General Hospital Transcript Thursday 2/12/15
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Luke: Hey! What happened to Mrs. Cassadine?
Guard: What's it to you?
Luke: I want to know why the lady was hauled upstairs.
Guard: Forget about her. Worry about your visitor.
Luke: What visitor?
Lulu: Me. Your daughter.
Sloane: Mrs. Cassadine.
Helena: Well, Commissioner Sloane, may I assume that you have finally come up with a solution to our problem? Are you going to release me?
Sloane: I'm afraid not.
Helena: You are severely testing my patience. Why did you send for me?
Nikolas: 'Cause I told him to. It's time for you to pay for your crimes, Grandmother.
Maxie: Look, I told you what happened.
Nathan: Yeah, but not why, Maxie. You need to make me understand what the hell you were thinking when you helped Johnny Zacchara, a known fugitive, elude capture.
[Knock on door]
[Avery cooing]
Kiki: Here we go. [Sighs]
Alexis: Somebody call for a lawyer?
Sonny: Not bad, huh?
Carly: Mm.
Sonny: Mm-hmm?
Carly: The best ever.
Sonny: [Chuckles] Really?
Carly: Yes.
Sonny: Even better than Jake?
Judge Roth: Mr. Doe, how do you plead?
Jason: I plead not guilty, Your Honor.
Judge: So noted. Now, in the matter of bail, what is the prosec--
Ric: Excuse me, Your Honor.
Judge Roth: Mr. Lansing?
Ric: I-I'm sorry to interrupt, Your Honor, but it is imperative that I have a moment with my client.
Judge Roth: Make it quick.
Ric: Thank you, Your Honor. What the hell you think you're doing? I thought we agreed that you were gonna plead guilty.
Jason: Change of plans.
Ric: Oh, so you're gonna go against the advice of your -- your attorney, is that right?
Jason: Well, unlike my attorney, Elizabeth believes in me. I don't want to let her down.
Scott: Your Honor, can we get on with this? It's Valentine's Day, and I would like to get out there and --
Ric: Oh, I'm sure the -- the lap dancers at the lizard lounge are gonna still be there for you, Scott. Don't worry about it.
Scott: Yeah, but all the good ones will be taken.
Judge Roth: Enough! Now, may I remind both of you gentlemen that this is a court of law?
Scott: I am sorry, Your Honor.
Ric: I apologize.
Judge Roth: You are taxing this court's patience, Mr. Lansing. Now, make it fast.
Ric: Thank you, Your Honor. Look, listen to me. If you take this case to trial, you're still gonna go to prison, and you are gonna get the maximum sentence. In the meantime, you're gonna place everybody around you in danger. What if Helena Cassadine reasserts her control over you?
Jason: Well, she won't. I'll fight and I'll win.
Judge Roth: Is there a problem, counselor?
Jason: No, there's not. [Sighs] I plead not guilty, Your Honor.
Judge Roth: Very well. Now we will move on to the subject of bail.
Ric: Your honor, defense requests that my client be released on his own recognizance.
Scott: Your honor, I thought Mr. Lansing was done wasting our time. While waiting on arraignment here on related charges to the hostage takeover and the assault on the police department, the defendant now has admitted to a more heinous crime -- the attempted bombing of The Haunted Star.
Ric: He confessed of his own free will without any offer on the table or any kind of expectancy of leniency, okay? Which obviously proves --
Scott: Well, he won't be getting any.
Judge Roth: I have to agree with you, Counselor. Given the severity of the charges, the extreme violence, and the potential loss of life, Mr. Doe represents an ongoing threat. Bail is denied. [Bangs gavel]
Helena: Nikolas, are you here to finish me off? Well, you could always shoot me. Claim I lunged for the commissioner's gun. Make yourself a hero in this dreary town.
Sloane: No one is shooting anyone.
Nikolas: The thought did cross my mind, however.
Helena: Spoken like a true Cassadine.
