GH Transcript Wednesday 2/18/15

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 2/18/15


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Alexis: Slacker.

Julian: Yes, well, it's the only piece of equipment that my guard would let me have. I feel like I'm wasting away every second I'm chained to this bed.

Alexis: Aw. Well, you can stay active by kissing me.

Julian: Mmm, anytime. Um...provided you tell me you broke up with Ned.

Alexis: Then I'm out of luck. I couldn't go through with it.

Ned: Hey hey.

Olivia: Uh, sorry for barging in. Alice gave me the green light, so I...

Ned: Yeah. Oh, of course. Well, you're always welcome here. You know that. Glad to see you.

Olivia: Yeah, I-I just, uh, I just wanted to, uh, follow up on what I said to you last night.

Ned: Um, about you carrying Julian's baby.

Olivia: Yes, that. Except I'm not.

[Chains jangling]

Guard: Spencer, you got a visitor.

Luke: What now? Everyone I know has already extracted their pound of flesh.

[Door closes]

Bobbie: Not everyone.

Helena: I will do whatever is necessary to keep the peace with my beloved grandson... even tell you what I know about Luke.

Tracy: Well, I guess I'm just in time.

Helena: Nikolas, you really do need to get better security.

Lulu: Did you see Dad?

Tracy: I did. He was ranting about Sonny and power and fun. It didn't make any sense, which is why I'm here to get answers from his partner in crime. Come on, Helena. Tell us all about it.

Jake: Well, it's not really what I wanted to hear, but I appreciate the honesty.

Patrick: I'm sure you'd like some time to consider your decision.

Jake: Yeah, I could use a couple minutes, thanks.

Patrick: Let's give him a second.

Elizabeth: Let me know if there's something I can do, okay?

Jake: Actually, could you stay, please?

[Door closes]

[Elevator bell dings]

Sam: Hey.

Patrick: Hi.

Sam: Hi.

Patrick: How are you?

Sam: Anxious. Any word on Jake?

Patrick: He, uh, he's got a tough decision to make.

Jake: Pretty simple choice.

Elizabeth: Is it?

Jake: Yeah. Look, on one hand, I could do nothing. Chip stays in. I'm still at the mercy of Helena. I'd be alive, but, uh, that's not living, not really -- knowing somebody can control you with a word, use me to hurt people. No. I could have the surgery. Maybe it kills me, maybe it doesn't. But, uh, either way, like I said, simple choice. Live free or die.

Alexis: Next order of business --

Julian: Yeah, I'm still on the first one.

Alexis: What, your workout routine?

Julian: Mm, your utter failure to give Ned his long-overdue sendoff. Remember, we talked about this. You admitted you want me, you said you were in, then you kissed me.

Alexis: Oh, I-I think we did more than that...I recall.

Julian: Mm, you do, huh? You recall also promising to tell Ned that it's over?

Alexis: He wasn't at the Quartermaines'. I didn't have --

Julian: Okay, you know? No -- no excuses. You've had plenty of time between now and then to break it off with Ned, but you're just dragging your feet on this. I mean [Chuckles] Since when do you shy away from confrontation?

Alexis: Since never.

Julian: Exactly. So I can only assume the only reason that you didn't break up with him is because you're having second thoughts. So, once and for all, Alexis Davis, are you leaving Ned, or aren't you?

Ned: You must be relieved that, uh, well, you're not having...uh...

Olivia: [Sighs]

Ned: ...That is to say you're not --

Olivia: Spit it out, Ned.

Ned: Well, that the baby's not Julian's, that it's someone else's.

Olivia: No, it's not I'm having someone else's baby. I'm saying that -- that there is no baby. I'm not pregnant.

Ned: You're not?

Olivia: No, it was a false alarm.

Ned: Wow. Well, no baby is better than a Julian baby, right?

Olivia: Just out of curiosity, uh, whose baby did you think that I might be having if it wasn't Julian's?

Ned: Um, Johnny's? Sonny's?

Olivia: Ned, I would sooner jump into bed with Julian Jerome again.

Ned: Well, didn't you once date that guy, Coleman...?

