GH Transcript Friday 4/24/15

General Hospital Transcript Friday 4/24/15


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By

Silas: Detective West.

Nathan: Oh, come on. We used to be brothers-in-law. You can't call me Nathan?

Silas: Depends on whether you're here in an official capacity.

Nathan: I am but not for you. Thought you'd be back in Manhattan. How's your patient doing?

Sonny: Michael, hear me out.

Michael: Why?

Sonny: I know my word doesn't mean much to you anymore, but I swear to you, on my life, on my daughter's life, I did not have you drugged.

Michael: I never thought you did. I know who set me up, got me to drink, knowing the drugs would make me lose control. The people who drugged me were at the Metro Court restaurant that day.

[Elevator bell dings]

Sonny: Morgan, Kiki.

Morgan: What's going on?

Sonny: What are you doing here?

Michael: Saving me the trip.

Kiki: Is it Avery?

Morgan: Yeah, do we have news on her?

Michael: Stop talking, the both of you! I know what you did.

[Cell phone rings]

Jake: Yeah. Yeah, no, no. Not yet. Not yet. I told you this was gonna take some time. Trust me. I've heard you. If I don't find out who Jerome's target is, I go straight to Pentonville. Yeah, I got that. But here's the thing, man. I can't give you what I don't have. Jerome hasn't named the target yet.

[Gun cocks]

Carlos: Come on.

TJ: I'm sorry. It's just, no one's ever done something like this for me before.

Duke: Well, you've earned it, and, well, as Shawn said, we take care of our own.

Shawn: Thank you, Duke. You know, despite the occasional difference of opinion, yes, we've always got each other's back.

Duke: Well, as it should be.

Shawn: Look, what you've given TJ has gone above and beyond. You're one hell of a guy, Lavery.

[Gun shot]

Jordan: Major player? That could be three, four people in the Corinthos organization. Yeah. Sonny, who's not nearly as hands-off as he'd like the courts to believe. Shawn, it could be Max... hell, it could even be me.

Anna: Move!

Jordan: Oh! Damn it!


Anna: Are you all right?!

Jordan: It's my ankle!

Anna: Are you hit?!

Jordan: No, I just twisted it on my way down. Who the hell is that?!

[More gunshots are exchanged]

Anna: I don't know. Stay there!

Jordan: Anna! Anna, wait! You need backup!

TJ: You won't be sorry, Mr. Lavery. I'll maintain my GPA from last semester. I'll even better it.

Duke: I have no doubt.

Carlos: [Grumbles] Come on, kid, move!

TJ: I'm gonna try and get in touch with mom again. This news is gonna blow her away.

Carlos: There we are. Alone at last.

[Door opens and Carlos stows his gun under the bed]

Carlos: [Clears throat]

Hayden: [Gasps] Holy crap!

Carlos: It's okay.

Hayden: Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my room?

Carlos: Um... wait.

Hayden: Forget it. I'm calling the police.

Carlos: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Hayden: This is Hayden Barnes. I'd like to report --

Carlos: I'm a friend of your husband's. Friend of your husband's -- Jake.

Jake: Look, Jerome has to trust me, and that's not gonna happen overnight. Well, I'll stop saying it when you start listening to me. Look, I need more time, man. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's great. I also hope no one gets hurt. Yeah, thank you.

[Door opens]

Carly: Oh! Take it easy. You know, someone could get hurt. Unless somebody already has.

Sonny: Michael -- Michael, I don't know what you're getting into, but you might want to take a second. You understand?

Michael: Take a second? What? So Morgan can lie again? It's too late. Sabrina and I already know the truth.

Morgan: What truth? That you're out of control?

Michael: I'm out of control?! I'm out of control. You know, Morgan, I knew you were good for a sucker punch here and there or lying directly to my face, but this? You've completely outdone yourself here.

Morgan: Mm. Let me see if I -- if I understand this. You want us to swipe Michael's allergy medicine --

Kiki: They are not allergy meds. They are drugs that make him lose control.

Morgan: The point is -- point is, if they're missing, he's gonna know something's up.

Kiki: Don't you still have the original pills?

Morgan: Yes.

