GH Transcript Thursday 12/4/14

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 12/4/14


Provided By Suzanne

Spencer: I have a question, and I'm not leaving until I get an answer. Where's Britt?

Brad: Hey, Britt.

Britt: Hey.

Brad: Uh, listen -- sorry I never made it to Wyndemere for thanksgiving. I promised Lucas we'd spend the holidays at his family's, and to be perfectly honest, I wasn't exactly psyched about spending the day with your mother.

Dr. Obrecht: Oh, Cesar, how could you let this happen? How could you once again fall into the bony clutches of that wretched Anna Devane?

Anna: Morning. I trust your cell was comfortable.

Faison: Well, better than a pit in the stables at Wyndemere.

Anna: So, I'm waiting to hear from the DA to find out...

Faison: Oh, yeah, Scotty Baldwin. I could buy him for the price of a cheap bottle of wine. Why so cold, Anna? Why so cold, Anna? Are you angry with me?

Anna: I despise you. I loathe the very air you breathe. Any other questions?

Faison: Shouldn't I be the one who's angry? I mean, after all, I was unfairly imprisoned. And the fact that you had Scorpio helping you...

Anna: Oh, you --

Faison: That's a cheat. That hurt me.

Anna: Did it? You deserve so much more than to rot in a pit.

Faison: Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. You wish I was dead, right?

Anna: Slowly and painfully. I wish it with all my heart.

Faison: You didn't have the guts to kill me, did you? Still too much between us. Don't cry.

Anna: I'm not crying. There is so much between us, isn't there? Decades of mental and emotional torture. Threatening everyone I love. What was it all for, really, Cesar? I want to know why. Because you couldn't have me. You never really did. And you never will.

Faison: You handed me your soul when you left me in that pit. In that instant, Anna, you made yourself no better than me.

Anna: Yeah, but you're still alive now, aren't you? I am not like you. I'm gonna uphold the law from now on. I am gonna make sure I follow it to the letter, because you are going to prison for the rest of your life.

Faison: The answer's written all over your... you say that all the time, but it never happens, does it? Never happens.

Anna: [Sniffles] So... apparently, you don't have any representation. I have yet to hear from your lawyer. What's that about? Who did you call?

Faison: So boring. So boring.

Anna: Who did you call last night? Because they don't seem to be riding to your rescue.

Faison: Well, everything worked like a charm on my end.

Fluke: Ditto. Not one of these idiots is any the wiser.

Jason: So, this Cesar Faison, he was posing as Luke Spencer? That's your...former father-in-law, right?

Elizabeth: As sorry as that may sound, it's not the first time he's tried to pass himself off as someone else.

Jason: Really? Who was it last time?

Elizabeth: Duke Lavery. In fact, that's who he was pretending to be when he murdered Jason.

Jason: Ah. Uh... didn't mean to bring that up. I'm sorry.

Elizabeth: It's okay.

Jason: Clearly, this Faison is a dangerous guy. Glad they caught him.

Elizabeth: Yeah.

Jason: What the hell?

Britt: Don't worry about it. Thanksgiving at Wyndemere was not... it was -- it was worth missing.

Brad: Hey. What's wrong?

Britt: Nothing I care to talk about right now. I just want to inject this coffee into my system and dive into work.

Brad: Oh. I get it.

Britt: You do?

Brad: It's your mother. You caught hell because I blew her off.

Britt: Brad, it's not about my mother. I mean, well, maybe partly, but that's not why I'm upset.

Brad: Okay. So what could possibly be more upsetting than your mother?

Britt: Nikolas. He threw me out.

Nikolas: Britt has moved out.

Spencer: Britt loves us. Why would she do such a thing?

Nikolas: Because I told her to.

Spencer: That's terrible. Why would you do that?

Nikolas: Because of what she did to you.

Alice: Oh, good morning, Mr. Luke. I brought you some breakfast.

Fluke: Well, thank you, Alice.

Alice: You're welcome.

Fluke: How are you this fine, beautiful morning?

Alice: Well, I'm fantastic now that you're home again, safe and sound.

