GH Transcript Monday 3/24/14

General Hospital Transcript Monday 3/24/14


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Sam: Sonny.

Sonny: Hey. Silas. You guys having a great time?

Silas: It's a good party.

Sam: Yeah. Actually, I think we're loving it. Um... uh, say, would you happen to know where my mother is? I just -- I feel like I haven't seen her in hours.

Alexis: Julian is meeting with Ric.

Sonny: Which means Jerome is on guard.

Alexis: Great. So how am I supposed to get the truth out of him?

Sonny: You'll figure something out.

Alexis: You must be mistaking me for Mata Hari. How am I supposed to --

Sonny: Alexis, I have faith in you. Well, I haven't seen her in a while, but I'm sure she's just -- you know, she's around here somewhere.

Ric: Well, judging from our recent success, I would say that we make a pretty good team, hmm?

Alexis: Cameron?

Ric: Alexis? What is it? Something wrong?

Alexis: Oh, no. I'm sorry. Hi, Cameron. I just thought you were talking to somebody else.

Ric: [Scoffs] Like who?

Julian: You here? Came as soon as I could. What's going on?

Luke: Soon as you could wasn't soon enough.

Julian: You're the one who summoned me here in the middle of this party that Sonny, Alexis, and half the town are attending. Besides that, I, uh, thought nobody was supposed to know that we've been working together.

Elizabeth: Lulu?

Lulu: Elizabeth, um, what are you doing here?

Elizabeth: I have something to tell you.

Dante: Hey, guys. Uh, Nikolas, you mind if I have a word with Britt alone?

Dr. Obrecht: Wasn't that sweet? An insouciant little kiss from your handsome friend. I hope you enjoyed it, because it was your last.

Brad: What are you talking about?

Dr. Obrecht: You can't kiss without a tongue. And you won't be able to speak the truth, that my Britta's son belongs to Lulu.

Lulu: Elizabeth, what's wrong? What do you have to tell me?

Elizabeth: It's about Ben.

Ric: Alexis, what's going on?

Cameron: Did I do something wrong?

Alexis: Oh, no, honey. No. I was just surprised to see you. That's all.

Ric: Yeah, it seemed like you were expecting somebody else. Who would you think I was talking to?

Alexis: I need to get back to the party. It was so nice to see you, Cameron. I'm sorry for the interruption.

Ric: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second. Listen, if this is about Sam, you've got nothing to worry about, okay? She made it very clear that she doesn't want anything to do with me, and I'm completely fine with that.

Alexis: It is not about Sam.

Ric: Oh, come on. Is it about Molly again? You already told me how opposed you are -- strongly opposed -- to her moving in with me, and I backed off.

Alexis: It is not about Molly.

Ric: Well, then who did you think I was in here with?

Alexis: Julian.

Luke: Let's get something perfectly clear. We don't work together. You work for me. I give you the money. You handle the company exactly the way I want it handled.

Julian: I don't need a refresher course on our chain of command.

Luke: I think you do. I'm not gonna have you screwing up my chance to take Corinthos down once and for all.

Olivia: There you are.

Sonny: Hey.

Olivia: Hey. I guess we're kind of like ships that pass in the night at this party, huh?

Sonny: I'm so so-- I was spending time with Spencer. The kid got his heart broke.

Olivia: Oh, poor thing. I guess I shouldn't find that adorable, should I?

Sonny: First heartache.

Olivia: I'm sure he feels terrible. But trust me. I raised a little boy. He's gonna get his heart broken six ways till Sunday before he even knows how to shave.

Sonny: Kid's resilient. I think I made him feel better.

Olivia: Oh, well, from his Uncle Sonny. I'm sure that's just what he needed. Is that where you've been this whole time?

Sonny: No, well, I had -- yeah. I had other business I had to take care of.

Lucas: [Sighs]

Tracy: Oh, Lucas. I've been looking for Luke. Have you seen your uncle?

