General Hospital Transcript Monday 1/20/14
Provided By Suzanne
Felix: Here. Let me get those.
Sabrina: I'm perfectly capable of carrying some charts.
Felix: Under normal circumstances, but in your condition --
Sabrina: Felix, I'm fine.
Felix: Maybe you are, but I'm not. Will you please stop giving me the silent treatment?
Sabrina: Look, I've been busy.
Felix: Yeah, busy avoiding me. You're upset that I told Patrick you're pregnant.
Sabrina: Could you keep it down?
Felix: I get it. It's not my place.
Sabrina: Thank you.
Felix: But I still maintain Patrick had the right to know. After all, it is his baby you're carrying.
Lucas: Sam?
Sam: Yeah?
Lucas: Hey, it's me. Lucas. Jones.
Sam: Lucas. Hi.
Lucas: Yeah, I know, this is awkward, isn't it? Do we -- do we hug? Not hug? What do long-lost, just-found-out-they're-related siblings do?
Silas: Hi.
Kiki: Oh, hi.
Silas: I catch you at a bad time?
Kiki: Not at all. You want to come in?
Silas: Yeah?
Kiki: Yeah.
Silas: Okay, thank you.
Kiki: [Chuckles] Sorry. I got a late start on my morning.
Silas: That looks good.
Kiki: Oh, it's amazing. You want some? I pour a mean bowl of cereal.
Silas: You probably get that from me. I'm sorry. It's probably a little soon for comments like that, isn't it?
Kiki: No, it's okay. What's up?
Silas: There's something I want to talk to you about.
Kiki: Okay.
Silas: I want you to hear this from me.
Kiki: What's it about?
Silas: My wife.
Monica: [Sighs]
Tracy: You're welcome.
Monica: Oh, if you are referring to having saved me the paper, I never saw it.
Tracy: Well, actually, that makes two of us. I'm reduced to reading the news online. I was referring to the raccoon that has taken up residence in the boathouse.
Monica: Oh, that thing that is driving me crazy with the racket?
Tracy: No, I was referring to the silent, invisible one.
Monica: So, you are taking care of it?
Tracy: Well, not quite. Actually, Luke is down at the boathouse, ridding us of that rodent, even as we speak.
Luke: All right, you little bandits. Let's see what Spanky's so riled up about. Oh, what the hell?
Carly: [Muffled] Luke! Luke!
Luke: Caroline?
Scott: All right, you want a warrant? You got it! Go out, grab Franco.
Anna: We'll find him, Michael. I promise, we will bring Franco in and he will be punished for whatever happened to your mother.
Carly: Oh, thank God you're here.
Luke: You're all right. You're gonna be okay.
Felix: Dr. Drake, Dr. Scorpio-drake, uh, we didn't see you standing there.
Patrick: Yeah, sorry to interrupt. I mean that.
Sabrina: Are you, um, are you starting back to work here at the hospital?
Robin: That remains to be seen.
Patrick: Actually, we're here for a board meeting. I'm pretty sure they're gonna offer Robin the new chief-of-staff position.
Robin: No pressure or anything.
Patrick: Anyway, we're gonna go check out the new coffee kiosk on 3 before the meeting if you guys want to join us.
Sabrina: Oh, I'm actually sticking to tea these days. Thanks.
Patrick: All right.
Robin: How are you feeling?
Sabrina: I'm okay. Definitely better than a week ago. I think the morning sickness has definitely died off.
Robin: That's good. I remember how debilitating it can be.
Sabrina: Thanks for asking.
Robin: Of course.
Patrick: If you need anything, obviously, let me know.
Sabrina: I appreciate that.
Patrick: Okay. I'll see you.
Felix: Wait, hold up, doc. Is that all you got to say? "You want some coffee? Catch you later"?
Patrick: What would you like me to say.
Felix: Well, you could acknowledge that Sabrina's having a baby.
Patrick: I thought I just did that.
Felix: Yeah, in a mildly-concerned-acquaintance kind of way.
Sabrina: Felix, it's fine. I already told Patrick that he -- he doesn't have to worry about me. Carlos and I have everything under control.
Felix: What's Carlos got to do with any of this?
Patrick: Quite a bit, as he's the father of the baby.
Kiki: Wow. Wow. You married Sam. Congratulations.