Kiki: Then we'll just swap out the ones that he's been taking for the real ones. We just came to see if there was any news about Avery. Nobody's told us anything.

Michael: That's why you're here?

Kiki: Yeah. Why else?

Michael: You know exactly why else.

Morgan: What the hell is he talking about? Oh, now he's walking away? Has he been drinking again? Is that what's going on?

Sonny: We are gonna finish this conversation inside. Let's go.

Morgan: Oh, man.

Sonny: Come on. I want to know exactly what you and Kiki are doing here, Morgan.

Michael: Well, it's simple. Morgan and Kiki drugged me with these.

Nathan: So, my mother says that you've been spending all your time at your old hospital in the city?

Silas: And what -- neglecting my patients here in Port Charles?

Nathan: No, no, no, no. She admits that they're all well taken care of, although I do think she'd prefer it if you made this hospital your main focus.

Silas: And I'm sure she mentioned that repeatedly.

Nathan: Yeah. Listen, I know you were, uh, trying to protect the privacy of your patient in New York, but may I ask why they were such a priority?

Ava: I'm so tired. I know that I've asked a lot of you already -- too much -- but I need to ask you this one last thing. Promise me that when you come back from Port Charles, you'll make this all go away. Promise me that you will help me die.

Silas: The patient was... a friend.

Nathan: "Was"?

Silas: She died.

Nathan: It can't be easy to lose a patient, especially one that's a friend. And I'm really sorry for your loss.

Silas: Thank you. It was a tough one.

Nathan: You got a lot more courage than I do. I -- I could never do what you do. Cancer... [Chuckles] Scares the crap out of everybody I know, myself included. You know, to keep fighting knowing that there are times you won't win. How -- how do you do it?

Silas: You do the best you can with the resources you have. You keep looking for answers, and if they don't come, try to see the patient through to the end.

Ava: Why prolong the agony, right? The sooner you stick me with that needle, the sooner I'll be out of my misery. I just want this to be over.

Silas: [Breathes deeply] To help them any way you can.

Kiki: Why we're talking about anything other than finding our little sister is beyond me.

Michael: I am so sick of you two and all the lies. Just admit what you did.

Morgan: What am I -- what is this? Is that your allergy medication or something?

Michael: Yeah, it's supposed to be my allergy medication, but you know what? Something strange happened when I was taking it. On two separate occasions, I had these pills after having a couple drinks, and I was totally wasted.

Morgan: Wow. That's pretty stupid. You probably shouldn't be drinking on those, then.

Sabrina: Michael could get tired, yes...

Michael: But not turn into a raving lunatic.

Morgan: So you had a bad reaction to your medication. What does that have to do with us?

Michael: Sabrina got the pills tested, and guess what -- it's not my allergy medication. What's this called again?

Sabrina: Alprazolam.

Michael: Alprazolam. Mix it with alcohol, it's basically a roofie.

Morgan: Well, you know what, Michael? I guess you should talk to your pharmacy, then.

Michael: I'm speaking to you. Forget about what these -- these drugs could've done to me. I don't give a damn about that. But what if I got behind the wheel with AJ. Or could've been holding her and fall over or completely pass out? Our sister could've been seriously hurt! And you and Kiki, you went on and on about how much you love her. She's your sister, right? How could you do something like this?

Morgan: You know what? You're pissed that your pharmacy mixed up your medication. I get that. But I mean, to blame us? That's -- I mean, that's kind of ridiculous.

Michael: Enough! Enough! Okay?! You wanted me to lose custody! You wanted me to look unfit so CPS could come in and take AJ away from me, right?! Morgan, no. Just for once admit what you did, okay? Be an adult and tell the truth. You switched my pills, and you drugged me.

Morgan: You don't really believe this, do you?

Shawn: If it helps your guy Bruce, I'm happy to put pressure on someone over at Jerome's garage. See what I can find out. After all, I'll owe you big for what you just did for TJ.

TJ: Mom's still not picking up. Mom, Mom, hey, uh, Shawn and I are at Metro Court, and we have big news. Give me a shout when you have a chance. Mr. Lavery just did us a solid. Okay, bye.


Anna: Jordan?

Jordan: [Sighs] Oh, God.

Anna: You all right?

