GH Transcript Tuesday 12/2/14

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 12/2/14


Provided By Suzanne

[Camera shutter clicks]

Anna: And, um, we are coordinating with federal and international agencies. We're doing everything possible to recover baby girl Jerome.

Franco: We can't just keep her. Dropping her off somewhere is the best thing for her. It's the best thing for us.

Nina: Um... shhh. Stop talking. And do as I say, okay? Just put your nose -- put your nose right there. Just put your nose right there. Smell. That's love. That is pure joy and love. That's what you're gonna be missing if you walk away.

Anna: We have concrete evidence that Ava Jerome murdered Connie Falconeri. However, she disappeared, uh, before we could arrest her, and she's still on the run.

Ava: I mean it, Silas. I'm leaving.

Silas: No. You're not.

Ava: I'm gonna find my daughter before Sonny does. I am not gonna let him --

Silas: You're not running from Sonny! You're on the run from the police.

Anna: All right, thank you. If there's no further questions. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Reporter: Just one more, Commissioner. What about the allegations of wrongdoing made against you by Dr. Liesl Obrecht?

Nikolas: [Clears throat] Yet another threat to our happiness? What is your mother menacing us with this time?

Anna: Just because Sonny Corinthos is behind bars does not mean that organized crime is gonna shrivel up and die in this town. There are those all too eager to take his place.

Reporter: And your plan is to shut them down?

Anna: Oh, it's my top priority, yes. Um, that's -- that's really all I have this evening. Thank you. Thanks.

Reporter: Thanks for your time, Commissioner.

Anna: Sure. [Sighs]

Lucy: Duke! Duke, is that you?

Duke: Hello, Lucy.

Lucy: "Hello"? "Hello, Lucy"? What do you mean, "hello, Lucy"? Did you hop the fence?

Duke: Did I what?

Lucy: Hop the fence! What did you do? Did you break out of Pentonville? Do you need my help? Are you on the lam or something?

Duke: No. Nothing as dramatic as that. They dropped the charges. I'm -- I'm free.

Lucy: You are?! Oh, my God! I am so happy for you! You're free! I cannot believe this! I am so very happy for you! It's awesome!

Duke: Good to see you, too. [Laughs]

Lucy: [Squeals]

Luke: So you're saying this bizarre game of identity theft could still be going on?

Lulu: It's very possible, Dad.

Luke: Oh, hell no. If somebody's gonna commit a crime with this face, it's going to be me. What are you standing around for, sheriff? Saddle up! Let's ride out there and get that guy.

Julian: [Scoffs] Caught me on my way out.

Fluke: I'm afraid you'll have to cancel your trip. I hope you have travel insurance. Who am I kidding? You wouldn't be able to collect it anyway.

Lucy: I am so darn happy for you! I mean, I'm thrilled! I guess -- I guess you can kind of tell. 'Cause I think -- I-I think I thought that maybe this wouldn't happen and you would never be free and I was worried, and now you are! Look at you! You are free! Anna must be so happy.

Duke: Speaking of which...

Lucy: [Sighs]

Duke: Hello, Anna.

Lucy: Hey. Look at you. Look, look, look, look at him! He is a free man! I bet you're ecstatic. This is awesome, isn't it?

Anna: Yes. Yes. I'm well aware of Duke's legal status.

Lucy: Well, you know, I think Alexis is a little wacky sometimes, but I think she is legally worth her weight in gold because look what she did. Well, actually, I first got to know Alexis when I hired her to do doc's case. And anyway, I knew she was a keeper then, and she certainly is because look at him. He's free. Look -- he's out. [Chuckles]

Anna: You think Alexis orchestrated Duke's release?

Lucy: Well, yeah. I paid her enough -- I mean, that is what I hired -- hired her to do.

Anna: Well, I mean, yeah. Alexis is a wonderful attorney, but she's not responsible for him leaving Pentonville. Sonny is. And as we all know, Sonny's help comes at a price. Doesn't it, Duke?

Nikolas: Clearly I walked in on an argument.

Britt: Same story, different day. It's about Anna and my daddy.

Dr. Obrecht: You will not mention that woman's name in my presence!

