GH Transcript Wednesday 12/24/14

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 12/24/14


Provided By Suzanne

[Cell phone rings]

Nathan: Max, hey. You make it?

Maxie: Yeah. I'm, uh -- I'm here in Portland. I cannot believe that I finally get to see my daughter again.

Julian: Uh, no. I won't be going to Sam's tonight, either, so... Alexis is still living with her, and she wants nothing to do with me. Well, I appreciate that. But I'll be fine alone. Yeah. Talk to you later.

Molly: What are you gonna do about Julian?

Ric: He doesn't matter.

Molly: How can you say that?

Ric: Look, I spent months in witness protection, stewing over Julian and plotting my revenge. Now I'm home.

Molly: It feels good, doesn't it?

Ric: Yes, it does. I was afraid that this moment would never come, you know -- that I wouldn't see you or any of the people that I love ever again.

Elizabeth: Not too many candy canes.

Cameron: Hi, Emma.

Nikolas: Hi, cam. Merry Christmas. Here you go. Candy cane?

Elizabeth: Oh, no, thank you. How are you?

Nikolas: Hanging in there.

Josslyn: Do you have anything better than cheesy candy canes?

Elizabeth: Okay. I'm gonna go talk to Monica.

Nikolas: [Chuckles] If you don't want candy canes, they're serving hot chocolate in there.

Josslyn: Better than nothing.

Nikolas: Whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait.

Spencer: I want hot chocolate, too.

Nikolas: Okay, fine, but before you go, I want to make sure you don't tell anyone about your great-grandmother spending Christmas with us, okay?

Spencer: But isn't that lying?

Nikolas: Not if no one asks about her, and if she behaves herself, no one will know.

Patrick: Jake.

Jason: Hey, Patrick. How are you?

Patrick: Hey. Good. So, you given any more thought to seeing Dr. Collins about your memory loss?

Jason: No, no need. Like I said, I was just overreacting to an idea that somebody put in my head, so...

Elizabeth: Monica, thank you so much for keeping the tradition of reading the kids the Christmas story. I know my grandfather is smiling down on us.

Monica: Well, you know I would be honored -- Alan always was -- but, uh, I'm not the chief of staff.

Elizabeth: Wait. No. You don't mean --

Monica: It's Dr. Obrecht's privilege to delight the children on Christmas eve.

[Thunder crashes]

Monica: What?

Emma: What's going on?

Cameron: I don't know. This didn't happen last year.

[Children scream]

Dr. Obrecht: Kinder! [Laughs evilly] [Snarls]

Julian: Well, I suppose it's too much to hope that this is some sort of a Christmas miracle.

Alexis: I can't change my mind -- not after you lied about Ric.

Ric: Who! Look at this! He got so big!

Sam: [Chuckles]

Ric: Where are you off to, slugger?

Sam: Where are we going? We are going to the GH. Christmas party. I promised Monica we would meet her up there.

Ric: Oh, nice.

Sam: Yeah.

Ric: Gonna see Santa, huh?

Molly: Oh, dad, stay right here. I'm just gonna go grab something from my room, okay?

Ric: [Laughing] I will stay right here, I promise. I won't move.

Molly: Okay.

Sam: I haven't seen molly this happy in a really long time.

Ric: Thanks for saying that. And thanks for letting me stay here last night.

Sam: Well, she wanted you to be here.

Ric: I know. I still appreciate it, you know? I know I'm not your favorite person in the world, to say the least.

Sam: I know we may have had our differences, but you're important to her. She was really devastated when she thought you were gone, and you came back to her. That's a blessing few of us get.

[People murmuring]

Jason: I don't remember my own Christmases, but I'm pretty sure they didn't involve anything like that.

Dr. Obrecht: [Laughing evilly, growling]

Patrick: What's going on?

Nikolas: What are you doing?

Dr. Obrecht: As chief of staff, I am in charge of the celebration. It is my job to educate the children.

Nikolas: Yeah. You're supposed to tell them about Santa and presents and elves -- you know, the story of Christmas. It's called a tradition.