Olivia: T-ta-- d-- okay, enough, enough. Just -- just -- I had no idea that your list of my possible baby daddies would be quite so, uh, e-extensive.

Ned: Sorry. I misunderstood.

Olivia: Yeah.

Ned: So the initial tests were wrong?

Olivia: Yeah, I was reminded t-t-that frequently home-pregnancy tests do -- do give you a false positive, so I went back, I took another one, and -- and turns out, I'm not pregnant, so that's a -- that's a big relief, right?

Ned: But you told me that you had a blood test at the hospital.

Olivia: I said that?

Ned: You did.

Olivia: Oh.

Ned: You really are pregnant, aren't you?

Olivia: [Voice breaking] Yeah, I really am. [Sighs]

Ned: So, why did you lie that you're not?

Helena: So, when the clinic was destroyed, I relocated to Amsterdam. I knew that jerry jacks kept a safe house there.

Tracy: You were in Amsterdam when we went to see Jerry Jacks?

Helena: [Chuckles] You're missing the point, as usual. No, Jerry had another guest -- Luke Spencer. Well, I was rather put off, because last we'd met, Luke shot me... and left me for dead.

Tracy: Well, that sounds perfectly reasonable to me. And yet here you are, not dead, again. What did Luke do this time?

Helena: Well, he made an...unexpected but extremely welcome overture.

Nikolas: What kind?

Helena: "I think it's high time that we lay down our weapons and join forces, no?" "Well, to what end?" I asked. And then Luke... he started to explain -- he was going to break Sonny Corinthos, he was gonna take control of Port Charles, and he was going to destroy anyone who got in his way.

Luke: Barbara Jean.

Bobbie: [Gasps] You remember my name.

Luke: Well, yeah. You're my sister, aren't you?

Bobbie: And you might as well be a stranger, given the things you've done.

Luke: Oh, God, here we go. You may as well give it a rest, Bobbie. There's nothing you can say that the whole herd of sheep haven't already said, who came through here bleating at me.

Bobbie: Well, none of them grew up with you. None of them share our history. You and I fought our way up from nothing together, brother and sister, a team. [Voice breaking] So start talking, and make it good, or I swear no amount of bars is gonna keep me from tearing you apart!

Luke: Look, sweetheart, you might as well calm down, because you are not gonna get an apology.

Bobbie: Then then tell me why! Give me an explanation! How could you put a bomb on a boat full of people that I love?

Luke: Yeah, well, you know what? That bomb didn't go off, did it? Your grandson and Sonny Corinthos played relay heroics. There was an explosion, a big splash of water, and no one was injured. Worse, that slimy bastard turned five seconds of stupidity into a full pardon.

Bobbie: I don't give a damn about Sonny Corinthos.

Luke: Neither do I.

Bobbie: I want to know about you, my brother! What was going on inside of your head -- if not on The Haunted Star, then last spring, when you ordered my son's murder?

Jake: At least now I have answers, right? [Chuckles] I still don't know who I am or what my life was before, but I did find out that I can, uh, well, I can take a hostage. I can hit a target. I can, uh, plant a bomb.

Elizabeth: Oh, my God.

Jake: Not really a happy or reassuring skill set, but, uh...I also found out that I did all those things because Helena ordered me to.

Elizabeth: Yeah, but don't you feel better knowing that you're innocent?

Jake: [Sighs] You know, I can blame Helena for all those things up to this point, but if I choose to leave that device in my head, then the next bomb I'm ordered to set, or person I'm ordered to kill, that's on me.

Elizabeth: Why are you acting like this is your fault? You didn't ask to have that thing put in your head.

Jake: It doesn't really matter. You see, I can't trust myself as long as this is in my body. I can't look you in the eye and tell you that I know for a fact that I'm not gonna hurt you or your kids. There was a moment when I heard that bomb go off, and I thought I'd killed everybody on that boat, and I don't want to go through that again. I'm not gonna go through that again. I'd rather die. So that is a huge plus in the surgery column. [Chuckles]

Elizabeth: There's also a big minus. If you don't survive the surgery, you'd be taken away from people who care about you.

Jake: Yeah. There's so many.

Elizabeth: At least one.

Patrick: The way the chip is positioned, removing it could leave Jake incapacitated, a shell. Or he could die.

