GH Transcript Thursday 6/12/14

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 6/12/14


Provided By Suzanne

Silas: I need to tell you something.

Nina: Tell me what?

Silas: There's someone else.

Nina: But... you're seeing someone?

Silas: I am.

Nina: Romantically, like, in a relationship?

Silas: Yes.

Nina: Who is she?

Silas: You met her yesterday at the park. Her name is Sam Morgan.

Sam: If you're asking if Silas and I will still be together, I hope so. I mean, I know he's gonna feel responsible for Nina until she gets back on her feet again, but after that... yeah. I-I'm sure everything's gonna be okay.

Rafe: If you're so sure, why do you seem so down?

Sam: [Chuckles] [Voice breaking] I just saw Patrick.

Rafe: Yeah. Uh, I heard about what happened. His baby's still in the hospital, right?

Sam: Actually, the baby passed away.

Rafe: What?!

Sam: Yeah. Patrick's son died last night in the hospital.

Rafe: The -- the baby died? But -- but I thought --

Sam: No, no. He was just too little, and he came too early. He didn't make it.

[Knock on door]

Sabrina: Oh, it's open. Well? What do you think?

Patrick: Sabrina.

Sabrina: Patrick, no. No. You can't be here. It's bad luck.

Patrick: What are you doing?

Sabrina: You're not supposed to see me in my wedding gown before the wedding.

Levi: You are a warrior... a peaceful warrior with an open heart. Find some space with your breath and melt into the pose.

Maxie: I'm melting. I'm opening my heart and melting. I'm a peaceful warrior.

Levi: No, you're not. What's going on?

Diane: Commissioner, my client has a right to speak with his daughter.

Anna: Yes, he does. Not while we're in the process of transferring him to the courthouse, though. We have security concerns for him and everyone around him.

Diane: She's not asking for a chat on a street corner. She simply wants to speak with her father for two minutes while he's still in his cell.

Molly: He needs to know that Elizabeth is here.

Anna: Great. Well, Elizabeth can talk to him at the courthouse. I'm sure there will be a moment for her to have a word there.

Molly: That's not fair!

Anna: Well, that's the way it is, all right?!


Elizabeth: What was that?

Diane: That sounded like a gunshot.

Molly: Was it? Did someone fire a gun?

Anna: All right, everybody -- down. Down. Everybody down.


Molly: Oh, my God!

Anna: Everybody stay calm. Do we know where the shots came from?

Officer: We think downstairs -- the holding cells.

Anna: Okay.

Molly: That's where my dad is. Did something happen to Ric?

Anna: Detective West was in process of transferring Mr. Lansing to his arraignment. Do we know if they were involved?

Officer: I don't.

Molly: Well, find out!

Anna: The station's in lockdown. Get S.W.A.T. downstairs.

Officer: Copy that.

Elizabeth: Anna, please make sure Ric is okay.

Anna: Yes, but first things first. Please come with me. All right. You all wait in here until you get the all-clear.

Molly: I just want to see my dad.

Elizabeth: Molly, it's gonna be okay.

Molly: Is it?

Diane: I'll make sure nobody leaves.

Anna: All right. So, lock the door after I leave until we have the gunman apprehended.

Diane: Right.

Molly: Elizabeth, I'm scared.

Elizabeth: I know, honey. Me too.

Molly: What if someone tried to kill my dad because they think he really was some big mob boss?

Diane: Molly, there are any number of reasons that that gun could have been fired. The important thing for us to do is just remain calm.

Elizabeth: Ric said he's being framed.

Diane: He did?

Elizabeth: What if the person who's setting him up got to him and shot him to keep him quiet?

Nina: Oh. Sam. Right -- the mother of that little boy, your patient.

Silas: Danny.

Nina: Yeah. So, that's why you were at the birthday party -- not just because you were his doctor but becau-- oh, I get it. And that's why your nephew, Rafe, was going to spend time with her, because I thought that was kind of random.

Silas: Actually, Rafe and Sam's relationship took place long before...we were...

Nina: Right. Oh, this makes sense. I --

Silas: I wanted to tell you, I tried to tell you, but we kept getting interrupted.

Nina: Yeah. [Voice breaking] So, you and Sam. Oh, I'm such an idiot. I'm an idiot.

Rafe: I don't get it. I thought the baby was fine.

Sam: He -- he was.

Rafe: I mean, he was out of the woods. I heard he was okay.

