General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 9/9/14
Provided By Suzanne
Emma: Please, Spencer.
Patrick: Come on, buddy. Tell us what you know.
Sam: Yeah, we will protect you and Emma. You just need to help us.
Spencer: It was Luke Spencer.
Patrick: Luke? You're saying Luke Spencer's responsible for my son's death?
[Knock on door]
Carly: Olivia? Here to relieve you of babysitting duties. [Chuckles] And I even brought the little guy a present.
Dr. Obrecht: Commissioner.
Anna: I told you what would happen if --
Dr. Obrecht: Listen to me. Nathan and the others -- I think I know where they are.
Anna: What are you talking about?
Dr. Obrecht: You useless woman. Why don't you just shut up for once and listen? I'm telling you I know where they are.
Victor: Now, the lab is waiting for these samples for DNA comparison. That test gets top priority.
Woman: Yes, sir. Is there anything else that you'd like to go over, sir? Would you like to go over your phone messages?
Victor: No, no, no. Thank you very much. That is the most pressing matter, yes. I'll answer this one, one way or the other, Liesl.
Nathan: It killed me to watch you second-guess yourself, all right? To watch Levi tear you down piece by piece, or worse y, to teach you to do the tearing yourself, all right? I can't watch that anymore, Maxie. No more hurting yourself, okay? Especially not over me.
Maxie: [Sighs] Um, you're bruised, beaten, and chained to a wall right now because of me.
Nathan: Technically, it's because of the guards.
Maxie: No, I mean it. We would [Sighs] All be at home right now, happy and safe, if I had just listened to my heart and not gone through with that stupid wedding.
Nathan: Why did you want to cancel the wedding? Is it 'cause you saw Levi for who he really was?
Maxie: No. It was because of you.
Nathan: What do you mean because of me?
Lulu: Just tell me. What is my dad being investigated for?
Dante: He could potentially be involved in --
[Buzzes, lock beeps, clicks]
Dante: Someone's coming.
Lulu: Oh, my God.
Dante: What?
Lulu: No. It can't be.
Stavros: Hello, Lulu.
Spencer: It's all true, and I don't know what horror could transpire now that I've told you.
Patrick: Okay, Spencer, I think might be a little confused about what happened.
Spencer: Luke said he'd hurt Emma unless I kept quiet.
Patrick: See, that's a little hard for me wrap my head around because Luke is a family friend. He's one of Anna and Robert's closest friends. I don't know why he would want to hurt their granddaughter.
Spencer: Because of me. I knew too much.
Sonny: Rocco, look who's here.
Carly: Yeah.
Sonny: See that?
Carly: Ah. What are you doing here? Olivia was supposed to be babysitting.
Sonny: Yeah, well, uh, he -- he -- he was so fussy all night, and not that Olivia can get any sleep, but she was so frantic, so I told her to go home, you know, get some shut-eye.
Carly: She's really worried, huh?
Sonny: Well, you know, first, Lulu's missing. Now Dante -- Dante's gone, you know? And she's terrified. So am I.
Anna: How could you possibly know where Lulu, Maxie, and my two detectives are? Unless what -- are you conspiring with Levi Dunkleman -- peter Harrell, whoever -- or agent Scribner that's in the hospital? Are you working with them?
Dr. Obrecht: I can assure you, I am not involved with petty jewel thieves.
Anna: Then how the hell would you know the whereabouts of the people they've kidnapped?
Dr. Obrecht: My methods are far more effective --
Nikolas: If you know where my sister is, you'd better start talking right now.
Dr. Obrecht: Or what, prince? Are you going to have me thrown in the dungeon?
Britt: If you know something, just tell us, please.
Dr. Obrecht: I know because of victor Cassadine.
Nikolas: Of course. My uncle.
Anna: Well, wasn't he in town a few months ago?
Nikolas: Yeah, he showed up for an unexplained visit.
Britt: Apparently, Nikolas' uncle has some sort of past with my mother -- how much, we're still trying to determine.
Victor: Well, what are we waiting for? I want answers.
Right away, sir.
[Buzzes, beeps]
Victor: Well, Mr. Harrell, you seem to be recovering nicely, after you botched the entire operation.
Levi: [American accent] It's not my fault. That son of a bitch Falconeri shot me.
Dante: Stavros?
Stavros: It is I.