Dr. Obrecht: If you hadn't have ousted Britta, prince, you'd know we have our own tradition. You have St. Nicholas. We have Krampus.

Nathan: So, how was the flight?

Maxie: Well, I got bumped to first class. I could have stretched out and slept, but I was way too excited to close my eyes. I hope I don't have dark circles. I really want to look the best when I see Georgie.

Nathan: You look great.

Maxie: [Chuckles] Thanks. What is that? Is that a bib you're wearing?

Nathan: Oh, yeah. I, um -- I used your Christmas present. Look. I ordered them. I had them delivered.

Maxie: Oh, great -- because nobody should be eating general hospital meatloaf on Christmas eve.

Nathan: This is very true. Thanks to you, 2015 is now the year of the rib.

Maxie: That sounds good.

Nathan: That's better than good. [Chuckles] This is gonna be our year, max. You'll see. We'll start it off right on New Year's Eve.

Maxie: I can't wait.

Nathan: I kind of, uh, think of it as our anniversary.

Maxie: Nathan, I have so much to look forward to, starting as soon as I knock on this door.

Nathan: So... why haven't you knocked yet?

Maxie: Well, I'm going to. I just wanted to check in and let you know I got here safely.

Nathan: And I appreciate that.

Maxie: So, has the hospital Christmas party started yet?

Nathan: Maxie, you're stalling.

Maxie: It's just now that I'm actually finally here, I'm so nervous, my hands are shaking.

Nathan: Just knock on the door, go be the happiest girl you've ever been, and say hi to Georgie for me.

Maxie: Okay. Bye.

Nathan: Bye.

Maxie: Merry Christmas, Spinelli.

Spinelli: Merry Christmas, Maximista.

Dr. Obrecht: Trust me -- this will be fun. Kinder, children, gather 'round. It's time for the holiday story.

Josslyn: Come on. This is gonna be awesome.

Nathan: Why does she look like the monster from "the brothers Grimm"?

Elizabeth: Don't ask me. She's your mother.

Dr. Obrecht: Children, listen carefully. Does anyone here know of the Christmas Krampus? No? He is the polar opposite of Santa. Santa comes from the north, Krampus from the south -- far, far south. Krampus loves Christmas, but not because he's going to bring you presents! No, no, no, no, no, my little darlings. Krampus despises all bad children. And even the most well-behaved child sometimes misbehaves. Don't you, meine kleinen freunde? Like Santa, Krampus spies on you every day and every night. All year, he keeps meticulous records of every rudeness, every lie, every disobedient and bratty thing you do. When Christmas comes, instead of landing on the roof with a cheerful "ho ho ho!" In a sleigh festooned with chiming bells, Krampus silently sneaks up on you. While you hang your stockings with glee, he grabs you from behind. While you arrange cookies for Santa, he overtakes you. While you dream of follies and games, he slithers up from underneath your bed. And what does Krampus do? Can you guess? With his very big, sharp teeth and his wide, gaping mouth, Krampus eats you!

[Children scream]

Dr. Obrecht: He devours you whole. He crunches your bones and swallows your heart and liver.

Emma: He's scary!

Spencer: A Christmas villain!

Dr. Obrecht: [Laughs evilly]

Molly: The police gave me your things when you... went away, and... I realize now that you wrote this after you knew you'd have to go into hiding.

Ric: Yeah. It's the only thing that Anna Devane let me do.

Molly: It's beautiful. I read it over and over, and I carried it with me everywhere. It was my last tie with you.

Ric: I couldn't disappear without letting you know... how much you mean to me... and how much I love you.

Alexis: You said you didn't know where Ric was, and last night he walked right back into molly's life.

Julian: [Sighs] Is he okay?

Alexis: He spared molly the details, but he told me he was tied up and locked in a trunk and almost shot to death by your friend Carlos Rivera. You gonna claim that you were in the dark about this?

Julian: No. I knew.

Molly: You might need this now that you're back.