Sam: I know. I heard all that, too.

Rafe: So, then, what happen?

Sam: His organs weren't developed enough, and when they started to fail, Gabriel couldn't fight it.

Rafe: Gabriel?

Sam: Yeah. Patrick and Sabrina finally gave him a name -- Gabriel. I actually -- I-I looked it up. It means..."God is my strength."

Rafe: I-I don't believe this.

Sam: I know. The thought of them losing their little boy -- it breaks my heart. They're actually burying him tomorrow.

Patrick: Sabrina, are you okay?

Sabrina: Would you at least just close your eyes, Patrick, please? Please, Patrick, close your eyes. Please...close --

Patrick: Okay.

Sabrina: Thank you. Oh, my God. I know I shouldn't have been trying on the wedding dress again, but I just wanted to make sure it was perfect, you know, and -- and it is, or I guess it was, until now. Just hold on a second. [Sighs] Geez. Okay. You can open your eyes. Do you think I just jinxed our wedding?

Patrick: No.

Sabrina: Do you think, like, in that one moment that you saw me that we just tempted fate, you know?

Patrick: Sabrina, I don't believe that's the way it works.

Sabrina: Because we can't have any more bad luck, Patrick, not when we're about to be so happy.

Levi: Warrior 2 is a basic pose you mastered months ago. What's going on?

Maxie: I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm used to doing this in a studio or at least on a hardwood floor. The ground out here is really uneven.

Levi: Not as uneven as it was in Machu Picchu. You're not focused.

Maxie: I'm sorry.

Levi: Is it because of your little girl?

Maxie: Her name is Georgie.

Levi: You made peace with the fact that you lost her, and then you suddenly decided to fight with Nathan by your side. Now your center's out of whack. You lost your chi.

Maxie: I'll find it.

Levi: When?

Maxie: When I'm not so off.

Levi: Has it occurred to you that you're off perhaps because you were dishonest with a judge?

Maxie: Can we please not do this again?

Levi: I'm just saying that perhaps I was right when I advised you to let it go.

Maxie: Are you kidding? I was relieved and ecstatic when that judge agreed to reschedule the hearing. I could have a second chance with my daughter, and I'm not gonna waste that.

Levi: Fine. So, if it's not that, then, what is it? What's wrong?

Maxie: I just keep thinking about how I might get to see my baby again... but Patrick won't get to see his.

Sabrina: I know. I know, I know, I know that this whole "bad luck" thing is just

old wives' tale, but we've just been through so much to get here, Patrick, to our wedding, and I just -- I don't want to chance it, you know?

Patrick: Can you just give me a minute, please?

Sabrina: So, maybe I should wear something else. Do you think that I should, just to, like, make sure that nothing bad ever happens to us ever again?

Patrick: Sabrina...

Sabrina: You know? Because I have just -- I've never been happier than I am right now, Patrick, and I just -- I don't want that feeling to end.

Silas: You are so far from being an idiot.

Nina: Well, then, delusional. I mean, two decades have gone by, and of course you should be all about me. I mean, what was I thinking? You're a handsome, successful doctor, and Sam -- oh, she is great. She's great. She's so beautiful. She is beautiful and strong, and...I'm mortified.

Silas: You have to stop talking this way.

Nina: No. And I come wheeling in, all wifey, and she -- she must have just been, like, "as if." What -- nobody says, "as if" anymore?

Silas: I just haven't heard it in a long time.

Nina: I'm stuck in the '90s! It's a nightmare! And then I kissed you.

Silas: It's okay.

Nina: What was I thinking? I mean, you were already in a relationship when my mom put me... what did I expect?

Silas: This is nothing like that. Ava was a terrible mistake.

Nina: I think I was just holding on to something, you know? I just needed something to pull me through so I could recuperate.

Silas: I'm glad.

Nina: And then you didn't file for divorce, and so I let my fantasies just run away with me, and I just, you know, thought that we could pick up where we left off. Stupid of me, because what would you be doing -- just, you know, twiddling your thumbs, waiting for me to wake up?

Silas: I'm sorry.

Nina: Don't be sorry. What, for moving on? For falling in... do you love her? Do you love Sam?

Sam: What's really sad is that this should have never happened. It's not like Sabrina went into premature labor on her own. This happened because of the accident. So, whoever ran her off the road -- that coward is responsible for a child's death.

