General Hospital Transcript Monday 8/4/14
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
[Cell phone beeps]
[Door opens, closes]
Franco: Hey. Hey! Kid. What are you doing? I thought we had a deal. I keep quiet about what you're up to -- you keep quiet about what I'm up to.
Spencer: Exactly.
Franco: Okay, so then -- then what do you think you're doing?
Spencer: I'm charging my phone. My battery's dead.
Franco: Okay, well, could you be more discreet about it? Because if Carly figures out that I'm hiding you in here, I'm gonna be as dead as your phone battery.
Spencer: Relax. Josslyn's mom just left to drop her off at camp.
Carly: Franco, I'm home.
Franco: You were saying?
Britt: Okay, Spencer, you really need to pick up. I've been trying to reach you all night. How the hell am I supposed to win over your dad by rescuing you if you don't even tell me where you are? [Sighs]
Franco: Go on.
Carly: What -- wow.
Franco: Hi.
Carly: What was that?
Franco: I didn't expect to see you. What are you doing here? I thought you were at work.
Carly: I-I do have to work. I just -- Josslyn forgot to tell me it was swim day at camp, so I'm -- I got to go get her suit.
Franco: Whoa, whoa, not so fast.
Carly: Ooh. Mm.
[Cell phone beeping]
Spencer: Oh, boy.
[Cell phone rings]
Britt: Where the hell are you? Do you know how scared I've been?
Spencer: I'm sorry. My battery was dead, and I haven't been able to charge it until now. I really got my hands full over here.
Britt: Over where? How am I supposed to rescue you if I don't know where you are?
Carly: Mm. Uh...what's going on, Romeo?
Franco: What do you mean?
Carly: You're acting weird.
Franco: Define "weird." I mean, good weird or bad weird? Because as a reformed sociopath, I pride myself on now being able to differentiate.
Carly: Now you're trying to distract me. You want to tell me what's going on? Is this about Nina?
Nina: You sure you're ready for this? You weren't feeling so great yesterday.
Silas: The hangover of the decade is over. I need to get back to work.
Nina: Okay. You always needed to get back to work.
Silas: Mm.
Nina: It'll be easier for you, now that Dr. Drake isn't here anymore. I think the hospital -- I think they did the right thing by firing him.
Patrick: You're gonna be a good girl and listen to what Aunt Elizabeth tells you, right?
Emma: Yes, Daddy.
Patrick: Okay, good. Hey, listen, you still worried about Spencer?
Emma: He's been gone for days. What if something happened to him?
Patrick: Well, I think your buddy Spencer's pretty much a match for anyone.
Emma: When are you coming home?
Patrick: I'm gonna be home soon, okay? I promise.
Elizabeth: Hey. Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on her.
Patrick: Thank you, Elizabeth. I wouldn't ask you if I didn't think it was really important.
Elizabeth: It's no problem. You want to tell me what's going on?
Patrick: Let's just say something suddenly came up.
Sam: You can see why I asked you to come along. This place is a fortress. If we're gonna find anything out about Nina, I'm gonna need your backup.
Patrick: Well, I'm not sure what a, uh, fired surgeon is gonna do to help, but I'm here.
Sam: Trust me -- you have, like, a natural flair for investigative work.
Patrick: [Scoffs] Thank you. To be honest, Sam, you've had my back for weeks now.
Sam: Yeah.
Patrick: From the accident to the funeral to the accusations at the hospital. So, if Nina's lying to you and Silas about her condition, I'm gonna do everything I can to help you prove it.
Sam: Well, yes, okay. Well, we're gonna have to prove that Nina was the one who told that rumor to the reporter --
Patrick: It wasn't a rumor.
Sam: You didn't act on it.
Patrick: Well, fair enough, but I would still like the satisfaction of knowing if it was Nina that told the press the story or if it was Silas.
Silas: You know, about Drake, uh...
