General Hospital Transcript Thursday 3/12/15
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Patrick: And that's it. You're free to go.
Jake: Back to my life -- whatever that means.
Carly: We'll figure it out.
Elizabeth: I'll help you.
Spinelli: Stone Cold?
Shawn: Why were you late, Jord?
Jordan: I got caught up at the warehouse with the next delivery. Besides, I figured you and Duke didn't want me around.
Shawn: Is that right? Well, Duke and I were about to deliver a crippling blow to Julian and, all of a sudden, Devane arrives. She had to have inside knowledge.
Jordan: Well, it must have been Falconeri or West. I mean, I bet those two are still loyal to her. They must have heard it from Sloane and tipped off Anna.
Shawn: Or maybe you tipped her off.
Julian: Oh, I am so done with this crap! I'm sick of this damn interference. [Sighs] I'm sick of Duke Lavery.
Duke: Sonny? Is this not a good time?
Sonny: Why would you think that?
Duke: I heard you had a setback in court.
Sonny: Michael stole custody of Avery. But don't count me out, 'cause I'm gonna get my daughter back -- no matter what it takes.
Michael: How would you like to be AJ's nanny?
Sabrina: Me?
Michael: You. I can't run ELQ and take care of little AJ at the same time, as much as I'd love to stay home with her. She needs a nanny.
Sabrina: I'm not really qualified.
Michael: Sabrina, you've had a child of your own. You've been a mother figure to Emma Drake. You are exactly what my little sister needs.
[Door opens]
Silas: How are you feeling?
Ava: Oh, just great. The world is falling apart. I'm the only one who can stop it, but I'll be dead before I can do anything.
Silas: What if there's a chance you could survive after all?
Spinelli: Do my -- do my eyes deceive me?
Sam: What? What is it?
Spinelli: Look, look -- there. It's -- it's Jason. He's -- he's alive.
Patrick: You're gonna want to take a look at that last paragraph. Obrecht added that herself.
Jake: Oh, fantastic. I don't know how I existed without this woman in my life.
Elizabeth: It would be lovely not to see her before you leave today.
Jake: That is so not right.
Spinelli: It's -- it's him! It's Jason!
Sam: No, no, no, no, no, no. Spinelli.
Spinelli: Stone Cold! Stone Cold, hi! It's Spinelli.
Jake: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm sorry. I beg your pardon?
Sam: Spinelli -- our -- this isn't... uh, yeah. Um...
Spinelli: I'm sorry.
Sam: You can -- just stay. No, no, no. Let go. Let go. Let go.
Jake: Well, hi.
Spinelli: Hi. I don't know what to say. Apologies. I could have sworn you --
Elizabeth: It's okay, Spinelli.
Spinelli: Oh, wow. I really made a spectacle, didn't I? Uh, forgive my outburst, and apologies again.
Jake: It's fine. No harm, no foul. You're fine.
Spinelli: I just -- I -- I thought you were someone else.
Jake: Oh, yeah? Who'd you think I was?
Spinelli: Only the best friend I've ever had.
Ava: Silas, you have gone above and beyond for me, but I need to accept the reality that I have cancer and I'm going to die. I don't want to waste whatever time I have left chasing down some rumored treatment in the Amazon.
Silas: Did I mention the Amazon?
Ava: Bora-Bora, then, whatever. The point is, I don't have the energy, and I am not a fan of false hope.
Silas: What I'm talking about here, Ava, is a real chance.
Ava: Well, Silas, you told me that my best chance was a bone-marrow transplant.
Silas: Correct.
Ava: You also told me that you tried to match my markers with the donor pool and there was no match. You told me that my options have been exhausted.
Silas: Not all. There's still one person out there left to test. Your daughter Avery.
Michael: What do you think, AJ? You like Sabrina? Would you want her to help take care of you?
Sabrina: It's a generous offer. It just feels a little --
Michael: Sudden? Yeah, I know. The whole custody situation happened a lot faster than I expected. But I need somebody here full time. The agency's supposed to send over candidates next week, but, I mean, why bother? I mean, you're perfect.
Sabrina: No, I'm not, but she sure is.