Ric: Oh, wow. Yes. I finally get to be Ric Lansing again.

Molly: Your watch was in here, too -- the one Elizabeth gave you when you got married. Mom and I gave it back to her.

Ric: Oh, good. I'm sure she appreciated that.

Molly: Dad...

Ric: Hmm?

Molly: ...Why haven't you called Elizabeth yet? You need to let her know you're okay.

Elizabeth: Krampus is just a story, okay?

Cameron: She made it sound real.

Nikolas: Some adults have an odd sense of humor.

Spencer: That was supposed to be funny?!

Emma: Daddy, why did she want to scare us on Christmas?

Patrick: I have no idea, but she's not gonna ruin it for you. You see how you're frightening everybody here? What are you doing?

Josslyn: I don't get why everybody here is so... freaked out.

Dr. Obrecht: It is a marvelous holiday story.

Nikolas: I've asked Monica to calm down the kids. The story of Krampus is over.

Dr. Obrecht: You Americans are too soft on your children.

Monica: Everyone, kids, please, may I have your attention? I just got a message from Santa, and he's -- well, he's very sad because he thinks that some of you might really believe in Krampus, so he needs to know that you believe in him and not Krampus, so we need to tell him all together, "we don't believe in Krampus! We believe in you, Santa!"

Together: There is no Krampus! We believe in you, Santa! There is no Krampus! We believe in you, Santa! There is no Krampus! We believe in you, Santa! There is no Krampus! We believe in you, Santa! There is no Krampus! We believe in you, Santa!

Monica: Perfect! I really think we've convinced Santa that he's our Christmas guy and not that mean old make-believe Krampus. But, you know, you don't have to take my word for it. You can ask Santa yourself, because here he comes!

Nikolas: Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!

Children: [Chanting] Santa! Santa! Santa! Santa! Santa! Santa! Santa! Santa! Santa!

Elizabeth: Patrick. Thank God Monica got the party back on track, right?

Patrick: Yeah. Just when you think she can't sink any lower, she finds a way.

Elizabeth: I know. I am so glad Aiden's at gram's with a cold. He'd have been freaked out. How's Emma?

Patrick: I'm pretty sure I convinced her that Krampus isn't real.

Elizabeth: Oh, good.

Patrick: Yeah.

Elizabeth: Can I ask a favor?

Patrick: Of course.

Elizabeth: Would you mind dropping Cameron off at home after the party?

Patrick: Yeah.

Elizabeth: Jake and I need to get back to build his bike.

Patrick: Yeah. Of course. No problem. Hey...merry Christmas.

Elizabeth: You, too.

Patrick: Okay. Hope it's a good one.

Elizabeth: Thanks.

Jason: Taking the day off from your vendetta?

Sam: Do you really want to do this right now at a kids' party?

Jason: [Chuckles]

Elizabeth: Excuse me. Are you harassing him again?

Jason: Actually, I approached her, so...

Sam: You guys, can we please not do this? It's almost Christmas.

Elizabeth: Well, while we're at it, let's not do this at all.

Sam: Good idea.

Elizabeth: Everything's ready. Let's go.

Jason: Oh.

Sam: Bye-bye.

[Elevator bell dings]

Dr. Obrecht: Nathan... what are you doing up and around? You should be in bed.

Nathan: I feel great, all right? Christmas came early this year.

Spinelli: You are the -- the picture of winsomeness and motherly grace! Welcome! It is excellent to see you!

Maxie: You, too. Portland obviously agrees with you. Where's Ellie?

Spinelli: Oh, she is absent, sadly. She gave her employees at the lab the day off, so she herself had to work.

Maxie: And, uh, Georgie?

Spinelli: Oh, uh, absent, as well. Ellie recruited her to assist at the lab. Her little fingers can be very dexterous.

Maxie: What?

Spinelli: I'm jesting. I'm sorry. That was terrible. In fact, Georgie's right here, just waiting for her mother.