Alice: Yeah, I was reading about that. That is just really awful, the way that imposter guy tried to take over your life. I'm really sorry that happened. But I kind of thought something was off.

Fluke: Did you, now?

Alice: Yeah, I did. You know, ever since Miss Tracy brought you -- brought him -- back from Miscavige, there was just something about him that just didn't sit right with me.

Fluke: What do you think it was that tipped you off?

Alice: Well, his attitude, for one. He was cold, you know? And even though he sounded exactly like you, he had this tinge to his voice that was kind of -- kind of creepy and kind of mean.

Fluke: Sounds like he wasn't much fun to be around.

Alice: No, he wasn't. He was a jerk.

Fluke: Ha!

Alice: And when I complained to Miss Tracy, she said, "Oh, it's just the drugs he's on and the electroshock therap-- oh, my God. You had electroshock therapy. That must've been awful.

Fluke: I can't even describe it, Alice.

Alice: So sorry you went through that. But I knew -- I knew that guy couldn't be you. That was not the Mr. Luke that I knew. Enjoy your breakfast. Call me for any reason whatsoever.

Fluke: Alice.

Alice: Yes. What do you need?

Fluke: Why the hell didn't you do something about it?

Faison: Well, since I hate denying you anything, Anna, who I called last night is none of your business, and you know it, too.

Anna: Couldn't have been Obrecht, because she was already here at the station when you were brought in.

Faison: Yeah. Liesl, my greatest champion.

Anna: Oh, God. She's obsessed with you. It's pathetic, the way she goes on and on about your supposed greatness. She's nearly as loathsome as you.

Faison: Only "nearly"?

Anna: Yeah. She's so desperate to be loved by you. I don't get it. She'd do anything for you. I mean, that doesn't absolve her of her crimes. You're guiltier, by far.

Faison: "Guiltier"? What is that, when it comes to law? Either you're guilty or not. You committed your own crimes --

Anna: Yeah, yeah, I did, because the justice system failed me.

Faison: It annoyed you 'cause the law didn't work the way you wanted, Anna... so you abandoned it. And now you're gonna come back and pick it up again like some used glove? And use it to punish me?

Anna: You should be punished for the things you've done.

Faison: Who the hell do you think you are?

Anna: Most of all for what you did to Robin.

Faison: Robin. She was a charming child. Useful adult.

Anna: Oh, shut up! You sick, evil bastard! You took my child from me, and you made me and her family believe that she was dead.

Faison: You don't see anything, do you? She was stifled, Anna, married to that boring doctor, wallowing in suburbia. I merely set her free.

Anna: You ruined her! She never meant a damn thing to you.

Faison: You don't know nothing about that.

Anna: You used her to get to me.

Faison: [Scoffs]

Anna: You tortured her, you broke her, and now she won't even go back to her family.

Faison: Shouldn't you do something about it? Hmm? It's your job. You're her mother.

Anna: I can't fix her. I can't give her back the years that you took from her.

Faison: I didn't take anything from her.

Anna: I can't even persuade her to come home to her child. You know one thing I can do, though? I can get her justice. I can make sure the you never have the chance to get near her again. That's what I can do.

Faison: Is that why you brought me out from my cell? To tell me how you'll keep me away from a grown-up woman -- beautiful, grown-up woman -- living where? In paris? I know where she is.

Anna: You're not going to Paris. You're not going anywhere...

Faison: Let's go to Paris!

Anna: ...But Steinmauer. That's where you're gonna go forever.

Faison: You don't listen to nothing, do you?

Anna: Cesar... since you don't have any counsel, there's no one who's gonna refuse your visitors.

Faison: I'm not expecting anybody.

Anna: Oh, well, that's where you're wrong. There's a lot of people here in this town who would like to lay eyes on you.

Faison: It doesn't matter.

Anna: And far be it for me to deny you your public.

[Door opens]

Dr. Obrecht: Verdammt! How could this happen, Cesar? You finally tell me what I've only dared to dream... that you've overcome your infatuation with that scarecrow, and... you want to be with me. Then you get yourself captured. Once again, I am without you for who knows how long. How cruel the fates can be.

Elizabeth: Something wrong?

