General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 4/1/15
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Luke: It all started here. Wait a minute. Do I have a key? Is that it? Yeah.
Bobbie: Luke is gonna be all right. I know it. You wouldn't believe the things he's been through.
Patricia: Yes, I would. My little brother always beats the odds.
Tracy: No sign of Luke. Once again, he has made a clean getaway.
Lulu: What was my father like when he left?
Bobbie: Oh, he was horrified by what he'd done to Patricia, and he said he had to get outta here before he did something worse.
Lulu: I'm gonna call Dante. He can issue an APB.
Patricia: No! Luke doesn't need the cops. He needs help. I thought we all agreed on that?
Tracy: Patricia, nobody wants to help Luke more than I do, but you are the only one who knows what's going on with him.
Bobbie:'s time that you finally told us what really happened in that old house.
Luke: Who are you?
Young Luke: Of all the stupid-ass pitches to swing at.
Luke: [Chuckling] Oh, my God. This can't -- this can't be.
Lena: Luke? Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, is that you?
Young Luke: Yeah, Mom. It's me.
Lena: Where have you been?
Luke: Oh, my God.
Lena: You know how your father gets when dinner isn't on the table and everyone's sitting by 5:30.
Young Luke: I know. We had a lousy game, is all.
Lena: Okay, well, lucky for you, your father's been held up at work. That excuse wouldn't hold water with him. You know that.
Young Luke: I know. I'm sorry.
Lena: Yeah. Okay.
Young Luke: You're hurt.
Lena: Oh. [Chuckles] I just had a, um, an accident with the vacuum cleaner. It's fine. Patricia! Barbara Jean! Your brother's finally home! We need to set the table!
Young Patricia: What's the matter, Luke, break your watch or something? Or did you sell it for cigarettes?
Young Luke: [Sighs] Shut up!
Lena: Patricia Spencer, what are you doing wearing pants? Who do you think you are, Mary Tyler Moore? Go upstairs and put a dress on before your father sees you and hits the roof.
Young Patricia: Mama, I don't want to wear a dress.
Lena: Well, you have a closetful that begs to differ.
Young Patricia: So? Mrs. Middleton told me she could cut them down so Bobbie could wear them.
Lena: Speaking of which, I haven't seen your sister. Where is she?
Young Patricia: She wasn't upstairs. She's not down here?
Lena: No. Bobbie? Bobbie?!
Young Patricia: Bobbie?
Lena: Barbara Jean?
Young Patricia: Bobbie!
Young Luke: Bobbie!
Young Bobbie: April Fools!
Lena: [Laughs] You can't do that.
Young Bobbie: Did I get you?
Young Luke: Yeah, you got me! Come here! Come... [Grunts] You knucklehead! Whoo!
Young Bobbie: [Laughing] Stop! That tickles!
Young Luke: What, you want tickles? Why didn't you say so?
[Both laughing]
Tim: What the hell's all the racket?
[Door closes]
Tim: And why's there no dinner on the table?
Luke: Daddy.
Lulu: Aunt Patricia, this secret that you're keeping --
[Sighs] It's only fitting that all this comes out today. The most traumatic
moment of my life, and Luke's, happened 52 years ago today -- April 1, 1963.
Bobbie: The night Mama died... and Daddy ran out on us.
Patricia: Yes.
Tim: [Slurring] Bad enough when those I-talians started workin' on the dock. From what I hear, this new guy Spud they hired is a Jap! I'm telling you, if Kennedy gets his way, it's gonna be impossible for a white guy to hold a job in this country. You'd think that he would watch out for a good Irish Catholic. He don't give a damn about his own people.
Young Patricia: President Kennedy wants everyone --
Tim: I did not fight a world war, so I'd have to work next to a bunch of immigrants!
Young Patricia: You fought in Korea, jackass.
Tim: What'd you say?
Young Patricia: Nothing.
Tim: You bet your ass, "Nothing." Hey, son. Take a look at this. I got that in the World War. Shore leave in Hong Kong. That was a hell of a weekend. Yeah, back then, we fought for...something, something important. You kids, your generation, you've had it all handed to you on a silver platter. You never had to make any sacrifices. You never had any hardship. You don't appreciate nothing.