Sam: Wait a minute, those were the options you gave Jason in his first surgery.

Patrick: Yeah, I remember.

Sam: It was almost 10 years ago that he was diagnosed. I remember he didn't want to go through with it. We moved to Hawaii. I mean, Jason wasn't afraid to die, but... [Sighing] Gosh, I begged him to live, and then he finally said he would do the surgery. You did it, Patrick. You saved his life.

Patrick: There are some parallels between the two. But, then again, no two surgeries are alike. And in the end, Jason and Jake -- completely different people.

Elizabeth: I feel so powerless. I wish there was something I could do, something I could do to help.

Jake: You believed me when I said I didn't willingly commit those crimes. You somehow got Helena to admit the truth. That's more than help. That's a lifeline.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Jake: And you're willing to be left alone in a room with a violent, dangerous, mentally-unstable character.

Elizabeth: Oh, please, stop.

Jake: No, I'm serious. I-I-I do appreciate you being here with me. It means more than I can tell you.

Elizabeth: Well, we just... started this friendship. I don't really want it to end.

Jake: You counting me out?

Elizabeth: No! No, never. If anyone can fight Helena, I know it's you.

Jake: Hm. Yeah, well...

Elizabeth: Although you shouldn't have to. This is very unfair. It's unfair that she did this to you. She should just undo it. I wish there was a way she could just, like, neutralize that chip in your head.

Jake: The only person who would know would be Helena.

Elizabeth: I could go to Nikolas. He can force her to cooperate.

Jake: Yeah, that would be the way to go, if we could trust Helena.

Tracy: Just get to the point. We want to know what caused Luke to end up in a cell, spouting power-hungry nonsense.

Helena: Well, Luke and I formulated a plan to reinsert him into Port Charles.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] But by making a fall guy out of Faison?

Helena: Yes. And once Faison was in place, I went to Miscavige to ensure that Luke was rescued. But when I arrived, I...I found him -- I found him changed.

Lulu: Changed how?

Helena: Well, he treated me like an enemy. He had no memory of our collaboration. Luckily, the change was fleeting, and after a threatening word from me, he -- he once again became my comrade.

Lulu: You're talking about my father like he's two different people.

Luke: I did not order Lucas to be murdered.

Bobbie: You didn't order a hit man to infiltrate Julian Jerome's dinner party and put a bullet in my son?

Luke: No. I ordered a hit, but I didn't specify which one of Julian's family it should be. I mean, I just had to put the message out to Julian that he couldn't just waltz away from the fold without consequences. It could have been Sam. It could have been Alexis. I didn't --

Bobbie: It was your nephew, my son!

Luke: He's not flesh and blood.

Bobbie: Lucas is as much a part of me as you are. I raised him. I named him after you.

Luke: [Laughing] I didn't ask for that honor!

Bobbie: No, no, no, no, no. This doesn't make any sense. I saw you after Lucas was shot. You came to his hospital room. You held his hand. You sat with me and waited for him to wake up.

Luke: Oh, for God's sake, Bobbie, follow the bouncing ball! I wasn't there holding vigil over Lucas' hospital bed. I was there to finish the job. And I would have, if Julian hadn't stopped me and spoiled the fun.

Julian: That's classic Alexis -- you want me, you don't want me, you sidle up to me, then you pull away.

Alexis: Julian --

Julian: You know, I've had it with your merry-go-round, so just let me off, okay?

Alexis: Fine, but before you disembark, you should know that the reason I didn't cut Ned loose was because I was so busy cutting you loose from police custody.

Olivia: I'm so sorry, Ned. You've been such a good friend to me, and you really -- you deserve better than my half-baked lies. I'm sorry.

Ned: It's okay. It's okay. I just wish you...didn't feel like you had to lie.

Olivia: [Sighs]

Ned: Have I done something to make you feel like you can't trust me?

Olivia: Oh, no, no. I trust you. Ned, God, I would -- I would trust you with Nonna Falconeri's meatball recipe. My God, those things were so good. It's like she knew just the right amount of pecorino. Like, they would melt in your mouth.

