GH Transcript Monday 12/30/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 12/30/13


Provided By Suzanne
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Sam: I got your message. I came back as soon as I was able to drop Danny off with Molly. You sounded serious. What's wrong?

Silas: I wanted you to come back because...

Sam: 'Cause what?

Silas: ...There's something I have to tell you.

Sam: Okay. This sounds important.

Silas: It is.

Dante: Hey, Commissioner. I'm at the hospital. I'm trying to talk to Max Giambetti. Unsurprisingly, he's too doped up to talk to me, so I'll try him again later, and I'll see you back at the station.

Ben: [Crying]

Britt: Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Lulu: Maxie.

Maxie: Can I come in for a minute?

Lulu: What are you doing here?

Maxie: I came to say goodbye.

Patrick: How's Maxie?

Robin: Oh, she's fine. I'll tell you over lunch, okay? I have been dying for a Kelly's BLT for two years.

Patrick: Okay. Um, before we do that, do -- do you have a minute?

Robin: Sure.

Patrick: I got a question for you.

Robin: Okay.

Patrick: What do you say we have another baby?

Robin: [Laughing] What? Another baby?

Patrick: Ah, it sounds so much better when you say it. So, what do you say?

Sabrina: Oh, my God. Now I know how our patients feel when they vomit all over us.

Felix: You hurled?

Sabrina: Uh, yeah.

Felix: Why?

Sabrina: Could it be the monumental stress that I've been under, the terror of thinking that Sonny's gonna have us killed?

Felix: Okay. I might have exaggerated the risk a little. I didn't mean to make you puke.

Sabrina: Oh, no. It wasn't you. I mean...maybe I got sick because I just got dumped, you know? Maybe I'm coming down with something.

Felix: Or maybe... you're pregnant.

Sabrina: What did you just say?

Felix: If you're looking for an explanation as to why you tossed your cookies, you may have to consider you might be knocked up.

Sabrina: No. You're being ridiculous. I-I did not throw up, because I'm pregnant. Ha!

Felix: Honey, you're a nurse. I know you're familiar with the, uh, symptoms of morning sickness.

Sabrina: Well, I'm also aware of the many other reasons why a person throws up, just like the aforementioned fear and stress from my life, and you keep pointing out that I'm harboring a fugitive.

Felix: Oh, don't worry. I haven't forgotten that your ex-boyfriend is bleeding all over my 800-thread-count sheets.

Sabrina: Okay, what was I supposed to do? He showed up on my doorstep on Christmas Eve with a gunshot wound, begging for my help. I mean...

Felix: That doesn't explain why he's still here now. He's just using your past relationship to -- wait. Did you sleep with Carlos?

Sabrina: I already told you no! And besides, Nurse DuBois, I hardly think that I'd be having morning sickness the very next day.

Felix: I'm not talking about last night. I'm talking about after the wedding that wasn't. You said that you went to Carlos' apartment, but you failed to, uh, disclose any postnuptial nookie. Have you been holding out on me?

Sabrina: No, Felix. No. I told you I did not -- no. I didn't sleep with him. Nothing happened.

Felix: I don't know. From the way you told it, you were pretty drunk.

Sabrina: I'm positive I did not sleep with Carlos.

Felix: So, if you're pregnant --

Sabrina: Which I'm not.

Felix: But if...

Sabrina: Then the baby is definitely Patrick's.

Patrick: So, what do you think?

Robin: You want us to have another baby? I mean, where is this coming from?

Patrick: Oh, it's not that crazy of an idea. I mean, we've talked about it before.

Robin: Yeah, that's true, but why now?

Patrick: Well, I'm sure it has something to do with Sam bringing Danny by earlier.

Robin: Oh, Jason's son. I still haven't met him.

Patrick: Oh, my gosh. They look so much alike. Personality, too. He's pretty much the most stoic kid I've ever met in my life.