Nikolas: Enough. I didn't come here to be fawned over. You understand? I received a visit from Elizabeth earlier.
Helena: Oh, is she looking to reattach herself to you?
Nikolas: And she says that her friend Jake claims that you have some sort of influence over him. Is that so? Is that true? I'm inclined to believe him, actually, given what you've already done to Lucky. As a matter of fact, I think that you are to blame for Luke's recent aberrant behavior. I think you're controlling them both.
Helena: Well, now, that's an interesting theory.
Nikolas: You're wasting your time here, Grandmother. Come on. You have a long history of coercion and mind control. It's time you admit what you did and make it right.
Luke: Hello, there, cupcake.
Lulu: Do not call me that.
Luke: Now, now, there's no need for that. When all is said and done, I am still your dear ol' dad.
Lulu: You are not the father that I know.
Luke: Can anyone ever really know anyone? For example, I never thought I'd see your face here.
Lulu: Because I'm alive to show my face at all when you expected me to be blown to bits by your bomb? I am so sorry that I disappointed you.
Luke: I am painfully aware that the bomb missed its mark.
Lulu: Michael got the bomb out onto the deck, and Sonny took it into the water.
Luke: How touching. How heroic. Father/son tag team.
Lulu: If it weren't for them, you would have killed a lot of people. By the grace of God, I was off of the boat, but Bobbie was still on there, and so was Lucas.
Luke: And I'm sure they'll be eternally grateful for their continued existence and send gushing "Thank you" notes to brighten up Sonny's cell at Pentonville.
Lulu: Sonny is not going back to prison. He was pardoned. Sonny is a free man.
Carly: You kiss me, you tell me you love me, and then you bring up Jake?
Sonny: Well, you -- you're the one who told me you kissed the guy.
Carly: I did.
Sonny: And?
Carly: And... [Sighs] And nothing. [Laughs] Nothing.
Sonny: What do you mean, "Nothing"?
Carly: Jake was just a friend, okay? Just a friend. He helped me out a little, and I tried to help him. Though I don't know if I did a very good job of that.
Sonny: Why would you want to help a guy who -- who planted a bomb that almost killed our son?
Carly: Sonny, he wasn't responsible for his actions. He wasn't.
Sonny: How do you know?
Carly: Because the guy -- the guy was hit by a truck. He had severe brain damage. He did. And, you know, he just wasn't responsible for any of his actions.
Sonny: But he did them.
Carly: Yes, he did, and -- and he's been arrested. And -- and he's -- unless he has a better defense than "I don't remember," he's probably gonna spend the rest of his life in jail.
Sonny: And there are those who would -- who would have thought the same about me.
Carly: They were wrong. Oh, God, I'm so lucky to have you back.
Sonny: And I'm lucky to have you. And soon, I'm gonna have my daughter. [Clicks tongue]
Carly: [Laughs]
Alexis: There you go. Oh, nice smile, Avery. You know, you have a big sister, Kristina, that is waiting to spoil you rotten. Oh, wow. She's got her father's eyes.
Kiki: And her mother's nose.
Alexis: [Sighs] I'm sorry for your loss. I had to tell Julian that they've called off the search. And I know that you have a lot of questions about what happens next, and I will do everything that I can to help you.
Kiki: I appreciate that. It's been...overwhelming.
Alexis: I had to deal with some of the same legal problems when Sam lost Jason. Without Ava's body recovered, it's gonna make dealing with the estate a little tricky, but it's nothing that I can't handle.
Kiki: Oh, no. The estate is my secondary concern. What I'm worried about is Avery... and who gets custody of her.
Maxie: I wanted to tell you the truth, which is why I stopped you before you reported my car --
Nathan: But what? But -- but not more than you wanted to help your ex?
Maxie: We've been through this before. Johnny was never my boyfriend.
Nathan: Oh, because that's the issue here.
Maxie: Well, you're acting like I chose Johnny over you, and that's not what happened. There was no plan. He just showed up here and barged in.