Ned: Olivia. You could just -- Olivia. Olivia. I'm happy to talk about your grandmother's meatballs, but I have a feeling you'd rather talk about babies. So, why did you want me to think that you weren't pregnant?

Olivia: Because, Ned, you're the only one that knows. And if I had my druthers, nobody would.

Ned: Now, or ever? Because you're not gonna be able to hide this pregnancy much longer.

Olivia: [Sighs]

Ned:'re not going to have the baby. Are you going to terminate the pregnancy?

Olivia: So, what are you saying? I should get rid of this baby, huh? Is that what -- is that what you mean?

Ned: No, no, no, no, no. I am not suggesting any course of action. I was just stating that obviously it's an option, right?

Olivia: Well, not for Sister Mary Eunice's star pupil, it's not. I-I mean -- I mean, of course, technically -- technically, that is always an option, and thank God it is an option in America. It is my body. It is my choice. But honestly, Ned, for me, I-it -- it really isn't an option. It wasn't when I was pregnant with Dante, and...and it isn't now, so...

Ned: So, why don't you want anyone to know you're pregnant? You've obviously been down this road once before.

Olivia: So -- so, what, I-I should have no shame? Right, is that what -- that what you're saying?

Ned: No, no, no, that's not what I -- I didn't mean it like --

Olivia: Ned, Ned, I'm not -- I'm not embarrassed! Okay, I don't give a damn if the whole wide world knows I'm pregnant, okay? Except for the father. God forbid Julian knows that I'm carrying his child.

Julian: So, what exactly did you, um, say to Baldwin?

Alexis: I told him that you would give your full cooperation to any prosecution of Luke.

Julian: Not exactly my preferred method, but yeah, okay. Go ahead.

Alexis: And then I told him that pursuing your case would be another black mark against his tenure as DA, and that the charge that you killed Zacchara is groundless, because you took the rap to protect yourself and your family against Luke, the real Luke, who wasn't even a prisoner at Miscavige in the first place.

Julian: Well, yeah, I fell for Luke's charade, just like everyone else in town.

Alexis: And then I told him that the taxpayers' money would be best spent in providing an airtight case against Luke, rather than pursuing a loser case like yours.

Julian: Well, I'm convinced. What did Baldwin say?

Alexis: He said a lot of things that I can't repeat, except you're free to go.

Julian: I'm free?

Alexis: Congratulations, jackass. And you're welcome.

Julian: [Sighs]

Jake: Even if [Chuckles] I could trust Helena to neutralize this device, which I certainly do not, there's no way I'm gonna leave it in my head. I can't handle knowing that any minute, she can just take control of me again. Since I woke up, my life has not been my own, a-and I don't want to live like that anymore. I'm not going to.

Elizabeth: Can't talk you out of this?

Jake: No, you cannot. Let's go find Dr. Drake. [Clears throat]

Elizabeth: Okay.

Patrick: I know Elizabeth is worried about the odds. And believe me, I want to reassure her, but the placement of the device -- it's tricky. And then the last 12 months -- if it's proven anything, it's that I'm not infallible.

Jake: Hey, Sam, Dr. Drake, you have a minute?

Sam: I-I think I'm gonna go.

Jake: Please stay. You deserve to hear this.

Patrick: I take it you've made a decision?

Jake: Yes, I have. I can't risk hurting anyone else. I want the surgery. So let's go. Cut me open and get this out of my head.

Helena: I would speculate that whatever afflicts Luke wouldn't fit neatly into a box.

Tracy: Were there any other incidents where Luke appeared to... come back to himself?

Helena: Well, I followed him one day, back to that old house of his, and I heard an argument coming out of the basement -- but only one voice -- Luke's. And he was raving, but I later learned he was raving at Bill Eckert's corpse.

Nikolas: He was arguing with a dead body?!

Tracy: Did he acknowledge it?

Helena: He threatened to void our partnership if I pursued the matter.

Lulu: And you caved?

Helena: Well, I was having so much fun with him. I didn't want to risk losing him, so I let it go. We never spoke of it again.

Tracy: You have told us nothing.

Helena: I have given you the pieces of the puzzle. Now put it together. Luke is deranged. Now, it's very clear that the source of his problem is somewhere in the ruins of that family home, his childhood home. But something... traumatic happened there, and it gave rise to Luke's -- to Luke's dark half.