Robin: Well, that must be in his genes. Jason didn't really get to spend that much time with him. Someone said that he was sick. Is he okay?

Patrick: Leukemia. That's why Sam brought him by -- to tell me that he's officially in remission.

Robin: Oh, thank God.

Patrick: Yeah. He's a really good kid -- really cute. He's kind of into everything, plays around. I mean, I was holding him and had him on my lap, and I'm sure that got me thinking, "I think it'd be really cool to have a son."

Robin: And someone that would willingly go camping with you.

Patrick: Yeah. Well, Emma's not necessarily into roughing it, but don't get me wrong -- she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I just think it would be fun to have another one -- what do you say? -- Boy or a girl.

Robin: Does this have something to do with Britt?

Dante: Hey, Britt. What's up with this little guy? He's not sick, is he? Ohh! He seemed okay on Christmas.

Britt: Oh, no. Ben's healthy as a horse. Nikolas had a mountain of Cassadine paperwork to do, so I'm dropping him off at the GH daycare while I'm working.

Dante: First day back?

Britt: Lulu didn't tell you? She called me this morning and said that you wanted to start IVF again. I told her to come down for some prelim testing. I thought that's why you were here.

Dante: No. No. I'm here on police business. I had no idea. I didn't know this was gonna start so soon.

Britt: Yeah. She was anxious to get it started, and I don't see any point in waiting.

Dante: So you made an appointment on New Year's Eve?

Britt: Well, the sooner we get started, the sooner the two of you can finally have your own baby.

Lulu: You're leaving? What does that mean?

Maxie: I'm leaving town tonight. My mom and Mac are taking me to the airport in a few hours.

Lulu: Why come all the way out to tell me?

Maxie: Well, I wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry about running into me at Kelly's or the Metro Court, because I won't be here.

Lulu: Okay. Where are you going?

Maxie: I don't know. [Chuckles] I just know that I'm going to find myself.

Lulu: Is this a new trend that you read about in Crimson?

Maxie: No, although I did get the idea from a Julia Roberts movie. I need some time away from Port Charles to figure out some things -- figure out why I've made a few choices that I have, why I hurt you, my best friend in the world, the last person I would ever want to hurt.

Lulu: I'm sure you'll find great places to visit. All the photo shoots you've coordinated -- who knows travel better than you?

Maxie: Yeah. That's what I keep trying to tell my mom and Mac -- that I know what I'm doing -- about this, anyway.

Lulu: Have a good trip.

Maxie: Lulu... I couldn't leave without telling you one more time how sorry I am.

Sam: Okay. I'm listening. What did you want to tell me?

Silas: Sam, this isn't -- isn't easy for me. What I need to tell you is --

Monica: Ah. Just the person I was looking for.

Sam: Monica, hi! Did you get my message that Danny's biopsy came back clear?

Monica: Oh, yes. I did get your message, and I'm so grateful that he is cancer-free. I'm not here to talk to you. Silas Clay, I know what you did.

Silas: I'm not sure I understand. You know what I did about what?

Monica: All right. Well, Tracy, my sister-in-law, is on the hospital board, and she received a letter stating the board's intentions to replace me as chief of staff, along with a list of prospective candidates.

Silas: I'm sorry to hear that, but I don't know why you're upset with me.

Sam: Yeah. Silas isn't on the board, so I don't see what he could possibly have to do with the plans.

Silas: They didn't consult me on a list of potential candidates, if that's what you're angry about.

Monica: Well, what I'm upset about is that you are one of the possible candidates. In fact, um...your name was at the top of the list.

Maxie: I know that my apology doesn't mean much. I know it doesn't change the fact that you lost the baby. I was absolutely clueless about what it would feel like to be a mother. I never meant to hurt you the way that I did. And if it's any consolation... I've lost her, too.

Lulu: Yeah, I heard. I'm sorry.

Maxie: You are?