Young Luke: No, Daddy, we appreciate everything. We're grateful for how lucky we are. The meat is really good tonight, Mama.
Lena: Oh, thank you, Luke.
Tim: What the hell's the matter with you? This meat tastes like dog food. Your mother's good at a lot of things, but cookin' and tendin' the house ain't two of 'em.
Young Patricia: Well, maybe you're too drunk --
Lena: Tim, you're right. I overcooked the roast. I'm sorry.
Tim: So, son, how did the, uh, game go today?
Young Luke: We lost.
Tim: Lost? What's the matter with you snot-noses? Baseball's an all-American game. How can you lose to a bunch of foreigners?
Young Luke: They've got a good pitcher. He's already being scouted.
Tim: So what you're telling me is you struck out.
Young Luke: I-I got on base once.
Tim: Once?! I thought you were working on your swing!
Young Luke: I am.
Tim: Well, let's see it.
Young Luke: Now?
Tim: Yeah, now!
Lena: Tim, not in the house.
Tim: Oh, the hell with the house. I'm trying to help the boy with his swing. Let's see it.
Young Luke: [Grunts]
Tim: Oh, for God's sake. No wonder you lost. You swing like a little girl.
Young Patricia: Well, maybe you should try, you old drunk!
Tim: [Slaps Patricia] You keep your damn mouth shut, you little bitch.
Young Patricia: [Sniffles]
Lulu: Your father hit you?
Patricia: [Sighs] I should have known better than to stand up to Daddy. If I'd kept my mouth shut, we'd all lead very different lives.
Bobbie: I remember Daddy hitting you... hitting all of us. But I can't remember that night in any detail.
Patricia: Luke sent you upstairs... [Sighs] ...While Mama dealt with Daddy.
Young Patricia: So what if Luke struck out?
Young Luke: Go to your room. Turn on your record player -- now.
Young Patricia: You couldn't hit a pitch if a 10-year-old was throwing it!
Lena: Patricia, stop it.
Tim: You are a smart-ass little bitch.
Young Patricia: Maybe we'll all get lucky, and you'll fall in the harbor and drown.
Tim: You apologize! You apologize right now, or, by God, I'll give you something to be sorry for!
Lena: Patricia, stop it! Okay, Tim, she's just upset, okay? She doesn't know what she's saying. You just need to let it go, okay?
Tim: Damn it, Lena. You're always doing this. You're always taking their side, undermining my authority.
Lena: No, that -- that's not what I'm doing.
Tim: Oh, now you're gonna contradict me! Is that it? You are asking for the same thing Patricia got!
Patricia: Mama stepped in and tried to talk him down, and he turned all his rage, all his ugliness, on her.
Bobbie: And he beat her. And that night, her appendix burst. And then he just walked out and left her to die.
Patricia: No, Barbara Jean. That's not what happened.
Tim: Lena?
Young Patricia: Mama? Mama, are you okay? [Crying] Oh, my God. [Sniffles] Oh, my God. She's hurt really bad. We need to take her to the hospital.
Tim: Oh, leave her!
Young Patricia: But she's bleeding!
Tim: Nobody's going to the hospital.
Young Patricia: She's hurt bad. She needs help.
Tim: She'll be fine.
Young Patricia: Luke, don't just stand there. Call an ambulance.
Lena: What?
Young Patricia: Mama?
Lena: [Sighs weakly]
Young Patricia: Mama? I'm right here. Can you try and sit up?
Tim: Yeah, you see? See what I told you? She's fine. She just took a little spill.
Young Patricia: Can you stand?
Lena: Little dizzy. [Exhales heavily] Okay, okay. Oh, I just need to sit for a second.
Young Patricia: No, no, no, no. We're going to the hospital. You need to see a doctor.
Lena: Oh, Patricia, don't be silly. It's okay. Just let me --
Young Patricia: Don't argue, Mama. We're going.
Tim: The hell you are.
Young Patricia: I am taking my mother to the hospital. Don't you dare try and stop me!
Tim: Well, la-di-da, if it ain't Princess Grace. I hope you've got bus fare, 'cause you ain't goin' in my car.
Young Patricia: Yes, Daddy, in your damn car!
Tim: I swear to God, Patricia, you keep this up, you're gonna get what's coming to you!
Young Luke: I'll come with you.
