General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 3/3/15
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Morgan: Ric brought up Claudia? How did, uh -- how did Michael react?
Sonny: It wasn't easy on any of us.
Morgan: Okay, so, you think he's gonna drop the suit, let you keep Avery?
Julian: Michael.
Michael: Yes?
Julian: I was hoping I'd run in to you.
Michael: Why is that?
Julian: There's something we need to get straightened out.
Sonny: I want Michael to drop the suit, but he's not gonna do that, no matter, you know, how bad he gets hurt.
Morgan: Dad, whatever Ric did, Michael was asking for it.
Sonny: I just -- I just wish there was another way. He went Michael on the s-- and they were -- I wanted to protect him. That was my first instinct. But then I had to think about -- I got to fight for my daughter.
Morgan: Yeah, you're defending Avery.
Sonny: Right.
Morgan: Yeah. I know you've got a lot going on right now, and, uh... but Ava's memorial is today. Right. And I'd like to take Avery with me.
Delia: Kiki. She's gone. My baby girl is gone. [Crying]
Ava: Have I told you lately, Silas, that you're my hero?
Silas: You thanked me. I said, "you're welcome." Let's, uh -- let's call it even.
Ava: Not even close. I was half dead when you picked me up and you brought me here, had me admitted while keeping me off the books.
Silas: I was on staff here at New York Methodist for a lot of years. I banked a few favors.
Ava: And then, after saving my life, you gave me my freedom.
Silas: Not that it was mine to give.
Ava: You haven't changed your mind, have you?
Silas: No.
Ava: It means the world to me, Silas, knowing that you won't turn me over to the cops.
Officer Runyon: How's the patient doing?
[Jake gives him a thumbs-up]
Nikolas: The patient's holding his own.
Alexis: That sounds encouraging.
Nikolas: The staff here at Shriners Hospitals for Children is -- it's incredible. They've been very patient and understanding. And you know Spencer. He can -- [Chuckles] He can be -- be very much the handful.
Alexis: They specialize in treating kids.
Nikolas: He's off having treatment right now.
Alexis: How are you?
Nikolas: Better, actually. It helps having Spencer in such competent hands.
Alexis: I'm sorry I can't get away right this second, but I will try to get on a plane tonight.
Nikolas: That's not necessary.
Alexis: Someone's got to make sure that you're sleeping and you're eating. And it's times like this when you need your family.
Jake: So, do you have a message from your boss or are you just concerned about my well-being?
Officer Runyon: Commissioner Sloane hasn't heard from you. He was wondering why you wouldn't want the charges against you dropped.
Ava: I know you're taking a risk, Silas. You could end up in Pentonville as well.
Silas: Take this. We just need to be careful.
Ava: I promise. I won't do anything to mess this up.
Silas: You weren't so sure yesterday.
Ava: Yeah, I'm sorry about that, about how I reacted, how I overreacted. It's just -- it's very hard knowing that my daughters are suffering without me. And then, when I saw Carly on television holding my baby, it nearly killed me. I hate that Sonny and Michael are fighting over her. Although I suppose I should be grateful to Michael, right? He did save my life.
Silas: There is that.
Ava: The night Avery was born, Sonny was gonna kill me. I saw it in his eyes. He had the gun pointed right at me, and he had his finger on the trigger. And I heard the shot. And I remember thinking, "I'm dying right now, and I can't even feel it." And then I realized it wasn't Sonny's gun that fired. It was Michael's, because Michael was there to kill Sonny. If only he'd gone through with it.
Silas: Well, I think there's been more than enough violence already.
Ava: I'm just saying, if Sonny were dead and Michael was in prison for his murder, then they wouldn't be fighting over my daughter. And Avery would be with Kiki, where she belongs, instead of being dragged into some cour-- courtroom. My poor little girl.
Silas: Hey. Whoever ends up with Avery is gonna take really good care of her.
Ava: She shouldn't be going through this.
Silas: You know, she's just a little one. She doesn't know what's going on right now.