Nathan: What, are you saying he coerced you? Did he threaten you?
Maxie: Oh, my God. No, okay! Johnny is my friend, and he needed help. What did you want me to do, just turn him away?
Nathan: Yes! Yes, and call me!
Maxie: [Sighs]
Nathan: Maxie, I don't understand what you're not getting about this. Since Zacchara got out of prison, there's been a shootout, a bombing, a lady was shot and dropped off a bridge, all of this in connection to him. You have a responsibility to your community to turn him in.
Maxie: To my community? This is not some civics lesson. Johnny is my friend!
Nathan: And instead, you helped him elude capture, and in so doing, made yourself an accessory...
Maxie: What are you talking about?
Nathan: ...To any and all of his criminal activities. Maxie, now I have to arrest you.
Maxie: You're going to arrest me?
Nathan: Maxie, I am an officer of the law. I have an oath to uphold. Not turning you in after you make me aware of a crime that you've committed means that I am helping you cover it up, which is a violation of everything that I stand for.
Maxie: Okay. Okay, I'm sorry, Nathan. I didn't mean to put you in this position. I don't want you to violate anything because of me. So slap them on. Do what you got to do. Arrest me.
Elizabeth: So, what's our next move?
Ric: Well, I haven't thought that far ahead yet. I suppose making Helena Cassadine a scapegoat is my first priority.
Elizabeth: This is all Helena's fault. She's gonna take the blame 'cause Ric is gonna prove it. He's a brilliant attorney.
Jake: Yeah, about that. I appreciate all that Ric has done, but I may need different representation.
Elizabeth: Why?
Jake: We have conflicting opinions on strategy.
Elizabeth: Such as?
Jake: I just think I might need somebody else.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] Jake, this is a huge decision. This is your future we're talking about. Look -- you need the best attorney.
Ric: Elizabeth, if Jake wants to have somebody else represent him --
Elizabeth: Why do you think you and Ric are on different pages?
Jake: Well, ultimately, I would like to stay out of jail. Ric wants me in it.
Luke: What is it with Corinthos? He's finally done for murder, and he's out in about the same time it would take him to change his socks.
Lulu: Oh, shut up! I don't want to listen to you rant about Sonny when it is hard enough for me to look at this man who raised me and fathom these unspeakable things that you have been accused of!
Luke: Well, if you've come here for an apology, Princess, I'm afraid you're gonna be disappointed.
Lulu: I don't think that you are capable of a true apology, because I don't believe that you're in your right mind.
Luke: Thank you, Dr. Freud. Now take a hike. Your whining is making my ears bleed.
Lulu: Helena did this to you. I am sure of it. She compromised Lucky once, and now she's done it to you.
Luke: Oh, you've been talking to Tracy. Or is this the kind of thinking that results from sitting around all day with a slobbering infant?
Lulu: It's the truth. And it doesn't matter what you say because Helena will admit it.
Luke: Afraid you're wrong there, darling. Cassadines don't drop dimes.
Lulu: Helena will. Nikolas will make her.
Nikolas: I demand answers.
Helena: Well, I'm afraid I have none to give... at least, not until I've received proper motivation.
Nikolas: Which is?
Helena: Full immunity from prosecution.
Nikolas: You'll get your immunity. We'll see to that.
Helena: Now, I was under the impression that it was beyond Commissioner Sloane's power to make such a deal.
Sloane: We would need the DA to sign off on it.
Helena: Well, how are we going to do that? Scott Baldwin is not inclined to do me favors given his -- [Chuckles] His relationship with that simpering first love Laura.
Nikolas: Scott Baldwin will not be a problem.
Scott: Is that so?
Sonny: I got to go get Avery. It'd be nice if you went with me.
Carly: I see.
Sonny: I mean, it's not like I'm recruiting you as a mother figure. I think Avery would be lucky to have you.
Carly: I-I think I've already made it clear that I adore that little girl.