Lulu: It's not possible. You're --
Stavros: Dead? Not quite. Although I must applaud your parents. They made a valiant effort. Your mother tried to put me in a deep freeze... but it was not so permanent after all. I brought myself back from the brink of death... [Chuckling] For you, my ice princess.
Maxie: Mac came to me before the wedding and told me that I shouldn't marry Levi because you have feelings for me. I didn't believe him because Mac despises Levi, which turns out to be extremely perceptive on Mac's part. But when he told me about you... I just assumed he was making it up as a way to stop the wedding. Um...was he making that up?
Nathan: No. No, he wasn't. I do have feelings for you, Maxie. I have since the moment I laid eyes on you.
Maxie: Really? You've had feelings for me since the day we met?
Nathan: Yeah, that night when I showed up for the sublet, and you opened the door, and...I was just dazzled.
Maxie: Well, now I know you have a concussion, because that was one of the worst times of my life. I hadn't had a facial in months, my hair was a disaster, and to top it all off, I was in the middle of packing for a trip. God knows what I looked like.
Nathan: You looked beautiful. But it was -- it was more than just how you looked. We got to talking, and I could see how friendly you were and how charming, and [Sighs] But there was something you were covering. And what I could see underneath all that bubbly personality was -- was real pain, and I didn't know the details at the time, but I knew that I wanted to comfort you.
Maxie: You tried. You gave me your handkerchief.
Nathan: We couldn't have talked for more than an hour, but I just -- I just ft this connection to you. And then you were gone. And I was just in your apartment, thinking about you, wondering what you were doing.
Maxie: Well, I thought I was finding myself, but as it turns out, I was being duped by a con man.
Nathan: One of the worst days I can remember, when I found out the truth about my mother, I got home, and I don't even think I had the energy to turn the lights on. I just sat there in the dark and stared at nothing. [Inhales deeply] [Sighs] And then, all of a sudden, there you were, right when I needed comfort. I couldn't, uh -- I couldn't help but think that maybe you'd been sent back to me to do it.
Nikolas: I haven't spoken to my uncle in months. What makes you think he has anything to do with this?
Dr. Obrecht: Because I just spoke to him.
Nikolas: What?
Anna: [Sighs]
Dr. Obrecht: The commissioner wasn't doing anything to find my I called victor to see if he could help.
Anna: What makes you think victor Cassadine could -- or even would help you?
Britt: Apparently, he's helped her before with certain classified information.
Anna: Like...the WSB file you showed me concerning Faison? Did victor get you that file? How the hell did he get his hands on that?
Dr. Obrecht: Because he's the head of the WSB, you dummkopfs.
Levi: I can't believe I let that two-bit detective get the drop on me.
Victor: I know. It's shocking, criminal mastermind that you are.
Levi: If you had bothered to return my calls instead of leaving me stranded in the safe house with the two hostages --
Victor: What's done is done! I wouldn't worry if I were you. Dante certainly can't harm you now.
Levi: All I care about is extracting a little vengeance. Where is he? What room is he in? The way I see it, I e him a bullet.
Victor: May I remind you that you work for me, Mr. Harrell -- that it is I who decides who gets a bullet, n you?
Levi: So, you're denying me my pound of flesh?
Victor: Well, at the very least, I'm postponing it. I'm afraid Dante and his beloved wife are otherwise engaged at the moment.
Stavros: Oh, I have missed you. Oh, have you missed me, too?
Dante: You get the hell away from her.
Stavros: Or you'll what? You look entirely impotent, a feeling you must be used to.
Dante: I'm gonna kill you.
Stavros: [Laughs] Your husband can't bother us. There's no one to interrupt our reunion.
Lulu: That's fine by me. I take care of myself.
Stavros: I know you can, but it's gonna be so much more fun if I take care of you.
Lulu: [Spits]
Stavros: [Laughs]
Patrick: Sam and I are gonna go talk for a second. What's your driver's name?
Spencer: Chandler.
Patrick: Okay, you're gonna wait with chandler for a second, all right?
Sam: Here, sweetie.
Patrick: Thank you.
Sam: [Groans]
Patrick: Can't really take what this kid's saying serious, can we?
Sam: I know. I know. I know. It seems impossible.
Patrick: But isn't that what he does? I mean, he does impossible. He got a band to play for Emma at the nurses' ball. He took off on his father and terrified him.