Silas: We didn't get married.
Kiki: Okay. Okay. Well, I was gonna say you work a little fast, but --
Silas: Sam's not my wife.
Kiki: But you have one? What -- wait, so you're -- you're dating Sam, but you're married to someone else?
Silas: It's complicated.
Kiki: I'll say.
Silas: Now that I think about it, I'd really like a bowl of cereal.
Kiki: Of course, yeah. Sit down.
Silas: Thanks.
Kiki: I'm sorry, but does Sam know about this?
Silas: Sam knows everything. And now you will, too.
Sam: It's so good to see you. I feel like I'm acting really strange, though. I'm sorry. I just wasn't expecting to see you. I thought you were in Seattle.
Lucas: Oh, no, I just got back. With Carly missing, I wanted to be here for my mom.
Sam: Yeah, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister.
Lucas: Thanks.
Sam: How's Bobbie?
Lucas: Not great. Pretty sure she hasn't eaten in days. But I'm here to get her food, actually. And I'm happy now, 'cause I get to run into you.
Sam: Yeah.
Lucas: Yeah, hey, I don't know what your schedule's like, but I would love to hang out while I'm home. You know, get to know my other sister.
Sam: Danny and -- my --
Lucas: Yeah, maybe my nephew.
Sam: That'd be great. Yeah, sure. Give me a call. Any time. That'd be great.
Lucas: Great.
Sam: I-I-I got to go. But it's good to see you. I'll talk to you soon, yeah?
Lucas: Yeah.
Sam: Okay.
Lucas: Hey, Sam. I get it. We don't even know each other, and then all of a sudden, it turns out we share the same biological father. But just because Julian Jerome is dead doesn't mean we can't have a relationship. Right?
Scott: Robert frank, aka Franco.
Michael: Look, Franco is all about gains, okay? Setting traps, leaving a trail.
Anna: Yeah, I know. I've read his file. I know.
Michael: And, look, just because my mother's blood is on that knife doesn't mean that, uh, doesn't mean that she's dead. Okay? He could be hiding her somewhere. He's kidnapped her once before, and Lulu and Sam and --
Anna: Okay. Now that we have a warrant for Franco's arrest, we will go out there, bring him into custody, and then we will start questioning him. That's gonna speed up the investigation, all right? And, off the record, I am very grateful for you for applying the necessary pressure the way you did.
Michael: Yeah. Hey, you can thank me by finding my mom.
Anna: I'll do everything in my power.
Michael: Okay. How long is the warrant gonna take?
Anna: Not long. As soon as the paperwork's ready, I just sign it and we will go out there, find Franco, and bring him in.
Monica: You sent Luke to the boathouse?
Tracy: Do you have a problem with that?
Monica: Well, it's just I never thought of him as being a wildlife expert.
Tracy: Well, you're right. He much prefers scamming suckers to wrangling raccoons, but your son was no help, and it turns out Alice is deathly afraid of rodents.
Monica: [Laughs] You're kidding! She is?
Tracy: She allows oversized humans to sit on her, but she will not corral a small mammal.
Monica: Well, so, that leaves Luke.
Tracy: Mm-hmm. He graciously volunteered, and I would be willing to bet that he is going toe-to-toe with that critter right now.
Carly: How did you find me?
Luke: By accident. I'm on raccoon patrol. You're okay, right?
Carly: Yeah, I'm going to be okay. Yeah.
Luke: Yeah, well, your mother's been freaking out.
Carly: You got to get these off of me, okay? We got to get out of here.
Luke: I know. I know. Who did this to you? Franco?
Carly: No. No, it wasn't Franco. I know everyone thinks it was.
Luke: Yeah, he's the number-one suspect.
Carly: It wasn't him. It wasn't him.
Luke: Damn, these knots are as tight as fort Knox.
Carly: Come on! We got to get out of here. She'll be back any minute.
Luke: I know, but -- she? Who's she? Who did this to you?
Carly: Heather Webber, and she's crazy.
Heather: Someone mention my name?
Heather: Luke Spencer, as I live and breathe. It's been a long time.
Luke: Not long enough.
Heather: Oh, come on. Don't be that way. I prayed for you. It sounded like you were gonna bite the polonium-laced dust, but here you are to live another day and throw a wrench in my plans. Or should I say golf club?