[Both laugh]
Sonny: I mean, you know, I want you in my life, you know? I mean, I want to start a new life with you in it, and Avery and I -- we're kind of like a package deal. I mean, I-I think I've let that girl down too much.
Carly: Not by your own choice.
Sonny: No, I-I know that, and I want her, you know, to have the father she deserves. I want to be a better father for all my children, even Michael, if he lets me. But, you know, um, if you accept me, then -- then you're gonna have to accept Avery, and whatever you want to do --
Carly: You can stop, 'cause I would be there for you and Avery no matter what our relationship amounted to. She's part of you, Sonny.
Sonny: Yeah.
Carly: And I love you... so I love her.
Sonny: You do?
Carly: Yes! [Chuckles] Michael's a part of me, and you loved him.
Sonny: Well, I want to do this, you know? I-I want us to be a team again.
Carly: [Sighs] So do I. Well... [Laughs]
Sonny: ...Let's go get my daughter.
Carly: Okay.
Kiki: Sonny is coming back here to take Avery with him today.
Alexis: Sonny is Avery's biological father.
Kiki: I know that. And while normally I would never think it's okay to keep a father from his daughter, I can't help but think that if my mother were here, she would fight tooth and nail to do just that. I need to know. When Sonny comes here today, can I stop him? Do I have to let him take Avery from me?
Maxie: What are you waiting for? Do it. Arrest me.
Nathan: Just stop it.
Maxie: No, no, no. Charge me as an accessory. I can do the time.
Nathan: Maxie, I'm not gonna arrest you.
Maxie: But you have to, otherwise you'll get in trouble.
Nathan: Well, that's a risk I'm gonna have to take, now, isn't it?
Maxie: I don't want you to lose your job, Nathan.
Nathan: And I don't want you to lose your freedom.
Maxie: Okay, well, maybe that doesn't have to happen. Maybe there's a way we can spin this so I only get a slap on the wrist.
Nathan: Maybe that was a possibility if Anna was still in charge, but she's not. Sloane is calling the shots now, and he won't hesitate to throw the book at you.
Maxie: Okay, they can't do anything without a DA, and Scott Baldwin is a friend, not of mine, but of my family's.
Nathan: No, Maxie. You are missing the big picture here, okay? This is not about Anna or Sloane or Scott or any of them. It's about your daughter. This is about Georgie.
Maxie: Don't you dare bring Georgie into this.
Nathan: She is on her way here right now with Spinelli, and what kind of mother are you gonna be if you're not here to welcome her because you're in a cell?
Maxie: So, let me get this straight. You're saying because I helped Johnny Zacchara, I'm a bad mother?
Luke: What makes you think little Nik is gonna go anywhere near this case?
Lulu: Guilt. I poured an awful lot of it on him for allowing you and Helena to run amok all this time without telling anyone.
Luke: First of all, he didn't "allow" me to do anything. I call my own shots.
Lulu: Nikolas knows he was wrong, and he owes me. He will find a way to compel Helena to confess to what she did, and then we will have the information that we need to treat you.
Luke: Treatment unnecessary. I feel fine, except for the fact that it's so damn hot in here. Thank you for your concern.
Lulu: We're not gonna stop until you're the man that you're supposed to be. I will get my father back. I know he's still in there. If that part of him can hear me, I want you to listen close. I love you. And I'm fighting for you. And I won't stop until you are healed and whole.
Luke: It is sad how woefully ignorant you are about what you're dealing with.
Lulu: Which part? All of it... specifically... Helena. She's not gonna budge. Little Nicky can't get her to do anything. He's not up to the job.
Scott: Are you delusional? I'm not signing off on any deal for Helena Cassadine, especially one that affords her immunity from prosecution. The people of Port Charles have wanted her behind bars for decades, and I'm the guy that's gonna do it.