Jason: Remember that woman I told you about?

Elizabeth: The one who showed up at my house on thanksgiving and then left before I could see her?

Jason: Yes, the one that you thought I was imagining.

Elizabeth: I didn't say you did. I'm just saying that hallucinations are not out of the realm of possibility when you're dealing with a head trauma.

Jason: I wasn't hallucinating. Look at this article. This is the woman. This is the woman I met.

Elizabeth: Oh, my God. You saw Helena?

Dr. Obrecht: Helena.

Alice: I'm -- I'm sorry, Mr. Luke. Wh-what?

Fluke: If you were so sure that that guy who was claiming to be me wasn't me, why didn't you do something about it? Why did you leave me in that institution for the criminally insane for almost a year?

Alice: W-well, I didn't know you were in there, and I thought something was wrong, but... I tried to tell -- look, I'm just a servant, you know? I'm the low person here, and I tried to tell people, but people over me, they thought everything was okay, so what was I supposed to do?

Fluke: Did you try to convince anybody?

Alice: Well, okay. My suspicions got greater when I -- I-I overheard miss Tracy plotting with the fake Luke to take over ELQ, and then I had the heart attack, and then when I --

Fluke: Hey, whoa, whoa! Whoa, wait. Heart attack? Alice, you're one of the fittest people I know.

Alice: I haven't had the chance to tell you, but -- but I'm okay. I got a new heart now. It's all good.

Fluke: You had a heart transplant?

Alice: Yeah. I-I had a heart transplant, but, um... look, I'm only in recovery mode now. I don't like thinking about that anymore, and I'm gonna be just fine, okay? And I couldn't tell you. I thought you were out of town. I didn't know you were -- I didn't know what was going on.

Fluke: Alice, it's okay. Relax. I-I was just messing with you.

Alice: What?

Fluke: Don't you remember how much fun we used to have, playing back and forth, bantering?

Alice: You know what? I think you're right, Mr. Luke. I-I think I screwed up.

Fluke: No, no, you didn't. You didn't. Nobody knew that that wasn't me.

Alice: Yeah. How could we know?

Fluke: Right. So the important thing is, that you're feeling better, right?

Alice: Yeah, I am. I am feeling better. If you're sure you're not mad at me.

Fluke: I'm not mad at you. I was just joking. Of course, it wasn't a joke when I found out that you had a heart transplant.

Alice: Do -- do you want to know something kind of racy about me now?

Fluke: Yeah.

Alice: The heart they gave me belonged to a gangster who was killed by an FBI lady.

Fluke: No kidding.

Alice: Yeah, so, what do I have? I have a criminal heart. [Giggles]

Fluke: Oh, wow! Just when I thought I couldn't like you any better.

Alice: Really?

Fluke: Yeah.

Alice: Thank you, Mr. Luke. I'm so happy you're safe.

Fluke: Thank you. Alice?

Alice: Yeah?

Fluke: I'm so glad you're gonna be okay.

Alice: I'm gonna be fine.

Fluke: I missed you.

Alice: I missed you, too, Mr. Luke.

Fluke: Mm. Luke Spencer is back.

Anna: The justice department is keeping Faison's case under close scrutiny, so I'm not gonna be able to give you much time with him.

Sam: That's fine. We're not gonna take long.

Anna: All right. Just half an hour shouldn't throw up any red flags. It's the least I can do under the circumstances.

Patrick: Thank you, Anna.

Anna: Yeah. I'm gonna leave you alone. I'll be outside. I'm sure you've got a lot to talk about.

Faison: Well, what do you want?

Patrick: Answers.

Faison: Questions.

Sam: For starters, I want to know why you killed my husband.

Faison: You tell me where your husband is and who you are and --

Sam: I am Sam Morgan -- Mrs. Morgan -- and you killed my husband, Jason.

Elizabeth: Are you sure this is the woman that showed up here on thanksgiving?

Jason: Yes, I'm sure. Why? Do you know her?

Elizabeth: You could say that.

Dr. Obrecht: Mein gott. Helena.

Helena: Hello, Liesl. It's been a long time.

Dr. Obrecht: I knew that victor was trying to revive you, but I had no idea that he succeeded.