Michael: So think about it, Sabrina. You need a job. I need somebody here. And look, wh-wh-wh-when you're -- when you're done, I will give you a excellent reference.
Sabrina: Well, as long as you write me a reference.
Michael: What do you -- what do you say? I can't think of anyone better suited to help take care of my sister.
Kiki: Is that a fact?
Sonny: Ric's working on an appeal. He pointed out that Michael's ahead of me in the public-image department, so I need to present myself, uh, you know, in a way that I can be an upstanding citizen.
Duke: Sounds like good advice. I mean, it seems to me that Ric is doing good work on your behalf.
Sonny: Ric couldn't stop Michael.
Duke: Yeah, but from what I understand, it wasn't a fair fight.
Sonny: Well, Michael did what you call a -- a end run. He replaced Judge Heller with Monica's new boyfriend.
Duke: Well, there's grounds for your appeal, right there.
Sonny: Well, I'm not too sure, 'cause, you know, Michael's dealing with the Quartermaine money and the influences, so I don't want to do anything that he could use against me. So, can you continue to run the organization?
Duke: Consider it done. In fact, I've already made some moves this morning to neutralize Jerome. Pretty soon, there'll be no more threats to your supremacy.
Jordan: We've had this conversation before. I thought the subject was closed.
Shawn: Well, not for me.
Jordan: Really? So you think that I'm a mole, that I would risk my relationship with Thomas?
Shawn: Maybe, if it meant getting you a bigger prize at the end of the game.
Jordan: Were you suspicious of me when you brought me to bed?
Shawn: Come on.
Jordan: Hmm? Or did you think that I was -- I was gonna talk in my sleep?
Shawn: Stop deflecting, Jordan, and explain why is it that every time the heat is on, you just -- you turn out just fine.
Jordan: Guess I'm just lucky like that.
Shawn: Or lucky enough to have friends in high places -- say, City Hall?
Jordan: Oh, yeah, that would be nice.
Shawn: Come on and stop with the crap, Jordan. You never really worked for the Jeromes, and you aren't working for Sonny now. You're working for the cops, aren't you?
Julian: No more gentleman's agreements. No more platitudes about peaceful coexistences.
Carlos: Yeah, and now that this truce is broken, they're gonna keep hitting us over and over again.
Julian: It's time we hit back.
Jake: I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.
Carly: He -- his name's Damian Spinelli.
Jake: Spine-- the hacker?
Spinelli: Actu-- I -- I prefer "Jackal" or "Assassin of the Internet," but it is true that some characterize my efforts as hacking.
Jake: Ah, okay. Well, I hear you do good work.
Spinelli: You have a gift for understatement.
Carly: [Laughs]
Spinelli: Uh, much like the friend whom I mistook you for.
Carly: He thought you were Jason.
Spinelli: Yeah.
Jake: Ah. I had no idea.
Spinelli: From over -- I guess it was maybe your breadth of shoulder, perhaps, or the way you were standing.
Jake: Uh-huh.
Spinelli: Um, anyway. Yes, as previously said, I am Spinelli, first name Damian, and -- and -- and -- and you are?
Jake: Um, Jake. No last name. I just go by "Doe."
Spinelli: Well, again, um, apologies for accosting you. I -- I was certain he was Stone Cold.
Jake: St-- what?
Carly: Uh, that's what Spinelli called Jason. I thought you had outgrown your fondness for nicknames.
Spinelli: Well, Carly, I guess some habits die hard, eh? It's good to see you, by the way.
Carly: It's good to see you.
Spinelli: Yeah. You know, it was -- perhaps it was spotting Jake in your company that made me think he was our lost friend. Uh, but, yes, it's clear seeing you up close that you don't bear any resemblance to Jason.
Jake: I've heard a lot about Jason. He must have meant a great deal to you.
Spinelli: Indeed, he did. It -- it's uncanny how you -- in a certain light, and if your visage wasn't so, well, visible, it would not be completely untoward to mistake you --
Sam: l-- look, uh, I've -- I've got a good idea. Wh-- why don't we go to the cafeteria? It's Jell-O Thursday.