Nikolas: [Clears throat] Nevertheless, you will let my grandmother walk. In exchange, she will provide you with information vital to the release of Luke Spencer and one Jake Doe from her control.
Scott: Oh, thus freeing not one, but three murderers?
Nikolas: Well, that's not how I would spin it to your constituents, but if that's how you want to word it, that's up to you.
Scott: Well, you know what? It's not gonna happen.
Nikolas: Don't and I'll have you thrown out of office. You and what army? I don't answer to you. Or you. Or Mayor Lomax. The good people of Port Charles is who I answer to.
Nikolas: Right, well, the good people of Port Charles didn't put Lomax into office -- I did.
Scott: What?
Nikolas: That's right. And as sure as I put her in, I will take you out. So go ahead. Test me. Don't sign. Walk away. But I can assure you, the next time you walk into this room, you'll be answering questions of corruption, and your approval ratings will just be all over the place and that's just -- that's not good for anyone.
Scott: What corruption?
Nikolas: I don't know. I'll think of something. So, are you in or are you out?
Elizabeth: Ric doesn't want you to go to prison.
Jake: He advised me to plead guilty.
Elizabeth: No, you must have misunderstood. He wouldn't have done that. Right, Ric? You wouldn't have told him to plead guilty.
Guard: Okay, Doe. It's time.
Jake: Here we go. Okay.
Elizabeth: No, wait. Wait. Um, hang in there. I'll come see you. I promise.
Jake: Thank you, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Something must have been lost in translation with the legalese, right?
Ric: Elizabeth, I... [Sighs] I can't discuss strategies with you, and I cannot discuss anything that Jake --
Elizabeth: Oh, my God.
Ric: Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: You actually told him to plead guilty.
Ric: Elizabeth --
Elizabeth: Did you?
Ric: Yes!
Alexis: Trying to keep Avery from Sonny at this point could be a frightening scene for Avery. It could also lead to criminal charges for you.
Kiki: [Sighs]
Alexis: And that might undercut your case for custody.
Kiki: W-w-wait. Wait. I thought I didn't have a case.
Alexis: Not at present, you don't. You could sue Sonny once Avery is removed from the premises. Sonny is a convicted murderer. He's a known racketeer. His other children have suffered as a result of his criminal activities, so, yes, you have a compelling argument that Avery's interests are better served with you and not Sonny. I cannot promise anything. It's possible that you can win. Do you want to file suit?
[Knock on door]
Elizabeth: Why would you tell Jake to plead guilty?
Ric: He is facing enough charges to put him away for several lifetimes. Yes, yes, and that's exactly what's gonna happen if this case goes to trial. A plea bargain is the -- is the only hope Jake ever has of being free again.
Elizabeth: In 25 years?!
Ric: Elizabeth, Jake was on video footage of holding Sam hostage, of shooting a cop! I mean, he confessed to nearly killing dozens of people at The Haunted Star. There isn't a-a-a jury on the planet who's gonna let him just walk away and maybe do the same thing to another group of innocent bystanders.
Elizabeth: He wasn't in his right mind. Helena was controlling him.
Ric: Oh, how am I supposed to prove that, huh? I mean, can you imagine the circus that would ensue if I put Helena Cassadine on the stand?
Elizabeth: You wouldn't have to. Nikolas is gonna get his grandmother to confess --
Ric: Yes, and if he doesn't -- if he fails, Elizabeth, then Jake's chance of mitigating his case and his sentence are over, okay? This is a fight I can't win.
Elizabeth: Oh, a man like you has no business saying words like that. You have beaten longer odds more than once. Jake is innocent, just like you were when Julian Jerome framed you. He doesn't deserve to go to Pentonville for the rest of his life. You ought to be trying to keep him out of there based on principle alone. So you tell me the truth. Did you tell Jake to plead guilty, because it's the best legal advice, or did you just want to get him out of the picture?
Luke: Well, if it isn't Pinocchio. How'd my fellow puppet's arraignment go? Nothing to say? Still not a real boy? Still got strings to hold you down? Or did someone cut them? Are you free? Hallelujah, free again!