Lucas: No, I haven't. Maybe he's with Lulu. I can't find her anywhere, even though weird Dr. Obrecht told me she was looking for me.

Dr. Obrecht: Isn't it beautiful? It belonged to Helena Cassadine, a wonderful woman. Such drive and dedication to her family.

Brad: How did you get it?

Dr. Obrecht: Let's just say that the Cassadines and I go way back. Helena would often brandish this blade to protect her loved ones. And she taught me everything she knew.

Britt: Um, is everything okay? I mean, I hope I didn't upset you or Lulu.

Dante: Uh, no. This actually has nothing to do with you. It's about, uh, Lulu's relationship with Ben.

Lulu: Ben? What do you have to -- wait, is this about the DNA test?

Elizabeth: Oh --

Lulu: No, look, I know that you think that Britt knew that Dante was the father the whole time, but she said that she didn't, okay. She said that it was her crazy mother's idea. It's not that hard to believe, given all of the crazy things that Dr. Obrecht has been involved with. And, honestly, there has been no evidence to suggest otherwise.

Elizabeth: Honey, you don't understand.

Lulu: Look, I know that you don't trust Britt. Look, part of me doesn't either. But for Ben's sake, Dante and I have decided to take Britt at her word.

Elizabeth: But you don't have to. Britt absolutely knew from the very beginning that Dante was the father.

Lulu: Why would you say that?

Elizabeth: I have proof.

Brad: You know, even if you cut my tongue out, you -- it won't necessarily keep me quiet. I can still write, type, whatever. N-not that I would! Because I see now how important it is to keep Britt's secret.

Dr. Obrecht: Really? Because you seemed quite eager a few moments ago when you were confiding in your handsome boyfriend.

Brad: T-that was before! You're very, very convincing. And I really like my tongue, so let's just make a deal, okay? You d-don't cut it out, and I won't tell anyone Ben is Lulu's son. See? Y-you don't need to do this. It's not like it's gonna help you.

Dr. Obrecht: Mm. I suppose that's true. Not to mention the mess it will make, and I quite like this dress.

Brad: [Sighs] Thank God.

Dr. Obrecht: This problem needs a more permanent solution!

Brad: [Gasps]

Ric: Why would you think I was meeting with Julian?

Alexis: You are his lawyer, aren't you?

Ric: Yes, because you asked me to be. Look, you approached me, and you wanted me to defend Julian because of a conflict of interest. And I did so as a favor in the spirit of cooperation and mutual coexistence. But now I'm starting to think that maybe you're just trying to set me up.

Alexis: By giving you a client referral? That's just silly.

Ric: Not really. Look, you're less than thrilled that I came back to Port Charles. As a matter of fact, you'd probably be jumping for joy if I jumped the next plane to LA.

Alexis: I didn't realize I get a vote.

Ric: You don't, really. And I know that frustrates you beyond belief. You know, these control issues that you've struggled with for so long, they don't appear to have improved.

Alexis: Granted, I asked you to represent Julian, but I am starting to get the impression that there is a little more to this relationship than just that.

Ric: What gave you that impression?

Olivia: I am so glad that we have this little grandson in our life, but I got to say... I think this is really tough on Lulu. You know, I know she's trying to cope, but from what Dante's said, she's losing her mind over this.

Sonny: She came by a couple days after we found out about Ben, and she -- and we talked. You know, she's got to adjust. But she's doing fine.

Olivia: I think this is a bigger adjustment for her than any of us realize. You know, Dante's worried. And I'm worried, too. I-I... Sonny, what is wrong with you?

Sonny: What? I'm enjoying the party.

Olivia: Yeah, sure you are. There's been something up with you all night. I assume it's got something to do with Julian, right?

[Cell phone rings]

Olivia: I got to take this. Sorry. I'm just gonna leave you to deal with whatever it is that's going down.

Julian: I have been working, along with my entire organization, to take Sonny down over the last year.

Luke: And yet everything seems to be fine with Corinthos. He still has his coffee business, his stronghold in the northeast, laundering his money. In this entire year that you and your organization have been taking him down, it hasn't affected him at all.