Nina: Uh, I'm sorry. It's a sore subject. Sorry. For me, too. I was really fond of Rafe. We spent a lot of time together when you were working. I can't believe that anybody would hurt him, let alone the doctor who's charged with his care. I hope Dr. Drake gets everything that's coming to him, and I hope that Sam opens her eyes. I still can't believe that she would take his word over yours.
Olivia: Oh, honey!
Kiki: Oh, thanks. Could you just take the pastries? Thank you. I thought I had the weight evenly distributed, but...
Olivia: Yeah, I'm sensing a coffee run here, huh?
Kiki: Well, the Quartermaines have been living off of vending-machine coffee ever since Alice was hospitalized -- Morgan, too. He's an honorary Quartermaine. Anyway, they've been stuck in that hospital. Figured I'd switch it up -- get them a beverage that's actually drinkable.
Olivia: That's so sweet of you, honey. How is Alice?
Kiki: [Sighs] She's stable but very weak.
Olivia: God, that must be so difficult for you to be going through all of that and sitting vigil with Alice.
Kiki: No, actually, it's given me something positive to focus on, you know? Watching the Quartermaines all rally together -- I mean, they're fighting with each other every second they get, but together, they're fighting for Alice.
Olivia: Don't they make you want to tear your hair out?
Kiki: Why do you think I volunteered to get the coffee?
[Both chuckle]
Kiki: It's so weird. Now that there's hope, they're fighting even more. It makes no sense.
Olivia: So, what -- you got good news?
Kiki: Yeah. Um, there's a potential new donor. Alice could be getting a new heart very soon.
Olivia: Thank God. Ned must be so relieved.
Franco: What does any of this have to do with Nina?
Carly: 'Cause you're acting squirrelly, just like you did the other night when I wanted to know where you were.
Franco: But the other night, I was with Nina.
Carly: Okay, is she here? Are you hiding her in the living room or something?
Franco: I can -- I promise you -- Nina's not in that living room.
Carly: Ah.
Franco: But...
Carly: But what?
Franco: Um...okay, well, in the interest of full disclosure, I am going to work, and, you know, I might run into her there. There's a good chance.
Carly: Okay. I'm cool with that. It's totally cool. I'm not jealous.
Franco: No, I-I didn't say you were.
Carly: And I really like the fact that you made a friend, even though it's a girl. Okay, look, as long as you're totally up-front with me about everything, I trust you.
Franco: That's me -- totally up-front.
Josslyn: That's beautiful.
Cameron: It's nothing.
Josslyn: It's not nothing. You have a real talent. Can you make other kinds of birds, too?
Cameron: I can make almost anything. Try to stump me.
Josslyn: How about corn on the cob?
Cameron: Corn on the cob. Hmm. Emma, what's wrong?
Emma: Spencer's still missing, and it's all my fault.
Josslyn: How is Spencer running away your fault?
Emma: He's had a crush on me forever, and I kept turning him down. That must be why he ran away.
Josslyn: That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
Britt: You've been staying with Josslyn? How did you pull that off?
Spencer: She's a valuable ally, and her family's really messed up, so she understands why I'm trying to help you get back with my dad.
Britt: Okay, exactly how much does she know about our plan?
Spencer: Can we stay on point here? Have you made any progress with my dad?
Nikolas: The commissioner promised me an update.
Britt: Hey, I got -- I got to go, but you stay put. You promise?
Spencer: I promise.
Britt: Hey. Did you get any rest?
Nikolas: No. How am I supposed to sleep while my son's out there alone?
Britt: Well, you won't do him any good if you collapse from exhaustion. Why don't you just try to -- to relax, take a nap? I'm gonna go check a lead out.
Nikolas: A-a lead? Where?
Britt: Oh, well, I thought I'd talk to Carly. I mean, I know we already spoke to Olivia, but I just figured since she's co-owner of the Metro Court that she might know something that Olivia didn't know.
Nikolas: Yeah, that's a great idea. Let's go.