Lulu: It can be done. Lucky broke free of Helena, and so will you.
[Cell door closes]
Luke: You're awfully confident for a girl who's had her head in the sand for such a long time.
Lulu: It's because there's no other explanation for the things you've done. You never would have committed those crimes of your own free will. Locking Dante in the basement with a bomb? Planting one on my boat?! I'm sorry. That's not you.
Luke: Well, on the contrary, my dear daughter, that is exactly who I am. I planned the whole thing. Just ask the operative over there whose job it was to plant the bomb and then who blew the job completely!
Lulu: Helena forced you to plant the bomb on that boat, right?
Jake: Yes, she did. And you had no control over your own actions.
Jake: Look, I-I'm sorry. At the time the cop came to the ship to arrest me, I didn't even realize what I had done.
Lulu: Because Helena had messed with your mind.
Jake: She said that I was conditioned. He was conditioned. And so were you. My father is a good man. He's a hero. He is in there somewhere, and he'll be back.
Luke: That's one option. But there are others.
Lulu: Such as?
Luke: Wouldn't you like to know.
Scott: Okay. Choke on it now and, uh, good riddance. And start talking.
Helena: Oh, now, don't be so hasty. I want to examine the fine print. Oh, I believe my reading glasses have been confiscated. Would you be a dear and fetch them for me?
Scott: Sloane, you're gonna take a hit on this. When the press comes clamoring for blood...
Sloane: Thank you for stepping up, DA Baldwin.
Scott: Next election, I better win by a landslide.
Nikolas: [Chuckles]
[Door closes]
Helena: Excellent work! I knew you'd come through for me. I'll see you at home.
Nikolas: Uh, no, no, no, no, no. You're not going anywhere yet. The deal's not complete until you've spelled out what you've done to Luke Spencer and Jake Doe and how you're going to undo it.
Helena: But of course. No, I'm a woman of honor. So, let's -- let's get on with it, shall we? Now, which of you has a pen handy?
Sonny: I'm here to pick up Avery. Is this not -- is this not a good time?
Alexis: Congratulations on your pardon and your new arrival. She's beautiful. I was, uh, taking some photos of her to send to Kristina.
Sonny: Thanks.
Carly: Why is Alexis here, Kiki?
Alexis: Um, I think we all are aware that Ava's body hasn't been recovered. They've called off the search, and I was just helping Kiki navigate the estate.
Sonny: Well, I mean, you don't have anything to worry about, because she's gonna make sure you're taken care of.
Kiki: I'm sure.
Sonny: Is -- is Avery ready?
Kiki: Yeah, I just need to get her car seat.
Sonny: No, it's okay. I got one in the car, so...
Kiki: Okay, well, I'll get her stroller and her formula for you.
Sonny: Oh, no. I -- we -- I-I'm fully equipped.
Carly: Sonny's nothing if not thorough. [Chuckles]
Sonny: But you know what? You should -- um, you should keep the stuff because you're gonna be visiting your sister real soon. But first, we got to get you -- yeah! We got to get you home and settled, okay? Come on. Come on, little girl. Let's go.
Kiki: Wait.
Nathan: Maxie, I know you're a good parent, which is why I don't understand how you could risk so much to -- what? To help Johnny?
Maxie: Because Johnny would have done the same for me.
Nathan: You fought for a year for the right to see your daughter. Would you be so righteous if -- if Walters found out what you did? No, this is exactly the kind of behavior he used to keep her away from you. And after everything that you have been through to get your daughter back in your life, how could you risk losing her now?
Maxie: [Scoffs]
Nathan: Did you consider Georgie at all when you thought about helping Johnny?
Maxie: I consider Georgie when I order regular or decaf, okay? And I took her into account when I dealt with Johnny. I didn't hide him. Technically, I didn't even help him. I just emptied out my purse and took a shower.