Bobbie: How could you be so inhumane?

Luke: It's easy when you don't give a damn.

Bobbie: You don't care about me, either? We've always had each other's backs. When times were tough, I always knew everything would be okay because my big brother would save the day. Even when we were kids, you always protected me, no matter what happened, no matter who came after me. Don't you remember that? We were Spencers, and we didn't have a whole lot, but by God, we had each other. And all those times I was really afraid. But with every lie I told and every mess I made, I always knew that I had you to turn to. And I stood by you, too, Luke. When our hearts were broken, and we didn't have a dollar between us, we were scared and screwed up, but we were never alone. At least, that's what I thought. [Voice breaking] I thought my big brother would always be there and that when things got really bad, all I had to do was reach out my hand, and you'd be there to take it and rescue me. Where are you, Luke?! When did you stop being my brother?

Luke: Bobbie. Bobbie, what's go-- what's going on? What -- w-w-- what's happened? What's happening? Bobbie, what's happening?

Olivia: I can't let Julian in on this thing. It's not just because he's a sleazy mobster. The guy does a piss-poor job of protecting his family.

Ned: But how do you really feel?

Olivia: No. Lucas got shot. Alexis' house got firebombed. Alexis, Molly, and baby Danny were supposed to be in the house at that time. You just think about that. Danny came within moments of dying because he was Julian's grandson. There is no way that I'm putting my kid through that.

Ned: But how are you going to keep Julian from finding out?

Olivia: [Sighs] There's only one thing to do. It's time to relocate. I got to leave town.

Julian: I could kiss you.

Alexis: Ah, but for that, you would need your guard to come and take that handcuff off.

Julian: That's a good point. Get him in here so we can do this.

Alexis: For that, you would need me to want to kiss you, which I did before you went off on me for devoting my valuable time to liberating you and not dumping Ned. I'm not so interested in kissing you now. [Sighs] I wanted to kiss you, and now I don't. Classic Alexis, right?

Julian: Mm.

Helena: I like this version of Luke. Oh, we had a marvelous time working together.

Tracy: That's it. Let's go. I need some air.

Nikolas: If I learn anything else, Lulu, I'll call you.

Lulu: Thank you.

Helena: Oh, please have the staff bring a late breakfast. Confessions are tedious, but they do whet my appetite. Maybe a little crème fraîche on top of a caviar omelet.

Nikolas: Not so fast. Let's get back to the discussion we were having before my sister arrived.

Patrick: You do understand there's no guarantee you'll come out of this surgery unscathed. You could end up incapacitated, or you could die.

Jake: Do I get a choice? Because if I become a vegetable, I want you to turn off the machines.

Elizabeth: Jake.

Jake: No, I'm serious. Either I wake up from this free and clear, in my own control, or otherwise, I don't wake up at all.

Patrick: [Sighs] The two most common outcomes are gonna be full recovery or you could die.

Jake: Okay. That's fine. Those are both acceptable. Just...I don't want to hurt anybody else. Although [Chuckles] There's, uh, the matter of Dr. O.

Patrick: What about her?

Jake: Well, I still don't have insurance, and doubt she's gonna give me a freebie.

Elizabeth: Oh, don't even worry about Dr. Obrecht.

Patrick: We'll take care of that.

Sam: Yeah. The important thing is to get Helena Cassadine out of your head.

Elizabeth: And that you come out of this in one piece. Patrick is gonna make sure of that.

Patrick: But I'm not perfect, Jake. I think it needs to be said -- the last major brain surgery that I performed, I left the patient beyond repair, and he ultimately died.

Sam: Yeah, but Rafe would have died without the surgery. We know that.

Patrick: I just don't think you should make that decision without factoring that in.

Jake: Elizabeth says you're the best.

Elizabeth: He is.

Jake: I'm sorry about your patient, Doctor, but, uh, my decision stands. I want this surgery as soon as you can make it happen.

Nikolas: When Lulu arrived, you were about to tell me who Jake Doe really is. Let's finish that conversation.

