General Hospital Transcript Friday 9/26/14
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By
Julian: Ava, hey, it's me again. Listen, can you please call me? Let me know where you are and if you're okay. [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Julian: Who the hell are you?
Kobe: Kobe, but you can call me your worst nightmare.
Jordan: Excuse me? Hi. Um, I was here last night. I was the one who accidentally hit that John Doe with my car. How's he doing?
Nurse: Still in surgery. And as I'm sure you know, his injuries were extensive.
Jordan: Right. So, there's no prognosis?
Nurse: Not yet. Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. From what I've been told, it wasn't your fault.
Shawn: You can say that again.
Ava: Oh, baby. What have I gotten us into? I can't even tell your uncle where we are. It's not safe. What am I gonna do? How am I gonna keep us safe?
Morgan: Ava.
Kiki: Maybe me confiding in you instead of him -- I think your brother might be a little unhappy about that.
Morgan: Okay, fine, then. When you put it that way, yeah, we won't tell him.
Kiki: So we'll just pretend we never even heard about it. [Echoing] Keep this between us.
Michael: Kiki? Hey. What are you doing out here?
Kiki: I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to wake you up.
Michael: Something on your mind?
Dante: False alarm?
Lulu: Yeah, I think that Rocco was just checking to make sure that we're really here. I just hummed him a little song, and he went back to sleep.
Dante: He missed us.
Lulu: Mm. Not as much as we missed him. Ohh, how good does it feel to be in our bed with our little boy sleeping right there?
Dante: Incredible.
Lulu: Mm. We did it. We made it home.
Dante: You know, all is right in our world right now.
Lulu: Is it?
Dante: Isn't it?
Lulu: Mm, waiting to have another baby -- you're really okay with it?
Dante: Yeah, absolutely.
Lulu: Okay.
Dante: You know why?
Lulu: I have a pretty good idea.
Dante: Yeah?
Lulu: Mm-hmm. But you should probably tell me.
Dante: It's, uh... so we have, uh, a little more time to do this.
Lulu: Mm. [Chuckles]
[Knock on door]
Sam: Mom, is that you?
[Knock on door]
Sam: Hold on! [Sighs] Be right there. [Exhales deeply]
Patrick: Hi.
Sam: Hi.
Patrick: I'm sorry. I, uh -- I-I probably --
Sam: It's fine.
Patrick: Or it's -- it's -- it's -- it's still a little bit early, maybe.
Sam: I had a late -- um -- uh, Danny had a tooth coming in.
Patrick: Means you had a late night.
Sam: Yeah, just getting a jump -- jump start on the day here.
Patrick: I can come back.
Sam: No, no, no. Are you kidding? Come in.
Patrick: Are you sure?
Sam: Yes.
Patrick: Um, I, uh -- I-I just -- I wanted to talk about what Anna told us last night about Dante investigating Luke.
Sam: Yeah.
Patrick: And, uh, I just thought that maybe we could go over it and, um...
Sam: I should probably put some clothes on. Um, yeah, I'll be back.
Patrick: Okay.
Sam: Okay.
Lulu: I need to call my mom.
Dante: I love it when you talk about your mom.
Lulu: [Chuckles] No, I really -- I do. I do. I was so exhausted when I was catching up with her last night, I told her I'd call her in the morning.
Dante: Oh, really? But it's too bad it's six hours earlier there. She's still sleeping.
Lulu: It's six hours later. Nice try.
Dante: It was worth a shot.
Lulu: Yeah. I'll be in in a couple minutes.
Dante: Don't make me wait.
Lulu: Mm.
Dante: I don't want to turn into a prune.
Lulu: You know that I love you when you're pruny.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Lulu: [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Lulu: Oh. [Sighs] Who is it?
Tracy: It's Tracy. Oh, my God. It's true. You are home.
Lulu: I'm home.
Tracy: You have no idea how worried I was. Ohh. Are you all right?
Lulu: Yes. Yeah.
Tracy: Are you sure?
Lulu: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Are you okay?