Helena: Oh, poor victor. I didn't get to thank him properly for going to the trouble of resurrecting me. And now I never will, because he's dead. Thanks to you. Seems I'm the only Cassadine around to avenge him.

Spencer: What has Britt ever done to me? Britt's the best.

Nikolas: Spencer, I know you have feelings for her, but her behavior, her choices, are unacceptable.

Spencer: She didn't do anything.

Nikolas: I know she was responsible for you running away.

Spencer: That's not true.

Nikolas: Don't make this any worse by lying for her --

Spencer: You don't have your facts straight.

Nikolas: Oh?

Spencer: Running away was all my idea.

Nikolas: [Sighs] Okay. Look, even -- even if it was, Spencer, Britt should never have gone along with it. She's an adult. She should know better.

Spencer: But I wanted to do it -- to bring you and Britt back together.

Nikolas: You were on your own for more than 48 hours. Do you understand? You're too young to go unsupervised for that amount of time.

Spencer: I was --

Nikolas: No, no, no, no! Not only did she know your whereabouts, she encouraged you to stay hidden.

Spencer: I was --

Nikolas: Which put you at risk! She put you at risk. It's called child endangerment. It's a serious offense. It's a crime!

Spencer: But Britt was there to comfort you.

Nikolas: [Breathes deeply]

Spencer: So you could fall back in love. What's wrong with that?

Nikolas: What's -- what's wrong with that? What's wrong -- you can't get people to do what you want by manipulating them. I thought Britt understood that, but obviously, she doesn't.

Spencer: But that's just because she loves you, and now that she has everything she's ever wanted, she doesn't have to manipulate anybody ever again.

Nikolas: You don't understand. She will do whatever it takes to get what she wants, including using a 9-year-old boy. I'm sorry, but I cannot be with someone who would use my son to get to me.

Spencer: So you just threw her out, just like that?

Nikolas: Just like that. And this time, she's not coming back.

Brad: Nikolas found out about the Spencer thing? But how?

Britt: He overheard my mother threaten to, as she so poetically put it, destroy my happiness with Nikolas. Long story short, I had no choice but to come clean.

Brad: Wow. That is one sucky Thanksgiving. [Breathes deeply] So, did Nikolas totally freak out?

Britt: That was my worst fear -- someday he would find out the truth and just explode. I even had nightmares about it. But he didn't. He just calmly... told me to leave. The indifference was like it didn't matter if I stayed or if I went, like it didn't mean anything that our relationship was over, like I didn't mean anything to him.

Britt: Thanks.

Brad: Sure. I can give you another if you need it.

Britt: That's okay. I'm -- I'm good.

Brad: [Sighs] Oh, God, Britt. Why -- why didn't you call me?

Britt: Because it was thanksgiving, and... you were with your boyfriend, and I didn't want to bother you.

Brad: But even if I was having the best thanksgiving ever, you and I, we're besties.

Britt: We are?

Brad: When the chips are down, if we can't count on each other, who can we count on?

Britt: Thank you. It's nice to hear, because... I'm probably gonna be needing you a lot real soon.

Brad: Uh-oh. What now?

Britt: Nikolas is planning to press charges against me.

Spencer: You don't mean that. There's no way you'd kick Britt out for good.

Nikolas: Yes, I do.

Spencer: You're just upset. Once you calm down, you'll forgive her. I know it.

Nikolas: No, I won't.

Spencer: So, what are you saying? There's nothing Britt can do? She made one mistake, and now it's all over?

Nikolas: Spencer, she didn't just make one mistake. She told one lie after another after -- you know the saying, "fool me once, shame --"

Spencer: "Fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice, can't get fooled again."

Nikolas: No. "Fool me twice, shame on me." Britt fooled me more than a few times.

Spencer: So you're ashamed?

Nikolas: No. No. Come here. I'm just disappointed. Okay? I should never have trusted Britt, let alone bring her back into our lives, after what she did to aunt Lulu. You remember that.

Spencer: Well, you did. Aunt Lulu was okay with it.