Julian: Well, I'm working on that. Sonny has taken some hard hits recently, thanks to me.

Luke: Not hard enough. Are you dragging your feet, or are you just incompetent?

Julian: Okay, Sonny has built up his territory over the last 20 years. So it's gonna take some time to dismantle something that big. Especially when we have to cover our tracks, so he doesn't know that I've been targeting him.

Luke: But he knows now, doesn't he?

Julian: He still doesn't know about you.

Luke: No, and he won't until it's too late, which at this rate is going to be never. Especially since you botched the effort to get ELQ.

Julian: Well, technically that was Ava.

Luke: Oh, it was Ava's fault. Oh, I see. Well, from where I'm standing, you failed to put your hands on ELQ, which is what we needed after we bled Barrett Industries dry.

Julian: Whoa, whoa, whoa. If you burn through the company too fast, that's on you, not me.

Luke: You're not listening. I can't keep cobbling together these shell corporations. I need a legitimate respected company like ELQ, and I need controlling interest in it. Which is why I had to propose to Tracy.

Nikolas: Excuse me.

Lucas: [Clears throat]

Tracy: So, Obrecht told you that Lulu was looking for you?

Lucas: Yeah. Have you seen her?

Tracy: Yeah, I just spent an hour with her upstairs.

Lucas: Oh, she's still up there.

Tracy: Yeah, but wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Lulu never said anything about needing to see you, and we definitely did not run into that psychopath Dr. Obrecht.

Lucas: That's weird.

Tracy: It is weird, and I think she's lying to you.

Lucas: Yeah, I think so, too. The question is why.

Brad: [Grunts]

Dr. Obrecht: Quite a remarkable view. You can see the whole city from here.

Brad: Uh-huh. Sure can.

Dr. Obrecht: Have you ever heard of a woman named Katherine Bell?

Brad: Mnh-mnh.

Dr. Obrecht: Tragic story. Katherine was attending a party here to announce her engagement, I believe -- a very elaborate occasion called the Bacchanalia Ball. She was engaged to marry the prince's Uncle Stefan. And something happened. No one's entirely sure what led up to it. But the results are indisputable. Katherine Bell took quite a tumble when she backed up against something that quite simply... collapsed.

Brad: T-the banister collapsed?

Dr. Obrecht: Please, Mr. Cooper. It's a parapet, not a banister.

Brad: Sorry. I-I don't hang around old castles.

Dr. Obrecht: But yes. Katherine fell off the turret. She should have died. But she survived because Helena administered experimental drugs to her -- drugs developed by me, of course. That was the beginning of my long-standing tradition of convalescing those close to Helena.

Brad: So she was... okay.

Dr. Obrecht: Of course. Thanks to my drug regimen, she made a full recovery. That time.

Brad: That...time?

Dr. Obrecht: Alas, there were no drugs to save poor Katherine the second time she fell, though I suppose it would be more accurate to say she was... pushed.

Lulu: What is that?

Elizabeth: It's a letter Britt wrote.

Lulu: To whom?

Elizabeth: To you.

Lulu: I don't understand. How did you get it? Is that a Nurses' Ball flier?

Elizabeth: Yeah, that's a long story. But this letter Britt wrote, I don't think she ever intended on giving it to you.

Lulu: And this letter says that Britt knew all along that Ben was Dante's son?

Elizabeth: And so much more. It says she knew all along that Ben was your son.

Sam: Nikolas, hey. I wanted to congratulate you again on the engagement.

Nikolas: Oh, thank you. I'm glad the two of you could come.

Silas: Well, it's quite a party.

Nikolas: I hope you're enjoying yourselves.

Sam: Of course. Yes.

Silas: Yeah. Sam just gave me a wonderful tour of the grounds. I mean, it's breathtaking. Really. Especially your stables.

Sam: [Chuckles]

Nikolas: The stables? Really?

Sam: Yeah.