Tracy: Yeah. Yeah. Uh, h-have you talked to your father?
Lulu: Um, no, actually, now that you mention it, I haven't.
Michael: Well, thanks for staying over last night. I missed having you here.
Kiki: I missed being here. You have learned some new moves.
Michael: Well, I got to stay current.
Kiki: It was very nice.
Michael: "Nice"?
Kiki: What?
Michael: Oh, please use any word but "nice."
Kiki: Oh, I'm sorry. It was breathtaking and exhilarating.
Michael: Yeah. So, why do you look so down?
Kiki: Uh, I'm losing.
Michael: In solitaire? You're losing against yourself.
Kiki: Yeah, which makes me even more of a loser. [Sighs] Must just be tired or I don't know. Hey, I was really glad that you surprised me at the brownstone. My heart kind of skipped a beat when you showed up.
Michael: Oh, was that what the look in your eyes was? It kind of seemed more, um -- it seemed more panic.
Kiki: What? It -- I did?
Michael: I know you said you were shaking hands with Morgan to congratulate each other on the -- the remodel and everything, but, um, I don't know. It just seemed like you two were hiding something from me. Were you?
Ava: You made breakfast.
Morgan: Yeah. It's nothing fancy, but you're eating for two, so...
Ava: Well, that's very sweet. Thank you.
Morgan: How are you feeling?
Ava: Exhausted. I didn't sleep at all. Too much on my mind.
Morgan: Yeah. I was up all night, too. I just stayed down here and made sure no one could get to you.
Ava: You didn't have to.
Morgan: Well, I wanted to. You sure you're okay?
Ava: Fine.
Morgan: I still can't believe my dad. I can't wrap my head around how he thought he could just kidnap you, then drag you off to somewhere to have the baby, and then -- and then kill you after you give birth.
Ava: It's still the plan, Morgan. And Sonny has every intention of following through.
Morgan: No, he can't do that.
Ava: He can. He will. Which is why I'm taking this breakfast to go and getting the hell out of here.
Jordan: So, what are you doing here? You have a boo-boo?
Shawn: I heard about the accident, and when you weren't at the police station, I figured I might find you here trying to find out how the victim's doing.
Jordan: Yeah, I feel terrible for the guy.
Shawn: Well, that's good of you, you know, considering you didn't hit him...and Ava did.
Julian: I think you've got it backwards. I'm your worst nightmare.
Kobe: You want to put that thing away? I work for the boss. If you shoot me, he'll be very upset -- even more upset than when he heard Team Corinthos wiped out most of your security force. I brought in a new crew. What? No "thank you"? You're right -- actions speak louder than words, so why don't you show me your gratitude by telling me where I can find your sister?
Julian: Well, I guess a simple "thank you" will have to do, because I have no idea where Ava is.
Kobe: Oh, I see. You're gonna make me work for the answers.
Julian: Well, you might find it more difficult to interrogate me than you think. Even if you manage, which, um, is doubtful, you're gonna come up empty.
Kobe: Am I, now?
Julian: Well, listen, I can't give you any information I don't have, and I don't know where my sister is.
Kobe: You tried calling her?
Julian: No answer. I even paid, uh, Sonny a visit last night. He swears he doesn't have her.
Kobe: The boss will not be happy.
Julian: Hmm. You don't have it figured out by now? The boss is never happy.
Kobe: He's been itching for a piece of Ava ever since she failed to kill Michael Corinthos.
Michael: Were you and Morgan making some kind of a deal -- something you didn't want me to know about?
Kiki: No. I was offering him support.
Michael: Is he okay?
Kiki: Well, I-I mean, how would you feel if your ex-girlfriend was possibly having your father's baby?
Michael: Oh, so you were talking about Ava?
Kiki: Yeah, I mean, I'm just glad that we're in a place that we can talk about it at all. The three of us were so bad for such a long time.
Michael: Yeah, I know. I'm glad you guys are friends again.
Kiki: And you and Morgan, too. I-I just don't want to mess it up.
