GH Transcript Monday 4/7/14

General Hospital Transcript Monday 4/7/14


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Silas: Ava?

Ava: I need to talk to you. It's urgent.

Silas: What -- what's this all about?

Ava: Have -- have you seen the paper? It's Nakamura -- he's alive. He's made a deal with the police. He's gonna tell them who tried to kill him.

Sam: Stop!

Nathan: Freeze! PCPD!

Sam: Madeline? It was you? Nina's own mother tried to kill her.

Julian: Well, nice knowing you, Ava. Enjoy Pentonville. Hey.

Ric: Is this a bad time?

Julian: A visit from my attorney? To what do I owe the pleasure?

Ric: Uh, well, where to start? It seems that I've found myself the focus of an inquiry of sorts.

Julian: Ah. An inquiry into what?

Ric: You -- or, rather, the person that you're in business with.

Luke: Why do I even bother? Walk into Kelly's -- walk out with a belly full of BLT. What do you got your eye on -- the Reuben, egg salad?

Tracy: My inconsiderate fiancé.

Luke: Well, is that a daily special or what?

Tracy: No. Luke, how can you think about food? Your daughter just found out she has a son, and he's been kidnapped -- your grandson.

Dante: Yeah, I'll put a call in to Anna -- get her to send some uniforms over to the hospital. Until we find Ben, we don't take our eyes off Britt.

Britt: Shouldn't be too difficult. I'm right here. I know where Ben is. I can take you to your son.

Elizabeth: Nikolas, what are you doing here?

Nikolas: I had to come see you. When I was here earlier, there was someone in the house, and you let me think it was Ric. But Lulu told me that he brought you home after the engagement party, then left. So who did I hear?

Dr. Obrecht: That would be me. No sudden movements, unless you want Elizabeth's brats to end up as motherless as your own son.

Dante: What are you talking about? How do you know where Ben is?

Britt: My mother called me.

Dante: When?

Britt: A little while ago.

Dante: What did she say?

Britt: That she had Ben.

Lulu: Is he all right?

Britt: He's fine.

Lulu: Oh, thank God. [Sighs]

Britt: She said that all I had to do was come and get him, and she would hand him over to me.

Dante: And did you -- did you go -- have you seen him?

Britt: No, not yet. I was going to, and, according to my mother, everything was taken care of -- fake passports, a plane to take us out of the country. All I had to do was take the baby and never look back.

Lulu: But you're still here.

Britt: I couldn't do it. As much as it kills me to lose that little boy, I couldn't take him away from his real parents.

Lulu: Thank you. Thank you.

Dante: Where's your mother holding Ben?

Nikolas: Put the gun down. It's entirely unnecessary. No one's gonna do anything stupid.

Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs] You've already provided reams of evidence to the contrary. What Britta ever saw in you -- the Cassadines are nothing but a circus of inbreds. My daughter is far better off.

Nikolas: And so will you when you let Elizabeth go.

Dr. Obrecht: Yes, what could I possibly gain from a hostage?!

Nikolas: You have a hostage. Right here. Take me instead.

Dr. Obrecht: Who are you trying to impress with your display of chivalry? I can assure you, it means nothing to me.

Nikolas: Okay, fine. Then let's discuss something of greater value. I'll pay you whatever you want.

Dr. Obrecht: Oh, enough of this feeblemindedness. I reject your idea of a swap. But, please, join us, Herr Cassadine. Two is company. Three is a party.

Nikolas: That's not the expression.

Dr. Obrecht: It is now. Inside!

Julian: Well, I'm sorry. You're gonna have to be a little bit more specific. My publishing companies do business with many entities.

Ric: I'm referring to those involved in your less-than-reputable enterprises, Julian.

Julian: Oh. Enterprises you have nothing to do with.

Ric: You and I know that. However, my brother is not quite convinced.

Julian: [Chuckles] Just what does Sonny think you do for me?

Ric: Well, he thinks that I'm funding your war against him. You see, Sonny thinks and is convinced that you, uh -- you have a partner in crime -- pardon the pun -- someone who has an ax to grind who's working behind the scenes.

Julian: I see.

Ric: I tried disabuse him of this notion multiple times, but he's just not letting it go. Even has Alexis dogging me.