Lulu: It seems so futile, what we did to each other -- all the hateful things that we spewed in court. For what? We both lost her. She is living in Portland with Ellie and Spinelli. I'm sure she's happy. Spinelli's kind of eccentric.

Maxie: Just a little.

Lulu: But he's got a good heart. I'm sure he's a good dad. Ellie's a really good person.

Maxie: That's what I keep trying to tell myself -- that they love her and she's happy and that's all that matters, but... I miss her.

Lulu: So do I.

Maxie: Lulu, I should have told you about the miscarriage when it happened. Instead, I let you and Dante believe for months that the baby I was carrying was yours when it was really mine and Spinelli's. I let you fall in love with her and take her home, which was stupid and cruel and probably made it so much harder for you to learn that she wasn't really yours. Having to let her go with Spinelli, I think I kind of understand what I put you through. I just wish it was different. I wish I could take all of it back. More than anything, I wish that you knew how sorry I am.

Lulu: I know that you're sorry. I want to forgive you. I want to bring closure to both of us. I don't think I can give you what you want. I wish I could, but I-I can't.

Britt: Lulu should be here in a little while. You might as well stay for the appointment.

Dante: Yeah. You know, I guess I could. The person I was here to interview is too drugged up to talk to me. [Sighs] You know, I just want to tell you I appreciate you urging Lulu to go through with this again, because, I mean, it was a tough decision to make.

Ben: [Crying]

Britt: Yeah. I'm happy to help. I have to admit, though, I'm surprised that Lulu called me. I mean, I thought that if you tried IVF again, you would go with Dr. Chu, considering everything that happened.

Dante: You mean the fact that you kept the truth from us about our baby?

Patrick: No. This doesn't have anything to do with Britt.

Robin: Well, I know that you thought that Ben was your son, almost up until the day he was born.

Patrick: Mm-hmm.

Robin: So, I can imagine, even with all the crazy circumstances, that you would have felt love for him.

Patrick: Yeah, of course. I mean, once I accepted that that baby was gonna be mine and then when it turned out it wasn't -- but, I mean, even at the end of the pregnancy, I was excited to be a father again.

Robin: Yeah. I mean, I even felt it, too. When Obrecht asked me to take care of Ben, I wanted to because I thought he was your son, so if I felt that way, not even being related to him, then I can imagine what you would have felt during Britt's pregnancy.

Patrick: I love that little boy. Even with all the problems that me and Britt had, I was really excited to be a part of his life.

Robin: And he would have been really lucky to have you as a dad.

Patrick: Aww. Thank you for saying that. But listen -- I don't want to have a baby with you to replace the one that I didn't have with Britt. This is about me and you. I love you, and you're back here in our lives. And there's nobody in the entire world that I would rather have a baby with than you.

Robin: What have you done with Patrick Drake, the man that thought that he didn't even want to be a father in the first place?

Patrick: Okay, yes. That's very funny. I know. I was reluctant to have a baby. But, I mean, look at Emma. She's the best thing that ever happened to me, besides, of course, falling in love with you.

Robin: Emma was surely a miracle. I mean, I wasn't even really expecting to get pregnant then, and the whole thing was kind of scary when we didn't know if she was going to contract HIV or not.

Patrick: Right. And this time, we can kind of control it a little bit. I mean, we were colored with fear last time, so now we can make sure that we take the right precautions to make sure everybody's healthy. Plus, I think it would be amazing to see another combination of the two of us.

Robin: [Laughs]

Patrick: I think it'd be amazing to have another baby. What do you say?

Robin: I say no.

Felix: I can't believe you might be pregnant with Patrick's baby.

Sabrina: I'm not pregnant, and would you keep your voice down? That's the last thing I need Carlos to overhear.

Felix: [Whispering] I can't believe you might be pregnant with Patrick's baby.

Sabrina: It's impossible.

Felix: Okay. Sabrina, do I need to explain to you where babies come from? When two people love each other very much --

Sabrina: Felix!