Luke: This is a nasty habit you got, Heather. Typing people up in abandoned shacks.
Heather: This is a palace compared to the garden shed. Besides, it's certainly too good for her, that little tramp. She turned my son away from me.
Luke: Is that what this is about?
Carly: Why don't you tell him? Or should I? How every convoluted step you've taken has been to hurt the son you claim to love.
Heather: That's enough out of you, missy.
Luke: Okay, Heather. After having been a guest of yours myself, there's no way in hell I'm gonna let you give her your special brand of hospitality.
Heather: Fighting for your niece's honor -- how precious.
Luke: You're not gonna hurt her. I won't let you.
Heather: I see you're determined to come to the rescue. Too bad you won't get the chance.
Monica: Well, I hope everything works out at the boathouse and there isn't too much bloodshed.
Tracy: You think it should be taking him this long?
Monica: Maybe raccoons are smarter than they look. At least smarter than Luke, which wouldn't be too difficult.
Tracy: I think we should go down to the boathouse.
Monica: And what exactly would we do?
Tracy: Well, you'll -- you'll wrangle the raccoon, and I will supervise.
Monica: [Chuckling] What is -- um, oh, well, never mind. I don't have time to play animal control officer. I have a meeting at general hospital.
Tracy: Really? They don't usually have meetings with people who don't work there.
Monica: I know, so I'm assuming they're going to reinstate me as chief of staff. Sorry, Silas Clay.
Kiki: I don't know what to say.
Silas: No one does. That look on your face -- that's pretty much everyone's reaction.
Kiki: Your wife has been in a coma for 20-plus years? I'm really sorry.
Silas: Thank you.
Kiki: So, does that mean -- when I was, um, when you were with my mom, you were -- you were married?
Silas: I had an affair with your mother, yes, and you were the result.
Kiki: [Chuckles] Ta-da.
Silas: For that reason alone, I'll never regret it.
Kiki: Is that why my mom didn't want me to know that you were my father at first?
Silas: Yeah, that's part of it.
Kiki: What's the rest of it?
Silas: Well, the rest of --
[Cell phone beeps]
Silas: Excuse me. Sorry.
Kiki: That's okay.
Silas: Emergency meeting at the hospital board. I'm -- I'm sorry.
Kiki: Oh, yikes. No, I hope it's nothing serious.
Silas: No, I hope not. Hey, look... you think maybe we could -- maybe we could talk later?
Kiki: Yeah, of course. Of course. Yeah.
Silas: Hey. Thank you for the cereal. You were right. You -- you do have a knack for it.
Kiki: [Chuckles] It's in the genes.
Silas: [Chuckles]
Kiki: Uh, wait. I, um... thank you for coming over and being honest with me. It's kind of a rarity these days.
Silas: You're welcome. See you around.
Kiki: [Gasps] Franco?!
Franco: Yeah. You need to hide me.
Scott: Warrant is being processed.
Michael: Thank you.
Scott: Don't thank me, thank the commissioner here and her prank phone calls.
Anna: I told you I didn't make any calls.
Scott: Well, then, who did? I mean, somebody acting on your behalf, right? They said they were from the PCPD, right?
Michael: Yeah.
Anna: Oh, well, if they said so.
Michael: Look, I don't know who it was and I don't care, okay? As long as that bastard gets brought in.
Felix: Care to fill the roommate in? What's this about -- about Carlos being the father of her baby?
Patrick: You didn't tell him.
Felix: No.
Sabrina: I'm sorry. Um, there's just been so much going on. I slept with Carlos.
Felix: When?
Sabrina: The night of the wedding.
Felix: What?
Sabrina: It's not exactly I'm proud of, but, um, when I found out I was pregnant, well, you just assumed that Patrick was the father and I let you.
Felix: But he's not?
Sabrina: Which is one of the many reasons why I asked you not to say anything. You guys, please. Go have your coffee. And sorry about the baby police.
Robin: It's okay. It's been a confusing time for everyone.
Patrick: Let me know if you need anything.
Sabrina: Thank you, but Carlos and I have it under control, unlike me, with these charts. Would you care to give me a hand?
Felix: Now you want a hand?
Patrick: All right, we'll see you guys later.
Felix: What the hell was that? You swore you never slept with Mr. Fugitive.