Julian: [Chuckles] I'm sorry. That must be quite the inconvenience.

Ric: Yeah, well, it's time it stops.

Julian: How do you intend to do that?

Ric: By tendering my resignation. I'm sorry, Julian. I can no longer represent you.

Tracy: On the night of that absurd engagement party -- pouf -- Lulu's a mother. And now that child has been kidnapped by the very woman that helped Helena Cassadine try to put you in a radioactive grave, and yet, here you sit, contemplating wheat or white toast.

Luke: Tracy, Tracy, Tracy. I have a plan.

Tracy: Thank God. Are you collaborating with Anna?

Luke: No. Why would I do that? The last thing the police commissioner needs is suggestion from me that she isn't doing her job. No, she has her way. I have mine.

Tracy: And what way is your way?

Luke: Well, we both know that I operate better outside the constraints of the law.

Ava: Are you even listening to me?

Silas: Oh, I'm listening. As usual, I'm trying to make sense of what you're saying.

Ava: It's simple enough. Nakamura is about to name his attempted killer. He could be doing it as we speak.

Silas: Oh, yeah? Then what are you doing here?

Ava: What do you think? I'm warning you. Now, I know this must come as a shock to you, Silas, but you need to act quickly. Detective West just told Julian where Nakamura is being held. He's at the Metro Court. He's in room 617. Silas, if you don't want to spend the rest of your life behind bars, I suggest you get there now.

Silas: At the risk of repeating myself, why?

Ava: To shut him up. This -- this has to end once and for all.

Silas: Why the hell would I want to shut Nakamura up?

Ava: Oh, Silas. I know it was you. I know you tried to kill him before he could tell anyone and that you also tried to kill Nina.

Madeline: What are you doing here?

Sam: Catching the person who murdered Nina. Got to tell you -- I never pegged her own mother.

Madeline: How dare you?

Sam: How dare me? You just waltzed right into our setup, ready to shoot me up full of God knows what.

Madeline: This is a setup? What for?

Sam: I can't believe you didn't realize it. You're acting so surprised. Henry Nakamura is still dead, apparently thanks to you.

Madeline: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Sam: We figured if we spread it around that Nakamura survived, whoever tried to kill him would come finish him off, hence the phony article in the paper.

Madeline: Well, then there must be some kind of mistake.

Sam: Not your smartest move, huh? I wonder where this ranks on the Madeline scale, because on the Sam scale, we're talking negative numbers --

Madeline: Shut up!

Sam: Don't tell me to shut up! And this isn't over. Detective, isn't it time to arrest this bitch?

Nathan: [Sighs] That my mother.

Silas: I had nothing to do with what happened to Nakamura.

Ava: Have I not been a good sport? Have I not done everything in my power to protect you, despite your incessant accusations, which we both know are ludicrous, because you are the guilty party?

Silas: Are you out of your mind?

Ava: Drop the act.

Silas: You're serious? In your mind, you've been operating on the assumption that I'm the one that tried to kill Nina?

Ava: Of course, I have, because you did.

Silas: Why would I ever want to do that?

Ava: You loved me. You wanted her out of the way so we could be together.

Silas: Wow. Oh, Ava. Did we end up together?

Ava: Well, no. But that's only because you pushed me away.

Silas: I never wanted to lay eyes on you again.

Ava: I remember what you said. I remember how you said it. You said that we could never be together because you felt guilty.

Silas: Damn right, I felt guilty. I got you out of my life and went right on hating myself for the next 20 years, because I thought my affair had driven my wife to attempt suicide.

Ava: Suicide?

Silas: I believed Nina tried to take her own life because of me, and I have been crucifying myself for the way I hurt her, but I would never attempt to actually hurt her.

Ava: Wait. Are you -- you saying that you had nothing to do with what happened to Nina?

Silas: Yes.

Ava: And so then when you found out that Nina didn't try to kill thought it was me? Silas, I swear to you -- I swear on Kiki's life -- I never touched Nina.

Silas: If not you, then who?

Sam: What did you just say? What's happening? This -- this woman is your mother?

Madeline: Gold star.

Sam: If you're Madeline's son, then that makes Nina...