Sabrina: You know what? Maybe it's a little drastic, but I-I don't even care because I will not have any bad luck on my wedding day. So, I'm just gonna wear the dress that Felix gave me. And don't you dare try to peek.

Patrick: I won't.

Sabrina: Okay. Do you want a hint? It's kind of weird. Not -- I mean, it's nice, but it's kind of strange for a wedding because, well, it's black. Isn't that bizarre? Why would Felix bring me a black dress?

Levi: Who's Patrick?

Maxie: Practically my brother-in-law. He was married to Robin.

Levi: Your cousin?

Maxie: But we grew up more like sisters. I have explained this to you.

Levi: Right.

Maxie: [Sighs] Patrick is hugely important to me -- not that I've honored that at all since I've been back. I haven't even seen him.

Levi: You could have stopped by.

Maxie: With his son in the middle of a medical crisis? Patrick was going through hell. And I kept saying to myself, "oh, I'll call him tomorrow" or "I'll stop by the hospital later," but I never did. And now I can't because the baby died.

Levi: Hang on. Is this the little kid they were talking about at the nurses' ball -- the preemie?

Maxie: He didn't make it, Levi. I mean, can you even imagine what Patrick and Sabrina must be going through right now?

Levi: That's...rough.

Maxie: The whole thing is just so awful. I mean, that -- that poor little boy wasn't even given a chance. How incredibly unfair that his little life was ripped away from him like that.

Levi: It's not unfair at all.

Patrick: I know you're really busy, but could we just talk for a second, please, Sabrina?

Sabrina: Patrick, we've got our whole lives to talk, but right now there's no time because I had to get through all of the thank-you notes for all of the presents, our wedding presents, and then I've got to get organized with everything, and now I've got a decision to make, you know? I mean, look, Felix bought me this dress, which was really sweet of him. I mean, he was afraid that my mother's wedding dress wasn't gonna make it in time, but it did because my cousin Juan brought it all the way from Puerto Rico.

Patrick: Yes, I remember that part. Listen --

Sabrina: And so the question is, what do I do, right? Because on the one hand, I want to get rid of the bad karma, but do I really want to marry you wearing black, you know? No, no. I told you no peeking.

Patrick: Sabrina --

Sabrina: Although maybe it doesn't count if I'm actually --

Patrick: Sabrina, stop. Listen to me, please, for a second. Felix didn't buy you the black dress for the wedding. He bought you the black dress for e funeral.

Molly: Why isn't anyone telling us anything?

Diane: You know how the police are, honey. Doing everything by the book takes time.

Molly: It's pretty simple. Either my dad's okay or he's not.

Elizabeth: The thought crossed your mind, too, didn't it -- someone might have gotten to Ric?

Diane: Here's a thought. Why don't we not try to scare each other with these baseless conspiracy theories?

Molly: Who says it's baseless? Someone was out to get my father, and we all know it.

Diane: Yes, but you heard what Anna said. Your father was with Detective West at the time. He was under protection.

Molly: Not from some ambush. This guy could have caught them completely off guard.

Elizabeth: Look, Molly, I'm sorry. Diane is right. Let's not jump to conclusions.

Molly: I just don't think it's that big of a jump. [Sighs] Why hasn't anyone filled us in? It -- it's bad. I can feel it.

Diane: Look, look, I know waiting is torture, but right now, it's the best thing for us.

Molly: Forget this. I need to know if my dad is okay.

Diane: No.

Elizabeth: Honey, let's let -- Anna. What happened?

Molly: Is it my father?

Nina: This relationship with Sam -- is it serious?

Silas: I need you to understand something. When I lost you to that coma... I hated myself for what I had done to you.

Nina: You didn't do anything.

Silas: I was unfaithful, and you knew and I hurt you. I never got a chance to tell you I was sorry or that I love you, and I-I did. I loved you. Even when I was with Ava, I loved you every moment.

Nina: I believe you.

Silas: Then afterwards... I ended it with Ava immediately, and I just -- I sort of shut down. I don't know if that's the right word. Maybe it was "turned off." I just -- if I ever met anybody, I just wouldn't let them get close to me. You know, I -- if I became attracted, I found myself just pushing them away because I would turn boorish or rude.

Nina: Turn? [Chuckles] I'm kidding.

Silas: No, you're not.

Nina: No, I'm not.

Silas: You should see the way I treated Sam in the beginning.

Nina: When you were helping her son, right? You were treating him. But -- wow -- that was a year ago. That's a long time.