Julian: First, I didn't know that there was a plan to kill Lansing. He was only supposed to be used as leverage against sonny, period. Second... for the record, when you asked me if I knew where Ric was, I was telling you the truth as I knew it at the time.

Alexis: Semantics, really.

Julian: And, third... most importantly, I don't owe you any explanations anymore.

Ric: I can't just call Elizabeth up and say, "hey! I'm alive!"

Molly: No! You need to go see her in person.

Ric: No, look -- it's Christmas eve. I'm sure she's got some plans with her family. Hey, besides, I'm only here 12 hours, and I want to spend it basking in the glow of my beautiful and amazing daughter, okay?

Molly: Well, your beautiful, amazing daughter thinks that you and Elizabeth had something really good going on. She was destroyed when everything happened. She'll be so happy to see you.

Ric: She'll be happy to see me tomorrow or the next day.

Molly: You really want to wait another 48 hours to see her?

Ric: No, but --

Molly: Dad, I love you, but I'm not afraid to let you walk out that door. I know I'll see you later. Now go! Make Elizabeth's Christmas wish come true.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Jason: [Chuckling] Hey! Look at that.

Elizabeth: Oh. Well, what do you know? A little elf made origami mistletoe.

Jason: Mm-hmm. Little elf is as talented as his mom.

Elizabeth: Oh. But this little elf isn't nearly tall enough to put that up there by himself.

Jason: That little elf might have had a little help.

Patrick: You waiting for your turn to sit on Santa's lap?

Sam: Oh, no. I'm good. But please go ahead. I think you should do it. No one will judge you. Just don't ask for a bb gun, because...

Both: You'll shoot your eye out.

Patrick: Yeah.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Patrick: No. You know, I already got my early Christmas present when you said that you would forgive me for not telling you what I knew about Jason.

Sam: Well, that was a gift for me, too.

Patrick: That night in the ER when I found out that you were held hostage by the gunman, I know that you were standing right in front of me, but I was very worried about you.

Sam: My life did kind of flash before my eyes. And you happened to be standing right in the center of everyone that I care about.

Patrick: I'm happy you're safe now.

Sam: Yes. I am safe. I'm just -- I'm not sure Elizabeth is.

Elizabeth: So, you helped Cameron hang that mistletoe?

Jason: He talked me into it.

Elizabeth: Really?

Jason: Hey, he can be very persuasive. He's like his mother.

Elizabeth: [Gasps]

Jason: [Gasps] Besides, he had a notion Emma was gonna come over, so...

Elizabeth: Oh, geez. My son, the Romeo.

Jason: [Laughs] Yeah. Oh, wait a minute. I'm remembering something from before the accident.

Elizabeth: You are? What is it?

Jason: I remember it's bad luck to stand under mistletoe without kissing.

Dr. Obrecht: I believe that you are feeling healthy again, Nathan, but you really should be resting.

Nathan: Oh, and miss the story of grumpus?

Dr. Obrecht: Krampus!

Nathan: By whatever name, that was miserable. It was an awful tale.

Dr. Obrecht: Which, apparently, my sister failed to tell you while she was raising you. Magda always did deny our rich heritage.

Nathan: She spared me all the nightmares you're gonna give all these kids. Nice production value, by the way. I'm glad you didn't skimp on the scary.

Dr. Obrecht: These children are too tender. Isn't one of the joys of childhood the thrill of a scary tale?

Nathan: No, it's Christmas.

Dr. Obrecht: I'm sorry if I upset you.

Nathan: I can't stay mad at you. You're the one who made it possible for Maxie to spend Christmas with her daughter.

Maxie: I'm here, Georgie. My Georgie. Mama's finally here for you, my beautiful little girl.

Spinelli: It's a miracle that you're here.

Maxie: Right? I thought I would be waiting another six months, at least.

Spinelli: What transpired? Did the despicable judge just reverse his ridiculous decision?

Maxie: Yeah, just out of the blue. Can you believe it?

Spinelli: Why? What led to his enlightenment?

Maxie: I have no idea. I mean, I feel like Nathan might have had something to do with it. He swears he didn't, but I'm not completely convinced.