Nathan: Maxie, that is exactly the kind of hairsplitting that will never stand up in Walters' courtroom.
Maxie: Well, good thing he'll never find out because you're not gonna tell him.
Nathan: Because I'm gonna lie, Maxie. Because that is the only way to protect you and Georgie is to tell them that Johnny broke in here and stole your keys without you knowing. And we had all better pray that nobody ever finds out that that's a story, or all three of us are gonna pay the price.
Elizabeth: Did you tell Jake to plead guilty because you wanted to be rid of him?
Ric: Why would I need to get rid of a man who isn't part of my life?
Elizabeth: He's part of mine. You saw that the two of us were getting close on Christmas Eve. But that was all over the second you came back.
Ric: Oh, where I'm sitting, it doesn't look like it's over at all. I mean, all it seemed to take was some preposterous story about Helena Cassadine, some mind control, and you drop everything and you run to help him.
Elizabeth: "A," it's not preposterous. She did the same thing to Lucky. And "B," I would do this for anyone I care about.
Ric: He's not anyone, Elizabeth, okay?! He's a guy with no name, no past, but the only thing you do know about him is that he is extremely dangerous.
Elizabeth: What is it about my friendship with Jake that bothers you so much? He's always been respectful of our relationship. He chose to move out of my house just to give us space despite the fact that he had no place to live.
Ric: Come on, Elizabeth. Open your eyes. Okay, he's nowhere near that noble. He didn't pack up his things and move of his own accord. I mean, hell, if it wasn't for me persuading the guy to do the right thing and go, he would have never done it.
Luke: I give you points for taking a shot at the puzzle, darling. But I have to suggest that you stick to motherhood and leave the higher math to bigger brains. You see, for your theory to work, there is one blaring detail that's unaddressed.
Lulu: I'm listening.
Luke: Julian Jerome. According to him, we've been working together for years, all the way back to the Witness Protection days. So if your theory is true, that means Helena would have been controlling me for decades. Does that make sense to you?
Jake: Why don't you shut the hell up?
Luke: Stay out of this, toy soldier! This is a family matter between me and my simpering spawn.
Jake: Okay, well, that's all well and good. How about I just call the guard, get him in here. He can stop your conversation.
Lulu: It's okay. I want to hear what he has to say.
Luke: Are you sure? Think back on all the moments that we've shared. For your theory to be correct, all of that would have meant nothing to me. You would mean nothing to me. Our history, our relationship -- none of that would mean a thing. It would all be a lie. Is that what you want to believe?
Lulu: You know what? I don't know what to believe.
Luke: Bye-bye.
Helena: So, gentlemen, that is the totality of my relationships with Jake Doe and Luke Spencer. The information that you requested about Jake and Luke -- at least, all of the information that's within my power to provide. So, I mean, I've fulfilled my side of the bargain. Now it's time for you to fulfill yours. Am I free to go?
Sonny: Is there a problem?
Kiki: Yeah. No. Um... yes. I-I can't let you leave with Avery.
Carly: Avery's your sister, and that's never gonna change. But she's Sonny's daughter, and you don't have the right to stop him from taking her home.
Kiki: Well, I just -- I just wanted to give her something -- something that you don't have, Sonny. This is a -- this is a blanket that I pieced together, and it's made from my mom's old pillowcases. I wanted Avery to have the smell of her mom when she went to sleep. So I'd really appreciate it if you would take this with you... so that Avery could have a piece of my mom with her always.
Sonny: Kiki, you can visit any time you want. Say "Bye."
[Door closes]
Elizabeth: You persuaded Jake to move out of my house?
Ric: I tried to illuminate the fact -- what his presence was doing to your life and the life of your children.
Elizabeth: You must have known how much I'd hate that, and how nice for you that Jake never mentioned this little conversation to me.
Ric: I had just come back to you, Elizabeth. We were starting to build the life that we wanted all along, the life that I used to dream about while I was in Witness Protection. And he was in the way. Come on. Deep down, you got to know that that's true. I did this for us. I love you.