Ava: Kiki does. She believes I'm dead. We were so close, Silas, the two of us. When she was growing up, we were like this little family of two. You know, and I know there are a lot of mothers that wish that they were their daughter's best friend, but Kiki and I... we really were. And now she's grown from that funny, [Laughs] curious little girl to this smart, beautiful young woman that she is today. I'm just so proud of her, Silas. It breaks my heart to think of her grieving.
Delia: You want a little shot of something to help steady your nerves?
Kiki: No. I'm fine, thanks. [Sighs]
Delia: Does this look okay? 'Cause I was kind of worried. 'Cause she's got a group of really classy friends, and I don't want her to be embarrassed.
Kiki: No. It looks great. You put in so much effort.
Delia: Too little too late. I wasn't much of a mother.
Kiki: My mom would have really appreciated you doing all this for her. And, you know, she loved that picture.
Delia: God, look at her. She was so beautiful.
Kiki: Yeah. Growing up, I always knew my mom was intelligent and sophisticated and fun.
Delia: You know, I called some of her gallery friends from way back when, and they're a little judgy about her murder rap and prison escape.
Kiki: Well, that's their problem.
Delia: That's what I say. The hell with them. And some people will use any excuse. So, is that why Morgan is a no-show? Is that why he's not here?
Kiki: No. No, he'll be here. He just -- he had something important to take care of first.
Delia: What could be more important than Ava's memorial?
Morgan: Kiki was planning on having the memorial in Port Charles at Ava's gallery, right?
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Morgan: But then her grandmother called last-minute and said that the memorial was today at Ryan's Bar in the city.
Sonny: Kind of short notice, don't you think?
Morgan: Yeah. It was too late to talk her out of it.
Sonny: Uh-huh.
Morgan: Okay, because Delia had already sent out all the invitations to Ava's friends in the art world and stuff. Kiki's there right now.
Sonny: Uh-huh.
Morgan: And she doesn't even know that I'm here asking about Avery.
Sonny: It's nice what you're doing for Kiki, but I don't -- you know, I don't think it's gonna work out.
Morgan: Dad, please. It'll be one night, okay?
Sonny: Uh-huh.
Morgan: It'll just be -- and -- and Julian made a good point. He said that it would be nice for -- for Avery, when she grows up, to know that, you know, she was at her mom's memorial. And that would give them, you know -- that would give her some kind of connection, you know? And -- and Delia -- Delia, Ava's mom, hasn't even met Avery yet, so...
Sonny: Ava's mom is -- is a curse.
Morgan: I agree with you, but it would just be this once, okay? I know you did not care about Ava, but Ava -- she's dead, and I was wondering if you would just let Ava have this.
Julian: Ava was my sister, so that baby is my niece.
Michael: Yeah. Avery has a lot of relatives.
Julian: She does indeed. So, uh, Michael, why -- why should you be the one who gets custody?
Michael: Because I can provide Avery with a safe and stable home where she'll be loved and cared for, not in the line of fire.
Julian: You know what? I don't care if you and Sonny tear each other apart, but I care about my niece. So I owe it to my sister to make sure she's okay.
Michael: Yeah, and here's what I owe my sister -- a childhood without bulletproof glass and bodyguards where she won't risk becoming collateral damage and not come within five minutes of getting firebombed like Danny did when someone torched Alexis' house to send you a message. So -- so if you want to show your concern for your niece, I suggest you and your business stay far away from her.
Julian: She's a Jerome, okay? And I'm gonna be looking out for her.
Michael: And so am I. And I'm gonna keep her safe from thugs like you and Sonny.
Nikolas: Sam just showed up. It's your mom.
Sam: Oh, hey. Tell her that Danny's at the Quartermaine's. She's been so busy I haven't been able to tell her that I was coming to see you.
Alexis: Oh, not to worry. I'm just glad she's there.
Nikolas: Yes, me, too. You -- you just concentrate on -- on your work, okay? I'll keep you posted.
Alexis: All right. If you need me, I'm on the first plane.
Nikolas: Yes, I know. All right. Thank you. Hi.
Sam: Hi.