Nathan: My sister.

Sam: Oh, my God.

Nathan: All this time -- all this time, I've been trying to put a case together on Silas Clay. I was desperate to put him away for hurting Nina, and the person I should have been going after was you?!

Dante: Britt, come on, you got to talk to me.

Lulu: Please, where is our son?

Britt: Ben's at Elizabeth Webber's.

Lulu: What?!

Dante: No. That's impossible. She was just there. There's no way.

Lulu: I mean, I-I was so upset about Ben, I guess I could have missed something.

Dante: No. No, no. You wouldn't have missed something like that, and Elizabeth would have found a way to tell you.

Britt: Not if my mother didn't leave her a choice.

Dr. Obrecht: I trust you came alone.

Nikolas: No, I travel with an entourage. You okay?

Elizabeth: Great. And I'm always saying how lonely I get here, and now I have a roommate.

Nikolas: Did she hurt you?

Elizabeth: No. No, I'm fine.

Nikolas: What about Ben?

Dr. Obrecht: Resting comfortably, eagerly awaiting his mother.

Elizabeth: And by "mother," she means Britt.

Nikolas: You're telling me Britt knows you're here? No, no, no. There's no way that she would let this happen.

Dr. Obrecht: [Scoffs] Who else is going to raise the child? My mothering days are over.

Nikolas: What the -- what the hell's going on?

Elizabeth: She told Britt to come collect Ben.

Nikolas: And go where? No, sorry, the truth is out, Obrecht. The police are gonna be all over this.

Dr. Obrecht: Oh, they're well out of their jurisdiction. Britta and Ben will go overseas, somewhere lacking in extradition treaties. Dante and Lulu will never touch their child, let alone find him.

Luke: Mmm. This is really good. You want a bite?

Tracy: Oh, I'll pass. That sandwich is synonymous with Heather Webber -- may she stay locked up forever.

Luke: Amen to that.

Tracy: She is one lunatic too many. You know, if a meteor landed on Miscavige and flattened her, I would consider it a gift.

Luke: Speaking of gifts...

Tracy: Were we?

Luke: Mm. We are now. I have procured you a birthday gift to shame all others.

Tracy: My birthday was yesterday.

Luke: Yes, I know that, but you've been so amped up over Lulu's situation, I thought you'd give me hell if I wanted to celebrate.

Tracy: Your grandson is still missing.

Luke: Yes.

Tracy: So why is today different than yesterday?

Luke: Because I love you a little bit more?

Tracy: [Sighs]

Luke: And I would never let the date of your birth go by without a celebration.

Tracy: Where's the gift?

Luke: Well, I don't have it on me.

Tracy: What's the gift?

Luke: What's the fun in that?

Tracy: Give me a clue.

Luke: All right. I'll tell you where I got it.

Tracy: At a yacht store.

Luke: I acquired your birthday gift from Julian Jerome.

Julian: Well, I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy working for me.

Ric: It has nothing to do with being unhappy, Julian. It's just that I've made a lot of mistakes -- mistakes that have kept my family at arm's length. I'm tired of living that way.

Julian: Okay. So you're trying to atone. I assume this is for Sonny's benefit?

Ric: Partly, but mostly for my daughter's. You see, I want to be able to look Molly in the eye and let her know that only one of her parents is in bed with the mob.

Alexis: [Clears throat] I hope I'm not interrupting.

Tracy: When did Julian Jerome go from being the man you swore to protect your nephew Lucas from to the fine purveyor of expensive gifts?

Luke: It was expensive, indeed.

Tracy: Define "it." What is "it"?

Luke: Art! Art is it. Damn! You can suck the joy out of a doughnut.

Tracy: You bought me art from Julian Jerome?

Luke: And his discriminating sister. Where else in this hick town am I gonna get a good piece?

Tracy: They're gangsters, Luke!

Luke: So?

Tracy: "So"? Do you not get that every transaction with them becomes a contribution to their vast criminal enterprise?

Luke: Look --

Tracy: You become an accomplice.

Luke: I bought a piece of art from a mob kingpin. So what? Does that make me a mob kingpin? Come on. Really?