Britt: This conversation is over. I'm going to have some turkey with Nikolas, Spencer, and my brother. If you want to come, we'll be in the dining room. Let's go before she ruins my appetite. [Chuckles]

Nikolas: Is that the best you can manage, Britt?

Britt: What are you talking about?

Nikolas: This little tap dance you're doing with your mother here. How about you stop lying and start telling the truth?

Tracy: Luke, you're not going anywhere. You just got home.

Luke: And the spud who's impersonating me is getting further and further away.

Lulu: Dad, you just got back from Miscavige.

Luke: That's right. I've been locked up in a little room for almost a year, so what would you have me do now? Just stand around and eat crackers?

Dante: Well, actually, the PCPD has the situation under control.

Luke: Yeah, well, I wouldn't use "PCPD" and "control" in the same sentence.

Dante: [Scoffs]

Luke: I mean, this guy has been impersonating me for almost a year and you people didn't even know it.

Dante: Well, I'm sorry, Luke. We didn't know there were two Luke Spencers running around town and we had the wrong one pegged as being involved in Julian Jerome's crime organization.

Luke: Well, how about the fact that I wouldn't walk across the street to spit on Julian Jerome if he was on fire? Now, since you won't let me go after Ashton, what do you say we go after Jerome? He knew I was in Miscavige rotting away. Let's go arrest his sorry ass!

Julian: You don't need to point that thing at me.

Fluke: Sit down, Julian. If you prefer, make a run for it. I have no problems shooting you in the back.

Julian: You won't be able to shoot me. My people will take you out before you even have a chance to pull the trigger.

Fluke: They work for me. They know not to interfere. The only person who might be able to save you would be your lovely sister, Ava. But I have a feeling she has problems of her own right now.

Ava: My baby's out there with a very unstable woman, and you are not gonna stop me from going after her!

Silas: Is that really how you want to play this? I know the truth!

Ava: My daughter is with your insane wife! And I'm gonna find her now!

Silas: You're not -- you're not going anywhere. Sit down.

Ava: Please. [Breathing heavily] You let me go, or I swear it, I will do something we'll both regret.

Silas: Like what? You'll kill me like you killed Connie Falconeri?

Nina: You have to admit, it's pretty great having all of that sweetness in your arms.

Franco: I'm not gonna argue with you.

Nina: Do you -- do you want to be a dad?

Franco: Thought about it. It's just that, uh...

Nina: What?

Franco: I'd highly prefer if the kid were actually, you know, mine.

Nina: Oh, yeah. I know how you feel. Beggars can't be choosers. She's here with us now.

Franco: I suppose it wouldn't be the first time that I took off with someone else's baby. [Chuckles]

Ava: Silas, I don't have time for this.

Silas: Did you or did you not kill Connie Falconeri?

Ava: It isn't so black and white. You know, there was a lot going on --

Silas: It's a simple "yes" or "no."

Ava: Yes! I did it! I killed her. But listen to me. It doesn't change the fact that... what are you doing?

Silas: Anna Devane, please. Then find her. I have something she wants.

Franco: I kidnapped Elizabeth Webber's youngest son when he was just a newborn.

Nina: Why?

Franco: Because. It was part of this really elaborate, totally brilliant plan that I had this game that I was playing with this -- sorry -- this guy who's dead now. Doesn't even matter. My -- my point is that ultimately I couldn't do it. That I-I needed to give the baby to someone, so I gave the baby to the woman who raised me, thinking it would make her happy, because let's face it, I'm not anybody's idea of a perfect son.

Nina: You didn't feel anything for the baby?

Franco: I felt that the baby was better off with Betsy. I mean, she's eccentric, but she's a good person.

Nina: So, what I understand is that even though you kidnapped the baby, you still cared for the baby.

Franco: I'm not saying that. Why are you asking me this?

Nina: Because I just think that, um... [Chuckles] I think that maybe you have, um, buried paternal instincts that you're not aware of. That's all.

Franco: There was a time when... I very much did want to be a father. I thought of very little else. And then it all came crashing down.

Nina: What happened?

Franco: Ava happened.

Silas: I realize the commissioner is in the field, but I promise you, she'll want to hear this. No, I do not want her voicemail! You know what? Never mind. Just forget it.