Michael: How could you?
Kiki: I did a pretty bang-up job before.
Michael: [Sighs] You're acting like everything that happened was your fault.
Kiki: Well, I was the one who came in between you guys.
Michael: Yeah, but there's plenty of blame to go around.
Kiki: Okay, you're right. It doesn't matter how we got there. I just want it to stay this way.
Michael: Yeah, so do I.
Kiki: So that's why we really need to support Morgan during this time. If that baby turns out to be his, he's gonna need a lot of help, and, honestly, my mom will, too. That's why I've reached out to her recently -- because I want her to know that, you know, I'm here for her.
Michael: [Chuckles]
Kiki: What?
Michael: [Sighs] I was just thinking about dinner at her house.
Kiki: Oh. That really weird dinner? Gosh, that whole night was strange. I mean, but -- but her slapping that dessert out of your hand -- that really took the cake.
Michael: I think you mean it took the mousse.
[Both chuckle]
Lulu: I heard what happened between you and my dad. I am so sorry, Tracy, and believe me, when I see him, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind. Cheating on you --
Tracy: He didn't cheat on me.
Lulu: He didn't?
Tracy: No, that was a scam that we cooked up so we could reclaim ELQ.
Lulu: I don't get it.
Tracy: Lulu, you know how much that company means to me.
Lulu: No, I don't get how saying that my dad stepped out on you affects your status at ELQ.
Tracy: Well, we were trying to convince Michael that we were through so he would bring me back on board at the company.
Lulu: Okay, so that you could take over from within?
Tracy: Exactly. But Alice had to shoot off her big, fat mouth, and Michael banished me.
Lulu: I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm actually really relieved to hear that you and Dad are okay.
Tracy: We're better than okay. We were basking in connubial bliss.
Lulu: If that's true, then why are you asking if I'd heard from him? Tracy, don't... you know where my dad is?
Jordan: What are you doing?
Shawn: Have you forgotten I was at Ava's penthouse last night? Not to mention you put yourself in between my gun and her. And you gave her your damn car keys.
Jordan: Okay, so?
Shawn: So now your car is in the police impound lot, when, logically, it should still be with Ava. This is what I think happened -- that poor guy in surgery was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Jordan: Yeah. Like in front of my car.
Shawn: Mm-hmm, the car that you weren't driving. Look, Ava was so desperate to get out of town, she was either distracted and didn't see him, or she saw him and didn't give a damn enough to stop. Now, either way, the man's mowed down. Now, what in the hell would I do in a situation like that? I don't know. I know. I'd call my one and only friend for help. See, that's where you came in. You took over, you took the rap, and Ava got away. How am I doing so far?
Morgan: You're not leaving before you eat.
Ava: There's no time.
Morgan: Well, make time, 'cause the kid needs food, and you need food.
Ava: Morgan, we discussed this -- one night. I was gonna stay one night and leave first thing in the morning, which I have to do to get away from Sonny.
Morgan: Okay, and you also said that you were gonna come up with a plan, so what is it? Fill me in. Where you headed? Who's out there waiting for you, Ava? Other than me and Kiki, who else do you have in your life that can help keep you and the baby safe?
[Door opens]
Patrick: Hi.
Alexis: Patrick.
Patrick: Hi. How are you? Let me help you.
Alexis: Oh, thank you.
Patrick: Yeah, of course.
Alexis: Very nice of you. Oh, thank you so much. There we go. Where's Sam?
Patrick: She's, uh -- she's getting dressed.
Alexis: Oh. What -- huh?
Patrick: No, I-I came to the door, and I think she just jumped out of the shower, so she's just putting some -- some clothes on.
Alexis: Oh. Well, I'm glad you're here. You saved me a phone call.
Patrick: Yeah? What's going on?
Alexis: So, uh, Robin never returned the divorce papers. I was wondering if you had received them.
Patrick: No, I haven't received them yet, but I talked to her last night, and they're, um -- they're on their way.
Alexis: Oh. Okay, I was just wondering if maybe she had changed her mind.