Sam: Okay, Spencer does tend to let his imagination get the best of him sometimes.
Patrick: But then there's Luke. I mean, Luke is not anybody's idea of a perfect person. He's got regrets, right? I would imagine his biggest one is killing his grandson, although it was a terrible accident, but, I mean, going after Emma on purpose? That just doesn't --
Sam: No, no, no. It doesn't. This is definitely not the Luke that I know.
Patrick: But what, Sam?
Sam: I don't know. Okay, so, it -- it seems like he's been a little off lately.
Patrick: What do you mean by "off"?
Sam: No, he's -- I don't know. He's -- he's erratic and irrational and just off.
Patrick: Okay, well, keep going. What are you talking about?
Sam: Um, I-I don't know. Like, you know Luke -- he doesn't care what anyone thinks about him ever.
Patrick: Right.
Sam: Right? But lately, he's been -- he's been, like, really nice and then -- and then really mean all of a sudden. And when on earth would he ever marry anybody at the nurses' ball in front of everyone? That's just not like him. So I think maybe we should hear Spencer out and just see what he has to say.
Patrick: Okay, I'm gonna go bring them in. Emma, Spencer, come in, please. All right, Spencer. Now, you said that Luke caused the accident because you knew too much. What are you talking about? What do you know?
Spencer: I knew Luke was after uncle Sonny.
Carly: I understand that you're worried, you know. Come on. If anyone can take care of himself, it's Dante. He's tough like his dad.
Sonny: Don't I know it. I mean, I've been on the receiving end of his anger too many times.
Carly: Mm. See? I told you. If he can handle you, he can handle anything. [Chuckles]
Sonny: Yeah.
Carly: I-I'm gonna go. Rocco is in good hands. I'm gonna get out of here.
Sonny: Hey, Carly. Can you not go?
Carly: Sonny, please don't push it.
Sonny: Uh, what am I -- I'm not pushing. What do you mean? Don't push what?
Carly: You know what I mean, okay? Look, I don't want to tempt fate. We shouldn't be alone together.
Sonny: We're not ale. We're looking after Rocco.
Carly: Hey.
Sonny: What?
Carly: I don't want people thinking I'm spending time alone with you. Kiki already knows what happened between us.
Sonny: She didn't say anything.
Carly: Yet. I didn't tell you what happened after I left your office? I went to see Franco. Kiki was there. She went straight to him after I talked to her.
Sonny: And?
Carly: And I think she was going to tell him, but I interrupted her. Ultimately, she didn't say anything.
Sonny: Like I said.
Carly: No. I'm hoping she bought the logic that if she tells Franco, it's going to hurt him.
Sonny: Who care-- I don't give a damn. Who cares if Franco gets hurt?
Carly: Kiki cares, and if she finds out we're spending time together, she may change her mind. I'm -- I'm hoping that she believed me when I told her that everything that happened is over between us.
Sonny: [Sighs] But you -- you don't really believe that, do you?
Carly: Sonny.
Patrick: Luke was going after Sonny? How do you know that?
Spencer: Because I heard him the night of my father and Britt's engagement party, after ma dumped me.
Emma: You deserved it. You yelled at me about the egg being broken. You were mean.
Spencer: And I've apologized.
Sam: But you were still upset that night?
Spencer: S, my pain was still too fresh to endure the party, so I went to the stables to seek solace, and that's when I overheard Luke.
Patrick: What did he say, exactly?
Spencer: He was talking to this man about how he wanted to take down uncle Sonny.
Sam: Wait a minute. What man?
Spencer: I don't know, but I went to the Quartermaine estate to confront him about it.
Patrick: You -- you went by yourself?
Spencer: Yes, and I was unfairly punished by my father for missing school. I was unable to tell him the reason for my quest.
Sam: Spencer, did you actually talk to Luke?
Spencer: Yes. And he said that if I told anyone else what I had heard, he'd hurt Emma.
Emma: But I didn't do anything.
Spencer: I'm sorry, Emma. He used my feelings for you against me, and that very night, I saw Emma on the news right after she'd been in that car accident.
Sam: Mm.
Patrick: Yeah, the -- the news crew was down there after the accident. Anna was taking care of Emma. Is that what you saw?
Spencer: Yes. And I knew it was a warning from Luke, so I called him, and I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. And I didn't...until now. That's the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me, God.
