stop. Does it matter? Does it matter? Duke ordered a hit. The target is a federal informant. He's gotta pay.

Shawn: Jordan, you okay? What the hell is going on?

Jordan: I'm fine, I'm fine. But as far as what's going on, that's a little complicated.

Shawn: You want to tell me what the hell is going on? What are you doing here, Commissioner? Why did I just see a body bag being wheeled out?

Sloane: I'm responding to a 911 call from the neighbors. It's a damn lucky thing I showed up, too. It seems someone tried to kill your girlfriend tonight.

Shawn: Is that right?

Jordan: Yes, yes. But I got the drop on it and, yeah, that could have been me in the stretcher.

Shawn: Well, who was it? Who tried to kill you?

Duke: [Breathing heavily] I tried to call the hit off.

Anna: I know.

Duke: And now Bruce is dead.

Anna: It's okay. It's all right. You tried to make it right.

Duke: Oh, Anna... I have so much blood on my hands.

Anna: I know. I know. It doesn't matter.

Duke: [Breathing heavily]

Anna: We're gonna fix everything. And then we're gonna go away together, the way we planned. Where do you want to go first? You want to go to Scotland? I think we should go home. You want to go to Scotland? Yeah? Where we'll settle. We're gonna buy a little cottage. And we'll fix it up, okay? And...[Sniffles] We'll get a couple of dogs. And we'll go for long walks. And, and... when the weather's really bad, which is always is... we'll sit by the fire... curl up together. And maybe I'll learn how to cook. [Chuckles] God knows we can't survive on my grilled cheese... and scrambled eggs. We'll have all the time in the world, okay? Just to talk and laugh. Yeah. And love each other.

Duke: [Breathing heavily]

Anna: It's gonna be glorious. [Sniffles] It's the life we planned for. All you have to do is hold on a little longer. You think you can do that? Duke? Duke... just hold on a little longer.

Sabrina: Carlos, what did you do?

Carlos: It doesn't matter. I just need your help.

Sabrina: What am I supposed to do this time? Lie to the police, lie to Felix?

Carlos: There's nobody else I can trust. Carlos?

Sabrina: I can't help you unless you tell me what you've done.

Carlos: I shot someone.

[Siren wails]

Anna: Okay, do you hear that? Do you? It's the ambulance, sweetheart. It's nearly here, okay? You just have to hang on a little longer. Okay? All right? I'm not gonna lose you. I'm not gonna lose you again, okay?

[Wailing continues]

Anna: You know, we don't have to go to Scotland first if you don't want to. We can go anywhere. I hear... they say Canada is really nice this time of year.

Duke: [Groans, breathes heavily]

Anna: Find a little place in Newfoundland and settle down, and maybe Emma could come see us. She'd be so happy to see you. She loves you so much. Or we could travel. We could just go where the wind takes us. Anywhere -- just be a couple of tourists. No deadlines, no missions. Just... two lovers... just walking the world, hand in hand.

Duke: [Exhales heavily]

Anna: I'd go anywhere with you, Duke. [Sobs] I'd go to the moon and back. I love you forever.

Duke: [Weakly] I love you, Anna. I... wherever we live, I know our life... would have been beautiful.

Anna: Yeah.

Duke: [Sighs]

Anna: Duke! Duke!! Oh, God! Please!

Jake: Why don't you check me for gunpowder residue? I didn't fire that gun.

Nathan: No? Yeah, well, somebody did. And now we know who got shot. Special Agent Anna Devane just called in a gunshot victim at Pier 54, which is not that far from the hotel garage, mind you. The injured man is Duke Lavery.

Jake: Is he okay?

Nathan: Well, the ambulance hasn't gotten there yet, so we don't know. You want to revise that statement?

Jake: No. I'm sorry he got shot, but I didn't shoot the man. Why would I shoot the man?

Nathan: Because you work for Julian Jerome.

Jake: I work in Julian's garage.

Nathan: That's another less-than-helpful answer. You know, for all of your supposed willingness to cooperate, I get the impression that there's something you're not telling me.

Julian: So what's it gonna be, Ned? Want to go a few rounds in the middle of the ER?

Ned: You arrogant ass. There is a scared mother in there, and she doesn't need you throwing a hissy fit while the doctors are doing everything they can to save her baby.

Julian: Why don't you stop being a guard dog so I can be by my son's side in his time of need, and you can be by Livia in hers. Hmm?

Alexis: Thank you, Ned.

Ned: I just hope to God he doesn't do something stupid to upset her.