Patrick: Yeah, so was I. No.
Alexis: Look, I-I'm sorry. I know from experience that it's, uh, difficult to let go.
Patrick: You and Julian? Are you guys still --
Alexis: No, there's no more me and Julian. But I did force myself to, uh, go on a date last night, you know, just to get back on the horse again.
Patrick: Mm, I hate horses.
Alexis: Yeah, me, too.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Alexis: You know, it wasn't so bad. And when you're feeling better, you -- you might want to consider the same thing... assuming that the right woman comes along.
[Footsteps approaching]
Sam: Hey.
Alexis: Hi, Sam.
Sam: Hi, Mom.
Sam: What are you guys chatting about?
Alexis: Nothing.
Sam: Yeah?
Alexis: Just stuff.
Sam: [Chuckles]
Alexis: Um, Patrick was kind enough to help me with the groceries.
Sam: Oh, well, thank you for getting them.
Alexis: Yeah, well, you know, I got to earn my keep.
Sam: Yes, you do.
Alexis: Yeah, so, uh, Patrick is here to work on the case?
Sam: Yes, Mom. That's why Patrick's here.
Alexis: Any progress?
Patrick: Well, we -- we -- we think we might have caught a break last night, actually.
Sam: Yeah, we're, uh -- we got to follow up, but it looks promising.
Alexis: Good. That's good because whoever put Rafe up to running you off the road should pay for their crimes. And honestly, who would do something to that poor soul or you, for that matter?
Sam: Well, we're in the beginning stages still.
Patrick: Yeah, but, um, I mean, we don't know anything for certain.
Alexis: So you have a lead?
Sam: Yeah.
Alexis: Is it somebody in Port Charles? Somebody I know?
Sam: Yes, Mom. It's someone you know.
Alexis: Who?
Patrick: Luke.
Lulu: Is Dad in town?
Tracy: [Sighs] Sadly, he's not. He wanted to be here for you. In fact, when he heard the news, he was desperate to get back, but, Luke being Luke, he misplaced his passport.
Lulu: Misplaced it?
Tracy: Well, he misplaced it, or it was stolen -- I don't remember which. And the bureaucracies of some of the countries...
Lulu: Which country?
Tracy: Particularly the one that he's in. It has been an absolute nightmare for him, trying to get this passport replaced. But he did send his dearest love to his one -- one and only cupcake.
Lulu: Yeah. Tracy?
Tracy: Yeah?
Lulu: You realize that this is my dad we're talking about. To say that he could get around without the assistance of a passport or any official ID would be a gross understatement.
Tracy: Your point?
Lulu: If he wanted to be here, he would get here. So something must be wrong. What is going on with you and my dad?
Tracy: I have been making excuse after excuse for your father to everyone, including myself.
Lulu: Where is he?
Tracy: I haven't the faintest idea.
Kobe: Your sister's got some stones for going against the boss like that. I mean, why not just take out the Corinthos kid?
Julian: Well, because she had a problem with it, that's why. However, she, uh, did cut a deal. I'm sure your, uh, good pal the chief told you all about that.
Kobe: She promised him dirt on Corinthos. Too bad she didn't deliver.
Julian: Mm, too bad.
Kobe: ...Unless she left it with you.
Julian: Guess it must've slipped her mind.
Kobe: I guess you're up, big brother.
Julian: Meaning?
Kobe: I'll give you two choices. One -- you come up with the goods on Corinthos, or two -- you kill his son.
Michael: All right.
Kiki: You feeling that one?
Michael: Yeah.
Kiki: Now tell me what it is.
Michael: Aren't you supposed to guess?
Kiki: No, that's not a part of the trick.
Michael: How is it magic if you're not gonna --
Kiki: Oh, my God. Tell me what the card is.
Michael: [Sighs] It's an ace of hearts.
Kiki: Okay, great. Now put it back in the deck.
Michael: Anywhere?
Kiki: Anywhere.
Michael: There.
Kiki: All right. Good. Now, you see me shuffling over here?