Ava: Thank you.

Silas: I'm sure Sam has Anna's cell phone number.

Ava: Silas, please don't.

Silas: Is that what Connie said to you right before you shot her?

Ava: I did something very wrong.

Silas: That's one way to describe it.

Ava: I lied to you. I took advantage of our relationship. But I had to get away from the police. I couldn't be sitting in a cell while my baby is still out there with Franco and Nina!

Silas: Do not use the baby, all right? Don't keep doing that.

Ava: I didn't get to hold her. I didn't even get to see her face. So, yeah. I lied to you. I played you. And I'm sorry. But make no mistake. I would do worse than that. I would do anything at all for my children. And don't you pretend you're any different.

Silas: Different from you? Damn right I am.

Ava: Tell me you wouldn't move heaven and earth, you wouldn't tell any lie to keep your family together.

Britt: I'm not lying. Mother, tell him.

Dr. Obrecht: You know perfectly well that Britta and I don't see eye to eye on the topic of Cesar.

Nikolas: You've seen how hard I've been working to teach Spencer about being honest, right? So why don't you set a good example and start telling me the truth?

Britt: You only heard part of the conversation, Nikolas.

Nikolas: Well, you just claimed that your mother was upset about Faison, but I just heard her asking you why you couldn't just be happy for her.

Britt: Well, you must have misunderstood.

Nikolas: Come now. [As Dr. Obrecht] "Can you not just be happy for Mutti (Mommy)?" [Normal voice] Don't make it worse by lying again. Just tell me what you're keeping from me.

Alexis: Slow down. We're gonna make sure that you're okay and get you checked out after everything you've been through.

Luke: Look, as grateful as I am to you, Natasha, for busting me out, we know that Jerome was responsible for this.

Dante: What are you talking about?

Luke: It was Julian who led her to my padded cell at Miscavige.

Alexis: Well, we don't know all the facts.

Luke: We know that he's been working with my double the whole time.

Tracy: If Julian is allowed to escape like Larry --

Dante: Okay, can everyone just chill out for a second? I'm on this.

Lucy: What do you mean, Sonny's help comes with a price?

Anna: Oh, uh, well, that Sonny arranged for Duke to avoid all charges in exchange for services rendered.

Lucy: And, uh, what kind of services?

Anna: Didn't you tell Lucy about your new job?

Lucy: Hey, you got a new job? That's -- that's great.

Duke: [Chuckles]

Lucy: Maybe it's great. Is it great?

Anna: Ah, yes. He's just been so busy doling out hugs.

Lucy: Oh, you mean earlier. Well, that -- that was a "get out of Pentonville" hug. I give those to everybody who gets out of Pentonville.

[Cell phone rings]

Lucy: You know, it was a hug. Not a "hug" hug.

Anna: Excuse me.

Lucy: Not a "hug" hug.

Anna: Duty calls. Yeah, Dante. What you got?

Dante: An early Christmas present. How'd you like to arrest Julian Jerome?

Fluke: I thought you understood the business. I thought you understood loyalty.

Julian: Like the loyalty you've shown me?

Fluke: You sprung Spencer from Miscavige. He's now back in the loving bosom of the Quartermaine family while all my plans, all my work goes up in smoke.

Julian: I think we can figure something out.

Fluke: Well, I already have. This fiasco is all your fault. So you have to die.

Nina: I knew that Ava was vile, but to make you think that Kiki was your daughter...

Franco: Right? For most of Kiki's life.

Nina: Yeah.

Franco: When Ava got pregnant, she told me that the kid was mine, and then when Ava and I broke up, she cut me out of the kid's life completely.

Nina: That's awful.

Franco: Yeah. I didn't get to be a dad until Kiki was grown up. And even then, it was only for like five minutes before Ava admitted that the whole thing was a lie, that Kiki wasn't my kid at all, that Silas was her f-father. I'm sorry. That -- that was kind of insensitive. I...

Nina: Oh, no, no, no. I mean, listen, I-I'm okay with that, really. I have completely accepted now that Kiki is a byproduct of Ava and Silas' affair. But what I don't accept is how cruel Ava is. To -- to make you think that you were Kiki's father and then to rip Kiki out of your life...

