General Hospital Transcript Friday 1/17/14
Provided By Suzanne
A.J.: Oh, God. Mm.
Tracy: Put it down!
A.J.: What? Tracy, what the hell are you talking about?
Tracy: My newspaper. You know full well I cannot start my mornings without it.
A.J.: [Chuckling] I don't have it! Did you try looking on the front stoop?
Tracy: I checked the front stoop. It's not there.
A.J.: What do you want from me? Maybe somebody swiped it.
Heather: Can you believe this crap? There's nothing new about your disappearance. I understand you're not that likeable of a person. But still, when a woman of your importance goes missing, well, you'd think somebody would take notice. You would think the whole town would be going after the guilty party. But not in this case. Not according to that rag. They haven't even arrested Franco. What is holding up the PCPD?
Anna: Oh! Mr. District attorney, I've been trying to reach you. Are you avoiding me?
Scott: Perish the thought. We're on the same side, Anna.
Anna: Commissioner.
Scott: Okay.
Anna: If we're on the same side, then I would like you to fast-track that arrest warrant for Franco. I want to bring him in.
Scott: It's not gonna happen.
Franco: Hey, Kiki, it's me. I've been out most of the night looking for Carly, and I got nothing. I got nothing. And I just wanted to call and say thank you for your support and your faith in me, and I really wish the police department had some faith in me and they'd go find out who really did this and quit looking at me. But I just don't think they're gonna do that. I'm feeling very much alone.
Silas: Thank you again.
Sam: [Chuckles] Honestly, giving you one of my pancakes is the least I can do.
Silas: No. Thank you for believing in me through all of this. For 20 years, I thought my wife had tried to kill herself. It's still difficult for me to believe that someone would want to hurt her.
Sam: Which is exactly why we need to get to work, because the only surefire way to prove that you're innocent is by proving that Ava's guilty.
Ava: What's so important you needed to see me right away?
Julian: I just want to discuss our next step against Corinthos, and, uh, I want you taking point on it.
Ava: Oh, may I? And here I thought we were always a team.
Julian: Well, we're equal partners. It's just... [Sighs] It's different this time. I'm leaving town for a while.
Ava: Business trip?
Julian: I'm going to Seattle. I'm gonna go find my son.
Luke: Barbara jean? How you holding up?
Bobbie: Well, how do you think? There's been no news about Carly since they discovered her car covered in blood.
Luke: It's gonna be okay, baby.
[Doorbell rings]
Bobbie: [Sniffles] I'm gonna get that because maybe we have some news. [Gasps] Lucas!
Lucas: Hi, Mom.
[Elevator bell dings]
Ava: Are you sure just up and going to see this Lucas is a good idea?
Julian: Look, Ava, I just found out that I have a son, so yeah, I want to go find him. It's just what I need to do. Okay? So can you just please keep an eye on things for me? What the hell is going on here?
Sonny: Hope you don't mind me dropping by.
Bobbie: Hey, Lucas! What are you doing here?
Lucas: Mom, you called me and told me my sister's missing. Of course I'm here. And I want to see Carly in person so I can yell at her for worrying you so much. Uncle Luke!
Luke: Hey. Hey, namesake. [Groans] Hi. How are you?
Lucas: Good. Good to see you, man.
Luke: You, too.
Lucas: I wish it was under better circumstances.
Luke: Yeah.
Lucas: Has there been any news?
Luke: Well, if there has, we haven't heard it.
Lucas: Since when has that stopped a Spencer? Let's get down to the station and get some answers.
Bobbie: No! No, no, no. We've got this under control. I promise. And besides, you really need to get back to Seattle.
Lucas: [Chuckles] You can't be serious.
Bobbie: Oh, honey, we'll find your sister. I don't want you losing your job over this.
Lucas: Mom, I got the time off. It's fine. I want to be here.
Bobbie: Yeah, but, you know, you shouldn't have to put your life on hold just because --
Lucas: Call me crazy, but it's starting to sound like you don't want me here.
Luke: Hey.
Lucas: What's going on?
Luke: Don't take this personal, L.L. She's running on fumes. I've been trying to get her to eat something, but she won't listen.
Lucas: Is that it?
Bobbie: Yeah. I know. I'm sorry. Of course I'm thrilled that you're here. Thank you for coming.
Luke: Yeah, let's get your bags and get you up in, say, Morgan's room, huh?