Dr. Obrecht: I was surprised when you asked for my help. You're aware I sometimes utilize measures you might deem... underhanded.

Nathan: I was desperate. I was determined that Maxie would spend Christmas with her daughter.

Dr. Obrecht: And now she is.

Nathan: How did you do it? How did you get judge Walters to change his mind?

Dr. Obrecht: Dr. Quartermaine?

Monica: They said you were looking for me. What do you want, Dr. Obrecht?

Dr. Obrecht: I found someone to replace you as chief of cardiology. A stellar candidate presented himself, and it would be in the hospital's best interest for me to add him to the team.

Monica: Excuse me. Are you firing me? What have I done?

Dr. Obrecht: It is what you haven't done.

Monica: What are you talking about? What haven't I done?

Dr. Obrecht: Let's just say I motivated Monica Quartermaine, and she did what was necessary to coax her liebhaber into changing his mind about ms. Jones.

Judge Walters: For you, my dear.

Monica: Thank you.

Judge Walters: Glad to see you back to your warm and wonderful self.

Monica: Well, now that we have settled our differences, I am.

Judge Walters: Monica. There you are.

Monica: I'm...really -- really not in the mood.

Judge Walters: Since when? Seems to me like you're always in the mood.

Monica: Well, not anymore.

Judge Walters: Did I do something to offend you?

Monica: Let's talk about Maxie Jones.

Judge Walters: I saw the error of my ways. Would you mind telling me why you felt so strongly about ms. Jones' situation?

Nathan: You really came through for me and Maxie. I don't know how to thank you.

Dr. Obrecht: You can start by going back to bed and letting yourself heal. Otherwise, Krampus will make a fine feast out of you. [Chuckles]

Patrick: You think that Jake doe was the gunman?

Sam: Yes, I do. I do. But Elizabeth seems to think that he's brad Pitt and Santa Claus wrapped up into one sizzling package, and Danny thinks he's superman. I mean, you saw the way they acted together during thanksgiving.

Patrick: Yeah. Couldn't really miss it.

Sam: I think the only reason why he didn't run up to him today is because he didn't see him. I just have no idea why Danny instinctively is -- is drawn to Jake and trusts him.

Elizabeth: Is it still bad luck if mistletoe is just origami?

Jason: No. It's just bad luck to kiss someone who doesn't want to be kissed.

Elizabeth: Uh, it's not that. I don't --

Jason: No, it's okay.

Elizabeth: No, it's not okay.

Jason: I understand.

Elizabeth: It wasn't -- you know what? Oh, God. Now I'm making a big deal of this.

Jason: Look... I'm the one responsible for the incredibly awkward moment, so it's up to me to say it. You're the first person I remember talking to. You gave me a point of reference. You helped me...prepare myself. You opened up your home to me. And beyond all that, you gave me someone to care for. I care about you. And if that's not what you intended, if I'm reading all this wrong, I'm sorry.

Elizabeth: You're not. Everyone keeps telling me how compassionate I am for letting you stay with me. In the beginning, honestly, I just wanted to help you out. I mean, it's more than that now, because I-I do care about you.

Ric: Elizabeth?

Julian: While we were together, it was fine for you to tell me how I disappointed you and how many mistakes I made, all my shortcomings and feelings. But now that we're no longer together, you don't get to tell me how I let you down. You made your decision. Now just get the hell out of my life.

Molly: Oh, my gosh! I had the most amazing gift last night!

T.J.: Somebody beat me to it?

Molly: My dad showed up! He's alive!

T.J.: Are you sure?

Molly: Yes, I'm sure! It's a wild story, and it's all Julian Jerome's fault, of course, but it's all good now.

T.J.: Well, it must be true, because your smile says it all. I'm so happy for you! That's amazing, molly! Well, I'd like to say hello to your dad. Where is he?

Molly: Uh, right now he's probably shocking the heck out of Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: Ric? Oh, my God. Is that you?

Ric: I had to go away for a little while, but I'm here now.

