GH Transcript Wednesday 4/23/14

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 4/23/14


Provided By Suzanne

Monica: Alan, [Sniffles] I'm burying our son today. I wish you were here. [Voice breaking] I just can't do this alone.

Tracy: I'm here, Monica.

Monica: [Sniffles]

Tracy: So is Ned.

Monica: Okay.

Ned: I've tried getting through to my mother, but I can't -- she has a blind spot for Luke. So, if I can't get her to open her eyes, I'll just have Luke open them for her.

Morgan: How?

Ned: By setting a trap and having Luke walk right into it. I don't want that man hurting my mother again. It's bad enough that he's out to steal her money, but she doesn't need to be humiliated in the process.

Morgan: Okay, well, how do we do that, because Luke refuses to back off?

Ned: He's coming on to Kiki and telling her that she's the aggressor, so, obviously, I just need to get my mother to see that the man she's about to marry isn't just a letch and a leech, but he's a liar, too.

Luke: It's me. I'm in need of your talent. I have a problem that needs solving. Well, Nikolas Cassadine's little brat stumbled into some information. I need him to be shut up. Luckily, I know his weakness. He's head over Achilles' heel in love with a little girl named Emma drake.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Emma: Hi, uncle Mac.

Mac: I'm the Scorsese of dance recitals.

Emma: Is grandma here?

Mac: Uh, she's inside with Duke and Felicia. They're waiting for their big moment on-camera with the prima ballerina.

Patrick: That's you, babe.

Mac: So, are you willing to be on-camera with them on your big night?

Emma: I sure will.

Mac: Okay. Come on. Let's go.

Patrick: Hey. You all right?

Sabrina: [Sighs] Yeah, I just -- I can't stop thinking about Carlos getting arrested. He swore to me that he had nothing to do with AJ Quartermaine's shooting. There's got to be more to the story.

Franco: My offer to help you with Ava still stands. I know her intimately. I know how she operates. I know how her lies, I know her tactics, and I'm willing to share my expertise with you, but it won't do you any good if you don't level with me.

Carlos: Can't do that, man. I can't tell you.

Franco: Tell me what?

Carlos: Anything.

Franco: Why not?

Carlos: You're just gonna have to take my word on that one.

Franco: You're scared? Okay, look, I get that. You know, that just makes you an intelligent creature. Ava is terrifying, but there's ways around that, Carlos. You can get protection.

Carlos: Forget it, man. Even if I wanted to tell you everything, I couldn't.

Franco: What -- what are we talking about here? What does she have on you?

Carlos: Don't you get it, man? I can't tell you anything. Someone's life is at stake.

Franco: Someone's life is at stake -- whose? Ava threatened to kill you?

Elizabeth: AJ died too soon.

Ava: Amen.

Elizabeth: Fortunately, the police have the murderer in custody. If this guy has a shred of decency, he'll confess, and then Michael and Monica can start picking up the pieces once this Carlos person answers all the questions surrounding AJ's death.

Carly: I agree with Elizabeth. I think we'd all like to know what happened to AJ.

Kiki: Okay, I agree. Tracy needs to see Luke for his true colors, but what kind of trap are you planning?

Ned: She needs to see him in action, so if we can get you alone in the room with Luke, I'll make sure that my mother sees what happens next.

Morgan: I'm -- I'm sorry. Are -- are you insane? So, you want to use Kiki as bait?

Ned: Kiki, I know this hasn't been easy for you, but with any luck, this'll put an end to it.

Morgan: Okay, obviously, you're not getting it. Luke tried to rape Kiki this morning. I mean, Kiki had to knee the guy where it hurts.

Ned: Okay, I'll be watching, and so will my mother. She needs to see who is hitting on whom, and don't worry -- I won't let it go far enough that Kiki will feel like she's in any danger -- not even close. Kiki, is there any way you'll agree to do this? Will you help me open my mother's eyes?

Tracy: Well, AJ's joining Mother and Daddy today.

Monica: And his father. I-I just hope that they can find some way to make peace after all this time.

Michael: Hey, uh, the minister's here. He's ready whenever we are.

Tracy: I'll go tell the others.

Monica: Okay. [Inhales deeply] Mm. [Sighs]

Michael: [Sighs]

Monica: Is everyone here?

Michael: Uh, no, Dante called. The baby has an ear infection, and he and Lulu can't make it, but they wanted me to pass on their condolences.