Ric: Well, it looks like you caught us, Alexis. Julian and I were in the middle of a clandestine meeting right here, out in the open, in the gallery that he owns.

Alexis: What is going on here?

Ric: Well, since you asked, I was actually resigning. It's a pleasure to work for you, Julian. I'd be happy to refer any kind of competent attorney.

Julian: I'll keep that in mind.

Ric: Take care.

Alexis: Ric. Did he actually quit?

Julian: You really want to talk about Ric?

Alexis: I...

Julian: Well, 'cause I was hoping that you were here to talk about, uh, what happened between us the night of the engagement party.

Nikolas: Britt would never leave. Her whole life is --

Dr. Obrecht: With you -- the man who threw her into the cold without even a glance back? There's nothing left for Britta in Port Charles -- not since you revealed your utter faithlessness.

Nikolas: Oh, yeah. I see. I'm heartless and unfeeling. How dare I have an issue with her passing my nephew off as her child?

Dr. Obrecht: She would have devoted her whole being to you.

Nikolas: I don't want that kind of devotion.

Dr. Obrecht: You don't deserve it! So cast aside any dreams she would have been waiting by the window for you. [Sighs] My Britta learned the lesson I never could -- no man is worth prostrating yourself for. But there is life after you, Nikolas, and Britta will find it...with her son.

Britt: We need to leave. You know my mother's wondering why I haven't shown up yet.

Dante: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa.

Britt: What?

Dante: What happens if you take us in one direction, and your mother and Ben take off in the other?

Britt: Do you honestly think I would help my mother?

Lulu: Is that honestly a question?

Dante: You know, unfortunately, when it comes to you and your mother, nothing is too unbelievable.

Britt: I don't -- I don't -- I don't know what to do. I don't know how to convince you, but every second we waste here is another second my mother has Ben. I would like to think she wouldn't hurt him, but if she gets the sense I'm double-crossing her --

Lulu: She's right. We can't afford to not check this out.

Dante: I know.

Lulu: Okay. All right. Then let's go.

Dante: No. What are you talking about? You're not going anywhere. You're staying right here.

Ava: How did we get here? So many years wasted, when one conversation could've avoided it all.

Silas: We had that conversation.

Ava: Then why didn't it clear it up?

Silas: Trust wasn't exactly our strong suit back then.

Ava: Do you ever wonder... what might have happened if it was?

Silas: Wondering doesn't do anybody any good. We've moved on.

Ava: Right. [Inhales, exhales deeply] Well, at least we know. At least we know now, right? We know the truth finally. Better late than never, and now we can move on as something other than enemies.

Silas: I can't do anything till I find out what happened to Nina.

Ava: Your answers are at the Metro Court. Silas. I just want to say... good luck.

Silas: Thank you.

Madeline: She is obviously trying to confuse you. You can't prove that I did anything.

Sam: "Prove"? What are you talking about? The proof is right there. What is that, huh? Is it the same stuff that you killed Nakamura with?

Madeline: I didn't do anything to anyone. James...

Sam: "James"? Who is James?

Nathan: If you don't answer her, Forensics will.

Madeline: Why do you listen to her and not to me? She is only trying to --

Sam: Would you cut the crap? Okay, the only reason why you would come here with a needle full of -- of a lethal dose of whatever would be to finish what you started.

Madeline: [Sighs] I didn't start anything. I don't even know what it is you're trying to accuse me of.

Sam: I am talking about you're the one who got Nakamura to fill that prescription, and you are the one who landed Nina in a coma all those years ago.

Madeline: No.

Sam: Yes. I am so sorry.

Nathan: Why did you do it? Why did you drug your own daughter?

Alexis: I'm not ready for Molly to know about us.

Julian: Well, I understand, but at some point...

Alexis: No, it's my job to set a good example. I know that I have not been successful at that, clearly. In fact, I may fail more often than not, but I'm determined to keep trying.

Julian: You know, Molly's no stranger to the life I lead.

Alexis: I know. Neither is her boyfriend, TJ. Remember him? The one that your associate held at gunpoint. So, you see, there's a lot to take into consideration.

Julian: Well, I'd agree, but cat's already out of the bag because Molly and TJ have already been witness to our date.