Nikolas: I'm glad you're here.
Sam: Thank you. It's good to see you.
Nikolas: You, too.
Sam: Monica asked me if -- she wanted me to have Danny spend the night, and I-I-I jumped on it, of course.
Nikolas: I-I'm glad you did.
Sam: You were there for me when Danny was sick. I just -- I want to be there for you, too. I mean, we're family. We have to stick together, you know?
Nikolas: [Remembers] Jake is Jason Morgan? He's alive?
Jake: Well, I got your message. Thank you. Allow me to get you an escort. Goodbye. See you later. [Clears throat]
Carly: How are you?
Jake: Hi. I-I-I'm doing much better. Thank you.
Carly: No headaches or blurry vision or anything?
Jake: I have a small residual headache, but nothing like before.
Carly: I'm happy for you.
Jake: I am happy for me, too. Thank you.
Carly: So, what now? I mean, do we both pretend that I didn't hear what I just heard?
Jake: Yes. Could that be an option, please?
Carly: No. Not for me. The police commissioner is offering to drop the charges against you? Why wouldn't you take him up on it?
Sonny: I understand that you want to honor Ava. That's fine. But dragging Avery all the way to New York -- what if they come down with a decision that she's not --
Morgan: No, no. You're gonna win. You're gonna win.
Sonny: I hope so. But yesterday, the judge had a social worker come by to see if we're taking care of her.
Morgan: Well, that's ridiculous.
Sonny: It is ridiculous, but that's -- that's what they do. We -- we passed with flying colors, right? But you know what? She doesn't have to be in court today.
Morgan: Please.
Sonny: I just don't feel comf--
Morgan: Please let me take her. Please. Please. Okay? For Kiki's sake. You remember when you came over? Kiki handed her right over to you. There was no problem. She could have fought you for custody, but she decided not to do that.
Sonny: All right. Uh, I'm gonna have the nanny get Avery's things together, and you just --
Morgan: Thank you.
Sonny: Okay.
Morgan: Thank you.
Sonny: Come by and pick her up at the house, okay?
Morgan: All right. Kiki's really gonna -- she's gonna be blown away by this. Thank you, Dad. And you know what? I want you to know I'm on your side. I hope, by the end of the day, you have custody of Avery, not Michael.
Julian: Alexis, if I might have a word...
Alexis: Excuse me. Hi. What is it?
Julian: Um, first of all... mm. Good morning. I missed you last night.
Alexis: Me, too.
Julian: Listen, I, um -- I probably won't see you till tonight. I'm heading to New York for Ava's memorial.
Alexis: I thought Kiki was doing something here.
Julian: Yeah, well, apparently, her mother had set something up. She didn't think to let anyone know until the last minute, so...
Alexis: I'm sorry.
Julian: No, that's okay.
Alexis: I really wanted to be there for you.
Julian: No, it's fine. You've got your hearing. I-I totally understand.
Alexis: Still, it's not gonna be easy for you to say goodbye to your sister.
Kiki: Morgan would never miss this.
Delia: If you say so.
Kiki: He'll be here. And so will my Uncle Julian.
Delia: I never met him, but I heard he's a real charmer, like his dad.
Kiki: Uh, he can be charming.
Delia: It's a shame that Ava has to die in order for him to make an appearance.
Kiki: Well, Julian and my mom didn't always get along.
Delia: I can understand why. She could be very difficult sometimes, and, God, rest in peace wherever she might be. And if he's anything like his dad, he's no picnic, either.
Kiki: Bottom line, they loved each other and he'll be here.
Delia: What about Silas? Is he coming? Because he better be.
Kiki: You know, I-I don't know. He's been pretty busy with this critical patient, but I'll check, you know, just in case he's free.
Ava: I hate it that Kiki is mourning me.
Silas: I hate it, too. There's nothing either one of us can do about it. If Kiki knows the truth, she becomes an accessory.
Ava: But nobody's looking for me. So no one is watching Kiki, right? So there must be a way that we can let her know.
Silas: No, there's not. Not without compromising her.