Lucas: No, it's all right. I got it. Aren't you still recovering from your latest brush with death?
Luke: [Laughs]
Lucas: How many is that now, huh?
Luke: All right, wise ass. Get your own bags.
Bobbie: [Sighs] Thank you for the save.
Luke: Sweetheart, listen, you can't keep this up forever. The kid has to know his biological father is alive.
Julian: What are you doing in my office?
Sonny: Just doing a little decorating. You like it?
Ava: You have absolutely no right to barge into my brother's office. This is called trespassing.
Sonny: Oh, it's not Julian's office anymore. His lease has been terminated.
Julian: By whom?
Olivia: That would be me.
Sam: If we're gonna try and prove that Ava killed your wife, we're gonna need to step up our efforts.
Silas: Okay. What do you have in mind?
Sam: Well, I was thinking we could talk to some of Ava's old associates, maybe even getting in contact with Delia. Maybe she could tell us something.
Silas: Her mother? Oh, God help us if we have to rely on that memory.
Sam: We've got to pursue every angle. That prescription that someone forged in your signature is key. And I was thinking that maybe the hospital pharmacy would have some answers. They've got to tell us something. What?
Silas: You should hate me.
Sam: Hate you?
Silas: For lying to you about my wife, for -- for a lot of things.
Sam: Okay, yes, I would have appreciated being told this a lot earlier, but the circumstances are unique, and it's not like I'm the other woman. And I certainly do not think you're a killer.
Silas: [Sighs] Thank you for believing in me.
Sam: Of course.
[Door opens]
Franco: Oh, that's cute. One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war. Haven't done that in ages. When you've determined a winner, I have a job for you.
Heather: Nada! Nothing! Zilch! What do those morons in blue want from me? I practically spoon-fed them all the evidence!
Anna: Why would you hold up the arrest warrant for Franco? Did you look at the evidence?
Scott: I did.
Anna: What's the problem?
Heather: They couldn't be so blind as to have missed the knife I left in the trash can. It was right next to where I left your car.
Scott: I'm not sure that the evidence is solid enough yet.
Anna: [Chuckling] Oh, Scott, there's --
Scott: D.A.
Anna: There's a weapon, and it was found in the parking garage with Carly's blood on it.
Heather: Oh! I certainly hope that doesn't still hurt. I had to make it look like a knife was used against you.
Anna: And forensics confirmed the prints on the knife were Franco's.
Heather: I even went to the trouble to use a knife with Franco's prints on it. Your blood plus Franco's prints equals guilty! What is the holdup?!
Scott: It's not enough, not yet!
Anna: Do you truly believe that, or are you just protecting your son?
Tracy: Nobody swiped the paper. Alice knows better, and Monica thinks that cable TV's partisan bickering is news. You are the only other person in the house. You must have it.
A.J.: And yet I don't. Maybe it was that raccoon down at the boathouse. Maybe he's redecorating.
Tracy: The what?
A.J.: I was, uh, taking a little walk down at the boathouse, and I thought I heard a raccoon scuttling around in there.
Tracy: Have things gotten so bad around here that I am reduced to living with vermin?
A.J.: Why? Is Luke moving back in?
Tracy: Oh, shut up. You can make jokes about it now, but, you know, pretty soon, that raccoon could be coming in off the terrace. You know their little, creepy hands? They can open doorknobs. Nobody is safe. You need to take care of this.
A.J.: Me?
Tracy: Yes, you. Instead of s-s-- moping around and feeling sorry for yourself, why don't you do something useful and -- and g-g-go down to the boathouse and confront the beast?
[Door locks]
Heather: With a police force this incompetent, I'm surprised Port Charles hasn't become that movie "the purge."
Carly: [Muffled] Heather, listen to me.
Heather: Oh, please. It's not like you're ever gonna get a chance to see it. I spoiled nothing.
Carly: [Muffled] Remove this! Remove --
Heather: Okay, all right. Coming. What? What, what, what?
Carly: Your plan's not working. If Franco hasn't been arrested, that means he's not gonna learn any lessons. So -- so maybe you should cut your losses and let me go. I won't tell anybody. I won't tell a soul.
Heather: Maybe I should let you go.
Carly: Yeah.
Heather: Change my course, correct my plan. But then again, where's the fun in that?
Bobbie: Lucas does not need to know that Julian is alive.