Nikolas: But even if that was true, Spencer... when you ran away, Britt knew how upset I was, she knew how much pain I was in, and she let me feel that way --

Spencer: Because --

Nikolas: No. She -- go ahead.

Spencer: Because she loves you.

Nikolas: No. That's not how you treat people you love, Spencer. I'm sorry, but it's over between Britt and me.

Spencer: No, you have to give her another chance. You have to forgive her! I can't lose my mother all over again.

Fluke: "Fluke"! [Chuckles]

Tracy: Darling.

Fluke: Yes.

Tracy: Commissioner Devane is here to see you.

Anna: Hi.

Fluke: Hi, slim.

Anna: Hi. Oh, it's good to see you. Well, the real you, anyway.

Fluke: It's good to be seen.

Anna: Yeah.

Fluke: What can we do for you?

Anna: Well, nothing, really. Um, nothing.

Tracy: Really? Then what are you doing here?

Anna: I came to apologize -- to both of you. What happened to you, Luke... it's entirely my fault.

Elizabeth: Helena seems to have access to unlimited funds. She has connections all over the world. She has people kidnapped and tortured and murdered just like some of us go to the grocery store.

Jason: Whoa. Why?

Elizabeth: In her mind, it has something to do with the greater glory of the Cassadines.

Jason: That's not the sanest motive I've ever heard.

Elizabeth: She is thoroughly sane, and she is thoroughly evil. She uses people whenever she wants.

Jason: Sounds like you're speaking from personal experience.

Elizabeth: Well, her special targets are the Spencers. What she did to Aiden's father is just --

Jason: Actually, uh, I'm more interested in what she did to you.

Elizabeth: Well, it shouldn't matter. It shouldn't matter because she should be dead, but for some reason, the woman always seems to come back.

Jason: So... if this rich, powerful, very dangerous woman can go anywhere in the world, why would she come here, and why would she want to speak to me?

Dr. Obrecht: Helena, please, I killed victor to ensure my child's safety. Knowing how much family means to you, surely you understand.

Helena: Oh, victor was my family. Now surely... you understand that. [Chuckles] Relax, Liesl. To be honest... I was never very fond of victor. He was certainly no Mikkos. And he wasn't even a Cesar Faison, the object of your foolish blubbering.

Dr. Obrecht: Cesar and I were reunited last night, and today we were supposed to run away together. But now he's incarcerated.

Helena: Not for long.

Sam: I'm waiting! Why did you shoot my husband?!

Faison: It was pure business. Of all persons, your husband would understand.

Sam: No, Jason would not understand. He had honor. He had code. You -- you shot him in the back.

Faison: It was business.

Sam: And then you kicked him into the water like some kind of animal, and you acted like you enjoyed it.

Faison: Yeah, I do enjoy my work, so...

Sam: Are you getting me?! Are you listening to yourself right now? I am telling you that you murdered my husband, and you are acting like you have absolutely no remorse. And I'm sure you're perfectly fine with killing Patrick's son.

Faison: [Chuckles] I have no idea what you're talking about.

Patrick: My son -- Gabriel. He was born four months premature. And he died because you forced Rafe Kovich to run us off the road.

Faison: Come on, drake. Don't be an idiot. I never arranged an accident to take out your son. That was... victor Cassadine.

Nikolas: I know you care about her. But Britt's not your mother.

Spencer: Well, she was supposed to be. I never got to know my real mother, so Britt was the closest I've ever come to having one. And I love her.

Nikolas: Britt is nothing like Courtney. You understand me.

Spencer: How am I supposed to know that?

Nikolas: Your mother was a good person. She was an honest person -- the exact opposite of Britt.

Spencer: So you're saying my mom was perfect. She never made one mistake.

Nikolas: That's not what I'm saying. Of course she made mistakes. We all make mistakes. We all make poor choices. But she wasn't manipulative. She didn't use people to get what she wanted. She didn't do the things that Britt does over and over again. And let me -- she would never have endangered you. Never!

Spencer: Well, I deserve to have a mother, and I want Britt.

Nikolas: Spencer, don't -- don't you -- I will not have you keep talking to me like this. So this is the final word on the subject. Do you understand? Britt is a terrible person! And we're both better off without her.