Helena: As you wish. I think what I can offer you on the subject of my soldier boy might be far more satisfying to you than what I could tell you about Luke.

Luke: What happened? Where -- where am I?

Bobbie: What are you doing?

Luke: No, w-what's g-- what's going on? Where are we?

Bobbie: What does it look like, Luke? You are in your jail cell in the PCPD.

Luke: Jail cell, what? But why am I here?

Bobbie: You know damn well why you're here.

Luke: What did I do?

Bobbie: I am so sick and tired of these games! I am not gonna stay here and listen to this, not for one more minute!

Luke: No, Barbara, please! I didn't do --

Bobbie: Stop it, Luke! Stop it right now, okay? I've had it. We are done!

Luke: No! Whoever -- whoever did this, it wasn't me! It was a guy who stole my face! Don't you see that?

Bobbie: I see plenty. The blinders are finally off. All these years of defending you -- well, I finally recognize my so-called brother for who you really are.

Luke: No. No.

Bobbie: And you are nothing to me! No, Barb-- Barbara, don't say that! Guard! Bar-- Barbara, where -- what am I doing in here?! Barbara, what's happened?! What's happening?! Barbara, come back! [Whimpering] B-Barbara, w-- what's going on?!

Ned: Liv, you c-- y-you can't just leave town.

Olivia: Well, it's like you said. I'm not gonna be able to hide this baby forever. I'll just -- I'll go to Brooklyn. I'll lay low with my friend Melissa. You know.

Ned: What about Dante and your grandson?

Olivia: Well, of course, I don't want to leave my family. But, Ned, Julian is gonna know that this is his child. And I-I can't take this chance. I-I can't pull the same stunt that I did when I was pregnant with Dante and tell the whole world, uh, what, I'm some slutty, rebellious teenager who got knocked up outside a nightclub. No, that's not gonna work this time. So unless you got some better idea, I -- I mean...

Ned: No, I don't, I don't. Yet. But we still have time to come up with another solution. In the meantime, why don't you just focus on your baby and forget about your cover story for now? Have you seen your doctor yet?

Olivia: No, I've been busy.

Ned: Well, why don't you go to the hospital and get checked out? I'll go with you.

Olivia: You would do that for me?

Ned: In a heartbeat. You're stuck with me. Get used to it.

Lulu: Thank you for getting down here so quickly.

Bobbie: Thank you for giving me a place to come. I have been driving around the city in a rage. [Sighs] I'm lucky I didn't mow somebody down.

Lulu: W-what happened?

Bobbie: Luke happened. Like an idiot, I went to see him.

Tracy: We should have warned you.

Bobbie: Oh, that his behavior would frustrate me, would sicken me?

Lulu: I take it you didn't get anywhere with him either.

Bobbie: Oh, he was so cold, unfeeling, monstrous. He acted as if he was proud of what he'd done. And the mind games! After going out of his way to lord it over me, he turns around and acts as if his hideous behavior was somebody else's fault. Like, none of it was his fault. It was all due to his -- his imposter, or -- or -- ugh! [Sighs]

Tracy: Or what?

Bobbie: Like he was two different people.

Luke: No, no, this isn't happening. This isn't happening. Somebody, get get Anna Devane! Get Anna Devane in here! Or my daughter! Lulu! Lulu Falconeri! Or Tracy Quartermaine! Is anybody listening?! Get somebody in here to help me! [Whimpering] Somebody, anybody! I'm not the man! I'm innocent! I'm innocent!

Fluke: That's what they all say.

Luke: [Breathing heavily]

Nikolas: You still haven't told me who he was. I want a name!

Helena: What... is inside this box... will answer any questions you have about Jake Doe.

Sam: Wait, wait. Excuse me. Can I have a minute, please?

Orderly: Uh, yeah. We'll see if the OR is ready.

Sam: Thank you.

Jake: Hey.

Sam: Hi.

Jake: Glad you're here. Look, I'm gonna try to find a way to make up... for everything I've done, somehow, I promise.

Sam: Well, you just need to come out the other side. Then we'll talk about promises.

Jake: [Chuckles]

Sam: Good luck.

Jake: There was only one ring.

Sam: What are you talking about? Jake, what ring?