Franco: She said she was scared of me. Like that woman would ever be afraid of anything.

Nina: She's afraid now. She's definitely afraid. She's afraid that she'll never see this beautiful baby again. It's what she deserves. You know, keeping this baby -- this is the payback that Ava deserves. Wouldn't you agree?

Ava: Don't get a nosebleed from that high horse you're on. You know damn well you would stop at nothing if it was Kiki's life at stake.

Silas: This isn't about Kiki. You can't use your daughter's kidnapping to shield yourself from a murder charge.

Ava: I just need a little time.

Silas: Time? Time's not gonna change the inevitable, Ava. You're going to prison for murder.

Ava: Well, unless you help me, you'll be a party to my murder. Sonny still wants me dead.

Silas: He's already in prison!

Ava: Don't you think he's got people running his business on the outside?

Lucy: Anna certainly left in a hurry.

Duke: Well, you know what they say. In this town, crime never sleeps.

Lucy: Uh, very true. But I don't think that is why she was upset.

Duke: Oh, you're wrong. That's exactly why she was upset.

Lucy: I don't think so. I think she's a little bit worried about your new job.

Duke: Worried? No. Angry? Disappointed? Completely opposed? Yes. But I don't think Anna's gonna be wasting any emotion worrying about me, not anymore.

Lucy: Okay, look, please don't take offense, but if this new job you're taking is making Anna disappointed, angry, and completely opposed, Duke, I think I know what this job is.

Duke: I'm taking over Sonny's business.

Olivia: Quite a night, huh?

Ned: Hmm. Welcome to casa de Quartermaine.

Olivia: You think there will be any more surprises?

Ned: Depends on whether the police picked up Julian and my father, who I can't believe got caught up in all this. Julian I believe would be up to his neck in this, but... "lord" Larry Ashton?

Alexis: I think it's pretty obvious that Julian was coerced.

Ned: Obvious? To who?

Alexis: He was living under the threat to his family, and whoever was masquerading around as Luke had his son shot, so really, what was he supposed to do?

Ned: Call the police?

Alexis: Given the situation, that really wasn't an option.

Ned: And leaving Luke locked in a mental ward was? Why are you defending Julian all of a sudden?

Luke: Thank you, sweetheart. I need that. [Sniffs] Ooh. How I've missed it.

Lulu: You've missed a lot.

Luke: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I hear you have a son.

Lulu: Yeah. Rocco. It's pretty much the best thing ever. Just had his first birthday in September.

Luke: Wait a minute. How can you have a kid that old?

Dr. Obrecht: Typical Cassadine paranoia.

Nikolas: Excuse me?

Dr. Obrecht: I am happy. In fact, deliriously happy, as the Americans say, my Cesar is no longer a prisoner in your stables. Not that it's any of your business. You eavesdropped on a private conversation.

Nikolas: A conversation that took place in my home, a conversation that is yet to be explained. Why are you dragging this out? What don't you want me to know?

Spencer: If someone doesn't carve up that bird, it's gonna come back to life and gobble up on out of here! Where's my hat?

Nikolas: Spencer, wait in the dining room, please.

Spencer: Why? What's going on?

Dr. Obrecht: Your father isn't done yelling at Britta.

Nikolas: Don't speak to my son.

Spencer: Why are you yelling at Britt?

Dr. Obrecht: He believes Britta's a liar.

Britt: Mother.

Dr. Obrecht: But we know better, don't we, Spencer? Tell papa that Britta would never lie to him.

Lulu: It's a long, crazy story.

Tracy: Maybe now is not the time.

Lulu: That's true. All that matters is that you have an amazing grandson. The details can wait.

Luke: All right, but I do want to hear them, 'cause that sounds fascinating. But tell me about him. Does he, uh, know how to hold a deck of cards?

Lulu: [Laughs]

Luke: Can he throw dice? What kind of food does he like?

Lulu: Oh, please. You've never cared about that stuff.

Luke: [Sighs] Well, being locked away from your family for 10 months can change your priorities. I want to make up for every day that bastard stole from me.

Julian: You're gonna shoot me because you screwed up?

Fluke: Insults won't save you.