Nikolas: There's not much to see there.

Silas: No, on the contrary. They were quite stimulating.

Sam: What he means to say is beautiful. The grounds are beautiful.

Silas: Very beautiful.

Nikolas: W-well, thank you. As you know, there are plenty of places to see here at Wyndemere. Before you leave, be sure to take in the view from the turret. It's quite nice.

Silas: Yeah.

Brad: Hey! Hey! There's no problem! I said I won't tell anyone what I know!

Dr. Obrecht: Your will is weak. I must guarantee you do not change your mind yet again.

Brad: I won't. I won't. I-I really, really won't.

Dr. Obrecht: I promised my daughter I would keep her secret safe. This is finally a chance for us to have a real relationship, to have our happy endings. There is nothing I wouldn't do to prevent you from ruining that.

Brad: Yeah, but it's not like you could just kill me, right?

Dr. Obrecht: Actually, it's a lot like that.

Brad: [Sighs] Aah!

Dr. Obrecht: [Chuckles]

Tracy: What do you know about Dr. Liesl Obrecht?

Lucas: I know that she's the one who helped Britt get pregnant with what turned out to be Dante's son, and she's the chief of staff at the hospital, which seems bizarre to me, considering she's a known criminal.

Tracy: Isn't that the truth? You'd think Nikolas would have the good sense not to invite her, even though she is the mother of the bride. And now she's lying about Lulu? I don't like it.

Lucas: I don't either. I have to get back up to the turret. Dr. Obrecht obviously wanted to get Brad alone for some reason, and I've got to find out why.

Tracy: Good luck.

Lucas: Thank you.

Tracy: Now if I could just find Luke.

Luke: Putting that ring on Tracy's finger has severely inhibited my freedom... my good times. I mean, there's a lot of hot women out there who need my attention. It's a real pain in the ass not to be able to give it to them. Especially like this, uh... bride-to-be. Or your little niece. [Chuckles] I don't know where Kiki got her genes, Jules, but it sure as hell wasn't from you.

Julian: If you say so. Now, as scintillating as it is to hear about your conquests, personally, I only care about one woman, so if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get back to my date.

Luke: Yeah, about that. You are here to perform a service for me, Julian. Now, if you want to look into your lost loves or bond with the little kiddies you didn't know you had, you do it on your own time. If I find out that I'm paying you to take care of your family crap instead of my business, we are gonna have problems.

Julian: Okay, so far, all I have heard is complaints. Now, do you want to tell me what was so important that you had to drag me away from the party?

Luke: I'm growing weary of this war. We need a course correction.

Julian: All right.

Luke: We need to up the ante.

Julian: How do you propose to do that?

Luke: Don't you know me well enough to know? I always have a plan.

Alexis: I saw you and Julian talking to each other from across the room tonight.

Ric: And?

Alexis: And it looked like more than just a friendly conversation.

Ric: And what? What, are you trying to catch me doing something illegal so that you can run to Molly? Who are you to question my affiliation with Julian? You're dating the guy! I'm only working for him. I am repping his gallery.

Alexis: Well, I don't know, Ric. Maybe it's because of all the unsavory associates that you had over the years.

Ric: [Sighs]

Alexis: So when I overhear you gloating to someone about your recent success and what a great team you make, I'm naturally gonna assume the worst.

Ric: Are you out of your mind? I was talking to Cameron about his rivalry with Spencer Cassadine over Emma Drake, which is clearly a much more mature conversation than what we're having right now.

Alexis: Well, that's not the way I heard it.

Ric: Look, even if I was talking to Julian, what does that prove? I am representing the man's legitimate business interests, much like you do with Sonny. So you know what? Let's -- let's just stop dancing around here just for a minute. Why don't you tell me exactly -- what do you think is going on with Julian and me?

Dante: I just wanted to talk to you about Lulu and Ben.

Britt: What do you mean?

Dante: Well, I don't know if you know, but, uh...Lulu feels on the outside when it comes to raising Ben.