Britt: No. No, you need to stay here and relax. And besides, it's probably gonna turn out to be nothing.
Nikolas: Not while my son's missing. Come on.
Carly: I'm teasing. Obviously, I trust you.
Franco: Right. Of course.
Carly: I just -- weird day.
Franco: Weird? How?
Carly: Ah, Josslyn was acting really strange.
Franco: How was she acting strange?
Carly: Just not herself. Okay, usually, she uses the ride to camp to wrangle me for something. You know, like Sonny's speedboat, more archery lessons.
Franco: More archery lessons?
Carly: Oh, I didn't tell you?
Franco: No.
Carly: Oh, Jax is on an archery kick. He's been teaching her, says she's a great shot. I thought...
Franco: Why am I not surprised?
Carly: ...That she was gonna pull up the website on my phone and tell me about all the equipment that she needs, but... nothing. Nothing. She said nothing. She was just -- I think she's hiding something from me. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Franco: You're asking me if I can read Josslyn's mind? Hate to be the one to break it to you, but she's kind of in her own world.
Carly: Yeah, she is her own person -- I'll give you that. Although, lately, she's been reminding me a lot of her Uncle Luke.
Franco: Oh, so that whole corn thing -- that's, like, a Spencer thing?
Carly: Mm, no. I-I can't explain that one. Unh-unh. Oh, well, I guess Josslyn's just going through some kind of a phase.
Franco: Mm-hmm.
Carly: What?
Franco: What? What? What?
Carly: You're acting weird.
[Doorbell rings]
Carly: Weird. Hey, Nikolas. Hi.
Britt: Hi.
Carly: Come in.
Nikolas: Sorry to drop by unannounced. Um...
Carly: What's up?
Nikolas: We were hoping that you could help us find Spencer.
Emma: What did you just say?
Josslyn: I just meant that none of us know why Spencer ran away.
Emma: I do. Spencer is my friend.
Josslyn: Some friend. All Spencer ever did was try to be nice to you, and you made him feel bad. You liked making him and Cam fight over you.
Emma: I'm gonna go tell Elizabeth.
Josslyn: Sure. You do that. You're not only a self-centered princess -- you're a tattletale on top of it.
Cameron: Josslyn, what you said to Emma was really mean.
Josslyn: Oh, come on. Did you hear her? She thinks Spencer ran away because of her. [Scoffs] Haven't you noticed your girlfriend always makes everything about herself?
Cameron: I think she's just worried.
Josslyn: Emma has nothing to be worried about. I know for a fact that Spencer didn't run away because of her.
Cameron: How do you know that?
Franco: Hey, I just heard you're looking for Spencer. Can I help?
Nikolas: Uh, actually, I was only asking Carly.
Franco: Oh. Well, I should probably get to work. Good luck.
Carly: Mm. Hi. So, come on. What can [Clears throat] Help you with? I mean, how can I help?
Nikolas: Um, well, I know that Spencer checked in in the Metro Court, so I was hoping that you could give us some insight as to where he went next. Maybe there's someone the police didn't think to investigate -- a mechanic or something like that.
Britt: Excuse me. I need to speak with a patient. Is there somewhere I can go to make a-a private call?
Carly: Oh, of course. Um, the hall to the left of the stairs. Go ahead.
Britt: Thanks.
Carly: You know, I-I know the police interviewed almost everyone.
Britt: [Sighs] [Chuckling] You scared me.
Spencer: Sorry. So, are you gonna get me out of here or what?
Olivia: Oh, I didn't mean to single Ned out or anything like that. I-I'm sure that everybody that is concerned for Alice has got to be very relieved about the whole thing.
Kiki: We are.
Olivia: It's just that I ran into Ned the other night, and he was telling me how concerned he was about Alice.
Kiki: Oh, that's right. You went to the Nurses' Ball with Ned, didn't you?
Olivia: No. It -- well, yeah, he -- he just -- actually, uh -- well, actually, what happened was I basically accosted him on the red carpet, and that's kind of becoming a habit lately.