Sabrina: I didn't.
Felix: Okay, unless there's some new kind of sex that I'm unaware of, it's impossible for Carlos to be the father of that child. So, why'd you tell Patrick he was?
Alexis: I have shipping contracts for you to sign.
Sonny: You didn't have to bring them over yourself.
Alexis: Oh, yes, I did. The last time I sent them, whoever was subbing for max, he misplaced them, and Michael called three days later and said they were in your kitchen.
Sonny: Oh, yeah. I got to do something about that.
Alexis: Yeah. You do. Hey, you know what I think you should do? You should get an executive assistant. Or better yet, a consigliere, like, you know, how Bernie used to be.
Sonny: Yeah, well, I thought you were my consigliere. I mean, you know, keeper of all my secrets, business and otherwise.
Alexis: In case I didn't make this clear the first 10,000 times, allow me to reiterate. I am, oh, so happy to be your attorney, to handle your legal affairs, your negotiations, your contracts, anything pertaining to your legitimate business. I don't want to know anything about your illegitimate business. You know, if you're starting a mob war, don't tell me. And I certainly don't want to know anything about you and Gino. I am neutral -- neutral, Switzerland. I will have absolutely nothing to do with either one of you. I don't take sides.
Sonny: Am I asking you to take sides?
Alexis: No.
Sonny: Oh, so, then it must be... Julian Jerome.
Sam: Actually, you know what? There's no reason to put it off. Let's go talk somewhere else.
Lucas: Oh, I just got to grab that takeout first.
Julian: Okay, Sam, seriously, you don't need to run from me, okay? Yes, I mean, we have our issues, but, uh, I am still your father.
Lucas: [Chuckles] What did you just say?
Julian: Excuse me. I'm trying to have a private conversation.
Lucas: What's going on?
Sam: Nothing. Go in and get your takeout food. We'll talk about it in a minute.
Lucas: Wait. How could this guy be your father? Your father is dead.
Julian: Don't you read the papers, kid? Julian Jerome is alive and well.
Lucas: You're Julian Jerome?
Julian: Did I stutter?
Lucas: Sam? What's going on?
Julian: Look, I'll speak real slow so you can understand. People thought I was dead, but I am not. Now, remind me why any of this is your concern.
Lucas: Because I'm Lucas Jones. I'm your son.
Anna: Thank you.
Scott: Here you go.
Anna: Oh. Good. Thank you. I know now that you were resistant to this.
Scott: Well, once Michael threatened to take it public with his little sister in hand, what choice did I have?
Anna: I don't think he was asking for anything extraordinary, Scott.
Scott: Are you kidding me?! He -- he practically threatened me that his father was gonna break my kneecaps.
Anna: There was no mention of physical violence. No. All I witnessed was a desperately concerned son asking his D.A. to do the job to which he was elected. Now, you know, if your close ties --
Scott: Close ties?! I just wanted you people to do your investigation before you just jumped to judgment.
Anna: What can I tell you? All the evidence points towards Franco.
Scott: All right, look, you got your warrant. Go out and arrest my son.
Kiki: What is going on?
Franco: I'm sorry to drop by like this, but the police are about to arrest me.
Kiki: Why? Did something happen with the case?
Franco: I don't know. They've issued a warrant.
Kiki: How do you know?
Franco: Because I was there. I heard.
Kiki: Did they see you?
Franco: Of course they didn't see me. I wouldn't be here if they saw me.
Kiki: Do you realize that you're in Michael's place right now?
Franco: Yes, I understand that.
Kiki: Do you remember how he feels about you?
Franco: Yes, I understand that, too. Look, I didn't hurt Carly, okay? If they lock me up, they're gonna stop looking for whoever really did hurt Carly, and I can't have that.
Kiki: What do you want me to do, Franco? Do you want me to hide you? Where?
Franco: Here! You're the only person in this world that believes in me. I need your help.
[Keys jingling]
Kiki: I don't --
Michael: Kiki? Kiki, what's up with the door?
Patrick: Verdict?
Robin: Mm...better than the vending machine.
Patrick: Not as good as Kelly's.
Robin: Oh, definitely not.
Patrick: Don't have to leave the building to get it.
Both: I'll take it.