Luke: Barbara, he does. It isn't like Julian's still in the witness protection program pretending he's Derek wells. And after he ran that cheesy headline in his own tabloid, everybody knows he's alive except his son.
Bobbie: Lucas is not that man's son. Tony was Lucas' father.
Luke: I know that. You don't have to remind me. I was there. The man that Lucas grieved for was his father. It's not gonna take anything away from tony to know that his biological father is alive, or from you.
Bobbie: [Sighs]
Luke: Is that what you're worried about?
Bobbie: Yeah. Oh, and other things, not the least of which how dangerous that man is.
Luke: Well, your stalling is not gonna make him any less dangerous. Barbara, the kid isn't 5. He's a grown man. [Sighs] You need to give him all the information, and then if he decides to hide from Julian Jerome, he's made an informed decision.
Bobbie: I know.
[Footsteps approach]
Bobbie: I know you're right. [Sniffles] And I know it's time that I told Lucas.
Lucas: Tell me what?
Bobbie: [Sighs]
Julian: What kind of a game are you playing here, really?
Olivia: The only games I play, I win, Mr. Jerome. Maybe you didn't know it, but I inherited my cousin's half of this hotel, which makes me your new landlord.
Julian: [Sighs]
Olivia: And I am kicking you out.
Ava: You cannot just cancel his lease.
Julian: I paid a year in advance.
Olivia: Perhaps you should take a look at this lease, page three, paragraph four. "Lease subject to immediate termination if the owner believes that the tenant is engaging in illegal activity in said space. Burden of proof to be placed on the tenant." That's you.
Ava: I'd like to see that.
Julian: Now that's -- that's really rich considering who your boyfriend is.
Sonny: You got something against coffee, Julian?
Olivia: Long story short, you're done here. I want you out, and take little miss cradle robber with you. Go organize your crime somewhere else.
Sonny: Yeah, right over here. Yeah, that's -- okay. Um, Julian?
Julian: Hmm?
Sonny: Are these your -- your bags?
Olivia: Oh, right. While you're at it, why don't you find a new place to live, too?
Julian: [Sighs]
Sonny: [Laughs]
Scott: This has nothing to do with finding out that Franco is my illegitimate son. I barely know the guy.
Anna: Oh, that's the callousness that we know and love from you. Why aren't you using it for this case?
Scott: Because I'm not gonna risk being embarrassed in court again like I was with the A.J. Trial. The PCPD did not give me enough evidence to get a conviction!
Anna: God, here all this time, I thought that it was you that was supposed to make your case. Maybe you're just a bit too afraid to go up against Diane miller again. Is that it?
Scott: I'm serious. That case was a slam dunk. Everybody knew A.J. Was guilty as sin, but the jury wanted definitive proof. They weren't gonna settle for anything short of a videotape of A.J. Shooting the gun!
Anna: Well, I hate to break it to you, Mr. D.A., But I-I don't have footage of Franco murdering Carly. I-I don't actually have footage of most of the crimes that take place here in the city. What I do have are Franco's prints on the knife covered with Carly's blood. Oh, and plus I-I have this letter from her saying that she wants to break off the relationship, but she was too afraid to do it in person, and her car smeared in her blood found in the same parking garage of the hotel where Franco resides. What else? Uh, oh, yes. We can't account for Carly's whereabouts after she left her ex-husband's restaurant. And preliminary investigation suggests that Franco doesn't have an alibi for that time period, either. So you've got -- you got means, motives, opportunity. Many good prosecutors have got convictions on less. Is there anything else that this department can get for you?
Scott: How about a body?
Carly: Are you going to kill me?
Heather: Not yet. Patience, Carly. Just trying to get a rise out of you. I am getting a little antsy with all this waiting around. I need to light a fire under those law-and-order loons.
Carly: You should. That's exactly what you should do. You should go down to the police station, and you should tell them how you feel and tell them what you know!
Heather: I'm supposed to be crazy, Carly, not stupid. Everybody knows I'm locked up at Miscavige. I can't just waltz into the P.D. With a tip. But someone close to you sure could.
Tracy: For once in your life, A.J., Just man up. Take care of that giant, disease-infested, masked rat for me. Please? For the family.
A.J.: Sorry, Tracy. Hey, but you know what I might do? I might leave a trail of breadcrumbs that leads that raccoon all the way to your room. Oh. Hey, Michael.
Michael: Hey.