[Cell phone rings]
Silas: Excuse me.
[Ringing continues]
Silas: It's Kiki.
Ava: Well, put her on speaker.
Silas: Ava.
Ava: Please. I won't say anything, I promise. I just want to hear her voice.
Silas: Shh. Hi, Kiki. I was just thinking about you.
Kiki: I'm so glad you picked up.
Silas: Oh? What's going on?
Kiki: Well, I know this is kind of last-minute and not what we discussed, but... today's my mom's memorial service.
Nikolas: We've got a treatment plan. Um, the doctors are optimistic. Not to say that it won't take some work to get him back, but everyone here has been terrific, and I don't just mean medically, because you know Spencer can be a bit of a challenge.
Sam: Oh, come on. He's -- he's challenging in a good way.
Nikolas: [Chuckles] Yeah, a very good way.
Sam: Hey, speaking of, I am so sorry I missed his birthday, but I did not forget a present. It's a -- thank you. Jake was going into surgery, and I wanted to be with him. I really wanted to make sure that he was gonna be okay.
Carly: Nothing you did was your fault. The police should drop the charges. And if the commissioner is willing, then --
Jake: Sloane's offer isn't as straightforward as it sounds. Trust me.
Carly: What does that mean?
Jake: I can't really tell you.
Carly: Fine. Then I'll speculate. You could be charged with everything from taking Sam hostage to killing everyone on The Haunted Star, or the police commissioner could make it go away. But you're reluctant to accept his help.
Jake: I wouldn't exactly call it help.
Carly: There's strings attached. What does the commissioner want you to do?
Jake: I can't talk about it.
Carly: You don't trust me?
Jake: I trust you, Carly.
Carly: Are you sure? Because I am the one that turned you in.
Jake: Carly, I trust you, and I told you that I appreciated that, and I meant it, but I-I owe you. Let's just say I owe you.
Carly: Then just tell me what's going on with you, all right? And let me help.
Jake: You've helped me enough.
Carly: Because you're my friend, and I'm yours and that's what friends do. And I hate that I left you at the police station when you needed me, so would you just please let me come through for you now?
Jake: You are relentless. You don't stop. You don't stop.
Carly: I am. I am. When it comes to my friends, yes, I am.
Jake: Okay, just -- [Stammers] [Clears throat] In exchange for convincing Scott Baldwin to let me walk, Sloane wants me to work for him.
Nikolas: I heard about Jake's surgery. Elizabeth, uh, filled me in. I heard it was successful.
Sam: Yeah, it couldn't have gone better, actually. Jake is no longer under Helena's influence.
Nikolas: Well, he won't have to worry about her ever again. She's been exiled to the family island in the Mediterranean. She'll be my prisoner until the day she dies.
Sam: Well, she can't die just yet because she still has some secrets to reveal.
Nikolas: Such as?
Sam: [Chuckles] Well, who Jake really is.
Nikolas: Oh. Well, from what I understand, Helena's primary interest in Jake is his ability to carry out her orders. Is that --
Sam: Probably. Okay, look, Jake had a breakthrough right before he was about to go under on the operating table, and he told Elizabeth that he knew who he was. When he woke up, the memory was gone. Now, I think Helena is probably the only one who knows Jake's real identity. And, well, maybe you, too.
Julian: Lansing. How you doing?
Ric: Well, pretty good considering I lost half a year of my life to you, Julian. And yourself?
Julian: Me? I'm just off to my sister's memorial.
Ric: Great. [Clears throat] Michael, could, uh -- could you get off your phone for a minute and join us? Sonny's gonna be here any minute, and, uh, start day 2 of this fiasco.
Alexis: What's your point?
Ric: [Sighs] You lost yesterday and you're gonna lose bigger today. Look, you're not able to prove that Sonny's an unfit father, so why don't you save us all a little bit of time and save yourself the humiliation of continuing this -- this custody trial? Avery is Sonny's daughter, and he is going to keep her.
Julian: Sonny.
Sonny: Uh, I heard about Ava's memorial service. I just want you to know that I had, uh, Morgan take Avery.