Robin: [Laughs]
Patrick: Sorry about that earlier. With Sabrina and Felix, you know? Baby drama.
Sam: It's okay. Patrick, Sabrina works here. I have to get used to seeing her.
Patrick: Yeah. That part, of course, but you don't want all the baby stuff coming up every two seconds.
Robin: Well, hopefully now that Felix knows that Carlos is the father of the baby, he will stop bugging you about doing the honorable thing.
Patrick: I hope so.
Robin: What?
Patrick: It's just weird that she didn't tell him. I would assume that Sabrina would tell Felix everything.
Sabrina: For the record, I did not tell Patrick that Carlos was the father of the baby. Carlos did.
Felix: Why?
Sabrina: Patrick just showed up at our place out of nowhere, wanting to know what I was gonna do about the pregnancy, thanks to you, by the way.
Felix: I'm sorry.
Sabrina: Yeah, talk about being put on the spot. We were sitting there, and then Carlos just walks in and makes his declaration, saying that he's the father.
Felix: And you just went along with it?
Sabrina: What was I supposed to do?
Felix: Tell the truth.
Sabrina: And pull a Britt?
Felix: Okay, honey, what you're pulling is way worse.
Sabrina: I'm worse than Britt?
Felix: Unh-unh. You are a reverse Britt.
Sabrina: What is that?
Felix: Britt tried to pass off someone else's kid as Patrick's. You're trying to pass off Patrick's kid as someone else's.
Sabrina: She was trying to trap him.
Felix: And you're trying to trick him. Either way, you both are liars. You know, now that I think of it, you and Britt really should get together and compare notes.
Both: Oh.
Silas: I'm sorry about that.
Britt: No, I wasn't looking. It's my fault.
Silas: Oh, you heading in for the meeting?
Britt: That's right. You?
Silas: Yeah. Yeah. You have any idea what it's about?
Britt: I think the board members are announcing the new chief of staff.
Silas: Yeah, I heard something about that.
Britt: Yeah, like the fact that you're on the top of the short list?
Silas: How do you know about that?
Britt: Just one of the perks of living with a board member. Nikolas received a letter a few weeks ago, outlining their plans, and... I made the list, too, a few notches below you. But you seem to already know that, so...
Silas: Yeah, Monica Quartermaine told me about the list.
Britt: Ooh. Ouch.
Silas: Yeah. Needless to say, she wasn't happy.
Tracy: Monica, I showed you the letter I got from the board about the candidates for chief of staff, and it was a short list. Your name was not on it.
Monica: I remember. And forewarned is forearmed. So, with your inside information, I filed a petition to be reinstated.
Tracy: Did you?
Monica: Mm-hmm. And I can't see why they won't agree. After all, they fired me because of A.J.'S legal problems, and since then, he's been acquitted.
Tracy: I think you're overestimating the board's intelligence.
Monica: Nonsense. Why would they have me come to a meeting? Anyway, keep me updated on what's going on at the boathouse. No matter what, make sure it's cleaned up.
Heather: What do you think you're doing?
Luke: What does it look like?
Heather: Just put the club down. I don't want to hurt you.
Luke: You're not gonna hurt me. You're not gonna hurt her, either.
Heather: Oh, decisions, decisions. I care very deeply for you, Luke. But not that deeply. I've worked too hard to get where I am. In other words, if I have to shoot you, I will.
Carly: Luke, do what she says. Listen to her.
Luke: I don't think so.
Heather: [Gasps]
Luke: Game's over, Heather. You lose!
Sabrina: I don't care if you approve or not. My baby, my decision. A decision that you took away from me the moment that you blabbed it to Patrick in the first place.
Felix: Okay, I messed up.
Sabrina: Yeah. You did.
Felix: Does that mean I have to go along with your lies?
Sabrina: Yes! Felix, yes! Because you're supposed to be my best friend. That's what best friends do.
Felix: Oh, that's funny, because I thought best friends kept each other from making the biggest mistakes of their lives.
Sabrina: This isn't one of them.
Felix: [Sighs] You realize we've morphed into an episode of "catfish," right?
Sabrina: Look, I understand that what I'm asking of you is -- it's a lot and it's out there, but so is the situation.
Felix: I'll give you that. Your ex-fiancé goes back to his not-so-dead wife at the same time you find out you're pregnant with his kid. No, I'm not sure even nev and max would know what to do.