A.J.: Any, uh, word from your mother?
Michael: No. And I'm going out of my mind.
Tracy: Gee, that's too bad. Uh, I know what you need.
Michael: A lead on my mom? Evidence against Franco? What?
Tracy: No, we're gonna leave that for the police to uncover. And considering the amount of tax dollars the Quartermaines, not to mention your mother, contribute to the city coffers, they should be doing a better job. On the other hand...
Michael: What?
Tracy: Your mother is remarkably resilient. It is a Spencer trait, like larceny.
Michael: I'm sorry. Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Tracy: Were you expecting meaningless platitudes? No, the only thing you can do is wait for the police to find her. And while you're waiting, Michael, I have the perfect diversion. Helping your aunt Tracy with A...rodent problem will put everything in perspective.
Carly: Don't you involve Michael. You stay -- no! [Muffled] You stay the hell away from my son!
Heather: Like you stayed the hell away from mine? Fair is fair, Carly. But don't worry. I have no intention of harming him. Just using him.
A.J.: You're unbelievable. You know that? His mother's missing!
Tracy: [Laughs] Oh, please. You loathe Carly! The mere mention of her name and you start spewing insults! You probably did the happy dance around your room when you found out she was missing.
A.J.: Hey, you know what? He is not gonna go deal with a raccoon right now!
Tracy: [Sighs] All right. I'll go find the real knight in shining armor of this house. Alice!
Michael: [Sighs] Thank you.
A.J.: No, don't mention it. Dealing with a lot.
Michael: Yeah. From, uh, what I hear, so are you. [Sighs] You're, uh, you're drinking again?
A.J.: Your grandmother told you.
Michael: She was worried about you. So am I. I'm at least glad you went to the A.A. Meeting, even though she, you know, had to drag you there.
A.J.: Yeah.
Michael: [Sighs] Look, I know that you're still feeling guilty about what happened to Connie, but you have to stay on the wagon, okay? Please. Okay, with my mom missing, I can't be worrying about you, too. Look, at least tell me you stopped drinking, though, right?
[Cell phone rings]
Michael: It's a blocked number. It must be the police. Hello?
Heather: [High-pitched voice] Michael Corinthos?
Michael: Yeah. Who's this?
Heather: Somebody that wants to make sure Franco pays for what he did to your mother.
Sam: Excuse me?
Franco: I want to hire you. You're still a private investigator, right?
Sam: Yes, I am a P.I., but if I never see you again, it won't be too soon. No way in hell would I ever work for you.
Franco: You were this close to taking my bone marrow for your kid, but you won't take my money?
Silas: She said she doesn't want to talk to you. Why don't you take a walk?
Franco: Never mind how you feel about me. You don't got to do anything for me, but do this for Carly, okay? Somebody's got to go find her.
Sam: Somebody -- from what I hear, Michael says the police think that you're the prime suspect in her disappearance.
Franco: Police get it wrong all the time, okay? And they got it wrong this time. They're wasting their time looking at me, and I... look, Carly could be in real trouble here.
Silas: I can't believe I'm gonna say this, but he might be right. You -- you know, he wouldn't be the first innocent man to be falsely accused.
Franco: Thank you.
Silas: And by innocent, let's be -- clear this up, all right? I think you're innocent of Carly's disappearance, but brain tumor or not, you're not innocent of anything else in my mind.
Franco: Noted.
Silas: All right. Now, if your past criminal history is causing the police to overlook another suspect, well, then Carly's the only one that's gonna pay the price.
Sam: [Sighs] Okay. Hey, hey, not so fast. I'm -- I'm not saying that I believe you. Not until you tell me why I should.
Michael: Who is this? What do you know about my mother?
Carly: [Muffled shouting]
Heather: The question isn't what I know, child. The question is what the police and the D.A. Know.
Michael: W-what do you mean?
Heather: I work at the PCPD. And I'm afraid that my superiors have not been forthcoming with you. They found evidence -- a knife at the scene of the crime. You should ask the D.A. What the holdup is. Yes, and then you'll have all your answers.
Michael: A knife? What -- what -- what knife?
Heather: The one with Franco's fingerprints and your mother's blood on it.
Michael: Why should I believe you? Tell me who you are!
Heather: Talk to the D.A. That's all I can say.
Michael: Hello? Hello?
A.J.: Michael, Michael, what is it?
Michael: I got to go.