Elizabeth: Ric!

Elizabeth: I don't understand how this is happening.

Ric: Shh. I'll explain everything, Elizabeth, all right? I'm sorry. I don't think we've met. I'm Ric Lansing.

Elizabeth: And this is -- this is -- this is Jake. Jake, this is Ric Lansing. This is who I was telling you about.

Jason: Elizabeth told me a lot about you. You mean a lot to her. I'm glad you're back.

Ric: So am I.

Jason: I'm gonna let you guys, uh, talk.

Elizabeth: [Laughing and crying]

Ric: It's okay. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. So, um...

Elizabeth: Ohh.

Ric: ...Who was that?

Elizabeth: Uh, oh. That -- oh, uh... that's Jake. He, um -- he was a patient at GH., And he got in a terrible accident, and he didn't have a place to go, so I was letting him stay here.

Ric: Oh. I just -- I didn't -- you two looked close when I, um -- when I came up on you.

Patrick: Merry Christmas.

Sam: What? You got me a present.

Patrick: It's just a little something that I got while we were in Amsterdam, and I didn't get a chance to give it to you yet.

Sam: Ohhhh. Are you kidding me?

Patrick: You can put all of your silly-putty keys that you make on the job.

Sam: You know, we always will have Amsterdam.

Elizabeth: Let's not talk about Jake. I need to know, how is it that you're -- you're here and you're alive?

Ric: Elizabeth, Julian Jerome framed me.

Elizabeth: I know. Molly told me. And I want you to know that I believed in you even before there was proof. [Crying] And it was so terrible that you had died. I didn't abandon you.

Ric: Molly told me, too.

Elizabeth: It's so -- I don't understand. When detective west -- when he shot you because you escaped, none of that -- it was all staged?

Ric: Yeah. It was all an elaborate ruse so Jerome would continue to think that his frame job worked. So, I went into witness protection. You got lied to.

Elizabeth: But you're safe. You're safe.

Ric: Yeah. Well, the past few months, I've got to tell you, have been the worst months of my entire life. [Sighs] I wrote you a bunch of letters. I even tried to pick up the phone and call you. Of course, what did I have to do? I had to burn the letters, and I had to hang up the phone and just... I'm sorry. I just had to stare out the window, and just -- and miss you.

Elizabeth: I missed you so much, too. I just didn't think missing you would end, that you'd come back.

Ric: You know, before my, uh -- before my life fell apart, I remember holding you in my arms. We were in bed, and we were about to start our new relationship. I mean, that's -- that's the one thought that stayed in my mind and kept me going through all of it. My feelings have not changed, okay? And I'm hoping that, you know, maybe we can go back to where we were -- you know, start again?

Alexis: You're right. Since I cut this off, I don't have any right to confront you. [Sighs] I honestly don't know what I'm even doing here.

Julian: Old habits die hard, I guess.

Alexis: I'm just so sad... about what we lost.

Julian: It was not lost, Alexis. You walked away. At least that's what you keep saying.

Alexis: Maybe I'm just having a hard time accepting it, you know?

Julian: You know, it doesn't have to be that way.

Molly: Oh, T.J.

T.J.: [Chuckles] I wanted to get you something special, you know, to remember your dad.

Molly: I love it. And I love you.

Monica: I have really enjoyed our time together.

Judge Walters: You know, I feel the same.

Monica: The only thing I can't really reconcile is the man I know off the bench and the one who's with Maxie. Why have you been so harsh with her?

Judge Walters: [Sighs] I reversed my decision, Monica. Isn't that enough?

Monica: Would this be about your daughter? Uh, look -- I know that you told me that Kayla was a lot like Maxie.

Judge Walters: Kayla was an impulsive, stubborn, misguided, and utterly irresistible child. I knew the minute that she first said, "no" that I could never punish her. Worse, I bailed her out of trouble time and time again. She grew into a woman who just felt that there were no consequences for any wrong that she would ever do. I had inadvertently taught her that the rules didn't apply to her. She thought that she could do tequila shots and get behind the wheel of a car and that nothing bad was going to happen. And she... ran into a tree. She was the only victim, but it destroyed my wife and me. [Sighs]

Monica: Well... I know how devastating losing a child can be... all too well.