Kiki: Really? Accosting Ned?
Olivia: The guy just has this uncanny knack for stepping onto an elevator or onto a red carpet at exactly the wrong time.
Kiki: And why wrong?
Olivia: Because I always wind up glomming on to him and then forcing him to be my escort or crying on his shoulder, and who needs that?
Kiki: Maybe Ned does. He's been fighting with his mom, and now Alice is sick. I mean, being there for you probably gives him something good to focus on.
Olivia: You know, you make a very excellent point about Ned and about me, too. 'Cause you know what? I've been doing a lot of wallowing lately, and, honestly, what the hell good does that do anybody? Really? You know, I got to start making some positive choices, taking some positive actions. I don't know exactly what that's gonna be...
Kiki: [Chuckles]
Olivia: ...Yet, but right now, I'm gonna start with helping you get this coffee to your car.
Kiki: Well, thank you. I appreciate that.
Olivia: And you know what? Not for nothing, but you cannot live on muffins and coffee, definitely, even if it's coming from Kelly's. Eventually, you and the Quartermaines are gonna have to eat some actual decent food.
Kiki: [Chuckles] Tell me about it.
Patrick: [Sighs] All right.
Sam: All right. Okay, so someone was eavesdropping when Silas and I were having the conversation on the roof...
Patrick: Mm-hmm.
Sam: ...Obviously, because I saw the door cracked open from the security camera.
Patrick: Right.
Sam: And then they took it straight to the press. Who has anything to gain from that? Nina.
Patrick: Well, if it was Nina, then she's definitely lying about her condition.
Sam: [Scoffing] She's lying about that and a lot more. She can walk -- she certainly doesn't need a wheelchair.
Patrick: Her medical records are gonna tell us if she can walk or not. Believe me.
Sam: Ooh, and good thing we have a doctor to decipher them.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Sam: Thank you very much for helping.
Patrick: It's my pleasure. So, one more time. What are we up against here?
Sam: Oh. Oh, yeah. I kind of forgot to tell you that.
Patrick: What do you mean?
Sam: Um, last time I was here, I-I kind of knocked out a few security guards.
Patrick: A few?
Sam: Well, it was only two.
Patrick: Geez, Sam. I kind of want to hear that story now.
Sam: It's a long story. [Chuckles]
Patrick: Well, at least I still have my license and my G.H. hospital I.D.
Sam: Oh.
Patrick: So I'm gonna distract the staff long enough for you to hack into the computers.
Sam: Uh-huh.
Patrick: After all, just because Sam Morgan is banned for life...
Sam: Unh-unh-unh -- doesn't mean Sabrina Santiago is.
Silas: Fate will judge Patrick Drake. I just want to make peace with all of it.
Nina: And Sam?
Silas: If it's all the same with you, I'd rather not talk about Sam.
Nina: Of course. I'm sorry.
Silas: It's okay.
Nina: Well, I should go to Physical Therapy. Don't push yourself. You had a tough night the other night.
Silas: Mm-hmm. You know, I think I'll go with you.
Nina: To therapy?
Silas: Yeah, to therapy. I'd like to thank Travis for all the good work he's doing with you. I mean, you're making real progress. You were standing on your own yesterday.
Nina: I don't want to take you away from your other patients.
Silas: No, really, I got time.
Nina: I don't want to jinx it. [Chuckling] I just don't want to. I would rather you come after I can actually walk down a flight of stairs, and then we can celebrate.
Silas: It's a deal.
Nina: Okay. See you later.
Silas: See you later.
[Door opens]
Patrick: [Sighs]
William: May I help you?
Patrick: Yes, hi. I'm, uh, Dr. Patrick Drake.
William: Oh, of course. Dr. Drake. Welcome. It's an honor to meet a neurosurgeon of your reputation.
Patrick: Oh, well, thank you very much. And you are?