Julian: Yeah. No, I appreciate that. Thank you. You know, I just thought that Avery might like to know that she was there when we honored her mother. But, uh, you know, given the fact that you wanted her mother dead, I have to say I'm surprised by your generosity.
Sonny: I'm still mad at -- at Ava. I got every right to be. She murdered the woman that I love. But I just want you to know that I did everything I could to keep her from falling off that bridge.
Julian: I'm choosing to believe you.
Sonny: It's the truth.
Julian: Um, listen, I-I never did get a chance to, uh, thank you. You know, after I was shot, I couldn't go on, but, you know, Sonny, you got to that Haunted Star. You took that bomb away. You know, you saved my son's life, among many others.
Sonny: It wouldn't have happened if, you know, you guys didn't come up with a plan -- you and Ava -- to break out of Pentonville.
Julian: Well, uh -- well, listen. [Clears throat] You know, before we, uh, hold hands and sing a round of "Kumbaya," I thought you'd like to know what's going down. And I wanted you to hear it from me before you heard it from Lavery. Look, the Jerome family, we're, uh, resuming full operations.
Sonny: You're the only Jerome left. What are you talking about?
Julian: That's exactly it. I mean, you and I, we're, uh -- we're gonna be on opposite sides again.
Silas: Ava's service is today?
Kiki: Yeah, it happened really fast, and, uh, it's kind of out of my control at this point, but I thought I'd let you know. You had said you wanted to be a part of it.
Silas: I do. Uh, but I-I'm in New York. I'm in the city, sweetheart. Remember I told you a friend called me in to consult?
Kiki: Dad, I'm in New York, too.
Silas: What are you doing in the city?
Kiki: Um, my Grandma Delia basically hijacked the memorial service. She says it's an Irish wake, but [Chuckles] the wreath is in Spanish and it's at her bar. Uh, we didn't find out any of this until last night, and it was already too late. Anyway, there's absolutely no arguing with her, so I'm here. Uh, Morgan and my Uncle Julian are gonna come down, too. I really wanted the baby to be here, but there's just no way, not with the custody hearing.
Silas: Well, I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know you'd planned to hold your mother's memorial in Port Charles.
Kiki: If doing this helps my grandmother, I'm fine with it.
Silas: What time does Delia want to start?
Kiki: You think you can tear yourself away from work?
Silas: Yeah. My patient is, uh -- is stable, so of course, I'm gonna be there.
Kiki: Thank you so much. It's gonna be really hard to say goodbye to Mom.
Ric: Alexis, could you please explain to your client what you and I both already know -- that this case is not gonna go his way.
Alexis: No, I'm not gonna do that 'cause he has every right to --
Ric: To hurt his father? Because that's exactly what came across loud and clear yesterday. He came off like a petulant bully out to take his father's child after his father saved his life. Michael, cut your losses. Withdraw this -- this ridiculous custody suit. Save what's left of your relationship with your parents, okay? Because I promise you, if you don't, not only are you gonna lose what's left of your family, but your little sister -- she's not gonna thank you for it. She's gonna resent it.
Michael: You know, you, um -- you tied my mother to a wall and, uh, you were gonna kill her and give my brother to your wife. In what universe does that qualify you to lecture me about family?
Ric: Michael, this is not about my past. This is about Avery's future, okay? Just let her go home.
Michael: Right, I do agree with you on one thing -- this is about Avery's future, not Sonny's need to own and control his kids. Avery's not a trophy. She's a human being with the right to safety and security, and I will fight with everything I have to give that to her.
Ric: Michael, whatever Sonny has done in the past, okay, he risked his life to save yours. Don't throw that away.
Sonny: You're wasting your breath trying to put me on notice. I'm done.
Julian: Okay. That's what Lavery said.
Sonny: I-I got my family to think about, and that's it.
Julian: Oh, the custody thing. Look, I, uh -- I understand that, but, uh, once the fight for my niece is settled, we both know you're gonna take back those reins.
Carly: Sloane wants you to be a cop?
Jake: No. He, uh, wants to utilize me in a different capacity.