Anna: Victor Cassadine is the head of the WSB? What?
Dr. Obrecht: Oh, yes. For quite some time. Who do you think gave me my immunity deal?
Nikolas: Oh, you've got to be -- my uncle victor is the one that kept you out of prison? Of -- of course.
Anna: I knew something was rotten in the upper levels of the bureau. It's all become so secretive and closed-off. That's -- that would explain why I couldn't get a straight answer about where all these orders were coming from.
Nikolas: Yeah.
Dr. Obrecht: Obviously, they didn't trust you with such sensitive information. And who would? A police commissioner with ties to organized crime?
Anna: I don't have ties to any criminal enterprise.
Dr. Obrecht: It's common knowledge that Duke Lavery works for Sonny Corinthos.
Anna: No, he doesn't work for him.
Dr. Obrecht: You can't --
Nikolas: Stop it! This is about finding Lulu and the others, not your little personal vendettas you got going on with each other.
Anna: I'm sorry, Nikolas. You're right. You're right. Okay. [Inhales, exhales deeply] Oh, so assuming, then, that victor Cassadine is, in fact, head of the WSB, was he involved with the kidnapping? Did you know that he was behind this the whole time?
Dr. Obrecht: No, I-I had no idea until today. I simply called him to ask for help finding Nathan.
Anna: Oh. Why wouldn't one criminal call in a favor from another?
Dr. Obrecht: What did you expect? You weren't getting anything done, so I had no choice but to go over your head.
Anna: Ah.
Dr. Obrecht: But when I spoke to victor, he said something that led me to believe he was involved.
Anna: Oh, yes, did he? What did he say?
Britt: I think I know. Did it have something to do with him being Nathan's father?
Levi: So you defrosted your nephew?
Victor: [Chuckles] It's a miracle that doctor was able to successfully revive him from stasis.
Levi: And now he's reunited with Lulu Falconeri, who he previously kidnapped to force her to marry him? What a charmer.
Victor: Stavros may be crazy. But he's my family.
Levi: How nice of uncle victor to get him a back-from-the-near-dead present.
Victor: [Inhales deeply] [Exhales deeply] There aren't many Cassadines left. Well, at the very least, I can give Stavros something that he really wants, and in this case, it's his beloved ice princess. He has such big plans for the two of them.
Stavros: I suppose I should have expected that.
Lulu: Come closer to me, I'll scratch your eyes out.
Stavros: That's the fiery Lulu I came to know and love.
Dante: I told you -- you touch her, and I will kill you.
Stavros: Enough, detective. Lulu has already made it painfully apparent that she can take care of herself. You got that feisty side from your mother. That's one of the things that made me fall in love with you, the reason I wanted to marry you.
Lulu: You saw me in a Turkish airport, and you fixated on who you thought I was. You don't know a damn thing about who I actually am!
Stavros: At first. But then we spent some time together.
Lulu: You kidnapped me!
Stavros: Yes, and you did resist me. That's part of the challenge. But I know I will wear you down.
Lulu: You truly are insane.
Stavros: Huh? We can be together at last... and start a family. [Chuckles]
Maxie: I had no idea you felt that way when I got back.
Nathan: Well, I mean, you wouldn't have, 'cause that's when Levi came back and took all the air out of the room and the wind out of my sails.
Maxie: He was pretty obnoxious, wasn't he?
Nathan: [Scoffs]
Maxie: What am I saying? He was, like, obnoxious to the 15th power, and was even worse -- parroting every stupid little thing he said.
Nathan: Well, that's -- and it all went downhill from there. I mean, before we knew it, we were at each others' throats, and I couldn't figure out what had happened, and I started thinking maybe I was wrong -- that this girl that I met that I thought was so wonderful didn't actually exist, and I just made her up in my head, but -- but I knew she was real. I-I could see flashes of her -- of you. Underneath Levi and all his self-righteous posturing and all that nonsense, you were still the same big-hearted, bubbly girl that I met. You just were in a lot of pain.
Maxie: Yeah. Levi must have seen that pain, too, because that's exactly what he used to manipulate me, and I was stupid enough to let him.
Nathan: Hey. Hey. You are not dumb, okay? You're smart and insightful. You were just hurt badly, and that affects your judgment, and Levi saw that and exploited your heartache for his own gain.