Monica: Well, I'm just sorry that you won't be able to have your brother by your side.

Michael: Yeah, uh, [Clears throat] There's something I have to tell you. Uh, I invited my dad. But -- but he -- he refused, okay, out of respect for you.

Monica: Well, at least Sonny had the decency to stay away.

Ava: While you ladies hope for answers about AJ, I'm gonna find my daughter.

Carly: What the hell are you doing here?

Elizabeth: Excuse me. I'm gonna go see if Monica's ready.

Carly: For God's sake, you killed AJ. Why are you here?

Franco: Ava put you up to going after AJ, but you can't tell me about it because someone's life is at stake? Right? I got that right? What are we talking about here? Did Ava threaten to go after you if you talk?

Carlos: No, man. If it was me, I wouldn't care. It's someone else.

Patrick: Sabrina, you are a very loyal and trusting person, so I --

Sabrina: Patrick, I know how you feel about Carlos, and, look, I don't entirely disagree. He shouldn't be working for the Jeromes, but I know that he didn't do this. Something's definitely not right.

Cameron: Hey, Patrick. Hey, Sabrina. Where's Emma?

Patrick: She's backstage in the ballroom.

Cameron: Thanks.

Nikolas: Well, go ahead. [Chuckles] I'm sorry about that. I-I know we're trying to keep a lid on this infatuation, but he insisted on the flowers.

Patrick: I think it comes with the territory.

Nikolas: Yeah.

Sabrina: Hey, Nikolas, I heard that Elizabeth is recuperating at Wyndemere. How is she?

Nikolas: Uh, she's -- she's good. She's on the mend. She still has her arm in a sling, but, uh, she's at AJ's memorial right now.

Sabrina: I know that she and AJ Used to be close. I can't imagine how hard this must be for her, on top of everything else.

Nikolas: Yeah, well, at least there's some headway on the case. Um, the police picked up a guy -- Rivera?

Patrick: Yeah. Um, we heard that.

Nikolas: Well, have you heard anything on the news as to why he would want AJ Dead?

Sabrina: I don't think Carlos had anything to do with AJ's murder.

Sonny: I'm here for the same reason you are -- for Michael. And what the hell was that crack about "wanting answers"? You know exactly what happened.

Carly: Yeah, I do. I know that you shot him, but I have questions, Sonny -- lots of them.

Sonny: About what?

Carly: About Ava.

Luke: No. Don't do anything yet. Just keep her in your sights. I'll let you know when and what to do. Right.

Luke: Ava Jerome. How delightful to see you.

Ava: I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help overhearing.

Luke: That's no problem. I'm just trying to get my hands on a filly. You see, Tracy is very fond of horses, and the last gift I gave her was such a hit, I thought I would follow it up with another one.

Ava: Well, aren't you the generous sort?

Luke: I know how to make a woman happy. Speaking of which, I am surprised to have the pleasure of your company here today. I was under the impression that you and junior weren't close.

Ava: I came because I'm worried about my daughter. Something happened to her this morning, and I'm gonna find out what it was.

Luke: Oh.

Morgan: I'm not gonna let you dangle Kiki in front of Spencer like a piece of raw meat. I mean, you should have seen her this morning. She had to literally fight the guy off.

Ned: Kiki, I will be there, okay? You won't be in any danger.

Morgan: Yet you're standing here, and you're saying that you don't trust the pervert with your mother, and -- and you're willing to risk Kiki with him?

Kiki: You know what, Morgan? It's okay. I am willing to do anything to stop Luke's skeevy fondling. [Sighs] What's the plan?

Ned: Luke is in the den right now.

Morgan: You want to do this right now?

Ned: Kiki, you need to go to the den, and I'll make sure that my mother is on the terrace...

[Door opens]

Ned: ...And she sees the whole thing go down.

Tracy: Oh, let me guess. Kiki is trying to convince you that Luke is the big, bad wolf, hmm?

Ned: Not a bit. Uh, is the minister here? Are we ready to start?

Tracy: Yes. I'm gonna go, uh, tell the others that we're ready. Why don't we check for stragglers?

Ned: Okay.

Morgan: Um, hey, I'm -- I'm not okay with this. I'm gonna -- I'm gonna stick next to you just in case.

Kiki: Morgan, you need to go find Michael.

Morgan: No. Trust me -- Michael would -- he would want me to protect you.