Felix: Keep your voice down. You'll wake up Carlos.

Sabrina: You're being ridiculous. We used birth control.

Felix: Okay, Nurse Santiago. I know you're aware that birth control isn't 100% effective. As a matter of fact, I heard about a scandal a few years back where a Quartermaine company was making defective prophylactics. Everyone around town was worried they were knocked up, thanks to Quartermaine condoms.

Sabrina: We did not use faulty Quartermaine condoms.

Felix: Well, whatever you used didn't work.

Sabrina: Oh, my God. Would you please stop saying that?

Felix: Do you have a fever?

Sabrina: No.

Felix: Is your throat sore? Do you have chills, a headache?

Sabrina: You're giving me a major headache right now.

Felix: Okay. Well, it doesn't sound like you have the flu, but you turned greener than the Grinch that stole Christmas.

Sabrina: Okay, you know what? We're going around in circles here. I mean, it's pointless to speculate. We don't even know anything for sure.

Felix: There's one way to find out -- take a pregnancy test.

Maxie: I didn't come here expecting you to forgive me. I wouldn't forgive me. You lost a child because of me -- a child that you really wanted.

Lulu: We can't keep going over this. It can't be fixed. It can't be changed. So, we just need to let it go, and we need to move on.

Maxie: I know that this is totally not my place, but have you and Dante thought about trying again? I mean, just because I was the surrogate from hell doesn't mean that somebody else would be. And you're already, like, halfway there. You have those two frozen embryos at the hospital.

Lulu: No, not anymore.

Maxie: Wh-what?

Lulu: Dante and I had the same thought -- that we would try again. And when we went down to the lab, the embryos were gone.

Maxie: What happened?

Lulu: We were told that Ellie accidentally included them in a list of materials that were to be destroyed.

Maxie: Oh, my God. Lulu, I'm so sorry. I can't believe Ellie would make that kind of mistake. She's usually so conscientious.

Lulu: Apparently, that's what happened.

Britt: I feel terrible about lying to you and Lulu. And I have no excuse except to say that Lulu and Maxie were both my patients, and it was difficult to know where the most ethical choice lay. Maxie asked me not to reveal the truth, and I felt bound by doctor-patient confidentiality. Maxie also swore to me that you and Lulu would be the ones to raise the baby, no matter what.

Dante: Well, no one knows what it's gonna feel like to be a parent till you actually are one.

Britt: No, you can't. I couldn't have imagined how much I would love this guy. I'm so sorry.

Dante: [Sighs] Look, I, uh... I know you were caught in the middle, and, uh... while we would have appreciated you being honest with us, I understand you have your own -- your own stuff going on, too.

Britt: Yes, I did.

Dante: Bottom line is you successfully performed the in vitro for us the first time, and as long as Lulu and I get our family, it doesn't really matter who helps us create it.

Britt: Well, I am very honored to be that person.

Dante: I'm glad... 'cause I just want you to understand what Lulu and I are asking of you. We're putting a lot of faith in you. This is our last chance to have a kid.

Silas: No, there must be some kind of mistake.

Monica: No. No, there isn't. Here it is -- black and white. Silas Clay, first name on a short list of candidates for chief of staff.

Silas: I'm sorry, Dr. Quartermaine. I didn't know anything about this.

Monica: Oh, come on. You don't get to be on a list like this without campaigning for it.

Silas: I promise you, I'm not the campaigning type.

Sam: Monica, I don't -- I don't understand why you're so upset. He's an excellent doctor. He would make a great chief. He saved your grandson's life.

Monica: And I am eternally grateful for him treating Danny. This has nothing to do with his professional abilities.

Sam: Okay, but knowing how good he is, why would you object to him becoming chief of staff?

Monica: Because it's my job, and I want it back.

Sabrina: A pregnancy test?

Felix: You know, those tests that people use to find out if they're pregnant -- the ones that we buy by the gross at GH? I can run over there and get you one right now -- no muss, no fuss.