Alexis: [Sighs]

Sam: They're gonna save the baby, right? I mean, they have to.

Alexis: I don't know, honey. I -- I don't know.

Tracy: Was I right?

Michael: Yeah, you were right. AJ is sound asleep.

Tracy: Mm-hmm. So maybe next time you should trust that Aunt Tracy knows what she's talking about when it comes to that baby?

Michael: Yeah, will do. Do you have any extra snacks?

Tracy: Help yourself.

Michael: [Sighs]

Tracy: Did Sabrina enjoy the Nurses' Ball?

Michael: Yeah, she said she did.

Tracy: You and your hand-picked nanny seem to be getting...closer.

Michael: Yeah. Yeah, we are.

Tracy: You think that's wise from a business standpoint?

Michael: I don't follow.

Tracy: Sabrina is an employee. That leaves you open to a sexual-harassment suit.

Michael: Sabrina doesn't work at ELQ. She works for me. So if we want to have a personal relationship, no one else has a say. It's our business.

Tracy: Dating an employee, be it driver, nanny, or executive vice president, shows questionable judgment, strengthening the case for why Ned should take over as CEO of ELQ.

Michael: Tracy...[Sighs] You wouldn't be saying that if you knew my case for why he shouldn't.

Olivia: [Gasping]

Doctor: I need to check your bleeding. You may feel some pressure.

Olivia: Just tell me what's happening with my baby! Patrick, how is he?

Patrick: His lungs are underdeveloped, so we're breathing for him. We're trying to get his body temperature up very, very carefully. We're gonna get him stabilized and get him to NICU.

Olivia: Just save him, please. Please.

Julian: Olivia, what's going on? What's going on, huh?

Ned: Hey, hey, hey, hey, I'm right here. Yeah, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere.

Olivia: My baby's not breathing. He's not.

Ned: No, no, no, no, no. Hey, hey, hey, Liv, he's gonna be fine. He's gonna be fine. He's a Falconeri. He's a Falconeri, and that means he's a fighter, just like his mother. Yeah. He's gonna be fine.

Jake: I work for Julian Jerome in his garage as a mechanic. I was headed to the elevators in the Metro Court garage tonight, I saw the gun and the blood on the ground. I heard a noise, I grabbed the gun to defend myself, but I didn't fire that gun.

Nathan: Yeah, see, but the ballistics report confirms that the gun was fired.

Jake: That's fantastic. I didn't fire it. You know what? I've cooperated with you, and now I'm done. I'm not saying another word until my lawyer gets here, so let's call the lawyer.

Shawn: Who tried to kill you?

Jordan: It was, um, one of the Jeromes.

Shawn: Those sons of --

Jordan: Hey! Listen, I'm okay.

Shawn: That's the second time they tried to kill you. Did you -- did you recognize the shooter?

Jordan: Yeah, it was one of the Jeromes. It was a low-level nobody. I actually remember him from when I worked with Julian and Ava.

Shawn: I'm surprised they didn't use one of their more reliable men.

Jordan: Well, small favors, right?

[Cell phone rings]

Shawn: Yeah.

[Ringing continues]

Nathan: What's up? Duke Lavery is on the way to the ER at General Hospital. He's been shot.

Sloane: What? Is Anna Devane with him?

Nathan: Yeah, she called it in. Why?

Sloane: Never mind. You got any leads?

Nathan: Yeah, we have one suspect in custody -- Jake Doe, but he's refusing to answer any questions.

Sloane: Jake?!

Sabrina: You shot someone.

Carlos: [Sighs]

Sabrina: Get out.

Carlos: What?

Sabrina: You heard me -- get out.

Carlos: What? No!

Sabrina: I'm not covering for you.

Carlos: No, no, no, no, no!

Sabrina: I can't do this anymore! I can't lie for you!

Carlos: Listen to me.

Sabrina: If you killed somebody like you did last time.

Carlos: Please -- no, no, I didn't kill anybody. I'm talking about what happened with Ava.

Sabrina: What?

Carlos: My trial. Remember, it starts tomorrow. I'm skipping town. I'm skipping town before it goes against me.

EMT: We've got a GSW. To the abdomen. BP is 70 over 40. Tachycardic, and he lost a lot of blood.

Sam: Oh, my God.

Dr. Curtis: Go, I got this.

Tracy: Ned has more business experience than you, and he has the respect of the board.

Michael: He only has the respect of the board because I've been covering his ass.

Tracy: [Laughs] What are you talking about?

Michael: Ned gave his 11.5% of ELQ away.