William: William Eichner, Assistant Facilities Manager. Well, Assistant to the Facilities Manager, which means I sit at the front desk when the receptionist is on her break.
Patrick: Right.
William: I wear a lot of hats.
Patrick: Oh, good.
William: And, uh, who is this lovely person?
Patrick: Uh, this is, uh, Nurse Sabrina Santiago.
Sam: Hi.
William: Very nice to meet you, Nurse Santiago.
Patrick: So, William, we have, uh, booked a tour of the facility. We've heard a lot of great things about Crichton-Clark.
William: Yes, well, we are quite proud of our reputation.
Patrick: Well, you should be. Look, William, I'm just gonna be honest with you. Uh, Nurse Santiago and I -- we're not really seeing eye to eye with our new chief of staff, so we're hoping that Crichton-Clark could be a new home for us.
William: Well, it would be my privilege to show you around. I just need to see some I.D. first.
Patrick: Identification? Seriously?
William: Nothing personal, but you can never be too careful.
Sam: [Chuckles]
William: Uh, we, uh -- we had an incident a few months ago -- security breach.
Patrick: Right. Understood. Here you go.
William: Thank you. Uh, I-I'm sorry. I'm gonna need to see some I.D. from Nurse Santiago, as well.
Nina: Hey.
Franco: Hi.
Nina: Hey. What's that?
Franco: Oh. This is, uh, a list of all of the important people in my life, and I keep it with me at all times so that I don't get confused.
Nina: That's funny. Oh, yeah, I saw this in the elevator. Poor kid.
Franco: Yeah.
Nina: Do you know him?
Franco: Um, we've met.
Nina: Oh. Well, I hope he's okay. I bet people are going crazy.
Franco: Um, I get the feeling he doesn't want to be found.
Nina: Oh.
[Doors close]
Nina: What makes you say that?
Franco: Look at you, playing hooky again, huh?
Nina: Not really. To be honest, I've found my time with you more therapeutic than my time with the physical therapist massaging my muscles.
Franco: And your husband -- he approves?
Nina: Oh. Uh, well, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. And he's not the jealous type, so you won't threaten him.
Franco: No, I-I meant would he approve of you missing Physical Therapy? But the other thing...
Nina: [Sighs]
Franco: That's good to know.
Kiki: Hey, I haven't seen you since -- since we took him off of life support. How are you doing? I mean, is working here -- does that help -- keeping you busy?
Silas: [Chuckles] I'm fine.
Kiki: Okay, I know you aren't much of a talker, and I -- and I completely understand, but I am your daughter. You're my father. I care about you, and...if you're not gonna talk to me, at least promise me that you'll talk to Sam.
Silas: Sam and I broke up.
Sam: I'm sorry?
William: I'll need to see some I.D., Nurse Santiago.
Sam: Yeah, I-I -- of course. [Giggles]
William: We're good to go.
Sam: Oh, thank you.
William: Come with me.
Sam: Told you it'd work.
Patrick: Okay.
Elizabeth: I don't understand. Why is Josslyn being mean to you?
Emma: 'Cause I was worried about Spencer.
Josslyn: Just forget I said anything.
Cameron: I'm not gonna do that. How do you know why Spencer ran away?
Josslyn: I can't tell you.
Cameron: You can tell me anything.
Josslyn: Spencer's been hiding at my house.
Cameron: Oh, my gosh!
Josslyn: But you can't tell anyone, okay?
Cameron: I don't know. His dad seems really worried about him, and so is my mom.
Josslyn: Cameron, please, promise me you won't say anything -- not even to your mother.
Elizabeth: Uh, does someone want to tell me what's going on here?
Spencer: So it worked? You and my dad are back together again, and I can come home? [Exhales deeply]
Britt: It's not that simple. I have to work on your dad a lot more for us to be a couple again, but I can't sit here and watch him worry about you. He's frantic.
Spencer: So you can rescue me right now.
Britt: Not here.