Spinelli: Ooh.
Sam: I think they have -- probably have a ton of flavors left.
Carly: You're just -- you're just gonna go work undercover with the Jeromes?
Jake: Yeah. Now I just have to figure out how the hell I'm going to do that.
Spinelli: Indeed?
Sam: Mm-hmm.
Spinelli: Cherry would not be unwelcome.
Sam: Yum.
Spinelli: Nor strawberry. Yes, yes. L-let us make haste lest all that remains is lime.
Jake: Hey, guys? Before you take off, can I borrow Sam for a couple minutes? There's something I need to talk to her about -- in private.
Ava: You want to test my infant daughter to see if she's a possible bone-marrow donor.
Silas: Well, Avery, like Kiki, shares your DNA. She's the best chance for a match.
Ava: But Kiki is a grown woman. She makes her own decisions. Avery is a baby. She has no voice in the matter.
Silas: Understood. But, you know, children have been conceived and born in the hope of saving a loved one's life. I mean, right now, Avery's the best chance you have. I can be back in Port Charles and get done what I need to have done by tonight.
Ava: No. Silas, no! Over my dead body.
Michael: Who let you in?
Kiki: I told Alice I have something to give Avery.
Michael: Well, she has everything she needs, so if you don't mind, I'm trying to hire a nanny for my sister.
Kiki: Don't you let that psycho anywhere near my sister.
Michael: Whoa, nice language.
Kiki: She tried to kill Avery.
Sabrina: What? No! That's not -- not what I wanted.
Kiki: You drugged my mother. You wanted her to go into premature labor, and you wanted Avery to die.
Duke: I'll keep Julian in check. That'll let you focus exclusively on your custody battle.
Sonny: Protecting my interests -- I'm -- I'm grateful for that, Duke.
Duke: Julian Jerome has a history of underestimating me. Events this morning prove that history is repeating itself.
Sonny: I wish I could have been there to see Julian get his ass kicked.
Duke: If Anna hadn't shown up, the victory would have been more decisive.
Sonny: What was Anna doing there?
Duke: I don't know. She may no longer be police commissioner -- she works for the justice department -- but she's decided that her business is to put a stop to ours.
Sonny: Okay, that's attention that's not wanted. You know that, right?
Duke: Yeah. Agreed. But somehow Anna found out what Shawn and I were up to today.
Sonny: Somehow?
Duke: We believe Anna was tipped off.
Jordan: Let me see if I can put this to you in the most basic terms that I know. I'm not a cop.
Shawn: Prove it.
Jordan: Prove it? You know what? Fine. Fine. You know what? Uh, check my phone. Go ahead. It's unlocked, so just be my guest. You know, check the phone log, check the e-mail. Just go ahead. Take it. You know why you're not gonna take it? Because there's nothing there.
Shawn: No, it just proves you're good at covering your tracks.
Jordan: And, you know -- and while you're at it, while you're so focused on me, the real leak -- if there's even one out there -- is going undetected, okay?
Shawn: Unless I'm talking to the leak right now.
Jordan: What can I do to put your mind at ease, hmm? Do you want me to target a cop? Would that be enough proof of my loyalty to you? You already have the proof.
Shawn: What kind?
Jordan: Check the books. The Corinthos organization has gotten richer since I joined. So go ahead. Run along. Tell Sonny and Duke what you think about me -- your suspicions. Let's see which one of us they choose to believe.
Shawn: I just might do that.
Julian: I want full accounting on the Corinthos holdings on all fronts -- legal and otherwise.
Carlos: Well, Sonny's taken himself out of the game, at least temporarily. So that leaves Duke Lavery as your biggest competition.
Julian: Well, why don't you tell me something I don't know?
Carlos: Why don't we kill him?
Silas: Ava -- Avery is the best -- perhaps your only chance at beating cancer.
Ava: Forget it. You're not cutting open my baby daughter to save me.
Silas: You're all mixed up, all right? We're not talking about harvesting organs. We're talking about a simple blood test to determine if she's a match.
Ava: Okay, so say that she is a match. This procedure to get the bone marrow -- are you telling me, you're gonna promise me that that causes Avery no suffering whatsoever?