Britt: Well, I mean, she's in a rough position, one that I never intended to put either of you in.

Dante: And yet here we are. Lulu can't have a child of her own, and now she has to deal with the fact that I have a child with you, and it's a lot for her to deal with, maybe too much.

Britt: I'll do anything I can to make it easier for her. And for the record, I am completely comfortable with her being a part of Ben's life. I mean, Lulu would make a great mom, and Ben is lucky to have her as a stepmom. And as I told Lulu, she can spend time with Ben whenever she wants.

Dante: Yeah, I heard, and I appreciate that. Unfortunately, I think spending time with Ben is making it more difficult for Lulu. I mean, earlier when I went upstairs to visit him, she didn't even want to go.

Britt: Well, when I went to get Ben, she was with him.

Lulu: Elizabeth, you're not making any sense.

Elizabeth: Lulu, I am telling you that Ben is your son.

Lulu: No. Elizabeth, I know very well that Ben is not my baby. I might be struggling with that in my heart, but I am not so far gone to not be able to see the truth. Ben is Dante's. He isn't mine.

Elizabeth: Yes, he is. Read this letter.

Lulu: No, I don't need to read anything, okay? I know what happened. Britt used Dante's sample to conceive Ben. That beautiful little boy has nothing to do with me.

Elizabeth: She did not use his sample. She stole your frozen embryos and had her mother implant them into her. Lulu... Britt is not Ben's mother. You are.

Lulu: No. I'm sorry. That's not true. I can't have a child. Ellie accidentally ordered my embryos to be destroyed, okay. I lost my last chance.

Elizabeth: I know that's what you were told. But it was a lie. Your embryos were never destroyed. They were stolen. Read the letter.

Lulu: Oh, my God. It's true. It's true. He really is mine. Ben is my son. [Chuckles]

Dante: Lulu was upstairs with Ben? Really? 'Cause she made it seem like she, uh, she wanted to keep her distance.

Britt: Didn't look that way to me. She and Tracy were practically cooing over him.

Dante: Well, I... you know, I must have read her wrong. I'm sorry for taking you away from Nikolas.

Britt: It's okay.

Dante: No, no. I shouldn't have brought it up. It's your special night. It's just hard, you know.

Britt: I know.

Dante: Hey, little man. I just want you to know no matter how messy this may get, I'm so happy you came into my life.

Dr. Obrecht: But with so many mishaps, I wonder why no one has blocked access to the parapet. Hmm. Then again, it has its uses.

Brad: [Groans]

Dr. Obrecht: [Sighs] Stop whining.

Brad: [Grunts] You tried to kill me.

Dr. Obrecht: Don't be ridiculous.

Brad: No. No, y-you pushed me after that story about that woman who died.

Dr. Obrecht: I knew the hay would cushion your fall.

Brad: How could you know that?!

Dr. Obrecht: The probability was good.

Brad: [Coughs]

Dr. Obrecht: I believe I made my point, haven't I? Because the next time you threaten to open your mouth to Lulu or that attractive date of yours, I won't be so generous.

Brad: [Grunts]

Lucas: Brad.

Sam: Danny can't wait to meet his, um...okay, so it would be, uh...his cousin, right? Ben?

Silas: Close enough.

Nikolas: Yeah. Yeah, and we should, uh, set up a play date, maybe next week.

Sam: Yeah, that sounds great. Danny loves babies.

Silas: You looking for someone?

Nikolas: Yeah, I was just -- I was wondering what happened to Elizabeth. I-I don't see her anywhere.

Sam: I don't know. I haven't seen her in a while either. I... I haven't seen her date.

Nikolas: Yeah. You know she came with Ric, right?

Sam: Yes, I do. And I can't believe she's getting involved with that guy again. I know Elizabeth and I have had our differences, but... I wouldn't wish Ric on anyone.

Nikolas: Neither would I.

Ric: Oh, you're just in time. Your lawyer here was just grilling me on my involvement with Julian Jerome.

Sonny: Mm.