Jordan: Yeah. Did you get him?

Anna: No. No, I didn't. He disappeared.

Jordan: Oh, God.

Anna: I called Sloane, you know.

Jordan: Yeah.

Anna: Obviously, this is a professional job.

Jordan: Right, aimed at me.

Anna: Well, yeah. Julian doesn't want me dead... I don't think.

Jordan: God, it's -- this is crazy. Ow! You know, I always knew it was a possibility, especially -- aah! -- After I flipped, but I just assumed that it would always be Duke, you know?

Anna: Yes. I'm sure that's what Julian was counting on. He lulled you into a false sense of security, and then when you were least expecting it...

Jordan: Yeah, well, it worked. My guard was as good as down.

Anna: But you're all right. That's all that matters.

Jordan: Because of you. I mean, Anna, if you hadn't been there.

Anna: No one can know that.

Jordan: Wait. Know what?

Anna: Well, I was never here.

Jordan: Right. Right, of course, of course.

Anna: The story is...

Jordan: Uh-huh.

Anna: ...That you saw the shooter out of the corner of your eye, you dove for cover, and then you opened fire.

Jordan: Okay. I mean, I wonder if -- if they're gonna send someone else after me.

Anna: Well, not for a bit. This was a botched hit. Julian and his soldiers are gonna lie low for a while until the heat subsides.

Carly: What's going on, Jake?

Jake: Oh, nothing. I'm just having a rough day. That's all.

Carly: About anything in particular?

Jake: Sloane is pressuring me to get more information out of Julian, and, well, I can't get any.

Carly: What the hell's he thinking? You're working on it. What else does he want you to do?

Jake: I don't know. There's nothing more I can do, okay? He's just afraid that we're gonna run out of time.

Carly: Time for what?

Jake: [Sighs] Look, I told you, I don't want you involved in this undercover nonsense, okay? I told you I'm not gonna tell you anything that I find out from Jerome, so just...

Carly: Maybe I can help you.

Jake: You can help me by staying out of it. Can you do that?

Carly: Fine. Why don't I do the talking?

Jake: Oh, you're gonna do the talking now. That never happens.

Carly: This isn't a joke. You're gonna want to hear this. This is about your so-called wife.

Hayden: Never mind. False alarm. Thank you. One press of this button, I get them right back.

Carlos: Understood. I'm not here to hurt you. Like I said, I'm friends with Jake.

Hayden: Well, that's strange, because the only friends of Jake's that I know of are of female persuasion.

Carlos: We work together.

Hayden: You're a grease monkey, too?

Carlos: Yeah. Kind of. We -- we met in the garage. Mr. Jerome is our boss.

Hayden: That's fascinating. Still doesn't explain what you're doing in our room.

Carlos: I needed to see him.

Hayden: But do you see Jake? No, because he's not here, and neither was I, so how the hell did you get in here?

Carlos: Housekeeping let me in.

Hayden: What did you tell them?

Carlos: I lost my key.

Hayden: And the fact that they've never seen your face in this room before...?

Carlos: I have an honest face.

Hayden: Yeah. No, you don't.

Carlos: Damn. [Chuckles] Look, I really needed to see Jake, and I was afraid he wouldn't answer the door.

Hayden: Hmm. I thought you're such good friends.

Carlos: I didn't say we were friends.

Hayden: Yes, you did.

Carlos: I said we work together.

Hayden: After telling me you were friends.

Carlos: Okay, I exaggerated a little bit, okay? Look, I just -- I really need to speak to him. It's -- it's important.

Hayden: So important you had to break in here. By the way, have you heard of a telephone?

Carlos: If he's not gonna answer the door, you think he's gonna pick up the telephone?

Hayden: Wow. My husband really doesn't like you, huh?

Carlos: We got off on the wrong foot.

Hayden: Now, that I can believe. So, what happened?

Carlos: I didn't think he could be trusted.

Hayden: [Chuckles] Says the guy deftly skilled at breaking and entering. So, what -- you came over to tell him that you changed your mind?

Carlos: Kind of, yeah, something like that. I thought about it, and I realized I was wrong.

Hayden: I get it. Like, an olive-branch type thing.