Silas: There's always a small risk.
Ava: Any risk is unacceptable to me.
Silas: Okay.
Ava: You will not be using Avery's bone marrow or her anything else to save me, and that is the end of the story, then. That's it.
Silas: All right! That's the end of the story, all right? You happy? Will you at least let me start you on a course of chemo?
Ava: Damn it, I don't even -- I don't want to discuss any treatment options, really, right now. I'm worried about my daughter. In her short life, she's already been kidnapped and dragged off to Canada by two lunatics. Now she's got Sonny and Michael fighting over her like she's some kind of trophy. I want better for her.
Silas: We all do.
Ava: Then help me, Silas. Avery has already lost her mother. All I can do now is try to make sure that she doesn't lose the rest of her family, too.
Michael: And you're very selective with your forgiveness and understanding, aren't you?
Kiki: What are you talking about?
Michael: You can forgive your mother for framing AJ for a murder she committed, just like you can forgive and understand Sonny for murdering AJ.
Kiki: Stop. Stop saying that word.
Michael: It's an ugly word, isn't it? But it's a fact of Sonny's life, just like it's a fact of Ava's. She took credit for the accident that caused Sabrina's baby's death.
Kiki: Yeah, and that bitch retaliated by trying to kill Avery.
Sabrina: Look, I wanted Ava to go into premature labor, but I didn't set out to kill her baby. That doesn't excuse what I did, and I'll regret it for the rest of my life.
Kiki: Do you think I care how sorry you are?
Michael: Okay, you know what? AJ wasn't hurt as a result of Sabrina's actions. Ava had a few cramps. That was it. So to call Sabrina a killer when you look the other way at real killers like Sonny and Ava and Franco, that makes you a hypocrite.
Kiki: And what if you're wrong? What if she still wants to hurt Avery?
Sabrina: I don't. I swear.
Michael: I am AJ's guardian. I'll make sure that she has a loving and nurturing caretaker.
Kiki: You want to talk about hypocrites? The only reason you got to be Avery's guardian is because you had the judge replaced by some guy who your grandmother was sleeping with.
Michael: No, I got custody because I proved that I can act in my sister's best interest.
Kiki: Avery's my little sister, too, and I'm not gonna let you or her forget that.
Michael: All right, well, I hope what Kiki said does not affect your -- your decision.
Sabrina: Stop. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can take this job.
Jake: If now's not a good time, I understand.
Sam: Well, it's just that I've learned a long time ago not to come between Spinelli and his Jell-O, so...
Jake: I'm gonna get Sam to convince her father to give me a job. I can't be living rent-free in the Metro Court.
Carly: No one's gonna believe that I kicked you out.
Jake: What about your partner?
Carly: I could say that Olivia asked you to leave, yeah. But I hope you know if you weren't going undercover in Julian's organization and you needed a place to stay, there's no way that I would let her kick you out.
Jake: Okay. Could you please just try to make this convincing?
Carly: Oh, no problem. I'm the best liar you've ever seen.
Jake: Yeah, somehow I don't doubt that.
Carly: Spinelli, I'll make sure you have all the gelatin your heart desires from the Metro Court if you promise to show me all the pictures you have of Georgie on your phone.
Spinelli: I most gratefully accept. Um, it's -- it's -- it's incredible how quickly they grow.
Carly: It is.
Sam: Well, it seems like I'm free. Come on. What did you want to talk about?
Elizabeth: Wonder what that's all about.
Patrick: Yeah, me too.
Sam: Well, I hope things have settled down and you've started to put your life back together.
Jake: Thanks. I will as soon as I find a place to live.
Sam: Don't tell me you're staying at the Metro Court.
Jake: Well, Carly offered, but her partner vetoed it. She said that I would make the guests feel unsafe, and well, at the time being, I'm homeless and jobless.
Sam: Stop. Well, if there's anything I can do to help, let me know.
Jake: Actually, there might be.
Sam: Okay.
Jake: Would you be willing to put in a good word for me with your father?
Sam: My father?