Kiki: Morgan, I will be fine as soon as I'm done with this jerk.

Franco: Okay, so, Ava is threatening someone that you care about -- someone that's close to you.

Carlos: This conversation is over.

Franco: Hey, look, I get it, okay? I hear you. Ava's very dangerous. You don't want to cross her, but that's why I'm offering to help you out.

Carlos: [Scoffs] Help me? How are you gonna help me, man? You can't even get bail.

Franco: Oh, come on, man. I'm -- I'm here on a trumped-up, bogus vandalism charge. All drama aside, I'm out of here by this time tomorrow, at the latest, and I can warn whoever it is that -- that you're worried about, but you got to tell me who it is. It's -- it's someone in your family?

Carlos: No, man. I-I don't have any family. I-I've been on my own a long time.

Franco: Okay, so a girlfriend, then? That would make sense. Ava's vicious.

Carlos: She got no ethics.

Franco: No. None. I mean, ethically speaking, I've been known to cut a corner or two or three or four, but Ava... okay. So it's someone that you love, right? Someone who's completely innocent. Right?

Carlos: The one person -- the one person in the world that I care about -- the one person that I could not -- I couldn't stand to lose. Sabrina. Sabrina Santiago.

Nikolas: Do you know the guy the police picked up?

Sabrina: Oh, you know, the dancers are starting to gather for the show. I'm gonna go check on Emma, make sure she doesn't get any wardrobe malfunctions.

Nikolas: Looks like I hit a nerve.

Patrick: Sabrina has a history with, um, Rivera.

Nikolas: Do you know him?

Patrick: We've met. Frankly, if he's responsible for AJ Quartermaine's murder, I'm okay with that. At least he's behind bars, and it keeps him away from Sabrina and our baby.

Nikolas: Oh, that's right. You two are expecting. Does that have anything to do with why Robin left?

[Footsteps approaching]

Mac: Slow so I can see you. Okay. Beautiful.

Emma: Daddy, look what Cameron gave me.

Patrick: Home run, buddy. Pink carnations. Those are her favorite.

Cameron: I know. She told me.

Emma: [Chuckles]

Mac: Hey. Okay, we should go, because Felicia's got seats staked out down front, and you know dance moms -- they will just snatch them right up, so come on.

Patrick: Hey. Okay. Have fun, all right?

Emma: Daddy, my dress!

Patrick: Okay. Sorry.

Cameron: [Smooches] You'll be great.

Emma: Thanks.

Sabrina: Emma, do you want me

hold your flowers for you?

Emma: No, I'll keep them until the last minute. They're good luck.

Sabrina: Okay.

Mac: Come on. Come on. We got to go. Let's go.

Sabrina: Bye. Have fun!

Patrick: We'll see you later. Bye.

Emma: Bye.

Patrick: Come on, Cameron.

Spencer: Emma! Emma.

Emma: Spencer? Your dad didn't say you were coming.

Spencer: He doesn't know.

Emma: But how'd you get here?

Spencer: I took the launch, then got a cab. I had to see you. It's a matter of life and death.

Luke: Did something happen to Kiki?

Ava: She was upset. I'm not quite sure why. I just need to talk to her.

Luke: Oh. Well, I haven't seen her, but if I do, I'll be happy to tell her that you're looking for her.

Ava: Thank you.

Luke: Ava. Don't go yet.

Sonny: What the hell do you think you need to know about Ava? I told you what happened. I walked in -- AJ Was attacking her.

Carly: Why was he there?

Sonny: She -- Ava's keeping quiet. She's doing that for me. I don't need you sniffing around.

Carly: If Ava's keeping quiet, it's because it works for her. Don't kid yourself.

Sonny: Leave it alone, Carly. That's all I'm asking you.

Carly: No, I can't.

Sonny: Leave it. What does that mean?

Carly: What does it --

Tracy: And what are you doing here, Sonny? Just want to make sure AJ's really in the coffin this time? Michael is at the crypt. We're ready to start.

[Door opens]

Sonny: Okay.

[Door closes]

Sonny: I don't want to talk about Ava right now, all right? For Michael's sake.

Monica: I'm even surprised that you considered inviting Sonny. I mean, he has nothing but contempt for AJ He made my son's life hell, Michael.