Tracy: You must be mistaken.

Michael: I am telling the truth. What hurts more is who he gave them to. Franco.

Tracy: Impossible. Ned would never do that.

Michael: I'm telling you he did. He gave his shares to that psychopath just like you did.

Tracy: Why?

Michael: I -- we were interrupted before Ned could tell me the whole story, but... he did it to protect someone.

Tracy: Who?

Ned: I want you to keep your eyes on me, okay, and let the doctors do their job.

Olivia: Wh-- what if I brought this all on my kid? [Sniffles] What is this is God's way of punishing me?

Ned: No.

Olivia: No, I lied. I lied. I s-- I said that Julian wasn't the father, but I was just trying to keep my baby safe. And now -- and now he's in danger anyway.

Ned: Hey, listen, Livvie, I am no expert on religion, but that is not the God I know. Listen to me. You did the best you could for your son, and now he's doing his best for you, okay? He's hanging in there. Don't count him out. Don't count him out.

Dr. Curtis: Heart rate's 120. There's an improvement in breath sounds. Sat's 85%. What's the temp?

Julian: Where the hell did Drake go?! My son needs him.

Dr. Curtis: Sir? I need you to step back and be quiet.

Julian: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Who the hell are you? Some sort of fly-by-night intern? I want a doctor in here!

Dr. Curtis: Sir, I assure you that I am a real doctor. Neonatal surgery is my specialty. You want me in here tending to your son and not patching up a GSW. Now, I'll ask you again to please stay back so that I may continue helping your son.

Julian: You're not old enough to be a damn surgeon. I want a real doctor in here right now. Do you have any idea who I am?

Dr. Curtis: That's it. It's getting too crowded in here. One of these men needs to go so that we can do our jobs.

Patrick: What happened?

Anna: He was shot. I-I don't know who did it.

Patrick: How long has he been unconscious?

Anna: 10 minutes, 15 maybe.

Patrick: Okay, we need four bags of O-neg, get him into trauma room one.

Anna: Okay, do it.

Patrick: I need an abdominal X-ray and an ultrasound.

Anna: Stay with me. Come on, we're nearly there.

Sloane: Yeah, tell Mr. Doe I'll be there to question him personally.

Nathan: Yeah, but, sir, he's not speaking without a lawyer.

Sloane: Thank you, Detective. That will be all.

Shawn: You know, I think we've seen plenty of each other tonight.

Sloane: I'm inclined to agree.

Shawn: Yeah. We've got everything covered here. You can leave any time.

Sloane: It goes without saying, PCPD will be watching in case anybody feels like retaliating. I trust you're not gonna escalate this mob war any more tonight.

Olivia: I want Ned to stay.

Julian: Olivia, please. You can't do this to me. I'm the baby's father. Please.

Dr. Curtis: You're stressing out the mother and interfering with our work.

Ned: Julian, please, for the love of God, just don't cause any more of a scene. Look at Olivia, okay? She's already been through too much already. Just do what a father's supposed to do right now, and that's focus on what's best for your son.

Alexis: Christina was premature. And I remember being so terrified, but... she made it through. She's fine. And they've made so many advances since then.

Sam: Yeah, the doctors are giving him everything he needs. I think he's gonna pull through.

Julian: [Sighs] Ach!

Sam: Dad, what happened?

Julian: What's happening is that I was asked to leave while my son is fighting for his life. And your boyfriend passed him on to some kid. I mean, where the hell is Patrick anyway?

Sam: He's actually treating someone else -- Duke Lavery.

Julian: What?

Sam: Yeah, he, uh -- he was shot tonight.

Alexis: As your lawyer... and someone who loves you... is there anything you want to tell me about that?

Sabrina: You're skipping your trial? Have you lost your mind?

Carlos: I'm not gonna give Scott Baldwin the satisfaction of convicting me.

Sabrina: What are you talking about? You said that everything was looking good, that you were probably gonna be acquitted.

Carlos: There's no guarantees in trial.

Sabrina: Well, no, of course not, but Julian isn't gonna testify against you now that you work for him. And the DA's office never even subpoenaed me to testify.

Carlos: Oh, that's a relief. I hated the thought of dragging you into my mess.

Sabrina: When did it become a mess? A few days ago, you were convinced that you were gonna beat the charges, and now you want to run away? Why, Carlos? What changed?

[Monitor beeping]

Anna: Hey, Duke. Hi. I know you can hear me. I need you to wake up now. Come on, 'cause we got so much to do, sweetheart. Duke, come on.