Jake: Yeah. I want to work for Julian Jerome.
Julian: Well, I was thinking more along the lines of hijacking a shipment or, uh, I don't know, burning down warehouses.
Carlos: Minor losses. You take out Lavery, you cripple Sonny.
Julian: It is a big risk, Carlos. A lot -- a lot could go wrong.
Carlos: This war, this vendetta, it's no longer about taking over territories. This is about keeping you around to control the territory that is rightfully yours. It's about keeping you alive. Lavery's got to go.
Sonny: You and Shawn believe that Anna's working with somebody on the inside?
Duke: Well, Anna showing up this morning was just too convenient. I mean, not unless we were followed by law enforcement.
Sonny: That's not gonna happen, 'cause you guys are too good for that.
Duke: Well, okay. Back to the question...
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Duke: ...Do we have a traitor on the inside?
Sonny: Answer's yes. Question is who?
[Knock on door]
Shawn: Got a minute? We need to talk.
Anna: Hi.
Jordan: Hey.
Anna: Your tip this morning prevented something that could have ended in a lot of bloodshed.
Jordan: Well, yeah. Uh, the trouble is, I might have triggered my own.
Anna: What are you talking about?
Jordan: I may be busted.
Sonny: Duke was just giving me an update on what happened on the pier. How's our guy?
Shawn: Yeah, we were able to patch him up. He's at a safe house. He should recover.
Duke: Well, that's good news.
Sonny: We were also discussing how Anna could be involved.
Shawn: I think I may know.
Sonny: Are you telling me Jordan is Anna's snitch?
Shawn: I don't have hard evidence. It's just a gut feeling.
Duke: Based on what?
Shawn: A lot of little things that don't add up. Look, for example -- Jordan's late today, but arrives just as Anna Devane clears us all out. And th-- that's just too damn easy.
Sonny: What else?
Shawn: Every time we're picked up for questioning, Jordan always seems to come out on the other side smelling like a rose.
Sonny: Have you confronted her?
Shawn: Look, if it'd been anyone else, all right, I would have played it differently. But she's TJ's mom, and I needed to give her a chance to clear her name.
Duke: I assume she has denied everything.
Shawn: Yeah. She made a good case for why she's not to blame for the leaks.
Sonny: A good case? You believe her?
Jordan: Shawn has been suspicious before in the past, and I've always been able to talk him down, but I don't think I was able to do that this time.
Anna: You think he's gonna take his concerns to Duke or Sonny?
Jordan: If he does, I'm in a world of trouble. It's a risk that I can't take anymore, Anna. You got to pull me out. You got to put our operation to rest.
Carly: So, have you thought about giving Georgie a little brother or sister?
Spinelli: Curious.
Carly: Oh, about having another baby?
Spinelli: Oh -- uh, um, no. Your friend Jake -- there's something about him just seems so familiar.
Carly: I know. It's weird, isn't it? The first time I met him, I instantly felt comfortable.
Spinelli: Wait. Where -- where did you meet him?
Carly: Here. I-I was in the art therapy room the day before the biggest mistake of my life.
Spinelli: Oh. Franco?
Carly: Yes, Franco. What I can tell you is that, you know, it's been a rough couple of months and a lot of loss, and having Jake to talk to and bounce things off of, it's been -- it's been really helpful.
Spinelli: Never has he reminded you know, Jason?
Carly: Well, yeah, there's some similarities. Jake has a way of cutting through what doesn't matter and getting to the truth.
Spinelli: Like Jason.
Carly: Jake's not Jason. Spinelli, Jason's gone. He's not coming back.
Sam: You want to work for Julian Jerome?
Jake: Well, having no memory gives you limited options. I don't even have a social-security card, so finding work has been tough at best. And Carly had the idea that, uh, there are some employers out there who might be willing to overlook my sketchy résumé.
Sam: Some? I-I can think of two.
Jake: Well, Carly also said that Sonny doesn't have a very high opinion of me, so that leaves your dad. What do you think? Think I'd be a good fit for Jerome's business?
Carlos: Lavery hates you. You have to eliminate him before he comes gunning for you.
