GH Transcript Friday 7/11/14

General Hospital Transcript Friday 7/11/14


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Maxie: Hi.

Agent Scribner: Yes, I'm looking for a Mr. Levi Dunkleman. Is he here?

Maxie: Who wants to know?

Agent Scribner: Immigration.

Maxie: Immigration?

Agent Scribner: I.C.E., to be exact -- Immigration and Customs Enforcement. And you are?

Maxie: Ms. Jones.

Agent Scribner: Jones? Would that be Mariah Maximilliana, A.K.A. Maxie Jones?

Maxie: What is this about?

Agent Scribner: Mr. Dunkleman's visa... or lack thereof.

Lulu: What are you smirking about?

Lucas: Oh, just thinking about W.W.B.D. "What would Blanche do?"

Lulu: Blanche?

Lucas: Yeah.

Lulu: Oh, uh, "Golden Girls" Blanche -- the horny one whose "life was an open blouse."

Lucas: Oh, come on. The misunderstood romantic one.

Lulu: Oh, okay. I see. Man trouble?

Lucas: Lots of it. [Sighs] I think I may be in the middle of a love triangle.

Brad: [Clears throat]

Felix: What the hell?

Brad: Hey, Felix. I got a bone to pick with you.

Felix: You've got what?

Brad: You heard me. A pick...with you about Lucas.

Michael: Look, whatever it is, it can wait. Okay, you need to get your rest.

Alice: No, Mr. Michael. This is very important. I have to tell you this now.

Michael: [Sighs] Alice, the family will have my head if you stress out and have another heart attack.

Alice: Well, it's more stressful holding this in. Please, you really have to hear this right now.

Morgan: We're gonna find The Dominator a new heart. Hey. Hey, hey. What's wrong? What's wrong?

Kiki: [Voice breaking] It's Rafe. He's brain-dead.

Morgan: What? Are -- are you sure?

Kiki: Yes, I talked to my dad, and he said that there's no more brain function. He's gone, and he's never coming back.

Morgan: Kiki --

Kiki: It doesn't make any sense to me. I just saw him there. He was laying in the bed. He only looked like he was sleeping -- like he could just wake up any second and just be fine.

Morgan: Hey, it's okay.

Kiki: [Sighs]

Morgan: I'm sorry.

Silas: I know Drake was behind this. I promise you -- he's gonna pay for what he did to you. [Gasps] [Sighs] Why aren't you in physical therapy?

Nina: I had to cut the session short. I wasn't getting much accomplished. I just kept on thinking about Rafe.

Silas: [Sniffles] You shouldn't do that. You need to focus on getting better.

Nina: I-I couldn't. I kept on thinking about both of you, about the operation... if it was a success, if he was okay. He will be okay, won't he?

Silas: No, he won't. Rafe will never be okay again.

Patrick: I thought you'd be with Rafe.

Sam: I was, but Silas wanted to be alone with say goodbye. He thinks that you did this intentionally, and this isn't easy, but I have to ask you. Did you? Was it on purpose? Did you take revenge on Rafe?

Lulu: A love triangle? Do tell.

Lucas: You know what? [Chuckling] Let's just forget it. I think I'm making a big deal out of nothing.

Lulu: Love triangles are not nothing. I've been wrapped up in a few myself. I can tell you you are on a dangerous path that will only end in disaster. So, tell me everything.

Lucas: Okay. Um, well, Felix DuBois and I have been -- we've been getting closer lately -- just as friends, at least so I thought.

Lulu: And when did things with you and Felix start evolving?

Lucas: When I got gunned down at my father's dinner party.

Lulu: That'll do it.

Lucas: Mm-hmm. Yeah, Felix visited me while I was recuperating in the hospital, and I think I kind of like him.

Lulu: Kind of?

Lucas: Mm, yeah. He's smart. He's chill. He's cool. We have fun together.

Lulu: That's great.

Lucas: Yeah. [Inhales deeply]

Lulu: Who's the other guy?

Lucas: [Sighs] Hmm?

Lulu: You can't have a love triangle with just two people, so who else is in the running?

Lucas: Brad Cooper.

Felix: Would you mind? I'm naked.

Brad: Please. Nothing that I haven't seen before.

Felix: Okay, the only reason you've seen any of this is because you're a perv who used to spy on me in the shower.