Alexis: Which is a far cry from Molly walking in and seeing us going at it.

Julian: Hmm.

Alexis: Molly's feelings have to take precedence.

Julian: Okay, but do mine factor in anywhere?

Alexis: Of course, they do.

Julian: Then be honest. Are you telling me that our night was a, um, one-time thing?

Nathan: You tell me why you tried to kill Nina now.

Madeline: I need to make you understand something.

Silas: Are you okay?

Sam: Yeah, I'm okay.

Silas: What the hell is she doing here?

Sam: We thought we were gonna catch Ava. We were wrong. She didn't kill Nakamura or try and kill Nina.

Silas: I figured as much when I ran into Ava at the hospital. It was you.

Sam: She let herself in, armed with this, ready to kill the poor man all over again.

Madeline: Your girlfriend couldn't be more wrong.

Sam: [Scoffs] Clearly, she refuses to admit anything.

Silas: What other explanation is there, other than you came here to silence Nakamura?

Sam: That's what we were thinking.

Silas: You've been covering your own ass by pointing the finger at me!

Sam: Silas, there's even more to it than that.

Silas: I'm afraid to ask.

Sam: Madeline was able to shift the blame to you by using Nathan...her son.

Silas: Her son?

Ava: I didn't expect to see you here.

Morgan: Well, I was worried about you after I left the gallery.

Ava: So you followed me?

Morgan: Yeah. You were upset, and you wouldn't tell me what was going on.

Ava: I asked you to trust me, and you said you would.

Morgan: Well, maybe that was my mistake.

Ava: What does that mean?

Morgan: Come on, Ava. I saw you with Silas. All right? I'm not blind. I could see that you have feelings for that guy. Is that why you were dodging me at the gallery?

Ava: Morgan, please, listen to me.

Morgan: Just tell me! Are you still in love with Silas?

Tracy: So, when do I get to see this "art"?

Luke: It's being framed. It should be ready to be unveiled about the time you have your next board meeting. Now, of course, you can hang it anywhere you like, but I thought it might be nice in your office... or in my office.

Tracy: Your office?

Luke: Yeah, look, this notion came to me a couple of days ago. Why don't I come and work with you at ELQ?

Tracy: My apologies -- the world stopped spinning on its axis for a minute there.

Luke: You're surprised?

Tracy: Oh, a little bit. A little bit. Why would you want to come work at ELQ?

Luke: Well, from where I'm standing, you failed to put your hands on ELQ, which is what we needed after we bled Barrett Industries dry.

Julian: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. If you burned through the company too fast, that's on you, not me.

Luke: You're not listening. I can't keep cobbling together these shell corporations. I need a legitimate, respected company like ELQ, and I need controlling interest in it, which is why I had to propose to Tracy.

Luke: I think the question is, why wouldn't I want in?

Tracy: Maybe because you've never worked an office job one day in your life.

Luke: No, that's not exactly true. I had an office when I was mayor of Port Charles.

Tracy: And, by the way, you think of ELQ as synonymous with "ATM."

Luke: Not true at all. I know it's much more than that. As a matter of fact, back in the day, I helped Laura --

Tracy: Oh, stop. Stop! Stop! I can -- I can smell your schemes a mile away, and that's upwind. You have an agenda, Luke, and I want to know exactly what it is.

Luke: Busted. It's true. I have an ulterior motive.

Dante: You're not going anywhere near Obrecht.

Lulu: She has our son.

Dante: Yeah, and she's armed and dangerous. You go busting into that house, who knows what happens to you or Ben? I'm not taking that chance.

Lulu: It's okay for you to go?

Dante: Yeah, it's -- it's my job.

Lulu: [Scoffs]

Dante: There's procedure for this stuff. I will stick to it.

Lulu: Okay! Just tell me that you're bringing backup.

Dante: Of course, I am bringing backup. Look, I would never, ever put myself or Ben in harm's way.

Lulu: Do you know how hard this is gonna be for me, just sitting here alone? I'm gonna be imagining every worst-case scenario.

Britt: You won't be alone. I'll stay with you.

Dante: The hell you will. You're coming with me.

Nikolas: There's no way Britt is on board with this insanity.