Ric: Oh. But then you knew that, didn't you? You sicced her on me.

Alexis: Now, see, you're just being paranoid.

Sonny: I hate to break it to you, Ric, but I don't care enough to keep tabs on you.

Ric: I'm sure that that was the case when I was on the other coast -- out of sight, out of mind.

Sonny: Right.

Ric: I could do whatever I was doing as long as I wasn't doing it here in Port Charles.

Sonny: Pretty much.

Ric: Yeah. You know what? My time away has given me some much-needed perspective on you, Sonny. Now, whether I was trying to destroy you or I was trying to prove myself to you, either way, it didn't matter. Because all I kept doing was giving you the power, and I know you don't mind it because, you know, power comes your way.

Sonny: Why would I want power over something or someone that doesn't matter to me?

Ric: Five years ago, I was running around in circles, trying to make everything that I did about you. And what happened was I realized that nothing I did lasted in any kind of really actionable way.

Sonny: Okay, you know what? Don't be so modest, because everything that you pulled still resonates, Ric. Do you understand what I'm saying?

Ric: I realize, Sonny, that there was no way that I was gonna change you, so I had to change myself.

Sonny: But you don't seem that different to me.

Ric: Okay, fine. You know what? Let me demonstrate for you. I am working for Julian Jerome as his attorney. I briefly -- I briefly, briefly represented him when he was accused of shooting AJ Quartermaine. And I am currently representing him in his art gallery, which he owns with his sister.

Sonny: Oh, okay. So you -- you have changed because you -- I never knew you were interested in art. You were always interested in criminal law.

Ric: Well, you know, the interesting thing about contracts is they're very black-and white.

Sonny: Okay, so you admit, Ric... that's what you're doing for Julian. You're just drawing up contracts.

Ric: I am providing legal counsel for Julian Jerome, much like Alexis does for you, okay? So let's cut to the chase. I am not in any way working with Julian to bring you down.

Sonny: Why should I believe you?

Ric: Because I am trying to put this bad blood between the two of us behind me, okay? So if somebody is trying to help Julian take you down... it's not me.

Julian: That is a, uh... that's a bold move. You're absolutely sure about this?

Luke: Yes. It's our edge over Corinthos. It's one line he won't cross.

Julian: What about you? You have no problem crossing this line?

Luke: No. I'll do whatever I have to to get what I want.

Tracy: Luke? What's going on here?

Sonny: You know what, Ric? I want to believe you. But every time I've tried in the past for our mother's benefit, you always stab me in the back.

Ric: Okay, so it's the same story with you over and over and over again. Fine. Nothing ever changes.

Sonny: You see?

Ric: Hey, Cameron, you want to go get some dessert early?

Cameron: Can we?

Ric: Yes, sir. We can. Come on. [Sighs]

Sonny: What the hell's wrong with you? You were supposed to be working with -- with Julian, not accusing Ric.

Alexis: I was looking for Julian, and I heard Ric talking to someone. How am I supposed to know he was buddying up to Cameron?

Sonny: You don't know the difference between a conversation with a child and a conversation with a gangster?

Alexis: In my experience, it's often very similar. In any case, he wasn't meeting with Julian.

Sonny: Not tonight. You messed up. This proves nothing.

Alexis: There was a text, right?

Sonny: Right.

Alexis: A-and it certainly seems like that text came from this mysterious partner. And if I'm right, then the partner isn't Ric.

Luke: Tracy, what are you doing out here?

Tracy: Looking for you, of course. I saw you get into it with Nikolas earlier. What the heck did you say to him?

Luke: So much for keeping the peace. I just thought I'd come out here and smoke a cigar to cool off. Rather than muck up the royal highness' soiree.

Tracy: Yeah? So what are you doing with him?

Sonny: I hope to hell that you're right about Ric, because if he really is in bed with Julian, he's warning him right now, and I'm gonna lose the element of surprise.

Alexis: You don't like the way I deliver, get somebody else to do your dirty work.