Brad: You lured me to the shower, knowing that I'd enjoy the show. You laid yourself out like a cheap suit.

Felix: Okay, I don't do anything like or with a cheap suit.

Brad: Just like you're doing now with Lucas.

Felix: Excuse me?

Brad: Admit it. You're hungry for Lucas. You're a-a-a hungry, hungry hippo homosexual, and you're famished.

Maxie: Well, as exciting as that sounds, I don't know anything about the status of anyone's visa.

Agent Scribner: Levi Dunkleman is an Australian citizen whose permission to be on American soil has expired some time ago.

Maxie: As interesting as that sounds, I mean, what does it have to do with me?

Agent Scribner: When Mr. Dunkleman entered the country, he listed your apartment as his destination.

Maxie: How odd.

Agent Scribner: If you knowingly harbor an illegal and refuse to produce him or information concerning his whereabouts, you'll be in just as much trouble as he is.

Maxie: Well, I-I don't see the relevance, but, um... [Clears throat] ...Hypothetically, how much trouble are we talking?

Agent Scribner: The government does not take these matters lightly. If you know anything, you had best speak up now before this situation escalates to something beyond your control.

Michael: Okay, then, I'll listen, but after you tell me, you have to promise you'll get some rest.

Alice: Okay. Okay, remember what I said to you on the phone right before my heart attack?

Michael: Yeah, you said you had something to tell me.

Alice: Yeah. It was about Miss Tracy.

Michael: What about Tracy?

Tracy: Kiki, I'm so sorry about your cousin.

Kiki: [Sighs] Thank you.

Tracy: I didn't know Rafe personally, but I did hear that he was a fine young man with a great deal of potential.

Kiki: [Voice breaking] He is a sweetheart. He had the hardest life of any kid that I've ever known.

Tracy: What happened to him was just terrible. Is it true -- did the doctors say that there was absolutely no brain function -- none at all -- that he -- he can't possibly come back?

Morgan: Tracy, how many times does she have to say it?

Kiki: No, it's okay. He made it very clear that there was no hope.

Tracy: Okay, well... [Clears throat] ...There's really no delicate way to put this. Um...I was wondering if you happened to know whether or not he was an organ donor.

Silas: Apparently, a blood vessel ruptured while he was on the table...and that was that.

Nina: Oh. No. No, he's young, and he's strong. He'll pull through the way that I did.

Silas: It's not the same.

Nina: Yes, it is. I mean, I was in a coma for 20 years, and I woke up. Rafe will wake up, too.

Silas: I wish that were true, but...

Nina: Listen, Silas, he needs -- he needs faith, and he needs commitment. He needs that from all of us. He needs to know that we'll -- we'll stick by him, and we'll never give up, just like you never gave up on me.

Silas: Rafe's condition is very different from yours. There's no chance he will ever wake up. Never walk, never speak, or have a conscious thought again. For all intents and purposes, my nephew is dead.

Sam: I am so sorry, but I have to ask. Rafe was my foster son, and I know it's not the same as what Gabriel meant to you, but I loved him, and I cared about him a lot, and Silas is really angry right now, and I don't want to do it. I don't want to, but I have no choice. I have to ask you.

Patrick: I get it. And I understand you have a right to ask.

Sam: Okay. Are you gonna tell me?

[Elevator beeping]

[Beeping stops]

Patrick: Can we go somewhere private?

Kiki: I'm sorry. What?

Tracy: I was wondering if you happened to know whether or not your cousin Rafe is an organ donor.

Kiki: Uh, yes, he is. Silas gave us a big lecture about how important it is, so we both signed off on it.

Tracy: Do you know where Michael and Monica are?

Morgan: Um, I-I'm not sure about Monica, but Michael's in the room with Alice.

Alice: Listen close, Mr. Michael. Miss Tracy didn't want me to tell you this, but she's planning on --

Tracy: Stop everything. I have brilliant news.

Michael: [Sighs] Sort of in the middle of something.

Tracy: This trumps it. Alice, I found you a heart.

Nina: I'm so sorry.

Silas: [Sighs]

Nina: I'm, uh -- I know how much you care for Rafe. I know he's your last link to your brother.

Silas: Thank you.

Nina: If it's any comfort, I'm sure that Dr. Drake did everything in his power to save Rafe.

Silas: Did he?

Patrick: You were there when Obrecht forced me to do the surgery, Sam. I didn't want to do it.