Michael: Yeah?
[Both chuckle]
Kiki: All right. Be prepared to be amazed.
Michael: Bring it.
Kiki: All right. A-C-E... O-F... H-E-A-R-T-S. Now... pick the card at the top of the deck. All right.
Kiki: [Gasps] Ta-da!
Michael: How'd you do that?
Kiki: It's a secret.
Michael: How'd you do that?
Kiki: [Laughing] I can't tell you. It's magic.
Michael: You're magic.
Kiki: Am I? And you are the ace of my heart.
Morgan: So, where you going?
Ava: My mother's.
Morgan: You don't even like your mother.
Ava: I never said that.
Morgan: Yeah, pretty sure you did, and you said she was crazy.
Ava: Well, I was exaggerating, then, 'cause she's not that bad.
Morgan: Right, the woman who gave you up at birth? And is it me, or have you not even introduced Kiki to her, which is her grandkid, which would seem to prove that what I'm saying --
Ava: All right, fine. So, we need a little family bonding. Now we'll finally have the time.
Morgan: Okay, forget about that for a second. This is my father who's after you, Ava -- Sonny Corinthos.
Ava: I know his name.
Morgan: Then you know he has resources, which is a nice way of saying many, many people who either work with him directly or owe him favors, a lot of which have guns.
Ava: And?
Morgan: "And?" And you think one little, old lady's gonna protect you?
Ava: [Chuckles] Delia's a lot tougher than she looks. And she's got ties to the Irish mob.
Morgan: Oh, they'll protect you.
Ava: Yeah!
Morgan: They're strangers, Ava. They don't know you. You really think some thugs are gonna put their lives on the line for you and the baby?
Ava: They'll -- they'll do it for her.
Morgan: You don't even know that. You can hear it in your voice. You have no clue.
Ava: She'll come through for me.
Morgan: Okay, fine. Let's say she does. You're trading one dangerous situation for another, depending on people who don't know you.
Ava: Morgan, what choice do I have?!
Morgan: Then stay with me! Okay? I don't want you to go, Ava.
Shawn: Just be straight with me...please.
Jordan: [Sighs] Yes. Yeah, okay? I-I took over for Ava so that she can get away from you and Sonny.
Shawn: What the hell were you thinking?
Jordan: Can you blame me, Shawn? You were about to kill a woman after she has a child. That's barbaric.
Shawn: You want barbaric? Ask Ava for some stories. She's got them.
Jordan: Well, I wasn't gonna stand around and watch that happen, all right?
Shawn: Look, you put me in a hell of a position, okay? You know that?
Jordan: Aw, boo-hoo.
Shawn: Just tell me where Ava is.
Jordan: No.
Shawn: Oh, I swear I would never let my relationship with you interfere with my work, but you --
Jordan: Yeah, you probably should've thought of that before you pushed me up against a wall and kissed me, but, of course, you probably weren't thinking about that. Or at least not with your brain.
Shawn: And you were? Biggest mistake of my life.
Jordan: Oh. Is that right?
Shawn: You know what? Whatever. I'm done.
Jordan: You're done? See, I thought about that. And then I thought... yeah, we're not done. We're not done. Are we, Shawn?
Lulu: Are you serious?
Tracy: Lulu, I haven't seen him since our honeymoon. He told me [Sighs] That he was, um, trying to convince my far-flung relatives to use their ELQ stock to get me reinstated.
Lulu: Tracy, your honeymoon was months ago.
Tracy: I'm aware of that. And he's made no move to come home.
Lulu: [Sighs] Have you talked to him?
Tracy: Infrequently, but yes.
Lulu: Well, what does he say?
Tracy: Nothing.
Lulu: Well, he has to say something.
Tracy: Actually, he gives new meaning to the word "vague." Lulu, he's my husband, for God's sake, three times over. I'd like to think I know him better than anyone.
Lulu: Well, you do.
Tracy: Not anymore. I don't know why he's acting this way. In fact, it's as if he's become [Scoffs] A complete stranger.