[Doorbell rings]
Julian: It's Kiki. Make yourself scarce. I don't think she's in any mood to forgive you, since you shot her mother.
Carlos: I'm gone.
Julian: Hey, Kiki. What can I do for you?
Kiki: We need to talk about Avery. We have to get her back from Michael.
Michael: I don't believe for one second that you hurt AJ. Just the opposite -- you understand how vulnerable and how fragile she is, and you'll do everything in your power to protect her.
Sabrina: It doesn't matter. I lost my mind. I lost my moral compass. I gave Ava those drugs to send her into premature labor.
Michael: But it didn't happen. Ava was fine, and so was Avery.
Sabrina: It was still wrong.
Michael: Look, I understand. I-I do. P-please, sit down. Look, I've been wrong. I've done things I regret. But you know what? I can't go back and change what I did. But you can pay it forward, you know?
[Baby crying]
Michael: You can do something good to balance out the scales, okay? And I happen to think you'd be very good for my little sister.
Sabrina: You heard Kiki. She thinks I'm a psycho.
Michael: Well, it doesn't matter what Kiki thinks. Unless you don't want the job because how she said I got custody.
Sabrina: Is it true? Did you arrange for your grandmother's boyfriend to hear the case?
Michael: Absolutely.
Ava: I'll be damned if I'm gonna stand by and watch Michael and Sonny use my daughter as some kind of prize in their petty feud. You know there's even a rumor that Michael is calling her AJ? I won't stand for it.
Silas: I understand your frustration. I do. But unless we can come up with a cure, I don't think there's anything you can do for Avery right now.
Ava: Well, there may not be something that I can do, but there's something you can do.
Silas: Okay. What?
Ava: Raise Avery yourself.
Silas: I'm not sure what to say.
Ava: Then don't say anything right now. Just hear me out. I'll be gone soon, and Avery will need somebody to love her, to be a father to her in a way that Sonny and Michael can't be. In a way that I didn't let you be to Kiki.
Silas: Listen to me. I want nothing more for Avery than for her to be cared for and protected by the people who will love her and put her above all else.
Ava: That's you.
Silas: Listen, this is crazy. This is...crazy. Ava, I don't even have legal grounds to fight for custody.
Ava: Well, Kiki does. Kiki's her sister. You're Kiki's father. So she can make the claim.
Silas: Kiki opted not to fight for custody.
Ava: Yeah, because of some crazy idea that she belonged with Sonny, and we know how that turned out, don't we?
Silas: Kiki's young. You'd be asking her to take on a huge responsibility.
Ava: You'll be there to help her.
Silas: If we do take on this custody fight, it's gonna be an uphill battle. I mean, I have doctor money, but this Michael Quartermaine, the Quartermaines, they have money -- real money and power and influence.
Ava: So does my brother. If you and Kiki, if you team up with Julian, you will be more than a match for Michael.
Kiki: Avery is your blood. She needs to be back where she belongs -- with her real family. That's us, the Jeromes.
Julian: Okay, listen. I'm behind you 100%, but if the decision is overturned, you know, custody's just gonna revert back to Sonny, who's her father.
Kiki: We have to do something. Avery is not safe with Michael.
Julian: O-okay, well, you j-- I'm sorry, but you just lost me there. Okay, look. Michael may have pulled a fast one with the judge, but, you know, he's never given me any indication that he would be dangerous to Avery.
Kiki: What about the fact that Michael wants to make the woman who tried to kill my sister her nanny?
Michael: You already know I want Sonny punished for killing my father.
Sabrina: Is that why you took his daughter?
Michael: Well, that's what he thinks, but he's wrong. Yes, I want Sonny to pay. I want him to suffer. But more importantly, I want AJ to grow up free.
Sabrina: Free?
Michael: Free of the threats, the danger of the next kidnapping, the next car bombing. Just free of the secrecy and all those conversations you're not supposed to hear. Free of realizing little by little that your father has people killed for business. I-I-I tried to keep my brother Morgan out of that world. For a long time, I didn't even know I was supposed to try. So I talked to my grandmother, and she spoke to her boyfriend, the judge, and now I have custody, and AJ's safe.