Carly: I don't understand.
Jake: Undercover.
Carly: Undercover doing what?
Jake: Oh, you know, infiltrating the mob.
Carly: He wants you to infiltrate Sonny's organization?
Jake: No, not Sonny's. Julian Jerome's.
Julian: Know what? You're never gonna leave the business, okay?
Sonny: Right.
Julian: You might step aside if it suits your purpose, but then you'll always be back, and we both know it. Okay, look, we were allies in prison, no question. But not anymore, Sonny.
Sonny: Is this a declaration of war?
Julian: It's just --
Sonny: I'm just curious. Is it?
Julian: It's just a statement of fact, all right? That's it.
Sonny: Okay. Well, you think -- you think my organization has run Port Charles for the last 21 years...
Julian: Okay.
Sonny: ...Do you think that was an accident?
Julian: You know what --
Sonny: You think Lavery's just gonna sit back and be quiet while you try to take what isn't yours?
Julian: Look, Port Charles belonged to the Jeromes long before you ever got here, man.
Sonny: Yeah, but you lost the city. I ran it better. And you're not getting it back.
Julian: You watch me. I'll get that back for sure.
Sonny: Okay, listen to me. I keep what's mine -- my daughter, my territory. I'm even fighting my own son right now. And I'm raking him over the coals. What do you think I'm gonna do to you?
Julian: Oh, there it is. There it is. So much for being done with the business, right? I was worried.
Sonny: Well, you can be done with the business, okay? You -- you can do your little publishing company. Alexis will be happy 'cause you'll be a law-abiding citizens. But if you choose not to --
Julian: Sonny, I've already chosen.
Sonny: You want to make yourself my enemy?
Julian: If that's the way it has to be, then...
Sonny: Okay, you know what? We'll do that. And there's not gonna be a truce. I'm gonna break you.
Jake: Well, apparently Julian Jerome has ventured back into the life of organized crime, and Sloane wants me there on the ground floor.
Carly: Absolutely not.
Jake: I don't have a lot of choices here, Carly.
Carly: Yes, you do. I have the financial resources to hire the best lawyer in the state.
Jake: Oh, yeah?
Carly: Yeah.
Jake: Well, the whole idea is to not get charged in the first place. That's the idea.
Carly: No. No, the whole idea is to go free. And Diane can make that happen. I mean, this woman is brilliant. I can't tell you the amount of charges that Sonny and Jason have walked away from because of Diane. She will get you out of this, Jake.
Jake: Yeah, and what if she can't? What if I get found guilty on one -- just one -- let alone all of those charges? I could go to jail for the rest of my life. Now, if I had done those things willingly, on my own accord, then fine, I deserve what I get. But I am not gonna give up my freedom for something I literally had no choice for.
Carly: Okay.
Jake: Okay? You hear me?
Carly: Yes, I hear you. So, you're gonna let the police commissioner dangle these charges over your head instead. That's not freedom. Let Diane take this to trial. She will get you acquitted.
Jake: And I take it you're just gonna foot the entire bill.
Carly: Yes, of course. I promise you I will foot the bill.
Jake: Look, I appreciate that. I really do. I promise I do. But I've taken enough of your charity. Now, this is my mess. I'm in it. I'm gonna get out of it the only way that I can -- the offer that I have right now.
Carly: There is a fine line between independence and stupidity, and you're about to cross it.
Jake: I've already crossed it. If you're really my friend, you're just gonna accept my choice, even if you don't like it.
Carly: Don't like it? [Laughs] I hate it. And I think it's a terrible, terrible decision. But it's your choice, and I am your friend. So I... I support you all the way.
Nikolas: Why would I know Jake's real name?
Sam: Well, Helena was living with you. I mean, maybe she said something that would be able to help us. Did she tell you where she met Jake, how long that she's known him for? Even if it seems totally insignificant, maybe we could put together the pieces and figure out the truth. I mean, do you have any idea who Jake really is?
Nikolas: Can I ask you a question? Why -- why do you care about this man? He has nothing to do with you. So why get all wound up over him? I mean, not every puzzle has an answer.