Sam: No, I know. She didn't give you much of a choice. Neither did I. I begged you to help Rafe.

Patrick: You know that there was no other qualified surgeons on hand. If I didn't scrub in, Rafe's injuries go untreated. He would have died. So I did the operation... and now he's as good as dead, anyway.

Sam: But it wasn't your fault, right? I mean, you're -- you're a gifted surgeon. You're objective. You treat every single patient with the same care and skill that you treated Jason. I trusted you with Jason's life. I trusted you with Rafe's. I wasn't wrong to do that... was I?

Lulu: Brad? Really?

Lucas: Yeah. [Sighs]

Lulu: I thought you were done with him.

Lucas: I am. No, I-I was. I -- we are. No, look, we're done. We're finito, but...

Lulu: But what?

Lucas: Well, it's just kind of nice, you know?

Lulu: No, clearly, I don't.

Lucas: No, the attention from Brad -- it's flattering.

Lulu: You have to get all kinds of attention from all kinds of guys. You don't want to get with all of them, do you?

Lucas: I -- it's just that I-I really like Brad -- or, I liked Brad. When we first met, we had so much in common. I mean, we're both adopted. Both of our biological fathers are mobsters.

Lulu: And I'll admit that that is quite a coincidence, but other than that, what is the draw?

Lucas: The sex was good. [Chuckling] Honestly, the sex was great. Um... [Clears throat] [Exhales deeply]

Lulu: You know, I will take your word for it on that. You know, just go on.

Lucas: Well [Sighs] I mean, it seemed like just when we thought we had something that was really nice and was really gonna go somewhere, then Brad up and ruined it. You know, I mean, once you find out your guy helped steal your cousin's embryos, there's really no going back.

Lulu: And obviously Brad is not one of my favorite people. If you're holding back from exploring a relationship with him just because of me...don't.

Felix: You need to take your Jessica Fletcher accusations back to Cabot Cove, because you're so far off, you're on the clouds.

Brad: [Scoffs] Are you actually gonna deny you're not after Lucas, after what I saw this morning?

Felix: Okay, not that it's any of your business, but I didn't have sex with Lucas last night. I stayed on the couch.

Brad: Oh, I know you didn't have sex. Lucas told me.

[Locker door slams]

Felix: Then why the hell are you getting so upset?

Brad: Because, hello, "Golden Girls"? Really? You are so transparent.

Felix: What do "Golden Girls" have to do with anything?

Brad: You know all about the gays and "The Golden Girls." Sitting alone together, watching Rose reminisce about St. Olaf, Sophia comparing Dorothy's sex life to the sea of tranquility. It's foreplay. Next thing you know, you'll be watching "Knots Landing" in bed, and from there, it's just a hop, skip, and jump to some over-the-top wedding, complete with chocolate fountains, ducks, and Wilson Phillips.

Felix: Okay, first of all, chocolate fountains are gauche, and secondly --

Brad: There isn't gonna be any second, because Lucas is mine, so back...the

Maxie: Do you have a warrant?

Agent Scribner: I don't need a warrant. I'm not here to arrest anyone.

Maxie: You're not? Well, then this seems like a huge waste of time.

Agent Scribner: You're right. Now, could you please tell me -- is Mr. Dunkleman living here, or isn't he?

Maxie: Well, this is my apartment, and my name is the only one on the lease. I mean, I have a subletter, but his name isn't Levi Dunkleman.

Agent Scribner: You're giving me the runaround, Ms. Jones.

Maxie: I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Agent Scribner: You and I both know Mr. Dunkleman's name need not be on the lease in order for him to live here. Now, I want an answer. Yes or no -- is Levi Dunkleman living here?

Maxie: [Sighs] No. I'm -- I'm sorry. I don't know any Levi Dunkleman.

Levi: So much for a restorative snooze. [Sighs] I think old Levi's got a touch of the Dunkleman insomnia. G'day, mate. Who's this?

Kiki: Okay, did Tracy really just ask about Rafe's condition so that she could take his heart for Alice?

Morgan: That's what I got out of it.

Tracy: I found a heart for Alice. Isn't that great?

Michael: Wait. Slow down. What do you mean?

Tracy: There is a young man here in this hospital that -- that was badly injured in a terrible accident. He -- he's not gonna make it, so his organs are there for the taking.

Alice: Miss Tracy, that -- that's horrible.