Shawn: I want to believe that Jordan's telling the truth. I care about her.
Sonny: We have gone over this how many times, Shawn? You have questioned her loyalty in the past.
Duke: You vouched for her when she joined the organization.
Shawn: Look, at the end of the day, if Jordan's a rat, it's on me. I'll pay the consequences. Look, I just can't be sure that Jordan's the reason that Anna showed up when she did. I have a suspicion, that's all. And I felt it was my duty to let you know.
Anna: You realize no one has ever -- ever -- been this far inside the Corinthos organization?
Jordan: Anna, they are suspicious. They could come after me. Do you get that?
Anna: Yes, but if you quit now, you're -- you're burning our most valuable asset.
Jordan: There won't be an asset if I'm dead! If you're not gonna pull me, then I'm gonna go straight to Sonny and Duke and tell them that I want out.
Anna: No, you cannot do that under any circumstances.
Jordan: It's the only chance that I have to save my own life.
Anna: No, it isn't. Listen -- Shawn doesn't have any proof. Not yet. But if you go and you try to cut ties with them, then that is proof of your guilt, and Sonny will have you eliminated.
Jordan: Which could happen regardless.
Anna: I know that you feel your life is on the line -- do you?
Jordan: Do you?
Anna: Yes, I do. That is why we have to play this very, very carefully.
Sam: I can't say what Julian's hiring practices are, but the kind of work experience that he's looking for normally ends up on a rap sheet.
Jake: I'm aware of his reputation.
Sam: Are you aware you almost went to prison for life because of what Helena made you do? And now, all of a sudden, you want to voluntarily break the law?
Jake: I don't want to do anything illegal. I just need to work. I can drive a car, but I don't even have a license. I'll sweep floors, I'll count boxes, I'll do whatever. I just need something to pay my bills until I figure out the next step.
Sam: Okay. You are -- you are just hustling, trying to stay afloat.
Jake: Yeah, pretty much.
Sam: I have been there many times, and I know it's not easy.
Jake: That explains why I'm swallowing my pride to hit you up for a job recommendation.
Sam: Okay. I will talk to my father. I'll see what I can do.
Jake: All right. That means a lot to me.
Elizabeth: Oh, she's beautiful.
Spinelli: She is.
Elizabeth: You all done?
Jake: Yeah. Ready to go.
Spinelli: Well, now it's time for my highly anticipated dessert. If you'll excuse me.
Jake: He's special, isn't he?
Carly: Spinelli's one of a kind. Everything okay with Sam?
Jake: Yeah. Everything's great. She's gonna help me find a job.
Sam: Um, would you save me a seat?
Spinelli: As you wish. Um, Dr. Drake? Would you fancy a tasty treat?
Patrick: I'm okay. Thanks, man.
Sam: Hey.
Patrick: Hey.
Sam: Long day?
Patrick: Average.
Sam: Well, I was maybe thinking you would like to grab some dinner at Kelly's?
Patrick: Why? Don't you have plans?
Sam: Oh, with Jake? No. That -- that was about something else. He just needed a favor.
Elizabeth: A job?
Jake: Yeah. That would be the first step towards paying the rent, paying my bills.
Elizabeth: Right, but do you really want to work for Julian Jerome?
Jake: I -- I mean, there's not a lot of demand for bad bartenders.
Carly: And he's really bad. [Laughs]
Elizabeth: But you know what he does, right?
Jake: He -- he has other legitimate businesses. That's why I'm hoping Sam can help me. I mean, I can push a mean broom.
Elizabeth: Why jump into something with Julian when a better opportunity could be right around the corner?
Carly: Jake doesn't have an ID, and he has no work history. He-he's known for taking hostages and trying to blow up The Haunted Star.
Elizabeth: He was exonerated.
Carly: I understand that, but what employer is going to give a man with that résumé a job?
Jake: Why, thank you for that bleak yet accurate...
Carly: Okay, I'm just -- sorry, I'm just saying that we need to support Jake in whatever he needs to do to survive.
Elizabeth: Okay, well, who am I to question your decision? I guess good luck.