Spencer: Why not?
Britt: What am I supposed to say -- that I just happened to run across you while I was on the phone? I mean, that's not gonna make me look like a hero in your dad's eyes. I-I need to miraculously find you somewhere.
Spencer: So what do you need me to do?
Britt: Meet me at the park in an hour by the swings, and I'll say I found you camped out, and once I bring you back, your dad won't have eyes for anyone else but me.
Carly: No. No, that's okay. Yeah. Thank you. Well, we checked the work schedule, and the, uh, police already talked to everybody who was on duty at the hotel that day.
Nikolas: [Sighs] Thank you anyway. It was worth a shot.
Carly: I'm sorry.
Nikolas: No, it's...
Carly: Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
Nikolas: I will. Thank you. Thank you. [Sighs] What's keeping Britt? Come on.
Franco: So, guess what. Turns out, after all, unlike your husband, I am the jealous type.
Nina: Oh. Worried about that girlfriend of yours?
Franco: Mm, not so much. It's more about her ex-husband.
Nina: I see.
Franco: If anybody, actually, it's, uh -- it's Carly who has quite an active imagination about us.
Nina: Us? Y-you and me, us?
Franco: Yeah. She kept asking me all these questions about you this morning.
Nina: Really? Wow. Oh, that's odd, because I've only really talked to you once. Actually, twice, if you count the time that you walked into the room when I was hallucinating about a conversation with a brain-dead boy.
Franco: Yeah, I didn't mention that to Carly.
Nina: Thank you.
Franco: Um...but I did use you as an excuse...because I didn't want Carly to know where I had been one night.
Nina: Okay. [Chuckles] Okay, I'll bite. What are you up to?
Elizabeth: Josslyn, why are you teasing Emma?
Josslyn: Me? Tease Emma? I would never do that.
Emma: You're lying. When I was worried about Spencer, you said I didn't even know what I was talking about.
Josslyn: Doesn't ring a bell, but I do remember you saying you were gonna tell on me. Do you spend a lot of the time tattling on people, Emma?
Elizabeth: Josslyn, that's not very nice.
Josslyn: Would you be standing here questioning me if Emma hadn't tattled?
Elizabeth: Well, Emma said you'd been mean to her, and it kind of seems like you are.
Josslyn: [Sighs] Just because I don't agree with everything Emma says doesn't make me mean. I happen to think it makes me honest.
Elizabeth: Oh, Lord, you are so much like your mother.
Josslyn: Thank you.
Elizabeth: Josslyn, I would like you to apologize to Emma.
Josslyn: Apologize for what?
Emma: What you said about Spencer.
Josslyn: Still don't know what you're talking about.
Emma: [Sighs] You saw it, Cameron. You saw the whole thing. Tell your mother what Josslyn said about Spencer.
Carly: Hey.
Britt: Hey.
Nikolas: You lost?
Carly: Yeah.
Britt: Sorry. I was just looking at these photos of your kids. What a beautiful family.
Carly: Oh.
Britt: This Morgan is a real looker.
Carly: Thanks.
Nikolas: We should probably get back.
Carly: You know what? I'm -- I'm sure you're gonna find Spencer safe and sound.
Britt: You know what? I think that Carly is absolutely right.
Nikolas: Okay.
Franco: What am I up to? That doesn't matter. Doesn't concern you.
Nina: Oh, yeah, it does, because if I'm going to be your cover, I need to know what I'm covering. Is it another woman?
Franco: a sense.
Nina: Sense. Oh, and so you're gonna use the poor, pathetic wheelchair-bound woman as a cover? Wow. Am I really that asexual?
Franco: No, I don't think anyone would ever say that about you.
Nina: Well, I'm glad we worked that out.
Franco: I'm not having an affair. I just... [Sighs] This is something that she wants me to do that would be mutually beneficial. That's all.
Nina: And you're worried about your girlfriend Carly's ex-husband?