Michael: Could you try for a little sensitivity?

Tracy: Look, I understand that this sounds inappropriate, but Alice is my priority. She needs a heart, and Rafe Kovich has one to give.

Michael: Wait. Kiki's cousin?

Tracy: Yeah, I-I heard it from Kiki. She said that he's a vegetable. It's awful, I know. I know. But it's true. He's brain-dead. But he can save Alice. She's gonna live. And you have me to thank for it.

Nina: Of course, Dr. Drake did everything he could to save Rafe. Si? What is it? What -- do you think that Dr. Drake did something or allowed something to happen to Rafe?

Silas: I don't know what I think.

Nina: Oh, my God. You must be so lost with no one to support you or anchor you.

Silas: You're here. What do you think?

Nina: Um, I don't -- I-I don't want to say.

Silas: Do it anyway. Please?

Nina: I don't know the doctor.

Silas: But?

Nina: But... [Sighs] I don't know. It's possible that Dr. Drake could have been so consumed with anger that he allowed himself to play God with Rafe's life. I'm not saying it could have happened, but I would be a fool to say it could not have happened.

Silas: I saw the look in his eyes. At some point in that operation, Drake wanted revenge.

Nina: I hate to say this, but you should never, ever underestimate a person's longing for revenge.

Patrick: From the moment I made the first incision, everything was going by the numbers. Retraction, cut, suction -- everything was going smoothly. I was focusing on the patient and not listening to the voice that was inside my head.

Sam: What voice?

Patrick: The voice that was telling me this was Rafe Kovich, the one that took my son away from me.

Sam: Okay. Were you able to shut that out?

Patrick: The harder I tried, the louder it got. Kept telling me to avenge my boy. Kept reminding me that Rafe's life is in my hands and that I could get even with one little cut. Blood vessel would burst. It would look natural, and nobody would question whether I did it on purpose. Rafe would be gone, just like Gabriel, and I would have my justice for Sabrina and for my boy.

Sam: [Sighs]

Patrick: All I had to do was listen to the voice inside my head.

Sam: And...did you?

Agent Scribner: Did you say "Dunkleman"?

Maxie: No, he --

Levi: Levi Dunkleman at your service, Mister...?

Agent Scribner: Agent Scribner.

Maxie: Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Levi: Oh. What's this about?

Agent Scribner: My department has come into information suggesting you're here in the United States illegally.

Levi: Uh, how?

Agent Scribner: I'm following up on anonymous tip about your status, Mr. Dunkleman.

Maxie: [Sighs] Anonymous, my ass. I know exactly who ratted on Levi. [Sighs]

Lucas: Look, I can't get back with Brad -- not after what he did.

Lulu: Okay, you can do whatever you want. You can be with him. You can not be with him. Either way, I'm your cousin. I love you, and I don't feel like you're being disloyal, so don't hang your decision not to on me.

Lucas: Yeah, but he kept Rocco away from you and Dante for a long time.

Lulu: And now we have Rocco back safe and sound, and Dante and I have our other embryo, which, by the way, looks like I will be able to be the one to carry it to term.

Lucas: What?!

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Lucas: Oh, my God, congratulations!

Lulu: Thank you. Mm.

Lucas: Oh, that's amazing. So, what are you guys gonna do?

Lulu: I don't know. We have to figure it out, but speaking of figuring things out, it sounds to me like you have strong feelings for both Felix and Brad.

Lucas: Yeah, it looks that way.

Lulu: Mm-hmm. So you'll have to decide who you want.

Lucas: [Sighs]

Lulu: Yeah, can't keep waffling between them.

Lucas: Waffling? I'm not waffling. Okay, yeah, I'm waffling. [Chuckles] But, look, a decision like this is so much easier said than done.

Lulu: I have the sneaking suspicion that you already know who you want. So you need to go tell the lucky guy the good news.

Felix: Get your dirty hand off of me. I don't know where it's been.

Brad: Well, I know where yours has been, or, more precisely, where it hasn't --

Felix: And how dare you besmirch the name of "the Golden Girls"? That show is a television phenomenon shared by all people of good character and taste -- gay or straight, friends or lovers, which Lucas and I most certainly are not, but even if we were, it's not your say because what goes on between me and Lucas is our business, and none of yours.