Patrick: Anna, you need to step out.

Anna: Oh, I'm not leaving.

Patrick: Please, you need to let us do our job.

Anna: No, but he can hear me. I want to --

Patrick: Anna, please. Trust me.

Anna: Okay.

Alexis: I know this isn't a good time, but I need to be prepared to defend you. Did you have anything to do with the attack on --

Julian: [Grunts as Anna slaps him]

Shawn: The Jeromes have taken two shots at you in the last few days. I can't stand by and do nothing.

Jordan: What are you saying?

Shawn: It's time to give Julian a warning.

Jordan: No. Come on, no. We can't afford to be reckless again. No.

Shawn: Again? What are you saying? Tonight's hit was because I slugged Julian after the Nurses' Ball?

Jordan: No, this hit was clearly in motion before our little run-in, but you heard Sloane. We are under surveillance right now. If we make one wrong move, he's gonna be all over us. Look, let's just... I just want to go back to your place. I just want you to hold me and just... help me forget this ever happened.

Nathan: Commissioner.

Sloane: Detective, how's Lavery doing?

Nathan: Well, he's at the ER. Anna's with him. Did I -- did I see you put out an APB for her as well?

Sloane: No, that must have been a mistake with everything going on today. Somebody must have misheard me. How's our suspect?

Nathan: Well, he's not real talkative.

Sloane: That's interesting. Anything else, Detective?

Nathan: Well, I was gonna --

Sloane: No, I'm gonna question the suspect alone. You're dismissed.

Jake: What took you so long?

Sloane: Please tell me you didn't shoot Duke just to get in further with the Jeromes.

Jake: No, I didn't shoot Duke. But I have a pretty good idea who did.

Sabrina: I ask you a simple question. If you could just be honest, then maybe I could help you.

Carlos: My case isn't looking so good anymore. You remember that package you called me about -- the lawyer had sent here?

Sabrina: Yes, I remember.

Carlos: It was a deposition from a witness. He said he saw me and Ava on the bridge that night.

Sabrina: Oh, my God.

Carlos: Yeah. Who?

Sabrina: I don't know. I don't know his name. It didn't look familiar. It was some kid. He had a telescope. He was out looking at the stars, and he happened to be pointing his telescope right at the bridge where Ava and I were. He said he saw me shoot her when she was unarmed. [Chuckles] Just my luck, right? Now the lawyer says he can't make any promises.

Sabrina: I see.

Carlos: I can't go back to Pentonville. I barely survived last time. If Ava's lies hadn't been uncovered, I'd still be there. Or more likely, I'd be dead.

Sabrina: Wait. Dead? Don't you think that's a bit of a stretch?

Carlos: I made a lot of enemies there. I cannot go back.

Sabrina: So that's it? You're just gonna run?

Carlos: Tomorrow. If I had anywhere else I could hole up tonight, I would go there. I hate that I'm putting you in this position again, but I got no choice. Will you hide me for the night?

Anna: You bastard! You did this, didn't you?!

Sam: Hey, hey! Come on, Anna. Anna, stop.

Anna: Yeah, I should. What, you gonna tell your daughter? Why don't you? Can you tell her the truth? You don't have the guts.

Sam: What are you talking about?

Anna: You know, it may not have been you that pulled the trigger, but you sure as hell gave the order. I was watching you tonight. The Nurses' Ball, sitting there with your smug smile, pretending to be some kind of charitable benefactor. All the time, you got one of your thugs out there ready to murder Duke!

Sam: Look, calm down, please.

Anna: I'm not gonna calm down. You've had a hit out on him for weeks. Now you've finally done what you've wanted to do for 25 years, which is you shot Duke in cold blood. And he's in there fighting for his life, thanks to you.

Patrick: Bullet must have ricocheted. The scans came back positive in the pleural space. He's got a hemothorax. He's losing blood fast. We need another bag.

[Monitor beeping]

Patrick: No, no, no, Duke, Duke, don't do this.

Nurse: He's crashing.

Patrick: Hey, stay with me. Charge the paddles. Start chest compressions.

[Monitor beeping]

[Paddle whirring]

Patrick: Clear. Charge again.

Nurse: Still in V-tach.

Patrick: Clear. Come on, Duke, come on!

Shawn: You gave me quite a scare -- again.

Jordan: And I handled myself -- again.

Shawn: That you did.

Jordan: Mm-hmm.

Shawn: But you're not gonna have to do it alone next time.

Jordan: How do you figure?