A.J.: What's going on?! [Sighs]
Scott: I'm not gonna issue a warrant without a body. There is no way to tell what happened to Carly.
Anna: Oh, come on. This isn't your first rodeo. You know as well as I do that you can prosecute a suspect for murder without a body, especially when you have strong supporting evidence, which we have.
Scott: You got a knife! You got blood!
Anna: You are abusing your power of office because you want to protect your son. I won't stand for it.
Scott: Oh, come on, come on. You and Robert and his brother Mac haven't abused the commissioner's office before, wasting manpower protecting your family? And what about that boyfriend of yours, Duke Lavery, huh? How many times have you turned your back over his --
Anna: He is a law-abiding citizen, unlike your son, who I think exploited a questionable medical diagnosis in order to avoid prosecution and could be no implicated in the disappearance and maybe murder of Carly Jacks. He needs to be off the streets.
Scott: Well, I tell you what. Why don't you go over my head? Oh, you can't, 'cause I'm the boss.
Anna: All right. Let's see what mayor Lomax has to say about all this.
Heather: [Normal voice] There. That takes care of that. You raised a good kid there, Carly. He's got a clear sense of right and wrong. Hell, he even turned himself in when he was facing manslaughter charges. Who does that? Relax. You and I both know Michael's next stop will be the PCPD, and then the po-po will take care of Franco. Now, it's my turn to take care of you.
Lucas: I heard you say "tell Lucas." Tell me what?
Bobbie: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I just wasn't ready for this.
Lucas: [Chuckles] Ready for what? Okay, is it Carly? Did the police find something?
Luke: No, no, nothing that we haven't already told you.
Lucas: Then what is it that you're trying so hard not to say?
Lucas: What do you need to tell me?
Bobbie: [Sighs] Um, Luke, I need to speak to Lucas alone.
Luke: Oh. Okay. Sure you don't want me to stay?
Bobbie: No. Thanks. I got this.
Luke: Okay. Well, I'll give you guys some space. It is so good to see again, L.L. Get your mother to eat something, will you?
Lucas: It's just the two of us now, mom. Whatever it is, you can tell me.
Olivia: Oh. Don't forget to take your bill on the way out.
Julian: Hey, hey. Easy now. I told you I already paid a year in advance.
Olivia: Your bill's been amended. Derek wells paid his rent, but apparently there have been more than one tenant in this suite. Derek wells and, of course, Julian Jerome.
Julian: Hmm.
Olivia: Your balance is due, Mr. Jerome.
Ava: That is ridiculous.
Julian: Yeah, it is ridiculous, 'cause you know I'm gonna fight this, right?
Olivia: Do whatever you want, honey. Just do it far away from my hotel.
Sonny: And, uh, you know what? Don't stress too much, 'cause I'm sure your little sister here will let you stay with her. Right, Ava? If not, you can stay at Kelly's. They got some real, real nice rooms there.
Julian: [Chuckles]
Franco: I know I've never given you any reason to trust me.
Sam: None.
Franco: But I think Ava Jerome has got something to do with Carly's disappearance.
Sam: What makes you say that?
Franco: Well, right before Carly disappeared, Ava threatened her. I mean, surprise, surprise. Ava denies ever having done so, but...
Silas: How do you know Ava's lying?
Franco: You of all people should know the answer to that. Ava -- Ava's capable of lying. She lied to you about Kiki being my daughter for her entire lifetime.
Silas: What do you say we leave Kiki out of it?
Franco: Okay. Look, I know you hate me, but you got to do this for Carly. From what I understand, you have a brother in common now. You're practically family.
Sam: The police are looking for Carly. Why don't you let them do that?
Franco: You're not gonna help me?
Sam: Just because I'm investigating Ava, it doesn't mean I'm gonna help you --
Franco: You're investigating Ava?
Sam: Listen, I am not discussing this or anything else with you. We're done here.
Ava: Is this how you handle things, Sonny? You send your little girlfriend to harass my brother? So much for the code of honor that people like us are supposed to operate under.
Sonny: Are you gonna talk to me about honor after you targeted my son?
Julian: This is your retaliation, huh? Hmm? Is that right, Sonny?
Sonny: Hmm?
Julian: This is it? This is, uh, this is the best you can do?
Sonny: No, it's not the best. I'm just having fun. Can you -- can you get him out of here? Yeah. Thanks.
Olivia: You heard the man.