Franco: Uh, no. He's an arrogant, ruthless bastard, which kind of describes the woman that I'm talking to you about.
Nina: The one with whom you're not having an affair?
Franco: Right.
Nina: Right.
Franco: She wants something from me, and I would have to go behind Carly's back to give it to her, and that -- that just sounds like too big of a betrayal for me. [Mutters]
Nina: So -- so, you actually are the jealous type? So, what did you decide? Are you going behind Carly's back?
Franco: Well, I, uh -- I was going to.
Nina: What stopped you?
Franco: I got caught.
Kiki: I thought you two were so good together.
Silas: What are you gonna do?
Kiki: You don't have to pretend like you're okay with it.
Silas: Then you're right. I'm not okay with it. It's been hard. Sam and I really came apart after Rafe died. We had a real difference of opinion about Patrick Drake. I'm still not convinced he did everything he could for Rafe, but, uh, Sam had his back from word one. I don't know. You know, I guess it just -- it feels to me like she chose a side, and it wasn't mine.
Kiki: I saw the press conference. At least the hospital fired Dr. Drake, because he said that he wished Rafe was dead.
Silas: That only made things worse. Sam thinks I'm the one who leaked Drake's statement to the press.
William: Well, as you can see, our extended-care facility is state-of-the-art.
Patrick: Oh, it's very impressive. Do you have research labs at the facility?
William: We do, and between you and me, our experimental research program is astounding.
Patrick: Oh, I'd love to get a tour of that.
Sam: Excuse me. Um, is a ladies' room by...?
William: Just, uh, down the hall to the right.
Sam: Oh, thank you. [Chuckles] Thank you. I'll be back.
Patrick: So, William, are these, um, privately funded?
William: We have, uh, pharmaceutical companies funding research, as well as private donors.
Patrick: Right. You know, I did an experimental procedure a few years back -- uh, kind of a tragic case, actually. Teenage boy, son of an alleged mobster -- he was hit in the head from a ricochet bullet aimed at his father. Boy was comatose for nearly a year. I was able to wake him up with, uh, an experimental procedure.
William: That's one of the reasons our board is so eager to meet with you.
Patrick: Right. Well, there were some, uh, factors -- some -- some -- some very unique factors involved. One of them was the boy's age. I'm not quite sure the surgery would have been quite successful if the boy was, let's say, 10 years older. So, I'm wondering -- have you had any success with coma patients in your care facility here that have spontaneously awakened?
Sam: Okay, Spinelli, don't fail me now. Let's hope your password hack still works.
Patrick: [Chuckling] I don't mean to drone on about my accomplishments. I am really excited about what I see here at Crichton-Clark, so let me -- let me hear more about the facility. Now, you say that your funding comes from pharmaceutical companies as well as private estates, right?
William: We have many individuals who are very interested in our research.
Patrick: Right.
William: "Cutting-edge" doesn't begin to describe it.
Patrick: And it all happens [Clicks tongue] Right behind that door, huh?
Nikolas: 24 hours, right? That's what they say. The best chance of finding a missing child is within the first 24 hours. He's been gone way longer than that.
Britt: Only Spencer isn't missing. He ran away to a luxury hotel, and knowing Spencer, he's probably holed up in someplace even better eating olives and --
Nikolas: What if he's not, Britt? What if he's -- what if he's not?
Britt: Spencer will be fine. You're not. You need to rest.
Nikolas: I can't -- I cannot rest right now.
Britt: You need to lie down and let yourself sleep for just one hour -- one hour. Okay? I'm gonna find Spencer.
Nikolas: [Sighs] Thank you. I don't know how I could get through any of this without you.
[Knock on door]
Carly: Coming! Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Hi.
Carly: Hi. Is everything okay?
Elizabeth: Yeah.
Carly: Where are the kids?
Elizabeth: Uh, Mac and Felicia are watching them. I'm here because Cameron said Josslyn has been hiding Spencer in your home.
Carly: What? That's impossible.