Silas: First, it was all about Danny, you know -- doing whatever we could to keep him alive, give him a chance to survive. It was kind of a miracle, really. And then after a time, I started... to feel something. And then it just hit me one day was true. I felt something for this person.

Nina: Wow. Well, I'm really happy for you.

Silas: You don't have to say that.

Nina: I mean it.

Silas: You probably do, don't you? Sam was the first woman in 20 years that...I let myself open up to. And even then...I wouldn't let her all the way in. It wasn't until -- it wasn't until your mother told me that you were gone that I allowed my-- I allowed myself to fully commit and admit that I felt something for her.

Nina: Which is love.

Silas: Yes. I love her.

Rafe: I-I just can't believe the baby's dead.

Sam: I know. It's terrible. But I have to admit, your -- your reaction is a little -- are you okay?

[Tires screech]

Sam: Hey, Rafe...what is it?

Sabrina: Felix bought me this dress for a funeral? Why? Who died? Nobody died.

Patrick: Sabrina, you need to listen to me.

Sabrina: No, there can't be a funeral, because tomorrow's our wedding day, you know?

Patrick: We're not getting married tomorrow, Sabrina.

Sabrina: And our wedding has to be perfect. It's got to be perfect because I've done everything right, haven't I? I mean, I even wrote all these thank-you notes for all of the beautiful presents that everybody sent us so that I wouldn't have to think about it on our honeymoon. I mean, Patrick, look at all of this.

Patrick: We're not going on a honeymoon. Sabrina, please.

Sabrina: Our friends are amazing. I mean [Chuckles] Look at all these beautiful presents they got us.

Maxie: A baby died, Levi. How can you think that's anything but unfair?

Levi: I think it's incredibly sad.

Maxie: Right.

Levi: But not unfair. Clearly, that child wasn't meant to spend any more time on the earth than he did.

Maxie: So, what -- that makes it okay?

Levi: No, it makes it his journey.

Maxie: Oh, my God.

Levi: His just happened to be shorter than most.

Maxie: Do you hear yourself right now? Patrick lost a child -- one that he loved with all of his heart. Levi, parents are not supposed to outlive their children.

Levi: They are if that's how the universe planned it. Clearly, that child died for a reason.

Maxie: What reason could there possibly be for taking an innocent child's life?

Levi: I don't know.

Maxie: Exactly.

Levi: And you don't, either. We both just need to accept that there is something larger at work here.

Maxie: [Scoffs] That is the biggest crock I have ever heard in my life.

Sabrina: It's a shame people sent so many flowers. We're not gonna be here to enjoy them. It's not like we can just pack them in our luggage or anything.

Patrick: Sabrina, please look at me. Listen...

Sabrina: Patrick... please tell me that tomorrow's gonna be everything I hope it'll be.

Patrick: I can't say that.

Sabrina: Why not? I've worked so hard to make this the happiest day for us, Patrick. Is this because of the funeral?

Patrick: Yes.

Sabrina: I don't -- I don't understand. Nobody died.

Patrick: Yes. Someone did.

Sabrina: Okay. Who?

Patrick: Our baby, Sabrina. Our son died.

Molly: Can you please just tell us if those gunshots had to do with my father?

Anna: Yes. Unfortunately, they did.

Elizabeth: What does that mean?

Anna: That Detective West was opening Ric's sell and Ric grabbed his firearm.

Molly: What?!

Anna: And there was a struggle, and... shots were fired.

Diane: Are you saying that Ric shot Detective West?

Anna: No. It was the other way around.

Molly: I told you! I told you he'd been hurt!

Elizabeth: But he's gonna be okay, right? I'm sure the ambulance is here. 'Cause if not, I can help him.

Anna: No. You can't help.

Elizabeth: Is he already at the hospital?

Anna: No. I'm sorry.

Elizabeth: What? What?

Anna: It was -- it was a fatal wound... and Ric is dead.

Silas: Want to hear something crazy?

Nina: I don't know. Do I?

Silas: The first time I told Sam how I really felt about her was yesterday.

Nina: Wow. You're kidding.

Silas: [Chuckles] Hand to God.

Nina: Then I show up.

Silas: Hey... make no mistake. You being here awake and talking to me -- that is a good thing.

Nina: I don't know if Sam would agree with that.

Silas: Yes, she would. Just ask her.

Nina: [Sighs] I should have called you the moment I woke up. Instead, I waited for -- for what? For you to officially get over me. That's a great job, Nina. Good job.