Elizabeth: I thought our days of lying were over. I thought I could count on you to be straight with me. God, I thought I knew you. But now, listening to you... [Sighs] It's like you're a stranger. I feel like I know Jake better than I know you.
Jake: Yo, hey! Did you enjoy yourself? Tearing into your daughter like that just because she wanted to believe that you're not the bastard you clearly seem to be?
Luke: Tough love, toy soldier. It's a parent's obligation to teach their children to accept reality, especially when it's staring them right in the face.
Lulu: What the hell is she doing free?!
Helena: Isn't it obvious? I've been released.
Lulu: What?!
Nikolas: It's true.
Helena: Ta-ta, Lulu.
Nikolas: No.
Lulu: What is that about?
Nikolas: I'm getting to the bottom of what happened to Luke.
Lulu: What do you mean?
Nikolas: As you thought, Helena had an answer, but she would only provide them if she was granted immunity, which I procured.
Lulu: And...?
Nikolas: She's giving us what we wanted.
Luke: God, family is such a bore! You're really lucky you can't remember yours.
Jake: You know, for your daughter's sake, I, uh -- I hope she's right, and your delightful personality is just the result of "mind control," because, uh, well, if not, you, sir, deserve whatever they're going to do to the two of us.
[Lock disengages]
Sloane: Open the doors and manacle these men. You two are going on a little field trip.
Sonny: That is Michael's old night light, and Carly brought that here 'cause Michael used to be able to sleep well with it.
Carly: Yeah.
Sonny: And you're gonna sleep well with it.
Carly: [Laughs]
Sonny: You see how peaceful she is?
Carly: Yeah, I think she loves it. [Laughs]
Sonny: You -- here. Welcome home, little girl. You're finally --
[Avery fusses]
Carly: Oh! Aww, here. Here.
Sonny: She needs something.
Carly: Yeah, right here. There you go. There you go. Want this?
Sonny: You're finally home where you belong, with your dad. Okay? And you know what? I promise you no one's gonna take you away from me again.
Carly: No way.
Sonny: Nothing.
Carly: [Chuckles]
Sonny: [Smooches] You ready? Come on, come on.
Kiki: Why did you lie to Sonny about why I asked you to come over?
Alexis: I didn't lie. I just didn't tell the whole truth, which is mostly legal if I'm not under oath.
Kiki: Why didn't you tell them that I'm thinking about suing for custody of Avery?
Alexis: Because, Kiki, if you are going to sue for custody, it's best that Sonny doesn't see it coming. But you are gonna have to decide. Do you want Avery to grow up a Corinthos or not?
Maxie: Johnny -- he's my friend. No, I could not turn my back on him. I don't abandon people. Nathan, you have to understand what that's like. You lied to help me get visitation of Georgie.
Nathan: No, Maxie. Two big differences here, okay? You hadn't just committed a crime, and I wasn't just doing it for some friend. I was doing it for the girl that I was falling in love with. [Sighs] Look, you better call Ellie and Spinelli and tell them to grab a cab from the airport, because you're not gonna be picking them up because you gave your car to a criminal. I've got to go to the station and report a break-in.
Maxie: Nathan, wait. Don't -- don't you want to stay and talk about what you just said to me?
Nathan: No. I've said everything I need to say. Happy Valentine's Day, Maxie.
Maxie: [Sighs]
On the next "General Hospital" --
Patrick: (to Sam) You look amazing.
Spinelli: (to Maxie) Where is your dashing detective?
Natalia: (to Nathan, holding out her hand) Natalia Rodriguez.
Ned: (to Alexis) It's you and Julian that I'm worried about.
Julian: What's the reason why you can't tell him that you love him?
Brad: (Derek in GH locker room) Hi, Doctor D.
Olivia and old friend, Melissa: Aaahhh! (hug enthusiastically)
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