Jake: Thanks. I'm gonna need it.
Ava: Kiki and Julian would stand a much better chance of getting custody of Avery together than they would apart.
Silas: I am absolutely willing to support Kiki taking care of Avery. Julian, I'm not so sure about.
Ava: Oh, he's her uncle. He will do what's best for her, unlike Sonny and Michael.
Silas: Yeah, well, from what I know of Julian, he manipulates everything to his own benefit.
Ava: So what if he does? This is my last chance at safeguarding my little girl's future after I'm gone. Avery is not a Corinthos. She's not a Quartermaine. She is a Jerome, and I will spend my last breath making sure she stays that way.
Kiki: Sabrina Santiago drugged my mother and wanted my baby sister to die. Now Michael wants to make her Avery's nanny? It's -- it's so wrong.
Julian: I understand how you feel. Problem is, I'm just not sure we could prove that in court.
Kiki: We have to try. We have to show that Michael is not acting in Avery's best interest. Don't you see, Uncle Julian? You are the only one who stands a chance at getting Avery away from Michael.
Julian: Okay, Kiki, a custody battle, I mean, I-I-it could take years.
Kiki: So that's it? You're just gonna give up before we've even started?
Julian: All I'll say is that I'll consider it, okay? I mean, I don't know. Maybe -- maybe there is a way.
Kiki: Oh, my God. That would be great.
Julian: Okay, I'm -- I'm not making any promises.
Kiki: No, I'm -- I'm not even worried, you know? I know that you are gonna come through for my sister. Thank you, Uncle Julian.
Julian: You're welcome.
[Door closes]
Carlos: Do yourself a favor, Julian. Stay out of this custody thing.
Julian: Okay. And why is that?
Carlos: Emotions are high. People aren't thinking clearly, including your niece. No matter what she says, Sabrina would never hurt that baby.
Sabrina: I believe you did everything you felt you had to do for your sister, but I still don't think I should be her nanny.
Michael: I disagree. I want her to have someone who's kind and compassionate. Someone who -- who can sing to her and -- and play with her and hold her when I can't. I want her to feel safe and secure and, most of all, happy, and given what you've been through, you are uniquely qualified to give her those things. And you know what? You are easy to be around. Who knows what kind of intimidating nannies the agency will send over?
Sabrina: [Laughs]
Michael: What's that? Yeah? Wouldn't you rather have Sabrina? She says yes. She said yeah, so, I mean -- what do you think? What do -- what do -- what do you want to do?
Sabrina: Children are precious. They should be safeguarded at all costs. And if I can help you do that, then I will.
Michael: So that's a yes?
Sabrina: Yes.
Michael: Okay. Look, you'll see -- we'll make a better life for my sister than the people who made her ever could.
Sonny: Thanks, Shawn, for, you know, bringing this up, telling me about Jordan. I'm gonna -- I'll take it under consideration.
Shawn: I'm gonna head over to the warehouse, check on Wilson, make sure he has everything he needs.
Sonny: What do you think?
Duke: We invited her into the organization. We gave her full access. She knows the inner workings. If Shawn's suspicions are correct and Jordan Ashford is indeed an officer of the law, she could bring us all down.
Anna: There is no lack of suspicion or paranoia on both sides. Tensions between the Jerome and the Corinthos organization is reaching boiling point.
Jordan: I know that because I'm trapped between them both.
Anna: Well, what I'm saying is that one wrong move could spark something that could easily be the bloodiest conflict this city has ever seen.
Julian: All right, let's just table the Avery discussion, okay? We've got bigger problems to solve right now.
Carlos: Lavery. It's your move, Julian. You gonna make it?
Julian: We're gonna kill Duke Lavery.
On the next "General Hospital" --
Sonny: (to Duke) How would you handle the situation?
Shawn: (to TJ, with Jordan) You okay with your mother and me?
Sam: (to Julian) I was gonna ask you to give somebody a job.
Jason: (to Carly) All we have to do is sit back and wait for Sam to call.
Elizabeth: (to Ric) The answer is yes.
(Sloane, naked, opens his towel and lets it fall, as Anna stares)
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