Silas: Wait a minute. You're not actually blaming yourself for any of this, are you?

Nina: Then I sent you those flowers. I mean, of course you wouldn't know who they were from. Of -- of course. And --

Silas: Hey, none of this is your fault. That honor goes to your mother.

Nina: My mother is evil.

Silas: Yeah, pretty much.

Nina: She made me lose my baby. She made me lose you.

Silas: I never wanted this.

Nina: I know you didn't.

Silas: All those years I prayed for you to wake up. But now...

Nina: It's too late.

Silas: We missed our chance.

Nina: You always --

Silas: We missed our chance.

Nina: I think you -- you mean to say I missed my chance.

Silas: No. I'm sorry.

Nina: Me too. Me too. Well, there's only one thing to do now. I need to get my stuff and get out of your way.

Sam: Don't get me wrong. I understand that this is upsetting -- hugely upsetting -- but you barely even know Patrick and Sabrina. It seems like you're taking this really hard.

Rafe: I just feel so bad. I mean, as a kid, it was just me and my mom. Sometimes she went to dark places.

Sam: Yeah. I remember that.

Rafe: She was always at her best whenever babies were around. It's like they brought out this light in her. I don't -- I don't know.

Sam: What? I think it's safe to say she's passed that on to you.

Rafe: I was crazy about Danny when I first met him.

Sam: The feeling was mutual, you know.

Rafe: Maybe it's for the best. So much hope and innocence -- I mean, life is just one big possibility, so for that kid to just -- just die -- it gets to me.

Sam: I know. Look, it gets to me, too. Your compassion is really sweet.

Rafe: I just wish there was something I could do to make it better or different.

Sam: If only we could go back, right?

Rafe: Yeah. I'd give anything.

Sam: Me too. But we can't. And just so you know, I have made it my mission to find the person responsible for Gabriel's death.

Sabrina: What are you talking about? We don't have a son.

Patrick: Yes, we do, Sabrina.

Sabrina: I mean, obviously, we want children, you know? And I can't wait to give Emma a little brother or sister.

Patrick: Sabrina...

Sabrina: So, if you want to start trying right away, I'm all for it.

Patrick: ...Please, just listen to me. Please listen.

Sabrina: Patrick, I would listen to you if you were making any sense right now.

Patrick: We are not getting married tomorrow, Sabrina.

Sabrina: Of course we're getting married tomorrow.

Patrick: No, we're not. That was months ago, okay? Do you remember? Think back. Robin showed up at the church right when we were about to finish our vows.

Sabrina: Patrick, that's not possible. Robin's dead.

Patrick: No, she's not. Sabrina...

Sabrina: She's the one who died. Patrick, is tomorrow bringing all of that up for you?

Patrick: Robin is alive, Sabrina. E interrupted us at the church, and that's why we didn't get married.

Sabrina: That's -- that's not possible.

Patrick: Sabrina, I went back to Robin. And you discovered that you were pregnant with our baby. Do you remember?

Patrick: You just -- you have to tell me the truth, okay? Are you pregnant?

Sabrina: I am. I'm pregnant.

Sabrina: [Chuckles] I-I-I --

Patrick: Sabrina, it was our baby, our son. We were so excited, and then there was a car accident.

Patrick: What's this guy doing? He's in our --

Sabrina: Patrick, I don't know what you think you remember, but that's -- that --

Patrick: Sabrina, the trauma put you into premature labor, and the baby -- he came, but he was way too early.

Sabrina: No. No. [Chuckles]

Sabrina: Aaaaaah!

Patrick: Good, good, good, good, good.

Sabrina: [Grunts]

Sabrina: No.

Patrick: Hey, we did everything we could. We loved him with all our hearts, but he was just -- he was too small and he was too weak, and he didn't make it. Do you remember?

Sabrina: No! No! I don't remember because it never happened, Patrick! You're -- you're lying to me!

Levi: Since when do you think my beliefs are a crock?

Maxie: Since Patrick's baby died. Why does everything have to be about a journey or a reason or the universe?

Levi: Because that's the way it is.

Maxie: How do you know? Why can't some things just be senseless, like Patrick's baby died and it's not fair? End of story.

Levi: I disagree.

Maxie: So, what -- you think it was written in the stars that some innocent little boy just had to stop breathing?

Levi: Yes.