Dr. Obrecht: You underestimate my daughter.

Nikolas: No, that would be you. Assuming that Britt is as callous and as twisted as you are, she's still 10 times the person you will ever be.

Dr. Obrecht: Is that so?

Nikolas: That is so. She would never perpetuate this -- this torture against my sister. She's probably giving you up right now. The only way out is to leave Ben with us and go now.

Dr. Obrecht: You have my best interests at heart, do you?

Nikolas: No. I couldn't care less about you!

Dr. Obrecht: It's interesting how you stand there defending my daughter's honor. Where was all that passion when you so coldly rejected her?

Nikolas: She stole my sister's son!

Dr. Obrecht: Yet she's 10 times the person I am?

Nikolas: Well, that's not saying very much, is it?

Elizabeth: What was Nikolas supposed to do?

Dr. Obrecht: He was supposed to love her, stand by her! Yet he abandoned her, just as all men do. My Britta was wrong to keep you, but I won't make the same mistake.

Elizabeth: You just need --

Dr. Obrecht: Just shut up! Managing two hostages was far too optimistic. One is much more practical.

Elizabeth: No! You can't shoot him.

Dr. Obrecht: Oh, but I can. Not only that -- I will relish it.

Elizabeth: Britt won't. Just think about it for a second. No matter what happened between the two of them, your daughter still loves him. If you kill him, she's gonna be devastated, and she will never forgive you.

Dr. Obrecht: The mongrel nurse is right. She would miss the prince. But she wouldn't miss you.

Lulu: You're taking Britt with you?

Dante: I have no choice. Obrecht's gonna give Ben up to Britt. It's the only way to make sure he doesn't get hurt.

Lulu: Well, then what?

Dante: We make sure Ben is in the clear, and then we neutralize Obrecht.

Britt: "Neutralize" her? How?

Dante: However necessary. Look, Britt, the goal here is for everyone to come back intact. That includes your mother. But I'm gonna need your help.

Britt: I understand.

Dante: Can I trust you to do whatever's asked of you?

Britt: Yes. Anything for Ben.

Dante: Good. Let's go.

Lulu: Dante. Please be careful.

Dante: Always.

Lulu: Okay.

Dante: You get ready. I'm bringing our son home.

Luke: I don't think you realize how much time you spend at ELQ, Tracy, and if we work together there, I could see you more than a couple hours a day.

Tracy: Uh-huh. But you hate work, and you hate offices, so for you to willingly subject yourself... it does come as a shock.

Luke: Then I haven't done a very good job of expressing how I feel. I meant every word I said when I proposed to you. You deserve the whole deal, and I want to give it to you. I can't wait... to be Mr. Tracy Quartermaine.

Alexis: I never said anything about a one-time thing.

Julian: Oh, so that night wasn't an aberration?

Alexis: No.

Julian: You have feelings for me.

Alexis: Yes.

Julian: [Chuckles] So then why are you being so gun-shy?

Alexis: I told you already.

Julian: About Molly. Sure. But, um, why do I get the strong feeling there's more to it than that?

Alexis: Because there is. I broke up with Shawn because of the life that he chose -- because he was working for Sonny -- and then I take up with you? That's hypocritical. I'm a hypocrite. I hate being a hypocrite.

Julian: Can I say something?

Alexis: You don't need permission.

Julian: [Inhales deeply] Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you didn't break up with Shawn because of what he did for a living, but, rather, who he was to you, or more aptly put, who he wasn't? Alexis, maybe, you know -- maybe Shawn wasn't the right guy for you. Maybe I'm not either. But we're never gonna know unless we give it a shot -- I mean, not a half-assed, half-hearted shot -- a real shot. Now, if you're not ready to do that, Alexis -- you know, to dig deep and see what's there between us -- then I'm afraid we have to walk away from each other.

Silas: You're Nina's little brother?

Sam: Did she ever talk about him?

Silas: Yeah. She did. She cared about you a lot.

Nathan: Yeah, the, uh -- the feeling was mutual.

Sam: Did you two ever meet?

Silas: Once or twice. That kid was about yay tall. Madeline would never let you come by our place. Nina always had to see you without me.