Sabrina: Exactly, except I don't have a nev and max, but I'm hoping that I have you, Felix. Look, I am just trying to do what's best for everyone, but I can't do that if Patrick knows the truth. So, I need to know if I can count on you not to tell him.
Felix: [Sighs]
Sabrina: Can I?
Patrick: Silas. Britt.
Silas: You guys got paged, too?
Britt: We assume they're announcing the new chief of staff.
Patrick: See? I knew it. It's you.
Robin: Well, don't be so sure.
Patrick: You just went to go get your job back. Why wouldn't they give it to you? You were an amazing chief of staff.
Britt: Yeah, maybe. I mean, I don't know. Dr. Clay over here seems to be some stiff competition. They may give the job to him... or someone else.
Silas: Only Dr. Westbourne has seen the list.
Robin: You have?
Patrick: Who's on it?
Britt: Me, for starters. [Laughs]
Alexis: I just feel really guilty that Bobbie went out of her way to get Lucas to furnish the DNA sample so that I could find out if Julian was Sam's father, but now Julian's asking questions, and he's' gonna find out that Lucas is his son, and there's nothing like a mobster coming to the door saying, "hey, I'm your dad."
Sonny: That depends on who the mobster is.
Alexis: Oh. I'm sorry. I was a little insensitive.
Sonny: Little bit. Especially if you're comparing me to that dirt bag, Julian Jerome.
Alexis: Like you have no flaws of your own.
Sonny: Oh, and I thought that you, you know, thought that I was perfect.
Alexis: No. You think you're perfect.
Sonny: [Chuckles]
Alexis: I think you're ruthless, driven, have a terrible temper, and an unfortunate capacity for violence.
Sonny: Gee, thank you.
Alexis: You're welcome. You're also a devoted father and a very good friend, and that says something.
Sonny: I hope so.
Alexis: In fact, out of all three completely unsuitable men that got me pregnant, I would have to say...
Sonny: Mm-hmm? What?
Alexis: ...You're not the worst. I need you to sign every place that has a tab.
Sonny: Okay. Now you're running?
Alexis: Far, far away from here, because I don't want to have this inappropriate conversation again. You bring it up, I bill you double. Got it?
Sonny: I don't know what you're talking about.
Alexis: Good. Give me my glasses. Thank you. I'm keeping the files in my office so they don't land in your kitchen.
Sonny: Alexis. Uh...I'm gonna take care of Julian. Actually, I've already started.
Alexis: Yeah.
Julian: Hold on. You're Lucas? My son, Lucas?
Lucas: Yeah.
Julian: Oh, my God. I'm so sorry for what I -- how I just spoke to you. I didn't know. I mean, I just found out, actually, about you. I mean, the fact that you're my son. I mean, if I would have known about you, I would have found you years ago. In fact, I was just about to jump on a plane to Seattle to come find you, but I guess I don't have to because --
Sam: Yeah, sure you were.
Julian: Because, well, here you are. I can -- I can finally start getting to know you.
Michael: Kiki, you okay?
Franco: Please. You can't tell anybody.
Michael: Kiki, I'm gonna break this door down.
Kiki: I'm coming, I'm coming. Honey, I'm right here. Hi.
Michael: Hi. You okay?
Kiki: Yeah, sorry about that.
Michael: Just you usually don't use the chain, so...
Kiki: Well, with your mom missing, you can never be too careful, right? Hi.
Michael: Yeah, speaking of which... they're gonna arrest Franco.
Kiki: Why? How did that happen?
Michael: Because of me.
Kiki: I thought you said that you were gonna give Franco the benefit of the doubt.
Michael: Until evidence proved otherwise.
Kiki: What evidence?
Michael: [Sighs] Police found a knife.
Kiki: A knife?
Michael: Yeah.
Kiki: Well, what did it -- was it your --
Michael: My mom's blood was on the blade, and Franco's prints were on the handle.
Heather: Damn it, Luke!
Luke: You just stop talking now. No talking.
Carly: How's it feel, Heather?
Luke: I think it's time we call the cops and get this looney toon back in her two-dimensional rubber cell.
Carly: Not that it seems to do much good.
Luke: How do you keep escaping?! That's something else we're gonna have to complain to the police commissioner about.