Maxie: All his talk about inner peace and caring about others -- it's just a cover. He -- he ruined my chances of getting Georgie back. He ruined my life just to get ahold of my mom's Aztec jewelry. And now we're here. I am so sorry I pulled you into this.
Nathan: It's not all bad.
Maxie: How can you even say that?
Nathan: Being literally chained in the same room as you helped me get all this out in the open. So, now you know exactly how I feel about you, but I still have no idea how you feel about me.
Carly: Sonny.
Sonny: What?
Carly: Sonny.
Sonny: What?
Carly: [Sighs]
Rocco: [Crying]
Carly: Well, someone, um, is awake.
Sonny: [Sighs]
Carly: Well, I'm gonna get out of here.
Sonny: Hey, buddy. What's all the racket? Come on. Can you please just not go right now?
Carly: You seem to have everything under control.
Sonny: No, no. It's just that he's gonna be a handful, and he wants his mommy and daddy. Ain't that right, little buddy? Yeah, he just told me he wanted his mommy and daddy.
Rocco: [Continues crying]
Sonny: Can you --
Carly: What makes you think I'm gonna have any more luck than you?
Sonny: Remember when Morgan was his age? He had a set of lungs on him, and crying so loud, and the only one that can calm him down was you. Okay, look, if you don't do it for -- for me, just do it for the -- for the baby. Come on.
Carly: Okay.
Sonny: He's really sad right now.
Carly: Uh, yeah. Hey, Rocco. What's going on? You want some company? Ooh, come here. Ohh. Hey. He's okay.
[Both chuckle]
Sonny: Told you so.
Lulu: You are insane! I already have a family. Dante and -- and --
Stavros: Your son, Rocco? I am aware of your other biological ties. Our child will be of noble blood, not the blood of some peasants from Bensonhurst.
Dante: Beats being from some lunatic inbreds like yourself.
Stavros: Our child will be a Cassadine, a prince.
Dante: Your child will be a freak and crazy, just like you and your family are.
Stavros: Will you shut up?!
Lulu: Look, if you've got some sort of sick, twisted idea about getting me pregnant, the joke is on you.
Stavros: [Chuckles]
Lulu: Yeah, thanks to what you did to me on that godforsaken island, I can't have your child.
Stavros: Oh, well, that's where you're wrong.
Levi: So, that's what your nephew's going to do? No offense, but that guy is one sick bastard.
Victor: [Chuckles] That's not the first time someone has said that out a Cassadine. Our plans are sometimes characterized as "out of the box," but then that is both a blessing and a curse for the family. But we tend to get what it is we want.
Levi: Okay, yeah, and as fascinating as this guy Stavros' plans are, I'm more concerned about my own. So, tell me... when do I get what I want?
Anna: Dr. Westbourne, are you saying that Nathan is a Cassadine?
Nikolas: We don't know for sure.
Britt: She won't say.
Dr. Obrecht: Because it is irrelevant. What matters right now is that victor could be holding all those people captive. I have a strong suspicion that Nathan is locked up.
Anna: Oh. Where? Where -- where is he locked up?
Dr. Obrecht: Well, I'm certainly not going to tell you that -- blurt out the location. I require certain assurances --
Anna: Just sp it out, woman. Where is he?
Dr. Obrecht: Fine. I'll tell you. But first, I want to know exactly what happened to Cesar.
Maxie: Nathan...
Nathan: Yeah, I know. I didn't mean to put you on the spot. You left town to put your life back together. I know you didn't spend all your time away thinking about me.
Maxie: Actually, I did think about you while I was gone.
Nathan: You did?
Maxie: Yeah. When I left on the plane, the whole way there, I kept thinking about how nice you were to me at the exact time that I needed it. And then I thought about how you suggested that I stay, and I found myself wondering if I should have. I did think about something else you said.
Nathan: What was that?
Maxie: Well, when I told you that I was leaving to find myself, you said...
Nathan: For what it's worth, you don't seem so bad the way you are.
Nathan: You weren't. You're not.
Maxie: Neither are you.
Patrick: This is crazy, right? I mean, he believes his own story, that's for sure.
Sam: Well, yeah, I mean, but he also believes that Emma really could have gotten hurt, so...
Patrick: So what do we do? Do we go to Anna?
Spencer: No! You can't.
Emma: Spencer, it's okay. My daddy just wants to talk to my grandma.