Young Patricia: No! You have to stay here with Barbara Jean. We can't leave her alone with him.
Lena: Your sister's right. You have to take care of her.
Young Luke: I will, Mama. I promise.
Lena: You're such a good boy. You're so handsome.
Young Luke: Mama.
Lena: Luke -- Luke, grab the keys.
Tim: Don't you touch those keys, boy!
Lena: And my purse -- my purse.
Tim: I told you, nobody's going to the hospital, not in my car!
Young Luke: Let them go! [Breathing shakily]
Patricia: I was only able to get Mom out the door and into the car because Luke stopped him. [Chuckles] Stopped Daddy.
Lulu: My grandfather was hateful.
Patricia: He was an abusive pig.
[Cell phone rings]
Bobbie: It's Lucas -- my son.
Tracy: Everything okay?
Bobbie: You know, whatever it is, I'm sure it can wait. So, what happened when you and Mama left the house?
Patricia: We got in his damn car -- [Crying] That car that he loved more than he ever loved any of us. And I drove Mama to the hospital. I just kept prayin' ... it wasn't too late.
Lena: Patricia, I just really want you to take me home.
Young Patricia: Not this time, Mama. Here. Sit here. I'm gonna go try and find a doctor, okay?
Lena: No, no, no.
[Indistinct talking on intercom]
Dr. Phil Brewer (played by Ryan Carnes): Okay. Thank you. [Sighs] Uh, Dr. Hardy -- oh, Dr. Hardy?
Dr. Steve Hardy (played by Jason Thompson): Dr. Brewer.
Phil: About the coronary in 723, Mr. Gould -- he's begging for more sedative.
Steve: Is that his chart?
Phil: Yes.
Steve: Mm-hmm. I'll see him in a few moments.
Phil: Thank you.
Young Patricia: Can you please help me? My mother is injured.
Phil: Okay, yeah, of course. Let's, uh, let's have a look.
Young Patricia: M-Mama, this is doctor, um...
Phil: Dr. Phil Brewer.
Young Patricia: Dr. Brewer's gonna take a look at you.
Lena: That's not necessary, Doc--
Phil: Just let me take a look. Oh. Boy, that is one nasty dent you've got there. You mind telling me how that happened?
Lena: W-well, there was -- uh, the light was out on the basement stairs, and I just missed the bottom s--
Young Patricia: Mama, we both know that's not what happened.
Jessie (played by Rebecca Herbst): Oh, Dr. Hardy.
Steve: Please, Jessie, call me Steve. How is she?
Jessie: Still fighting everybody and everything. She wants to live in the dark and never see her face again. That's about what she was doing when I went in -- blinds are all drawn, towel over the mirror.
Lena: It was just an accident -- you know, silly, really. I should have changed that light months ago. I just had to go down to the basement for a second.
Young Patricia: Mama, please just tell the truth.
Jessie: What's going on here?
Phil: The way this woman tells it, she fell.
Jessie: Fell. I see.
Lena: I-I'm fine, really. I'm gonna go home. It's all a big misunderstanding.
Young Patricia: Mama!
Steve: Get her to cubicle one right away! Please.
Young Patricia: [Voice breaking] Mama!
Steve: Cubicle one.
Young Patricia: [Whimpering]
Jessie: Wait here. You know that woman, don't you?
Steve: I should say so. That's Lena Eckert. Or Spencer, rather.
Jessie: She's married? I'll ask the daughter for the father's number.
Steve: No. Her husband's been known to slap the family around. Call Lena's brother, Fred Eckert, instead. He owns the bakery on Van Ness.
Jessie: Right away, Doctor.
Young Patricia: Please be okay, Mama. Please be okay.
Patricia: Dr. Hardy ran off to help Mama... leaving me behind. Back then, families weren't allowed in the treatment areas. I had to wait it out alone. It must have been only a half-hour, but it seemed like forever.
[Footsteps approaching]
Jessie: I thought you could use one.
Young Patricia: [Sniffles]
Steve: I'm sorry. Your mother's gone.
Young Patricia: What?
Steve: The swelling in her brain was more severe than we thought. She never regained consciousness. I'm sorry.
Young Patricia: Oh, Mama!
Steve: I know this is a terrible loss, but we're all here to help. We'll make any calls or arrangements.