Sabrina: No, no, no, no. Absolutely not. Everybody at GH knows that we're roommates. If they see you -- if somebody sees you -- in the supply closet, sticking your hand in the pregnancy-test cookie jar, then it's only a short leap for them to know who it's for.

Felix: Pregnancy-test cookie jar? Have you lost your mind?

Sabrina: No, but you have if you think I'm gonna take any test that's property of GH. I mean, I might as well change my status to "Thinks she's pregnant." Everybody will know. No. The only way that I'm doing this is if we get one of those tests from the drugstore.

Felix: Whatever Mama wants. Kidding.

Sabrina: [Sighs]

Felix: I happen to think that, you know, paying money for a test when we can get one for free is a waste of $12.95, but for you, I'll make the sacrifice.

Sabrina: Okay. If anybody asks, the test is for you.

Felix: Okay, yeah.

Sabrina: And nobody can know about this, Felix. I mean it.

Felix: All right. I'll be the soul of discretion. Shut up. I can be. One anonymous pregnancy test, coming up.

Sabrina: Okay. Thank you, Felix. But you know what? Honestly, I think we're just wasting our time, because there's no way that I'm pregnant.

Felix: Well, soon we'll know for sure.

Patrick: You don't want to have another baby? I promise you this has nothing to do with Britt.

Robin: No, I believe you. That's not why I'm saying no.

Patrick: Okay. Then why are you saying no?

Robin: Because, Patrick, I just got here, you know? For two years, all I wanted to do was walk in that door, kiss my husband, cuddle my daughter, and now I'm getting to do those things. I mean, just in the last 20 minutes, I got to do two of those.

Patrick: Okay. So?

Robin: So, I want to do that every day. I want it to be something that I can count on. I want it to be routine. I have missed my family so much. I-I just want to spend time just it being us. [Sighs] I need to get to know Emma again. I didn't even know what to get her for Christmas.

Patrick: Oh, don't worry about that, okay? She loves you, and she is so happy that you're back.

Robin: And so am I. All I'm saying is I just really want to enjoy it being the three of us. And you and I -- we need some time together. We've been through a lot, and there will be adjustments in, you know...being with each other again.

Patrick: I get it. I do. It makes sense.

Robin: I'm not saying that I don't ever want to have another baby. I know we had talked about having more kids, and I probably do want more someday -- just not right now.

Patrick: Okay. I get it.

Robin: You're disappointed.

Patrick: Maybe a little.

Robin: [Sighs]

Patrick: It's just we put our lives on hold for so long while you were gone. I mean, two years, I felt like there was a part of me missing. And now I just -- I just want to celebrate that you're back. I want to show the world how much we love each other and that we're here and we are a family.

Robin: [Chuckles softly] Yes, but having another baby isn't the only way to do that. I may have another idea.

Sabrina: Okay. So, if my last period was...

Felix: I got the pregnancy test.

Sabrina: Did anybody see you at the store?

Felix: Don't worry. I said it was for me.

Sabrina: [Sighs]

Felix: I have to admit, a pregnancy test is the last thing I thought I would ever buy. I even bought coffee filters and gum so it wouldn't be obvious.

Sabrina: You didn't.

Felix: I haven't felt that nervous since I bought condoms the night I took Gwyneth Gilman to the prom. Needless to say, the condoms didn't get used. Contrary to popular belief, Gwyneth's dress stayed on.

Sabrina: Oh, I'm sorry you didn't have a better time.

Felix: What are you talking about? We had a great time. After the dance, we came home and watched "Steel Magnolias" and did each other's nails.

Sabrina: Seriously?!

Felix: No, I'm just trying to defuse the situation here. Well, actually, we did watch "Steel Magnolias." But enough about my horrible past. Let's talk about your future. Take that test.