Dante: I think I might know what's going on with Luke.
Shawn: Tell me where she is.
Jordan: Just shut up.
Shawn: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Look, look.
Jordan: Oh. [Chuckles]
Shawn: This -- this -- this -- this ends here.
Jordan: You're kidding, right?
Shawn: Look, my job is to find Ava.
Jordan: And you thought that you could just kiss me into telling you where she is? You underestimate me, Shawn.
Shawn: Just tell me where she is, damn it.
Jordan: I don't know, Shawn. I honestly have no idea. [Chuckles]
Ava: I can't stay here.
Morgan: Yes, you can.
Ava: [Groans softly] You are not appreciating how dangerous that would be.
Morgan: I appreciate it more than anyone, okay? My -- my dad thinks I've gone soft on him, right? He -- he thinks we made some kind of breakthrough. I can get close to him now.
Ava: I don't want you involved.
Morgan: I can find out what his deal is, whether he knows where you are, if he's gonna make a move.
Ava: I can't.
Morgan: I can give you --
Ava: I can't ask you to do that.
Morgan: I can give you a heads-up. Don't you see that? I can be the buffer between you and my dad. It's perfect. He's not gonna ever hurt me to get to you.
Kiki: I love you, Michael.
Michael: I love you, too.
Kiki: Mm, let's stay here like this forever, and not have to worry about anything or anyone.
Michael: [Sighs] And I wish I could, but I got to get to work.
Kiki: No!
Michael: I know. I hate it, too, but I have to get to the office. [Sighs]
Kiki: Okay.
Michael: I'll tell you what. How about we do this again tonight? And it'll be just as good as last night -- I promise.
Kiki: That's impossible.
Michael: No, sure, it is. You can show me all your tricks, tell me all your secrets.
Kiki: [Sighs softly]
Kobe: Michael Corinthos got in the boss's way, so Michael Corinthos has to die. And since your sister's not around to handle it, that leaves you. Are we clear?
Julian: Crystal. I unders-- [Sighs] ...tand perfectly.
[Both grunting]
Julian: I understand that I can blow you away and not think twice. You don't come into my home and tell me what to do. You don't threaten me. And that boss you're hiding behind...
[Both grunt]
Julian: ...He needs me more than I need him.
Lulu: What do you mean, you know what's going on with my dad?
Dante: You know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have butted in on your conversation.
Lulu: W-w-w-w-w-w-wait. Wait. You were talking about him while we were stuck at the clinic.
Tracy: Luke?
Lulu: Yeah. Yeah. Anna had Dante investigating my father.
Tracy: What for?
Dante: We should probably discuss this alone first.
Tracy: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You brought this up. And if the police are investigating my husband, I have a right to know.
Lulu: She's right. Why was he under suspicion?
Dante: I don't even have all the facts yet.
Lulu: Wait, you were about to tell me when you were at the clinic, so just tell us both right now.
Tracy: Is Luke in trouble?
Alexis: Why would Luke want to hurt Patrick and his family?
Sam: Well, I mean, it's just a theory.
Alexis: Well, it's a ridiculous theory. I-I know Luke. He's done some reprehensible things in his life, but I-I don't think that he would ever purposely hurt a child. He's a father.
Sam: I-I know, Mom. We are just as surprised as you are.
Patrick: It's just, Anna told us something last night. S-she mentioned that, uh, Luke is under investigation for -- for something that's -- that's not related to the accident.
Alexis: Well, why would you even suspect Luke in the first place?
Patrick: [Sighs]
Sam: Because of Spencer.
Alexis: Spencer Cassadine? The lethally precocious, hyper-imaginative Spencer?
Sam: Yeah, okay, I-I know he has a, uh, flair for the dramatics.
Alexis: You think?
Sam: But this is a really strange thing for him to just make up.
Alexis: What did Spencer say?
Patrick: He said that Luke told him that he was behind the accident that caused my son's death and that he did it on purpose.
Dante: Look, all I can say is that someone at the department suspects Luke of criminal activity. Anna was concerned enough that she had me pursue it.