Carly: Luke!
Luke: [Groans]
Heather: Thanks, boys.
Carly: Luke. Luke, wake up!
Heather: Don't bother. He's out cold.
Carly: Who are these guys?
Heather: Never mind who they are. They provide me with all kinds of help when I need it.
Carly: You idiots work for her?!
Heather: Oh, stop. You have to admit, I thought of everything. You have to get up pretty early in the day to beat Heather Webber. Although, this was not anticipated.
What do you want us to do with him?
Tracy: Ugh. It is so not the same. [Sighs] Luke? [Sighs] Really? He can't hear me. I got to know how it's going on down there. I wonder if he found the raccoon. All right, I'm just gonna have to go down there myself. Alice! Get my coat!
Julian: I mean, I just -- I can't -- I can't believe this. This is unbelievable. You're my -- my son, standing in front of me.
Lucas: You were supposed to be dead.
Sam: He was using an alias. The truth only came out a couple months ago.
Julian: [Sighs]
Lucas: A couple months? My mom has known this for months and she didn't tell me?
Julian: Look, Lucas, I can promise you, if I would have known about you, if I would have known that you were my son, I would have come try and find you, but here we are, and, you know, we can finally make up for the time that we've lost. I mean, this is -- I mean, what do we do? Come here!
Lucas: No, no.
Julian: What?
Lucas: I can't. I'm -- I'm sorry. [Sighs]
Julian: Lucas, come on --
Sam: No, no, no. Let -- let him go.
Julian: [Sighs]
Kiki: Okay, this is crazy. Are you sure?
Michael: They found the knife in a trash can in the garage.
Kiki: At the Metro Court?
Michael: Yeah, it was my mom's blood.
Kiki: I'm so sorry, Michael.
Michael: And the prints -- damn it. My mom's probably out there somewhere bleeding or worse. Franco did this to her. So -- so, they found the knife today?
Michael: I don't know when. Apparently they've been sitting on it, considering it's circumstantial. I mean, how is that even possible?
Kiki: If they were sitting on it, how did you find out?
Michael: [Sighs] Some woman called me.
Kiki: What woman?
Michael: I don't know. The D.A. Was accusing the commissioner.
Kiki: Why would the commissioner call you?
Michael: I guess Anna was pushing to have Franco arrested. I don't know, but she denied making the phone call.
Kiki: Then who did?
Michael: Somebody who worked at the PCPD. She warned me that they were sitting on evidence. Bottom line is I was able to pressure Baldwin into issuing a warrant for Franco. I just hope that S.O.B. Isn't out there hiding somewhere.
Scott: Empty-handed? Say it ain't so.
Anna: Oh, yeah. Franco wasn't in his room at the Metro Court.
Scott: Well, so, he could be anywhere.
Anna: Yes, that's what I'm afraid of, Scott.
Scott: I mean he can be having breakfast at Kelly's, he could be taking a little walk in the park.
Anna: Really? A prime suspect in a potential murder investigation?
Scott: So what do you think? He's on the lam?
Anna: I don't know.
[Cell phone rings]
Anna: I have units scouring the neighborhood, and I have an APB out, and -- excuse me. Devane. What?!
Patrick: I'm sorry. You're on the list?
Britt: Don't sound too excited.
Patrick: No, it's just, you know, I'm sorry. Actually, I'm not sorry, because you framed Sabrina and you tried to get her fired.
Britt: Okay, not one of my proudest moments, all right?
Silas: So, I guess we've all made some mistakes.
Patrick: Yeah, some bigger than others.
Britt: Okay, don't get too outraged. I'm only one of the candidates. So are you, for that matter.
Patrick: Me?
Britt: Yes, your name is on the list, right below your wife's.
Robin: Hmm. So, I guess this really is happening. [Chuckles] One of us is about to be named chief of staff.
Monica: Well, not if I have anything to say about it.
Britt: Dr. Quartermaine.
Monica: Hello, everyone.
Britt: What are you --
Monica: What am I doing here?
Britt: I just mean because I've seen the list and your name is not on it.
Monica: Ah, well, putting aside for the moment how you even saw that list, I don't need to be on it. I'm not a replacement candidate. I'm an incumbent. And I am here to get my job back.