This way, sir.
Julian: You know, this isn't over.
Sonny: We're done here, Ava.
Ava: Nah. I really don't think we are.
Sonny: [Sighs]
Franco: Really? Nothing? You're not gonna help me out at all? Fine. You know what? I'm gonna go to the police department, see if I can get some satisfaction there. Maybe -- maybe someone there will cooperate with me.
Silas: You know, I should probably, um, head into work, too. You okay?
Sam: Yeah. It's just -- you know, it's never easy seeing that guy after what he's done to me.
Silas: I know. I know. Hey, listen, I can be late if you want to talk about it.
Sam: No, no, no. It's okay. Go to work. I've got a ton of research to do anyway.
Silas: Yeah?
Sam: Mm-hmm.
Silas: You know, it's interesting that he is accusing Ava. If she's the one that tried to kill Nina, there's no telling what she's capable of.
A.J.: [Groans] [Breathing heavily] [Slurring] Who's there?
Michael: Baldwin.
Scott: What can I do for you?
Michael: You can start by telling me why you haven't arrested Franco.
Scott: Well, because the evidence is not up to --
Michael: What are you tal-- the -- the police found a knife at the crime scene with my mom's blood and Franco's fingerprints on them!
Scott: Who told you that?
Michael: A woman. A woman called me who works here is claiming that you're sitting on evidence.
Scott: What woman?
Michael: I don't know! How would I know? Is it true or not?
Scott: You think you're so smart, don't you?
Anna: Oh. Sorry?
Scott: Leaking evidence to Carly's kid.
Anna: I don't know what you're talking about.
Scott: Who else could have done it? You gave him everything so you could get the damn warrant.
Michael: Wait a second. So it's true. did find a knife at the crime scene with my mom's blood and Franco's fingerprints on it?
Heather: Well, I obviously can't keep you here much longer. [Locks door] Those Quartermaines, they just can't stay away from this boathouse. It's January! We're in upstate New York! You'd think they'd stay nestled near one of their many fireplaces, not out roaming the grounds! They are so annoying. No. We're just gonna have to relocate.
A.J.: Was someone in the elevator? Was that real? [Breathing heavily]
Tracy: Snap out of it.
A.J.: Damn it, Tracy. I was trying to remember something!
Tracy: I couldn't care less about your past. Our present involves a raccoon invasion, and if you won't take care of it...
A.J.: What happened to your knight in shining armor?
Tracy: [Clears throat] It turns out that Alice is also afraid of raccoons. She thinks they look like bandits.
A.J.: Well, looks like you're on your own to handle the vermin. Ah, speak of the devil.
Tracy: Oh, Luke! Luke! Just the person I need right now!
Luke: What's up? Hunting wabbits?
Tracy: Uh, not quite. But I do have A... wee problem down in the boathouse that, if you love me, you'll take care of.
Heather: I know just where to stash you next. But we have to get moving quickly. And you have to stop making trouble. If someone from that house finds us, things could get very messy. And who knows who will get hurt during the cleanup?
Luke: Raccoons? I don't think so, Tracy. I'm sure I can find something else to keep me busy while Carly's missing.
Tracy: Gee, I didn't realize you were fretting over Carly.
Luke: I live rent-free in her hotel. Of course, she has downgraded me to a smaller suite, and she's damn stingy with -- with the mini bar, but if the worst comes, I'll probably be evicted, and my sister would be very upset.
Tracy: Well, Carly should have known better than to go near Franco. And by the way, thank God he's not a Quartermaine.
Luke: Yeah. Talk about downgrades. To go from a q to the spawn of Baldwin and crazy Heather Webber, I almost feel sorry for the poor son of a bitch.
Tracy: Well, why don't you save your sympathy and don't waste it on that deviant?
Luke: Well, if he's done anything to harm Carly, the police will be the least of his worries.
Tracy: So, you know, Anna is supposed to be the smart one. Why don't we let her take care of the investigation. [Clears throat] I need you for much more pressing matters!
Luke: Is this an invitation?
Tracy: Yes, it is. To get rid of the vermin in the boathouse!
Luke: Oh, that. Isn't there some other task I could perform for you? You know, that doesn't involve rodents and that damn --
Tracy: Damn you, Luke Spencer! I ask you for one simple thing!
Luke: Okay, okay, okay! I'm on raccoon reconnaissance.