Spencer: Who's the commissioner of the police. Please, Dr. Drake. You can't tell the police, or Luke will finish the job.
Sam: Luke's not even in town right now. You don't have to worry.
Spencer: That you know of! He could be watching us right now. Don't you care about Emma? You could be putting her in danger. Please...don't repeat what I told you.
Sam: Maybe for right now, we should just explore this on our own.
Spencer: So, are you going to tell her?
Emma: Daddy, I'm scared.
Patrick: I know. I understand -- I mean, everything that's happened after the accident. But I promise you that nothing's gonna happen to you, okay? I'll protect you.
Emma: But what if what Spencer's saying is right, and that bad man finds out that Spencer told us the truth? What if he comes after me again?
Sam: No, no one's gonna hurt you, sweetie
Patrick: Sam's right. Okay? Nothing's gonna happen to you. And as of right now, we're not gonna tell the police, okay?
Spencer: [Exhales deeply]
Patrick: It's just gonna be our little secret.
Emma: Okay.
Patrick: Okay? Now it's time to get you guys to school. You're already late.
Spencer: My driver will have to explain my tardiness.
Patrick: Well, tell your driver that I'll take you guys to school, and I'll explain to the teachers why you're both late, okay?
Spencer: Okay.
Patrick: [Sighs]
Sam: Hey, Patrick. Um, sorry, but we got distracted, but what -- what were you gonna say before?
Victor: You're very demanding for an underling. May I remind you who's in charge here?
Levi: I don't think my demands are so outrageous. You made me certain promises.
Victor: Which I intend to keep, but right now, I am consumed with more pressing issues.
Levi: What issues? Maxie and Lulu are safely locked up with those two annoying detectives, west and Falconeri.
Victor: I have other guests to accommodate.
Levi: What other guests?
Victor: You know, suffice it to say, as the head of this organization, I have many balls in the air, not to even mention my personal life. But right now, I have someone else on my mind.
Dr. Obrecht: I'll tell you everything you want to know. I'll lead you right to victor's doorstep. All I ask in return is the absolute truth about Cesar. I want to know exactly what happened to him once and for all.
Nikolas: Are you bargaining with my sister's life right now?
Britt: Mother, if this is true, Nathan is in as much danger as the rest of them.
Anna: Nathan and Dante we can be pretty sure didn't go quietly. Nathan may very well be hurt. At the very least, we know he is going to try to escape. So we need to get in there and get them out before someone gets killed. Do you understand?
Britt: You gave up Nathan because of my father, because you felt it was more important to chase him around than raise your own son. You claim that was a terrible mistake, that you wanted to make amends, and that you really care about Nathan. Well, if that's true, then put your money where your mouth is. Forget my father for one minute and tell us what you know.
Nathan: It's nice to know that our meeting meant as much to you as it did to me, but I'm still not entirely sure you answered my question.
Maxie: [Sighs] I know. Um, I'm sorry. I just don't know if I trust my feelings right now. I was just about to marry a man that I thought I was in love with, and it turns out I didn't even really know him at all. And I was gonna marry someone who was using me.
Nathan: Max, Levi was doing everything he could to make you think that he was a good guy. I got to see his true colors a couple of times when we were alone, but to you, he was the perfect boyfriend.
Maxie: No, that's just it. He wasn't perfect. There were so many times he would slip up and show how selfish or callous he was, but I would just give him the benefit of the doubt. Instead of really looking at the man I was involved with, I would just defend him blindly to everyone. I even said those stupid wedding vows. I mean, if you hadn't shown up when you did --- thank you for that, by the way.
Nathan: You're very welcome.
Maxie: And I meant what I said when Levi was holding me at gunpoint. I would have been totally fine with you shooting him.
Nathan: Yeah. [Groans] I couldn't get a clean shot, though.
Maxie: Okay, well, please don't take this as any sort of criticism, but I think you were being hypersensitive in a situation where you really didn't need to be. I mean, I could tell by how steady you were holding that gun that you had a perfect shot, and I was actually in no real danger at all.
Nathan: Well, I appreciate your faith in me. [Sighs]
Maxie: That's just it. It makes perfect sense for me to have faith in you, but not too long ago, I also had faith in Levi, which has turned out to be very stupid, and I don't trust my judgment. I just don't know if I'm in the position to be telling anyone how I feel about them.