Jake: Uh...

Nikolas: What is that?

Alexis: I'll talk to Ned once you get home safe.

Julian: Aah!

Alexis: I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Julian: Okay, if I didn't know any better, I thought you were trying to re-aggravate my injury so you can maroon me here at the hospital.

Alexis: After what you said to me in the room, maybe I should do more of it. Here, bump into this. [Chuckles]

Bobbie: Helena said there are two Lukes? Well, we've already established that Faison posing as Luke was just a decoy. He wasn't Julian's boss.

Lulu: Not two separate Lukes.

Tracy: Two sides of Luke in the same body.

Bobbie: I have known my brother my whole life, and I have never seen this side of him that you are talking about. When would this have happened, and why?

Tracy: Helena thinks that it occurred when Luke was a boy, that something happened in that house on Elm Street, something terrible.

Lulu: Do you have any idea what that could be?

Bobbie: A lot of terrible things happened in that house.

Tracy: Something bad enough to cause this split?

Bobbie: I don't know. I mean, I was just as kid. A lot of those years are just a blur. But, you know, if something happened in that house to make Luke the way he is, I don't know what it is. But I do know someone who might.

Luke: Come here, you son of a bitch!

Fluke: And what do you think you're gonna do to me?

Luke: You can't take me. You can't take me without bars or a straitjacket between us!

Fluke: I've already done something to you. Otherwise, you wouldn't be in here.

Luke: Now, how did you do this? I don't remember anything! How did you do this?! Who are you?!

Fluke: You're such a stupid man, Spencer. I didn't do anything to you. You did it. Now, listen close. I am you, and you are me. No. We are the same.

Luke: No, you mean -- you mean that I d-- you mean that I did everything myself? You you mean that it was me?!

Fluke: It was us. Now, shut up. You're making a fool out of both of us.

Luke: Get me out of here!

Guard: Did you hear what I said?! Quit your raving and shut your mouth, or I'll do it for you.

Luke: [Breathing heavily] No. Noooooo! [Whimpering]

Sam: I don't understand, Jake. What ring? There's --

Orderly: Dr. Drake is ready for you.

Sam: Hey, hey, don't worry. You can tell me when you get out. But -- good luck.

Jake: But I-I-I --

Sam: Okay.

Jake: Um...

Nikolas: Whose wedding ring is that?

Helena: Look. You'll see. It has an inscription.

Nikolas: It's Alan Quartermaine's?

Helena: Yes. It was, once. His widow, Monica, gave it to your bastard cousin Samantha. And then, on her wedding day, she gave it to someone else... Jake.

Patrick: We're gonna do everything we can for you. You just listen to Elizabeth and the anesthesiologist, and everything's gonna be fine.

Jake: Okay.

Elizabeth: Okay, Jake. We're injecting the anesthetic now. In a few moments, you'll start to feel sleepy. Don't fight it. Just let your eyes close. Start counting backwards from 10, and before you know it, you're gonna wake up in recovery... and everything Helena did to you will be out of your head forever. [Sighs deeply] Okay.

Jake: Ten.

Helena: You don't remember a great many things.

Jake: Nine. I have a different face. I was in an accident. Eight.

Helena: No one who knows you could recognize you.

Jake: Seven.

Helena: You're the man that Elizabeth and many others remember with such affection.

Jake: Six.

Helena: Oh, it's a striking story. No, a-a privileged son turns his back on his family...

Jake: Five.

Helena: ...Gets a job with a mob kingpin...

Jake: [Slurring] Four.

Helena: ...And becomes a lethal assassin.

Jake: Three.

Helena: I have no inclination to lie.

Jake: Two.

Helena: Your name isn't Jake.

Jake: One.

Helena: It's Jason Morgan.

Jake: Wait.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Anna: (to Sloane) I'm back.

Michael: (to Sabrina) I just scored my first victory against Sonny.

Duke: (to Sonny) I've come to hand you back the keys to your kingdom.

Alexis: (to Ned and Olivia) What are you guys doing here?

Nikolas: (to Helena) Sam. I have to tell Sam.

Carly: (to Sam) I owe you an apology.

Elizabeth: (to Jason) What did you say?

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