Britt: Diane, it's urgent that I speak to you. Please call me back at your earliest convenience. Thanks.

Brad: Great. Now you can be prepared for whatever prince throws at you.

Britt: Still, how am I ever going to afford her? Do you know how massive her retainer is, not to mention her hourly?

Brad: All right. Forgive me for prying, but aren't you a doctor? Shouldn't you be able to afford a condo, a country-club membership, and a sports car?

Britt: Well, thanks to my mother's unwavering belief in self-sufficiency, I'll be paying off my med-school loans until... just before the sun burns out.

Brad: Okay, okay. I was just asking. If Diane's not an option, then what?

Britt: It's not like I can call Alexis Davis. I mean, she's Nikolas' aunt.

Brad: You know, Alexis and Diane aren't the only lawyers in town.

Britt: Yeah, but they are the best, and I have a feeling that's what I'm gonna need.

Brad: Well, then I'll be happy to help you pay for it.

Britt: Brad, that's really, really sweet. But I know what you make.

Brad: Yeah. So do I. Offer still stands. But if I'm gonna help you foot your massive legal bills... I better get to work before your mother docks me for being late.

Britt: Yeah, we wouldn't want that. Thank you. I really appreciate your help.

Brad: What are besties for? Hey. I'm really sorry about this whole thing, for whatever it's worth.

Britt: It's worth a lot. I love you, you know?

Brad: Of course you do. I love you, too.

Tracy: A hole?

Anna: Well, it was more of a subterranean cell with what --

Tracy: It was a hole! You decided to stash Cesar Faison, who escaped a Supermax in Switzerland, in the bowels of Wyndemere?

Anna: I wanted to keep him in my control.

Tracy: Really? Well, you did a bang-up job.

Fluke: Tracy...

Tracy: Don't "Tracy" me. And now you're telling me that your desire to keep control over him was so consuming that you never checked on him once?

Anna: I didn't, no. Robert had somebody that was supposedly doing that.

Tracy: Uh-huh. Spectacular. Well, thank you for that crackerjack police work! Because thanks to you, that man went around Port Charles for almost a year with his face.

Anna: I know. I cannot apologize to you both enough. I cannot.

Tracy: No, you can't! Because I ended up married to that psychopath!

Fluke: Life wasn't exactly a bowl of cherries for me, either.

Tracy: You're absolutely right about that. It was not!

Fluke: She didn't do it on purpose. She was trying to keep everyone safe.

Tracy: Oh, really? By putting Faison in a hole instead of sending him back to Supermax?!

Fluke: Look, Anna knows what kind of a monster Faison is. She didn't trust those noted pacifists, the Swiss, to keep him under lock and key. You were only doing what you thought was right. I respect that, and I accept your apology.

Anna: Thank you. Thank you.

Tracy: I don't.

Anna: I understand.

Fluke: Well, the important thing is, he's behind bars, and he's gonna pay for his crimes.

Patrick: Victor Cassadine.

Faison: Who else? Why in the world do you think it would be me?

Patrick: Spencer Cassadine told us that Luke threatened him. You were impersonating Luke.

Faison: Oh, come on. Spencer Cassadine? You took the word of a boy?

Sam: That boy happens to be my cousin. Are -- are you denying that you threatened to hurt Patrick's daughter if Spencer didn't stay quiet about your plan to take Sonny down?

Faison: Believe me or not. I don't give a damn. I was victor.

Sam: Well, that doesn't -- that doesn't make any sense. Why would victor Cassadine want to do that to Patrick? Why?

Faison: Victor didn't want... drake talking about what he was up to at Crichton-Clark... with drake's wife... and your husband.

Sam: What do you mean, my husband? My husband was never at Crichton-Clark. He died two years ago.

Faison: Wrong again, sweetheart.

Jason: Why would she leave when I said I was coming to get you? And why would she want to talk to me at all?

Elizabeth: Well, she's always had an eye for handsome men.

Jason: [Clears throat] Thanks. [Chuckles]

Elizabeth: Did she say anything to you?

Jason: Just what I already told you. She said she was an old family friend.