Shawn: Well, I'm not letting you out of my sight until all this dies down.

Jordan: Okay. That sounds like a plan. Okay. Okay.

Shawn: Let's get out of here.

Jordan: All right, let me get my keys.

Shawn: Oh, by the way, that shipment Duke and Bruce called me about...

Jordan: Mm-hmm.

Shawn: ...Never landed. I waited at the pier, but no one showed up.

Jordan: Really?

Shawn: Yeah. I'm not quite sure what the hell is going on, but, look, I called Duke, and he hasn't answered.

Julian: I don't know what you're talking about. I never ordered a hit on Lavery.

Anna: Oh, God. Really, you're just gonna stand there and lie? You haven't changed a bit. You're still the same spoiled, sniveling coward you always were. You can order the death of somebody or you can maybe pull the trigger yourself, but you just don't have the steel to own it, do you? He used to hide behind his father. Who you gonna hide behind now? What, Alexis maybe? Or your daughter? Is that what you're gonna do? Well, you can't hide from me, because, look, I promise you something. If anything happens to Duke, I am gonna make you pay -- and whoever pulled that trigger. And, you know, I'm not even gonna wait for the courts, because I don't give a damn about due process. I'm gonna come after you myself with my own hands. And I'm gonna own it.

Alexis: Tell me she isn't right. Tell me you weren't responsible for this.

Julian: Excuse me. Hey. Hey! What's going on? Where'd they take our son? Oh, my God. No, no, no.

Tracy: Olivia? [Scoffs] That doesn't make any sense.

Michael: Well, it did to Ned. He gave Franco his 11.5% of ELQ because he said it was the only way to protect Olivia.

Tracy: When I gave my shares to Jerry Jacks, it was because I believed that Luke's life was in danger. Surely, Ned does not believe anything that dire is gonna happen to Olivia.

Michael: Well, I got the impression that Franco knows something pretty damning about Olivia, something so bad that Ned was willing to give up everything to protect her.

Tracy: Phew! I hope Ned knows what he's getting into.

Michael: [Sighs]

Sabrina: What are you getting me into? Why do I keep putting myself on the line for you?

Carlos: So, is that a yes? Can I spend the night?

Sabrina: Felix texted that he's not coming home, so... yes, you can stay.

Carlos: Gracias.

Sabrina: But... you have to be gone by the time Felix gets home in the morning.

Carlos: I'll be gone before sunrise. I will always regret the things that I've done to make your life harder.

Sabrina: Trust me, so do I.

Carlos: [Chuckles] I guess it's good that you finally wised up and kicked me to the curb, huh?

Sabrina: Probably.

Carlos: Oh, don't worry. Once I leave town, I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna come crashing back into your life. You'll never see me again.

Jake: It had to be Rivera.

Sloane: You think Rivera shot Duke?

Jake: Well, I think he planned to do it a couple weeks ago -- when Hayden found Carlos in our hotel room with a sniper rifle.

Sloane: Yeah, he told me this theory at the Nurses' Ball.

Jake: Yes. Now, look, that room, it overlooks the terrace. Go interview the staff, I guarantee you, they're gonna tell you that Lavery was there that afternoon, Carlos was gonna kill him, but Hayden interrupted. So...what's he do? He waits, looks for a second chance, and he found it tonight in the Metro Court garage.

Sloane: It all tracks.

Jake: Now I got your guys breathing down my neck 'cause they think I shot Duke. What are we gonna do about that?

Sloane: No, you're right. They do. And that's exactly what we're gonna let 'em think.

Jake: We're gonna -- we're gonna do what? Hey, man.

[Door opens, closes]

Anna: Patrick? What's going on? How's Duke?

Julian: Olivia... is our -- is our son, is he...

Olivia: He's fine. These are good tears.

Ned: The doctor said he's about to stabilize the baby and take him to the NICU.

Julian: [Sighs]

Ned: He's not out of the woods, but he's hanging in there.

Julian: So he's alive. [Sighs] Our son's okay.

Patrick: Anna... I...

Anna: What? Is it -- he's all right, isn't he? He made it, didn't he?

Patrick: I'm so sorry.

Anna: What do you mean? [Laughs] What do you mean? No.

Patrick: Anna --

Anna: No. We're going away together. That's what we were gonna do tonight. So I have to... I have to take him with me. [Sobs] Duke! I'm here, Duke. Oh, God. We're supposed to be going away together. I want to go away with you. I want to go away... I just want to live with you forever. [Sobbing] Please. Won't you just wake up?

On the next "General Hospital" --


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