Michael: I understand why you'd feel that way, but, look, when -- when AJ First came back, I realized that if I got caught up in trying to figure out who acted worse or who was to blame, I would have been perpetuating the fight. That's why I focused on getting to know AJ Look, we had -- we had a good year, you know? We -- we -- we worked together. We got to know each other.

Monica: And that's all AJ ever, ever wanted -- just to spend time with you and get a chance to -- to be your father.

Michael: Yeah, I know, and now he's gone. [Inhales deeply] I just -- today's really hard for me, and I just -- I just really wanted my -- my parents here with me.

Michael: Dad, I didn't -- I didn't think you were coming.

Sonny: Monica, I don't mean no disrespect. I'm here for my son. If we can put our differences aside for just his sake...

Carly: Please, Monica? We just want to be here to support Michael.

Sonny: If you want me to go, I'll go -- it's up to you.

Ava: Uh, excuse me?

Luke: About your daughter...

Ava: I need to find her. If someone's hurt her, I need to know.

Luke: Well, of course. I understand, but before you go, I just wanted to say that you have exceptional taste. The painting that I bought from you at your gallery -- Tracy absolutely loves it, and if it hadn't been for you, I would have had to schlepp all the way into the city to find a piece of that caliber. So, I just want to say you have a great eye, among so many great assets.

Ava: [Clears throat]

Spencer: I need to save you.

Emma: From who? Cameron? Spencer, don't do this. I already told you that it's over. I didn't answer your call on purpose, okay? You have to stop being such a baby. I'm with Cameron now.

Spencer: But Cameron can't protect you -- I can.

Emma: Protect me from what?

Spencer: This place is too public. Come with me, and I'll tell you.

Emma: I'm not going anywhere with you.

Spencer: Emma, please. I beseech you.

Emma: What?

Spencer: I beg you!

Emma: [Sighs] Look, I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I made my choice. You have to accept it. Goodbye, Spencer.

Spencer: Emma, wait! [Groans] What am I going to do now? What if Luke makes good on his threat to hurt the love of my life?

Kiki: Luke?

Luke: Kiki.

Kiki: I was hoping to catch you alone.

Tracy: What are we doing here? I thought you were gonna meet me at the crypt.

Ned: We're just making a quick stop. You need to see something.

Tracy: You're a little old for show-and-tell, Ned.

Ned: I'm sorry, mother, but you need to know the truth about your soon-to-be husband.

Luke: Is that right? You were hoping to catch me alone? Why?

Kiki: To make sure you learned your lesson.

Luke: I'm not sure I know what you mean.

Kiki: Oh, come on. It's just the two of us. You don't need to lie about what's been going on between us.

Ava: Kiki? [Turns TV on]

TV: But Carlos Rivera won't be alone in the PCPD jail. Everyone's favorite psycho artist, Franco, was just arrested for vandalizing his hotel room.

Franco: Sabrina Santiago? I know her. She's that nurse, right? She's a hospital nurse. She looked after me when I when I got shot.

Carlos: How'd you get shot?

Franco: How'd I get shot? Oh, it's a long story. Oh, yeah, I suppose you're right. Um, well, uh, my mother abducted my girlfriend, and then my mother shot me when I had the nerve to rescue my girlfriend.

Carlos: Your mother shot you?

Franco: Yeah. Yeah, we have a very complicated relationship. Sabrina's pregnant?

Carlos: Yeah.

Franco: Congratulations.

Carlos: Not mine.

Franco: Oh, she's not your girlfriend?

Carlos: No. She was a long time ago. I blew it with her. I've been trying to make it up to her ever since.

Franco: Wow, Ava's going after a pregnant nurse. That's low, even by her standards.

Carlos: Will you protect Sabrina for me?

Franco: Hmm?

Carlos: Will you get her out of town?

Franco: [Sighs] Yeah, I'm -- well, I'd love to. You know, I really -- I think Sabrina's great. I think you're pretty great, too, Carlos, but you know what? I am gonna need something in return.

Carlos: Of course. For her safety, I will do anything.

Franco: What's Ava hiding? What's her secret that's so important that she would be willing to hurt Sabrina?

Sabrina: Dancing was just perfect. You didn't even miss a step.

Emma: Thank you.

Patrick: Mm-hmm.

[Cell phone beeps]

Emma: Uncle Mac, you're getting a text.

Mac: Oh. I'm so into my art, I didn't notice.