Maxie: Well, then, that's one messed-up universe. You think that it's someone's plan to bring a baby into this world only to have it snatched away? That's wrong.

Levi: Not up to you to decide.

Maxie: Actually, it is, because I can have my own opinion, and my opinion is that this sucks. And I or anyone else does not have to accept that there's some greater good at work here. In fact, I don't accept it.

Levi: Seriously, Maxie, what's going on? This doesn't sound anything like you.

Maxie: Really? Who does it sound like?

Levi: Honestly? Nathan.

Maxie: [Sighs]

Anna: We took a brief statement from Detective West.

Diane: Why brief?

Anna: Because there's a lot going on, Diane. There'll be a full investigation in due course.

Molly: What did he say?

Elizabeth: How did this happen?

Anna: Detective west said that Ric attempted to grab his firearm and there was a struggle and it became heated, and while they were grappling for control of the firearm, it went off.

Elizabeth: And so everyone just stood around while he bled out?

Anna: No. There was pressure applied to the wound, but when the paramedics got here, Ric was already gone.

Molly: No. This is insane. I just saw him.

Anna: You have my sincerest condolences.

Molly: Tell her, Elizabeth!

Elizabeth: It doesn't make any sense. Ric would never grab a cop's gun. It's not like him.

Anna: I don't want to discuss this in front of his daughter. But let's just say it's consistent with prior incidents.

Molly: I need to see him.

Diane: No. No. Honey, that's not wise.

Molly: And when I do, he will tell me this is all a mistake.

Elizabeth: Molly. Hey, mo--

Diane: Hey. Hey. If my client is actually dead, you're gonna have one hell of a lawsuit on your hands.

Anna: Your client has a history of violence, and he tried to steal an officer's gun.

Molly: Is that him? Is that my father? Dad, please. [Crying] Daddy, why?

Diane: Come here. Shh, shh, shh. Come here.

Molly: [Sobbing]

Elizabeth: What is wrong with you? You're the one with the badge! You didn't have to shoot him! You killed an innocent man!

Anna: That's enough. Detective west, you're on administrative leave until notified.

Nathan: Yes, commissioner.

Anna: Effective immediately.

Molly: [Sobbing continues] Daddy, please come back! [Sobbing]

Anna: I'm very sorry for your loss.

Molly: [Sobbing continues]

Levi: You don't see it?

Maxie: See what?

Levi: You're soaking up Nathan's reactionary ideas.

Maxie: Because, God forbid, I might actually be thinking for myself?

Levi: It's true. It's true. He's all emotion, no reason, and now you're sounding exactly like him.

Maxie: Well, before, I was sounding exactly like you.

Levi: Is that so bad? Maxie, you'd evolved so much. You started to learn to accept, to be at peace, to grasp the larger picture. Nathan's just dragging you down.

Maxie: What, are you leaving?

Levi: I'm going to help with dinner at the shelter. See you at home.

Nina: You need to get on with your life, and I need to find myself a new one, but, clearly, you'll be wanting a divorce.

Silas: Nina, what do you say we slow down and we take this one step at a time?

Nina: Oh, no. Let's just take the bandage off all at once, you know? It's better that way. Do you have a phone that actually plugs into the wall?

Silas: Who you gonna call?

Nina: J. I'll stay with J.

Silas: Does he even have the room?

Nina: Um...I don't know. He'll make the room. He may be a grown man, but he's the sweet boy that he always was.

Silas: It's a very small apartment. Two roommates -- I've been there.

Nina: Okay. Well, you know, um... unfortunately, I don't have the money to upgrade, thanks to mommy dearest, and he's a cop. That's just the way it goes. I guess I'll get to know my roommates really, really well.

Silas: Nina, slow down.

Nina: What? I mean, it's an adventure. You know I'm always up for an adventure. You know me. Ah. Okay. Here. Here we go. This is -- can you -- can you explain how this works? Can you tell me how this works?

Silas: No.

Nina: No, I can't use your phone?

Silas: No, you're not calling your brother. You can stay here with me.

Sam: I told you I went to see Patrick earlier today.

Rafe: How's he doing?

Sam: Not good. We talked about a lot of stuff, and we finally got around to talking about the accident. It doesn't seem like the police have any leads, so since I'm a P.I. And Patrick is my friend, I offered to hunt down the person who's responsible for Gabriel's death. I figured it's the least I could do to help.

Rafe: You don't think someone did it on purpose, do you?