Elizabeth: With friends like her...

Jason: Yeah. I just find it so weird she wouldn't tell me her name.

Elizabeth: So, what was Helena doing here? What exactly did she want?

Helena: Your dear Cesar will not be going to prison. No, in fact, very soon, Faison will be a free man.

Dr. Obrecht: What makes you so sure?

Helena: Because... I'm the one who's going to make it happen.

Spencer: I'm sorry, father, but I don't agree with you. And for the record, I don't care what you think.

Nikolas: Do not speak to me that way!

Spencer: I'm not better off. I love Britt, and I hate you for making her go away.

Jason: I better get going. Thank you for breakfast.

Elizabeth: What, do you have an appointment I don't know about, a follow-up at the hospital or...?

Jason: No, no, nothing like that. I went online last night, and I found a lot of opportunities in the job postings, and, uh... well, with any luck, by the time I get back, I might be gainfully employed.

Elizabeth: Well, I wish you luck. But just so you know, there's no pressure. You can stay here as long as you need, rent-free.

Jason: I greatly appreciate your generosity... but, uh, I can't live off of you indefinitely.

Elizabeth: It's only been a few days. We're a long way from indefinitely. I still have to pull my own weight.

Elizabeth: Well, I can see there's no point in arguing. Besides, I have to get back to work, and I need to call the police and let them know you received a visit from the queen of the damned.

Jason: The queen of the damned?

Elizabeth: Yeah, one of the nicknames my father-in-law gave Helena. There's really no insult bad enough to describe her. But queen of the damned comes pretty close.

Jason: Hmm. [Chuckles] See ya later.

Dr. Obrecht: What are you saying, Helena? Are you going to break Cesar out of jail? How do you plan to do that?

Helena: Well, suffice it to say, I have the proper personnel in place. It's all part of my master plan.

Dr. Obrecht: Oh. This is wonderful! I don't know how I will ever be able to thank you for this.

Helena: I'll think of something. I always do.

Anna: I have to get back to the police station, so, thank you for your time.

Tracy: Yes, you probably want to make sure that Faison hasn't escaped. You did put him in a cell this time -- didn't you? -- Rather than chaining him to a bike rack in the parking lot and hoping for the best?

Fluke: Tracy...

Anna: It's okay. Tracy has every right to be concerned. Yes, Faison is in police custody, and he's not going anywhere.

Sam: What the hell are you talking about?

Faison: I admit I put a bullet in the back of your husband, kicked him in the harbor...

Sam: You are a son of a bitch. You know that?

Faison: ...But your resilient Jason didn't die.

Sam: You're lying. You're lying. If Jason was alive, he would've come looking for me.

Faison: While he was unconscious, his lungs filled with water when he was fished out of the water and taken to Crichton-Clark.

Sam: No, you are lying.

Faison: I'm not lying! I'm not lying. If you have more questions, put them to Dr. Drake.

Elizabeth: It was Helena Cassadine.

Anna: What? After everything she did to you and lucky? I can't believe that Helena would just knock on your door and come waltzing into your living room. What am I saying? Of course I can believe it.

Elizabeth: I just thought you should know.

Anna: Yeah, thanks. I'll get someone on it right away.

Elizabeth: Anna, um, if it's not too much trouble...

Anna: Oh, yeah, no. I'll make sure there's extra patrols in your neighborhood.

Elizabeth: Thanks. And I'll let you know if I see Helena again.

[Doorbell rings]

Elizabeth: Oh.

Dr. Obrecht: Chin up, Britta. Everything's going to be all right.

Britt: What makes you think anything, much less everything, is going to be all right?

Dr. Obrecht: Just a feeling.

[Door opens]

Anna: What are you smiling about?

Patrick: Sam. Sam, wait, please. I got to talk to you.

Sam: Fine! Talk! Faison just said that you knew that Jason didn't die on that pier! Is it true?! Is it?!

Patrick: Yes.

Helena: Mr. Doe. Over here.

Tracy: Alice, where's Luke?

Alice: I don't know. Maybe he went out.

Fluke (to Luke): So... how do you like your new accommodations? Nice, huh?

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