Sam: [Scoffs]
Nikolas: Right? I mean, even if it did, Jake's true identity has nothing to do with you.
Sam: Yes, it does. It absolutely does.
Carly: I have -- I have to get to court.
Jake: Carly, I can trust that you'll keep this to yourself, right?
Carly: I wouldn't do anything to put you in danger. And if you change your mind about Diane... I can handle this.
Jake: I know.
Ric: Don't make me go after you again.
Michael: With what? You already told the judge that I killed Claudia, but, you know, calling it a murder was a miscalculation, because the official record says otherwise. I have nothing to hide. I have no alleged mob ties to cover up. You can -- you can continue to insult me a little more. That might work out for you.
Ric: Michael, listen. Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're my nephew, okay? I've always like you.
Michael: Really? Because I've always hated you. I never -- not that I ever said anything to Molly. I mean, she wants to believe the best in you. I don't want to destroy her illusions. You know, it hurts a lot when you find out the person that you grew up to admire is a liar -- or worse.
Ric: Okay, okay, you know what? You want to punish your father, fine, but don't play tug-of-war with a baby, Michael. That's cowardly.
[Door closes]
Alexis: Michael, I need a word with you, now.
Michael: Ric's bluffing.
Alexis: Yes...and no. You were very good on the stand yesterday. You were very articulate, you were very sympathetic, and I will say that it was Ric who was bullying you.
Michael: Right. So why haven't you told me I have a good chance to win this thing?
Alexis: From a legal standpoint, it is almost impossible to take a child away from a biological parent. There are many parents who are incarcerated for violent crimes, and many of them retain visitation.
Michael: Well, shouldn't the law protect the children?
Alexis: As the law stands now, Sonny is Avery's father, and their right to be together is paramount. Now, if you try to take that child from him, you will have to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Sonny is unfit.
Michael: Every single one of Sonny's children have been either shot or kidnapped. Isn't the proof enough?
Alexis: Don't. Because we can't prove conclusively that he intentionally or even negligently put the kids in harm's way.
Michael: I was shot in the head. I'm not gonna let that happen to Avery.
Alexis: Michael, I went to great lengths to keep Kristina from Sonny because I was afraid. I did what I believed was right, what was in her best interests, and the only thing that I accomplished was alienating him.
Michael: Yeah, but you wanted to save your daughter's life.
Alexis: Over the years, we were able to patch things up, but I don't think he will ever really truly forgive me for keeping him away from his daughter, and I don't want that to happen to you.
Michael: I don't want and I don't need Sonny's forgiveness.
Alexis: You say that now, but in a year or 10 years, you may feel differently. And if you drop this case, you're giving everyone in your family lots of room to heal.
Michael: Okay, so, you want me to give Sonny what he wants and put -- put my sister's life at risk?
Alexis: I'm giving you my best advice as your lawyer. The very best thing you can do right now is to call this off.
Kiki: Uncle Julian, thank you so much for coming.
Julian: Of course. My pleasure.
Kiki: Delia, this is my mom's half brother, Julian Jerome.
Julian: It's good to meet you, Delia. I just wish it were under different circumstances.
Delia: So do I.
Ava: Kiki needs me. She's just down the street. How can she be so close and I can't even see her?
Silas: If you want to keep you and me out of prison, you're gonna forget that Kiki's within walking distance.
Ava: I know. I can't risk it. And I wouldn't put you in jeopardy. It's just -- I feel so helpless.
Silas: I'm gonna be there for our daughter. I promise.
Ava: I know. I'm sorry. [Voice breaking] This is just -- this is just really hard.
Silas: I know. Okay? Listen, I need to have a word with the nurse before I take off. You all right? Okay.
Ava: [Sighs]
[Door closes]
[Silas' cell phone chimes]
Ava: [Gets out of bed, crawls to the phone, and reads a text message from Kiki telling Silas that Morgan is bringing Avery, then she gets back into bed.]
[Door opens]
Ava: All set? I-I wouldn't want you to be late for my memorial.