Tracy: Is that why you were harassing me about Luke?
Dante: Well, I wouldn't call it harassment, Tracy.
Tracy: Wanting him to get in touch with you before Lulu was kidnapped?
Dante: Yes, yes.
Tracy: So, what exactly does Anna think he's been up to?
Lulu: Come on. Dante, please. Look, I know that you're not supposed to talk about ongoing investigations, but this is my family. This is our family.
Dante: Anna thinks Luke could be the head of the Jerome crime family.
Sam: On the night of Nikolas and Britt's engagement party, Emma broke up with Spencer. He got really upset, so he went out to the stables.
Patrick: While he was there, he said he, uh, saw Luke meeting with a guy, and he overheard them talking, and he said that, uh, Luke was gonna try and take Sonny down.
Alexis: [Sighs] We were at that party.
Sam: Yeah. Not a night you would forget. Mom, I just think that we would have a better chance of finding out, uh, more information if we knew who Luke was talking to. Mom. Mom, what?
Alexis: I think I know who it was.
Kobe: [Grunts]
Julian: When it got a little hot around here, boss man took off, left me running the show. You know what that means? I'm in charge in Port Charles, so I'll be giving the orders. I won't be doing any dirty work for you or your boss. And if you don't like it... too damn bad.
Kobe: Okay, tough guy. You won't do what the boss wants? I'll just take care of it myself.
Tracy: The police think Luke could be Julian Jerome's boss?
Lulu: Uh, Ric Lansing was arrested. They had him dead to rights.
Dante: Yeah, and we think that Luke might've stepped in to fill the void after Lansing's death.
Lulu: Why? Why? Where would they get that idea?
Tracy: Good question.
Dante: Someone at the department managed to --
Tracy: "Someone"? Enough with the someones! I want names! Who was it?!
Lulu: Wait, wait, wait, wait. He can't give us names. We're lucky we're even hearing this much.
Tracy: I apologize. "Someone at the department."
Dante: An undercover got Jerome's boss on the phone and said it sounded a lot like Luke.
Lulu: And that's it? But that doesn't seem like very much to go on.
Dante: Yeah, I realize, and so does Anna, that this is a stretch. [Sighs]
Tracy: But she still wanted you to investigate.
Dante: Yeah, with the intention, hopefully, of clearing Luke's name. I was working on it, and then this whole thing with you and Maxie happened, and I haven't had a chance to start the whole thing until now. Look, Tracy. You're the one who spent the most time with Luke these past few months before he went AWOL. Is there any chance you think that he could be Jerome's boss? All right, l-let's put it this way. Have you ever seen Julian and Luke together?
Tracy: I have.
Julian: What do you intend to do?
Kobe: What do you care? You made it real clear you want no part of what the boss is doing.
Julian: Good point. Now get the hell out.
Kobe: It's been a real pleasure.
Jordan: Julian, I need to talk to you.
Julian: Um, I've got company.
Jordan: Who's this?
Kobe: I know who you are. You're the one took down Mickey Diamond.
Sam: Are you serious? You know who Luke was meeting with that night?
Alexis: Maybe. [Sighs] This is awkward, but the reason that I went with your father to Nikolas' party was because Sonny asked me to.
Sam: Okay, that's a little weird.
Alexis: Yeah. Well, Sonny wanted to see if I could get Julian to tell me who is head of the Jerome organization.
Patrick: And did you?
Alexis: No. But Julian did get a text.
Sam: Okay.
Alexis: He got a text from someone who wanted a meeting with him right there at the party. Then he disappeared. I went to look for him. I thought that he was with Ric, but then I found Ric, and Julian was nowhere to be seen. And -- and then I didn't see him for quite a while.
Sam: Okay, so, you're telling me as you think Julian may have been in the stables with Luke.
Kobe: Mickey was good people.
Julian: He was scum.
Jordan: Yeah, he needed to learn to keep his hands to himself.
Kobe: Says the whore who led him on?