Carlos: Yeah. Now can we stop with the interrogation?

Hayden: Totally. I just have one more question.

Carlos: Shoot.

Hayden: Why'd you bring a gun?

Jake: Oh, I should've never let you investigate Hayden.

Carly: Let me? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Jake: Look, I don't have time for this, okay?

Carly: You don't have time to find out the truth about this woman who is claiming to be your wife?

Jake: No, I do not.

Carly: Yes, you do, because this is important. It's your life, Jake.

Jake: Carly, I'm in my place of business, my place of work. I am very busy right now.

Carly: No, you're not, and you can get back to all this work after we have this very important conversation.

Jake: You're not gonna stop till you get this off your chest, are you?

Carly: No.

Jake: Okay. Okay. Here. Go.

Carly: You're gonna thank me in about two minutes. You should check the attitude.

Jake: We'll see. Let's hear it. Come on.

Carly: All right, here's the deal.

Anna: Jake -- oh, Jake Barnes. Hello, Carly.

Carly: Hi.

Jake: Hi. Ms. Devane.

Anna: Ah, no. Special Agent Devane.

Jake: Oh, good for you.

Anna: Yeah. Where's Julian?

Jake: Oh, he's out. Left a while ago.

Anna: Do you know where he went?

Jake: He didn't tell me, so, no, I don't.

Anna: Then I suppose you'll have to answer my questions.

Carly: About what?

Anna: No, it has nothing to do with you.

Jake: Carly was just leaving.

Carly: No, I'm not.

Jake: Yeah. You are. Come on. We'll finish this later.

Carly: We are gonna finish this later.

Jake: We are.

Carly: 'Cause you need to hear this.

Jake: Okay. Be safe. Goodbye. There we go.

Anna: [Sighs] It's been a while since I've had the pleasure. How's it going?

Jake: It's going. I got a job.

Anna: I see that. Working for Julian Jerome.

Jake: There a problem?

Anna: It depends. What do you know about the shooting that just took place on Pier 54?

Shawn: Still nothing?

TJ: Nope.

Shawn: Well, maybe she's turned her phone off. Well, now, didn't you say you had some studying to do?

Duke: You better get to it.

Shawn: Especially after you promised Duke you'd keep your grades up.

TJ: I will, I will. I'm just dying to tell her about this.

Shawn: Well, I'll arrange a dinner. How's that? You can tell your mom tonight.

TJ: Would you like to join us, Mr. Lavery? I know my mom would love to thank you in person.

Duke: Oh, that's a very kind offer, but, uh, I already have plans.

TJ: Oh! There she is! [Laughs] Mom!

Jordan: Hey! Um, hey, what are you doing here? I didn't realize you'd be here.

TJ: You didn't get my message?

Jordan: No, I haven't checked my phone in a while. What's up?

TJ: Something huge. Look, I got a notice saying that they're upping tuition at PCU, and my scholarship wasn't gonna cover it. Sucks, right? Except it doesn't, because Mr. Lavery is gonna pay the difference.

Jordan: Wow. Um... that's --

TJ: Mom, that's amazing, right?

Jordan: Yeah. Uh...yes. That -- that's -- thank you. Thank you so much.

Shawn: Jordan, what's going on? You all right?

Nathan: I really hope that I didn't disturb your patient when I came to see you in New York.

Silas: Forget about it. You were very respectful of my patient's privacy, agreeing to interview me in the hall.

Nathan: I didn't really want to do it at all, but we have to pursue every possible avenue. That baby's still missing, and the longer she's gone, the less likely it is she'll ever be recovered.

Sonny: Somebody did this to your brother. And it wasn't me.

Morgan: Oh, okay. So now I'm the culprit, right?

Sonny: I'm just asking if there's any truth to what he's saying.

Morgan: This is ridiculous. You honestly think that we switched out your pills and then magically got you to drink?

Michael: Yes.

Morgan: And then hoped that you would do something so stupid as knocking over Avery's stroller, right?

Michael: That's exactly what I think.

Morgan: Well, I think you're demented. Because why would I risk hurting my baby sister like that?

Michael: Because you don't think about the consequences, Morgan! You lie, you betray, endanger our sister's life! And then you wait for someone else to come along and clean up your mess.