Tracy: Oh, thank you so much. I knew I could count on you. You are saving my life.
Luke: Oh, it feels so good to take care of things for the woman you love. Don't worry, Spanky. Whatever's in that boathouse, papa will take care of it.
Lucas: Mom, would you please just tell me what's going on?
Bobbie: It's nothing bad, necessarily. It's... it's just a family issue.
Lucas: Oh...
Bobbie: [Sighs]
Lucas: Mom. [Sighs] Uncle Luke's right. You haven't been eating.
Bobbie: I'm fine.
Lucas: You're not. [Sighs] If I know my sister, with joss away visiting Jax, the only thing in this kitchen is frozen pizza.
Bobbie: Where are you going?
Lucas: To get you some real food. Whatever it is that you wanted to talk about, it can wait until I get back, right?
Bobbie: Of course it can.
Lucas: [Chuckles] All right. Try to close your eyes if you can. I love you.
Bobbie: I love you, too. Bunches.
Lucas: Get some rest.
Julian: Sam. It's been awhile.
Sam: Not long enough. I have nothing to say to you.
Julian: I just want to see how you're doing, how Danny's doing.
Sam: I am not talking to you about my son.
Julian: Fine. Then how about we talk about mine?
Anna: I-I cannot comment any further on an ongoing investigation.
Michael: That's not a denial. So, why hasn't Franco been arrested?
Anna: Because our district attorney doesn't feel we have sufficient evidence to arrest him.
Michael: My mother has gone missing, and she could be dead. And all the evidence points to Franco. You know, D.A., if you don't do your job, if you don't arrest Franco and allow the police to question him, I am going to destroy you!
Scott: Okay, listen --
Michael: No, I'm gonna go to the press, and then I'm gonna go to the courts, and I will have my attorney, Diane miller, file the biggest, costliest lawsuit Port Charles has ever seen! I will sue for criminal negligence and obstruction of justice!
Scott: Now, where did you learn to make threats like that? Your father?
Michael: No, my father doesn't make threats. He says what he's gonna do, and then he does it, just like I'm gonna do. This whole city's gonna know you're covering up your -- your son's crimes. And because of you, he's walking around a free man!
Sam: Your son? Wow. I didn't know you had one.
Julian: Okay, Sam. Let's put all our cards on the table, shall we? You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about Lucas. It's been bothering me ever since you brought up his name to me. Didn't take much googling to figure out that I had a kid with Cheryl Stansbury and that --
Here you go.
Sam: Thank you.
Julian: ...And that Bobbie Spencer, Carly's mother, of all people, adopted him.
Sam: I'm not talking to you about this or anything else.
Lucas: Sam?
Sam: Yeah?
Lucas: It's Lucas.
Ava: I know we are each other's competition.
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Ava: But there's no reason we can't be civil about the whole thing.
Sonny: Was it civil when you trashed my warehouse, when you seduced my son, when you put a gun in his hand so he can go against his father? I am so glad that he kicked you to the curb.
Ava: You must really be enjoying yourself right now.
Sonny: I'm a man of simple pleasures.
Ava: [Chuckles] Don't get used to it. You do have cracks in your armor, Sonny. The mother of your son is still missing.
Sonny: Carly will be found safe or there will be hell to pay.
Ava: And yet the last time I checked, the person who killed Connie Falconeri has never been brought to justice.
A.J.: Come on. Think. I was leaving Connie's office. [Groans] [Breathing heavily] [Slurring] Who's there? Who was that?
Tracy: Careful, junior. Wouldn't want to tax your limited intellect.
A.J.: Tracy, give it a rest, all right? I was starting to remember something.
Tracy: [Laughs] How important could it be?
Michael: My brother and I will stand on the steps of city hall holding our little sister by the hands and telling the whole world how you were willing to let our mother die to save your son.
Scott: Look, you don't have to drag your sister --
Michael: Your career's already in the rocks, right? It's already in the rocks. It's gonna be completely over when I'm done with you. This whole town is gonna think you have a grudge against my family.
Scott: Are you just gonna let this go on?
Anna: I'm not stepping on his first amendment rights.
Scott: Okay! You win! You want a warrant? You got it. Go out and grab Franco.
Luke: All right, you little bandit. Let's see what Spanky's so riled up about. Oh. What the hell?
Carly: [Muffled] Luke! Luke!
Luke: Caroline?
Carly: [Breathing heavily]
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