Sam: I have -- I have no idea. But whether they did or didn't, whoever it was -- they didn't stop. They didn't call for help or to see if anyone was hurt. I mean, who does that? They just kept on driving.

Sabrina: Why are you lying to me about something so awful?

Patrick: Sabrina, I know that this hurts.

Sabrina: No, Patrick. It doesn't hurt because none of that ever happened.

Patrick: This hurts more than anything has ever hurt before, and I'm right there with you. We can't just forget what happened, Sabrina. We have to admit...what has happened. We had a son.

Sabrina: What? Stop, Patrick. Would you stop saying that?

Patrick: We named him Gabriel, after your mother.

Patrick: You know, it's funny. He looks like a Gabriel.

Sabrina: He does, doesn't he?

Patrick: He was too small. He was -- he was too weak. They told us that it was the end, and we had him baptized.

Sabrina: Patrick, you're not even religious.

Patrick: We had to say goodbye, Sabrina.

Sabrina: Goodbye, my sweet Gabriel.

Sabrina: Goodbye?

Patrick: You listened to his heartbeat.

Sabrina: [Whimpers]

Patrick: Felix brought you your mom's stethoscope, and you listened to his heartbeat, and you held him...

Sabrina: [Sobbing]

Patrick: ...And you listened to his last breath.

Sabrina: No! No!

Sabrina: No! No! No! No! No!

Patrick: Come here. Shh. Shh.

Sabrina: [Sobbing] Oh, no! [Sobbing]

Nina: I can't stay here.

Silas: Why is that?

Nina: Because you're with Sam.

Silas: I'm not gonna abandon you. You're part of my life, and I'm grateful for that.

Nina: It's too much.

Silas: I wasn't there for you before this happened. Let me be there now.

Nina: Oh, wow. You're making it all about you, huh?

Silas: Well, isn't it? Hey...whether you like it or not, you're stuck here.

Nina: It's very nice of you to offer, but I don't think it would be very fair to Sam.

Silas: We'll talk to her. She'll be fine with it.

Nina: Right. Your girlfriend will be fine with your wife moving in.

Silas: It's the right thing to do.

Nina: No, listen -- j can take care of me.

Silas: Listen, I don't think he can take care of you the way I do. Would you stop arguing?! My mind's made up!

Nina: Wow. Listen to you, all stern and in control.

Silas: I have no idea where that came from.

Nina: Are you sure?

Silas: Positive.

Nina: Thank you. Thank you very much. I hope Sam knows what a good man you are.

Sam: I-I can't even comprehend it. Who would leave after causing an accident? I mean, it's bad enough that Sabrina went into premature labor, but what if someone else was hurt or wor-- worse? I mean, I-I guess the worst happened later.

Rafe: I-I don't know. The whole thing is just awful.

Sam: The grief that Patrick and Sabrina are going through right now is so huge, it can swallow you whole.

Rafe: It shouldn't have happened.

Sam: You know, people say it helps to get closure, and you might not think that at the time, but it's true. It makes a difference to understand why something terrible happened. And that's why I'm gonna find out who did this to Gabriel. I mean, I know -- I know it's not gonna bring their baby back, but maybe I can get some peace of mind for Patrick and Sabrina.

Sabrina: [Sobbing] No! I want him back! Can you just bring him back, please?

Patrick: I wish I could, but I can't.

Sabrina: Then do it!

Patrick: I can't.

Sabrina: Oh, my God!

Patrick: I'm so sorry. He's gone. There's nothing we can do.

Sabrina: My Gabriel! My baby! [Sobbing] No! [Continues sobbing]

Maxie: Nathan?

Nathan: Hey.

Maxie: What is it? What's wrong?

Diane: Molly, your mother's on her way. Elizabeth, is there anyone I can call for you?

Elizabeth: No. I just can't get my head around it. One minute, Ric is here, and the next... I just don't understand how he could really be dead.

Anna: Gentlemen.

Man: Commissioner.

Anna: Ric? We're alone.

On the Next "General Hospital" --

Sonny: (to Duke) A.J. didn't kill Connie. Ava Jerome did.

Nikolas: (to Britt) I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

Elizabeth: (to Liesl) Do whatever you want. I don't give a damn.

Brad: (to Felix and Lucas) What's this?

Maxie: (to Nathan) You killed Ric Lansing?

Anna: (to Ric) No one else can know you're alive.

(Alexis and Molly knock on the morgue door)

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