Sonny: Maybe the pharmacy made a mistake.

Morgan: Thank you. Finally.

Michael: No, no, Morgan and Kiki drugged me. You know, I don't hear you defending yourself. Why is that?

Morgan: Yeah, maybe because think about what you're saying, the accusations you're making.

Michael: I've thought about it a lot, actually. You know, that day I came home, and you were upstairs, and you said you were visiting AJ?

Morgan: Yeah. And?

Michael: That's when you switched the pills. Was right when my allergies started acting up, and I remember thinking, "It's strange that these pills aren't working the way they used to." But you know what? I still took them anyway.

Morgan: And that's all you got?

Michael: No, actually. When I ran into you two at the Metro Court, you guys were playing it up, kissing, rubbing it in my face that you two were back together. You know, I bought it. I bought it. I fell into your trap, and I started drinking. Did you two have a good laugh at my expense, huh? You guys must have been thrilled when I tipped over AJ's stroller, nearly injured our sister.

Morgan: I mean, are you listening to yourself? How -- how would we know that you're gonna do that?

Michael: Morgan, because we're brothers, and we know each other, or at least I thought we did.

Morgan: Look, you want to come at me, that's fine. Go ahead.

Sabrina: Michael, don't!

Kiki: Morgan!

Sonny: Hey, hey, hey!

Michael: What the hell is this? You trying to drug me again?

Kiki: No.

Michael: So that's why you really came here -- not to check on news about AJ, but to get me to pop more pills. What, it wasn't enough that I already lost her?

Kiki: Michael, you're wrong.

Morgan: Those are mine. I got allergies, too.

Sonny: Since when, Morgan?

Michael: Those are my real allergy pills, aren't they? You're gonna switch them back to cover your tracks.

Morgan: They're pills, Michael. It's not about you. They're pills!

Sonny: You need to start telling the truth now.

Morgan: It's not my fault you don't believe me, all right?

Kiki: Morgan, just stop it, okay? It's -- it's over.

Sonny: You did it, Morgan. You did it. You drugged your brother.

Morgan: I drugged him for you, so you could get Avery back!

Sonny: Don't give me that.

Morgan: Dad -- Dad... I'm sorry. "I'm sorry."

Sonny: That's all you got?

Morgan: You didn't want him to have her, either!

Sonny: Of course, I didn't! 'Cause she's my daughter, and I love her, but I never thought in a million years that you would do something like this! I'm sorry.

Michael: Don't apologize on his behalf.

Sonny: I'm not. I'm apologizing for me. 'Cause I believed that -- you know, I should've never believed that you would have an issue with alcohol. You're not like that.

Morgan: Oh, here we go again.

Sonny: Shut up! Should've never believed it. You're not like that.

Morgan: Michael -- Michael "can't do nothing wrong" Corinth-- I'm sorry -- Quartermaine. And Morgan, the eternal screw-up, right? Stop looking at me like that.

Sonny: Okay. I don't even know how to look at you. What you did to your brother, I hate it, but he's a grown-up. He can handle it. He went to Pentonville --

Morgan: And I can't do anything right?

Sonny: But to do this to your little sister, to put her in danger...

Morgan: That's not true. That's not true.

Sonny: Listen to me. Avery, my little girl, is missing. If she's not found, this is on you.

Morgan: Dad -- Dad, the pills have nothing to do with the kidnapping.

Michael: Okay. Then what was AJ doing at the hospital in the first place, vulnerable? Because you made sure that she was removed from my care. You are a selfish, entitled idiot. If you can do this, you could do anything. And you know what? You probably did.

Morgan: What does that mean?

Michael: You took our sister, didn't you?

Silas: Just out of curiosity, am I still a suspect in the kidnapping?

Nathan: Well, you never were, except to my mother. But even that, I think, was just to deflect suspicion off of Franco. I mean, given his history, I think she was just afraid that he'd either done the kidnapping himself or was covering for Nina.

Silas: So you were being honest when you said you came into the city just to get my witness statement.

Nathan: What, did you think I was lying?

Silas: Well, let's just say, you wouldn't be the first cop that failed to mention that the person they were interviewing was actually a suspect.