Julian: You botched your bid for ELQ, and you took off for parts unknown. You were gone for months. Now, if you didn't like how events unfolded while you were gone, guess what? Too damn bad.

Fluke: You have no idea how you undercut me, how you interfered with my plans.

Julian: Well, if you would have, uh, clued me in, I would have been better equipped to fulfill said plans. Hell, I don't even know your name. Your real name.

Fluke: Is that your dying wish? To know my real name? Very well. I'm a forgiving man. The awful truth is, my real name I--

[Door slams open]

Anna: Julian Jerome, you're under arrest! You.

Fluke: You got here just in time. He was about to leave the country.

Anna: Put the gun down.

Fluke: Easy. It's me, Luke, your amigo.

Anna: No. We are definitely not amigos.

Dante: And you're not Luke. Luke's at the Quartermaines'.

Fluke: What are you talking about?

Dante: We know what whoever you are and Julian did to Luke Spencer.

Fluke: You mean what Julian and that fake did to me. I am the real Luke Spencer.

Julian: Do not listen to him.

Dante: You know what? Shut up, both of you. The easy way to solve this -- Luke's prints are on file. We take this guy downtown and run his prints. Simple as that.

Anna: Agreed.

[Gun cocks]

Anna: You're coming with us one way or the other, either in cuffs or a body bag. Which would you prefer?

Alexis: I'm just pointing out the extenuating circumstances as any competent lawyer would highlight during a trial.

Ned: Oh. The sad tale of how Julian was forced into a life of crime? Why he shouldn't be held responsible? We'll see how that story holds up against what he did to Luke.

Alexis: What happened to Luke was unforgivable, but I'm telling you that Julian was under duress the whole time because his boss, this counterfeit Luke, was pulling the strings. He's also the one that put Luke in Miscavige. That person, by the way, might be your father.

Lulu: I should go up to the nursery and check on Rocco. If he's awake, I will bring him down to meet grandpa Luke.

Luke: Oh, well, now, don't go to any trouble on my account. The rugrat takes priority.

Lulu: You got it. You're really here.

Luke: Yes. And I'm not going anywhere. So give my little Rocco a big kiss. Alone at last.

Tracy: Mm-hmm.

Luke: What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?

Tracy: I'm thirsty.

Luke: Well, if there was ever a time for a drink, it's now.

[Glass shatters]

Tracy: Ohh!

Spencer: Father, Britt doesn't tell lies anymore.

Dr. Obrecht: Exactly. We've tried to explain to your father, but he doesn't understand.

Nikolas: This is a grownup conversation. It doesn't involve you.

Spencer: It does so.

Britt: Spencer, listen to your father.

Spencer: But someone has to make him understand! It's not your fault! It's mine!

Nikolas: Come here. What is your fault?

Dr. Obrecht: The boy cannot stand to see you and Britta fight. No doubt he's afraid you'll cast her out for some imagined slight and leave him without his only maternal influence.

Nikolas: What do you know about this?

Ava: Don't you get it? If you turn me in, I'm dead.

Silas: From what I can tell, Sonny's had more than one opportunity to kill you and you're still breathing.

Ava: The only reason Sonny didn't kill me after I gave birth was because of Michael. There is nothing stopping him now. If you turn me in, the next thing you'll hear is that I supposedly committed suicide in jail. And everything you did for me and my baby will be for nothing. What about Kiki?

Silas: What about her?

Ava: What will you say to her? That you had the chance to save me and you refused? And what about my baby? What will you tell her when she's old enough to ask what became of her mother?

Nina: Ava stole a baby from both of us. Having this beautiful, beautiful little girl fall into our arms is meant to be.

Franco: I don't know. I mean, taking a baby out of revenge...

Nina: I-I completely --

Franco: Not a great way for a little girl to start her life.

Nina: I-I think that we're working in her best interest.

Franco: How is that in her best interest?

Nina: Franco, Ava -- she can't raise her baby when she's in prison. And let's be honest, any Corinthos is a bad Corinthos.

Franco: Yeah, no argument there.

Nina: Yeah, so we're the best option. Do you have any other ideas?

Franco: What about Kiki?