Nathan: And by "anyone," you mean me.
Maxie: I'm sorry, Nathan. I just -- I can't answer your question.
Lulu: Let me be clear. I don't have any eggs. I can't get pregnant, no matter how amazing you think our children would be. The only potential I have for another biological child is my only remaining embryo that I created with Dante, and that is under lock and key in Port Charles.
Stavros: I am well aware of your issues. However, I'm not referring to your embryo. I am referring to ours.
Lulu: What the hell are you talking about?
Stavros: Oh, dearest Lulu. I had a feeling you wouldn't recall. Let me refresh your memory. Back on Cassadine island, before I put you into the deep freeze, I took the liberty of appropriating one of your eggs and fertilized it personally.
Lulu: That's a lie.
Stavros: Actually, no, it's not. But you don't have to take my word for it. The embryo in question... is right here.
Carly: You know, I went to see Ava.
Sonny: What do you mean? You did?
Carly: Yeah. I mean, I had to fight through her wall of goons to get to her, but I did get in that apartment.
Sonny: Why -- why would you subject yourself to Ava?
Carly: 'Cause I wanted her to take a paternity test. And of course she refused. She said it was too invasive. She didn't want to hurt the baby.
Sonny: Well, she wasn't that concerned about the baby when she was drinking that martini.
Rocco: [Fussing]
Carly: I know. Oh, it's okay. I know. I should have known better than to ask her to think about someone other than herself.
Sonny: Mm.
Carly: But, you know, it s for Morgan. He's so distraught over the uncertainty. You know, and I just -- I don't know. I thought that -- that she would do it for Morgan -- that she would want to give him some peace of mind. But no, it looks like we're all gonna be playing the waiting game. She is going to use that baby as leverage as long as she possibly can.
Sonny: Yeah, well, you know, the baby's an insurance policy for her.
Carly: So, are you still planning on, um...
Sonny: I got to do it for Connie.
Carly: What's gonna happen to the baby?
Carly: With Ava out of the picture, if that baby turns out to be Morgan's, we have a big problem on our hands. Sonny, our younger son is immature on a good day. There's no way he's equipped to handle a baby on h own.
Sonny: We're his parents. We're -- we're there to help.
Rocco: [Coos]
Carly: [Chuckles] Okay.
Sonny: Yeah.
Carly: What if the baby turns out to be yours? Who's gonna help you?
Sonny: We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Hey. We're gonna cross that bridge, right? Right?
Sam: Before Spencer and Emma came to us about the accident, you were gonna tell me something about the clinic. It seemed pretty important.
Patrick: Well, yeah, it was important, but after hearing that Luke might have put Rafe up to running us off the road, it just -- it doesn't seem that important anymore.
Levi: Who's on your mind?
Victor: Someone I thought I loved, someone I thought I could trust. [Scoffs] But I'm not sure anymore.
Britt: Mother, please. You kept telling Nathan how much you love him. Prove it by telling us where victor's holding him.
Dr. Obrecht: They're all at the clinic in Scarsdale, Crichton-Clark. Hurry, before it's too late.
Nathan: It's okay. You don't have to -- you don't have to give me an answer about your feelings for me right now. I know the, uh, the circumstances are less than ideal.
Maxie: You could say that.
[Both chuckle]
Nathan: We should -- we should probably focus on trying to get out of here, anyways.
Maxie: Yeah. Probably should.
Stavros: Say hello to our future progeny, Lulu.
Lulu: I can't have your child. It's not happening.
Dante: I don't believe this.
Stavros: Ah! Detective, believe it. I must admit, Lulu, that when I put you in the deep freeze, I thought that perhaps it would cause you to become infertile.
Dante: And you did it anyway, you sick son of a bitch?!
Stavros: Ah, ah, ah. I took precautions. What we have here is a miracle of modern science, our child -- yours and mine. All that's left to do with it... is implant it... right there.
On the next "General Hospital" -
Julian: (to Alexis) You gonna let me in?
Ava: (to Jordan) Don't make the same mistake I did.
T.J.: (to Shawn) What's going on, man? Who you been seein'?
Molly: What the Hell are you doing here?
Olivia: (to Ned) We don't even know if they're still alive.
Maxie: (with Nathan) Where are Dante and Lulu?
Stavros: (to Lulu, as Dante glares at him) You will have my child!
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