Brad: You and Lucas don't have any business and never will because you are a frigid, uptight prude who'd faint dead away at the sight of an exposed ankle, whereas I am a red-blooded, virile, hot slab of a man who can give Lucas the one thing you can't!

Felix: What's that?

Brad: Passion! [Chuckles]

Lucas: What the hell?

Brad: Ohh, okay. I-I-I-I know what this -- this looks like, but -- but this isn't at all what it looks like. Felix, tell him.

Lucas: Oh, yeah, no, really, don't bother.

Brad: Lucas. Lucas, wait!

Maxie: Who squealed on Levi?

Levi: Maxie, let's not --

Maxie: It was Detective Nathan West, wasn't it?

Agent Scribner: I'm not at liberty to say.

Maxie: Yes, you are. This is America, and Levi has the right to face his accuser.

Agent Scribner: Actually, Mr. Dunkleman does not have that right. In fact, his rights are few. He's not a citizen and lacks a valid visa. Now that I.C.E. is aware of his location, we can remedy the situation.

Levi: Remedy? Well, that doesn't sound --

Maxie: How do you plan to remedy the situation?

Agent Scribner: By deporting Mr. Dunkleman, of course.

Kiki: I can't believe I just find out that my cousin is on life support, and he's never coming back from it, and Tracy is already circling to scavenge his organs.

Morgan: Yes, Tracy is ruthless, but...

Kiki: But what?

Morgan: But she's trying to save The Dominator. Okay, I agree with you -- she is cruel. She is cold-blooded, but even so, I-I can't fault her for loving Alice.

Michael: Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Alice and Rafe have to have the same blood type, or this is over before it starts.

Tracy: Well, that's easy enough to find out.

Michael: And I'm pretty sure Rafe is still a minor. For all we know, his family has to sign off.

Tracy: Well, then let's go and find out, instead of just standing around, wringing our hands over it. Honestly, Michael, you're acting like you don't want this to work out.

Michael: Of course, I want Alice to find a heart.

Tracy: Oh, yeah? Well, I don't see you doing anything about it. Come on. Let's go. Besides -- come on. Let's go. If there's anybody here to trust, Alice knows it's me.

Silas: Drake thinks he's smart. He thinks he got away with something. I'm gonna make sure he pays for what he did to my nephew.

Nina: Okay, listen, I know you're angry.

Silas: Angry? I am so far beyond angry.

Nina: Which is why you need to think. You need to think about what will happen before you make accusations like this.

Silas: Justice will happen, and Drake will be held accountable.

Nina: Si, you need to stop. You need to stop. You need to get the facts together and make a case. And thank goodness your girlfriend is a P.I. Where -- where is Samantha, by the way?

Silas: She was here. Kiki was here, too. I-I told them I needed a moment.

Nina: Oh. I'm sorry. And here I came wheeling myself in and intrude.

Silas: You're not intruding. I'm glad you're here. It's nice to have someone that understands.

Nina: Sam understands, too, I'm sure. I'm sure she agrees with your theories regarding Dr. Drake, right?

Silas: No, I don't think she does.

Patrick: Did I listen to the part of me that wanted to kill Rafe? I've been asking myself that question ever since I stepped out of the O.R. Did I turn a teenage boy into a husk to get retribution for taking Gabriel away from Sabrina and me? I searched my soul, Sam. I didn't do it. That blood vessel burst on its own. It wasn't me. I did everything I could to save Rafe, and now he's gone.

Sam: Yes, he is.

Patrick: It wouldn't have mattered who was on the table. It would have happened the same way. I didn't falter. Sam, you got to believe me, okay? Tell me you believe me.

Michael: [Sighing] I'm sorry, Kiki. I-I wish I could fix this.

Tracy: Kiki, it is a tragedy that your cousin's life was so violently cut short, but on the bright side, Rafe's heart could save Alice.

Michael: Damn it, Tracy.

Kiki: No, it's okay, Michael. I know where she's coming from.

Michael: You do?

Kiki: Yeah. Morgan helped me come around. I already told Tracy that Rafe was an organ donor.

Michael: Yeah, but to be a transplant candidate, Rafe would have to have the same blood type as Alice.

Tracy: Alice is B-positive. Is Rafe?

Kiki: I don't know, but I could find out.

Michael: [Sighs] How old is he?

Kiki: 17.

Michael: He's too young.

Tracy: I'll talk to Dr. Clay.