Nina: Kiki. Come on. She's a child herself. She can't raise a baby.

Franco: I don't know. Got to be another option.

Nina: The best option is the one that she has -- us. Right? Us.

Franco: [Chuckles]

Nina: So, what do you think? Say yes. Be her father.

Nina: You know I'm right. We should be her parents.

Franco: What about the police?

Nina: What about the police?

Franco: They're looking for a man and a woman and a baby.

Nina: We'll keep a low profile.

Franco: We'll stick out like a sore thumb.

Nina: No, we're not. We're gonna keep --

Franco: She's gonna slow us down.

Nina: Speed is overrated. I mean, come on. We already made it into Canada. We've gone through two countries worth of law enforcement. We can do this.

Franco: Yeah, I guess we could.

Nina: We could? Does that mean you're gonna do it? You're gonna stay with us?

Franco: Yeah. That's what that means.

Silas: You murdered someone and you want me to just look away.

Ava: I don't have anybody else to turn to, Silas. Julian is out of my reach. My mother is useless. Kiki has turned her back on me.

Silas: Well, do you blame her?

Ava: No, I don't blame her! I'm a killer! I have blood on my hands. I don't deserve happiness or freedom or anything good ever again. But I'm also a mother. I have to find my child. She's been stolen. And she's so tiny and helpless. And right now, she's at the mercy of a lunatic and a seriously evil man! I don't care if I have to crawl on my hands and knees. I'm gonna find my little girl. So don't help me, Silas. Don't do a damn thing but turn your back, and I'll be gone. Please, Silas. If you ever loved me, if I ever meant anything to you at all... go back to Port Charles... and forget you saw me.

Nikolas: You remember what we talked about the other day?

Spencer: The lecture?

Nikolas: Yes. About being honest, about not telling lies?

Spencer: Honesty is good. Lying is bad.

Nikolas: You know how proud I was of you when you were honest about what happened while you were hiding out with Josslyn? What happens when you tell the truth?

Spencer: It makes up for all the tricks and fibs I pull.

Nikolas: Fathers and sons should be able to trust each other, right?

Spencer: Yes.

Nikolas: You trust me?

Spencer: Yes.

Nikolas: Well, I want to trust you, too. I want to know that we can be honest with each other, but the way you've been acting lately makes me feel like we're not as tight as we should be. Is that what you want?

Spencer: No!

Nikolas: Then it's time to confess.

Britt: Stop. Please. You don't have to pressure Spencer. I'll tell you everything you want to know.

Duke: I respect Sonny. He's run his business very successfully for many years with the minimum amount of casualties.

Lucy: Okay, great. But he's still an alleged crime boss, which means whoever is taking over the business for him is also an alleged crime boss, and that makes him -- that makes you a target, and there is nothing alleged about that.

Duke: Do you know what they call that? It's called an occupational hazard.

Lucy: Oh, Duke. You're taking an awfully big risk for Sonny.

Duke: Sonny has treated me with a great deal of respect and honor. I intend to do the same for him.

Lucy: Okay, no, no, no, wait, listen to me. I get it. Okay. I-I-I get it. I get that this honor business is huge in your profession. It's very important. And I'm sure there are a lot of very attractive elements also in your profession and you'd be very, very powerful and you'd hang out with powerful people and the people would treat you with a lot of deference. And by the way, I guess you probably never would wait in line again for anything in your whole entire life. Who wouldn't like that?

Duke: Who, indeed.

Lucy: But there's a downside, and you know it. Not to mention you would be that target. But also your girlfriend is the police commissioner. Come on. I really think this could cost you Anna.

Duke: It already has.

Anna: Go ahead. Try me.

Fluke: Guess you got me.

Anna: Put the gun on the table, slow.

Fluke: Anything you say, commissioner.

Anna: Okay, go. Get him. Get the gun. Where are you going?

Julian: Just out of the way.

Anna: Okay. Cuff him.

Luke: You been spending time with Corinthos?

Tracy: Don't.

Luke: Tracy, "don't" what?

Tracy: Don't quip. Don't make a joke out of it. It's obscene. Someone with your face had you locked up in Miscavige for almost a year while he made himself comfortable in your life! Luke, I married him! I had sex with him!