Jordan: Excuse me?!
Julian: Watch your mouth, buddy.
Kobe: The boss has his eyes on you, Jordan.
Jordan: Oh, yeah? Yeah? Well, you tell him if he wants to chat about me killing his biggest assets, he needs to talk to me in my face instead of cowering behind you.
Kobe: I'll be sure to relay the message.
Jordan: Yeah, you do that. [Chuckles] The hell was that?!
Julian: Do you know what went down last night with Ava?
Jordan: Yeah, I was right smack in the middle of it.
Ava: I appreciate you looking out for me, more than you know. But I can't get in the middle of you and your father again. I shouldn't have come here.
Morgan: Don't say that.
Ava: And the only reason I did was to ask Kiki for help.
Morgan: And she'll give it to you -- we both will. We can protect you, Ava.
Ava: No. No!
Morgan: Yeah.
Ava: I'm not gonna put you and my daughter in danger. I've already hurt you enough as it is.
Morgan: I want to do this, okay? I-I've even -- I've even been looking up how to be a good father.
Ava: Yeah. I saw this. "Being a great dad for dummies." Morgan...
Morgan: Listen to me. No one's come looking for you.
Ava: Yet.
Morgan: And maybe they never will, okay? My dad doesn't think you would stay here. You're safe here. And not to mention I'd like to get closer to that kid.
Ava: I don't know what to say.
Morgan: Say yes.
[Doorknob rattling]
Morgan: What the hell?
Ava: Someone's trying to get in.
Dante: You've seen Luke with Julian Jerome?
Tracy: Yes, but I didn't think much of it at the time.
Dante: Where was this?
Sam: So, do you think that meeting could've been with Luke?
Alexis: Julian was off my radar for about an hour. And after I saw that he wasn't with Ric, I went to look for him, and I ran into Tracy.
Tracy: At Wyndemere, the night of your brother's engagement party.
Lulu: The night that we found out about Rocco?
Tracy: Luke disappeared for a while.
Dante: How long's "a while?"
Tracy: [Scoffs] Long enough for me to get fed up and go search for him.
Dante: Did you find him?
Tracy: Yes.
Alexis: Tracy told me she was looking for Luke.
Patrick: At the same time that Julian was missing?
Sam: So Julian could be the other man that Spencer was talking about. He and Luke could've been plotting to take down Sonny.
Alexis: I'm afraid so.
Sam: [Sighs]
Dante: Tracy, where did you find Luke?
Tracy: In the stables... with Julian Jerome.
Julian: I got a voice message from Ava. She was frantic, begging me to hide her. Then, all of a sudden, the line went dead.
Jordan: Yeah, uh, that must've been right when it happened, then.
Julian: So, this -- this guy, is he all right?
Jordan: I don't know, you know? I went to the hospital to check on him, and he's still in surgery.
Julian: So Ava called you.
Jordan: Yeah. Right when I got there, I just -- I told her to get in her car, and I would take full responsibility for the accident.
Julian: Well, that's good. You did real good. But Ava hasn't contacted you since? You haven't heard from her?
Jordan: No. I-I don't know where Ava is or -- or even if she's okay.
Julian: [Sighs] Yeah, that makes two of us.
[Doorknob rattling]
[Keys jingling]
Kiki: [Gasps, screams]
Morgan: Kiki?!
Kiki: Oh, my gosh!
Morgan: What are you doing?!
Kiki: What am I doing?! I'm coming into my home! Why -- why did you grab me?!
Ava: Because of me.
Julian: Yeah, well... it's probably better we don't know where Ava ended up, anyway.
Jordan: Why do you say that?
Julian: That thug that you just had the pleasure of meeting?
Jordan: Oh, you mean the boss's mouthpiece. [Chuckles]
Julian: He's more than a mouthpiece. He was here for my sister. Ava was supposed to take out Michael Corinthos, and refused. Now I think he might be on his way there to do it himself. [Sighs]
[Slow rock music playing]
[Knock on door]
[Music shuts off]
Michael: Who's there?
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