Sonny: You know why I asked you to do this. Right? Because ever since Julian's come to town, he's been after me. Now I find out that he's working with somebody, giving them money, calling the shots. I have to prove that it's Ric. If not, I got to eliminate him, right? Or I got to find who Julian's secret partner is.

Alexis: Either way, you've got plenty of people on your payroll to do your dirty work, like I said. Let them be your spy. Maybe they won't mess up.

Luke: This lowlife crashed my party of one.

Julian: Okay, you know what? We are both invited guests, so I have every right to be here as much as you do, thank you.

Luke: Don't test me.

Tracy: Y-you know what, gentlemen? The invitation was to the engagement party. That is happening up at the main house, not here in the stables.

Luke: Yes, but you see little Nicky gets all surly if I smoke in his living room.

Tracy: Okay, Luke, well, that explains the setting -- you came down for a cigar. But I heard you say you would do whatever it takes to get what you want. What was that all about?

Luke: It was about him. This sorry excuse happens to be my nephew Lucas' father. In blood only. I was just putting him on notice. You do right by Bobbie's kid, or you answer to me.

Lucas: Are you okay? I went back up to the turret, and I saw the two of you down here. What are you doing on the ground?

Dr. Obrecht: I feel Mr. Cooper has had one too many drinks this evening. He suffered a dizzy spell on the parapet.

Lucas: Is that it?

Brad: Yeah. T-that's it. Uh, you know me. Always trying to be the life of the party. Between the first-class liquor and the height, I had a flash of vertigo.

Dr. Obrecht: I walked Mr. Cooper down here for some fresh air, and he lost his balance.

Brad: Yeah. I guess I should slow down.

Lucas: Yeah.

Brad: [Groans] Son of a bitch.

Lucas: Brad, are you sure you're all right?

Brad: Yeah. I must have fallen on a rock or something.

Dr. Obrecht: Did you ever find Lulu?

Lucas: No, but I did speak to Tracy Quartermaine, and according to her, Lulu was never looking for me.

Dr. Obrecht: Hmm. Must have been my mistake. You Americans have such terrible diction, it's difficult to understand you.

Lucas: Brad, I --

Dr. Obrecht: He's fine. Trust me. I'm a doctor. Come. Shall we head back to the party?

Dante: Just gonna take some time, you know, to figure out how to make this bizarrely blended family work, but we will, all right? For your sake, buddy, okay?

Nikolas: Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation here, but the cook has made it very clear that dinner needs to be served soon, so I should probably make the toast, right?

Britt: Oh.

Dante: Yeah, no. She's all yours. Uh, and congratulations again.

Nikolas: Thank you.

Dante: Lulu and I are both really happy for you both.

Nikolas: Well, Britt's, uh, given me everything I want, and now I want to make sure she has everything she wants.

Olivia: We'll let you guys get to it.

Dante: Okay.

Nikolas: Thank you.

Olivia: Hey. Where you going? I thought, uh, Nikolas said he was ready to make his toast.

Dante: Yeah, uh, Britt just said that Lulu was upstairs in the bedroom earlier. I just want to see if she's still there. I want to check and make sure she's okay.

Olivia: Honey, I know that this is tough on you, and I know it's tough on Lulu, and I know you. I know you want to swoop in, and I know you want to save the day and make this all right. But I think maybe Lulu just needs a minute to herself right now.

Lulu: I can't believe it. I thought that I was going crazy because I felt this really strong connection with Ben. I thought it was because I couldn't give Dante a child of our own, but I wasn't going crazy. I felt a connection with Ben because... I'm his mother.

Elizabeth: I know. You are.

Lulu: Oh, my God. Thank you.

Elizabeth: You don't have to thank me.

Lulu: Yes, I do, and I'm gonna figure out how later. Right now, there's something that I need to do.

Elizabeth: Okay, w-w-what are you gonna do with that? What are you gonna do?

Lulu: I'm gonna go get my son.