Britt: [Chuckles]
Patrick: Yeah, not that we wouldn't be very happy to have you back, but, I mean, I'm pretty sure that Robin has this thing kind of sealed up here.
Robin: Patrick, stop.
Monica: And, by the way, Robin, welcome back.
Robin: Thank you. It's good to be home.
Monica: I can imagine. And Patrick is right. Robin was my predecessor. But I have been the most recent chief of staff, and had it not been for some legal issues, I probably would still --
Robin: Excuse me. I love that you have so much faith in me, but maybe it's you. Maybe you're the next chief of staff.
Britt: Yeah, I don't think so.
Patrick: Thank you for that.
Britt: Oh. I just -- I just mean that if I had to place a bet, it would be on Silas.
Monica: Who has been here exactly five minutes.
Britt: Yeah, exactly. He carries no baggage, unlike the rest of us.
Patrick: Wait, wait. Are you really considering our baggage to your baggage? Because that's not even remotely close.
Silas: Okay, okay. I think we should just all settle down.
Monica: Well, you're just full of ideas, aren't you?
Silas: All right. Where are these people? We have to get going here.
Ah. Glad to see you all made it.
Silas: Are you the board-member guy? Okay, just cut to the chase, all right? Who's the new chief of staff?
Sabrina: I know I'm asking a lot, but, please, Felix, I need your help. Promise me you won't tell anyone my secret.
Felix: [Sighs] Fine.
Sabrina: You mean it?
Felix: No one will hear from me that Carlos isn't really the father of your baby and that Patrick is.
Sabrina: Oh, thank you.
Anna: I don't understand how this is even possible. Yeah, no, no. I appreciate the head's up. I just -- I got to figure out what to do about it. Yeah. Bye.
Scott: What happened? Did they find Franco?
Michael: [Sighs] I have to call Jax, tell him what happened, and figure out what, if anything, to tell Josslyn. She's just a kid. She's not gonna understand. I don't even understand. I mean, how my mom convinced herself that she'd be safe with Franco, that she'd take that chance, given what she knew. [Sighs] I'm sorry, all right?
Kiki: For what?
Michael: I know you wanted to be able to trust Franco.
Kiki: I did.
Michael: [Sighs] And now, given what I know... Kiki? What's wrong?
Kiki: There's something I need to tell you.
Tracy: Luke! Luke, talk to me! Luke! Did you find the raccoon?! Or did it find you?
Robin: Well, what did you expect, Julian?
Julian: [Sighs] Well, not for my son to flee like I'm some monster.
Sam: Well, aren't you?
Julian: [Chuckles]
Sam: Okay, I'll speak real slow for you. Real slow.
Julian: Nice.
Sam: Lucas thinks that you are a mobster who died over 20 years ago, and I don't think being the "great Julian Jerome's son" is any sort of badge of honor for him.
Julian: Maybe I deserve that. I get it, okay. You think I'm scum.
Sam: Yeah, I think you're scum. I think you're a mobster who started a war with Sonny, and now you're hiding behind my little boy to protect yourself. You're refusing to store stem cells to save my son. I think you are scum. I think you are a user and a liar, and I personally don't want to have anything to do with you, and if Lucas feels the same... I support him.
Julian: You know, you're still my daughter, and Lucas is my son, and I care about you, and I always will. Maybe some day you'll realize that.
Sam: [Sighs]
Monica: Oh, just rip off the band-aid. I'm sure they can all take it. You're here to give me my job back, aren't you?
Board Chairman: Actually, no.
Monica: No?
Board Chairman: Though we would love to have you back on staff.
Patrick: I knew it. Job's yours. I love being married to the chief of staff.
Robin: Stop it.
Sorry, Dr. Scorpio-drake. We didn't go with you, either.
Patrick: What?
Robin: Oh.
Patrick: You didn't?
Britt: So, it's obviously Silas?
Monica: Well, he was at the top of the list.
Board Chairman: It's true. Dr. Clay was the board's first choice.
Britt: I knew it.
Board Chairman: But he wasn't the final choice.
Britt: Oh, me? The board chose me?! [Gasps]
Dr. Obrecht: Sorry to disappoint you, schatzi. But, no, you are not.
Britt: Mother, what the hell are you doing here?
Dr. Obrecht: Isn't it obvious? I'm the new chief of staff.
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