Madeline: [Scoffs] You'd already duped my daughter into marrying you. I wasn't about to let you corrupt my son, too.

Silas: Wait a minute. That kid's name wasn't Nathan West.

Nathan: Does James Nathan Reeves ring a bell?

Silas: James.

Nathan: It was one of the reasons that I joined the force was to eventually take up Nina's case. I couldn't have everybody knowing that I was her brother. They'd never let me get anywhere near it. I took on my mother's maiden name and filled out my paperwork as Nathan West.

Silas: That's why this was personal. You were working to avenge your sister.

Nathan: Never knowing that this investigation would lead me to my own mother.

Ava: I had a whole life before I met you, Morgan, and Silas was part of that life, and, yeah, I loved him then.

Morgan: Well, do you love him now?

Ava: He was important to me. He gave me Kiki, so I think a part of me will always love him, but that doesn't mean that I don't love you.

Morgan: As much as you love him? [Scoffs] Well, I guess that's my answer.

Ava: No, it's not. I love you both in different ways and for different reasons. You can understand that, can't you?

Morgan: No, I-I don't know if I can.

Tracy: Well, I will need some time to...consider your brainstorm. In the meanwhile, I'm gonna go back to the office. We are hammering out an acquisition.

Luke: You see? There -- you just proved my point. This time that you spend tonight at the office we could be spending together.

Tracy: That was subtle.

Luke: Well, far be it from me to hold you from your acquisitions. You go do your work, and I'll hold up my end of the deal by paying for this incredible meal.

Tracy: Yes, well, you're half owner of this place.

Luke: Yes, and the price of the meal comes out of my profits.

Tracy: Aww.

Luke: Did you enjoy Prince Nicky's engagement party the other night?

Ric: I had no idea that my happiness was of such concern to you, Luke.

Luke: I'm just saying that you might want to savor your nights out while you can.

Ric: That's not cryptic at all.

Luke: Well, you didn't hear it from me, but your brother is not exactly fond of you...

Ric: [Scoffs]

Luke: ...These days.

Ric: If by "these days," you mean since birth, yes. I am well aware of it.

Luke: Are you aware that he wants you dead? I'm just saying, watch your back. You might want to keep an eye on your front, too.

Alexis: I want to move forward, Julian... with you. Just one step at a time.

Julian: Well, one step. All right. Another step.

Alexis: [Sighs] Just like that.

Julian: Hmm, well, I'll give you whatever you need, Alexis.

Alexis: Thank you. I really appreciate that.

Julian: You, uh -- you ready for the next step?

Ava: If you can't accept Silas in my life, then --

Morgan: Aw, come on. It's -- it's not that, and you know it, all right? Yes, you guys share a daughter. You're connected. That's fine. What's not fine is if you still want him. Do you still want him?

Ava: Morgan...

Morgan: I love you, Ava. I love you.

Ava: I love you.

Morgan: I want to be with you and only you.

Ava: Are you telling me that when you see Kiki out on the street or at Kelly's, you feel nothing?

Morgan: Why -- why are you bringing her up?

Ava: You married her. You were broken when you lost her.

Morgan: So what?

Ava: So Kiki must still have some kind of hold on you.

Morgan: That isn't -- it's not the same thing.

Ava: Isn't it?

Silas: I think you owe us some answers.

Madeline: You turned my daughter against me and my entire family. I don't owe you anything.

Silas: Yeah? What about your son? He loved his sister, dedicated his life to trying to find who -- who hurt her, and this whole time, it's been you.

Nathan: Why? How could you do that to her, to me?

Madeline: I need to make you understand.

Nathan: No, just give me a straight answer! Make me understand! What was so awful about her that you had no choice but to try and get rid of her?!

Madeline: I wasn't trying to get rid of Nina. I was trying to get rid of her baby!

Lulu: [Sighs] [Exhales deeply] It's all gonna be okay. We're gonna be together soon.

Dr. Obrecht: You're right. Killing Nikolas would place more stress on my fragile Britta, but you, you nosy wench --

Nikolas: If you harm one hair on her head, I swear.

Dr. Obrecht: Auf wiedersehen, Elizabeth.

[Knock on door]

Britt: Mother, it's me. Open up. I'm here for Ben.

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