Judge Walters: Yeah. Maxie Jones went through life breaking all the rules, Monica, and leaving a wake of destruction behind her. I couldn't let that go. I knew it wasn't gonna bring Kayla back, but I had to teach Maxie a lesson. Maybe it'll help make her a better parent.

Maxie: So, these are from grandma Felicia and grandpa Mac, and a few of them are from Dante and lulu, and then the rest are from me. I bought you so many cute things from this adorable French children's boutique, and I'm so glad I bought the stuff, 'cause she seems to have an amazing sense of fashion.

Spinelli: Georgie seems to love donning adorable clothes, just like her mother. She has definite opinions on how she's dressed.

[Cell phone rings]

Spinelli: Ah. I hate to miss a moment of this, but that's Ellie's ringtone, and she's eager to hear about your reunion with Georgie.

Maxie: Tell her it's the most magical thing I've ever experienced.

[Ringing continues]

Spinelli: Uh, hello, my love.

Maxie: Hey, Georgie. There's someone I want you to meet, okay? Okay.

[Cell phone rings]

Nathan: Oh, hey, max. Hey. How's it going?

Maxie: Excellent. Um, Nathan, this is my daughter, Georgie. Georgie, that's Nathan.

Nathan: Hi, Georgie. Gosh, she's pretty. She looks just like you.

Maxie: You think so? I think she's got my sister's eyes and her perfect little nose. Her laugh is the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life. This is definitely the best Christmas I've ever had.

Nathan: Good.

Maxie: And you're sure that you had nothing to do with this?

Nathan: Me? No. Maybe it was Santa.

Maxie: Or an angel.

Nathan: Or a miracle -- a long overdue one.

Maxie: No doubt about it. This was definitely a miracle.

Dr. Obrecht: Is that...?

Nathan: Yeah, that's -- that's Maxie holding her daughter. You made that possible.

Dr. Obrecht: Ohh. It's a Krampus miracle.

Nathan: Merry Christmas, Mom.

Dr. Obrecht: Merry Christmas to you, too, son. [Voice breaking] Our first noel. The angels did say was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay in fields where they lay keeping their sheep on a cold winter's night that was so deep noel, noel noel, noel born is the king of Israel they looked up and saw a star shining in the east

Spencer: I wish Santa would have brought Emma back to me.

Josslyn: Santa's a dope.

Nikolas: Time to go, kids. Come on.

Julian: I do love you. It's just that if we're gonna be together, you have to accept me for who I am.

Alexis: I can't.

Julian: Well, I guess there's nothing left to say... but goodbye.

Alexis: [Sniffles] How many times can we keep doing that?

Julian: It never gets easier, does it?

Dr. Obrecht: Noel, noel

Alexis: No.

Dr. Obrecht: Noel, noel

Alexis: Goodbye, Julian.

Julian: Bye, Alexis.

Dr. Obrecht: Born is the king of Israel

Ric: I know this is a lot to take in -- you know, my being back and everything I've said. Just, you know, think it over. But I hope that you do feel the same way about me as I do about you.

Elizabeth: Ric... I dreamed of this.

Dr. Obrecht: Noel, noel

Ric: I never stopped.

Dr. Obrecht: Noel, noel born is the king of Israel born is the king of Israel

On the next "General Hospital" --

Anna: (to Jordan, with Dante) You've become a marked woman.

Shawn: (to Duke) I'm worried about Jordan.

Julian: (to Fluke) There's something I need to tell you.

Epiphany: (to Elizabeth) If you don't mind my asking, where does Jake fit in all this?

Ric: (to Jason) I didn't come to see Elizabeth. I wanted to talk to you.

Maxie: (to Spinelli) How am I gonna tell Nathan?

Nathan: Nothin's gonna stop me.

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