Morgan: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Is that a good idea?

Tracy: Why wouldn't it be?

Morgan: Because you piss people off, and I don't want you messing things up for Alice.

Tracy: Thank you for that, but I'm a better emissary than you would be.

Michael: I'll do it. I'll explain the situation.

Kiki: No. If anyone's going to talk to Silas about this, it's going to be me.

Nina: I'm sorry. Are you saying that Sam doesn't share your suspicions regarding Dr. Drake? Wow. No reasonable person could deny that Dr. Drake might have intentionally hurt Rafe, or -- or at least not been at the top of his game.

Silas: When I confronted Drake about that...Sam stepped in to -- she stepped in to defend him.

Nina: She... [Scoffs] Well, maybe -- never mind.

Silas: Say it.

Nina: No. I just -- I'm sorry. Here you are -- your -- your nephew's life is effectively over. You -- you -- you need support. You need an ally. And what -- Sam is siding with Dr. Drake.

Patrick: Please, Sam. I don't know what I would do if you thought I was capable of something like that.

Sam: I don't -- I don't -- I don't think that of you. I know you. I know you would never do anything to intentionally hurt Rafe. I just...

Patrick: You just needed to hear me say it.

Sam: I am so sorry I asked.

Patrick: Don't be. You needed to hear the truth.

Sam: No, I knew that you would tell me the truth, because you always tell me the truth, even when it hurts. Convincing me was the easy part. Now, Silas -- he -- he blames you. Convincing him -- that's a whole other ball game.

Maxie: You can't just deport Levi.

Agent Scribner: The process will take a couple days, but, yes, I can.

Maxie: What is his crime? Overstaying his welcome? I mean, this is his life, and he's getting a new visa.

Agent Scribner: That would have solved the problem, had he addressed it in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, it's too late for that now.

Maxie: Okay, don't worry, Levi. We're gonna call Diane. She's a legal barracuda, and by the time she's done with them, they won't allow you to leave the country.

Agent Scribner: I wouldn't waste your money, Ms. Jones. Law is very clear on cases like this. Might be best for Mr. Dunkleman to get packed and for the two of you to say your goodbyes. When I come back to retrieve him, I'll be taking him straight to the airport, and he'll be headed back to Australia.

Levi: [Sighs]

Maxie: [Sighs]

Brad: Lucas, wait. I need to talk to you. What --

Lucas: [Sighs]

Brad: What you just saw now --

Lucas: What -- you kissing Felix dripping wet and naked?

Brad: If you'll just let me explain --

Lucas: Explain what, Brad? Explain what -- that you lied to me -- that -- that -- that you fed me a bunch of bull about wanting me so bad?

Brad: I do want you.

Lucas: "Oh, we belong together." Only for you to take your first chance you could to jump on him.

Brad: I was trying to explain to Felix what -- what I wanted to do with you.

Lucas: Oh. Really? Wow. You couldn't have just -- I don't know -- used your words, Brad?

Brad: I swear -- Felix and I were just arguing about you, and I-I got carried away.

Lucas: [Laughs] That is the most preposterous thing I've ever heard.

Brad: Yeah, too preposterous to be a lie, so it's got to be true, right?

Lucas: You're really reaching, Brad.

Brad: [Sighs]

Lucas: I am such an idiot.

Brad: No, you're not. I-I'm the idiot.

Lucas: I came here to settle this between you guys, and now it's worse than it's ever been.

Brad: Wait. Settle it how?

Lucas: I was gonna tell you which one of you I wanted to be with.

Felix: Which one of us is it? Sorry for interrupting.

Brad: Yeah, then don't. Can't you see Lucas and I are in an important conversation?

Felix: About all three of us, if I heard correctly.

Lucas: [Exhales deeply]

Felix: Did you say you came to tell either Brad or me that you're interested in pursuing a relationship with one of us?

Lucas: I did say that.

Felix: [Sighs] I got to be honest -- I didn't know that I was even in the running. I mean, I told Brad that I was seeing you the other day because you'd done the same thing. I thought he was bothering you, and I wanted to back him off.

Brad: So you lied? You said you were dating when, in fact, you two are friends, and friends is all you'll ever be, right? So, uh, thank you for being a friend. Now travel down the road and don't come back again. You're a pal and a confidante. That's it. Nothing more. Godspeed.