Sabrina: You know, I've been thinking while you were gone, and I don't -- I really don't need a pregnancy test. So, I've been feeling a little queasy. I mean, there's got to be some other explanation for that. I mean, I just got dumped. Who wouldn't feel like crap? know, I think we should just forget the whole thing.

Felix: Hmm. Maybe you're right.

Sabrina: I am?

Felix: Yeah. Maybe you're not pregnant. Maybe you're gonna feel better in a day or two. But if you are pregnant, wouldn't it be better to know? I mean, you're not the type to put your head in the sand, and the sooner we can find out, the sooner we can deal with it. So, why don't you go in there and take that test?

Patrick: Okay. So, you have a better idea how to show the world that we're back and we're a family?

Robin: Yep.

Patrick: And I take it you're gonna make me guess.

Robin: I know that you love a challenge, so, you know, what fun would it be if I didn't make you work for it?

Patrick: Okay.

Robin: [Laughing] What are you doing?

Patrick: Challenging. Dog.

Robin: No, no dog.

Patrick: You know, a puppy is the same as a dog.

Robin: Yeah, I knew that. No dog.

Patrick: Okay. Cat.

Robin: Ugh! No! No!

Patrick: Donkey. Monkey.

Robin: [Laughing] What?

Patrick: Squirrel. Turtle.

Robin: No! It's definitely not a pet! You're getting really bad at this.

Patrick: I know. That's what happens when you leave, so don't ever do it again.

Robin: I'm not gonna leave ever again -- ever ag-- see? That was your last hint.

Patrick: Hint? There was no hint in there -- none. Come on. I give up. What is it? I'm dying here.

Robin: We renew our vows.

Monica: The only reason that I stepped down is because I was forced to by the board. They didn't want a chief of staff whose son was on trial for murder.

Silas: Which is ridiculous. What your son did or didn't do should have no bearing on your competence.

Monica: Well, I agree. But, apparently, they don't want anything to tarnish the reputation of this hospital. So, now that the trial is over, my son has been exonerated, I should be reinstated, and you should back off.

Silas: Hey, look, I don't want any part of this, all right? I'm much happier when people don't like me. So, with al due respect, whether you are reinstated or not is between you and the hospital board.

Monica: Well, I would have a much better chance if there was nobody to replace me. In other words, if they knew that you weren't interested.

Silas: I'm not sure what you're asking.

Monica: I'm asking you to take your name out of the running.

Britt: What do you mean, this is your last chance?

Dante: Well, in vitro with a surrogate is the only way we can have a kid. Adoption is, uh, not an option, and, uh, as you know, Lulu can't carry a baby to term. So, now that those embryos have been destroyed, our only recourse is to make new ones.

Britt: Well, I have every reason to believe that IVF will go smoothly.

Dante: I really hope you're right, because, like I said, this is the only chance we're gonna have to have children.

Britt: I feel terrible that you're in this position, and I will do everything in my power to help you have another baby. I know you're putting a lot of faith in me, and I won't let you down.

Maxie: I can't believe your embryos were destroyed. What a terrible thing to go through after everything else.

Lulu: Dante and I were devastated, but we realized that we can try again. I'm headed to the hospital in a little while to get the process started.

Maxie: You mean to create more embryos?

Lulu: Yeah. It was Britt's idea, actually.

Maxie: Wait a second. You talked to Dr. Westbourne again?

Lulu: On Christmas. Ready for this? She and Nikolas are together, if you can believe that.

Maxie: Really?

Lulu: Uh-huh. I do not see it all. Nikolas wants to be with her. I have to grin and bear it.

Maxie: Oh. You're gonna keep quiet? I see that going really well. [Laughs]

Lulu: Anyway, um, Britt really encouraged us to give in vitro another try. I think she's feeling guilty for lying to us throughout your whole pregnancy.

Maxie: So... you could still have a baby?

Lulu: Theoretically.

Maxie: Oh, Lulu, that's so great. I'm happy for you.

Lulu: Even if Dante and I are able to make another baby, and that is a huge "if"... I'm not sure if that changes anything with us.