Nathan: Relax. You're off the hook.

Silas: Well, I suppose it's comforting to know that I'm just a doctor and not a criminal.

Carlos: I don't want any trouble.

Hayden: That makes two of us.

Hayden: So we're cool?

Hayden: Get out. Unless you want me to revisit that call to the cops. [Sighs]

Jake: A shooting?

Anna: Yeah. Had all the earmarks of a mob hit. What do you know about it?

Jake: Nothing. Anybody hurt?

Anna: Why? Do you have to report back to your boss?

Jake: Concerned citizen.

Anna: Oh, I see. You're very concerned, yeah. Where were you an hour ago?

Jake: I was here.

Anna: With Carly?

Jake: No, actually. She showed up just before you did. I was here, though.

Anna: Okay. So there's no one to corroborate your whereabouts?

Jake: Again, I was here.

Anna: Ooh. Fixing engines and...

Jake: Carburetors, among other things, yes.

Anna: Uh-huh. I have no doubt.

Jake: Do you have a problem with me?

Anna: Do I? No. Well, other than the fact that you held a woman hostage and shot one of my best officers, no.

Jake: Yeah, unfortunately, yeah, that happened but not from my own free will.

Anna: Right. Yeah, you were coerced by Helena Cassadine. However, she didn't give you your skills. You already had that. Which leads me to believe that you weren't at the pier, because I've seen you in action, and you're nothing if not accurate. If you were the shooter, you wouldn't have missed.

Jake: So the hit was botched?

Anna: [Chuckles] Should we just start again? What do you know about a plan to hit a member of Duke Lavery's organization?

Jordan: I'm good.

Shawn: You sure?

Jordan: Yeah, I just wasn't expecting such incredible news.

TJ: Right?

Jordan: Yeah. That's, uh...very generous of you, Duke. Thank you.

Duke: You're very welcome, Jordan.

Shawn: And now...

TJ: Yeah, yeah, I'm going. All right, all right. See you guys later. Thank you again, Mr. Lavery.

Duke: No more thank-yous, young man, or the offer is off the table.

Shawn: Okay, he's gone. Now you can tell us what happened. Why are you limping?

Jordan: I was shot at on the docks. I twisted my ankle diving for cover.

Shawn: Are you all right?

Jordan: Yes, I'm just a little shaken up. That's all.

Duke: This is an outrage. Did you get an ID on the shooter?

Jordan: No.

Duke: Was anyone else with you?

Jordan: I was alone. I mean, this obviously was a hit gone wrong.

Shawn: The Jeromes.

Jordan: I mean, who else would want to kill me?

Shawn: Are you positive you're okay?

Duke: Please, have a seat.

Jordan: No, I just -- I can't. I can't -- I can't -- I have too much nervous energy. Julian must have ordered a hit as retribution.

Shawn: You mean for switching sides?

Duke: Well, thank God he hired an incompetent. We won't make the same mistake when we strike back.

Shawn: I don't get it. You've been on our side for months. Why decide now to take you out?

Duke: Well, element of surprise, I suppose. And also, she's been instrumental as we've made inroads into the Jerome territory.

Shawn: Come on. Let's go get you a drink.

Duke: What on earth happened?

Bruce: Jordan wasn't alone.

Duke: She said she was.

Bruce: Yeah, she was lying.

Duke: Who was with her?

Bruce: Anna Devane.

Jake: Look, I don't know what it is you think I do here, but Julian doesn't inform me about his alleged criminal enterprise, so I work in a garage. See? Tools? Bike? Engine?

Anna: Yeah, if only.

Jake: End of story.

Anna: No, I don't believe it is the end of the story. So, everybody knows what you're capable of, and now you work for Julian Jerome. That's no accident.

Jake: Well, I never said it was an accident. His daughter, Sam, asked him to hire me as a favor.

Anna: Which he did.

Jake: Mm-hmm.

Anna: Out of the kindness of his heart?

Jake: Mm.

Anna: You may think you're here to -- I don't know -- perform oil changes or whatever the hell you do here, but he didn't employ you for that purpose.

Jake: Maybe you should take it up with him.

Anna: I will.

Jake: Okay.