Emma: [Chuckles]

Mac: Ah, it's Felicia. She, Duke, and Anna are waiting out for me outside, so, uh, this is gonna be the grand finale. Okay, um, hey where are your flowers? I need them for the final shot.

Emma: I'll get them.

Spencer: I kept them safe for you, even though Cameron gave them to you. You watch -- I'll be the one to save you.

[Indistinct conversation]

Nikolas: That was flawless, Emma.

Cameron: You were so good, it was like you were the only girl onstage.

Emma: [Chuckles] Thank you, Cameron.

Mac: And, boom! That's a wrap.

Emma: [Chuckles]

Mac: I will send you a copy when I make my final cut, and I got a great shot of Emma's solo.

Patrick: At the expense of everybody behind you.

Mac: Anything for my art and for my beautiful princess. Mm. [Smooches] Ballerina. You were great.

Emma: Thank you.

Patrick: Thanks, Mac. You ready to go, babe?

Emma: Yeah.

Patrick: Okay.

Emma: Can Cameron come with us to Kelly's?

Patrick: Yeah, it's okay with us.

Nikolas: Uh, thank you, but we need to pick his mother up at the Quartermaines'.

Patrick: All right. We'll see you guys later. Come on. Let's go.

Emma: Bye, Cameron.

Patrick: Let's get your bag and your jacket. You take that. I'll take this.

Emma: Can we get some ice cream?

Patrick: Ice cream?

Nikolas: [Grunts] Spencer Cassadine.

Spencer: Father, this is not what it looks like.

Nikolas: No, what it looks like is you purposely disobeying me when I specifically told you to stay home.

Spencer: I had to come. I had to make sure Emma was okay.

Cameron: [Scoffs]

Spencer: What?!

Nikolas: Enough. We'll talk about this later when we're alone. Let's go.

Kiki: Let's just clear the air. Let's talk about this -- talk about us.

Ned: I'm sorry, mother. You needed to see this for yourself.

Luke: Let's talk about us. Michael is out there burying his father, and you're in here trying to get alone time with me.

Kiki: Wait. What?

Luke: Look, I've tried, time and time again, to let you down easy, but you just don't want to take no for an answer. I understand you have daddy issues. With your history, it's perfectly understandable, but, Kiki, I am not available. You understand? I love Tracy, and my place is with her at the funeral...not here playing games with you.

Tracy: Satisfied? I told you -- Kiki is the instigator. She is a gold digger and a tramp, just like her mother.

Ned: No, no, no, no. Isn't it obvious that what just happened was --

Tracy: I don't have time for this. It's not over, however.

Ned: [Sighs]

Kiki: What the hell just happened?

Ned: The wily bastard must have figured out it was a trap.

Kiki: Oh, my...

Ned: [Sighs] Damn it!

Kiki: [Sighs]

Ned: Are you all right?

Kiki: [Sighs] I have to go. Michael probably needs me right now.

Monica: You have some nerve, Sonny, asking if you can stay, after everything you have done to my son.

Carly: Monica, we just want to be here for our son.

Monica: What about my son?

Morgan: Hey. What's going on?

Carly: [Sighs] Well, it looks like, um, Monica is going to, uh, throw your dad out and me, too, it seems.

Michael: Dad, you're right. This was a bad idea. I apologize for putting you in this position. I-I just -- I want you to know how much I appreciate you showing up, though.

Monica: Uh -- uh, Michael, if this is something that you really need, then, uh -- then I will allow it.

Michael: I'd -- I'd really appreciate that.

Sonny: Thank you, Monica.

Michael: I'm sorry.

Morgan: No, no. Don't worry about it. We're just here for you. Right, dad?

Sonny: That's right.

Carly: Hey. We're gonna help you get through this -- we all are, okay?

TV: Even Carly jacks, his girlfriend and the owner of the hotel, couldn't prevent his arrest.

Ava: What are you up to, Franco?

TV: Sources say he's refused legal representation. Is it performance art? Why else would he want to be in that jail?

Carlos: So if I tell you anything about Ava, she'll hurt Sabrina and the baby. Are you telling me if I don't tell you, you won't protect her?

Franco: Look, I'm not gonna tell anybody. You can trust me with this information.

Carlos: You're asking me to trust you with Sabrina's life.

Franco: I think you've already crossed that bridge, pal. You tell me what this is about. Come on. Ava put you up the Quartermaine break-in, right? Why? She was trying to get to AJ? And -- and what secret -- what does -- what does Ava stand to lose if you do talk to me?