Elizabeth: Well, do you mind if I look around? 'Cause she said he's here.
Carly: Be my guest. I just think I would know if there was a kid hiding out in my house somewhere.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Spencer: Aunt Elizabeth, what brings you here?
Nina: So, Carly caught you scheming behind her back?
Franco: Uh, no. Somebody else did.
Nina: Who?
Franco: Doesn't matter.
Nina: [Chuckles]
Franco: Can I have that?
Nina: No.
Franco: Give me.
Nina: So, you're not afraid that that person's gonna sell you out?
Franco: No. I found something that will shut him up. Mutually assured destruction.
Nina: Hmm. Well, spill. What have you got on this guy?
Franco: Really, you don't need to worry about it.
Nina: It's the kid, isn't it? It's the kid... that caught you.
Kiki: It sounds to me like there's a lot coming between you and Sam. Do you think that you'll be able to work it out? I mean, you have to, right? You're not the one who leaked those quotes to the press. She's gonna have to believe you eventually, especially once you guys find out who did.
Silas: The truth is, the fight over who leaked what is just a symptom of a bigger problem between me and Sam. You know, there's a real lack of trust. There's Nina.
Kiki: Nina?
Silas: Yeah, understandably, there's, uh, a lot of friction between Sam and me over Nina staying at the apartment. You know, it's completely naive of me to think it was as simple as just giving Nina a place to stay. And Sam's convinced that she's trying to make it worse to come between us.
Kiki: Do you believe that?
[Computer beeps]
Sam: Uh-oh.
Patrick: I've got to tell you, William -- I've got several research projects under way, and I really like what I see here at Crichton-Clark, but it would be really nice to see what's behind that door there in the lab.
William: [Sighs] I wish I could. Unfortunately...
[Pager beeps]
William: ...Only top-level employees are, uh, allowed access to that room.
Patrick: Ahh.
William: Uh, if you could just excuse me for one moment? Uh, feel free to explore while I handle a quick matter.
Patrick: Great. [Exhales deeply]
Franco: I wouldn't kidnap a kid. Uh... [Sighs] The new me would never kidnap a kid.
Nina: I didn't say you kidnapped the kid, but when you started talking about this mutually assured destruction, you kept on looking at the picture.
Franco: No, I didn't.
Nina: Yeah, you did.
Franco: Did not.
Nina: Yeah. Yeah, you did. See, this is what I think it is -- I think this kid ran away, and then he saw you doing something behind Carly's back, and in order for you to shut him up, you agreed to not tell anybody where he's hiding. How am I doing so far?
Britt: I said an hour, Spencer. [Sighs] Where are you?
[Door opens]
Nikolas: Hello? Hello? Elizabeth. What are you doing here?
Elizabeth: I think I have something that belongs to you.
Franco: Well, I don't think you need to carry that list of yours around anymore. You're not so muddled after all.
Nina: Oh, that was just a lucky guess.
Franco: No. You're sharp as a tack, aren't you? So what else you hiding?
Nina: I think you should be less worried about what I'm up to and more worried about the fact that I know what you're up to. You can be worried about me possibly letting the secret out.
Silas: I guess I understand why Sam feels that way, but I'd like to think -- you know, I know Nina, and the woman I married doesn't have a malicious bone in her body.
Kiki: If you ever need to talk, or if you just want to brood silently with another person, you know where to find me.
Silas: Thank you. That means a lot.
[Both chuckle]
Silas: You should go be with Michael, all right? If Alice is in the condition you say she is, then he's gonna need you.
Kiki: Yeah. Don't be a stranger.
Silas: Okay.
Kiki: I'm sorry about you and Sam.
Silas: Yeah, me, too.
Sam: Come on.
[Computer beeps]
Sam: Yes! Oh, Spinelli, I will never doubt you again. [Types Nina's name in the search bar for patient records.]
William: Can I help you, Nurse Santiago?
[Lock beeps, clicks]
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