Young Patricia: I want to see my mother.
Steve: Yes.
Jessie: We'll go in together.
Young Patricia: Mama... I love you.
Patricia: All I could do was kiss her... and tell her I loved her... and promise to take care of you and Luke.
Bobbie: So that's what happened. Daddy hurt Mama and you and Luke saw it happen.
Patricia: Barbara Jean...
[Cell phone rings]
Bobbie: It's Lucas -- the second time he's called. It could be important.
Patricia: Go ahead.
Bobbie: Lucas? What's wrong?
Lucas: A neighbor just called. Someone saw a guy using a key to get into the old Elm Street house. I thought that was off-limits because of the police investigation.
Young Luke: I'm gonna clean up so Mama doesn't have to do it when she gets home.
Tim: Yeah, you do that, sissy boy. Can't play baseball worth a damn. You might as well wash the dishes.
[Telephone rings]
Tim: [Sighs]
Young Luke: [Breathing heavily] She's gonna be okay. She's gonna be okay. She'll be okay. She has to be okay. He can't treat her like that anymore. You're finished, old man.
Tim: What?
Young Luke: I mean it! You're done! Done drinking and yelling and smacking us around! When Mama gets home, things are going to change! You can treat her with respect or get the hell out!
Tim: Lena ain't coming home.
Young Luke: What?
Tim: That was the hospital. She's dead.
Tracy: So the appendicitis story was a lie -- a way for everyone, including Luke, to avoid the reality that Tim Spencer killed his wife. Is that what the secret is?
Patricia: It's much more complicated than that.
Bobbie: Patricia! I know where Luke is.
Young Luke: Mama's not dead.
Tim: That was a doctor from General Hospital. She died in the emergency room.
Young Luke: You're lying! It was Mrs. Middleton, or some boy calling for Patricia! You're trying to scare me, saying Mama died, but she didn't! She's alive! She's going to be fine.
Tim: She's not gonna be fine, boy. Your mother is dead. Your mother is dead!!
Young Luke: No!
Lulu: I don't understand. Why would my dad go back to the Elm Street house? Half of Port Charles is looking for him.
Patricia: He's trying to remember.
Tracy: Remember what?
Steve: [Sighs] I'm here to help you, Patricia. If you want to tell me who did this to your mother, I'll listen. It's the only way to stop this from happening to someone else.
Jessie: Dr. Hardy, the Eckerts have arrived.
Steve: Thank you.
Young Patricia: The Eckerts?
Steve: I took the liberty of calling them.
Young Patricia: I've never met my mother's family. [Sniffles] We...weren't really allowed to see them.
Steve: I see. Well, then, I'll explain the situation to them. You wait here.
Young Patricia: Thank you. Luke? What are you doing here? I told you to stay home with Barbara Jean.
Bill: I-I'm not Luke. My name is Bill.
Bobbie: Bill Eckert? That doesn't make any sense. We didn't even know Bill existed till he came back to Port Charles in the '90s.
Patricia: I knew him, Barbara Jean. I met him that night.
Tracy: What does Bill Eckert have to do with any of this?
Patricia: [Sighs]
Tim: Where are you going with those?
Young Luke: Gonna put them by her bed, so she can see them when she gets home.
Tim: Are you deaf or stupid?! Lena ain't coming home! You want to give her flowers, put 'em on her grave.
Young Bobbie: Luke, where's Mama? Why are you holding those flowers?
Young Luke: U-um, I was just clearing the table so Mama won't have to.
Young Bobbie: Where is she?
Young Luke: Mama and Patricia went for a walk.
Tim: Yeah, a walk.
Young Luke: They'll be home soon. Here, go get in your pajamas. Time for you to be in bed.
Tim: Why didn't you tell her the truth? Why didn't you tell your baby sister what really happened? Now, you go on upstairs and tuck your baby sister in for the night. Tell her the truth -- that her Mama didn't go for no walk.
Young Luke: Shut up.
Tim: She's dead, Luke, and she ain't coming back. Do you understand that? All the whining in the world ain't gonna change that one little bit.
Young Luke: Yeah, well, at least she's finally away from you! This is all your fault!
Tim: My fault?!