Anna: I'll take it up with both of you again. Till the next time.

Jake: Mm-hmm. Have a good day.

[Cell phone rings -- Jake gets a text from Hayden that she needs to see him -- now]

Carlos: What did Anna Devane want?

Jake: Wanted to ask me about a shooting that took place on the docks. You know anything about that?

Carlos: Nope.

Jake: Yeah. Sure.

Carlos: What'd you tell her?

Jake: Clearly, I don't know anything, so nothing.

Carlos: Keep it that way.

Jake: I got to cut out early today.

Carlos: Hang on. There's something we should talk about. Just happened.

Jake: Nope. Got to go. It's about my wife.

Michael: Where the hell is my sister?

Morgan: She's my sister, too.

Michael: Then act like it, for God's sake!

Kiki: Michael, why would we take Avery? We didn't. I'd just been granted temporary custody.

Michael: Oh, to frame me, make it look like I kidnapped her, seal the deal so I never get her back.

Kiki: We wouldn't do that, Michael.

Michael: Really? You wouldn't do that? You've already done everything else. All of a sudden, now you have limits?

Sonny: Michael, as much as I'm angry and disappointed, I don't think they took the baby.

Michael: I'm more interested in what the cops think. After they find out you drugged me, you'll be on the top of their suspect list.

Morgan: Good luck proving that. Come on. Let's go.

Kiki: Michael... I'm so sorry -- about the drugs and about our baby sister being kidnapped, about all of it.

Nathan: Sadly, I think my mother is living proof that doctor and criminal are not mutually exclusive.

Silas: Well, I'd like to think that Obrecht is the exception, not the rule.

Nathan: Speaking of, I got to -- I got to get back to my mother's office. She thinks she's found some new evidence in the kidnapping. Listen, um, just don't mention anything to your daughter, all right? These -- these leads, they don't always pan out, and I don't want to raise any false hopes.

Silas: I won't say anything to Kiki. Thank you for all you're doing on this. Hope to God you find Avery.

Nathan: Yeah. Me too.

Kiki: I really do love our baby sister, Michael. It's the only reason that I was desperate enough to do what I did.

Michael: And now you're crying. Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?

Kiki: I just -- I wanted to tell you that I didn't -- I didn't mean for this to get so out of control.

Michael: Just go.

Sonny: You know, Michael, I watched you at the Metro Court. You were out of control, and I -- it's like I was... looking at somebody else, 'cause I know that's not how you act. But because of this huge mess and the custody suit and... we haven't talked, I thought maybe that I had driven you... to do this. 'Cause you've hardened and you've changed, and I'll take the blame on that.

Michael: I don't want you to take responsibility for my choices. That's how Morgan thinks, not me.

Sonny: Don't get me wrong. I'm livid with Morgan.

Michael: Hey, don't -- don't start making excuses for him, okay? Because I don't think I could take that right now.

Sonny: I'm not. I just want you to know that my daughter's gonna be all right, whether she's with you, Kiki, Morgan... as long as she's okay, that's all that matters. Okay. If you hear anything, let me know? And I'll do the same.

Michael: Yeah. Of course.

Sonny: All right.

Carlos: Sorry, boss. Lavery wasn't alone. Butler and that kid TJ were with him, and by the time I got a clear shot, Jake's wife came back into the room. No, I don't -- I thought she was out for the day, too. I don't know. I don't know. I tried to talk her down. I have no idea if it worked.

[Knock on door]

Jake: Hayden, open the door. It's me. What's with the dead bolt, huh?

Hayden: I need it for protection from your gun-toting friends.

Jake: What are you talking about?

Hayden: There was a guy in our room. He said he worked with you at the garage.

Jake: Are you okay?

Hayden: Yes.

Jake: Did he give a name?

Hayden: No. He just said he needed to talk to you. And -- oh, yeah -- he had a rifle.

Anna: Yeah, well, thanks for nothing, Sloane, really, because your informant at the Jeromes was zero help. Jordan nearly took a bullet. Yeah, okay. So now at least we know what Julian's target was. Think I'm about to find out a whole lot more.

Duke: Are you saying Anna was on the docks with Jordan?

Bruce: Yes. She must have spotted me. She almost took me out.