Tracy: Well, Luke, I think you made your point. I don't think he's gonna cross you, so could we get away from this lowlife now, please? Party's half over, and I've hardly seen you all night.

Luke: Okay. Let's do it. Oh. Oh, damn it.

Tracy: What?

Luke: I think I left -- I think I've dropped my lighter. Geez, it's cold down here. You must be freezing.

Tracy: I am.

Luke: Go on up to the house, and I'll just grab it and be right with you, and then I'm yours for the rest of the night.

Tracy: Okay.

Luke: [Sighs]

Julian: [Clapping] That was -- that was very nice, although can you leave my son out of it next time, please?

Luke: What do you want? I told her the truth.

Julian: Oh, I see. So you told her that you were using her to get to Sonny. Gee, I must have missed that one.

Luke: Remember this, Julian. I don't give a crap about your family dynamics. You can have a lovely family reunion. You can cut them all loose. It means nothing to me. All I care about are results. Are we clear about that?

Julian: Yes.

Luke: Let's get the hell out of here, shall we?

Julian: [Sighs]

[Horses whinnying]

Sonny: You know what? Alexis -- great lawyer, but she does not know how to be a spy, so she gave Ric everything, all right? Now I got to figure out where Julian ran off to. No, because I didn't...

Tracy: Sorry. Didn't mean to eavesdrop.

Sonny: Can I call you back? Yeah. All right. I thought eavesdropping was part of the deal with the Quartermaines.

Tracy: Yes, well, we tend to eavesdrop on each other or people that might have information we find interesting or useful. However, I am not at all interested in mob politics. Therefore, I have no reason to eavesdrop on you.

Sonny: Really? 'Cause you used to be up to your neck in mob politics. Gino Soleito, Anthony Zacchara. May they rest in peace.

Tracy: I actually think they are probably burning in hell, not that I care. Men like that... men like you tend to vastly overestimate themselves.

Sonny: You think?

Tracy: I think that you confuse brutality for power and cunning for intelligence, and you do all right for a while. And then one day, along comes somebody younger and hungrier and more brutal and more cunning, and then you die the way you lived.

Sonny: So, you think somebody's coming after me?

Tracy: You know, Sonny, I think you have lasted longer than most, and, in fact, with some flashes of brilliance. But in the end, you're nothing more than a charismatic thug with dimples.

Sonny: Well, I never knew you noticed.

Tracy: Some people find you charming. I don't. Oh. I did hear you say you were looking for Jerome. I think he's down at the stables.

Sonny: Stables?

Tracy: I just saw him there with Luke.

Alexis: There you are. I've been looking all over for you. Where you been?

Julian: Uh...

[Glass clinks]

Nikolas: First off, uh, I want to thank you all for coming to celebrate the fact that this amazing woman has somehow, I don't know, agreed to marry me.


Nikolas: I know I'm kind quite impressed myself. Um, you're all here because you're obviously important to us, although in many different ways. Individually, you've helped us through some not-so-happy times. I'll just say that. But just as Britt and I found each other and made ourselves whole, you've come here tonight to celebrate with us and complete our happiness.

Britt: [Chuckles]

Ric: Hey.

Elizabeth: Hey.

Ric: They said you were up here.

Elizabeth: Where's Cameron?

Ric: Don't worry. He's okay. He's, uh, spoiling his dinner with Alfred.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

Ric: Did you find Lulu?

Elizabeth: I did. And I told her everything. She finally knows the truth about her son.

Nikolas: It was important to us that we gather our friends and family here tonight to mark the beginning of our new lives together. Um, you've all helped make us the people we are today. You've helped shape our lives into what is now coming together as one. And as I look around this room, I'm -- I'm so grateful for the home that Britt and I have found together here in Port Charles. So -- so thank you for allowing us into your lives, into your hearts, and into your homes as I welcome Britt into mine. Hear, hear.


Nikolas: Oh, and Ben, too. Ben, too. Can't forget about Ben.

Lulu: Let him go! Get your hands off of my son.

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