Young Luke: She's dead, and all you care about is your drink. Have another, Daddy. Have the whole damn bottle! Drink until you pass out! Because you're still gonna be the one who beat her, and us, day after day, until you broke us! Well, you won, Daddy. You destroyed us. You happy now?
Patricia: Help me into my wheelchair. I'm coming with you.
Bobbie: Patricia, you're not strong enough.
Patricia: I'll have somebody push me to the end of the driveway, and I'll hitchhike if I have to, but I'm going after Luke. Just save everybody some time now and help me in the wheelchair.
Tracy: Okay, Patricia, before we confront Luke... we need to know the rest of the story. What happened after Bill Eckert showed up at the hospital?
Patricia: [Sighs] I was shocked when I saw Bill. Our families were estranged. I'd never met him before. But when I saw his face, I felt like I'd known him my whole life.
Young Patricia: This is amazing. You look exactly like my brother, Luke.
Bill: That's what my father tells me.
Young Patricia: [Sighs] I didn't even know I had a cousin. I mean, I knew Mama had family in Port Charles, but I -- [Sniffles] We weren't really allowed to talk about them.
Bill: Your dad hit your mom, and, uh, our family, the Eckerts, we all knew about it. We tried to get Lena away from him, but Tim Spencer didn't like that.
Young Patricia: Yeah, I'm sure he didn't.
Bill: I'm so sorry your mom passed away. What happened? Was -- was it your dad?
Young Patricia: [Shakily] Oh, my brother and sister are still at home with him. I-I-I have to get them out!
Bill: Where -- where are you going?
Young Patricia: I can't leave Luke and Barbara Jean alone with him. I-I-I...I have to go.
Bill: Okay. But if you're gonna confront that maniac, I'm coming with you.
Young Patricia: You don't have to do this.
Bill: I know we just met, but we're family... so, yeah, I do.
Patricia: We drove back home in Daddy's hateful car. I went back to get Barbara Jean and Luke. I figured we could stay with the Eckerts until I figured something out. I warned Bill that my father wasn't gonna make this easy. He said he'd do whatever I needed. But nothing could have prepared us for what we found when we got home.
Bobbie: Why? What did you find?
Young Patricia: Hello? [Gasps]
Bill: My God. [Breathing shakily]
Patricia: And that's when we saw him. Daddy was dead on the floor... right near Luke.
Tracy: How did he die?
Patricia: [Sighs] It all happened before we walked in.
Young Luke: Are you happy now, Dad?! Mama's dead!
Tim: You think I'm happy? I loved that woman.
Young Luke: And you showed it by shoving her around and insulting her!
Tim: Lena was the only good thing in my life -- the only reason I had to put up with you three brats. As soon as I pay my respects to my wife, I'm gone. The state can take care of you three.
Young Luke: No. You can't.
Tim: We all get what we want. We don't ever have to see each other again. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Young Luke: You're a monster!
Tim: What do you think you're gonna do with that? You can't even swing it!
Young Luke: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Luke: I did it. I killed my... I killed my father. No. No, no, that's not what happened. No, he ran off. The old bastard ran off and left us. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What happened next? I picked up the bat... ...and then... [Sighing] Why can't I remember what happened next?
Young Luke: [Cries]
Young Patricia: [Sobs]
Bill: My God.
Luke: That voice.
Tracy: Luke?
Luke: Tracy.
Tracy: I'm so glad we found you.
Luke: Bobbie. Patricia, you shouldn't be here. Why would you ever come back to this place?
Patricia: For you, Luke -- to get you out of here.
Luke: I belong here. I did it. I killed the old man.
Bobbie: We know, Luke.
Luke: You told them.
Patricia: I told them...everything.
Luke: What happened after? I mean, was someone helping you -- what happened that night?
Patricia: You know, Luke. You were there.
Luke: No, Patricia, I don't. I remember picking up the bat...and then nothing.
Tracy: Luke, I think that's why you came back here -- so you can remember all of it.
Luke: Tracy, I don't have to remember. I know what happened. I killed that bastard of a father of ours, and I'm not sorry. I'd do it again. I hated him. We all hated him.
Tracy: Luke, he was still your father.
Luke: Oh, sweetheart, you don't have to tell me that. I know it. Every morning, I see how much like him I am when I look in the mirror.