Felix: Okay, I'm about to give you the gift of a fist, and the card attached is gonna say, "Sit your ass down."

Lucas: Okay, I'm out of here.

Brad: Hey, wait, wait, wait. You didn't say which one of us you want.

Lucas: You know what? After what I just witnessed, it doesn't matter.

Maxie: Well, tell Ms. Miller that some government agent just showed up here to inform us that Levi's visa has expired, and they're trying to make him leave the country. What is going on? He's not Al-Qaeda. He's Australian. And he's a vegan, for God's sakes. Please just have her call me back pronto. [Sighs]

Levi: It'll be okay, Maxie.

Maxie: You don't really believe that, do you? I mean, everything is lining up against you. Somebody called Immigration on you, Levi.

Levi: It certainly appears that way.

[Keys jingle]

Levi: Do you really think that someone was Nathan?

Maxie: [Sighs]

[Lock clicks, door opens]

Silas: Hey. You okay? It's kind of a stupid question, isn't it?

Kiki: No, it's not that. Could I talk to you for a second?

Silas: Yeah.

Nina: I'll stay with Rafe.

Silas: Thank you... for everything.

Nina: Of course.

Kiki: Sorry to drag you away.

Silas: No, it's okay. How are you?

Kiki: Me? Well, I'm -- I'm mostly worried about you. You look like you're barely hanging on.

Silas: That obvious, huh? You know, I'm just adjusting to this father thing, but how about you let me worry about you, not the other way around?

Kiki: How about this -- I will worry about you from afar, but the second you need me, you let me know, okay?

Silas: Back at you.

Kiki: [Chuckles] Thanks. I'm not the only one in your corner -- Sam is, too.

Sam: Silas is taking what's happened to Rafe really hard. He's -- he's angry, and that's all he can see right now.

Patrick: Yeah, I know how he feels.

Sam: So then you know, then, with time, hopefully, he'll be able to see things a little bit more clearly.

Patrick: That I had a grudge against Rafe and that I was the surgeon, and the surgery failed?

Sam: No. He will see what I see -- that Rafe's condition was not your fault. You did everything in your power to save him. And if he doesn't see that, I-I will help him see that.

Patrick: You don't have to do that.

Sam: Come on. It's a done deal.

Patrick: I'm sorry about Rafe.

Sam: I know. [Sighs]

Kiki: Alice is in bad shape. Everyone's worried about what will happen to her if she doesn't get the transplant, so, of course, the second Tracy found out about what happened to Rafe...

Silas: She started angling to get Rafe's heart.

Kiki: [Sighs] It's so morbid.

Silas: It is what it is. I... I guess I understand. But, you know, they got a lot of hoops to jump through before they even start talking about a transplant. We don't even know if Alice and Rafe are compatible.

Kiki: That's actually what Michael's family wanted me to find out. I'm so sorry. Do you know Rafe's blood type?

Morgan: Hey. You think we should, uh, find Kiki -- help her with her dad?

Michael: [Sighs] He's grieving, which means he's not thinking straight. He won't want to see us.

Morgan: Look, I-I hear you, Mikey, and I know the situation is -- is really messed up, and I don't mean to be an ass --

Michael: You're not.

Morgan: But I wish Rafe was fine, but he's not, and his heart could save Alice, and every second we wait is another second that she's closer to death.

Tracy: Alice is not going to die. Silas Clay is a very smart man, and we have every reason to believe that he knows what's at stake, and he's gonna make the right decision.

Michael: It may not matter. If Rafe isn't B-positive, he won't be a match.

Tracy: He will be. He has to be!

Kiki: I'm sorry -- I can't believe I just asked you that with Rafe laying in the next room. [Sighs]

Silas: B-positive. Rafe's blood type is B-positive.

Nina: So young... handsome. I see a lot of your father and your uncle in you -- not just in your eyes and your hair but in your darkness. So much potential. What happened to you is a tragedy. What's bad for you... is good for me. So good for me. Rafe. Rafe, you're helping me. You're helping me drive a wedge in between Silas and his trailer-trash girlfriend. You are helping me. And you're not gonna be able to tell anybody what I'm doing. [Sighing] All the... wonderful, awful things that I'm doing to husband. Thank you. Thank you. I'm gonna make sure you get a great funeral. I'm gonna make sure that you get a bang-up funeral with all the trimmings.

[Rafe grabs Nina's hand and opens his eyes]

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