Sam: Monica, I know you want your job back, but you're putting Silas in a very unfair position.

Monica: Really?

Sam: Yeah. Don't get me wrong -- you were an amazing chief of staff, and you did not deserve to get fired, but Silas -- he's not the one to blame for it. He didn't fire you, and he didn't ask to be put on this list of possible replacements.

Silas: All this just fell in my lap.

Monica: Well, you may not have asked for it, but, like it or not, you are in the middle of it now, and it's not over -- not by a long shot.

Silas: Wow. That was...the most passive-aggressive way ever I found out about a potential promotion.

Sam: Yes, but...this is really good news for you.

Silas: Aside from having to deal with a clearly arbitrary hospital board if I was chief of staff, yeah, I could reinstate some of the changes I've been wanting to make around here, get the rest of the place running as well as the Oncology Department is now.

Sam: Well, if you say so yourself, yeah.

Silas: I just did.

Sam: I know. I heard. This is big news! This is -- you should be excited. Wait a minute. Before Monica showed up, you said that you had something to tell me -- it was really important. What -- what is it?

Sabrina: How long has it been?

Felix: Since you left the bathroom, 15 seconds. You need to hang in there, girl. You got another 2 minutes and 45 seconds to go. Then we'll know if you're pregnant.

Sabrina: Oh, my God. It has to be negative. I can't tell Patrick that I'm pregnant -- not now. He just went back to his wife.

Patrick: You want us to renew our vows?

Robin: Well, we've been married five years, only it wasn't five years, because we took an involuntary 2-year hiatus.

Patrick: Which we're never gonna do again.

Robin: Whatever you say, honey.

Patrick: That's right.

Robin: But you're right. that we're back on track, it's time to celebrate our reunion as a family, right? And what better way to do that than to reaffirm our commitment to each other and make promises to each other?

Patrick: And to Emma.

Robin: Yes. She will love it most of all, not only because she gets to wear a fancy dress but because she can see us, her parents, recommitting to each other.

Patrick: I think it's a great idea. I think it's been a -- it's a rough year for her.

Robin: Yeah. And it'll help her. It'll help her feel more secure and safe and that even with all this upheaval, she can still trust that her family is better and stronger than ever. So...what do you think?

Patrick: I think I married a very smart woman, and I can't wait to do it again.

Robin: Really?

Patrick: Yes.

Robin: Okay. Well, now that we've decided to have a wedding, all we have to do is figure out when.

Patrick: How 'bout tonight?

Robin: [Chuckles]

Maxie: I understand that what happened between us was huge. And I don't know what could fix it, either.

Lulu: I want things to be different. You've no idea how much these past few months I have been going through the worst pain of my life. All I wanted to do was call you and ask you to come over with some chips and salsa and a stack of trashy magazines, help me forget. I really wanted my best friend. You're, like, the only person who can make me laugh when everything in life sucks.

Maxie: Except it was your best friend who created all this pain.

Lulu: And now so much has happened. I mean, we have done and said things that we can never take back.

Maxie: I know. That's why I need this trip -- to figure out [Sighs] where I went wrong and...what type of person I want to be.

Lulu: Maxie --

Maxie: No, Lulu. I don't expect anything from you, okay? Maybe it's too late. Maybe our friendship has been lost. But maybe there is a possibility that I will come back a better person -- a person who... deserves your friendship. That's what I want more than anything in this world, is to be your friend again.

Lulu: So do I.

Maxie: Good luck today.

Lulu: Good luck to you, too.

Ben: [Crying]

Dante: Look at this guy. You trying to find chicks out here? He's a charmer. Look at him already.

Britt: Yeah. He's my whole world.

Dante: How could you feel any other way, right? I mean, we were parents for the short time that we thought Connie was ours. They just own your heart, right?

Britt: Yeah, he does. He owns me.

Dante: I can't tell you how much we want this procedure to work, especially because...