Carlos: Everything.

Franco: How deep is she in all this?

Carlos: Deep -- to the bottom of the ocean.

Minister: "I am the resurrection and the life," saith the Lord, "and he who believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die."

[Chic Gamine sings "Pale Bird"]

Pale bird on a wing dark clouds restless waves, they call to lay down this bed I made, sleep don't come to those with debts to pay ooh, ooh, ooh ooh, ooh [Vocalizing] Dark rain pouring down please forgive me I hate what I've become deep waters carry me, I'm haunted by the secrets I keep, the secrets I keep the secrets

Minister: Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, amen.

Ned: I'm so sorry, Monica.

Monica: Oh, thank you, Ned. You know, with all the friction between you and AJ, we are still family, and I'm so glad you came. I've got to get back to the house and see about the reception.

Ned: Okay.

Morgan: What happened? Is Kiki okay?

Ned: Yeah, she's fine. But Luke --

Tracy: Unh-unh-unh! Not another word about Luke, unless it's to apologize and say how wrong you were about him.

Michael: Thank you for coming.

Kiki: Of course.

Michael: Are you, um -- you gonna stay for the reception?

Kiki: I'll be here as long as you need me, okay?

Michael: Okay. Thank you.

Michael: [Sighs]

Sonny: How you doing, Michael?

Michael: It helps -- it helps that you were here.

Sonny: Listen, uh... I might have to skip the reception, 'cause, you know, I can't antagonize Monica any more than I already have.

Michael: I'm just glad you stayed. [Sighing] I really don't think I would have been able to make it through this without you. It just hurts so much -- knowing that AJ's never gonna be able to have the life that he wanted. I wish I could have done things better for him.

Sonny: That's not your job -- to -- to, you know -- it's the parents' job to do better for the son, not the son's job to do better for...

Michael: Yeah.

Sonny: ...The parents.

Michael: I just -- thank -- thank you. Really, thank you for being here.

Sonny: I'm gonna always be here for you, Michael.

Michael: Yeah, I know. That makes this a little easier. Thank you.

Sonny: [Sighs]

Michael: [Inhales deeply] [Exhales deeply]

Sonny: Hey. No, no. Go. Go. [Sighs]

[Doors open]

Carlos: Enough about Ava.

Franco: Okay, look, I get it. I know you want to keep Sabrina safe, but information is ammunition, okay? You want me to keep Sabrina safe with you, then I need to be armed. Hey, look -- just tell me this much, all right -- just this much -- did Ava send you to the Quartermaines' to take out AJ?

[Ava turns TV off]

Carly: Hello.

Ava: What the hell, Carly? Franco's in jail?

Carly: Why, yes. Why?

Ava: Well, it's just that you neglected to mention that when we ran into each other at the hotel earlier. The news said he was arrested this morning. Why didn't you say anything?

Carly: I didn't think you'd be interested.

Ava: I find it odd that Franco didn't hire a lawyer.

Carly: [Scoffs] What's it matter to you? [Gasps] Oh, right. Carlos. Wouldn't it be funny if they became friends, your henchman and my boyfriend? I mean, after all, they do have you in common. What's the matter, Ava? Do you realize you have smoke coming out of your ears? I wonder what those two jailbirds are talking about right now.

Sabrina: And your hands were just so expressive.

Patrick: You sure you weren't doing a little hula?

Emma: Daddy, hulas are Hawaiian.

Patrick: Oh, really?

Sabrina: Oh.

Patrick: You okay?

Sabrina: Oh, my God. The baby's -- he's kicking.

Elizabeth: Sorry. I was looking for Michael.

Luke: No, there's no one here but me. Would you like a drink, Elizabeth? We could toast junior.

[Footsteps approaching]

Nikolas: There you are. Luke.

Elizabeth: Good. I wasn't expecting you so soon.

Nikolas: I just thought I'd check on you. The boys are in the car. Um, I took Cameron to Emma's recital.

Elizabeth: Oh, thank you. Did he behave himself?

Nikolas: Yes. Cameron was a perfect gentleman. Spencer, on the other hand, snuck out of the house to crash the recital, after I grounded him.

Elizabeth: Ugh. Man, he's really trying to win Emma back.

Nikolas: Maybe, but blatantly disobeying me is extreme, even for Spencer.

Elizabeth: Well, love makes people do extreme things.