Tracy: No. Tim Spencer was a coward. He beat women and children. You're not a coward. You're the bravest man I know. You're brave enough to face this.
Luke: What? Face what? What happened that night?
Patricia: When I realized that you'd blocked everything out, I didn't want anyone else to know. So we stuffed Daddy's body in that broken wall in the basement, and we sealed it up. That's why I had to sign over the house to him -- so no one would ever know the truth.
Luke: Wait, "him"? "Him" who? Who helped you that night? No, no, no. W-wait. That doesn't make any sense. Bill Eckert wasn't there.
Patricia: He was.
Luke: Patricia, that makes no sense. I didn't even know the guy existed until...
Tracy: Until what?
Bill: Bitter justice... the last...face I see... is my own.
Luke: I thought I watched him die right away, but he didn't. He didn't die right away. He took ahold of my hand... ...and he told me something. No, wait a minute. I'm-- I'm remembering it wrong. No, Bill died right there in front of me. He didn't say anything.
Tracy: Are you sure? You said he took your hand. He must have wanted to tell you something.
Luke: Tracy, I didn't even know Bill Eckert.
Tracy: He was dying. It must have been important.
Luke: No. No, don't-- don't-- don't make me do this.
Tracy: We're not going to make you do anything, Luke. This has to be your own choice.
Bobbie: Please, Luke. I can't lose you. I need my big brother. Please. Let yourself remember.
Patricia: Luke, I made a mistake that night. I need you to fix it. Face it so this can be over.
Bill: Luke, you need... to forgive yourself... for what you did to...your mother.
Luke: He said I need to forgive myself for what I did to Mother.
Patricia: Yes.
Luke: [Voice breaking] My mother? No! No, I killed Daddy! I didn't -- I didn't!
Young Luke: You're a monster.
Tim: What the hell do you think you're gonna do with that? You can't even swing it!
Young Luke: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Tim: You can call me a bully. You can call me abusive. Call me whatever you want. But the truth is, at the end of the day, I'm not the one who killed your mother. You did!
Young Patricia: So what if Luke struck out?
Young Luke: Go to your room. Turn on your record player -- now.
Young Patricia: You couldn't hit a pitch if a 10-year-old was throwing it!
Lena: Patricia, stop it.
Tim: You are a smart-ass little bitch.
Young Patricia: Maybe we'll get all lucky, and you'll fall in the harbor and drown.
Tim: You apologize! You apologize right now, or, by God, I'll give you something to be sorry for!
Lena: Patricia, stop it! Okay, Tim, she's just upset, okay? She doesn't know what she's saying. You just need to let it go, okay?
Tim: Damn it, Lena. You're always doing this. You're always taking their side. You undermine my authority.
Lena: That's not what I'm doing. It's not --
Tim: Oh, now you're gonna contradict me, huh?
Lena: No.
Tim: You're asking for a taste of what Patricia got!
Young Luke: Get away from her!
Tim: What did you say to me?
Lena: Luke, don't!
Young Luke: Stop defending him! All he's ever done is hurt us! It ends today!
Tim: Is that so?
Young Luke: You hear me, you old drunk? You won't touch any of us again!
Patricia: Don't do it, Luke. You'll only make things worse.
Tim: Come on.
Lena: Don't. Don't.
Young Luke: Mama, stop!
Lena: [Screams]
Tim: You killed her, you little bastard! You killed my wife! You killed your own mother!
Young Luke: No.
Tim: You can hate me. You can despise me all you want. But we are the same, you and me. And one day, you're gonna look in the mirror, and you're gonna see my face looking back at you. And that's because we are father and son, all the same! The only difference is that you killed your mother! You killed my wife! You did it! You are the monster here!
Young Luke: No! [Crying] I killed her. I didn't mean to. She was only trying to help, and I kil-- I killed her. I k-- I killed Mama. I killed Mama and Daddy. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. [Sobbing]
On the next "General Hospital" --
Sam: What are you doing in my apartment?
Patrick: (to Elizabeth) So what happens now?
Lucas: (to Carly) Why do you care so much if Jake's married or not?
Hayden: (to Jason) Tell me what happened.
Lulu: (to Dante) I just have to believe that they can get through to him.
Luke: (to Tracy, Bobbie, and Patricia) How am I supposed to live with that?
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