Luke: Yeah, well, I'm gonna obliterate him for that.

Tracy: It's not about what he did. It's about what I did, what I didn't do.

Luke: You've lost me.

Tracy: How could I let him get so close?! How could I not know?!

Luke: Tracy, he was good. He had my whole history. He had my face!

Tracy: Oh, Luke, I ignored my instincts! I rationalized his behavior! I completely refused to believe Ned's warnings, Michael's warnings, even Kiki! And the whole time, you were locked up in an insane asylum! I was a blind, stupid fool, and you paid the price!

Luke: You listen to me. It's over. I'm here. And I'm not going anywhere soon.

Tracy: [Sobs]

Luke: Oh, baby.

Tracy: I'm so sorry!

Luke: Shh.

Tracy: I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!

Luke: No. Shh. Shh.

Fluke: Oh.

Dante: You have the right to remain silent.

Anna: Wait, wait. Let's see who we're arresting first.

Ava: Let me go. I have to find my baby. You know it's the right thing to do.

Silas: Can't do what you're asking.

Ava: You're turning me in?

Silas: No.

Ava: But... you just said you -- you won't...

Silas: I'm not letting you go, Ava. Not by yourself. Regardless of what you've done, we have to go find your baby. And I'll be damned if I let Sonny kill you.

Nina: You're not gonna regret this. We're -- we're just -- we're gonna make a bitchin' family.

Franco: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We are gonna be an unconventional family.

Nina: Yeah.

Franco: You know, we can't get caught now.

Nina: We're not gonna get caught. I promise. Never. It's just you and me and baby makes three.

Nikolas: Go wait in the dining room.

Spencer: But, father, I --

Nikolas: Go!

Britt: Spencer, do what your father asks. Everything will be fine.

Nikolas: What is it?

Dr. Obrecht: Britta, don't.

Britt: [Clears throat] It's about the few days that Spencer [Sniffles] Ran away.

Nikolas: What about them?

Britt: There's more to it than you know.

Nikolas: What else could there be, Britt?

Britt: Who was behind it.

Nikolas: Behind Spencer running away.

Britt: It was me.

Duke: Something I've always admired about Anna -- she's true to herself. Well, you know, I am, too. If she can't accept what I'm doing,'s just the way it is.

Lucy: But you do love each other.

Duke: Yes. We do.

Lucy: [Sighs] And you've been through so much. I mean, you were apart for decades, and then you found each other again. That was hugely romantic, and it was real. And the way you looked at each other, that was real, too.

Duke: Do you notice how you just used the past tense?

Lucy: I-I misspoke.

Duke: No. I don't think you did. Anna and I are no more. [Chuckles]

Julian: I hope you have some covert WSB interrogation techniques. This guy won't give up his name willingly.

Anna: I don't need his cooperation.

Fluke: You have grown ruthless since our last date.

Anna: No, I was always ruthless.

Dante: You know, commissioner, you don't want to do anything you might regret. Guy's wearing a mask. Why don't we just take it off?

Anna: Yeah. I have first-hand experience with this kind of situation.

Fluke: Touch me and you will regret it.

Anna: Really? Would you prefer a pot of hot oil?

Fluke: Be gentle.

Ned: If my father played any part in this fiasco, he'll get his due. But so should Julian.

Alexis: I never said otherwise.

Ned: Yeah, you kind of did.

Alexis: You know what? I am not gonna hang around and defend myself. And this certainly isn't the evening that I imagined for myself. Good night. Good night.

Ned: [Sighs]

Olivia: You okay?

Ned: Not until I know for sure what my father has done and just how much it's gonna cost my family.

Tracy: I want that lying bastard to pay.

Luke: He will. I promise you. I'm gonna get back everything he took from us.

Anna: My God.

On the next "General Hospital" --

Nikolas: (to Liesl and Britt) I want to hear what she has to say.

Franco: (to Nina) I think it's time we give her a name.

Madeline: (to Nathan) I need to say goodbye.

Molly: Where were you?

Alexis: I was with Julian.

Tracy: (to Luke) I want that man to suffer the way he made you suffer.

Faison: (to Dante) If anyone is to blame for this mess, it's Anna.

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