Duke: What are you telling me? That she pulled her weapon?

Bruce: Well, after I fired, yeah.

Duke: You attempted to take a shot with Anna there? What the hell is the matter with you?! You could've killed her!

Shawn: How you feeling?

Jordan: Better now that I'm standing next to you.

Shawn: Anytime. I can't believe how close I came to losing you today.

Sonny: [Sighs]

Carly: Hey, didn't expect to see you here.

Sonny: I got to talk to you.

Carly: What's wrong? Hey. Come here. What's wrong? Is it about the baby? Did they find her?

Sonny: No, not yet. I was... I was with, uh, Morgan and Michael at ELQ.

Carly: How was that?

Sonny: Oh, enlightening. Turns out that everything that is going on with Michael, Morgan's responsible.

Michael: Oh, thank you.

Sabrina: How you holding up?

Michael: I don't know.

Sabrina: I can't imagine what you must be feeling.

Michael: Gratitude, actually.

Sabrina: What?

Michael: Sabrina, this could've been much worse if it wasn't for you. You got those pills analyzed and proved that I wasn't a raging alcoholic. You were the only one who believed in me. And I'll never forget that.

Sabrina: Well, I'm glad that I was able to help clear your name. What your brother did to you was... it's completely unfair.

Michael: Yeah. I don't even know who Morgan is anymore. I never -- I never thought I'd actually say that.

Sabrina: Were you two...close when you were young?

Michael: Yeah, yeah. Actually, we spent all of our time together when we were kids. [Sighs] Swimming, playing catch. We spent a lot of time on my fa-- on Sonny's island. I taught him how to body surf and how to ride a boat. I, uh -- I read him all the Harry Potter books.

Sabrina: What happened?

Michael: I don't know. I don't know how the little brother I loved so much ended up hating me so much.

Sabrina: I'm just guessing, but from what I saw here today... I think that he's jealous.

Michael: Jealous of what?

Sabrina: Who you are, how much your parents love you...

Michael: Oh, they love him -- they love him just the same.

Sabrina: Well, I'm sure that they do, but... I mean, he doesn't see that. You know? In Morgan's mind, you are "Mikey," who can do no wrong, and he's Morgan the screw-up.

Michael: Maybe that's my fault. I don't know. I mean, Morgan and I have been fighting a lot these last couple years. Yeah, I could've handled it differently, I guess, but that doesn't excuse what he did to me, to AJ, and the rest of my...

Sabrina: And who?

Michael: This is killing Sonny. You saw the look on his face when Morgan dropped those pills. There's a code, okay? There's a way to act. And Sonny broke that code when he killed my father. But he still tries to live by it. That's why he came here, looked me in the eyes, and he asked me if I took AJ, and I -- I told him I didn't, and he believed me, just like I believed that he didn't drug me. Sonny and I, we may hate each other right now, but... we... we understand each other.

Sabrina: Michael, it's pretty clear that you and Sonny don't hate each other.

Michael: But I know this much -- Sonny had no idea what Morgan was up to. And he was just as afraid for AJ as I was.

Sabrina: "Was"? You're not afraid anymore?

Michael: Well, I'm not gonna stop being afraid till AJ's in my arms, but... it's a lot closer to happening. I may not know where AJ is, but I know who has her.

Sabrina: Morgan and Kiki?

Michael: Yes. Morgan and Kiki have had her all along. I just have to prove it.

Morgan: And if Michael decides to press charges, which he probably will, I'm gonna take the rap.

Kiki: No.

Morgan: Yes, absolutely. This is my idea. You were uncomfortable from the beginning.

Kiki: But I went along with it.

Morgan: I don't care. I don't care. I'm not gonna have this discussion with you.

Kiki: Morgan, look.

Morgan: What?

On the next "General Hospital" --

Carly: (to Sonny) I'm gonna go have a discussion with Kiki and Morgan.

MIchael: (to Dante) I-- I-- I have no idea where our little sister is.

Morgan: (to Kiki, with the baby) How did she get in the apartment?

Liesl: (to Franco) There is some evidence that implicates Nina in the kidnapping.

Nathan: (to Nina) You are the only suspect.

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