Britt: What? What is it?

Dante: I'm sure you know everything that happened at the trial.

Britt: Just that Spinelli was awarded custody of the baby.

Dante: Yeah. Lulu and I had to both testify, and there's part of her that blames me for us losing Connie, and, to tell you the truth, I blame myself, too. But anyway, look at this little guy. Look how lucky you are. And I want to have -- I want to have one of you. I want to have one of you, and I want to give -- oh, no.

Ben: [Crying]

Dante: We can get started on that today, right?

Britt: There's something I need to tell you.

Dante: What did you need to tell me?

Lulu: Britt, hi. Dante, what are you doing here?

Dante: Hey! Well, I came here to interview Max, ran into Britt. She needed to hang with the little guy, so -- I didn't know you have an appointment today.

Lulu: Well, you should check your texts more often.

Dante: You texted me?

Lulu: Mm-hmm. When you didn't answer, I figured you were busy, but this is a pleasant surprise.

Ben: [Crying]

Lulu: Yes. Maybe it's a good omen. After today, we're gonna be one step closer to becoming parents.

Dante: Yeah.

Britt: Well, what are we waiting for? How 'bout we take this little guy to daycare and see if we can make you two a baby?

Dante: All right. Over here? Yeah?

Sam: So? Why did you call me back here? What is so important? Don't worry. Monica's not gonna come around the corner and ambush you.

Silas: Let's make a run for it while we still can.

Sam: Okay. [Chuckles] Yeah, the Quartermaines are known to have a...bad temper.

Silas: Hmm.

Sam: But Michael doesn't. But you know what? He's actually not a Quartermaine. He's a Corinthos. So, that kind of explains it all.

Silas: Well, maybe I should try to get Michael on my side. Do you think he could put in a good word for me?

Sam: Don't get ahead of yourself. You haven't gotten the job yet. You're just on some list.

Silas: But I got a shot, so long as Monica doesn't try to sabotage me.

Sam: Fair warning -- the Quartermaines are known to kind of fight dirty, but, just so you know, I am actually on your side.

Silas: What else would I need?

Sam: [Chuckles] I can think of a few things. You need to tell me why you called me back here.

[Cell phone rings]

Silas: Excuse me.

Sam: Do you need to get that?

Silas: No, I do not. I wanted to tell you that, uh, I know it was a big gesture on your part, and I just wanted to let you know how happy I am that I get to spend New Year's Eve with you.

[Knock on door]

Maxie: Really, Mac? We don't need to get to the airport three hours before my flight takes off.

Britt: I need to check the viability of your eggs. And if everything looks okay, we can start you on hormones, and before you know it, we can harvest them for fertilization.

Dante: Mm-hmm! Harvesting -- that sounds amazing, right?

Lulu: Oh, yeah, 'cause you didn't go through it last time.

Dante: Well, don't you worry. I have my own, uh, awkward procedure to go through. It'll all be worth it once we're holding our baby.

Britt: Hmm.

Dante: What does that mean?

Lulu: Is there something wrong?

Robin: You want to renew our vows tonight?

Patrick: Yes! I mean, come on. It's New Year's...Eve. A new year, a new start. Why not?

Robin: You're right. It's not just the start of a new year. It's a start of our new life together.

Patrick: That's what I'm saying, and I can't wait to start that up. Are you sure you can wait to have another child?

Patrick: Yes. I'm sure. We got all the time in the world.

Sabrina: [Sighs] This has got to be the longest three minutes of my life.

Felix: Actually, the three minutes are up. Sabrina, that's your cue to go grab the stick and find out what's what.

Sabrina: [Sighs] I can't do it. Felix, can you do it, please?

Felix: Just stay calm.

Sabrina: Oh, my God. Please be negative. Please be negative. Please, please, please. Please be negative. Please. [Sighs] Well?

Felix: It's positive.

Sabrina: I'm pregnant.

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