Silas: I got everything covered with the nurse. I do not know how long I'll be gone, so you will be staying here. Right?
Ava: [Chuckles] Scout's honor.
Silas: I mean it, Ava. I don't want to have to worry about you. I will not be going if you can't promise me --
Ava: No. You have to go. You must. You told Kiki you were going. And like you said, she needs you. I will not do anything to jeopardize my freedom or get you into any trouble.
Silas: Great.
Ava: Silas. Say something nice about me?
[Door closes]
Kiki: Avery, oh, look at you! [Gasps] Such a big girl.
Morgan: Yes, you are.
Kiki: Do you remember me?
Morgan: Of course, she remembers you.
Kiki: [Chuckles] Hi! I'm your big sister! You used to live with me. [Smooches] Oh, I miss you so, so much.
Delia: Oh, my God. Is this her? Get a load of my granddaughter.
Julian: Well, she's a beauty.
Kiki: You know, sometimes I think she looks a little bit like you, Delia.
Delia: Oh, no. She is -- she is drop-dead gorgeous. But I know for a fact that she has her father's coloring. I know she's got his dimples.
Kiki: Oh, and she has her mom's smile.
Ava: Yeah. The mother she's never gonna get to know.
Julian: She may never get to know her father, either.
Carly: Hey. What's going on?
Sonny: Ric's just trying to get Michael to back off.
Carly: Well, I'm sure that didn't go well.
Sonny: He's just -- Ric's just doing his job.
Carly: Ric's slime. You made the decision to let him represent you, and I didn't want to argue or fight with you about it, but as bad as this is with you and Michael, Ric's only gonna make it worse.
Sonny: All I want to do is hold on to my daughter. As soon as this is over, then we can talk about repairing the damage.
Alexis: I don't think that you can win this case. I think your best strategy is to appear magnanimous and cooperative.
Michael: Okay. I appreciate your advice, but I think you're misreading the situation here.
Alexis: At the very least, if you drop this suit, it will leave a favorable impression with the court.
Michael: I'm not dropping anything.
Bailiff: Court is now in session for the case of Quartermaine V. Corinthos. All rise for the Honorable Judge Walters.
Kiki: Dad! Hi. Thank you so much for coming. When I heard that you were in New York, I just -- I couldn't believe it. I mean, was that meant to be or what? Maybe it was Mom working her magic... from wherever she is.
Silas: You never know.
Kiki: And I'm really sorry I had to pull you away from a patient, but I just knew how happy it would make Mom if she knew you were here. And a lot of Mom's old friends from her gallery days are here.
Silas: Avery's here.
Kiki: Oh, yeah. I-I told you she was coming.
Silas: When?
Kiki: Little while ago. I sent you a text. You didn't get it?
[Ava hovers outside Ryan's Bar looking in the window.]
Jake: Runyon.
Officer Runyon: Yeah?
Jake: Tell the commissioner I want to talk to him.
Sam: Knowing who Jake really is would make a huge difference.
Nikolas: Why?
Sam: Do you remember what I went through after Jason died? Everyone told me that Jason was dead, that he was shot in the back, and he was pushed into the freezing water. But guess what? Nobody found his body. And I knew Jason was strong enough that he would be able to beat the odds. And I couldn't help it. Somewhere inside, I just -- I-I thought and I wondered if he were out there somewhere, if he needed my help, if he was yelling my name. And guess what? I was right. Jason was alive. He was stuck in that clinic. And I didn't know that. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him before he died. I would never want another person to go through that. Ever.
Nikolas: There's something I need to tell you.
On the next "General Hospital" --
Carly: (to Ric and Sonny, about judge) How do I know him?
Alexis: (to Michael) What have you done?
Olivia: (to Dante) Actually, I have something to tell you.
Tracy: (to Ned) Things are about to change.
Sloane: (to Jason) I take it you have an answer.
Julian: (to crowd at Ava's memorial, including her, skulking nearby) I'd like to say a few words about my sister...
Nurse: (to Nikolas) Your son needs you.
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