Nikolas: Yeah.

Emma: My baby brother's kicking?

Sabrina: Yeah, he sure is. Maybe he's a dancer like you, em.

Patrick: Do you mind?

Sabrina: Yeah, here.

Patrick: Wow. Yeah, he is.

Sabrina: Yeah.

Patrick: It's crazy. That's my boy kicking.

[Car horns honking]

Sabrina: Patrick.

Patrick: Holy -- yeah?

Sabrina: Light's green.

Patrick: All right.

Sabrina: [Chuckles]

Patrick: Got caught up there for a second.

Kiki: Luke must have been on to us. He accused me of coming on to him.

Morgan: Okay, well, how'd he figure it out?

Kiki: I don't know, Morgan, but I'm kind of freaking out right now because Luke is a scary guy, and if he knows that -- that we tried to set him up, he could come after me. The only -- only reason why I decided to go along with this little -- this little trap that Ned set up was so that I could get Luke as far away from me as possible, and now I've just made him mad.

Morgan: Kiki, it's okay, all right? I'm not gonna -- I'm not gonna let anything happen. I'm gonna take care of you, all right?

[Door opens]

Tracy: I trust you have recovered from Kiki's latest advances?

Luke: How did you know she hit on me again?

Tracy: Saw the whole thing, courtesy of Ned.

Luke: Ned? How did he get involved?

Tracy: He wanted to prove that you were initiating the sexual advances and not Kiki.

Luke: [Scoffs] So you were watching?

Tracy: Right from there. Right there. Saw the whole thing -- saw you reject Kiki, just like you said you have been.

Luke: Of course, I sent her packing. I want you, Tracy, and only you.

Tracy: And you made that perfectly clear to the little slut.

Kiki: Mom? What are you doing here? Were you even invited?

Ava: No. I just came to see how you were doing, but it seems like Morgan has the situation well in hand.

Morgan: Ava. Ava. Come on. Please. Wait. Wait.

[Door slams]

Morgan: Wow. Did you see her? She's really, really upset.

Kiki: Well, she clearly jumped to the wrong conclusion.

Morgan: What -- what -- what if there's another part to it?

Kiki: What do you mean?

Morgan: What if she's mad about something else?

Franco: Carlos, I know you were there. The cops found blood at the scene. What I don't understand is why. What were you doing there? Hey, I can ask you the same question over and over. It doesn't mean anything unless you start to talk to me. You got to answer me. What did Ava want you to do? Please tell me, for Sabrina's sake.

Carlos: Ava sent me to the Quartermaines' to kill AJ.

Michael: Hey, I'm sorry, mom. I-I know my grandmother hasn't exactly made you feel welcome.

Carly: Oh, honey, that's okay. You know nothing could stop me from being here with you.

Michael: Thanks. And then when I asked dad to come to the service, I, uh -- I told him that you guys are the best and only parents I ever could have wanted. I mean that. Yeah, I wish -- I wish I'd had more time with AJ, but I'm grateful I still have you and Dad.

Carly: Oh, I love you, Michael. I love you so much. You know, being my first, you were part of every bad decision and mistake I ever made, but I only wanted the best for you, okay? I really want you to know that.

Michael: Yeah, I know, mom. Thank you. And, uh, thank you for coming.

Carly: Oh, God, of course. I would never let you go through this alone.

Michael: I'm -- I'm grateful dad felt that way, too.

Sonny: [Exhales deeply]

AJ: Well, I'd say that's about it for me. Hey, come on. Sonny, where you going? Sonny. Wait -- now, come on. You -- you're too much. Hey, let me ask you something. So, what do you think? 'Cause it looks to me like they got me bolted in there good and tight. And you know what? They did it in record time, too. Did you grease the attendants? Hey, look, I-I know you want to -- you want to get this over with, so I just thought that I would say so long, you know, and uh, congratulations. I mean, you -- you got what you always wanted, right? You have me behind this wall, and -- and you got Michael all to yourself. So, goodbye, Sonny, and good luck with living with what you did to me.

[Door opens]

Sonny: [Sighs]

Patrick: [Chuckles]

Emma: I want to feel my baby brother kick, too.

Sabrina: Oh, your little brother's gonna be dancing around in my tummy for months, so you'll have plenty of chances to feel him -- promise.

Patrick: What's this guy doing?

[Tires squeal, Emma screams as Patrick loses control of the vehicle]

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